#sorry if it looks bad onto tumblr mobile will let me put labels on
spnmcrphangirl · 5 years
Free Write Friday #8 ?/?/2018
Prompt: Unease
A/N: So I was going to have a writing request to show for Friday, which fell through.  Not to say I think they were being unreasonable, but if anyone else wants me to write about their character or idea, please do not send me a link to a specific page or post about it because I work mostly on mobile and the links only send me to the profile!  You can send people posts and if anyone wants me to write about their character, setting, or otherwise, I would love to, just please send me the post directly!  I do not use Tumblr avidly and did not realize until I hopped on my laptop that the links only work if I open them in a new tab or window.  I only really use this site for writing!!  I am so sorry to the person who thought I was snooping, if you see this I was really flattered and excited that you asked me to write about your/your friend’s/other’s OC.
Also this is going to be very unedited since I am posting directly after I type this up, so it won’t be my best work.  And it ended up being a lot longer than the original! So if you wanted to see longer writing from me, here ya go!
I winced as I cut along the back of my arm, letting the blood pool into the small bowl I had stolen from my mom.  
“Why didn’t you just cut your palm, no one does their forearm?” Judi sneered.
“Less nerve endings, hurts less,” I mumbled, covering the long wound with an Ace bandage and wrapping it tightly around my arm.  
“Well if it hurts less, stop complaining and get it done,” Judi huffed, crossing her arms.
“If you think it’s not so bad, why don’t you do it,” I shot back.  She put her hands up.
“You’re the one who knows what you’re doing.”
I shook my head but painted my own blood across the top of the stump, swirling motions creating intricate patterns, using everything that I had poured into the bowl.  “This is not a good idea.”  I stood up, finished.  I placed the bowl on the ground beside the stump.
“You’re just scared,” Judi scoffed.
I ignored her.  “Don’t let me forget the bowl.  My mom will know and she will kill me.”
“Scared-y Sa-am,” Judi sang.
 It wasn’t that I was scared.  I just had that tingling feeling you get in your bones when you know that something is going to go wrong.  “This is not a good idea,” I hissed under my breath to Lilly, whose shaking arms kept brushing my side and making me jump.  She shook her head in solemn agreement.  
“I said so, I said so,” she mumbled over and over to herself.
“Oh, come on, guys.  It’s just the Warner House,” Judi said coolly.  “I’ve been here hundreds of times and nothin’ bad’s ever happened.”
“Yeah, sure, just the Warner House,” I mocked.  “The sheer number of stories about kids dying or disappearing in here isn’t enough to keep you away?”  My voice changed from mocking to anger, both to mask my fear.  
She shrugged.  “Maybe we’ll find a dead body,” she giggled.
I exhaled and waved my head around, desperately trying to force my stomach back down and out of my throat.  “Don’t you remember who just recently went missing?”
“What, your stupid boyfriend?  I never liked him anyway.”
“He wasn’t stupid!  And he wasn’t my boyfriend!”  I snapped.  “Don’t you remember who went missing before him?”  If she could play dirty, so could I.
Judi froze.  “We don’t talk about that,” she spat back and stomped into the house.  “ZACK,” she called for him.  She wasn’t going to find him.  He had been gone too long.  
Lilly and I exchanged looks and sighs before following her.  We followed her calls for her younger brother, down the second corridor on the right.  
Suspicious floorboards groaned under our weight as we ducked under thick cobwebs.  Lilly jumped, knocking into me and pushing out a sharp exhale.  I shoved her to the side, shaking my head.  “If everything scares you, let me go first,” I sighed.  
Lilly came up to my shoulder.  “If she’s looking for him, are you gonna-”
“No,” I cut her off. 
“You know where he was last-”
“Yeah, right where Judi thinks she’ll find Zack.  She’s first priority; I’m not losing another person to this fucking house.”  We kept walking, listening to Judi’s increasingly frantic calls for her brother.  
“What if we die, what if we go missing, what will everyone think?”  Lilly asked, anxiety quickly enveloping her.  She was too close.  She was breathing heavy and quickly in my ear, too for my liking, so I shoved her against the wall.  A cloud of dust flew out from all around her, contaminating the already unclean air.
“Listen,” I growled.  She squeaked and I shook her.  “Listen.  Zack is gone.  So is E.  I can’t lose you or Judi, okay?”  
She let out a short, and frightened yet sympathetic hum.  
The tingling crept up my spine, my hairs standing on end.  We fell into silence, walking through the maze of steep stairways, dark corridors, and dead ends.  “I don’t have a good feeling about this,” I breathed, beginning to run.
Lilly’s footsteps were loud and almost booming behind me, and I quietly scolded her.  We heard Judi scream and my mind flashed back to when I lost E.  I sprinted even harder to find a door labeled 212144A.  I would have missed it had thick, crimson blood had not been seeping out from beneath the door.  
Though it was futile, I violently rattled the door handle, finding it melting through my fingers.  I swore, scooping up a handful of liquid and drawing the sigils I had researched.  I slammed my hand into the sigil and burning white light sprayed my face.  I closed my eyes tightly and the door crumbled in front of me.  It burst open like a bomb went off inside my skull.  
Three bodies fell out of the room, and I quickly painted the same symbol I had on the stump on the bodies, myself and Lilly, putting everyone’s hand together as much as I could.  
We appeared beside the stump, Lilly and I panting from the stress.  All three bodies were pale and turning blue.  I turned them over to reveal Judi, Zack, and E.  I felt my dinner rise into my throat.  “No, E,” I moaned.  
“We have to go,” Lilly tugged urgently on my arm.  I nodded and we began to drag our friends through the woods.  When we were off the property and in the thick of the woods, where the light was fading and visibility was decreasing, I froze, noticing I still had goosebumps and my hair was still on end.  “Something’s coming,” I whispered.  
E gasped awake.  “He’s coming to claim what’s his.”
“E?” I exclaimed.  “Who?”
“Noah Warner,” Zack coughed, blood spewing onto the forest floor.
“And now he’s after you,” Judi croaked, her lips cracked and her eyes bloodshot.
“You cannot get away,” E said, and I turned to see a massive shadow.
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