#sorry random trolls fanart i just liked these guys a lot
dipndotz · 6 months
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ur honour they slayed
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Internet Hcs About the Evans
i don’t know. read it
warning: like everything language mentions of porn idk dont read it if ur gonna be like ew stop being lewd
Tate: Knows the fnaf lore. Specifically watched Markiplier play it and also a Sally Face fan like hardcore and kins both Sal and Larry equally. Has a Tumblr acc but it’s only to interact w fanart of fnaf and sally face and like idk follow other fan accs he’s one of those empty accs with some random ass username no posts no bio no prof pic just his name in lowercase. has a deviantart?? again doesn’t post just to look at fanart he’s really into fanart and almost gets into reading fanfiction about his various interests but ultimately decides against it cuz i feel like violet would clown on him for it if she ever found out
Kit: Has an insta but it’s private with like 27 followers and it’s all like just his family and friends and sometimes when his friends post he’ll comment something like ‘Looking good bud 👍’ and then disappears from the internet for another month or two until he gets a notif that his wife posted or something. too scared to go on twitter and i don’t blame him. for the most part he just doesn’t understand how the internet works and has no intentions of finding out so he leaves it alone. he also has a facebook but same rules apply with the instagram only ever goes on to hype up his wife and kids and sometimes friends
Kyle: frat boy sorry cuz i don’t imagine frankenkyle can fathom the internet anyway i feel like kyle gets into debates online like way too much and he sees nothing wrong w the fact that he’s like actively searching out bigots to give a piece of his mind to. he’s got a tiktok and only follows like racist sexist ppl so his feed is full or opportunities to curse someone out digitally. he’s also got a twitter thats almost been banned a lot. he’s completely anonymous w it tho and his insta is completely regular he’s got like maybe 900-1000 followers just of like his friends and frat guys from his own or other frats and a bunch of girls who asked for his insta cuz they thought he was cute even though he never replies to flirty dms. he WOULD have several white boy went fishing posts and you guys can’t argue w me on this ok i wrote too much for him. he definitely has a lot of girls commenting every time he posts and i think his brothers would give him a lot of shit for not ‘jumping on that shit’ but he’s all like ‘oh i’m old fashioned u know i’m not like that’ has an active snapchat that he adds stories to all the time but once again never responds to messages
Jimmy: he has an account on instagram, twitter, probably facebook but they’re all mostly like linked to the freak show ykwim like he’d have like a verified checkmark but he only ever posts like freak show related announcements or like every now and then a little video that he records of him and some other ppl in the show behind the scenes and it’s captioned like ‘come see us (enter date here)’ and that’s pretty much it he’s not super big on being active in social media because he claims he has plenty of friends irl he doesn’t need fake robot friends. also may not know how the internet works
James: i mean sally runs the hotels official instagram page and all other socials and he probably has no idea that she’s doing that until he finds out she posted some image of video of him on one of the accounts and then some guests recognize him at the hotel and say like ‘omg ur that guy!!’ and he has no idea what it all means n shit. I think he would get a great kick out of instagram reels like non tiktok but you know how like a month after a trend happens on tiktok then it goes to reels? right like he eats that shit up he thinks its the funniest goddamn thing like funny cat videos or someshit
Kai: right so like we all know he trolls reddit and 4chan and posts rude reviews on thatcow. the kinda guy that kyle finds himself internet battling like this is the enemy he's been preparing for. he has a tiktok to stay relevant and he's just a comment section lurker 'user17896379' type shit he just likes various biggoted comments and occasionally replies just to start fights and shit. he's got a facebook and insta where he's totally normal tho like 'hey guys vote me for senate!!' again similar to kyle but like opposite ends of the same spectrum. i would love to view his search history. searches the most despicable things on p0rn websites every time he yanks it and i just am desperate to know what shit he's looking at
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Just finished watching vld season 2
AND IM SCREAMING!!!! Spoilers ahead so don't read if you haven't watched the whole season yet. I just need a place to fangirl about this. So please bear with me. I can't believe I watched this one sitting instead of sleeping. I'm dying. Let's talk Keith. He's my baby, my fave, so a whole season that's mostly centered around him? I'm so down! Right from the get go we finally delve into his "mysterious past." It's confirmed. He's galra, but he also isn't purple, which, I'm personally happy for? Like, I love all the fanart and fanfics but I don't think it would make sense for him to suddenly turn purple. It's funny because he and Hunk were joking around (kind of) about it. We get to see his dad, and we know that it's his MOM that has some sort of galra connection. Since a lot of fanon was Thace being Keith's dad, it's pretty interesting that it was the mom. But we don't even know how much galra he is though, so that's a bit disappointing. AND HE GOT TO MEET THACE!!! "It was an honor to meet you." I'm crying. Like Keith baby, you're not just an emo kid, you have so much depth and I love it. But wow, I can't believe they killed of Thace so quickly... or did they? But dude, this season they did not play around. There was so much death and torture! It's not explicit, but I was really surprised how dark they went here. Like wow. The Galra empire is super evil. With a side of boot licking commanders, haha. But I love how it's Keith who is trying to humanize the galra. Like yes, Shiro was the one to find the first rebel (I forgot his name sorry) and advocate for him, but as soon as Keith became suspicious of his heritage, he kept connecting to how it's possible that not all galra were evil, even when his team looked at him like he was crazy. The reveal was a bit anticlimactic in my opinion. Like, there wasn't a lot of angst on Keith's part I believe? Like there was a lot of frustration and desperation to know the truth, which is definitely a lot different from fan fiction, where he is im denial or self loathing. But instead he really embraced it which was an interesting twist, not what I expected. The rest of the Paladins seem to take it well, which was surprising too, since there's usually a lot of mixed reactions in fan fiction (this is turning out to be a comparison between what happened in season two and most fan fiction predictions which wasn't intended but oh well). They all seem to accept him for who he is, all except for Allura. Which is interesting because I don't think Coran really cared. But Allura was really harsh towards Keith, surprising since they had their bonding moment (I'm sure the Kallura fans are rejoicing) right before their reveal. But I really appreciate showing the theme of prejudice and maybe even racism within Allura, who is one of the good guys. It's a good thing that she overcame it for Keith in the end (I'm sure the Kallura fans are squeeling at the hug. I was laughing because of the way Allura hugged him. It was such a strange way to initiate a hug, lol. But it was cute, I admit) but it's nice to show that the good guys are flawed too. Something that I noticed was the Keith was thrown into space a lot, and each time Red came to save him. Like... I think she saved him almost half the season. It's strange, because I don't think the other lions did it for their Paladins, granted that no one else was really hurled into space but still. And all of the Paladins got an upgrade on their lions, except for Keith. Like, does that mean anything? And does Keith have the strongest bond with his lion, or his lion just the most overprotective? Like, she attacked the rebel base because Keith was in distress! He wasn't rolling around in space yet! It might not even be an important detail but I can't help but wonder if the directors are going to go with that somewhere. And oh ho ho foreshadowing. Shiro doesn't die/disappear/gets captured this season. ITS FOR THE NEXT ONE LOL THE STUDIO TROLLED US ALL. But seriously. There was so much Shiro and Keith bonding!!! They definitely care for each other. Keith really looks out for Shiro's wellbeing, and look at the desperately he ran towards Black, and Shiro was the one that Keith wanted to see during the trial for the knife. Shiro also trusts Keith a lot and noticed when Keith was stressed out. BUT THEY DIDNT SHOW THE BACKSTORY BETWEEN THESE TWO SO IM CRYING. I'm crossing my fingers for season three. There's a lot of glimpses of Keith potentially leading voltron too. In the first episode, he was able to pilot Black. Granted it was for the sake of Shiro, but still. He was able to do it. I feel like that's huge because each paladin has a special connection to their lion. Since Keith could pilot Black (that one time) it really makes me question his bond with Red. There was no special bonding moment between him and Red, no new unlocked power. But like I mentioned before, Red is super protective. And in the last episode, when Shiro is down for the count for a few moments, Keith took charge. And I have a feeling that now that Shiro is gone (I hope it's just a temporary thing) Keith will really have to step up. But is he ready? I don't even think he wants to. Every time Shiro mentioned Keith leading, Keith was like nope! It could be because Keith didn't want Shiro gone, but also he may not like the responsibility of leading others. He's pretty independent and likes to make his own decision. He stated back to the rebellion commander (I don't remember his name either), that no was commanding/ordering him to sneak into Zarkon's fleet. He's just going to do it. Like. Keith, baby. You have a tendency of going on suicide missions. (On a side note, I found it interesting that Hunk is the one who's assigned to the most dangerous missions. I wonder if there's a reason for it.) Keith had a bonding moment with everybody except for Pidge and Coran. Which is highly disappointing. There's a lot of fanon of Keith and Pidge being conspiracy buddies and for a moment it seems like they could be, but they are barely togetherrr. I hope that they could bond more in season three. And I love Coran, and I would love to see him make deeper bonds than just with the princess. But holy crap, young Coran, teen Coran, child Coran and baby Coran. I DIED. Moving on away from Keith, out of all the villains I respect Haggar the most. Zarkon was reduced to a character obsessed with Black, which became pretty disappointing since I wanted a more complex villain, but HAGGAR. She definitely cares for Zarkon a lot, to the point that she would betray her own people. (Which I hope is something that Allura will come to terms with. That not all Galra are evil and that not all Alteans are good.) Haggar also did what needed to be done while Zarkon was busy locating the black lion, and even if she disagreed with Zarkon, she did her best to support him, instead of trying to overthrow him. It's clear that she supports Zarkon and his reign, not her own power. Which is kind of cool. And Allura. My girl. You are so strong. Like they totally bamfed you up this season. It's great. I love it. Sorry, going to go back to Keith again, but that galra that he rescued in the belly of the worm. Who was that??? They didn't speak at all, and didn't try to harm Keith in anyway, just took what they needed and ran. I really hope that they come back in season three. And that Keith reunites with them. It's such a slim chance, like that random galra was probably just another random faceless galra but still. Here's to hoping. And Matt. He escaped with the rebellion but I don't think it was the blades of something (I forgot that too, sorry). So who did he escape with? More allies for voltron I presume? I really hope that Pidge could reunite with him in season three. And maybe Keith could reunite with his family too? If they're even alive? Like what happened to his parents? When did he get orphaned? Like, he remembers his dads face, so definitely not when he was an infant, but he had the knife all his life and didn't know why. BUT PRINCE LOTOR IS COMING PRINCE LOTOR IS COMING!!! SEASON THREE I AM SO READY AND IM GOING TO DIE FROM THE WAIT.
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