#sorry my brain blanked when i saw the cake im insane
20cm · 2 years
today I serve chocolate orange cheesecake ... this looks unreal I need it fr
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giving u strength + love to conquer the day mwah I love u !!!!!!
hi angel mwah mwah mwah this fixed me mental illness gone + all traces of it erased.....we are sharing this rly good cheesecake spiritually 🥳🫂🥰💕💓💕💓💚💚💚💚 i love u !!!! i hope ur enjoying ur day hehee<333333
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bangtanhug · 6 years
Highlight of the dinner party
(my trans - so if its not perfect sorry.. i tried my best but dont blame me if i made a mistake please T-T )
 In the beginning they were debating how to cheer (with the alcohol) - Jimin suggested to go simple with Jjang (its often used when people clink glasses OR when they say something is good) - but Tae said let’s go with Eouuuuu -> Namjoon caught on quickly saying that you can interpret eouuu (the crying noise) into different things based on how you say it: it can show sadness, happiness etc etc - so they shouted eouuuu
They filmed this earlier again than their comeback +birthday (like every year) so they just thrown in their predictation for their achievements - funny, they predicted to land at #8 in top 100 but we all know they actually got #1 :D
Thay talked about the trip which was planned by Tae ( during festa there were pictures of it on the festa “magazine” - i dont know how to call it sorry hahah but im sure you remember it) -Jinmin slept in one room, Hoseok alone, Yoongi/Namjoon/Tae/Jungkook in one room but Jungkook couldn’t handle NAmjoon’s snoring so he slept somewhere else
They made Hobi drank for not putting the right amount of number on Yoongi’s cake lmao (there was a question about Yoongz’ brithday)...btw if you noticed he was drinking through a straw hahhaa also he is such a lightweight like at one point he blanked out and Namjoon even hurried Yoongi’s ith the questions because Hobi was getting red hahah
They scored each other’s style ...Seokjin said something about how face (your look) completes your style so even if your style is not good your face cane save it lmao...the confidence...  + They praised Namjooni saying if its fashin then its KimDaily ~..a.lso they said Jungkook has been the same for years :) - he only started to change recently [ this was where Tae hit hobi accidentally lmao]
BBMAs/AMAS talk - Yoongi said he cried after AMA but not because he felt like wow, yeah we did it (write history etce tce) but because of the pressure? - i hope i understood it well
my favourite one: IS it hard to be a maknae? it was a direct question to Kookie - Jimin or Yoongi even told him to be 100% honest, but Jungkook said its not that hard...it has never been (because he feels at ease with the hyungs)...he is more awkward with younger people
the next question about true happines??...or something which made them genuinely happy without force...Hobi said it was his mixtape (later he talked about how Namjoon and Yoongi taught him everything about music and how thankful he was for them) ...i didnt get Namjoon (sorry my skills are not on his level sorry) Jimin talked about how the rap line writes song for them, feeling always relatable because they are about them and even thanked them 
Suddenly we took a turn and we ended up with Namjoon and Yoongi talking about how Yoongi has music for Jimin...or in Jimin’s style? because it fits with him perfectly and Jimin was like: give me them, give me...and out of nowhere Tae said I will give you one ...BTW later they also talked baout how Tae was composing songs, Namjoon complimenting him and Jimin proudly saying that Hold Me Tight was also great and the beginning of V but that time the others /directs his words to Joonie˛/ doidnt take him seriously or there was a misunderstanding (sorry not clear) so Namjoon apologized and hugged Tae
Request of other members: Jimin pointed out something with the shoes..if im right, bangtan (Namjoon) doesnt put his soes in their places mostly hahah
MEmbers who you are thankful? - as I mentined before- Hoseok thank Yoongi and Namjoon for helping him improve as musician; Seokjin said Jimin: saying he is perfect , and hen he is having hard tie with dancing (namjoon too) he always helps them out ^^ ; Jimin pointed out the members, the team as his source of energy and teh reason why he works hard, Namjoon was talking about teh hard times during concerts; Taehyung revealed that when he was having a really hard time he received a long message from YOONGI!!!!! (everyone goes crazy over it) - Seokjin joked that eh barely got text from him, Namjoon saying that he gets short messages too hahahha Yoongi was csreaming from embarrassment - Yoongi said I love you in the end of his message ~ then it was revealed Jungkook also got message from Yoongi saying I love you at the end...and after that everyone was whining about how they want confession from Yoongi XD
what’s your motto in life ( i wont translate all of it because i already saw someone doing it on tumblr so...yeah...sorry t.t)
When I’m having hard time this is what i want to hear: - Tae isad: I love you then Jimin said that if Yoongu ever said i love you to him he would gain strength from it so Yoongi colly said: Jimina-ah i love you lol Tae was like after that: when i got the message i trie dto imagine how he would have sounded saying it (they asked him if it was similar) but tae imitated how he imagined it which was slightly different (NAmjin complainag again the lack of text from Yoongi’s part)
they they started the hardship of being an “idol” for being on the spotlight - the hardship how others see them - their stage “me” and real “me” struggle, the practice and yoongi was talking about the importance of family
- im getting tired...phew...my brain is freezing let me catch my breathe....-
btw my other highlight of the show was when Namjoon hurt his knee and Yoongi facepalmed or when Tae opened the soju hahah they were pretty funny in my opinion ~ also kookie admitting that he does 240 push-ups a day is pretty insane in my opinion lol   ...okay back to the main....
I didnt understand the next question ( im sorry im sorry...im going to study more in the summer to improve my korean ...im sorryT-T) but Jimin talked about a shooting experience if i get it right, saying that when it was cold he stopped thinking  (relatable lol)
they talked about school tests, and gave point out of 100 with different explanation to each other?  - they even joked that besides namjoon provbably nobody got 100 points on their tests  lol..and Yoongi even said that for his music exams he didnt get good results lol
last question: whats the meaning of happiness? ~ Jungkook siad: laughing/  Jimin joked at first but said he doesnt really know but something whcih makes him laugh, put him at ease? / Yoongi said he has been thinking about it for months but cant define it - basically you just feel it / NAmjoon: ...i cant ...im sorry i cant understand what namjoon says im so not on his vocab level that it hurts lmao / Seokjin: he talked about how he tries his best to lift up the mood / Hoseok said he thinks othervise than others - he said even if you’re happy you can cry? then Kookie said an idiom (once again im not on that level T-T) then Tae said happiness is when you dont have worry...he felt that when they went on the trip and he was just at peace, he gained lots of strength from it he just so happy during those days
Then Seokjin and Jungkook said the last words and they cheered ~
im sure there will be professional subs up soon...or some parts being translated  by others better than me ...but until they came out i wanted to at least help out others with that much i could understand...sorry if i made mistakes but i hope it was at least more than nothing ^^
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