#sorry for the wack ass lighting btw
angelicartemis · 1 year
Who btw belongs to @artastic-friend 💕💕💕
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I think when March first posted/shared her I almost instantly started to draw her. 💀 I wanted to draw her a lot more, but my hands kinda gave out on me a while ago.
Maybe next time I'll draw her more though :0
If I manage to get any ideas-
Also here's a few other doobles that aren't KK, two of which are dragon March :>💕💕
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I love the second doodle, but I hate the horn- 💀
AND MARCH IK WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT IT BUT SHH LET ME DISLIKE IT- 👹 I may not like the horn but I do like the rest of the drawing overall okay Û-Û /nm
Oh and then here's a little whore (affectionate)
This is the only pencil drawing in this bunch btw 💀
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I do like to use he/him pronouns when referring to MM, BUT I do also like seeing others refer to MM with she/her pronouns ^^ I think it's pretty slay either way 💖
Because of that I kinda like to imagine MM is genderfluid or something, just switchin up them pronouns every here and there :D
Or they probably just don't care what you refer to them as, idk-
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
can i request the trend of tiktok “the faster you get to me the more kisses you get!” with tsukishima, akaashi, bokuto and hinata? 🥺👉👈
w/ tsukishima, akaashi, bokuto, hinata & iwaizumi
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requests: OPEN
warnings: talk of pee and poop in iwaizumi’s
a/n: of course you can! thanks for the request! 💓 (also the trend is used more as a prompt than it is as the main focus whoops 🤡)
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i added iwaizumi bc he was requested in another ask so i just merged the two. my character limit is still four max!
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who gave him the right 🥵
the salt lick himself
this dude is annoyingggg
you already knew what his reaction was gonna be,, so why bother?
welll you just wanted to be like all the other tiktok girls 👉🏽👈🏽
you wait until you see tsukki and yama walking out of the club room and towards you
you’re bracing yourself for the embarrassment
“babe! the faster you get to me, the more kisses you get!”
no shit, he stops in his tracks. yama’s just looking at him like ‘what you finna do?’
you know what he does? turns around and starts walking in THE OTHER DIRECTION
you are… baffled
when finally catch up to him, you’re pouting
“dude, what the hell?”
he glances at you, then flicks your forehead dummy hard
you’re triggered, “did you just flick me?”
this snarky mf is now laughing at you
btw yamaguchi is very uncomfortable rn
tsukishima the leans down, bean pole headass, and kisses your forehead
“sorry i don’t do dumb tik tok trends”
“it’s not dumb! you just didn’t want to kiss me”
he looks at you with an unimpressed look, as if saying, ‘we both know that’s not true’
alas you’re still pouting
yama: “haha this is me, see you guys tmmr” *leaves in awkward*
tsukishima knows your not gonna stop acting like a baby until he gives you what you want
he sighs, walks a couple feet away from you, pulls out his phone and starts recording
“say the thing”
“the trend thing. say it”
your eyes light up so much and tsukki smiles a bit
he’s so soft for you uwu
“the faster you get to me, the more kisses you get!”
because he’s a tall boi, it only takes him a few steps to get to you but when he does, he kisses you hard
like damn, okay sir
when he pulls away you’re flustered asf, he chuckles and stops recording
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this poor boy wouldn’t know a tiktok trend if it punched him the face
i hate to say it, but he’s a boomer 😔🤘🏽 just like dadchi
he’s at your house picking you up for a date and your sibling is bombarding him with questions
when you come out, akaashi is like ‘oh thank goodness’
you smile at him, then wack your sibling in their side
“stop bothering him you weirdo!”
“what we’re just having a nice lil chat”
you shake your head and start to walk away but your sibling is holding akaashi back, giving him the typical ‘you hurt her, i kill you’ speech
now you know your boyfriend is great when he’s under pressure but.. this is new territory for him
you remember a trend that you saw a while back and decide to do it now
you know keiji wants your family to like him, so he’ll be conflicted between going to you or staying and listening to your siblings speech
it’s perfect really
so you pull out your phone and start recording
“baby! the faster you get to me, the sooner we can go on our date and the more kisses you’ll get”
my guy just blinks, “it is getting late..”. plus he’s not opposed to the kissing part so he starts to walk towards you
“hey! i’m not done talking to you”
‘that’s true, it would be rude of me to walk away mid conversation… if you could even call it that’ he thinks
you laugh slightly, you can practically see the gears spinning in his head
“keiji come on we don’t have all day”
“don’t you walk away from me”
akaashi sighs loudly. the longer he spends talking to your sibling the less time he has with you. if he walks away, he’s at risk of your sibling hating him. he’s stumped.
suddenly he turns to your sibling, “sorry l/n, we can continue this discussion later. y/n and i have a date that’s very time sensitive. i apologize”
he then walks to you and grabs your hand before walking off
“y’know my crackhead sibling was just mess with you right? you could’ve just walked away”
“i figured, but that’s still rude”
ugh we stan boy who has manners
“so.. um, may i get a kiss now?”
omg he’s so cute i love him 🥺
you grin and pepper his face with a bunch of kisses, making him blush slightly
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tbh you don’t even need to ask, this dude is infatuated w/ you
he’ll run to you any day of the week
but what had happened was.. y’all were on a date and bokuto went to go get ice cream
but that was like 15 mins ago and you’re just sitting on the park bench looking like a fool
and ngl you were a little worried bc bokuto is so easy to distract you’re thinking he fell into a pond or something
so you go to look for him and tbh it doesn’t take long cause cmon,, it’s bokuto
he be loud asf
n e ways, there he is in all his glory playing with a German Shepard who looked like it was trying so hard not to bite him
the owner looked nervous asf but was probably too nervous to say something social anixety be like that
bokuto spots you and waves at you frantically
“hey babe! look at this dog! it’s so cute!”
ugh bless him
you send the owner an apologetic look and turn back to bokuto
“it is cute but i think you’re aggravating it.. i don’t want you to get bitten. let’s go”
“it won’t bite me!” *to dog* “right? you’re too good to bite me, yes you are, yes you are”
*inhales* this stubborn kid, so now you got to think of a new tactic
you suddenly remember that bokuto is affectionate x1 mil
he would never miss a chance to be smothered in love
this was as good a time as any to do this trend and save your bf in the process :))
you whip out your phone, “hey baby? the faster you get to me, the more kisses you get”
when i tell you his head SWIVELED
the dude is an owl confirmed 🙌🏽
literally almost trips trying to get to you, now he’s looking at you like an excited puppy ready for pats
the owner gives you thankful look and leaves
bokuto is still staring at you, waiting for his smooches
so you deliver 😌 you grab his face and kiss all around and place a final kiss on his lips
bokuto looks so happy, like he’s smiling so wide rn
all hail tiktok it rly be saving your stupid boyfriend
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my bby 🥺
he loves you so so so so much
hinata will do anything for you yes anything
and the feeling is mutual, but sometimes you cannot comprehend what goes on in that mind if his
like,, you could not, for the life of you, understand why he ran into MOVING TRAFFIC
let me tell you what happened
so you were shopping with your friends (and just to clarify y’all were a strip where there’s a bunch of stores on each block)
you guys were just casual walking and then your friend pointed out that it sounded like someone was calling your name
you looked around and there was your orange fuzzy bouncing up and down on the other side of the street
too cute i swear
you smiled and waved, “hi baby!”
“wait until i get across this street imma kiss you so hard!”
cue your friends gagging
you giggle and decide to reference a tiktok cause why not?
“the faster you get to me, the more kisses you can get!”
b-but he thought you were serious
so yes he ran into the middle of a busy street
you are traumatized, paralyzed with fear if you will, you thought your boyfriend was going to die right in front of you
when he finally reached you, you scolded him mother hen mode activated
“why the hell would you do that hinata?!”
uh oh, you used his last name.. not good
“but you said–”
“i was joking!”
oh. now he’s embarrassed and sad bc you’re mad at him
at least he thought you were until you grabbed him and hugged him tightly, “don’t ever do any dumb shit like that again, okay? you scared me”
“i won’t,, but since i did risk my life, can i get a kiss?”
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i feel like y’all have a relationship where you guys can be mean(?) to each other w/o getting offended
so you guys are at your house watching Netflix together and he suddenly gets up and leaves your room
“where are you going?”
“gotta piss”
istg i hate the word “piss” but IK he says that instead of “pee”
n e ways you resume watching the show but your bf’s been gone for like 10 mins
you go to the bathroom and knock on the door, “hey, you good in there? it doesn’t take 10 minutes to pee”
you hear him groan, “fuck off”
and then,, it all clicks, “are you constipated?!”
now you’re laughing your ass of bc what the fuck
“don’t clog my toilet nasty”
“y/n i swear to god if you don’t leave me alone–”
“what? are you gonna fling your doo doo on me?”
you finally stop teasing him and go back to your room
you send him a text, ‘still constipated? 💩’
‘breaking up w/ you is looking mighty tempting rn 🥴’
‘rude 🤧 but hey, the faster you poop, the more kisses you get’
this dude left you on read
and didn’t return until 20 mins later
“damn i know my bathroom stinks now”
“shut up and give me my kisses”
you raise an eyebrow, “i– you took 20 mins”
“okay.. did you want me to get up mid shit and come to you?”
you don’t why but that shit had you cackling, you reach up and pull him close to you
you give him a couple of pecks and a deep kiss
aww he’s smiling 🥺
“i love you my lil doo doo machine”
he pushed you off your bed
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tanzaniiite © 2020 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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kaikaikitanmp3 · 3 years
Excuse me while I toss a bunch of questions at you. I am all here for the rants.
How would you end BSD?
Would you change the ending of Death Note?
Unpopular opinion about Alois Trancy?
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
hey bestie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how dare you apologize for that >:( you know you’re my favourite ranter too!!
How would you end BSD?
lmao no idea. at this point it’s really hard to tell who’s gonna die and who’s not, i think the only person i know for sure will stay alive no matter what is atsushi (wack). i’d like to see fyozai ending each other though, it would be one of the most epic things ever, idk, i would not be at peace if one of them stays alive while the other has to perish. i also don’t quite see them both well and alive at the end of the whole thing. i’d like to see fukuchi destroyed, i want to see fedya laughing at his face and telling him he’s been used like any other person, it would satisfying yea. you know, it’s really hard to try and think “in-canon”, because my thoughts are clearly kind of different from asagiri’s, but yeah. imagine fyozai world domination though:):))):)))))):):)) jk jk (no)
idk i think we’ve talked about fyodor maybe not quite becoming a good man (god forbid) but perhaps landing a helping hand and getting to assist the ada buuut… i can’t say i imagine anyone or anything worse than him haha so idk what they would all fight against, unless it’s like…the apocalypse or something, with mighty gods and apostles involved, but i don’t think it would be quite in genre anyway. so yes, him and dazai destroying each other so the ada, the pm and the rest stay safe and stuff. being a martyr and being suicidal is the same thing, from one point of view, in the end. oh idk why but i really would like to see sigma finding his own purpose in life, i feel so bad for him. actually, no, i want everyone to be happy and safe and in therapy, but no, that would be quite an abominable decision. all that for a happy ending?? no, thank you. i would like to experience a lot of deaths and sacrifices. i think Q will die btw. i’m gonna cry like a baby, but that kid…and i mean it sincerely, but that kid gives off the strongest suicidal vibe, seriously. love them always forever.
oh well, what a mess of an answer. anyway, i don’t think i can answer that properly, i’m very biased bc i’ve read a shit ton of fanfics that were masterpieces, but i think youll understand me anyways. and how would you?? thoughts?? opinions??? please?????
Would you change the ending of Death Note?
no, never. i mean i hate light and i’m glad he’s dead, why would i. L’s death?? heartbreaking, but…no, let’s be real, it was good. it was excellent. it left light lost, confused and lonely, so fuck that little bitch and fuck his god complex.
i feel very sorry for misa, i don’t know if i would change the way she had to end, but that makes a lot of sense, too. no rem, no light, nothing but her shinigami eyes and most horrible memories. maybe it was for the best too, i wouldn’t want her to suffer any more than she already did.
god i WANT to say i’d change mello’s death, but it was top tier writing, too. a stupid death for a stupidly gorgeous boy, and in the end, it all went just like L had wanted: on their own, neither near nor mello couldve defeated light, but together…they could. and they did. mello knew exactly what was doing and what he signed up for, he knew he’d have to go after leaving takada like that, let’s not forget that he was one of the smartest people ever, just like L and near, and knowing this all…brings me peace, yea.
i have a lot of feelings towards ryuk too, i mean, if you look at that, he’s always been an outcast in the world of shinigamis, and the way he sat the after light’s death……he looked quite sad haha. now i’m not saying that he was attached to light, i don’t think light would be capable of awaking anything like that in someone like ryuk, he was not that kind of a person, not like misa; but i’d like to maybe see ryuk finding someone else to watch and to be amused by, he was quite lovable as a character. and to be compleeetely honest with you, i’ve alwYs been wondering about the whole shinigami situation in general, i mean yeah, they’re gods of death, but they looked quite pathetic in their realm. i wouldn’t be opposed to seeing how their story would progress, i remember thinking about it after my first death note rewatch… idk
would you??
Unpopular opinion about Alois Trancy?
my little meow meow🥺🥺
idk maybe he wasn’t one of the best written characters in the show, but he sure was one of the most interesting ones. you know how fascinated i am by him, you do. he didn’t deserve all that, fuck claude and his fake ass, hope he, uh…burns in hell?? for eternity?? idk i just hope he suffers a lot wherever he is
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
no, never. it would be a nice experience, but so far it’s been the other way around, there were so many ships i didn’t mind or kind of enjoyed before they got spoiled for me by, ah…unpleasant ppl
although… a few times i found myself starting to like a ship i used to be indifferent/didn’t know about after learning that ppl i didn’t like hated it. the enemy of my enemy, as they say..
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Am I late to info dump? I was in an exam 💔 I don't know how I did because the one topic I was insecure about ended up being like 50% of my exam so my bullshit 101 either made me or broke me. We shall see... but my info dump is not about that! Its about *drum roll* The Platypus! (These are random things I've heard in classes and saw in the internet years ago for fun or homework. Sorry if it aint that interesting 😂 Im just full of random animal facts)
As we know, they are the one of the 2 mammals that lay eggs.
These cute but evil looking babies don't have mammary glands. How are they mammals then? How do they feed their egg hatching younglings? THEY BASICALLY SWEAT IT OUT OF THEIR BELLIES LIKE- WHAT?! kinda ew, but cool.
And if that wasnt weird enough... they basically dont have a stomach. How do they get their nutrients if they dont have the usual food collecting, acid producing pouch? Well...their esophagus just connects to the intestines. I swear they're like... nature's joke.
As if them having a duck-bill wasn't weird enough... THEY DO ELECTRORECEPTION! Since they live mostly in waters with poor visibility and they can't see, hear or smell underwater... their damn duck-bill has special electric receptors to sense their preys' electric signals like heartbeats, nerves and shit. Like... damn, nothing can escape their underwater-blind ass. It makes them swim funny btw.
THEY FREAKING PRODUCE VENOM FROM THEIR HIND LEGS!!! It doesn't kill humans but its extremely painful. Like... damn you're kinda cute can I pet you without probably going through excruciating pain? Thanks.
A recent study showed that now these weirdos also kind of glow blue under UV light. Like... could they be more extra?
In my mind its like the god was like "Ok listen angels... lets make an animal that is basically water proof... like an otter and give it a tail like a beaver!"
The angels were like "... okay." And he went like "And put a duck mouth on it but make it cool so it can sense heartbeats hehehehe oh oh! And their flat webbed feet! AND YOU KNOW WHAT! MAKE IT LAY EGGS AND SWEAT MILK! Take away the stomach, they dont need that."
The angels "Is...that all sir?" And he goes like "Hmmm... make it venomous and glowy under weird light." And then mother nature just looks at it and goes "What the hell is this thing?"
I really wanna pet a platypus. Update, I failed the exam :) I'll do better next time but now Im angry.
They are some really wack animals wtf if they glow blue do you think thats why Perry the platypus is blue??? This was all so interesting to read through!! I learned so much so thank you! And I'm sorry to hear about your exam 😔😔 I hope things go better next time but please try not to be so hard in yourself ily and you're doing amazing
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Live 2020 debate commentary from a salty, disabled, and VERY pissed gen Z
 Yall he just said he’s immune
My dad just left the room
Bitch are u saying Johnson and Johnson is going to make the vaccine?
sir that’s the diaper company…..smh
Biden just said its going to be a dark winter
#winter is coming
“virus.....that came from china” -trump 2020
“were learning to live with it”-trump 2020
apparently “Biden lives in his basement”-your president 2020
totally accurate.....obviously
ohhhh biden just said were learning to die with it
trump interrupted biden
Mam I thought you said you were muting them?
biden laugh count at 3
he all about the once percent till its the dead ones
trump interrupting at 3...nvm its now 4
this debate is making my dog sad
interrupting now at 5 for trump
trump saying his young sons illness just “went away”
bitch he’s may age and no it did not just “go away”
he was in quarantine for two weeks
apparently nyc is a ghost town 
its not a ghost town trump I live right next to it
loudest neighbors ever
trump don’t call him Anthony
his name is DOCTOR Fauci
treat him with the respect he deserves
Biden looks so sad
nvm he legit looks like the joker right now
why is this at 9?
sir its a school night
I need time to scroll through my feed for hours before collapsing
Biden don’t use the word sovereignty
trump doesn't know what it means
thats discrimination against trumps
ohhh hes attacking hunter (biden) again
so he has a wee drug problem?
at this point everyone got one!
your the one making lewd comments about your infant daughter on national tv
(look it up he talks about his 6 month old daughters legs but and breasts)
get him big b!!
h876689908776- my dog 2020
he wants to express his disappointment
the light boxs is stealing his mother attention
ohh hes being rude to the moderator again
u a strong independent Indian woman get him girll!
mute his mike
prty plz
I am dissapionted in you
he’s saying he’s not allowed to release his taxs
(that is a proven lie)
“i was put through a phony witch hunt”- you'll never guess 2020
hes going after his BROTHER now
how is this allowed?
who decided trumps strategy would be to accuse his opponent of his own crimes?
look at the insults guys its a crystal ball
stay ahead of the scandal's
“i was a business man doing business”-trump 2020
no sir you were another rich white guy taking advantage of tax brakes and cheap foreign labor in asia
#american jobs as long as i don’t have to pay minimum wage
#you know like a DECENT FUCKING PERSON
Trump interrupted again
I lost count a while ago
Biden is staring into my soul
oh Biden just played the middle class childhood card
I haven't heard a single mute so far?
trump just said his bromance with kim jung un saved america from nuclear war
dont through my boy Obama under the bus
and another interruption
my big bro just screamed “MUTE BUTTON MUTE BUTTON MUTE BUTTON”
honestly same
10 more min guys
hang in there
OHHH trump just got MUTEDDDDDD
Biden is now on legitimate policy 
ahhh hes proud of his plan
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annd trump just interrupted
trump just kissed up to the moderator
trump just said biden’s more liberal than bernie
biden just said trump dosent know who hes running against
hes like “this is joe biden”
like I know bro but slick burn anyway
ohhh they muted trump again!!!!
perfect opportunity to mute missed
trump just blamed healthcare issues on nancy peloski
biden says the the republicans wont pass it
(btw hes actualy right)
2 mins left
and trump is speaking through it
1 min left
omg what a waste of air
I really want him to test his “immunity”
preferably during a harsh winter
there running over
they still haven't covered immigration
I have just learned there is 30 min left
I think I would rather kill myself than watch the rest of this
I’m seriously have a sensory overload right now
I’m doing this for u
“children are brought here by coyotes”-presedentail cown 2020
what a wack ass sentence
hes like ohIi haven't been putting kids in cages
and then just went but I didn't build them they were built in 2014
(contradiction much)
“who built the cages”
“who built the cages”
“who built the cages”
yes it was Obama but guess what
there ment to house animals, evidence, and adult prisoners in emergency situations
Biden was just like “well no actually kids come with PARENTS”
(kids hardly ever come over with out parents)
and then he was like and also WHO LOST TRACK OF OVER 1,000 PARENTS
(thats 500+ new orphans at the least)
hes saying only the illegal immigrants with the lowest IQs come back after being deported
we said the same thing in december about you but ya’know
my mum was like “anyone eating chocolate” and I was like “im snaking on this ignorance” and she was like “dont do that you'll get indigestion”
“no one has done more for the black community then Donald trump except for maybe Abraham Lincoln”
oh yeah Biden just brought up how trump publicly campaigned for the execution of the central park 5
trump just yelled at Biden, got muted, and just yelled louder
trump just said he cant see the audience but hes the least racist person in the room
“Abraham lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents in american history”- biden 2020
biden just went “oh god”
he just said that he used to not support the blm movement because they chanted rude things about police officers
I would like to reiterate that “pigs in a blanket” has never been chanted in a protest or been a prominent statement in the blm movement nor “fry em like bacon” so what trump is saying is factually incorrect
unless hes on some sort of far right conservative twitter feed were he came across a video of some drunk white college kids chanting it 
but you know what ever fits you narrative
plus I would be pretty pissed if I kept getting shot at for no reason so....
Biden making more logical decisions
trump was like why have you never done all this stuff when you were vice president
“we had a republican congress” -biden 2020
we have the cleanest air
we have the cleanest crystal clear water
sir, i know you've been to mexico
don’t lie
the waters gorges down there
and not owned by your smug ass
trump just called china filthy
so you know....
*whispers* racism
ok 5 min left
for real this time
trump just went “aoc plus 3: and then hes like she knows nothing about the climate
ummm.... you dont even believe in climate change
bidens like “are....is...is is”
good for you
correcting your grammar
trump just said “the wind kills all the birds” out of the godamn blue
(he means wind mills and its untrue)
“Whats the next question baba”
“the final question is leadership which he doesnt have”- baba 2020
I feel bad for anybody watching this on the toilet
bidens starring into your soul
he knows what your doing
there officially overtime
its 10 33
they haven't even done the last section yet
why do they host these so late
I should be pretending to be asleep right now
this is generational discrimination
plus trumps supporters are so old there asleep by now
ohhhh its over
1036 final time
okay so thoughts....I generally dont like the party system i think its ridiculous the system was not designed for it, and its now more about loyalty then the actual candidates. I also am really hesitant to put another strait white male in the oval office, especially one thats from “the lucky few” I.E. the smallest voting generation in the country and also the one that already holds the most positions. That being said, at this point its really anyone but trump and I think bidens got the experience to turn things around. 
I AM IN SCHOOL I CANNOT VOTE. I am relying on all my older friends, followers, neighbors, and community members. To make an educated decision that wont further degrade the once hopeful future my generation awaits. Please if you can vote VOTE the kids are relying on you!
P.S. sorry i wasn't able to edit this earlier i struggle alot with spelling and didnt have the time to edit this because I HAD TO GO TO BED AND THEN GO TO SCHOOL. Why am I more politically active then people twice my age you might ask? Well, thats because adults are lazy and need to get of their gd asses and VOTE. So kids dont have to do the legwork for them. 
I have said my peace now, have a wonderful day!
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