#sorry mr shimooka
nitunio · 6 months
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hunieday · 4 months
Momo i-HAKE! Rabbit TV - Part 2: i-HAKE! ~Momo’s episode 2~
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Mr. Shimooka: Hi! Everyone, good evening! Welcome to another episode of "i-HAKE! ~Idol dispatch~"!
Audience: Kyaaaa…!
Mr. Shimooka: In this program, we send idols to help out with requests submitted by people from all over the country!
Mr. Shimooka: It’s a documentary-style variety show that follows them over the span of several days!
Mr. Shimooka: And this time ... we've got Momo-kun, Riku-kun and Gaku-kun in the studio with us!
Momo: Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone! It's finally Momo-chan's turn on Aihake! Let's have fun together!
Nanase Riku: Good evening! Please look forward to tonight!
Yaotome Gaku: Let's get pumped up!
Audience: Kyaaaaa…!
Mr. Shimooka: Yes, looking forward to it!
Mr. Shimooka: By the way, Momo-kun, you guys mentioned it was your first time playing Japanese drums, but you looked like a natural while standing in front of them!
Momo: Thanks! The historical drums and the beautiful costumes made me straighten my back. The drums lit up the town so brightly, I couldn’t lose to them. (1)
Momo: Actually, I was shaking a little bit when I stood in front of them!
Mr. Shimooka: You were shaking? Were you uncharacteristically nervous?
Momo: Uncharacteristically! I’m usually not this… nervous.
Mr. Shimooka: Ahaha!
Momo: More like I was shaking with excitement, I got goosebumps!
Nanase Riku: I get it! I was also overwhelmed standing in front of the drums!
Nanase Riku: And not just because of the size, but also the power they seemed to have...
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah, you couldn’t see it but you could feel its aura.
Momo: Only drums that have stood with the town's traditional events for many years could achieve that!
Mr. Shimooka: So you must have been under a lot of pressure, right?
Momo: Absolutely! The three of us kept pumping each other up to make it a success!
Mr. Shimooka: Ahaha! I can't wait to see what kind of performance you'll give us!
Mr. Shimooka: Let's let the audience see for themselves! On to the second half of the VTR! 
Dakadakadaka... Teketeketekete...!
Nanase Riku & Momo & Yaotome Gaku: Yoooo…!! Don, don, don... KA!!!
Nanase Riku & Momo & Yaotome Gaku: Huff, haa...
Momo: Phew... How was it?
Mr. Gen: ...Really, I'm surprised. You only held the drumsticks for the first time yesterday and yet you’re learning quickly. You made it all the way to the end without any mistakes.
Mr. Gen: Your drum strokes are good, I have high hopes for tomorrow's main event.
Nanase Riku: Thank you very much...!
Yaotome Gaku: But we’ve only just begun drilling the basics of how to play into our bodies.
Momo: …Yeah. I feel like we’re just at the starting line.
Momo: We need to synchronize more in the middle. We need to match the timing of our arm movements and angles.
Yaotome Gaku: I agree. We need to improve our precision. Can we slowly go over the movements once more?
Momo: Sounds good to me! Let’s start with this rhythm. Tan, tan, tan.
Yaotome Gaku: Got it!
Nanase Riku: Okay!
Momo: Raise your drums. Aim straight up... okay, your arms are at a perfect angle! Let’s not forget it!
Nanase Riku & Yaotome Gaku: Yes!
Momo: Then, let’s hit it. One, two, go!
Momo: That’s it!
Momo: In tempo! 
Don, don!!
Momo: Eiyah...!
Don, don, don, don-!!!
Nanase Riku & Yaotome Gaku: There, yes…! 
Takakatakakata...! Don, don, don!
Momo: Yup! Feels great!
Yaotome Gaku: We gotta keep the angle we’re at now.
Nanase Riku: We have to be careful not to drop our arms too heavily!
Momo: You’re right. I'll be careful too.
Momo: This is an important traditional performance that’s been passed down for many years after all. Let's make it the best one ever so we don’t disgrace the tradition!
Nanase Riku & Yaotome Gaku: Yes!!
Mr. Gen: Thank you all for taking this seriously... I really appreciate it. I’ll make sure to be strict in my supervision.
Nanase Riku: Thank you very much! Let's go once more-
Nanase Riku: Hng...!
Momo: What’s wrong, Riku!?
Nanase Riku: A... ahaha... a blister on my palm just burst...
Momo: You’re right! Ouch, that looks painful...
Nanase Riku: Are you two okay though?
Momo: ... Looks like I’ve got some too.
Momo: Gaku’s hand is also covered…! Guess we’ve been going at it a bit too hard since yesterday.
Yaotome Gaku: Haha... No wonder, we were practicing way past midnight. I guess you get blisters when you keep hitting the drums like that.
Nanase Riku: But if we put on some band-aids and tape them up...
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah. We gotta do it. The real event is tomorrow.
Yaotome Gaku: Let’s resume practice after we tape up.
Momo: ...
Momo: Hey, why don’t we take a little break?
Nanase Riku: Huh? But the festival...
Momo: I know it's tomorrow! But I’m exhausted... Let’s go check out the festival site for a bit! Just for a bit, okay?
Momo: The venue is near. They’re setting up food stalls nearby, so I think it’s important to see the site.
Yaotome Gaku: Momo-san...
Momo: Please!
Yaotome Gaku: ...Okay. Checking out the festival’s atmosphere is just as important as the training itself.
Nanase Riku: Yes it is! Besides... ehehe, my arms are pretty stiff...
Momo: Thank you both...! Let's bandage up and get going!
Nanase Riku & Yaotome Gaku: Yes!
Yaotome Gaku: Wow... the festival preparations are well underway!
Nanase Riku: They are! There are stalls everywhere... And a big stage!
Momo: That stage... Could it be where we’re gonna be performing!?
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah, it definitely is!
Nanase Riku: It’s bigger than I imagined...
Momo: They’ve also set up bonfires there! Does that mean they’ll light fire up on the day of the event? Amazing…!
Momo: And the falling autumn leaves are dancing... It’s so beautiful! No wonder it’s called the “Autumn Leaves Festival”!
Yaotome Gaku: Seeing a stage this grand…I’m even more pumped up...!
Nanase Riku: Haha... I can’t tell if I’m shaking from nervousness or excitement..!
Momo: ...Wait, Ah-!
Nanase Riku: A woman on the ladder…!
Yaotome Gaku: She’s going to fall...!
Elderly Board Member: Kyah...! 
Momo: That was dangerous…! A close catch! S-Sorry... I slipped on accident and—
Elderly Board Member: Ahhh! It’s Momo-chan from Re:vale!?
Momo: Yes! Hello! It’s Momo-chan from Re:valeee!
Elderly Board Member: Ah, ahhhhh…!
Nanase Riku: A-Are you okay!?
Yaotome Gaku: I’m glad you’re safe...!
Elderly Board Member: Gyah, it’s Riku-kun and Gaku-kun too!?
Nanase Riku & Yaotome Gaku: Yes!
Elderly Board Member: Ah! Now that you mention it... I’m pretty sure the kids over at the youth group said something about sending a request to Aihake...
Momo: That’s right! We’ll be in your care tomorrow!
Elderly Board Member: No, no, it’s my pleasure…! Thank you once again.
Momo: By the way, were you decorating with lanterns? This area is pretty large...
Elderly Board Member: Haha, it's a lot, right? It’s done by the local government officials, but we're doing it by hand so it takes time.
Yaotome Gaku: All of this…!
Nanase Riku: By hand...
Nanase Riku: Um, Momo-san…!
Momo: Mhm, I was thinking the same thing!
Nanase Riku & Yaotome Gaku: ...!
Momo: Excuse me. If it’s okay, can we help you with the decorations?
Elderly Board Member: What! But...
Momo: We’re allowed to participate in the festival, so we'd love to help with the preparations too. Right, guys?
Yaotome Gaku: Yes! We’re already participating, so we wanna be involved in the preparations.
Elderly Board Member: Are you sure...?
Nanase Riku: It’s always been a dream of mine to help decorate lanterns!
Elderly Board Member: A-A dream...?
Elderly Board Member: Well, if that’s what you want... That would be a huge help.
Momo: Leave it to us!
Momo: Alright! Let’s get to it!
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase and I will pass the lanterns and you can hang them, Momo-san.
Nanase Riku: Like a bucket relay!
Momo: Not quite, but close enough…So I’ll give you the OK!
Elderly Board Member: Wow… you're so fast! You all are so efficient…!
Momo: "Skilled! Fast! Meticulous!" That’s Momo-chan’s motto for anything!
Elderly Board Member: Ahaha! The most luxurious handyman in Japan!
Elderly Board Member: But you’re really helping us out. We were so short-staffed that even our kids were helping with the decorations.
Momo: Now that you say it… I noticed a mix of younger and older folks, turns out they were all your family!
Elderly Board Member: Yes. They said they volunteered to help because they’re very excited about the festival.
Nanase Riku: It’s just as the youth group leader said… the whole town is looking forward to it!
Elderly Board Member: Fufu. Everyone has been participating since they were kids.
Elderly Board Member: It’s also a special day, in a way.
Momo: Special?
Elderly Board Member: Yes. It might sound exaggerated, but festival days are like a break from everyday life. It’s an excuse to dress up and even invite someone special to you...
Elderly Board Member: …There’s a rumor that the youth group leader is planning to propose to his long-time girlfriend at tomorrow’s festival.
Nanase Riku & Momo & Yaotome Gaku: A proposal!?!?
Yaotome Gaku: …So that's why he’s so fired up?
Elderly Board Member: Ahaha. That might be part of it, but that’s not all! Well, I guess it shows how special the day is.
Momo: I see, that’s how important it is...
Nanase Riku: Momo-san?
Momo: Ah, well... I just realized once again how significant it is that they invited us for such a special day...
Momo: ...
Yaotome Gaku: Momo-san, the look in your eyes tell me you just came up with something.
Nanase Riku: You look kinda happy about it!
Momo: Ahaha, you can tell?
Momo: I’ve got an idea! I wanna discuss it with Gen-san and the leader!
End of Episode 2.
"Lit up the town", as in brightened the atmosphere of the festival with their presence, I couldn't word it any better without it sounding wordy so I hope this clarifies it just in case >
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Izumi Mitsuki: End of Year Live Rabbit Chat Part 3
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san, good work.
Mitsuki: Good work!
T: It’s finally tomorrow huh. 
T: After everyone’s last lesson has ended, I’m curious about what you’ll do… On this important night, I’m sorry...
M: It’s okay, it’s okay! I couldn’t sleep either, so I’m in Nagi’s room right now!
T: I see! Is Nagi-san calming?
M: Yeah, because Nagi has steady nerves. I’m watching the Zero DVD that I gave him for Christmas.
T: Nagi-san is watching Zero’s DVD properly huh..!
M: It’s probably because he thinks I’m nervous so he’s calming me down.
T: Nagi-san is nice huh… Mitsuki-san is nervous after all huh. 
T: Finally, we’ll settle Black or White tomorrow...
M: For me, who failed auditions countless times, to be standing on a public stage,
M: It’s like a dream..!
M: I mean, I would believe it if someone told me now that it was a prank, that’s how unrealistic it is to me.
T: Mitsuki-san...
T: All of this is really happening!
T: When we were depressed, Mitsuki-san encouraged us first. The TV show with Mr. Shimooka too, it won’t happen if there was no Mitsuki-san.
T: I’m truly glad that Mitsuki-san is here..!
M: Stop it Manager! Don’t make me cry before the day! Lol Nagi also told me to keep the tears for tomorrow!
*T: What is Nagi-san doing now?
M: He’s saying we should go to Yamato-san’s room. Lol I wonder what he’s planning...
M: Well! Nagi’s annoying so I’m going to Yamato-san’s for a bit!
T: I got a Rabbit Chat from Yamato-san just now! You really went to his room huh! Lol
M: Yeah! To check if that old man is not feeling lonely!
T: Everyone’s friendly huh! I can feel it when I see the performance of “Pythagoras ☆ Fighter”...!
M: We’ll work hard like ourselves tomorrow too! Cheer for us! 
M: Stop it Manager! Don’t make me cry before the day! Lol Nagi also told me to keep the tears for tomorrow!
T: How was Nagi-san after he watched Zero’s DVD?
M: Somehow, he’s watching it seriously. Maybe because of Haruki-san’s case.
M: Well! Nagi’s annoying so I’m going to Yamato-san’s for a bit!
M: Stop it Manager! Don’t make me cry before the day! Lol Nagi also told me to keep the tears for tomorrow!
T: I want to see Nagi-san’s crying side too!
M: We haven’t seen Nagi cry huh!
M: There are things I don’t understand about what Nagi’s thinking deep down. That worries me about if he’s opening his heart to us properly.
M: Well! Nagi’s annoying so I’m going to Yamato-san’s for a bit!
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tigerintokyo · 6 years
IDOLiSH7 Part 3, Ch 10.3
A Spirit Undamaged
(other parts in the directory)
Translation under the cut.
Iori: The new idol group that just debuted with Tsukumo Prod., ZOOL…
Iori: This is the timing they were hoping for… After Trigger started to sink, the idol boom was revived.
Iori: It appears that ZOOL has replaced Trigger.
Yamato: ...Minami debuted as an idol? He was famous as a child, so his face could be recognized by a wide audience…
Mitsuki: What kind of guy is he? You shot that movie together, right?
Yamato: He’s kind of… slimy, a really annoying guy.
Mitsuki: Slimy?
Tamaki: Sou-chan, do you know him? That Mido Torao guy.
Sogo: He’s kind of… overbearing, a really arrogant person.
Tamaki: Overbearing…
Iori: Isumi-san transferred to my and Tamaki’s class. He had said that he hates IDOLiSH7.
Riku: Touma-san said the same thing…
Iori: Touma-san? Inumaru Touma from NO_MAD?
Riku: I met him a few times. He’s a good person, but…
Riku: He said that he can’t sing seriously anymore.
Mitsuki: What’s up with that? That’s so irritating! I don’t want those kind of guys to be called “idols.”
Sogo: ...but, I do like the song, ZOOL’s “Poisonous Gangster.”
Nagi: I like it too. It’s a wonderful song, but why did they say they would not sing seriously?
Yamato: Ah… Hey, Nagi. Up until last year, Natsume Minami was studying abroad in Northmare.
Nagi: OH… In Northmare? It is not a popular place to study abroad in Japan. How unusual.
Tsumugi: Everyone, I have something to tell you! Uhm…. It’s good news.
Sogo: You seem to be acting different than usual if it’s good news. What is it about?
Tsumugi: The audience ranking for “Kimi to Ai na Night!” beat Trigger’s program.
Mitsuki: Really?! Hmm… It would’ve been nice if we beat them when we could be more proud of ourselves.
Mitsuki: Beating your rival when they are weak doesn’t really make you feel good.
Tsumugi: That’s true…
Sogo: ...Isn’t there something that we can do?
Tamaki: Sou-chan…
Sogo: Trigger always helped us.
Sogo: We owe them our lives, and now those same people are having a hard time. It’s really difficult not being able to do anything… And now all they’re getting is criticized…
Sogo: ...And we can’t do anything about it…
Tsumugi: On the other hand, standing up for them too much could be a bigger burden to them.
Tsumugi: Let’s act normal and keep treating them as our respected rival.
Sogo: Alright… I understand.
Tamaki: ...It’s unusual that you said what you really wanted to say.
Sogo: Did I say too much…?
Tamaki: No, but… it’s because your a fan of Trigger, after all.
Sogo: … When my uncle was being criticized by my family, I couldn’t do anything then either…
Sogo: He was kind to me, and I loved him, but I didn’t say “Don’t say things like that.” I didn’t have the courage. I was a coward…
Sogo: So, I wanted to do something.
Tamaki: Trigger already gets it. They aren’t the type to get discouraged by things like that. You’re more discouraged than them.
Sogo: That’s true… I was too worried. Because of that, I even told you to shut up…
Tamaki: ...Do you not like when people talk bad about me?
Sogo: Of course not. ...I really dislike it. You are bad sometimes, but Tamaki-kun is always trying his very best…
Sogo: When they tell Tamaki-kun something like that, you always lose your smile and get shaky.
Tamaki: Shaky?
Sogo: ...When they say something mean to you, you go off somewhere, and it seems like you don’t want to come back…
Tamaki: ...really…
Sogo: Yeah… I’m sorry for being selfish. If you don’t want to come back, you don’t have to push yourself. I don’t mean to restrain your freedom…
Tamaki: Ahaha. Why are you taking it back now? Chop!
Sogo: Ow…
Tamaki: It’s okay. I’m here. No matter what they say about me. I’ll be okay through anything.
Sogo: Tamaki-kun…
Tamaki: But it’s really annoying how you seem to prefer all those guys who outrank us over me, who is actually close to you…
Tamaki: It’s simple. You want everyone to praise me.
Tamaki: Like how you wanted your uncle to be praised, you just wanted me to be praised.
Sogo: …….
Tamaki: What is it? You have a weird look on your face…
Sogo: … I got caught up in... your words...
Tamaki: What words?
Sogo: ...It’s the first time I realized it.
Sogo: This whole time, I wanted the people I like to be praised.
Sogo: That’s what it’s been this whole time…
Tamaki: ...Sou-chan…
Tamaki: …
Tamaki: It’s enough now, right?
Sogo: Eh?
Tamaki: You’ve endured enough. It’s enough now. No matter how great of a guy you are, the thing that you like is when a guy that is smiling can keep smiling.
Sogo: Tamaki-kun…
Tamaki: Don’t hold back. You should say you like the things you like with a louder voice.
Tamaki: Haha, with a seriously loud voice. Because, even when I’m next to you I don’t even notice, so there’s no way guys who are further away will be able to tell.
Tamaki: Not about what’s good or bad, or right or wrong. When you like something, you should say you like it.
Sogo: ………..
Anesagi: President! There’s a problem!
Yaotome Sosuke: ...What is it this time?
Anesagi: Hanamaki Sumire called and says she wants to talk with you in private. She said that she’s reflected and that she’s in a panic.
Yaotome Sosuke: Tell her to come to the office.
Anesagi: In order to hide from the media, she’s staying at a hotel. She said that she’s too scared about the media, so she wants you to go to her room…
Yaotome Sosuke: Is she stupid?! It’s obviously a trap! Like I’d fall for that!
Anesagi: But… She said that she wants to die…
Yaotome Sosuke: Yeah, I want to die too! It can’t be helped. Bring in a female employee…
Anesagi: Today is a holiday, so all the employees are on break. Shall I head over there?
Yaotome Sosuke: No… You can’t.
Anesagi: Why is that?
Yaotome Sosuke: They can’t tell if you’re a man or a woman.
Anesagi: How rude! That’s sexual harassment!! My prince would never say something like that…!
Yaotome Sosuke: Okay! I’m sorry! But, I can’t go alone… Persuade her to come into the office.
Anesagi: I tried to persuade her enough already. It’s like I just said. She said that if the president doesn’t come alone, she’s good as dead…
Yaotome Sosuke: She’s not saying that seriously, right?
Anesagi: I’m not sure… But, it is true that she was being chased by the media…
Yaotome Sosuke: ……….
Yaotome Sosuke: ...Musubi…
Anesagi: ………
Yaotome Sosuke: ...Prepare a car.
Anesagi: Are you going to go?
Yaotome Sosuke: You can’t replace a human life.
Anesagi: President...
Yaotome Sosuke: Should I change out of my suit? I should wear clothes that would be good for pictures.
Anesagi: We will place personnel on the hotel floor. I will not allow anyone to take dishonorable photos of you, sir.
Yaotome Sosuke: I’m counting on you.
Banri: President! Come and look at the news…
Takanashi Otoharu: Eh….? ... Yaotome-kun and Hanamaki-san are meeting secretly at a hotel...?
Banri: This news is already everywhere. Additionally, all the talent under Yaotome Prod. are having their reputations sullied.
Banri: How everyone is just accepting it is strange! It’s a solid fact that Hanamaki-san wanted to quit Tsukumo Prod.
Banri: They’re all talking like she had her transfer mediated by Tsunashi-kun or that she had an intimate relationship with President Yaotome!
Banri: This might as well be brainwashing by the mass media!
Takanashi Otoharu: ...Yaotome-kun…
TV station staff: Yaotome Production’s President secretly met with Hanamaki Sumire at a hotel... They caught them leaving the hotel together in photos.
TV station staff: So the one pulling the strings wasn’t Tsunashi-san. It was the President? Wow…
TV station staff: No, but, isn’t it a little suspicious? Taking down Yaotome Prod… Do you think it was done under the table…?
TV station staff: Ah… Good morn…
Anesagi: Good morning. We’re in your care.
Anesagi: You three, you don’t have to say anything beyond greetings.
Tenn: … Understood.
Gaku: ...Yeah.
Tsunashi: ……….
Anesagi: Pick up those faces! Ah… Shimooka-san. Good morning. Today, we’ll be in your care.
Mr. Shimooka: ……. Yeah…
Mr. Shimooka: Morning. Looking forward to it.
Gaku: ...You seem down, Shimooka-san. I heard you were not feeling well. Are you alright?
Tenn: ….…..
Gaku: ………
Tsunashi: ……….
Tsunashi: ...Hanamaki-san said that she decided to go back to her parent’s home. I got an email from her. She said that she is sorry for the trouble.
Gaku: … She has some nerve, to contact you like that.
Tsunashi: … It seems like she didn’t even know about everything that was going to happen... She said that she is tired and needs a break.
Tsunashi: She wants to make things right, but she’s too scared to do anything until the uproar settles and cools off…
Gaku: You’re too nice to people! Even my father ended up getting involved! Because you’re like this you end up being used!
Tsunashi: ...This email can also be used as evidence. But, if we condemn her now, then aren’t we just the same as them?!
Gaku: ……..
Tenn: Don’t yell so loudly. They can hear you outside.
Tenn: We’ll prove our own innocence on the stage.
Tenn: Right now, the most anxious ones are the fans. They are confused if it is okay to trust us.
Tenn: We need to respond to them firmly, looking forward.
(door opens)
Riku: Good morning!
Tenn: Riku…
Mitsuki: Are you guys okay? Today we’re going to be on the same program, so we came to see you!
Tamaki: Here, a present! It’s King Pudding! Can I take one too?
Sogo: Tamaki-kun! It’s a present, so let them open it first…
Tsunashi: Ahaha. It’s okay. Right?
Gaku: Yeah… Thank you.
Iori: Sugar is really efficient rewarding stimulus for the brain. In other words, this will help relieve stress.
Tenn: Thank you.
Riku: A lot of the audience came for Trigger. Some of Trigger’s fans told me just now to come and cheer you up.
Riku: They said that they believe in you.
Tsunashi: …… I see.. Thanks….
Gaku: Idiot… You’re not supposed to start crying.
Sogo: I understand your hardship[1], Tsunashi-san...
Nagi: We know that you all are fine gentlemen. Those who are watching you also know.
Nagi: The spirit of Trigger who loves singing, the stage, and their fans will never be damaged.
Tenn: That’s right… The things that we want to express will never disappear.
Tenn: That’s the work that we came to do. Lift your shoulders and raise your faces.
Tenn: The only thing we have to do now is make sure that we won’t be laughing at ourselves in the future.
Gaku: Yeah.
Tsunashi: That’s right.
Sogo: Please do your best… If there is anything I can do, I’ll do anything.
Riku: Me too, Tenn-ni!
Tenn: Yeah, thanks for coming to see me, Riku.
Riku: Eh…?
Tenn: I’m feeling better.
Riku: ……….
Riku: (At that moment, I don’t know why, but I almost cried.)
Next episode
1. ご心労、お察しします。 This phrase is a very polite way to express compassion and understanding when someone is having a difficult time and suffering mentally and/or emotionally. The speaker uses it when they understand the situation completely and want to offer relief through understanding.
(Please don’t use my translations without permission.)
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seigyokus · 7 years
6.2 - Decorum
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 6.2 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Yuki: I would never stoop so low as to flatter someone I could barely stomach, just to maintain my position in the industry. And I'm sure Ban wouldn't either.   Momo: ....... You said that on purpose just now, didn't you. Yuki: I did. I wanted to believe you were the same, Momo. But I guess I was just forcing my ideals onto you. Yuki: Go ahead, wag your tail and suck up to him. Bet it feels great to sit on that big, fluffy ol' throne you've set out for me. Yuki: Except I won't be anywhere near that. Momo: ....... Staff: Re:vale, you're up next. ......Re:vale? Okazaki Rinto: Y-yes, of course. They'll be out in just a moment. Let's talk about this afterwards, alright? Yuki: There's nothing to talk about. Momo: Yeah...... Okazaki Rinto: I'll make sure you do! For now, concentrate on the work before you. Alright, go get 'em!
Mr. Shimooka: And now, the duo everyone's been waiting for! Re:vale! Audience: Kyaaaaa.....! Audience: Momo-chan! Yuki-san! Mr. Shimooka: Popular as ever, I see! At long last, "NO DOUBT," the theme song for the movie "Mission," will be released their upcoming Best Hits album! Mr. Shimooka: In the five years you two were Re:vale, you guys have sung tons of songs. Which one is your favorite, Yuki-kun? Yuki: Right now, it's "NO DOUBT." The lyrics are good too. Mr. Shimooka: Your newest song, huh! What about you, Momo? What's your favorite Re:vale song? Momo: Huh? Uh, favorite from what? Mr. Shimooka: Ahaha! Your favorite out of all the Re:vale songs! Momo: "We, the Incomplete"....... Wait, never mind! One of ours, right? "SILVER SKY" I guess? That one's chock full of memories from our fifth anniversary! Yuki: ....... Mr. Shimooka: I love that song too! I hope you all look forward to hearing their best album! After all, it's filled with Yuki-kun and Momo-kun's favorite songs! Momo: Yep! Please look forward to it! Mr. Shimooka: Now, let’s have 'em sing for us! Here is Re:vale's "NO DOUBT!"
Takanashi Tsumugi: Alright! Gotta work hard to make up for all the time I was away from the front lines! Midou Torao: ....... Takanashi Tsumugi: Ah....... He's really tall.... Taller than Tamaki-san perhaps? Is he a model? Or someone debuting soon? Midou Torao: Hey. Takanashi Tsumugi: Y-yes? Are you talking to me? Midou Torao: Where's the front desk? Takanashi Tsumugi: If you go from the entrance by the security room, the front desk-- Midou Torao: Ooh, you're pretty cute up close. You've got the figure of a kid, though. Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh? Midou Torao: Forget about the front desk. What's your name? Takanashi Tsumugi: My name? I-I'm Takanashi Production's-- Midou Torao: I don't need your titles. Just tell me what you want me to call you. Inumaru Touma: You dumbass! This ain't the place to be picking up girls!! Midou Torao: Don't get in my way. Inumaru Touma: Sorry about that, Nee-chan! You can ignore him and go! Takanashi Tsumugi: A-alright. If you'll excuse me......! Inumaru Touma: Poor thing. Hell, she was terrified. Midou Torao: ....... She's totally my type. You think she'll fall for me? Inumaru Touma: You're really fucking optimistic, you know that? Midou Torao: I don't have a single pessimistic bone in my body. Never have, ever since I was born.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan, did you hear? Apparently we're gonna start doing a radio show soon. Osaka Sougo: I did hear. I was told that the radio show will discuss music news and information. There’s another radio show I listen to, and the people from that show will also be working on this one. I can't wait-- Osaka Sougo: ......! Quick, be my wall! Yotsuba Tamaki: Again!? Fine. Like this? Midou Torao: Get outta my way. Yotsuba Tamaki: --He moved me away, even though I was being a wall!? Midou Torao: Osaka Sougo, correct? Osaka Sougo: ....... Midou Torao: Remember me? We've met countless times at parties. Osaka Sougo: ......I do remember you. Midou Torao-san, if I recall correctly? It has been a while since we last met. Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan, can I stop being a wall? Who is this dude? Midou Torao: Haha. Never crossed my mind that you'd be an idol. Osaka Sougo: I could say the same thing. What brings you to a TV station, Midou-san? Yotsuba Tamaki: Hey, Sou-chan. Who is he? Midou Torao: So, I heard you got disowned. The Osaka Financial Conglomerate played a pivotal role in the modernization of Japan-- I'm sure they're very strict about maintaining their dignity. Midou Torao: You used to be his pride and joy, too.... The president looks a lot older nowadays. Osaka Sougo: ....... Midou Torao: I'm sure that man despises music. After all, it took his younger brother's life and stole you away. Perhaps you should try being a better son to him some time. (1) Yotsuba Tamaki: Hey! Who the hell are you? Midou Torao: Sorry for interrupting, kiddo. Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm not a kid!! Midou Torao: I heard you were brought up in an orphanage. Yotsuba Tamaki: So? What's your point? Midou Torao: Well, you're paired up with someone like him. I'm having a real hard time believing you two can continue on as a duo. Osaka Sougo: ......What exactly do you mean by that? Tamaki-kun is a very kind and considerate boy. There are many things I can learn from him. Osaka Sougo: Of course, there are things I'd like you to learn from him too, Midou-san. For example, answering someone when they ask for your name. Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun, allow me to introduce him. This is Midou Torao-san, an old acquaintance of mine. Yotsuba Tamaki: O-okay....... Midou Torao: ......Pleased to meet you. Osaka Sougo: Midou-san. This is Yotsuba Tamaki-kun. He’s a part of MEZZO" with me. I do hope you'll make an effort to be respectful, and please take good care of him. (2) Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm Yotsuba Tamaki. Midou Torao: Hello. Osaka Sougo: Now, if you'll excuse us. We have urgent matters to attend to. ....... Yotsuba Tamaki: ......Sou-chan, are you mad? Osaka Sougo: Mad? I'm not mad at all. Do I look angry? Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah, you look pissed. Osaka Sougo: I see....... Perhaps I did something rude just now. Yotsuba Tamaki: ....... He said your dad looked a lot older lately, right? Did he get sick? Osaka Sougo: ......I do not know. Yotsuba Tamaki: ....... Osaka Sougo: ......So he despises music? When he's a sponsor for TRIGGER's music show? Osaka Sougo: ......You’re the ones who took my uncle's life away, not music....... Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan.......
To be continued....
Translator notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!!!!
(1) 親孝行 = filial piety. "A virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors. Being a filial son meant complete obedience to one's parents during their lifetime and--as they grew older--taking the best possible care of them." (thanks wikipedia) (2) boi do i h8 keigo, lmk if i messed anything up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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nitunio · 7 months
Sorry for making like ten million crossovers at the same time but BUT. ZERO is also in 999 so in theory we could have a plot where Kujo Sr (Ace) is put into a torture game with Iori (Snake), Mitsuki (Clover), Riku (Santa), Tenn (June), Gaku (Junpei, sorry they match the level of pathetic), Mr. Shimooka (9th Man) . im still thinking on Lotus and Seven
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seigyokus · 7 years
6.1 - A Brutal Room
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 6.1 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Ogami Banri: Yuki and Momo-kun, huh? Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah. They've been doing a lot for me....... Nikaidou Yamato: I was really cheeky towards them, but....... But now, I can't thank them enough-- words won't cut it. Ogami Banri: Haha. I see. I get happy whenever you guys praise those two-- as if I'm the one getting praised. Nanase Riku: Both members of Re:vale are really good people. Have they always been that way? Ogami Banri: No, uh....... Momo-kun's always been a good kid, but Yuki's personality has mellowed out quite a bit. Nikaidou Yamato: You call that mellow? Izumi Mitsuki: Your inner thoughts slipped out just now, old geezer. Ogami Banri: He used to be really quiet and was pretty presumptuous. He wouldn't even try to establish interpersonal relationships with anyone. Yuki was a real troublemaker back then. His face was his only redeeming point. Izumi Iori: Ogami-san, you really aren't holding back. Ogami Banri: All of his enemies religiously hated his guts. That's the kind of guy he was. He's always been stoic when it comes to music, though. Yotsuba Tamaki: I wanna hear one of Ban-chan and Yukirin's songs. One where you guys are singing together. Osaka Sougo: I am interested as well. Would it be possible to listen to one of those songs? Ogami Banri: Ah..... Yeah, sure. It's a little embarrassing, but I'll bring one of our CDs over next time. Izumi Mitsuki: Yay! I can't wait to hear! Nanase Riku: Yeah, Banri-san's really cool! It's such a waste that you work behind the scenes! Ogami Banri: ....... Ogami Banri: So I'm not very dependable in the office, then? Nanase Riku: Huh!? No, that's not what I mean! Rokuya Nagi: Why did you come to Takanashi Productions, Banri? And why did you decide to become an office worker, of all things? Ogami Banri: Because I reached my goal, I guess? Nanase Riku: Goal? Takanashi Tsumugi: It's almost time to go to the next location, everyone. Nanase Riku: Okay! Well, we'll be on our way now! Please let us listen to it when we get back! Ogami Banri: Alright. Have a safe trip! Izumi Mitsuki: I'm glad you're back, Manager! Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I feel energized after seeing our Manager's adorable smile! Izumi Iori: The sun is awfully bright.... It's summertime already, I see. Our 1st Anniversary Tour is going to start soon.
Okazaki Rinto: Good morning! Please take good care of Re:vale today! Hmm......? Staff: ......I peeked into Re:vale's dressing room just now, and it was super tense in there. I guess all those rumors about how they don't get along are true....... Staff: It felt like they were gonna start fighting each other to the death in there.... Okazaki Rinto: Huh!? That tense!? I wonder what happened to those two....... *click* Okazaki Rinto: Yuki-kun, Momo-kun, don't fight! Momo: ......We weren't fighting. Yuki: ......We weren't fighting at all. Okazaki Rinto: Alright, you guys were definitely fighting. I can tell just from the atmosphere in here, you know. So are you guys fighting about today? Momo: Sorry, sorry. It's nothing big! Yuki's really gentle, that's why. He was just worried about me! Momo: But then he was like, 'There's a certain limit to things'....... Yuki: You don't like that I went to meet Tsukumo. Momo: What I'm mad about is the way you went about it! Remember what you said to me when I tried to stop you from going? Yuki: I don't remember. Momo: You told me that if I didn't let you go see him, then you were gonna disband Re:vale! I can't believe you said something like that so easily! Yuki: I've tried to stop you before and if anything, you're the one who never listens, Momo. Do you remember what you said to me? Momo: I think it was, 'I don't know what Ryou-san's gonna do to you, it's dangerous......' Yuki: Not that. You told me that he was good at mental attacks, and because I have a lot of trauma, he was definitely going to send me home in tears. That's what you said to me. Yuki: You took me for a fool. Momo: I didn't! I was just worried about you, Yuki! And despite all of that, you threatened to disband......! Yuki: I figured you wouldn't listen to me unless I said that. I mean, I'd lose if it turned into a fistfight. But that's just how much I didn't want you to go-- Momo: Just hit me with your car next time!! That would've been better! Momo: After you said 'disband,' my legs froze-- I couldn't even move an inch. It was like I subconsciously trying to protect myself from danger, even though I was really worried about you....... I don't want to feel that miserable ever again! Yuki: Well, that's on you, not me. Momo: ....... Okarin, can you hit me with a tranquilizer dart real quick? Before the most bizarre incident to even happen in entertainment history goes down here? (1) Okazaki Rinto: I'm afraid I can't do that. I don't have a hunting license. Yuki: You wouldn't be able to do it anyways, Momo. Just to set things straight, I'm the one who's pissed here. Not you. Yuki: I can't believe you put up with that psycho. To think that I had believed you out of the goodness of my heart when you told me he wasn't really a bad person.... I could weep right now. Yuki: Listen. Don't ever try to fool me, ever again. Momo: We've talked about this before. We decided that you'd handle Hoshikage while I'd handle Tsukumo, and make sure things were going smoothly with them. Didn't we decide that together? Momo: We've just been doing our respective jobs, that's all. All this talk about whether or not I fooled you is coming from a completely different dimension. If anything, don't get in my way, ever again. Yuki: ....... Okarin, bring me tequila right this instant. I might go mad if I continue this conversation sober. Okazaki Rinto: I'm afraid I can't do that. You both have to work soon. Yuki: Did you really think you could control him by yourself? Momo: Ryou-san's really fickle and only wants to do things for his own enjoyment. Once he finds another thing to play around with, he'll give up on whatever he's currently doing. Momo: If you throw his plans off trajectory, then the next step would be to suck up to him.... Or at least that's what should've happened. You made Ryou-san mad, didn't you? Yuki: How did you know? Momo: He sent me angry stamps and disentanglement puzzle stamps for five whole hours, alternating between the two. What the heck is a disentanglement puzzle anyways? Yuki: Who knows? I haven't got a clue. Momo: Anyways, we gotta butter him up, get back into his good graces, and carefully steer him back on course.... I'll go apologize to him this weekend-- Yuki: What? Apologize? What was the point of me visiting him then? Momo: That's what I wanna know! Yuki: ......Why must you act like an animal incapable of comprehending human speech? Is this some kind of harassment? Momo: What do you mean by animal!? Also, why would I be harassing you in the first place? Yuki: Because I let Ban listen to the demo before you. Didn't I apologize for that already? Momo: ....... Yuki: ....... Is this the first time I've brought it up......? Momo: ......It is, and I'm shocked. But....... I'm more shocked that you'd think I'd harass you over something like that!! Yuki: I didn't think you would. It's all because you keep saying unreasonable things, Momo! Okazaki Rinto: Stop, stop! Stop right there. Okazaki Rinto: Yuki, you crossed the line by threatening to disband. You too, Momo. You also told me that Ryou-san was a good person too. Okazaki Rinto: That's why I've let it slide every time he made fun of how my hair is parted 7:3....... Please refrain from interacting with bad people. (2) Momo: But if I did that, then he'll only keep getting worse. Ryou-san's gonna be company president after this. Yuki: See, Okarin? Momo's being unreasonable. Okazaki Rinto: Yuki-kun....... Yuki: Do as you like. There's no point in saying anything. Okazaki Rinto: You don't have to put it that way.... Yuki: I would never stoop so low as to flatter someone I could barely stomach, just to maintain my position in the industry. And I'm sure Ban wouldn't either. (3) Momo: ....... You said that on purpose just now, didn't you. Yuki: I did. I wanted to believe you were the same, Momo. But I guess I was just forcing my ideals onto you. Yuki: Go ahead, wag your tail and suck up to him. Bet it feels great to sit on that big, fluffy ol' throne you've set out for me. Yuki: Except I won't be anywhere near that. Momo: ....... Staff: Re:vale, you're up next. ......Re:vale? Okazaki Rinto: Y-yes, of course. They'll be out in just a moment. Let's talk about this afterwards, alright? Yuki: There's nothing to talk about. Momo: Yeah...... Okazaki Rinto: I'll make sure you do! For now, concentrate on the work before you. Alright, go get 'em!
Mr. Shimooka: And now, the duo everyone's been waiting for! Re:vale! Audience: Kyaaaaa.....! Audience: Momo-chan! Yuki-san!
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
thank u kuri for proofreading!!!!!!
(1) technically said tranquilizer gun but i hear this more often so yea.  (2) here is a visual wrt the 7:3 hair part thing LOL  (3) 'in the industry' is assumed since that was the entire pretense of the whole ryou-momo deal (protect yuki's place in the entertainment industry while ryou tore down everyone else, in exchange for a recording of yamato confessing that he's chiba shizuo's bastard child). p sure that's what's being referenced here too.
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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