#sorry my art isn't great btw or if i messed something up
fen-the-space-dragon · 10 months
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A drawing I did of Littlepaw because I absolutely love her <3
Littlepaw belongs to @maxthegayass
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hearts4robs · 5 months
Hii! Never done matchups before so sorry if I mess something up! 😭 Your writing is nice though so I wanted to try :)
Btw for fandom DC please! Pretty much the only one I'm more into from the ones you write about lol
I'm 18, gender is whatever to me but I prefer they/them pronouns and I'm okay with any gendered terms. I'm 5'2 and my hair is short and I usually dye it dark red. I'm asexual and kiss men (in theory). I'm pale and I have dark circles under my eyes that I just can't get rid off. Might be the bad sleeping schedule. Anyway. I'm slavic and English isn't my first language so I sometimes mess up pronunciation and grammar (this is both a trait and an apology for my English). Oh also my eyes are brown! I sometimes wear baggier clothes and sometimes switch to really feminine ones.
I've never been good at describing my personality, but I'll try my best. I love hanging out with people and socializing, but I also can't handle big loud events. I get anxious easily and feel like throwing up because of it. My friends have told me I'm funny because I often say stuff that makes no sense (it makes sense to me...). I don't like it when people help me with pretty much anything, I only ask for help if I REALLY need it. I love sending my friends silly images and stuff and talking about my interests. Oh, I draw! And I play guitar (I usually play an electric guitar, but I have an acoustic one too). I also play videogames if I have the time. As I mentioned before, I have a really bad sleeping schedule, but coffee makes me sleepy so I prefer tea. My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation. I usually enjoy physical touch, but it sometimes depends on the person and my mood. I consider myself an optimist. I think that's pretty much everything??
My perfect date would be a picnic in spring. I like warm (but not hot) weather and spring just makes me really happy. Me and the other person could bake something for each other and bring other snacks + drinks and then sit on a picnic blanket and talk for hours. Maybe play some music too if it's too quiet. It would be better if the picnic was at a park and not in a forest haha. Oh also for music I could also bring a guitar but there's a chance I would get too embarrassed to play in public. If there aren't any people around I won't be anxious, though.
My perfect type is someone smart and patient. Someone who can help me out when I'm struggling with something I don't understand but also won't get mad at me if it takes too much time. Also someone who can deal with my anxiety without just going "calm down". I would also like someone who would enjoy listening to me ramble about my interests and someone I can show my art to (without giving me unwanted criticism). Overall someone who supports me even when I'm being weird. It's not necessary, but it's definitely a bonus if the person is lowkey a nerd.
My favourite trope is pretty basic but I like friends to lovers. It's simple and cute. I'm a sucker for some mutual pining. That, combined with the "everyone knows but them"... perfect.
I feel like this is too short, sorry! I just really don't know what else to say.
Have a great day/night :)
𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞: 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫
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“Wine or no?” Damian asks, picking up the wine glasses from the picnic basket.
There was no answer the first time, so, Damian turns his head, his brows tugging inward.
“Love.” Damian says, finally catching your attention. Your raise your head again, looking at him.
“Wine or no wine?”
“Uh, wine.” You say with a smile before your return your eyes to your phone that was propped on your knee. Your legs were bended in criss-cross apple sauce style, guitar in hand.
You let out a quiet, frustrated grunt. Your guitar wasn’t tuning probably. Damian pours up two glasses of wine, sending you a sideways glance.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, cocking his brow at your furrowed brows.
“It won’t tune.” You grumble.
“Give it here, then.” Damian says, not waiting for you to agree as he grabs the guitar. And that son of a bitch doesn’t need more than three tries before getting it tuned perfectly, by ear.
“Oh, fuck you.”
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Damian taught himself how to play your favourite song on guitar as soon as he found out you could play.
He has a habit of tapping his finger against your hand whenever you hold it. It’s not because he needs your attention, and he barely notices when he does it, but it’s just him checking you’re still beside him. (Even though he’s holding your fucking hand).
Damian is really bad at words so he tries to spend as much time with you as possible, even if it’s hard due to his job.
Damian knows how to handle your anxiety. Mostly due to his job as a vigilante, and because he sometimes deals with it himself, but also because he researched for hours after the first time it got bad around him. He’ll take care of you without a second of hesitation.
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I rlly hope you like this and I am so sorry that it’s this delayed ☹️ </3
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minniepetals · 1 year
i’ve read lots of fics. from the very emm unorganised storyline, to perfecto storyline. or the messed up vocabulary/grammars to the most AI-like vocab and grammar fics. or the fluffiest fics to the most disgusting/ disturbing fics - i’ve read it all throughout my reading fanfics journey-
and i must say that cmar is really quiet the disturbing one- no hate though seriously, i just read all the genre and appreciate the story as it’s the art of literature in language and story. i love literature btw and right now pursuing my degree in this field.
thus im here just to share my two cents, that cmar is really quiet near to the masterpiece. why quiet near? because i have to wait till this piece of story finish- to comprehend the whole storyline and the ending. eheks- not doing research don worry, i just here learning to analyse since i have class that i learned how to analyse a poem/ stories etc. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ something akin to review ?? yes. and my prof said that to be a great writer you have to get feedback from readers- and i love you, ergo you know what i mean right ;)
what is disturbing? the character development. mc’s character quiet disturbing as she’s been through a lot of abusive past. also she lives is criminal environment, dark and vicious, thus i understand why she’s act like how she is. also, i like it how she stands up for herself even though she’s broken. she’s really strong for that even though i might say it’s 50-50 she’s strong yet she’s broke - so that’s a whole lot of a person could endure but she had it all.
what is more, the antagonists characters, her father, leehyun, karl, kihyun, etc- lots of them, like really lots- and honestly? i can’t keep track on them, and confused between these characters and their bad deeds. and i am so so sorry that sometimes i keep skipping some parts,thereby after awhile i go back and re read it again to understand the plot better-
sometimes i feel like, the focus on throwback were too much?? but somehow i feels like it’s necessary because the flashback will justify the current action why the characters do that. right?? but is there any other way to write it so that the readers don’t feel like to skip the part?? i’ve been meaning to ask that - welp it can be a question in my next class . :3
for the boys (our tannies) there’s not much i can say though, because there’s not much exposure on them for these few chapters- thus, im hoping in future chapters maybe?? well that’s up to you ;)
overall, i really hope that you take this as a compliment im so sorry if i misled or something but i am really said this as a compliment. because, i had this one assessment and i really tried hard to write something that out of my comfort zone. i was trying to write something like this for my assessment but my prof said that i don’t quiet reach there yet- thus i just opted to write something small and sad and not quiet like this, a bit shame on me but still got an A so yeah- ㅋㅋ
thereby, i really speak highly of you writing cmar. because it’s really fun reading it !! btw thanks for the update on new chapter <3
take care and stay healthy ❤️
asdfghjkl thank you for using your pursuit for literature and looking at my work through an analytical standpoint lmao. it's honestly so great to hear insight from the perspective of a reader. one thing i'd definitely like to note on is your point on the antagonists. i completely understand with just skipping over a few things when it comes to them, which is honestly fine lmao, i tend to do that when i'm ready other stuff as well. i'm not sure how i can write it in a way where you wouldn't feel like skipping through some stuff to be honest. y/n's traumas are highlighted through these antagonists and i guess when it comes to cmar, it just isn't your typical romantic fanfiction stuff. whereas many fics focuses on their y/n and the character they're writing the fanfic based on, or they just mainly focus on the boys in general, cmar's focus is on y/n and her trauma.
i guess you can say in a way, it's less fanfiction and more story-like, since there are insights into these antagonists, as well as y/n and her people, her reapers, instead of the main focus being on mending the relationship between y/n and the boys.
i do see that i definitely should incorporate more moments with the boys. next chapter focuses on one of the guys so you'll get that there.
all in all, i enjoy writing cmar so much, as difficult as it is, and having this part of the work (your analysis) is really nice and refreshing, so thank you for that 💛
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staysuki · 3 years
i m alive
read about 10 chapters of slc continuously and it messed up my brain in ways you cannot imagine because of the many many things going on 😤 i can see myself in jake for ordering a ratatouille for the movie's sake 💀 first of all, i honestly cannot understand why restaurants would go to such lengths to use fancy language in menus 👁️👄👁️ i mean yeah, it s because it s literally what it s called bUt plS i just want to eat my pasta with garlic and olive oil sauce in peace. at least put pictures or a short description :">> i m not rk, idk rk stuff so bear with me 👊
thanks to lovegame anon smort sexc brain, i already expected the wonbi (wonpil & bibi) scandal 😎 but if i were them, i would ve stayed just for the drama 💅 but ig they won t have any proper closure without privacy so eh. the waiter cutting them off is just hilarious lmfao i died there 💀 an innocent man got caught up in the mess but in their defense, homie didn t bother trying to read the mood. dasurv 1/2
my assumptions about lia is so wrong, kinda feel bad for not trusting her, not one bit 😭 instead of a fight between lia and y/n, it s with ryujin. but yeah, that was a bitchy move XD anyways, rip jake s face.
felix touching y/n without consent is weird and creepy af 🚩🚩🚩 i still love him not as much as i do to seungmin though 😌 when he straight up sent a selfie to hyunjin SJFJDSAJFJKDFKJFDKJFDKFKJFADSK NAUR. but hyunjin did really seem 😏thirsty 🥵 sneakily asking for pics 👀 still, bestie sent a pic LMFAO send me one too pls. if hyunjin really had the hots for felix, i wouldn t blame him. THIS IS FELIX WE RE TALKING ABOUT.
who tf is samuel? is it hyunjin s nickname or something? a new character? like THE kim samuel? or hwang s father is so much of an ass that he thought his son is named samuel?
i love seungmin s character here, no one can change my name ugh. oh dbuh lovegame anon approved him na :>> lakas talaga. the tiktok that lovegame anon shared OMGGG NO. seungmin is adorable periodt. no. true, slc really showed his character development omaygad. seungmin king. seungmin lang. seungmin lahat.
regarding the rat, i still don t know who tf lmfao. initially, i suspected jisung. plus the fact that he literally gave away a ticket that could probably serve me a whole year to hyunjin. AND Y/N ,, OMG HE HAS 2 OF THOSE, NOTE THAT. i thought that it s a way to steal hyunjin s art while he s gone and stuff like that ya know. bUT i remember that hyunjin stated that jisung is filthy rich so idk anymore. anyways, i STILL AND WILL FOREVER doubt it d be seungmin. i just feel it. it s not him guys lolololol
🍕 try listening to opm AAAAAAA kiyo, alisson shore. shortone are my :">>> used to listen to them during my sad gurl phase bc why not. the lyrics are in filo but the melody itself is chill so i feel like you ll vibe with it. missed u 👉👈
btw i saw someone with pp hair here idk lol
how are you ash :33 i missed u 2 <3333
- ␈
WELCOME BACK 😭♥️ i missed you, hope you're alright and had a great long weekend or smth~ (sorry for the crazy updates and messy plotlines, i swear it'll all fall into place soon 😭)
JSHWJSHS true, i hate restaurants like that too (even though sometimes it's really just a name) i always look for descriptions or pictures too 😭. dw, i'm not rk either, i literally just searched up "fancy french menus" JSHWJSHWH—oh the things i research for fanfiction~
WONBI 💀💀. seungmin isn't chismoso 💔. but yeah, they needed that privacy and final confrontation, and i doubt it'd be comfortable to do with three other outsiders (even though they're all just family). THE WAITER PLS. I REALLY WANTED TO DO THAT BIT 🙈
yah, y'all always sus everyone in this fic, i'm used to it now.
PLS he wasn't asking for one but lmfao 😭 hyunlix ship then mayhaps~ would've been cute if felix isn't straight up backstabbing him— in fact, all of their friend group's interactions are lowkey cute if you don't think about the fact that there's some sneaky shit going on in the background 💔💔💔
p.s. !! samuel is hyunjin's english name irl!! 👁👁 from when he lived in the states for a bit as a child iirc. there's def gonna be some backstory as to why his dad calls him by his english name instead but i think you can already get the gist as to why.
pizza anon still susses out jisung 💀 so who knows, maybe one of y'all is right. YEAH HE'S FILTHY RICH, that's the newest jisung revelation, and he's so humble about it too, kinda, idk. like, according to jae's research, that's almost 20k dollars just for two people to look at "drawings in walls"— which, in our currency, is almost one million pesos 🥵🥵🥵🥵 bruh. this is some real rich rich people shit (p.s. i didn't mean to make it THAT expensive, i was just dumb LMFAO). also not your seungmin bias showing, there's still a chance it's him yk 😭
also for the record, the bangs already grew out, i don't have pp hair anymore 🤨🤨🤨, besides, i keep my hair tied up here cuz its so HoT pls.
i'm good uwu, glad to be back home~ we're in the same timezone na yehey, hope you're good too! glad you're able to send asks again, i missed ur wild thoughts 😙
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walkingnorth · 6 years
How did you pick the colors for text boxes in Always Human? It seemed to be somewhat linked to the hair color of the character speaking? And what font was that? It isn't quite Comic Sans, but it's similar (and better) looking. (your art+music is amazing btw!)
Hello! This is going to be a giant ‘reply to asks’ posts, sorry for how long I”ve been keeping you all waiting.
Yep, it was roughly the hair colour of the character speaking, but lighter and shifted a bit to fit in with the colour schemes of the scene. I mostly just winged it? The font is Komika, which has a lot of variations and is a very handy lettering font.And thank you very, very much
More asks under the cut
Anonymous said:I really really wanna start making comics, you’ve inspired me a lot! Do you have any advice for story telling, and character backgrounds?
Hello, I hope you enjoy making comics!
Please check out my webcomic advice tag, and my how I write tag (these are only viewable on a desktop, I think.)
Anonymous said:Hey Walkingnorth, I saw that you use DAUB Brushes on clip paint studio, Do you have a tutorial about how to use the DAUB's watercolour brushes by any chance or any way how I can learn to use them?
I don’t have a tutorial, but I’d suggest playing around and having fun! Find out which brushes you like best, then go into the brush settings and play around with the settings too, until you’ve found a way to make the brushes work exactly the way you want them to. I think tutorials are never quite as useful as messing around and seeing what happens :)
I’ve had a lot of people ask about my art process, so I’ll put together something for how I work on Aerial Magic panels (and maybe upload it as part of the Q&A episode that will happen I promise XD)
Anonymous said:I just wanna say your art gives me the happy tears. Always human was the webtoon that got me into webtoons and im glad to see you working on new things bc i love it all. I hope one day i too can make something that others will coment on and think "wow i made that forever ago glad it still makes people happy"
AHHHHH thank you so much ; - ;It’s really amazing to me that people still occasionally talk to me about Always Human, it’s such an incredible feeling. People are so nice!Good luck with your own works - storytelling is such a wonderful thing to do and I hope you have fun with it :)
Anonymous said:Question, How did you take the first step to moving to a new country, Cause in Always human, You were in Australia and now the United kingdom, How did you feel about taking that step and how did you manage to cope with a new country, Also bonus question if you feel up to it, How did you and your husband first meet?
Actually, during Always Human I was also in the UK :)I’m Australian, but my then-boyfriend-now-husband (who is also Australian) decided to study over here, so we moved. He moved first and got everything settled, so I didn’t have to do much organising beyond my visa, which was a relief. When I came over I was working as a substitute/casual primary school teacher, and I signed up with some teaching agencies before I travelled over, and they gave me e an idea of what to expect and what work would be like. Having them helping with bank accounts etc. definitely made everything much less stressful :)
Overall living in another country has been a great experience, I’ve learned a lot and I’ve had fantastic experiences. I’m glad I did it (though I’m also looking forward to when the two of us move back home - some time next year we think.)
If you get the chance to work overseas, I definitely recommend it!
Aaaaand my husband and I met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. He was funny and kind and he talked to me about books, and then he made an excuse to get my phone number by offering to lend me a book which is 100% the way to my heart :)
Anonymous said:Hey there! What are your primary artistic inspirations for the writing and art of your webcomics? What are your thoughts on Jack Kirby as an artist? Would you like to do a sports story some time in the future? Sorry fir being rambly😅
mmmmmm Kristin Cashore and Umino Chika are probably my biggest inspirations writing wise. Always Human was very shoujo manga inspired, Aerial Magic is very iyashikei inspired.I’m not sure I can point to any one particular influence on my art - obviously I’m very very anime/manga inspired, I’ve been inspired by other webcomics, I’ve been inspired by anime-esque Western shows, I’ve been inspired by Disney etc.(Mostly though I’m anime/manga inspired, I love the big eyes, small nose, small chin aesthetic it’s so pretty!!! Though not very good for facial diversity.)I’m afraid I have no thoughts on Jack Kirby, sorry. I never got into US comics (partially because I don’t particularly enjoy the aesthetics of the art style, partially because I prefer the more cinematic paneling of manga.)I love sports anime/manga a lot, and I’d be keen one day to do a story about a girl’s sports team :DBy the way, please let me recommend to you the webcomic Champs and the visual novel Butterfly Soup :)
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