#sorry i just. i saw a post about claus and im not normal about it im sorry
The Warehouse
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Can I request like maybe a Halloweeny smut (??) with Wonwoo in like an abandoned factory (like the gose ep with the ghosts) or escape room but reader is not a fan of scary stories and terrified of clowns but she accepts the adventure anyways because detective!mode Wonwoo is such a turn onnnn thank you so much and please if you decide to write something like this don't feel pressured to post around Halloween 🎃 I always enjoy reading your stories! Thank you for your time and hard work! 😽
AN: Sorry this took me so long to write! I tried to get it done by Halloween and failed to do so :/ but I hope you still find it enjoyable! 
Warnings for: Sex, sex in a public abandoned warehouse, mentions of clowns and dolls, being a slightly terror fic, also no condoms, and creampies.
“So... We have to stay here all night?”
“If we want to prove that this place isn’t haunted, that’s what we have to do.”
“And... We’re sure it’s not haunted... Right?”
Wonwoo didn’t respond to you as he thumbed through the contents of his bag, seeming to go back through his mental list of things you two would need for the night. You watched him for a few moments in silence, but eventually your anxiety was making you just a tad too distracted. You sighed and looked down to your feet, kicking up the dirt beneath them.
Finally Wonwoo let out a content sound and resecured his bag over his shoulder.
“A place can’t be haunted if ghosts aren’t real,” Wonwoo said assuredly. He looked over at you and hummed thoughtfully. “You don’t look so sure however. Don’t tell me you’re scared.”
When Kwon Soonyoung had come to Wonwoo about an abandoned factory he wanted to repurpose, Wonwoo said yes to the job of proving it wasn’t haunted before Soonyoung had even finished what he was saying.
You weren’t sure why Wonwoo was always eager for the overnight jobs- always trying to stay up late in strange places that people swore up and down held cold spots and scary creatures. It certainly wasn’t those projects of his that you looked forward to. Personally, you were a very easily frightened person.
Just someone closing a book too loud in the library could make you shriek in surprise. So, normally, when it came to Wonwoo’s spookier adventures you tended to busy yourself playing video games safely indoors with Kim Mingyu.
But recently with Halloween being just around the corner, Wonwoo was busy with debunking so many places that he didn’t really have the time for you. It wasn’t anything he had said or done but... You knew that if you wanted to actually spend some time with Wonwoo you would have to suck it up and go on this one trip with him.
So you packed up for a overnight trip and begged him to let you come watch him work. It took a little bit of persuading, but he decided that he would let it slide if you assured him you would be okay.
“So... I just know that I’m going to regret asking this but... What exactly is supposed to be the problem with this place anyways?” You asked Wonwoo. He glanced back at you, his eyebrows high in surprise at the question.
“Oh you don’t know?”
He turned his attention back to the camera and hummed.
“Story has it that this used to be a factory for this really popular toy in the late 80s called Q-Tee. They had the whole management set up here. Like they oversaw the process of everything, including marketing. The toys weren’t doing great here... On account of them scaring children at night, so they decided to give the brand a mascot to help them sell better.”
“The mascot was supposed to be kind of like a Santa Claus, but the kids were scared of him too, and turned out the guy had a few screws loose. He ended up kidnapping a bunch of children- and almost killed them all. But before he could cops busted in. He didn’t want to go to jail so he got a gun and shot himself and now supposedly he haunts the place, still trying to get people to buy the toy.”
Wonwoo shrugged.
“Honestly, it’s not creative, but I guess it’s enough to freak out people who want to buy the place.”
You shifted uncomfortably but tried your best not to worry too much. Out of all the things that you were scared of ghosts certainly weren’t the worst thing that could be haunting this place.
“What was the toy anyways?” You asked him lightly, trying to make yourself sound brave.”
He once again shrugged.
“Clowns would you believe it.” Your heart stopped. If there was one thing that you absolutely could not handle it was a ghost clown. A clown doll- scary but can be destroyed. A clown itself- simply avoidable despite those terrifying painted eyes. But a clown ghost? Unavoidable. Avenging and- probably your number one biggest nightmare.
You grabbed on to Wonwoo’s wrist, holding him a little tighter as he switched on the camera.
“But don’t you worry,” Wonwoo continued, clearly not noticing your sudden change in attitude. “We’re here to prove that the ghosts here aren’t real. And no one has been to this factory in years. So, this job will be a piece of cake.”
Hours passed and nothing.
The room got darker, the clock kept ticking, Wonwoo turned another page in his book.
You sighed. You couldn’t believe that on top of being in a place right out of your nightmares you were bored. And desperate for something to do.
You got to your feet and began to look around on some of the shelves in the room that you were in. You could see something small in the back corner of one of them, so you reached forward for it curiously. You wrapped your fingers softly around it, and turned it around.
The item itself was soft in your hand, and had on a purple and silver diamond outfit. It was covered slightly in dust, but that wasn’t what bothered you. The pattern gave you a bad pinch of nostalgia, that made you hesitantly drag your eyes up to the face of the doll.
You screamed and threw the doll back towards the shelf when you saw the painted face of a clown.
It was hideous, with large white diamonds making its eyes look even bigger, a bright red nose, and dark skin that made the chipping white paint even more off putting. You raced back over to Wonwoo, burying your face into his chest
“I saw one,” you screeched.
Wonwoo laughed and peeled you off of him.
“It was just a doll,” he said lightly, patting your head in- frankly- an awful attempt to calm you down. “Don’t tell me you were scared of a doll?”
“It was not a doll it was a clown doll,” you stated back pointedly. “And I’m not scared of dolls... Well not that doll, I’m just... Scared of clowns.”
Wonwoo laughed softly at you, his fingers taking you by your shoulders carefully.
“There aren’t any clowns here,” he assured you softly. “And there haven’t been for many many years.”
The look in his eyes made you want to believe that what he was saying was true. You felt yourself ease down a little, your fingers lightly brushing against his.
“You promise?” You asked. He nodded.
“I promise.” He assured. “In fact... I’m so confident that you will be fine, that why don’t we do a little something to pass the time hm?”
At first you completely missed the implication in Wonwoo’s voice. Assuming that he was talking about maybe reading a book together or playing a round of Among Us on his phone. But instead of that you suddenly felt a cool hand slip under your shirt. You wiggled under the touch.
“You want to do that...” You looked around the warehouse nervously. “Here?”
Wonwoo hummed, his other hand chilling the skin beneath it as he rested it against your stomach.
“Why not? There’s no one around?” Wonwoo’s voice was comforting despite the location and honestly, where your heart should be racing due to environment, your heart was racing because Wonwoo’s hands on you were completely intoxicating.
You let out a long whine.
“We still shouldn’t do it,” you whispered quietly. Wonwoo gave you a smile.
“Oh, and is that a no?” He asked softly as he lifted you up, placing you gingerly on the table. You wrapped your legs around his torso and rolled your hips against him.
“I guess I’m not really one to say no to sex with you,” you said with a grin.
Wonwoo smiled back at that, his fingers digging into your hips.
“Hm, then I guess here is the perfect place to do it.” Wonwoo dipped his head down at that, his lips brushing against the nape of your neck. You whined softly and tilted your chin upwards so that he had better access to you as he began to kiss at the warm skin there, his teeth nipping at you every once in a while.
With each little touch a shock ran through your body, sending heat right down to your core.
You whined and wrapped your arms tightly around Wonwoo’s body. Your eyes started to drift down his body, trailing over first his broad shoulders, down his chest. As you were looking at him Wonwoo smiled and took the bottom edge of his shirt, pulling it over his shirt and tossing it over onto the floor. You groaned at that, throwing your head back.
“Wonwoo we just washed that shirt,” you whined. Wonwoo just grinned at you as he discarded the rest of his clothes.
“We can wash it again.”
He leaned forward and began to kiss your neck again, effectively shutting you up. You whined and squirmed under him, but he soon grew tired of your movement and placed his hands on your hips as he kissed you to still you. You were pretty happy with just letting Wonwoo explore your body with his lips, each kiss sending a small shiver through your body- but after a while you got eager for more...
You wriggled a little under his grip again until he loosened his hands and then you brought your hand down blindly until your fingers had wrapped around his thick member. You smiled and began to slowly struck it, feeling pleasantly surprised by how turned on Wonwoo clearly was by the little moans leaving his lips with every twist of your wrist.
“Hmm, how does that feel?” You teased lightly. Wonwoo didn’t respond, instead he grunted and in one swift motion, pulled your button-up open, and threw your pants and underwear to the side.
You whined as cold air hit your body, and you wrapped your legs around Wonwoo’s waist to try and warm up. Wonwoo chuckled.
“How does that feel?” He parroted back to you. You tried to send him a glare for the reaction but before it could really hit it’s mark, you felt a finger slide into you.
Wonwoo’s fingers were cold and big and yo felt your whole body jolt a little bit when yo felt his digit slide knuckle deep into you and then curl at the end.
“I can’t believe I’m going to let you-” The finger slid out of your body before you could finish speaking about it made you whine lowly, your thighs quivering. Wonwoo didn’t think twice before slowly beginning to ease his finger in and out of you, watching in amazement as your pussy took his digit.
He made quick work, working one- two- three fingers into your pussy, until his fingers were a dripping mess and you were literally begging for his cock.
“Fine, fine, but next time be a little more patient.”
Wonwoo slid his cock deep inside of you, and at first he just sat there- HIs cock throbbing inside your dripping pussy while his chest heaved up and down with breath after breath.
And then, finally he began to slowly slide out. You groaned in pleasure, your fingers curling into his back at the friction the action caused- Only to yelp when Wonwoo suddenly pushed himself hard back into you.
He sat there again for a few moments, just listening to your whine’s and half-hearted pleas for him to continue, before slowly sliding out again and pushing himself back in.
If nothing else, Wonwoo was a bit of a sadist in that way when he fucked you. He liked to find his own pace and fuck you at it no matter how you felt about the pace. If he found pleasure in the sounds you made while he was fucking you- that was all that mattered.
And he always found pleasure in the sounds you made when he was fucking you.
Every thrust made your toes curl, and made you want to cry out as complete and utter pleasure washed over you.
You could feel yourself approaching an orgasm, and Wonwoo seemed to notice too. He opened his mouth- surely to comment on it when suddenly his eyebrows furrowed. He began to quicken his pace fucking you- he was getting closer to an orgasm as well- but he kept glancing up.
“What?” You asked. “What’s wrong?” “It’s nothing...”
His eyes flickered upwards again.
“Wonwoo-” “I just... I could have sworn I saw something.”
You twisted your body around to see, but the movement just made Wonwoo’s’ cock slam right into the spot that made you moan even louder. Your eyes slammed shut and you wrapped your arms tightly around Wonwoo’s neck.
“Oh I know what I see now,” Wonwoo said, a hitch of horror in his voice as he spoke. You looked back up at him, eyes wide in fear.
“What? What do you see?”
“A ghost,” Wonwoo responded, his voice barely above a whisper. Then, without warning his hands jumped to your sides, making your whole body lurch. You screamed and as you did, you felt yourself beginning to cum.
Wonwoo felt it too as he pinned you down by your stomach and fucked you hard through your orgasm, unloading his cum into you with a loud moan of his own. Once he had finally collapsed on top of you, you grunted and shoved him over.
“You... You fucking sadist.” Wonwoo bit out a laugh.
“Come on,” he insisted. “It was fun wasn’t it?”
You didn’t tell him it was.
“We are never doing this again.” But it was kind of fun.
And you two did do it again.
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gosungji · 7 years
Tagged by my main babe @markleesgiggle​ ty (i’m on the laptop so insert heart emojis here)
Rules: Answers these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: water
2. Phone Call: My older sister because she was at a friend’s party and was catching up on us
3. Text message: My older sister again for the same matter
4. Song you listened to: Swalla by Jason Derulo Ft. Nicki Minaj and TY Dolla Sign
5. Time you cried: Yesterday sckwibfqalksn I was so pissed I ended up crying twice.
6. Dated someone twice: ehem, uh not gonna be that person sorry
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone in the first place aksjdgalkdgliw
8. Been cheated on: nah
9. Lost someone special: kinda? they don’t matter to me anymore but i still appreciated their role in my life
10. Been depressed: My depression started on the later 7th grade year up to 9th grade but I’m gonna go back to normal, I hope
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope, not risking my ass
12-14. Fuchsia, violet, pastel blue
15. Made new friends: Yes! two last year and also two this year
16. Fallen out of love: hmm.. how do i explain this? so i keep going back & forth so technically i have.. a lot asfhaofis
17. Laughed until you cried: Ye i think it was last month? my friends and i were sitting at lunch time discussing shit and we just started talking about random stuff.. it was wild
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah.. actually that person was talking about our group not just me and she said that we were boring as fuck but now i’m chill with it. they were just probably trynna start drama lmao
19. Met someone who changed you: *sigh* I’m not sure if I saw war flashbacks or a prince in shining cleats
20. Found out who your friends are: nobody can probably relate to this but being fake in our group is a taboo concept we are not snakes to each other. if we ever wanted to say something bad about each other we tell it directly so everything’s good
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah, that’s just cray
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them actually lol around 300+ of them
23. Do you have any pets: I had multiple pets starting from hamsters, hermit crabs and dogs. my old dog passed away last year. i have a new dog now and his name’s jake.
24. Do you want to change your name: Yeah, or at least give myself a pseudonym
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: ate spaghetti
26. What time did you wake up: 9 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching 1million videos
Originally posted by ikonine
28. Name something you can’t wait for: move out of the house and get into an art school, there’s no senior highschool here that offers art & design track it’s stressful
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a while ago
30. What is the one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I could change my views when I was a child and valued pixelated items like lives, that could’ve saved a friendship
31. What are you listening to right now: Senbonzakura (Lizz’s cover)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nah, I’m going to run if I ever met one because they might be Voldy
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people who chew loudly, children in my school service bickering, loud noises, screaming and shouting in the classroom
34. Most visited website: YouTube and this fucking hellsite
35. Elementary: done with that b-
36. High School: currently in 10th grade
37. College: the only reason why i anticipate college is because i can move out with my friends i guess
38. Haircolor: black
39. Long or short hair: i don’t know how to describe it but it reaches my shoulders
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah.. two people actually..it’s embarrassing.
41. What do you like about yourself: i don’t know what i like about myself lmao
42. Piercings: I wanna get piercings similar to Ten’s, they look cool
43. Bloodtype: O
44. Nickname: Ene, Mau
45. Relationship status: Single and ready to fuck up
46. ???
47. Pronouns: She/Her
48. Favorite TV Show: none tbh
49. Tattoos: I wish I had one
50. Right or left: is this like which hand you write with? Right
51. Surgery: idk what this is trynna imply im sorry
52. Piercing: maybe cartilage or just simple ones
53. Sport: Used to play badminton before, as well as volleyball, but I stopped after 8th grade and yeah..
54. ??
55. Vacation: school just started for me this is tragic
56. Pair of trainers: don’t have these special kind of shoes i just grab what i can get
57. Eating: nothing
58. Drinking: nothing, i’m dehydrated
59. I’m about to: go to bed
60. ???
61. Waiting for: Monday to come in so I can be reunited with my fucking ipad 
62. Want: I really really want to get into an art school soon so I already know where I land after highschool
63. Get married: Nah
64. Career: Probably something to do with art, comics, graphic design or smth
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs for me
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
69. ???
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: both
71. Sensitive or loud: both
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, if i had one
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: neither
74. Kissed a stranger: that’s too freaky
75. Drank hard liquor: umm.. no way
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope i rarely wear them anyway
77. Turned someone down: on prom night ciasfbgqiuwbdlkA i danced with him anyway because he was the first and he asked me twice
78. Sex in the first date: bitch wtf
79. Broken someones heart: i hope i didn’t do that
80. Had your heart broken: not really, more like umm.. got empty
81. Been arrested: not in my neighborhood girly
82. Cried when someone died: yeahh, when i was a kid i was carried by my grandma and my godfather died and he was being buried. i looked over to my grandma and everyone else and started crying too
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah, for the first time
84. Yourself: quite? not completely i guess
85. Miracles: all i can think of is either gamzee or that song “i believe in miracles”
86. Love at first sight: attraction is valid but umm, not love
87. Santa Claus: I knew he was fake all along, I wasn’t easy to trick as a kid
88. Kiss in the first date: nah, never even dated lol
89. Angels: yeah but i don’t think they look how we perceive them to be
90. Current best friends name: Erin, Jean, Sandra
91. Eyecolor: dark brown
92. Favorite movie: Treasure Planet and Atlantis: The Lost City! oh, and Sinbad too!
I tag: no one i can’t think anyone lol so i guess anyone who wants to do it!
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booksandchainmail · 5 years
nanoha vivid liveblog: episode 2
When we left off, Vivio was training with her new plushie magical integrated thingy, and Nove had run into our favorite angsty LARPer
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the most polite of serial street duelists
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gods her name just keeps getting more and more elaborate. Also, is it ever explained where the Heidi part comes from? Or did she just pick a vaguely germanic belkan name.
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Ok, those are awesome titles
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nove gives zero fucks
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fuck yeah! assert the right of your friends to not be defined by their pasts lives. *stares pointedly at einhart*
Also, does nove’s hoodie have an attached tie? bc that is awesome
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oh my god einhart
the angst
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Oh cool this time the op has lyrics attached
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I’m really glad they kept the whole eye symbolism from OG nanoha (“that girl with the sad but beautiful eyes”), since vivid seems to be taking a lot from it tonally/thematically. It feels very full circle in a nice way.  
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this is honestly just the best summary of nanoha as a whole
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she does the foot tap thing! idk why this is a thing in anime, but i’m a fan
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hey. Nove. Remember that thing you said about her being a kid? Maybe keep that in mind.
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the return of the rollerskates
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This franchise sure has a thing for leotard and short poofy coats doesn’t it?
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Here we have the rare anime phenomenon of a reasonable adult giving sensible advice
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But alas, einhart is too emo to hear
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Her determination to be in a very different show is adorable
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Yeah, I can imagine that trying to drag warriors and the children of important people who have tried to move on and lead normal lives back into fighting would be a hot button for any of the combat cyborgs
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The angst, it burns
That said I appreciate the consistent translation as queen, which is more accurate for olivie etc, even though the source material (or at least the random german) used king a lot
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dominom pizza
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Ok, I know ive been teasing einhart a lot for how wrapped up she is in the past drama, but this is genuinely tragic. She’s a child stuck with all these memories and associated trauma that she has absolutely no way to process or cope with, and so instead she’s just living with all this guilt she inherited, and trying desperately to hold herself above the standards of adult soldiers in a long-ago war. No wonder she sounds so drained and regretful all the time.
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Gods. She’s twelve. And just… gods Someone please give this child a hug I mean I know vivio will be there to help soon, but this is painful to watch
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But do we get to see her? Do we?
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Please please please please give us tia as well I kinda still want to spell her name tea bc that’s the version that I saw when I was younger But consistency and all that I guess
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Tia! My favorite of the forwards probably. And she’s looking as good as always. 
Come to think of it, she knows a fair amount about feeling guilty and afraid about not being strong enough, and pushing yourself too hard to the point where you collapse and risk hurting others
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They’re just girlfriends! (you can’t really see it in a still image, but they turn to look at each other at the exact same time)
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ITS HER! I know i get excited about a lot of characters showing up, but I remember reading the Vivid manga as it came out, and waiting every month for scraps of information on Belka, so getting to see Olivie so soon and so much is really cool for me.
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Sorry claus, unfortunately you are too male and your romance to heterosexual for this show.
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Ok, a side effect of those inherited memories is she talks like a Shakespeare character
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Tia tia tia tia!
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please keep mildly roasting einhart
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The best girlfriend, complete with food
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Ok, looking at those photos: a bunch of vivio and her friends, plus one of caro and erio, and one of tia and subaru.
Probably a good thing einhart doesn’t look closely at them just yet
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Sister! It just makes me really happy to see them all being family now. Nanoha is the best show for enemies-to-family fluff
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Oh so now you spell it teana
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Wait, this is subaru’s apartment, yes? So why is it “they” who took her in? Unless Subaru and teana live together... Please let that be true Come to think of, that bed they had einhart recuperating in is way too big for one person…
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Nove in a tank top appreciation post
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no particular reason, i just like having the two of them in the same picture
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this guys nose looks wrong
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HA! so it is spelled tea. you can fuck right off with your inferior spelling from earlier
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im glad to see tea hasnt stopped snarking at subaru in the past four years
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Im a fan of how nove is vaguely tsundere about being a teacher
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Im also just a fan of nove in general
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thats, uh, sure one way to describe a terrorist crisis
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last tea and subaru appreciation post
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okay then
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fate is permanently flustered by her wife
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this nerd
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The shows commitment to translating all the belkan titles as queen runs into and promptly ignores a bit of a problem with claus ingvalt
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I would like to point out that some wiki sleuthing would indicate that the belkan war ended only a hundred years ago, which seems a bit too recent to be shrouded in myth
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i completely forgot to listen to the ending last time, so here it is (with lyrics!)
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The world reflected in your eyes/looks a little different from the way it had been until yesterday
that is real gay. and also once again a callback to nanofate way back in season one
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this whole silhouette martials arts fight is really really cool. and also, once again, really really gay
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this is a very pretty visual to leave off on
0 notes
elvencantation · 7 years
personal tag!
I was tagged by @xingslove foreverrrrr ago and found it going through my old emails 😂
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: @71-82-89-98
3. Text message: also @71-82-89-98
4. Song you listened to: Black Rose/Green Sun from Vol.7 of the Homestuck soundtrack (I listen to instrumental stuff when I’m trying to get work done)
5. Time you cried: no idea
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Been cheated on: no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: eh
9. Lost someone special: of course
10. Been depressed: always
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
1. lavender 2. cerulean 3. deeper purple? idk
15. Made new friends: yeah!
16. Fallen out of love: not yet
17. Laughed until you cried: definitely
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yup
19. Met someone who changed you: that’s a hard one… but I think so?
20. Found out who your true friends are: oh yeah
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes? not in 2017 but in the past year? or wait idk it was the December before last nevermind
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them?
23. Do you have any pets: family has two, the friend im living with has a cat
24. Do you want to change your name:  not really, tho I love when ppl give me nicknames
25. What did you do for your last birthday: it was just a pretty much normal day at the beach. tho I got special dessert and it felt cool cos its a day that only happens once a year
26. What time did you wake up: 9:15 ish
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: writing 😂
28. Name something you cannot wait for: getting a damn job
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: a few days ago?
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: just one? be neurotypical. like please no adhd or anxiety or depression that would help so much
31. What are you listening to right now: still homestuck music
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: probably?
33. Something getting on your nerves: my brain
34. Most visited website: google docs and tumbrl probs
35. Elementary: yes?
36. High school: yes?
37. College: yes?
38. Hair color: brown with pink tips
39. Long or short hair: medium
40. Do you have a crush on someone: always do
41. What do you like about yourself: that I can make people laugh. and validate them sometimes
42. Piercings: ears
43. Blood type: no idea
44. Nickname: blue, lina, alinka (my parents)
45. Relationship status: single (like ive been for all but two months of my life)
46. Zodiac sign: gemini
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: oh god I have no idea anymore. leverage? star trek?
49. Tattoos: sunflower with a moon on my left shoulder (and want more now)
50. Right or left hand: if you mean i’m a rightie?
51. Surgery: ummm never really? i had an endoscopy in fifth grade but thats not really surgery is it?
52. Piercing:  7
54. Sport: soccer in elementary school for a year?
55. Vacation: russia probably?
56. Pair of trainers: what are we, british? i have no idea
57. Eating: had funky pb&j
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: write more college au with @poorunfortunateseouls
61. Waiting for: me to get a life
62. Want: to get a job and a nice apartment
63. Get married: not particularly?
64. Career: editor at a publishing company would be lovely
65. Hugs or kisses: both pls
66. Lips or eyes: idk?
67. Shorter or taller: idc
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ???
71. Sensitive or loud: i am both
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship?
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idek man these are weird
74. Kissed a stranger?: nope
75. Drank hard liquor?: possibly? idk if rum or cognac count
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses?: never had any
77. Turned someone down?: yup
78. Had sex on first date?: definitely not 😂
79. Broken someone’s heart?: probably
80. Had your heart broken?: definitely
81. Been arrested?: nope
82. Cried when someone died?: yeah
83. Fallen for a friend?: maybe?
84. Yourself?: sometimes
85. Miracles?: not really
86. Love at first sight?: crush at first sight
87. Santa Claus?: im jewish
88. Kiss on the first date?: depends
89. Angels?: nah
90. Current best friend’s name: Erin!!!! (the person I’ve tagged in this post like three times)
91. Eye color: hazel
92. Favorite movie: currently? jupiter ascending possibly
I tag anyone who’s gotten this far… too lazy to actually tag people, sorry
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