#sorry it took so long the demons called Inspiration and Motivation got ahold of me
kill0mtr · 1 year
25 for your oc verse!
25. best scene you havent yet written, but have an idea for?
context i guess?? seth goes to a seer to ask about his family. a seer (fortune teller thats actually legit, though they are quite vague and sometimes misleading) tells seth that he can find his family in a church down the street, he hasnt seen his family in YEARS, and he KNOWS his bio family is dead, so whats the seer up to?
(under the cut cuz it got long sorry)
seth (element of darkness) goes into a church building. the walls are wooden, with a red-purple carpet adorning the floor. seth is slowly but surely stepping towards where an altar would be, but instead theres a curtain covering the stage (idk what its called... yknow how in a church you go up some stairs and theres the altar and everything??? idk) the curtains a pale purplish blue. he grips the curtains, and tears them back, revealing a man writing something at a desk. the man looks up, and his eyes widens at seth. seth immediately summons shadows around him, getting into defensive.
the man stares at him, before raising his hand in greeting. "hello, are you alright?" seth makes the shadows recede, not realizing he had gone defensive. "im f-fine. i was, uh, told by a seer that my... family, uhm, would be here? who are you? you... are, uhm... well, uh, not who im trying to find." the man chuckles, eyes softening in understanding.
"my name is timothy. this church is now my home, as it was abandoned many years ago. and a seer, you say? you are aware that they mislead you, if they so desire?" timothy, a man in his middle ages with grey in his otherwise thick brown hair, plays with a clock hes working on. seth places his hand together, looking pensive.
"ah...then, uhm... i've been f-fooled? thats... i spent a few coins for that..." timothy looks at him. "how old are you, young man?" "i'll be turning, uhm, 21 in the fall, sir." timothy nods. "you remind me of my daughter. though... she's been missing... for quite a while now. she was quiet, and quite polite... i miss her, but i have not a clue where to start looking."
seth stared at him, memories of a fuzzy childhood coming to the forefront. "your...uhm, daughter? what...what was her name?" timothy paused his fiddling, face scrunching up. "sabrina... she disappeared when she was... oh, god, when she was 13. she... i should've been a better father. it's been 8 years and i never looked for her. i should have. i could have. i had all the time in the world, but..."
timothy paused his monolouge, noticing the pale face on seth. "oh! i apologize, you probably do not want to hear an old man ramble about missing children. you said you were trying to find your family?"
"sabrina. sabrina umbrud?" seth shakily asked, taking a step forward. "how... how did you know her last name? not just her last name, but mine as well. who are you?!" timothy reached for a screwdriver, eyes trained on seth's face.
"because, uh... i... i am... well, wow, this is..." seth fumbled over his words, looking around like the words would physically appear if he did. after a moment, seth blurted out, "do you know what transgender means?"
timothy looked bewildered, before his face morphed into understanding. "oh. is... are you implying what i think you are?"
seth nods quickly, shame creeping into his face. "i- yeah, i mean i- y'know, the hormones kind of changed my face, and i totally forgot about you, which, y'know, i REALLY shouldn't forget my own adoptive father, and-"
a hug interrupted him.
"i'm not sure i believe this, fully. but if this is real, and you are to be my... son. then... i'm sorry, i never looked for you. i... are you still- what should i call you?"
"seth. hi."
"seth... it's a nice name. i guess that seer was correct, after all."
ermm. i have no idea how to write characters. or if thats like, organic??? also this kinda turned into an actual story, oops
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