#sorry for the rant but this particular topic makes my blood boil
jack-ackles · 4 months
i have waited long enough to say this but LORD DEBLING IS AN ASSHOLE.
i cant fucking take all these tweets and "opinions" saying penelope should've ended up with debling and that debling is better than colin
all those people can go and (i can't stress this enough) fuck themselves!!!!!
A man in his mid forties looking for a bride in a room full of eligible women in the age group 18-22
He was looking for a wife in the room full of girls who wished for a good match, loving and dashing husband.. but HE wasn't looking for "love" as he would always love nature more.
He wanted to marry asap so that he could leave for his tour, which also meant:
he wanted a wife who would basically be his housekeeper and look after his estate.
which probably also mean, since he doesn't have a family, he would leave for his tour but not before getting his supposed wife preggo so that he will have an heir to continue his legacy in case something happens to him. that's why he was looking for a wife urgently this year.
he was looking for someone LOYAL? but when did he ever give any hint that he would not cheat? he was the one to roam the world meet thousands of people.. no promise of being loyal himself but wanted to leave a wife behind him to take care of his properties AND be alone waiting for him?
The way he didn't need more than one hint that penelope was in love with someone else to cancel his proposal makes me sickkk, not a chance, no understanding, just a direct assumption that she WILL cheat behind his back.. its a proof he just wants a housekeeper and someone to make and look after his heir, NOT. A. WIFE!!!
Also, lets look at this from penelope's angle.
to all who think lord debling is in the race and there is a debling-penelope-colin love triangle are sadly mistaken and once again i blame media illiteracy of people.
the only reason pen even looked at debling's way was because she gave up hopes of LOVE and a happy fulfilling life. When she realized if she wants freedom from featheringtons for rest of her life she needs to get out there and marry someone from whatever options she can get,to fit in society. she gave up on waiting for colin to love her back, she gave up on colin (and thus, the first polin kiss). And the first, only and best option she got was lord debling.
And as for colin..
When he said "I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington", The intent behind his words was not to belittle Penelope but rather for his friends to know that the nature of their is relationship as friends only.
(ofcourse this is obvious because colin could never say bad things about penelope.. evrr!! but once again.. media illiteracy! or should i say colin haters)
saying colin is a rake who "slept around half of europe".. colin is 22 or 23 years old. trying to fit in society. trying to find a purpose, trying to find intimacy and not feel distant. he is young, he was single, young, didn't have realization of his romantic feelings for yet.
but people are acting like debling in his mid forties did not sleep around.. he literally travels all the time, colin is still half his age. And also, in the show nothing implied he would stay loyal while on tour after being married.
colin didnt realize pen was in love with him so as his friend, a man, he always kept his distance respected her boundaries as a woman. He interacted with pen very less at the balls and events because he is seen as an eligible suitor in the eyes of society and it wouldn't help pen get suitors. in season 3, he hears pen and wants to help her (selflessly as he did with others) to get a suitor - but started realizing his feelings.
but the day he realizes his feelings for pen he didn't play around like other MLs, went straight away to pen, managed to come on right time to stop debling's proposal, he didn't play around.. just confessed his feelings then and there!
i am 101% convinced that whoever keeps saying pen should've ended up with lrd debling really wants her to live a miserable, lonely life even after the show keeps telling us she wants a loving, fulfilling life after what she has to go through with featheringtons.
wanting penelope to end up with old ass debling who is distant detached over a young tall and handsome man who is also her bestfriend, who she also loved ever since she first saw him?.. its cruel. its simply HATE.
"colin couldn't match her intellect"
"colin will definitely end up cheating"
"who would want to marry a rake over a rich smart explorer who would be gone for years and you could live a life like jane austen"
"it felt like throwing the fat girl a bone"
stfu. gtfo. kys. fys.
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oharaswife · 5 years
From Hate To Love – Chapter 3 – Alex Morgan Imagines
A/N: Took me a little bit longer than I expected to write this but here it is, I hope you guys didn’t give up on this story cause I kind of have it all planned in my head.
 W.C: 2k words
Warnings : None? I think.
All mistakes are mine, sorry.
 Anyway, enjoy!
 External point of view
When Alex woke up the next morning, the first thing she thought about was Y/N and the events of the previous day. Her head was buzzing and she felt tired, exhausted even and that probably was because she took forever to actually fall asleep, thoughts of her best enemy clouding her thoughts last night as well. The forward shook her head, in an attempt probably to get her out of system and chose to focus on the fact that her boyfriend was soon going to be here and she would finally feel good, for at least one day. She finally got out of bed, checking the time, and jumped in the shower, knowing she had about an hour before Servando’s flight would land. Once she was ready and felt beautiful enough to stun her boyfriend whom she hadn’t seen in months, she got out her bathroom, and started to make her way downstairs to get breakfast with Kelley and some of the team’s morning birds. She stopped dead in her tracks in the hallway when she noticed a very particular room door opening. She was tempted to hide, not wanting to cross paths at all with the person who she expected to come out of that room but couldn’t find it in herself to move when she saw the bartender from the other night exiting the said room, followed by a Y/N who was only wearing bed sheets around her body. The latter gave her a quick kiss before disappearing in the room again. As the bartender came closer, Alex looked at her, analyzing her features. Her eyes were glowing, she seemed happy and very pleased by how her evening went. And just like that Alex felt her blood start to boil again, because she probably was never going to call her back and that smiley face was soon going to turn into a crying face. Alex shook her head again, out of disappointment this time before she started her way downstairs again, hoping her anger towards the girl would subside eventually. She didn’t want to spend the day thinking about her and ruining the only day she could spend with her love.
 It wasn’t until she was halfway through breakfast messing around with Kelley and Allie, that Y/N showed up, looking pretty exhausted Alex noticed. It didn’t take less than a second for Kelley to start teasing Y/N when she sat down in front of her, next to Ash.
“Oh someone looks like they had an eventful night..” she trailed off wiggling her eyebrows, and even the most oblivious person would’ve understood the meaning of her sentence.
“Yeah, it was fun.” Y/N answer, a slight smirk on her face, as she poured herself some coffee, probably to shake the tiredness away.
“That’s all? Fun?” Ash chimed in, poking the girl as an attempt to get more information out of her.
“Yeah, it was fun.” She repeated. She quickly glanced at Alex, before looking down. Her head filled the memories of her altercation with the girl the previous night, the last thing she wanted to do was give her more reason to be upset with her and risk another fight because in truth she was getting tired of all this. She felt like she was on a raft, like she was lost at sea, constantly battling against raging waves and no matter what she did, there was no way for her to find land or to have one quiet day. So yes, she didn’t want to rant about how she spent the whole evening laughing or how she barely slept because someone wouldn’t let her, not that she’d complain about that. “Anyway, what do you guys have planned for the day?” she quickly changed the subject and just like that no one mentioned her date again. It was clear to everyone she didn’t particularly want to talk about all of it. Alex glanced at the girl, wondering why she was so quiet this morning. She would have thought that logically Y/N would brag about how she charmed the bartender, but she just said nothing, and changed the topic of discussion. It made Alex wonder if it had anything to do with her, and their altercation from the previous day but she didn’t give it too much thoughts as she got up, ready to go to the airport to meet her boyfriend.
“Alex, wait!” she heard coming from behind her as she was about to leave the hotel. She turned around to be met with Y/N’s eyes which for the first time, seemed apologetic somehow. “Look I’m sorry about yesterday. I said some pretty disrespectful things and I shouldn’t have. So yeah sorry.” The girl said, and to anyone it would have been obvious that she truly meant her apologies. But to Alex this whole apology seemed forced, as if she didn’t want to do it but had no choice, which only reminded the forward of how she felt her teammate didn’t care much about how/if she hurt women. So naturally, Alex just turned around, barely acknowledging the midfielder, and just started walking towards her car again.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” she heard Y/N say angrily. “Fuck this shit, I’m done. She’s no queen.” She mumbled which caused Alex to turn around real quick, right before she got in her car, ready to burst again, only to see her walk off angrily with her head down and fists clenched.
 Alex’s point of view
My day with Servando was just perfect. After all the crappy things I’ve been through around Y/N, it felt good to be with someone who I knew loved me with all his heart and who’d put me first no matter what; someone who actually respected me. So as we walked down the street, back to the hotel, hands intertwined after having spend the whole day in each other’s delightful company, I began counting him about my altercation of the previous day with Y/N, and that’s everything suddenly changed. He ripped his hand away from mine.
“For fuck’s sake Alex seriously?!” he yelled, causing some people to look at him. I frowned not quite understanding what had suddenly gotten into him. “Can you stop talking about her for one fucking second?” he added, quickly running his hands through his hand with frustration.
“What are you talking about?” I asked still not understanding everything that was happening. He looked so angry, I had never seen him like this, eyes wide and fists clenched on his side.
“I’m talking about how this is the first day we can actually spend together in weeks and all you’ve talking about is Y/N or how she annoys you or how she doesn’t give a shit about women. All day long!” he said through gritted teeth, bringing his voice back to a normal volume so that people wouldn’t hear us arguing but the anger in his voice never left him.
“That’s not true, babe.” I tried, truly believing that I didn’t talk about her that much.
“It is Alex! It’s always like this. Ever since she joined the team, you’re always talking about her. Every time I call you, you don’t ask how my day went, or how I’m doing, you talk about her; about how she pisses off, about how she is a player and fucks every woman she meets. Every fucking time.” He started walking away, mumbling stuff I couldn’t quite hear as tears started to fill my eyes. I had never realized that he might feel this way or that I talked about her as much as he said. Even when she’s not round Y/N just ruins my life.
“Wait Serv, please. I’m sorry.” I started, trying to grab his hand but he just shoved it back into his pocket.
“I can’t do this Alex. Obviously I don’t give a fuck about who she fucks or when but you do so until you figure out what you want and what your priorities are, I’m done. I’m sorry.” He finally said, and I could feel my heart slowly breaking into a million pieces.  He didn’t turn around and just got into a cab, probably heading to airport to go back, leaving me standing in the middle of the streets, wondering if I had just ruined my relationship because of Y/N.
External point of view
Y/N jumped in bed, woken up by the violent banging on her door. She got up, getting nervous and honestly scared that something might have happened and that this would be an emergency. And once she opened the door she realized it was an emergency, just not one she was expecting at all. Her eyes widened as she saw none other than Alex Morgan standing on her doorstep. She doesn’t even have time to get a good look at her before the other girl shoves her angrily in the room, slamming the door with her hand once they’re both in the room.
“It’s your fucking fault.” Alex shot through gritted teeth. Y/N was about to respond with just the same amount of rage but when her eyes finally fell on Alex’s face, she frowned noticing something she had never seen before: tears streaming down the forward’s face, her eyes puffy and red. “It’s your fucking fault.” She repeated, but this time the anger was gone, and her voice just sounded sad. That was enough for Y/N’s heart to break. In a burst of confidence, she wrapped my arms around her, not being able to stand the fact that she was crying, that she was in pain; and surprisingly Alex didn’t push her away, not even at first. Instead she welcomed the contact, burying her face in her chest. The contact caused Y/N’s heart to start beating faster than humanly possible. She never expected to be like this with Alex Morgan, engulfed in a hug, and she certainly didn’t expect the way it would feel: warm and soft. She realized right then that she never wanted Alex to be hurt again, whether it was because of her or anyone else. So as she started rubbing circles on her lower back, trying to get her to calm down, Y/N finally spoke.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N said, causing Alex’s eyes to open, but without moving from her position in Y/N’s arms. “Whatever I did, whatever you think is my fault, I’m sorry Alex. I never meant to hurt you.” Alex tensed slightly in Y/N’s arms, not expecting an actual apology. But when she heard those words flying out of Y/N’s mouth, every word filled with guilt and sadness, she realized that maybe she was the one in the wrong,  maybe the heart she was hearing beating in the girl’s chest wasn’t as icy as she first thought it was. Y/N held her close but in a gently way, as if she was afraid of breaking her somehow and the little circles she was drawing on Alex’s lower back were enough to reassure her and make her feel safe. So yes maybe Alex was wrong for hating the girl, but admitting that meant admitting that she was the one who had been petty, who’d been jealous and who’d hated the younger woman for absolutely no reason and she couldn’t have that.
The truth was Alex knew deep down that hating the girl would be easier that loving her, so she pushed her away before walking of the room, not saying a word, leaving Y/N confused and honestly, sad that she lost the warmth of Alex’s body around hers…
 To be continued.
 A/N : Hope you liked it; let me know!!!
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amynicola1995 · 7 years
Hi guys, This blog post is a bit different from my usual ones. I've recently found a YouTuber who's videos have really shocked me into writing this blog post. Body shaming is wrong, no ifs or buts.
'Freelee the banana girl' aka Leanne Ratcliffe is a passionate, vegan activist whose videos regularly cause heated debate over the choice of topic. She's recently criticised people like Zoella, Anna Saccone-Joly and Tanya Burr. In one of here videos titled "Tanya Burr Rainbow Cake Reaction :-(( Why, Tanya, WHY?", she critiques Tanya and her eating habits and how much "damage" she's doing to her body, but what Leanne needs to understand is that this cake is quite large and isn't made for one person to eat! It not like Tanya is eating this cake to herself. She made it to celebrate her and jims wedding anniversary as her, Jim and their families were going over theirs. She mentioned that Tanya should of made the cake vegan.....she isn't vegan why would she make a cake vegan if that isn't hers or jims life style and she's not forcing her followers to eat junk/unhealthy food, she's promoting her book. She's doing her job!
She also goes on about how cows are milked and how they are tortured for their milk, Leanne needs to understand not everyone wants to go vegan and that its not big and its not clever to publicly shame someone you think is making the wrong choices in their diet, its not down to you its down to them and the people closest to them, who actually spend time with that person to bring it up. She claims that people "ignore" the vegan lifestyle maybe that's because they don't want to be vegan, have you ever considered that? Not everyone has the same views and opinions and I'm not saying she's not entitled to her views/opinion, far from it, but what i am trying to say is that you have to except that people have different views/opinions.
Everything is ok in moderation, all you have to ask yourself is 2 questions. 1) are you happy? 2) are you healthy? If both the answers to the question is yes, then whatever anyone thinks shouldn't matter. If one or both the answers are no you do something about it for no one else but you. She also goes on to mention how bad eggs are for you and after researching and looking up about the nutritional value of eggs i have found out that eggs are good for you! Here’s 30 reasons why you SHOULD eat eggs!:
1. Eggs are Full of Vitamins and Minerals– Including vitamins B, C, D, E, K, and more. 2. Lower High Blood Pressure– The peptides present in eggs were shown to help reduce high blood pressure. 3. Great Source of Protein– Eggs are a great source of protein, one egg contains 6 grams of protein. 4. Omega 3’s– Eggs contain a high level of essential omega-3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient and good for your heart. 5. Nine Essential Amino Acids– Eggs are known as the perfect food as they contain all 9 of the essential amino acids. 6. Can Lower Your Cholesterol– Eggs do contain cholesterol, however as mentioned above, studies have shown that those who consume eggs regularly had a reduced LDL and an increase in HDL (the good cholesterol). 7. Boost Brain and Nerve Health-One egg contains 20% of the daily recommended intake of choline. Approximately 90% of Americans are choline deficient. Choline is essential for phospholipids used in all cell membranes. Adequate levels of choline are essential for brain and nerve health. 8. Contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin– These carotenoids are an essential component for eye health and defend against the damaging effects of free radicals. 9. Contain Tryptophan and Tyrosine– Two amino acids which have great antioxidant properties. Tryptophan is also important as it is converted to serotonin, a mood enhancer and converted into melatonin in the pineal gland, which benefits sleep. 10. Reduced Risk of Macular Degeneration– Eggs protect your eyes from developing age-related macular degeneration due to the lutein and zeaxanthin present. 11. Good Source of Vitamin B12– Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for the process of converting homocysteine into safe molecules, such as glutathione, an important antioxidant. 12. Eggs Contain Calcium– One egg contains 50mg (5%) calcium. Although not a large source of calcium, an increased intake can reduce the risk of colon polyups and breast cancer. 13. Eggs Do NOT Cause Heart Disease– The choline in eggs is a crucial nutrient to help reduce the inflammation that leads to heart disease. 14. Reduce Birth Defects– Eggs contain folate, a nutrient which studies have shown to help prevent birth defects when consumed prenatally, one egg contains 44μg (11%) of folate. 15. Good Source of Vitamin A– One egg contains 19% of the RDA for vitamin A, which plays an important role in improving the immune system. 16. Promote Healthy Hair and Nails– The sulfur contained in eggs and the additional vitamins and minerals help promote hair and nail growth. 17. Reduce Oxidative Stress– Selenium, an essential macronutrient contained in eggs helps reduce oxidative stress. 18. Reduce Risk of Tumors– Eggs are an excellent source of selenium which has been associated with preventing cancer and in particular reducing tumors affecting the prostate. 19. Eggs Protect Your Eyesight– Not only do they prevent macular degeneration, but the antioxidants in eggs also have been reported to protect eyes from damage related to UV exposure. 20. Reduces Risk of Cataracts– The antioxidants have also been linked to reducing the risk of developing cataracts in old age. 21. Improve Immune System Functioning– The iron contained in eggs helps support a healthy immune system and normal red blood cell production. 22. Lose Weight– In a study from Louisiana State University, participants who ate eggs for breakfast instead of bagels, lost more weight and reported having more energy. 23. Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer– A recent study found that women who consumed high amounts of choline, an abundant nutrient in eggs, were 24% less likely to get breast cancer. 24. Source of Vitamin D– The majority of the population is deficient in vitamin D which is essential for boosting the immune system and preventing cancer. One egg contains 41 IU of the 600 IU recommend daily amount of vitamin D. 25. Reduces Inflammation– The choline in eggs aids in reducing inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to increasing the risk of osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, cognitive decline, and type 2 diabetes. 26. Beneficial for Fetal Development– The choline present in eggs is essential for pregnant women as it is crucial for proper fetal brain development and preventing neural tube defects. 27. Reduce Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke– Several studies have shown that the nutrients in eggs help prevent blood clots which reduces the risk of a heart attack or stroke. 28. Improved Memory Function– The high amount of vitamins and nutrients in eggs, in particular choline, improves memory function and cognition. 29. Eggs Can Be Inexpensive– Many are able to get eggs for a great price when bought from local farmers. Another option is to raise your own chickens! Not only does this help save money and provide you with more nutritional value, but you could sell eggs to those in the area to cover the cost of caring for them. 30. Egg Variety– There are many ways to prepare eggs, whether you eat them raw, scramble them up in coconut oil, or boil them. You can also add great variety by adding in nutritious vegetables and herbs, such as to an omelette.
Animals were put on this earth for us to eat, its been that way for thousands of years. While i have nothing against vegans and their lifestyle, you Leanne are pretty ignorant and arrogant. Just because someone isn't vegan, doesn't mean that they aren't thinking. Everyone has their own lifestyle. You make these reaction videos as if these people especially Tanya and Zoella are awful for doing what they want to do. Keep in mind that they are only eating what is supposed to be apart of our daily diets and NOT a vegan diet. You have a right to your own opinions but maybe if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it! Because you small minded comments just show a lot of ignorance. You have bashed and bullied people because they don't live up to the lifestyle YOU think they should. Vegan or not, nobody should be judged or looked at as if they are less than perfect. Trying to make it out as if vegans "are better" than meat eaters is idiotic. I know several people that are vegan and I'm interested in their lifestyle and respect them and their opinions. But i know that becoming a vegan isn't for me and they respect that. I have nothing against them and i love them, but if they were ever to bully someone like you are, for not being vegan, i would call them out on it just as I'm doing with you. Stop reacting to peoples lives and lifestyles and get on with yours and maybe change how you treat and act towards others.
Thanks for reading guys. Sorry for the rant ill try to upload a more positive one soon. Remember That Your All Beautiful. Amy Nicola xoxo
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pammieintheclouds · 8 years
Honestly, I have been pretty quiet about this general topic because I know it comes with the territory of being a fan and being a part of a fandom...wars, hate, and rumors are inevitable. But I have had enough and I just needed to rant...
ALL THESE FANDOM WARS HAVE GONE TOO FUCKING FAR! People need to stop all of the hate and the disgusting things that they do for the sake of the artists that they support. 
I honestly don’t fucking understand haters/antis’ mentality when they do malicious things against certain artists. For the most part, they do it because they feel “threatened” as a fan of a particular group so they need to knock other musicians (and their fans) down by sending hate directly to them or by starting fucking rumors or just when someone gains popularity (i.e. the whole issue with Seventeen earlier this week). I hope this is not true but I came across on IG that there were “certain antis” that planned to start a rumor regarding Jungkook and after reading it, I had a mixed feeling of my blood boiling and wanting to throw up. Whether or not this person was really going to go through with it, the thought of this makes me want to cry. Put it in perspective, if this had been your favorite or someone that you personally knew and cared for (i.e. family member or friend), and you heard that someone created some outlandish lie and told the public which can have major effects on them personally and professionally, how would you fucking feel??? I truly feel like some antis don’t understand the repercussions of the shit that they pull and if they do, they obviously have no regard for people’s lives or emotions. 
I just don’t get it. I acknowledge that not every fucking person is going to support the same groups, whatever their reason may be. I know I don’t. But you don’t see me (and I am sure other people) being malicious towards those artists and/or their fans. If you don’t like a group then fine but why do you need to waste your time to be so hateful??? You can literally spend that time doing better things as a fan such as streaming your favorites’ music, sending them love, etc. Any decent celebrity would never ask you or want you to be so rude and cruel to other people. So don’t defend your actions by saying that it is all done in the name of whoever you support. 
Reverting back to the post that I saw on IG, I read that the reason the anti was doing it was because she feared that her favorite group was going to lose popularity due to BTS...I fucking rolled my eyes at that. I understand that you want your group to succeed and want to be popular but every artist has their time in the limelight. Only time will tell how long they will be in it. Artists such as NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Jonas Brothers, etc. all had their time but eventually they all had come to an end. Fans should not feel like they can control a person’s fame by tearing others down. Honestly, if you love them then you should just be there for them. Support them in the best ways possible such as sending them positivity, going to their events, buying/streaming their music, etc. You literally do not need to concern yourself with other fandoms to show support for those that you stan. 
KPOP is a large industry and I don’t understand why we can’t coexist peacefully. I am so tired of the rumors, death threats, bullying, unnecessary cruel criticism that artists get. I am not saying this as a BTS fan, I am saying this as a person. Every artist and their fandom gets hate and I just want all of it to stop.
I know that I shouldn’t get affected by all of this but it gets to the point where it is too much. I don’t want these celebrities to have these malicious rumors and hate comments haunt them for the rest of their lives. 
I am sorry if my thoughts are all over the place and I kept writing “you”. I obviously know that this does not pertain to everyone...I was just so annoyed about the entire topic.
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