#sorry im waiting to see the dr for hrt.
p-clodius-pulcher · 10 months
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stinkrascal · 2 years
High anon-omg I was able to see a dr today and get a script for HRT (I’m enby and afab) and I’m finally gonna start low dose T!!!!! I’m so happy my hubby said wow you seem so much more happier after you got the script and I’m like I can’t wait!!! I’ve got to wait for a prior authorization probably bc American insurance sucks esp government funded shit lmao.
But this is great news now bc my hubby has been mentally not well and is now unable to work so we r poorer than before and my son is having head surgery a second time so finally something good is happening for me. ILu and wanted to update you! Hope things are well for you! hugs!
hello high anon!!! thats really awesome news, im so happy for you for starting T !! hopefully it isnt too long of a wait, but even then its still exciting news!! im sorry to hear about your family struggling :( but at least you have some good news in to balance it out! i hope things get easier for your family, ily high anon good luck w life <3
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Testosterone shot and 10 months on HRT
I realised on my last update i said 12th shot its wrong sorry lol im on my 8th shot of testosterone my 3rd shot of Reandron if i am correct. i just had my T shot 11.15am on the 5th of April 2017 was meant to have it yesterday but got a letter on the monday to say i need my bloods checked so... i emailed my DR an asked how long after a Tshot can i go in for my blood work an she said to get my blood work done before my shot. so after ringing up my medical center i could only get in today but all good a day late is nothing. an since the 7th is only 2 days away i thought i will chuck in my 10 months update now since i may be busy friday. I cant believe i’m into the double digits >.< but mostly i cant believe im in this journey. OK changes, its all progressing i noticed some pimples coming up on my back o.o this i was horifide coz i thought i may not get pimples on my back lol, but its ok its worth it an pimples dont last. HAIR ok hair is nuts its so noticeable an its so cool how when my legs get wet the hair looks like it does an then when i dry them they get all fluffy lol argh so cool. my facial hair is coming in good my side burns hook up to my chin an neck hairs which is awesome, but i’m not letting it all grow in yet since my parents are still getting use to it all. so yes i am patient with them haha mostly since i live at home an i need to stay here for the time being.  also JUST the other day i noticed my eyebrows are getting thicker, like ok i have blonde eyebrows that are kinder getting darker but in some light you can see extra blonde hairs making my eyebrows look good. so yeah thats something new i noticed. next time i get my shot will be at my one year woop. my voice is still girly like its deep at sometimes so cant wait till it settles being deep an cant wait to look more masc in the facial areas.ok  see you in my 11 month update
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lisamccrack · 8 years
HRT Misery
I had an appointment this week to talk about hormone therapy. Turns out it wasn't really a discussion, more so "try this and see you in three months". What is it with three months? All healthcare providers seem to judge all medications, or medical advice, regardless of the issues, based on three months. There must be some unwritten rule that I am not aware of. Anyway, I took the prescription and have spent the last few days consulting Dr Google for statistics. Aside from the risks to further cancers.. ovarian & breast, to name a few... this HRT pill will cause me to have a withdrawal bleed. Every month. Erm 👀 no. Sorry. I don't think so. If I have to suffer a life of infertility, I am absolutely not prepared to have a fake period every month. That was my prize! No periods to worry about ever again!! I'm not going to take these pills until I see the Gyne doc at the end of the month. I know the risk of osteoporosis.. but it is just a risk, like the other caners are a risk by me taking the pills. I think a bit more digging is required here, and the menopausal symptoms aren't particularly bothering me. Yet. I have my MRI booked now too. Monday 13th March. I'm unsure when they will deliver the results to me, but I can feel the anxiety of 'wait' creeping back in. I mean, this is it. This is where my life is hanging, these results decide whether I can move on and rebuild my life. Im afraid they won't be what I want them to be. What do I do if they're not? I can't think like that. I keep hearing of people becoming terminal lately, and I struggle to understand how you come to terms with that news. I'm apart of a group on facebook and members die every week. It's enough to send anyone over the edge. I can never bring myself to leave it though. We're a community of people, all linked by one disease, but going through our own unique experiences. Everyone hoping and many praying for the same happy ending. In other news; today I discovered that even if you dont carry your own baby, you can still breastfeed! How amazing is that? Medical intervention, of course, but ultimately it means your body can still do something it was designed to do. So it would seem all is not lost. A little bit of positive information. Found on facebook, of all the places 😊
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