#sorry if this is long i just wanna clear some shit up JHBKNM
gerrydelano · 4 years
i hope this isn't an invasive question or anything, but how are you feeling about your old butch georgie stuff these days? if you don't ID as butch anymore
well, regardless of how i feel now, i still ID’d that way very sincerely when i wrote it and i still adhere to the headcanon with much love! i still have just as much admiration and respect for it as i did then. i won’t really know all my feelings until i feel more at home in my Physical Form in general so like? who knows how i’ll identify in the future. i sure don’t. and it doesn’t really matter!
overall, butch sets a prime example of the type of tender, compassionate masculinity i still want to cultivate even if i don’t use the word at a given time when a Bigender Swing leaves me hanging around in boy town, y’know? it doesn’t mean i suddenly want to Be Just Like A Cis Man or something, or that i didn’t take anything fulfilling from my time using the word and engaging in the community. that mattered! and still does.
so, i don’t see what would change about my butch georgie stuff! just because my personal identity changed a little doesn’t mean that stuff is hollow now; i write everybody with different demographics and i certainly don’t fit into all of them myself. butch georgie still means a lot to me and it’s still going to be written consistently in all future GTCU content, so. just because i’m currently distancing myself from it a little doesn’t mean i’m going to change any of my headcanons or something, etc. it’s still important, and still something i put a lot of genuine feeling into.
EDIT 8/28/21: i still ID as butch and probably always will! this ask sits wrong with me and i think about it every so often and one day i'll get back on my laptop and revise this but for now i want to just put this here for myself.
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