warioforpresident · 2 years
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✨☦️ A μ o γ o ς ☦️✨
😇🙏 😇🙏 😇🙏 😇🙏
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warioforpresident · 2 years
So transmisogyny and misogynoir don't just come from "I experience misogyny and transphobia/racism." They come from the experience of being a trans+woman and a Black+woman respectively; you cannot divide someone's transness from their womanhood, nor someone's Blackness from their womanhood. It's not just adding two unrelated forms of bigotry, it's it's own thing because a trans woman's transness affects her womanhood and her womanhood affects her transness. It's not just transphobia and misogyny experienced separately, it's transmisogyny. It's not just racism and misogyny experienced separately, it's misogynoir. They exist as their own form of bigotry, not just as two things put together.
There is nothing about that, which makes it untrue for marginalized men. You cannot divide a trans man's transness from his manhood, or a Black man's Blackness from his manhood. Being a man does not somehow set your gender apart from the rest of your being. A trans man's transness affects his manhood, and his manhood affects his transness. Sure, maybe he doesn't experience transphobia and androphobia, or maybe a Black man doesn't experience racism and androphobia. But they experience the intersection of race and gender or transness and gender, which plays a role in bias against them. Transmisogyny and misogynoir exist because being a marginalized person affects your experience with gender on a core level, and changes how you experience gender in society. That doesn't stop being true when you are a man. "Androphobia" doesn't have to exist as a systematic oppression of all men for marginalized men's to have their manhood weaponized against them.
Additionally, because I feel like this is an fear people have: transandrophobia/transmisandry and misandronoir (or whatever term is used) existing does not mean that men cannot be misogynistic. Acknowledging how gender can play a role in marginalized men's oppression does not mean those men are suddenly immune from any criticism. It's not an either/or thing: we can both discuss misogyny and how it's perpetuated and also discuss how men's gender can play a role in their oppression.
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warioforpresident · 2 years
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We Are Here pt 1/?
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warioforpresident · 2 years
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[ID: Person facing backwards with a mohawk and a pup-play hood. They are wearing a leather jacket embellished with spikes, an inverted pink triangle, a BDSM symbol, and a back-patch with the words: ask to pet do not seperate dog from handler. The patch also features a pup-play leather-kink flag. They have an orange handkerchief in their left back pocket.]
Inspired by the post by @border-collie about “service dog do not pet” patches on punk jackets.
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warioforpresident · 2 years
Disillusionment with sexual culture/discomfort =/= asexuality
As an inclusionist, I just wanted to say:
If you currently identify as asexual, or a considering/questioning whether you may be asexual, I implore you to consider whether your feelings of asexuality/disillusionment from our sex-obsessed culture genuinely stems from a lack of sexual desire, or an intense repulsion/aversion/discomfort to the concept of sex as defined by our current cultural concept of being forefronted by hookup culture and sex being treated/viewed as an act you do TO someone, rather than WITH someone.
Being deeply uncomfortable with sex and lacking sexual attraction are, contrary to popular belief, not the same thing.
Lacking sexual attraction (asexuality) can make you feel uncomfortable with the concept of having sex, because you feel as if the activity serves no purpose and does nothing for you, personally.
Feeling repulsed and uncomfortable with the idea of having sex does not, in itself, indicate a genuine LACK of sexual attraction or desire.
Feeling deeply uncomfortable with HOW you are expected to have sex, how sex is treated and viewed culturally, feeling uncomfortable having your body objectified and used sexually is actually extremely common and dare I say, standard, especially amongst teenagers, ESPECIALLY if you have a physically disabled body, are fat, a person of colour, trans, ETC. (since those minority groups listed often have sexual shame/sexual stereotypes/fetishization/dehumanization/loaded expectations placed on their bodies where nothing they do with their bodies is viewed as neutral, everything is politicised and policed and navigating that in a hypersexual society is an uphill battle.)
Anyways. I haven’t even touched on the fact that some asexuals have sex DESPITE lacking desire (pandora’s box), or the spectrum in more detail (hoo boy) but you get the point, this is Tumblr DOT com not an essay platform.
Godspeed fellow Onceler fuckers and goodnight
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warioforpresident · 2 years
“trans men have male privilege!!!!!!!!!!”
let’s take a look.
here’s some examples of male privilege from an article i found:
“you’re not said to be going against your gender’s “natural instinct” or your role in society by not having children.”
trans men are barred from gender affirming care, often on the basis that people think we should be having babies. also there are many groups of people who can get pregnant who deal with the opposite, who are encouraged not to have children or even forcibly sterilized.
“the media, popular sex advice, and normative definitions of sex focus primarily on your pleasure, especially if you’re cisgender.”
i have literally never once seen trans men mentioned in the media in regards to sex advice or positivity, and the fact the author tagged on that “especially if you’re cisgender” shows me they have never in their life spoken to a trans man.
“school sex ed, religious values, and other pervasive sources of sexual norms don’t treat your gender as more dirty, impure, and undesirable for losing your virginity.”
except they do, because most of us grew up assumed to be or forced to be girls, so we heard and internalized all this along with the cis girls.
“school sex ed, religious values, and other pervasive sources of sexual norms don’t treat your gender as more dirty, impure, and undesirable for losing your virginity.”
same as above, with the added element of “being trans is morally wrong and dirty and disgusting.”
“most pornography is made with your gender in mind (and it creates some pretty damaging ideas about women and other genders).”
there is very, very, very little pornography made with trans men in mind, and the stuff that is is made for chasers.
“you can be open about enjoying sex without people feeling automatically entitled to have sex with you.”
we actually can’t, because of our “lifestyle of degeneracy” and even the most woke cis people wring their hands when it comes to the question of sex with trans men. not to mention the constant harassment we receive from cis people who insist that they’re not transphobic while making it very clear that they think trans men’s bodies are disgusting and they would never in a million years sleep with us.
“you can make changes to your appearance like a haircut or dye without assumptions that you’re doing it for men.”
every change a trans man makes is put under a microscope. we are assumed to be doing it to “pass”, aka….. doing it for men, and other cis people.
“products like viagra exist with the aim of helping cisgender men maintain their sex lives as they get older, and social norms congratulate you for doing so. there is far less support for women to continue being sexual beings as they age.”
i guess you just forgot trans men exist with this one.
“you can be expressive about your sexuality in conversation, art, music, and more, without people accusing you of ‘using your body to get by’.”
nope. our art is suppressed, and when it’s not, it is under an intense amount of scrutiny, with people often saying that the only reason it’s successful is because we’re trans, not because it’s good art. and god forbid the art is about being trans.
“you can participate in kink, BDSM, and other alternative sexual practices without being judged as a “slut” or facing assumptions that you’re not in control of your own sexual choices.”
did we forget about the fact that people call trans people sexual deviants? or that there are people on this website who stalk and sexually harass trans men for their private sex lives?
“you’re less likely to be the target of street harassment. the majority of women have experienced street harassment in their lives, and most of the men who do are queer or gender non-conforming.”
so we’re just admitting that we consider white cishet men to be the owners of manhood? 
“you can turn down a date without worrying about being verbally attacked, physically assaulted, or even killed.”
nope, most of us face the exact same bullshit, but with an added element of transphobia.
“you’re less likely to experience intimate partner violence.”
false again. we experience incredibly high rates of intimate partner violence, again with an added element of transphobia and exacerbated by the fact we are economically disenfranchised, leading to higher likelihoods of financial abuse.
“you’re less likely to be raped, especially if you never go to prison.”
trans men actually have higher rates of rape than any other demographic.
“you’re less likely to be homeless as a result of intimate partner violence. Half of all homeless women and children in the US are fleeing intimate partner violence.”
trans men are more likely to be homeless than cis women, and are more likely to be turned away from domestic violence shelters because of their appearance and gender.
“you can enjoy partying without people blaming your “lifestyle” if you’re sexually assaulted.”
do i really have to explain why saying trans men won’t be blamed for our “lifestyle” is incorrect?
“doctors are more likely to take you seriously when you tell them your symptoms.”
trans men face higher rates of medical neglect and healthcare avoidance because of that medical neglect than cis women because we face both medical misogyny and medical transphobia.
“while medical research often ignores women and other genders, you get the benefits like research focusing on the heart attack symptoms you’re more likely to experience.”
again, just forgetting trans men exist.
“you’re less likely to have your physical illness symptoms attributed to psychological factors. For instance, when men and women with identical symptoms mention stress, doctors are more likely to overlook a woman’s symptoms of heart disease.”
incorrect, we often face the same medical neglect as cis women, with, again, an added element of transphobia. for example, doctors will often completely disregard our actual issues and just blame it on the testosterone if we are on hrt to the point we literally have a specific name for it: trans broken arm syndrome. 
“you can show your nipples in public, and are less likely to be harassed overall for showing some skin – even when women in public are using breasts for breastfeeding, they can be subject to harassment.”
do i really have to explain why trans men, whether they’ve had top surgery or not, can’t safely be shirtless in public?
“you can easily enjoy sports with athletes of your gender, as men’s sports get more airtime and promotion than women’s sports.”
there are very, very few athletes who are trans men, and it’s difficult for trans men to join men’s sports in the first place because cis men will often become violent if the trans man is better at the sport than they are.
“you can use the internet without being harassed.”
“your gender is more represented in film, with women making up 12% of protagonists, 29% of major characters, and 30% of speaking characters in the top 100 grossing films.”
i can count on hand the number of trans men i’ve seen on the big screen.
“you don’t have politicians primarily of another gender making laws to control your gender’s bodies.”
again, HAH.
“there are more lawmakers of your gender determining the rules we all have to live by. for instance, women make up not even 20% of congress.”
according to a study done by an associate at harvard, during the year the study was done, there were 36 transgender people running for government positions. only 6 of them were trans men.
“you can have strong political opinions without people calling you a “feminazi” or judging you for being “opinionated.”
trans men get crucified on social media and in real life day in and day out for simply saying we have a right to exist.
“as a parent, you get more professional opportunities – avoiding the “motherhood penalty” that hurts women’s careers if they have children.”
don’t even know where to start with the cisnormativity. anyway trans men can be birth parents and face a shit ton of discrimination for it.
“you have a lower risk of living in poverty. 1 in 7 women and 4 in 10 single-mother families are poor, with the poverty rate for native american, black, and latina women at almost double the rate for white women.”
trans men have a higher risk of poverty than cis women, especially if they are not white or are disabled.
“you can put little time into your appearance without a negative impact on your work life, like having people believe you’re unprofessional or not put together.”
trans men have to agonize over tiny details about our appearance in order to gain a tiny amount of respect from cis people. this includes in the workplace.
“you can spend less on products to maintain your “professional” appearance. women are expected to spend more on clothing, accessories, and beauty products, even when they’re earning less.”
trans men have to spend thousands of dollars on surgeries and hrt, new clothing, makeup, other things to help us pass. if we don’t do that, or don’t want to do that, then we are subject to an immense amount of scrutiny.
“if you’re never promoted, it’s not because of your gender.”
“you’re not expected to put in unpaid emotional labor, like maintaining office harmony, in addition to your work duties. people don’t believe that your gender is just more suited to this often unrecognized and uncompensated work.”
trans people are often expected to put in an incredible amount of emotional labor in the workplace, especially if they are out, and even then our workplaces aren’t always safe. it’s why we have higher rates of unemployment than cis people.
“you aren’t raised to believe your gender is inherently more delicate or weak with phrases like “you throw like a girl.”
more cisnormativity.
“as you’re growing up, you have more positive role models of your gender to choose from in media, history books, fiction, and more.”
cisnormativity 2.0. i didn’t even know trans men existed until i was well into adulthood.
“If you’re religious, you can find a place of worship that doesn’t treat your gender as inferior. for instance, feminist christian churches exist, but in many areas, the only options for worship are churches that follow patriarchal traditions.”
not only is this christonormative, but also ignores the fact that most if not all religious spaces are either not welcoming or actively hostile to trans people, including trans men.
also, most of these examples don’t take into account intersectionality but that’s not surprising.
in conclusion:
begging y’all to use a single fucking brain cell.
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warioforpresident · 2 years
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warioforpresident · 2 years
i really don’t like the way “not like other girls” are discussed. i don’t like the way that they’re seen as misogynistic for disliking femininity and not for not respecting other girls (which can be understandable if you’re 14 and gender conforming girls constantly ridicule you for not being like them). i don’t like how conforming to femininity is seen as a cure for this stage + how they’re used as a gotcha to say that gender conforming girls and women are treated more poorly than gnc people. and i don’t like how grown adults don’t understand the thought process that brings a child to thinking like that. i don’t like how it takes 0 seconds for it to turn into a dunk on girls (or ppl perceived as girls) who don’t conform to femininty. but that’s just me maybe
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warioforpresident · 2 years
Rapidly approaching the point of unfollowing people who clown on "Let men be masculine" posts, regardless of how close I am to them.
Like, you know trans men exist, right? You know there are men who have trauma regarding feminine clothing and make up? Men who get treated as "woman lite", who get portrayed as slim waifish twinks?
You know there are men who get told that testosterone is poison? Who are warned about mutilating their beautiful, pure, feminine breasts? Who are told they'll be ugly if they grow facial hair or go bald?
You know you follow one of those men???
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warioforpresident · 2 years
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warioforpresident · 2 years
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like close-up magic / more
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warioforpresident · 2 years
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warioforpresident · 2 years
not to Disk Horse re CT @normal-horoscopes' post yesterday but they remain completely right -- I don't think terfs can even imagine that when I wake up, walk my dog, go to work, etc., ppl largely just. Don't care?
Like my body is clearly one you get only by transing your gender in a very queer way, and that's not a problem! Trans folks aren't terrifying. No one faints at the sight of me. I use the least busy washroom and no one's harmed! Kids on the street just wanna pet my dog! If someone misgenders me, they're corrected and move on! Most people -- myself included -- aren't constantly assessing gender.
TERFs/radfems/""gender criticals"" and fascists (and tbh, where's the line) are the only ones so passionately obsessed with policing gender and stamping out diversity. Most people -- even ignorant people, who've never (knowingly) met a trans person before -- are normal about it.
Transphobes are losing, and they will lose, because trans people will always exist. We'll always find ourselves, build community, live our lives, and people around us will be fine.
You ideologues will keep cataloguing skull measurements and q ratios and joylessly hyperanalyzing each other's bodies.
We'll keep living.
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warioforpresident · 2 years
Kumi Yokoyama (he/they)
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Kumi Yokoyama is a transgender soccer player. They play as a forward for the NWSL team NJ/NY Gotham FC and the Japan women’s national team. His achievements include a bronze medal from the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup and a silver medal from the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup.
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warioforpresident · 2 years
i need to stop picking at my face but the problem is theres Textures On There and i would prefer if there Werent
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warioforpresident · 2 years
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warioforpresident · 2 years
realizing cis women also struggle with “passing” a lot of times and has a lot of the same issues with dysphoria trans women have (issues with putting on/losing weight, dissatisfied with bust size, not feeling “feminine” enough, etc.) has done a lot to combat dysphoria for me, cause it’s like, wow, we really have a lot more in common than we have in difference huh
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