#sorry if i repeated the same sentence twice or whatever im tired and my meds are wearing off lmao
warioforpresident · 2 years
man i swear all of this endless 'transandrophobia' diskhorse is just people INTENTIONALLY misunderstanding and misinterpreting everything us transmacs say at this point.
a transman could literally write a well-thought-out, perfectly logical post explaining WHY we need/use the term and a million people (including other transmascs that lack basic reading comprehension for some reason??) will immediately view the post's content in the most bad-faith-take way possible. like this shit is INTENTIONAL at this point we've explained 1001010 times WHY the term is useful and you guys are STILL not getting it and making up insane conspiracy theories about us 'bEiNg teRfs' whilst actual terfs and transmisognysts are spewing the exact same 'just call it misogyny' rhetoric that Y'ALL are spewing. like. bro are you READING the posts radfems/terfs are making about all this diskhorse as they watch from the sidelines??? they're literally mocking transmascs for calling it 'transandrophobia' instead of misogyny... which is the same thing you 'Anti tmras' are saying... look in the MIRROR lol
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