#as much as i absolutely ADORE reading fics that have this explanation for some reason i really want to figure this out
fragileizywriting · 1 year
how about this how about this. how about this about knots and heats and things, that @tenshiyuna brought up a good point on my last post:
specifically i'm having a lot of trouble with the whole mating bite thing. the whole heat in general i'm having a problem with because i want luka to be going through a rut at the same time marinette is goign through a heat, and i'm kinda just shoving the two together though i'm almost positive that they're distinct usually in other fics, and i would really like to make them distinct (because then what would be the benefit of them having different names? does that make sense? like why bother naming something 'heat' or 'rut' when they're the same thing? i don't think there's any need for them to be named different things just bc one is for alphas and the other omegas if they just do the same thing. im going in circles)
anyway i want the two of them to have their own thing going on. i need to read some a/b/o (not in the fandom) so i can piece together some more ideas. but the mating bite thing, god, that one is going to be tough. it's going to be tough because i will die on the hill that kitty is a biter, so i need the mting bite to be specific enough so that it's not on accident (also i wrote myself into a corner with the recent oneshot i did in this au where i wrote saying they hadn't mated yet bc she's too shy/scared/awkward to admit that she wants to) and i need to figure out in a way that works realistically. like, realistically (i KNOW this is a/b/o, none of this matters, realistically no one is here to have this-makes-sense worldbuilding, but it's the principle, and what else is there to do? somehow, i managed to make succubi wholesome. let me have this.) a mating bte wouldn't even be good enough to... mark... ? someone? and what if it's accidental? how do erase? can they erase? are we allowed some supernatural elements in here?
tenshiyuna brought up some really good ideas about how the heat cycle(+rut cycle) works and how it goes from lucid to daze back to lucid again and it can be endorphins that clear the mind when released and then when it starts to die down and gets flushed out of the blood system, the daze comes back in. so that would mean that drinking lots of water helps with it ending quicker . hmmm. hydrating also gives a lot of slick. i'm not sure what to do with this information right now but that might be because it's 11pm and past my bedtime. i know i can make this work.
but this bite. damn, this bite. this bite has me so conflicted. how do i make this bite be so realistic? i of all people want luka to tease his fangs over the area, i really do, but what is the point? what's the world building? how does the bite specifically to the neck resolve anything??? does he have enzymes in his fangs like a snake???? that he has to inject????????? into someone????????? to bond with them??????? does it have to be the neck, can it be somewhere ese and still work??????? does it have to be something about kitty's glands needing to get punctured(???????) for her to get mated with someone?????
i'm gonna go sleep on this, but something tells me i'm not going to get ANYWHERE
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poochiray · 1 year
10 OffGun-ish fics you should read
So I’m coming up on my anniversary soon. This month it’s been a year since my first OffGun story I’ve published. Within this year, I’ve read and wrote a ton of OffGun. So I thought I’d celebrate the occasion by recognizing some of my favorites from the fandom. These are not really in any particular order, so please keep that in mind. I’m not ranking one over the other. And each story has its own special things I like about them. Some of my favorite tropes I tend to gravitate towards are slow burn, pining, angst, smut, humor, switching (be it sexual position or partner), happy endings, & getting together stories. Almost all of these stories have a couple of these things in them. So without further ado, the list~
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1) Picking Flowers by allourheroes | 13.3k, Explicit, Pick/Rome
Ya’ll, it was so hard to pick a story by this author. I like a lot of their stories and honestly anything you read by them is going to slam. But there are two stories I think back on even months later. This is one of them. The synopsis of this story is that Pick (as a veterinarian) sometimes has to take care of supernatural creatures. And as such, he comes across a half-pixie named Rome. It’s just such a unique take on Pick/Rome and even though it’s a fantasy AU, their personalities still shine through. It’s cute, romantic, a little angsty, and honestly I remember it being a little slow burn too. Just a very very cute story and definitely worth the read.
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2) our hands speak for us by Rioana | 12.1k, Explicit, Off/Gun
K this author has three works, and honestly you should read all of them. I’m not even kidding here. Rioana just gets Gun. Her first story is basically an extensive character study on Gun and as you read through it, you just accept it as reality. Her stories just make sense as plausible explanations, and the same can be said for our hands speak for us. The premise of this story is set during Puppy Honey era, and Gun casually decides to give Off a blowjob to get him to be more comfortable to work with. Then things go from there. I won’t spoil it too much, but be forewarned, Off is not painted in the best light here. This is during his earlier filming career with Gun. As such, there is real situations referenced and the whole thing feels like we’re just going back in time. It’s very real. But very good. 
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3) A Savage Gang by piningbisexuals | 53.4k, Explicit, Khai/Third
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but this is my favorite Theory of Love story. It’s definitely a darker, more gritty tale. This was inspired by the Not Me trailer and what resulted was an amazing story where the Savage Gang are actually...well, a gang. There’s drugs, there’s sex, there’s the typical Third pining over Khai. It has everything I ever wanted in a story and the slow burn is just ughhh. So well done. This is a story that sticks around and stays in your head for weeks later. If you’re going to read any Theory of Love story, read this one.
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4) make a wish by Feyrelynn | 7.7k, Explicit, Off/Gun
This was the very first OffGun story I bookmarked, so it kinda has a special place in my heart. I’d been dabbling in the fandom, going absolutely feral over edits of these two clingy men, and then I stumbled across this story and that was pretty much it for me. This is a birthday fic, with a very simple concept. Off places a wish on his birthday to see what life would be like if he was really with Gun. And then he gets his glimpse into that reality. Short, simple, and adorably sexy.
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5) Provocation by hedgielettuce | 5k, Explicit, Third/Khai
Ok, if you are at all familiar with the things I write/read, this one won’t come as any shock to people on why it’s listed here. This is by far the sexiest Theory of Love story I’ve ever read. And why? Because this author embraces BOSSY THIRD. One of the reasons I love Third so much is because he calls the shots. He instills fear into his hot shot playboy boyfriend. He’s not playing.  And this story expands on it, going so far as to show a jealous dom side to Third that makes perfect sense and leaves Khai in shambles.    
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6) love and eggs are best when they are fresh by pancakelady | 10.7k, Teen, Sean/White
Making this list made me realize I’m sorely lacking on Sean/White stories to recommend lmao. I think the reason being is that I just love their canon story so much. So, I don’t feel the need to read more about them? Does that make any sense? I dunno. But either way, this story stuck out more than any other for this particular pairing. It’s the classic high school AU where they are partnered to take care of a “child” for a school project. The “child” being an egg. This is just a very fucking cute story and pretty wholesome too. I think it’s the only story not rated E that I’ll be reccing, so there ya go haha. 
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7) The Initiation Series by pallidvixen | 30k+, Explicit, Pick Your Not Me Pairing, it’s all there
Now for the complete opposite of wholesome because I’m fucked up like that lmao. Wow. What’s there to say about this one? Well, for one, it’s a series. You have to read each story because it gradually builds up and gets crazier as it goes. But the basic premise is that Gumpa has an initiation ceremony that all the members of the gang must undergo to prove their loyalty and devotion to the cause. The ceremony? Group sex. It’s everyone fucking everyone. Gumpa with big dom energy, Black just pissed off and not wanting to be there, Gram being an eager fluffer for Black, Sean the virgin, Yok the slut...it’s just. It’s so fucking amazing. And shocking. And I could write so much more but I’ll stop. I get it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but ya’ll. This is the story I think about more than any other, it’s so fucking messed up and perfect.
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8) Meant to Be by lililyyli | 76k, Explicit, Maetee/T-Rex
Ya’ll. I have a specific need, and it’s more of this pairing. I started this story because on the word count alone, ngl. Finding longer OffGun stories in general is such a rare treat. But to have one for this pairing too? Sign me the fuck up. The plot on this one was super cute too. Maetee has magical powers and is an exorcist, meanwhile T-Rex is a demon. Together they run into each other as kids and grow up as friends. Things happen, they part ways. They come back as adults and slowly fall in love with each other. I just remember binge reading this entire story in a day, it was so interesting and cute and lovely. And I still think about Maetee getting to dress up as a princess.
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9) How Old My Heart by Xagan | 44.3k, Mature, Khai/Third
Ok one of my favorite tropes to read is pining. The thing is with this story is that all the pining is off screen. It's in the background. And it's fucking brilliant. As the reader, you get to piece it all together. You get to watch Khai wait and wait, always playing off as this fuckboy friend. You get to watch Third fall in and out of love with someone else. You then finally get to watch them both come together and create something beautiful, only for one to think it's all casual, the other not. It's a slow burn story, but well worth the read, and the ending was just perfect.
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10) there’s a word for it by smyx | 8.7k, Explicit, Yok/Everyone
Lol so this story isn't even technically OffGun focused. This author has written some spicy stories that do feature more OG pairings, but, y'all. This story has a special place in my heart and there's a reason I'm reccing it over the others. It has charm. It is hilarious. Yok is basically a flirty slut who works his way around the gang. Yet in the end, he ends up attempting a threesome with SeanWhite and lol. It's so bad. I just like how sometimes the sex isn't omg amazingly mind-blowing. There is a realness there that I appreciated reading. And Yok's casual approach was just adorable and had me roaring with laughter throughout.
💚 If you've gotten to the end, thanks for reading my list! I'll probably be creating a new list for next year. Drop your recs in the comments! I'm always looking forward to reading new content of OffGun and their associated ships. 💚
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kamiversee · 3 months
oh em gee this whole fic has such a grasp on me??? i literally read this in one go and i have never felt more emotions in one sitting. AND HELLO? GOJO? CHOSO? who do i pick fr😝 but trust me its only because of how you write gojo because if this was a real life situation, i’m sending him to a fucking psychologist.
Anywho, I love how beautifully written your writing is to the point where it feels like I’m watching a MOVIE. I never want this fic to end and it’s definitely one of my favorites so far! Now, to talking about gojo and choso😈
I genuinely am so torn between the two. I know Gojo is straight up an obsessive manipulative weirdo who people try so hard to defend even though what he’s doing is so wrong?? and im not even gonna lie, sometimes i want to agree with them bc cmon..its my blue eyed princess :( and can you blame us when the way you write him is so core throbbing?? But regardless, I guess I have some sort of self respect to realize he’s very much CRAZY. But I still really want there to be a happy ending where he’s involved. I just really can’t help feeling like I need to defend gojo and his actions but i wont because yeah he’s terrribleeee😭 part of me still wants gojo=endgame though!
BUTTTTT, that does not mean we have to drag my beautiful husband choso down with us ?? Cmon now you guys, yes the tattoo was a little off and the apartment thing was a lill sus but choso still offered to get the tattoo removed AND there could be a reasonable explanation as to how he got back inside mc’s apartment. You gojo girlies just want to defend gojo so bad that you think flaming on my silly little guy choso will help with proving your delusions🙄.
AND WOOOW THIS RECENT CHAPTER?? Gojo almost made me feel bad for him..until he thought about blackmailing us again?? Like sir. And then that little moment with lord core throbber sukuna?? That was so very wholesome. Talking about wholesome, choso is just such a sweet boy isnt he?☹️ I am a choso defender for life, especially after how he talks to the reader. Also, I don’t really know what to make of Yuki and Choso..like i get what reader must be feeling but wasn’t she just kissing gojo like a second ago? But i can see where she’s coming from especially after having to put her feelings for gojo aside just so she can finally be with Choso and then she finds out that he’s hanging around with a girl he used to fuck around with? It’s all very very interesting indeed. AND KAMI. THE CLIFFHANGER?😓 I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IM GOING INSANEEE.
Anyways, enough of my rant❤️ and can i claim “🐼” anon?
Oh how I eat these long messages UPPPPP😩
2. I love that this felt like a movie for you, I personally ADORE movies & entertainment so it rlly strikes my heart nicely that I was able to give you tht feel through my silly lil fic <3
3. Gojo girlies are insane, there’s absolutely no saving or getting through to them.
And 4. The parallels babes, the parallels. Just as Gojo is to the reader, the reader is to Choso (to some extent)
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altraviolet · 6 months
I love TEG, but I also freaking adore FTP. How did you come up with the idea for the mnemosurgeries? And I love how you developed Flatline's story/character so much.
Oooh thanks so much!
(Nezumysh is referencing a completed longfic here. FTP = "Face The Past." There's a short horror prequel called "Face The Light." If you'd like to read, I highly suggest starting with the prequel! Here's the series on AO3. Mind the tags!)
Your question concerns major spoilers for the fic, so I'll put the rest behind a cut :)
Gotta activate some older brain cells here xD
A lot of that fic was built around scant canon. If you check out the tf wiki articles for Mirage, Skywarp, and the Institute, you can find more details than what I'm gonna say here (aka I'm a bit too tired to cite my sources exactly). Basically canon said this:
Mirage was present in some capacity at the institute (not the Jhaxian school but the actual facility where mnemosurgeries were performed)
Mirage suffers from an excess production of a certain molecule in his processor
couple that with some non-IDW specifics:
Mirage as a franchise character tends to be reticent to join the war
Mirage and Skywarp are on opposite sides of the war
I wanted to tell a story explaining:
how Mirage/Skywarp could be a thing
what made Mirage join the war if he didn't really want to?
why was Mirage at the institute in the background of that one panel?
what other complications could his processor disease have?
Mnemosurgery and the institute go hand in hand. Mirage has a valuable outlier ability in the context of war. IDW had positioned the Autobots as being very much in the gray zone for ethical practices. I thought it would feel canon-supported to have Mirage be targeted for mnemosurgery so that he would join the Autobots. All they would have to do is erase away the reason he questioned joining the Autobots- that his beloved was a Decepticon, and had joined that side to protest the treatment he received from society.
Mnemosurgery felt like a really natural explanation for all the above, so I used it :)
re Flatline: thanks! I really liked writing him xD He's in "The Angel Breaker" as well, though his characterization is a bit different than in FTP. Flatline's canon background is also quite scant, but I find it absolutely fascinating. A Decepticon medic who left the Decepticons... we never find out why in IDW. And there are. So many amazing possible explanations for it. I also love the detail that Decepticons' badges are made from their spark chambers. So I used that to flesh out Flatline :)
I find tying characterization/character motive to TF biology to be a really fun way to explore their world. Starting with their literal bodies is an instant boost for world building, which is my favorite thing :D
Thanks for the kind words!
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aranarumei · 3 months
Ask game time good morning!!! Maybeee considerations on hanakou and Aoinene tbhk..? And classic tsukkiyama haikyuu :3
ask me about a ship and I’ll give my opinions + classify them as does / doesn’t make sense, does / doesn’t compel me
and good night! this is like 12 days overdue lmao... do forgive me. since u asked for three I’m gonna have to go under the cut:
first, hanakou! I’m gonna say it does make sense, doesn’t compel me. I think like. I can see the bones of it—kou clearly cares for hanako, and his belief in him is to the point that he’ll stand up to his own brother about it. and this isn’t just bc he likes nene! it’s bc he cares about hanako in his own right. I think I really enjoy kou’s perception of hanako… there’s this line in the red house where he’s like. it would be easier if hanako was just an evil spirit and that’s always stuck with me. it’s also cool how hanako, for some point in time, is the only person other than kou who even knows about mitsuba. they’ve both got their own repression issues huh? where they just do things without explanation. the reason it just doesn’t compel me is like. I don’t have any real incentive to see it romantically? like. hanako’s relationship with kou is interesting to me in part because of how kou’s relationship with nene and mitsuba affects his relationship with hanako. his love for the both of them and wanting to “save” them aligns with how hanako wants to save nene, only hanako’s operating with a much higher degree of cynicism (and, some would say, realism). so i think it’s interesting to have this friendship between the two in the middle of that, and I don’t really feel an impetus to make it romantic.
aoinene on the other hand… it does makes sens and does compel me! aoinene’s so fascinating to me because like. they clearly adore each other and they’re like. girl best friends yknow. only nene doesn’t tell aoi about the whole ghost thing for the longest time and aoi doesn’t tell her about her issues with her hand. nene kind of idolizes aoi as this perfect popular pretty girl and I think, in some ways, aoi treats nene the same way? but her perception is of this naïve good-spirited kid she can’t quite be honest too. so like. that’s compelling, that they both love each other, but their understanding of the other lacks. and from the first chapters we see that nene’s like, dazzled by teru’s shine and such… she’s obviously kind of taken by this façade and also this very thin and minimal crush that’s not really love, right. so I feel like I could see aoinene be really interesting because aoi absolutely has her own version of this façade. we get into lots of fun stuff about honesty and what’s real and such. so this could definitely compel me romantically even though I haven’t thought about it much.
and tsukkiyama!!! does make sense and does compel me are you kidding me. what more do you need than pride!!! gonna lay down forever about it. tsukishima and yamaguchi are a really fun longtime-friends dynamic because they like. change? their relationship evolves but it doesn’t make them not important to each other, even if the shape of themselves and their interactions change. which is why that bond feels so strong. they both think each other is kind of the coolest actually. I’ve never really had the need to read much fic abt them tho? maybe I’ll look again sometime but its just like. man. their relationship in canon is so good to me already… ch 86-89 my beloved. the manga does a really good job of like… their relationship always feels real and solid but they’re also 100% individual people. and it’s such good development too. neither of them becomes a crazy genius but they develop as people. I love how hands-off tsukishima’s growth over canon is… like he’s a genuine good kid that just thinks a lot, and I don’t think he’d respond so well to people steamrolling over him with their own assumptions yknow? anyways tsukkiyama’s good. works in a sorta understated way where it being not too emphasized makes it work more, yknow. I loved reading haikyuu!! and thinking like why does a guy like tsukki hang around someone like yamaguchi? and then understand. oh. they’re both so earnest.
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