timelordtardis · 3 years
The Doctor: ‘When something goes missing, you can always recreate it by the hole it left. I know her name was Clara. I know we travelled together. I know that there was an Ice Warrior on a submarine and a mummy on the Orient Express. I know we sat together in the Cloisters and she told me something very important but I’ve no idea what she said. Or what she looked like. Or how she talked. Or laughed. There’s nothing there. Just nothing.’
Clara: ‘Are you looking for her?
The Doctor: ‘I’m trying.’
Clara: ‘She could be anyone, right? You don’t know who you’re looking for. I mean, she could be me for all you know.’
The Doctor: ‘There’s one thing that I know about her, just one thing. If I met her again, I would absolutely know.’
Doctor Who | 9x12 Hell Bent
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timelordtardis · 3 years
“It's a natural progression in any profession for the student to become the teacher, the mentee to become the mentor. It's not that much different from parenting. We learn from our ancestors how to make the perfect soup, how to soothe an aching head or hurt. We measure milestones in percentiles and first steps to try and gain insight into the person they'll grow into. As if knowing a bunch of numbers on charts is any true measure of what we might make of ourselves. No one said it was easy, becoming the person you're meant to be. It takes bravery to step into the power you found and earned and deserve. The trick is, to take the people who were there for you, with you, to remind you you're not alone. You have an entire legacy behind you as you create your own.” -Jackson Avery | Grey’s Anatomy, 17x14 ‘Look up child.
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At least the three of them will be together in Boston
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timelordtardis · 3 years
“We’re meant to be.” - Slexie | Grey’s Anatomy 8x24
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“Dear Lizzie, hopefully this can give you some perspective on who I used to be. When I was your age, I remember feeling like I was a total mess, like I was waiting to become a better version of me so my real life could start. But it wasn’t becoming a vampire that changed everything. Change is a series of small moments that build on each other, like steps up the side of a mountain. Your life isn’t on hold until you figure everything out. It’s already happening. You’re already changing, moment by moment. And Elizabeth, there is nothing wrong with you. Your brain chemistry creates unique challenges for you, but you are not broken. You are growing and changing everyday, and it’s beautiful to watch.” -Caroline Forbes | Legacies, 3x3 Salvatore school the musical
I cried so hard during this scene
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“I just want you to know, there are worlds out there, safe in the sky because of her. That there are people living in the light, and singing songs of Donna Noble, a thousand, million light years away. They will never forget her, while she can never remember. And for one moment... one shining moment... She was the most important woman in the whole wide universe.” -10th Doctor | Doctor Who, 3x13 Journey’s End
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“Sometimes when you think the storm has passed, you realize you were just in the eye of it.” Meredith Grey | Grey’s Anatomy, 17
Meredith dying from COVID or getting alzheimer?
Or better yet, Meredith living a happy life
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“Semper paratus. Always ready. What it really means is that we’re always ready to lose a member of our family. But when it’s time to face that emptiness, when you realize you’ll never see that face again, touch that skin, feel that warmth, listen to that heartbeat. The question is, are we ever really ready?” -Andy Herrera | 2x15, Always ready
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timelordtardis · 4 years
Shark puppy is literally the cutest thing I have seen this week
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Credits to Vress-shark on Deviantart.com
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timelordtardis · 4 years
I really need to post again but ✨motivation✨
Sorry people
So for now enjoy these gifs of one of our favorite inhumans
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timelordtardis · 4 years
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cw hire me to promote your shows please
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“This isn’t the Ark. Down here every live matters. If I say there is hope, there is hope. We don’t decide who lives and dies. Not down here. From now on we make the rules. I’m trying, I’m trying all the time. But everyone’s counting on me and it’s so hard. I can’t believe survived a hundred years just so we could slaughter each other.” Clarke Griffin | The 100
Happy birthday Eliza. Honored to share a birthday with you
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“In this world a species can only thrive when everything else around it thrives too. We need to learn how to work with nature, rather than against it.” - David Attenborough: A live on our planet
If you haven’t watched this documentary yet, please please please watch it. Everyone needs to see it. Humans are destroying the planet and we need to change right now.
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If this doesn’t convince you to help save the planet, watch how walruses are forced to live on cliffs because of what humans did to earth. It’s heartbreaking (it’s very graphic so only watch it if you’re sure you can handle it).
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“Everything ends and it’s always sad. But everything begins again too and that’s always happy. Be happy.” 12th Doctor | 10x1 The return of Doctor Mysterio
I know that for a lot of people (including myself) it’s hard to be happy right now, but please don’t forget all those happy moments in the past, they will come again❤️
Credit for edit: r/doctor who on Reddit
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timelordtardis · 4 years
This is def one of the best spiderman edits i’ve ever seen. The transitions are *chefs kiss*
From Akeditx on youtube!!
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timelordtardis · 4 years
Just like everybody who also watches The Walking Dead I’ve been waiting for months for episode 16 and an hour ago my brother told me that we can already watch it on the streamer we follow the show on so of course I immediately watched it and damn I loved it. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and can’t wait for what’s coming next
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“You’re always going to be afraid, even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like a companion, a constant companion, always there. But that’s ok. Because fear can bring us together. Fear can bring you home.” Clara Oswald | Doctor Who, 8x4 Listen
Just a part of Clara’s speech because this is my favorite part.
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timelordtardis · 4 years
“When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it'll never end. But however hard you try you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever, just for one moment, accepts it. Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today. Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call... everybody lives.” Professor River Song | Doctor Who, 4x9 Forest of the dead
By the time I reached the library episodes, I knew exactly who River was and that made it so hard to watch the two episodes. From the Doctor not knowing who she was to the moment she sacrificed herself for the one she trusted until the end of universe.
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