#sorry it’s just blowing my mind that tiffany blews and from my head to my middle finger we’re written on the same day
meat-wentz · 2 years
feb 18th 2008 what did you do to them to make them say these things…………….
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littlenightma · 5 years
I just read the one about the slashers confusing their s/o for a random victim and absolutely loved it. I wanted to ask, could I get the same premise but with Bubba, Chucky, and Freddy?
Note: Thank you, sweet Anon. Apparently, a lot of people really enjoyed them which really took me by surprise. I am glad you guys like what I write :)
Warnings: Mentions of blood and murder
• Bubba can tend to get a bit too excited and aggravated depending on how a situation goes.
• Unfortunately for his s/o, they happened to be around on a day where a victim happened to escape. His brothers went out to look for him while Bubba stayed back.
• He was kicking dirt and shaking his chainsaw in the air, huffing, and wailing. It just wasn’t fair. He almost had him!
• You would hear Bubba from the house and you became instantly worried. He didn’t like for you to be around him or his family during “play time” but he sounded pitiful as if he was hurt.
• Rubbing your hands on your apron from washing dishes, you went outside to see a small tornado of dirt and dust. They could see Bubba spinning around.
• They became worried but also relieved that he didn’t appear injured, however, he seemed upset so they decided to go and comfort him.
• Their clothes whipped around from the wind and your lungs became clogged with the air so you covered their mouth with their hands. Their eyes thrown shut with just a small slit to allow them to walk
• Bubba soon became tired, but he was still mad. He saw a small shadow behind him and without thinking, he assumed it was the victim trying to mess with him.
• Not today! He would not allow them to escape again. He would prove himself.
• He yelled loudly and spun around, his chainsaw roaring to life above his head. He swung down and stabbed them in their shoulder.
• They screamed but all that came out was a harsh cough. They fell on their side with a groan, not understanding why he was acting this way.
• “Bu-bb..b..a..” they spoke, but their words were hoarse and muffled. Too low for Bubba to hear or make out.
• Bubba gave another yell, swiping down once more and catching them in the leg. They screamed and feared that their time with the Sawyer family was up. They must have decided that they were going to be the next family meal.
• With one final cry, their vocal cords screeched out a painful
• “BUBBAAAA!!” Before their face buried itself in the red dirt, heartbeat slowing down from blood loss.
• Yes! He’d celebrate, hooping and hollering.
• His brothers would come back and he’d meet them eagerly, wanting to show them his good work, but he would stop dead in his tracks, chainsaw falling languidly in his hands.
• The boy from earlier was being dragged by his two brothers when be should have been laying just a few feet behind him. If he was with them, then who was…
• ?_?
• Bubba would freak the ever-loving fuck out and this is not an exaggeration.
• He’d cry and cry and cry until he couldn’t anymore and even then he’d still cry, begging for his family to help. His skill was using the chainsaw, not first-aid.
• “Shit, Bubba, you’ve really done fucked up this time.” Nubbins said, twiddling his fingers in stress because he was afraid that his favorite person would die.
• He’d be rocking himself in the corner of the living room as his older brother worked on you. It wasn’t the cleanest or the most precise work, but he did stop the bleeding and their heart rate increased to a steady pace.
• The family would use the bloodied water to flavor the dinner that night. His s/o wouldn’t mind as they knew it was their way of saying they are glad you are okay now.
• Bubba would sit next to their bed as you ate. He’d sometimes wipe their chin when they missed their mouth.
• “Bubba, I swear that I am fine. You scared me, but I know it was a mistake. We all make mistakes.”
• They would kiss his unmasked face to further prove their point.
• He’d solemnly nod, feeling a little better, and they would snuggle into his chest that night, finding comfort in Bubba’s soft body. His arms would be wrapped around them loosely, not wanting to hurt them any more than he had.
• Chop Top noticed Bubba’s untouched plate and elbowed his brother about it.
• “I don’t think Bubba is going to want to eat meat for a while.” Drayton said disappointingly, but he wouldn’t say much to Bubba. Not this time.
• It would be only half true. He’d eat meat, but he was staying far away from anything that contained anything of his s/o. He wouldn’t approve of dinner that night, but his s/o didn’t seem to mind so he relented. But he wouldn’t eat it. No, he wouldn’t eat it. He was the one who spilled their blood in the first place. Oh no, he wasn’t going to eat it. No, sir…
• This dream demon was having one hell of a time in someone’s dream turned nightmare.
• He’d have them running around scared and lost in his favorite nightmare scene. Rusted red pipes with hot steam blowing everywhere making the air humid and uncomfortable.
• “Come here, Little Piggy!” he’d cackle, blades stretching with anticipation.
• His s/o somehow was brought into the dream world once they fell asleep, however, Freddy was too preoccupied to feel their presence within his realm.
• They wandered around, seeking Freddy, calling out his name, but no one answered back. Until they heard his laughter in the distance. Oh, so he wanted to play, huh?
• They smiled and ran around the hallways, trying to sneak up on Freddy. While they did, Freddy’s target ran past you on the other side of the piping in the opposite direction of where they came from.
• Freddy heard to who he thought was his target’s footsteps and figured they had gotten turned around.
• His eyes glittered darkly and his gloves snapped excitedly. He waited around the corner and the moment he saw movement, he cackled, jumping in front of them.
• “Gotcha, Bitch!”
• Each blade entered the victim’s stomach at once. They screamed and Freddy instantly stepped back from shock.
• They fell to the ground with a thud that echoed throughout the hallways and Freddy’s ears.
• “Son of a bitch!”
• Flecks of glitter surrounded their unmoving body as Freddy tried to heal them with his powers, but the wound wasn’t healing and they would already be gone from sight.
• In the real world, their parents found them in bed with a stab wound they believed they inflicted upon themselves and took them straight to the hospital.
• They would be in intensive care for three weeks and able to go home at six weeks when the doctor’s and psychiatrist deemed them not suicidal, even with the unexplainable wound that appeared.
• During the stay at the ER, the doctors gave them medicine that made them sleep without dreams so Freddy had to watch from his place in the dream world until they could come home.
• “Why the fuck was you there in the first goddamn place!?” would be the first words said when his s/o appeared again.
• Curse after curse and a few from his s/o as well before it would eventually end with them in tears and Freddy telling them to fuck off and never to come back.
• He was secretly pissed off that he was unable to fix them himself due to not having enough souls and he deemed himself weak. He was mad at them for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was mad at his victim that got away, but most of all he was mad at himself.
• His s/o felt more hurt than what happened earlier. They left the dream world within a few pinches of their arm, leaving Freddy all alone.
• “Fuck this shit. Pathetic little human, I don’t need you anyways!” he threw his glove on the ground angrily, the blades clanking against the metal.
• Weeks would go by and not a word from either party. The s/o would take Hypnocil to keep from dreaming of Freddy. He was so evil and rude, it was inevitable that this was how their relationship would end.
• But they wouldn’t admit that they did miss him. Did he miss them too? Probably not, not him. He wouldn’t stoop that low for someone like them.
• One day they would be watching tv when a new caster flashed a post on screen. A young girl had been brutally murdered the night before with the words “It Should Have Been You” was sketched into their skin by some kind of blade.
• They would turn it off and go into their bedroom. They would notice a white tulip on their dresser with a note with god awful handwriting:
• Sorry for being a prick - Signed, The Man of your Dreams.
• That night they would decide that maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t be taking the Hypnocil.
• He and Tiffany were on a spree and he told his s/o to stay home.
• “But, Chucky, I want to help you. You don’t need to rely on Tiffany all the time…”
• “Babe, please. It’s too dangerous and I need someone who knows what they are doing.”
• They would frown and Chucky would sigh, rubbing his hand on his head.
• “We’ll do something when I get home. Just the two of us,” he said, hoping that would make them feel better.
• “Okay…”
• They’d watch Chucky and Tiffany leave in the van and as they rode away, Tiffany blew them a kiss from the window, her doll face fading away in the distance.
• He doesn’t even like you anymore, slut
• They could be Chucky’s perfect partner. They’d show him. They would be perfect together.
• They followed Chucky and Tiffany to a park where a group of young people were having a bonfire. Parking far enough away where Chuck and Tiff wouldn’t suspect a thing.
• They were stalking the group until one of them found Chucky sitting on the ground and another found Tiffany.
• Chucky and Tiffany had found the group’s stash of paintball guns and replaced the paint bullets with real ones and watched as the group started to kill themselves one by one.
• This is when the s/o would decide to make their move and sneak up behind the last remaining person, but when they were about to pounce, they felt something pierce their shoulder right on through and into the chest of the person in front of them
• “Oh my god, Chucky. A double whammy. How lucky are we. I didn’t even seen that one.” came Tiffany’s voice from behind you.
• “Why do they look familiar?” asked Tiffany after a moment.
• “Because they’re both in a puddle of guts and blood. We’ve seen this before, Tiff.”
• “Seriously, Chucky. The one who ran in front of our bullet has the same shirt that [S/O’s Name] was wearing when we left. Look,”
• Chucky’s s/o was in so much pain that they couldn’t speak and they listened on hoping Chucky would realize it was them.
• Chucky would step closer and see an earring that looked all too familiar. It was the same exact style he got his s/o for Christmas that he stole from a jewelry store.
• “No way…Tiff, get the van! Now!” Chucky barked as he knelt down and turned the body over and saw the eyes of his baby.
• “I am going as fast as I can with four inch legs you bastard!”
• “Take your heels off!”
• “Fuck you!”
• The ride home was awful. It was bumpy and the van was filled with Tiffany and Chucky’s arguing back and forth. His s/o other would go in and out of consciousness.
• At home, they would be placed in bed and still they would be arguing. Eventually, his s/o would finally lose the battle with their head and fall into the abyss of sleep.
• Chucky is not known to show his feelings, especially if they are more on the tender/emotional side. He would become angry and distance himself to find all the first aid equipment and a doctor who he’ll threaten until they corporate.
• The doctor would be disposed of after since Chucky would be in no mood to show mercy, not while his s/o lay in bed on the verge of death.
• The doctor would stabilize his s/o and work on their shoulder. Chucky would not leave the room, eyeing the doctor with his knife showing in his pocket just enough so the good doctor could see.
• “I told you she would only get in your way,” Tiffany mumbled under her breath.
• Chucky’s eyes steeled, head swerving to meet Tiffany’s judgmental gaze. “Say that again and I will rip your head off your fucking body.”
• …
• “You really love them, don’t you, Chucky? You never acted this way when I got hurt.”
• “Don’t-“
• “I’m just saying. You act different around them. You really must love them. Just admit it, dumbass.”
• “…yeah, I do.”
• His s/o would be listening from the bed, a smile on their lips. They reached a hand and caught Chucky’s with their’s. “I love you, too.”
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shawol9196 · 6 years
Poly AU: 3/?
“Baby, I love you, but you’re the whiniest person I know and that includes all of the children I’ve ever met combined. Now be good and eat your soup, ok?” Jinki interrupts, bringing in Kibum and Minho’s bowls. “Tiffany, do you want some? We obviously have a ton and you’re more than welcome to some.”
The next time they meet for their project is the weekend and Tiffany comes over to Kibum’s apartment. When Kibum opens the door for her, she’s brought cupcakes.
“Taeyeon sent these for you guys, she was trying out a recipe and ended up making like four dozen on accident somehow so we’re trying to get rid of them all before we end up getting fat.” she explains.
“Oh sweet, thanks. Jinki’s making like 90 gallons of vegetable soup, we could trade some if you like it.” Kibum says, taking the tin out of her hands.
He brings her over to the kitchen, where Jinki and Minho are pouring all sorts of chopped vegetables into a pot.
“Ok, so you already met Minho, but this is our other boyfriend, Jinki. Jinki, this is Tiffany.”
Jinki looks up and smiles. “Hi Tiffany, nice to meet you. Also it’s only supposed to be two gallons of soup, Kibum. I thought Minho was supposed to be the bad at math gay.”
Kibum rolls his eyes as Minho snickers from behind Jinki.
“We can work right here at the table, don’t mind him. He doesn't know what he's saying anyway.”
“I thought you said he was the suave one?” Tiffany teases.
“Oh no, don’t say that in front of him, it’ll go to his head!” Minho says.
“Do y’all want soup or not?” Jinki asks. Minho immediately offers an apology and cheek kisses.
“Am I allowed to go read now, chef?” he asks once Jinki seems satisfied.
“Yeah, it’s just gotta cook now. It’ll be done in a half hour or so probably.”
Minho gives both Jinki and Kibum kisses on the cheek and waves at Tiffany before grabbing a book off the counter and heading into their bedroom.
“So, Tiffany, Kibum tells me you’re a first year?” Jinki asks.
“Yeah. And you’re a senior, right?”
“Yup. I’m the man of the house. Or at least the functional gay of the house.”
Tiffany laughs and Kibum rolls his eyes again.
“Before we get started, can I ask you guys a question, since you’re both here? It’s advice but not for myself.” she asks.
“Yeah, sure.” Jinki says, looking up from his stock pot.
“Ok, so I have this friend and the other day I guess she blew this guy that’s she’s not dating, like she’s single, and it was super consensual and casual and they both loved it and all this stuff but she told a friend about it and they gave her the whole ‘premarital sex stuff is bad and even one kiss will send you straight to hell in a handbag’ spiel so she texted me to ask me what I thought about it since I guess she thought I’d be less of a hardass about it but I’ve only ever had any sort of relations with Taeyeon and we haven’t done much so I don’t really know what to tell her. I mean you guys have like blowjob experience, right? What do I tell her? I can’t say like #can’t relate because she doesn’t know about Tae and I...”
Jinki and Kibum look at each other, trying to find words.
“Hold on, let’s ask an expert,” Jinki says, before turning and yelling “Hey baby, come out here for a second!”
Minho’s head pops out from their bedroom. “What is it, honey? I put the dishes away like you asked, promise.”
Jinki quickly explains the situation and Minho replies without missing a beat.
“Sometimes you just gotta suck a dick and move on with your life.”
Jinki throws a piece of candy to Minho and once he’s caught it he disappears back into their room.
“There you go. Just tell her that.” Jinki says nonchalantly, moving back to his soup pot. Both Tiffany and Kibum burst into laughter, Kibum almost falling out of his chair. Jinki looks at them amusedly.
“It’s not even that funny it’s just the way he said it,” Kibum manages after a minute. “Like it’s something that should be obvious to everyone.”
“Like I said, an expert.”
“So why is he the expert if all three of you are by Kibum's definition equally gay?” Tiffany asks.
“Well first off he’s a literature major so he knows how to word things and second he just likes it that much. Like this is gonna sound bad and sorry if it’s tmi, but like it’s practically a hobby for him. You know, some people have stress hobbies: they build things, they go work out, they drink, stuff like that. Minho? He likes to clean the apartment and blow when he’s stressed. It’s the oddest thing.” Jinki explains.
“That’s why instead of saying Minho’s stressed we just say he’s in vacuum mode.” Kibum remarks. The whole thing has Tiffany laughing so hard that she’s in tears. She does her best to text her friend and then they get to work. By the time soup is done, they’ve gotten to a good stopping point. Jinki goes into their room to retrieve Minho.
“Just listen to this,” Kibum whispers to Tiffany, pointing at their room. Kibum watches her face bloom with amusement at Minho’s multitude of protests that he’s almost done with this bit and Jinki’s increasingly stern commands to come out for dinner. By the time Jinki finally pulls a pouty Minho out, Tiffany is doing her best not to giggle.
“See, I told you he’s whinier than he looks.” Kibum says as Minho sits next to him.
“I’m not whiny!” Minho counters, though his pout and petulant tone don’t help his argument at all.
“Baby, I love you, but you’re the whiniest person I know and that includes all of the children I’ve ever met combined. Now be good and eat your soup, ok?” Jinki interrupts, bringing in Kibum and Minho’s bowls. “Tiffany, do you want some? We obviously have a ton and you’re more than welcome to some.”
“Sure, I’ll just have a little. I’m not sure what Tae’s dinner plans are but that smells too good to pass up.”
Jinki comes back with two bowls of soup and a big bag of rolls and sits on the empty side across from Kibum. Minho’s already more than half done with his bowl and grabs two rolls out.
“Oh my god, Jinki, this is so good. This is like the best soup I’ve ever had, no joke!” Tiffany exclaims.
Kibum and Minho both nod in agreement and Jinki beams with pride.
“I’ll put some in a container for you to try to share with your girlfriend if you want.”
“That’d be amazing, thank you so much.”
“That is, if there’s any soup left,” Jinki jokes as both Kibum and Minho fight over the laddle to get more. When they’re all done eating, Jinki gets up to pack up soup for Tiffany while Minho collects all the bowls to wash. Kibum helps her pack up and Jinki says goodbye to her so he can go shower. With soup and project materials in hand, Tiffany finally heads out. Once the door is shut, Kibum looks over to where Minho’s starting to wash dishes.
“You know, I’m glad that she’s also gay.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because otherwise I think she would’ve drowned in our gayness.”
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