#sorry if this took long!! i didnt see the notif until 10 mins ago haha
normalsnails · 6 months
I'm also curious about headcanons about Rika you might have 👉👈 (also Yuri tbh 👀)
Oo alright! Thanks for asking!!
He is SUCH a history nerd, like ik i say this about almost every character but i can just see it with rika
He definitely knows how to do hair, i can picture him doing Yuri’s hair whilst they hang out (which is, like, all the time)
Has always struggled with his mental heath, but he keeps it bottled up
He’s the type of person to have a few friends (1-3) or none at all, i’m sure he’s well-liked at school though, but he’s very reserved
Crazy Smart, like im talking straight A*’s on his tests
Very well-read, if you name a book he’s probably read it
^ I can see him being fond of Shakespeare (same rika same 🙏)
Speaks english, not fluent but can understand most things (learnt a bit from his brother, rest in school and in his own time)
I can imagine a scenario where a substitute teacher was teaching one of his classes and they called out “honjo? Is she here?” for registration <\3
Now for yuri! I have a few on her
Popular, has a lot of friends
Has a fluctuating music taste, one day she listens to j-pop, the other day she listens to american music, ect.
Very caught up on pop-culture, knows everything about celebrities and idols
In a theatre club at school
Has cute pins on her bag and tried to persuade Rika into getting matching ones with her (failed)
Has once tried to bake cookies for Rika’s birthday and ended up burning the oven
Thats all i can remember for now but if i have more then i’ll rb :>
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