#sorry ig 😀👍
heartsoji · 2 years
"i'm sure. i promise."
suna rintaro x reader
summary: you're feeling a little insecure about you and rin's relationship. but who could blame you? you're at a party with a bunch of people you don't know and your boyfriend is catching up with an "old friend." that would be fine except for the fact that this so-called "old friend" is his ex and looks like she came out of a magazine.
hurt to comfort so its kinda angsty ig?? but not rly bc my heart can't take it lol
warnings: insecurities, body image, post time skip, mentions of alcohol
a/n pt. 2: i wrote this at like 1am bc i woke up and this is low-key inspired by the dream i had hehe bc u should always follow ur dreams 😀👍
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this. was. the worst.
to give a brief overview, you were at a club with at least a bajillion people because your boyfriend told you that it would be a "fun new experience." he gave you a kiss on the forehead upon seeing that you were nervous and the two of you walked in together.
now, you were sitting at the bar by yourself watching as another girl flirted with your boyfriend.
you were filled in on the backstory earlier. she went to inarizaki and she and suna dated for their first year and a small part of their second year of high school. she then had to move to the united states (specifically los angeles) and they ended up breaking up.
you had transferred to inarizaki in the middle of your second year, and you and suna started dating 3/4 through your third year, so you had never met her before. your classmates had never mentioned her before either. and when suna introduced you to the girl as his girlfriend, she shot you the nastiest glare before smiling sweetly at your boyfriend.
anyways, one thing led to another, and they got so caught up in chatting that they hadn't noticed how bored you were, nor had they noticed when you silently walked away.
after taking another sip of your drink, you let your eyes wander to the two of them.
a fatal mistake.
she was beautiful. no, stunning. no, show-stopping-looks-like-she-just-stepped-out-of-the-front-page-of-a-magazine-absolute-drop-dead-gorgeous was probably more accurate.
she was wearing a tiny black figure-hugging bodycon dress with a cutout just above her chest that looked amazing on her beautiful hourglass figure. she had platinum blond hair that was pulled up into a long high ponytail, big grey eyes, and shiny, clear skin.
you looked down at your own figure. then at hers. then back at yours. then hers.
though you knew it wouldn't do any good, your mind began to wander.
are these the kinds of girls rin likes?
she's so beautiful.. her waist is so tiny
i wish i could be half as pretty as her
what if rin still likes her?
what if rin doesn't actually love me..?
you knew that you needed to stop. you decided to slip out to get some fresh air.
you sat down on a bench at the park across the street (don't question why a place where children play is directly across from a club. just don't mention it) and inhaled the cool air. you were so relieved to be out of that club. so relieved that your eyelids began to feel heavy.
you awoke to a string of "ping! ping! ping!" rubbing your eyes sleepily, you opened your phone to see who would be texting you so urgently.
rinnie <3: where'd u go
rinnie <3: where r u
rinnie <3: hey bb where'd u go
rinnie <3: bubs?
rinnie <3: hey r u mad at me
rinnie <3: what did i do
rinnie <3: im sorry
rinnie <3: ok srsly where r u
rinnie <3: r u ok
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
rinnie <3: no srsly im actually worried where did u go
rinnie <3: BABE
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
There are 83 more messages from rinnie &lt;3. Click to continue!
you: sorry babe
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
you: i went outside for some fresh air
you: im at the park across the street
the club doors swing open and see your boyfriend's head furiously whipping around, trying to find you. when he sees you, he sprints over to where you're sitting.
"sorry babe." you apologize. "i didn't mean to worry you." you had never seen him look so frantic before.
"so you mean to say.." he starts before pausing to catch his breath, "that you thought that leaving without telling me and not responding to my texts wouldn't worry me?"
"i'm sorry." you say, before adding on a quick and quiet "to be fair though, you were having such a great time with ms. los angeles model that i didn't think that you would notice."
though it was quiet and muttered under your breath, suna heard it loud and clear. he sighed.
"look, we didn't break up because she was moving. we broke up because i was sick and tired of her nasty attitude. i just didn't want to be rude and say that in front of her. the only thing that's changed about her is that she's learned how to put a smile mask over her disgusting personality. a really phony one that's made out cling wrap with a sharpie smile and a bow."
you giggled slightly at this.
"look," he says softly, lifting up your chin to look you in the eyes. "you're the only one that i love. i promise, ok? you're so beautiful and sweet and it's crazy to me that god finally decided to give me some help and give me a chance with you."
he gave you a small smile.
"i love you, y/n. i love you so, so much."
and with that, he swooped you up in his arms bridal style and started walking.
"WOAH- rin where are we going?"
"but it'll take a while to walk home from here. shouldn't we just uber like we did here?"
"walking gives me more time to be close to you and talk to you."
"but you'll be walking while simultaneously holding me for a while."
he blinked. "i play professional volleyball. if you think that i can't take a walk home with my girlfriend in my arms, i'd honestly be pretty offended."
there was a brief moment of silence between the two of you.
"i'm sorry if i made you feel sad today, bubs. i love you so so much and i'll stop at nothing to make sure that you know that."
you smiled softly.
"that's what i like to see." he said, peppering ticklish kisses onto your neck to make you giggle a little.
"rin! stahahap-!" you giggle, trying to scrunch up and protect your neck.
"your laugh and smile are the two most precious things in the world."
you and rin talked the rest of the way home and he kept reminding you of how much he loved you.
when you finally got home, you asked him one final question.
"rin, are you sure that there's no more chemistry going on between you and ms. los angeles model?"
he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"i'm sure. i promise."
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thatstoomanysausages · 2 months
is Scott in your funky life thing (can’t spell sorry)
He is not! But not for long‼️‼️💥💥
GAY RIGHTS🏳️‍🌈‼️‼️‼️😭😭(Tomodachi Life)
- CuteGuy has been changed to Ariana Griande just because of how feminine I made CuteGuy😭, bear with, I’ll make CG again)
- As always I have short term memory loss and I forget if I have said this but: Lizzie and Pearl are besties
- I feel like I’ve said it before
- Getting Deja vu
- Just let it happen
- Grian: “It feels like I’ve known Joe all my life” The duo I never knew I needed
- Cuteguy has a fucking incredible poker face btw
- Iscared a fart out of BigB
- I gave Etho a ballet manual and now he is spinning in pirouettes around the room😭
- Tango is dreaming about being seaweed… good for him ig😀
- I got fried seafood as a gift😭
- Tango told me to go to Pearl cause she had a story to tell me and she’s saying FUCK ALL😭😭
- All men do is lie
- Joe and Ella (Pearl and Ren’s child) are friends ‼️‼️‼️‼️ COOL UNCLE VIBES‼️
- Martyn did an impression of Timmy and he just sounded the same but I can’t tell if the impression was shit or I made them have the same voice😭😭
- Joel wants to take Jimmy on a date oh my god😭😭
- The beach for sure😍
- HotGuy and Poultry man have had a fight guys
- I gave HG crisps and he calmed down instantly 😭😭 me
- Okay they made up
- That was rlly anticlimactic ‼️
- Joel and Jim are on the beach while they are both wearing dresses, one of which being a maid dress😭😭😭 PLEASE
- So… did a a judgement bay thing which is basically “choose a side”
- I drew a dick and vag on each side
- 16:4 (dick wins)
- Here are some honourable mentions:
- For dick:
- Etho: A kid would definitely choose this (😨 I mean… he’s not wrong😭)
- Tango: I went on my instinct (okay… go king..?)
- HotGuy: this is basically the only choice (gay rights‼️‼️ bisexual allegations destroyed in one fell swoop)
- Jimmy: This choice just feels right (I wanna say a slur rn…😟)
- Martyn: It makes the most sense (to you babes… to you)
- Grian: This is okay, isn’t it? (The internalised homophobia is crazy😭 (so real))
- Ariana Griande: There’s more than one correct answer (BISEXUAL QUEEN😍😍😍)
- And for the vag side (the correct one):
- Skizz: This one! My reasons are secret (my first day at high school, I hope no one notices I’m straight!!🥺🥺)
- Joel: A kid would definitely choose this (Pls Joel not you too😭😭)
- Lizzie: This one is so grown up (real! Liking vag is a very maturing experience😍😍😍😍 (I’m aroace))
- Okay, now: 3rd Life vs Last Life vs Double Life vs Limited Life
- 4:2:9:5‼️
- Mumbo (3rd): To tell the truth, I have no idea (yh cause you weren’t there babes😭)
- Grian (Double): This is basically the only choice (Yeah okay😭 Gayass)
- Scar (Double): Unbelievably, it’s a good choice (why both of you😭)
- Impulse (Double): I was under pressure to go here (😭HAHA)
- Pearl (Limited): A noice wouldn’t know to go to this one (SO TRUE‼️ LIMITED LIFE🔛🔝‼️)
- Did a men vs women vs both vs none
- Both won🩷💜💙 bisexual rights
- And to the surprise of no one, Grian and Scar were in the men’s section😭
- Ren, the only one in none: I was under pressure to go here (okay aroace with a wife king)
- yes confess in your flamenco dress
- “He didn’t even show up…” ARE YOU FUCKINF SERIOUS😭😭😭😭😭
- I’ll hyponise him… yes😍
- It did not work👍😍
- He’s kinda a buzzkill to be around😬
- Anyway
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zarovich · 1 year
lol so funny that i feel as if I can't open up to anyone anymore cuz ive been told by shitty ass friends in the past that im being too "negative" or "dramatic" if i speak my feelings so now i feel as if im traumatizing or hurting others even tho theyll beg me to open up to them cuz yknow some ppl aren't awful and do care about me. unfortunately i will feel immense guilt unless i either lie or downplay how i truly feel so sorry to those ppl but im broken husk ig 😀👍
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"i'm sure. i promise."
suna rintaro x reader
summary: you're feeling a little insecure about you and rin's relationship. but who could blame you? you're at a party with a bunch of people you don't know and your boyfriend is catching up with an "old friend." that would be fine except for the fact that this so-called "old friend" is his ex and looks like she came out of a magazine.
hurt to comfort so its kinda angsty ig?? but not rly bc my heart can't take it lol
warnings: insecurities, body image, post time skip, mentions of alcohol
a/n pt. 2: i wrote this at like 1am bc i woke up and this is low-key inspired by the dream i had hehe bc u should always follow ur dreams 😀👍
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this. was. the worst.
to give a brief overview, you were at a club with at least a bajillion people because your boyfriend told you that it would be a "fun new experience." he gave you a kiss on the forehead upon seeing that you were nervous and the two of you walked in together.
now, you were sitting at the bar by yourself watching as another girl flirted with your boyfriend.
you were filled in on the backstory earlier. she went to inarizaki and she and suna dated for their first year and a small part of their second year of high school. she then had to move to the united states (specifically los angeles) and they ended up breaking up.
you had transferred to inarizaki in the middle of your second year, and you and suna started dating 3/4 through your third year, so you had never met her before. your classmates had never mentioned her before either. and when suna introduced you to the girl as his girlfriend, she shot you the nastiest glare before smiling sweetly at your boyfriend.
anyways, one thing led to another, and they got so caught up in chatting that they hadn't noticed how bored you were, nor had they noticed when you silently walked away.
after taking another sip of your drink, you let your eyes wander to the two of them.
a fatal mistake.
she was beautiful. no, stunning. no, show-stopping-looks-like-she-just-stepped-out-of-the-front-page-of-a-magazine-absolute-drop-dead-gorgeous was probably more accurate.
she was wearing a tiny black figure-hugging bodycon dress with a cutout just above her chest that looked amazing on her beautiful hourglass figure. she had platinum blond hair that was pulled up into a long high ponytail, big grey eyes, and shiny, clear skin.
you looked down at your own figure. then at hers. then back at yours. then hers.
though you knew it wouldn't do any good, your mind began to wander.
are these the kinds of girls rin likes?
she's so beautiful.. her waist is so tiny
i wish i could be half as pretty as her
what if rin still likes her?
what if rin doesn't actually love me..?
you knew that you needed to stop. you decided to slip out to get some fresh air.
you sat down on a bench at the park across the street (don't question why a place where children play is directly across from a club. just don't mention it) and inhaled the cool air. you were so relieved to be out of that club. so relieved that your eyelids began to feel heavy.
you awoke to a string of "ping! ping! ping!" rubbing your eyes sleepily, you opened your phone to see who would be texting you so urgently.
rinnie <3: where'd u go
rinnie <3: where r u
rinnie <3: hey bb where'd u go
rinnie <3: bubs?
rinnie <3: hey r u mad at me
rinnie <3: what did i do
rinnie <3: im sorry
rinnie <3: ok srsly where r u
rinnie <3: r u ok
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
rinnie <3: no srsly im actually worried where did u go
rinnie <3: BABE
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
There are 83 more messages from rinnie <3. Click to continue!
you: sorry babe
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
you: i went outside for some fresh air
you: im at the park across the street
the club doors swing open and see your boyfriend's head furiously whipping around, trying to find you. when he sees you, he sprints over to where you're sitting.
"sorry babe." you apologize. "i didn't mean to worry you." you had never seen him look so frantic before.
"so you mean to say.." he starts before pausing to catch his breath, "that you thought that leaving without telling me and not responding to my texts wouldn't worry me?"
"i'm sorry." you say, before adding on a quick and quiet "to be fair though, you were having such a great time with ms. los angeles model that i didn't think that you would notice."
though it was quiet and muttered under your breath, suna heard it loud and clear. he sighed.
"look, we didn't break up because she was moving. we broke up because i was sick and tired of her nasty attitude. i just didn't want to be rude and say that in front of her. the only thing that's changed about her is that she's learned how to put a smile mask over her disgusting personality. a really phony one that's made out cling wrap with a sharpie smile and a bow."
you giggled slightly at this.
"look," he says softly, lifting up your chin to look you in the eyes. "you're the only one that i love. i promise, ok? you're so beautiful and sweet and it's crazy to me that god finally decided to give me some help and give me a chance with you."
he gave you a small smile.
"i love you, y/n. i love you so, so much."
and with that, he swooped you up in his arms bridal style and started walking.
"WOAH- rin where are we going?"
"but it'll take a while to walk home from here. shouldn't we just uber like we did here?"
"walking gives me more time to be close to you and talk to you."
"but you'll be walking while simultaneously holding me for a while."
he blinked. "i play professional volleyball. if you think that i can't take a walk home with my girlfriend in my arms, i'd honestly be pretty offended."
there was a brief moment of silence between the two of you.
"i'm sorry if i made you feel sad today, bubs. i love you so so much and i'll stop at nothing to make sure that you know that."
you smiled softly.
"that's what i like to see." he said, peppering ticklish kisses onto your neck to make you giggle a little.
"rin! stahahap-!" you giggle, trying to scrunch up and protect your neck.
"your laugh and smile are the two most precious things in the world."
you and rin talked the rest of the way home and he kept reminding you of how much he loved you.
when you finally got home, you asked him one final question.
"rin, are you sure that there's no more chemistry going on between you and ms. los angeles model?"
he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"i'm sure. i promise."
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skiiyoomin · 3 years
Hi love! I was hoping to make a enhypen reaction request to you doing a TikTok prank on them the audio “hey shawty is your man still around?” 💕💕💕💕💕
Hey!! I love the idea! I hope i got the right idea and I hope you like it! :))
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Content: gn! reader
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღHey shawty is your man still around? Tik Tok prank
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you silently cackled to yourself as you sat close to Heeseung, oblivious to your plan
as you started to record with the volume up, you eyed him, hoping for a reaction
and i swear, the glare this man sent towards your phone
you would've been scared if it wasn't for the fit of laughter that took over you
naturally, he was confused, like wtf why are you laughing, and thats when it hit him
he just fell for your prank 🤡
clown moment ✌️🤡
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Jay walked into the living room, unaware of your evil plan
when he heard the phone call, he didn't think much of it, although he did eye you curiously
however, when he heard the mans voice, it was a different story
he did not hesitate to snatch your phone, preparing himself for the big ass beating he was about to give
but then he came face to face with the recording
and then the glares where sent to you
r.i.p y/n ig 😀👍
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poor guy, he really wasn't expecting that
he kinda felt heartbroken :(
he would've expressed sadness a lot more if he wasn't having a fit of rage
he was expecting a big argument to come up but instead he saw you laughing your ass off
and now he's a confused boy
you were kinda forced to explain
although he's still kinda confused, he's also upset
so you better cheer him up :(
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ok so i feel like Sunghoon is a very pacifist kinda person
so he's normally not the type to get angry
but in that situation, he may have just lost his bonkers a bit
he went on a full ass rant about betrayal and trust
but he went back to being quiet when you explained the whole situation
stood there like 🧍 with a blank face ._.
it took a while for him to process everything...he's still kinda mad tho
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he's the type to be dramatic over everything
so what do you expect, this bish turns sassy af
like 🤨
and even when you explain that its a prank, he's still being dramatic
it's even funny, just imagine Sunoo fake falling with a hand over his heart due to 'heartbreak'
someone send him to the theater or something
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he was suspicious from the very beginning
the way you had a sneaky little smile on said everything
sorry bestie but he's a step ahead of you ✋😌
nevertheless, he let you have your fun and let you prank him
pretends to have a huge reaction just for the shits and giggles
good try but better luck next time ;)
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dramatic ass boy pt 2
he had a feeling you were up to something but he brushed it off
so yeah the phone call took him by surprise 🙃
and even if he did know it wasn't real, he still went dramatic mode
throws himself on top of you for revenge >:3
you can't escape the giant N-ki (•̀ᴗ•́)و
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star-puff · 4 years
ok here i am Again w a submission … so i think suga and yams would be Drawn to the Sweet Girl Surface … not to say they wouldnt like the rest of you but thats the thing that catches their attention!!! they see the like …… controlled chaos ykwim? suga would rlly vibe w it and tho yams is more controlled than chaos i think hed also appreciate the capital-F Flavor 😈💯 take him to flavortown, guy fieri 🗣🗣
another person i rlly see is shirabu (but would you like him Back ….) . i think he likes people who are competent and have Standards for what they consider quality work so i think that he would be kinda Interested 🙈 you bond over bitching over the other ppl in the group project and it turns into a friendship that goes Beyond the grade…only problem is hes um . kinda looking forward to your texts now and he doesnt know what to do.
i typed this whole thing abt suguru out but it was kinda incoherent so heres me trying again: its kinda like . dependent on which side he shows you . bc theres the part of him thats willing to do Whatever It Takes to win and is kind of um . An Asshole but its kind of that shirabu type where he knows you in a diff light than the Sweet Girl Surface . a quiet rivalry as you duke it out for being top of the class (a quick look at the wiki says hes in class 6 so you know he has A Brain) and its kinda like begrudging respect (and perhaps 👁 the realization that You’re Not So Different After All)
but if he Does know you as The Sweet Girl its different. my god is it different. you know the way he acts w mika …. the Good Boyfriend Suguru ….. even tho theres a panel where they go out to eat and she tells him she KNOWS hes a slimy bastard NSKDFSD i think if he isnt competing w you hes trying real hard to woo you …… if i were you id let him idk 🙈🙈 the grass jelly lookin kinda good tonite idk idk 🙈🙈🙈🙈
and finally its a bit situational but i do see makki 😈😈 the hard part is befriending him to the point where the Surface Layers you both have get peeled away but i think once they do theres a lot of laughter to be had …. its good times with good energy and Yes . bonding over shared opinions (and complaints)
this is obnoxiously long but i hope . i have answered the question 
nsdflksdf ARI YOU NEVER DISAPPOINT . ok let’s go through this one by one shall we .
suga and yams - I’M STILL CRYING OVER  “take him to flavortown, guy fieri 🗣🗣”. BUT SECOND OF ALL. this one actually . fits so well . i indeed radiate Controlled Chaos energy esp underneath the Sweet Girl exterior . i think i would send suga a keysmash and he just Knew that there was more than what it seems in Meg Town
shirabu - shirabu…sorry babe maybe after timeskip since you’re a doctor and i think my parents would be happy about that but! not with that 2am quarantine haircut 💔 But Yeah . bitching over groupmates does seem like my MO LMAO. we’d be doing a group project and we’d decide to split up the slides for like, 2 per person, but Shirabu’s and mine are the only ones that actually look good and not 1) 5 words max on a slide or 2) a copy-pasted wikipedia article. but he’s prbly gonna be left as an ig mutual only once our project is over 💔 maybe a convo every other month 💔💔 but he was a great groupmate and companion 😀👍
suguru - oh my god rivals to lovers . but onesided . honestly though i feel like . if it’s any class regarding Language (aka syntax, spelling, the objectively correct subjects) i would be So Competitive. like, obnoxiously competitive SDLFKD, but we would definitely have a Rivalry going on . (i’m going to pretend for a quick min that i’m Not a dumbass in regards to academics but its For The Scenario .) AND NSDLFKSDF i cannot see myself acting as the Sweet Girl to suguru . i just can’t. he’s the type i would shade nonstop to my friends i just know it . rivalry it is 🤝🤝🤝🤝   
makki - MAKKI 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 i think the same too. like if we Somehow got close enough to text daily i think we would vibe very well . i feel like we share the same sense of humor too SLFKS like. just make fun of Everything & not take life Too seriously. yeah . sigh. i just want a makki to liven up my day is that so much to ask 💔
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