#sorry sweet and sour chicken n rice in my fridge...
sodrippy · 2 years
life is about being tired but not being able to go to bed bc u have to eat first but not being able to eat first bc ur too tired to cook
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
Scrap Yard (Part 2): Shinichiro Sano x Fem!Reader
Part 1 here
wc: 1.2k
tw: fluff
Your reflection in the mirror is haggard, worn-out, and somewhat disgusting. Tiny cuts make a larger rug burn pattern on your cheek, and the sight of your purpling eye is enough to make you want to hide away for a month.
Ice, bandaids, and burn cream are all resolutions to your problem, but nothing will be able to be hidden from Shin. Not when you're fresh from a fight.
The front door creaks open - lunchtime - and you inhale shakily. Speak of the devil. "Hey," Shin calls out, his voice carrying throughout the small apartment.
"Hey," you call back, trying to sound unaffected, uninjured. The cash in your pocket begins to feel warm. You're so fucking guilty, it sings.
"I brought your favorite food home," he announces, his voice nearing your location. "Couldn't remember if there was anything left in the fridge."
"T-thanks," you reply. "I'll get it in a sec." Except you won't. You know you'll be hiding out until Shin returns to work and only reemerge to snatch the food and run back into the room you've cordoned off as yours.
"I was thinking we could eat together."
"Uh," you cry out immediately. "I'm... I'm not feeling super great right now, so I'll have to... wait to eat." A pause. Shin shuffles to the edge of the bathroom door, no doubt racking his mind for an explanation.
"You okay, y/n?" he wonders, placing his hand on the doorknob. "Something happen?"
"I fell down the ravine when I went for a walk this morning,"" you lie easily. "Lost my footing and tumbled... like an idiot."
"Oh, shit," Shin murmurs, turning the knob. "I can help you patch up."
"I'm okay," you press. "Just need to wash my hands and... fix myself." Your heart speeds up as his hand leaves the door, a breath escaping your lungs as he seems to walk away. "Thanks, though."
"No problem."
But when you re-emerge from the bathroom fifteen minutes later, Shin is still sitting in the living room, watching TV and eating his white rice. You walk past him and into the kitchen, hiding your face as quickly as possible. Sure, the lie might have been sufficient when he didn't see your face, but the moment he witnessed your bruised eye, it would all be for nothing.
"In the fridge," he calls out, and you retrieve the chicken and rice from the cold. The air hits your face, and you exhale in relief, closing your eyes. "Could have gotten more sweet and sour sauce."
You jolt upright and close the fridge door, facing away from Shin as he wanders into the kitchen lazily. "But I think there's enough left for you."
"Thanks." You hurry around him and walk back toward your room, clutching the fork in one hand and the food in the other.
"Y/n?" You stop in your tracks. Shin walks behind you, his face no doubt screwed up in confusion. "You seem off. Are you really okay?"
"I'm fine," you lie again. "Just a little shaken from the fall."
"Do you want to talk about it? Is your arm injured?"
"No," you whisper. Shin steps around you, and you attempt to hide your face from him again, but there's no use.
"Holy shit," he breathes, bringing his fingers to your eye. "Y/n, your eye is purpling. What the hell happened?"
"I tripped and fell," you repeat.
"Into a wall? Sorry, but that doesn't seem plausible." He's not sorry.
"I'm fine," you insist. "I need some food and a nap." The questions drive you mad because you know you'll have to lie even more. "I don't want to talk about it, Shin."
"I should check your arm just in case--"
"My arm is fine."
"What about the wiring? Did you roll, or did you slide down the ravine?" A tear leaks out of your uninjured eye. You're so fucking guilty. "Listen, y/n," Shin breathes. "You need to be more careful, okay? I know you want to go and explore stuff, but falling and tripping could cause damage to your arm and the other parts of you that aren't android. I just want to take a cursory look, okay? I'll leave you alone after that."
"Just one look," you concede.
Shin's room is average, you think to yourself as you eat your food with one hand. Comforting. Almost like home.
"Gonna open you up," he mentions softly, taking his screwdriver and disconnecting the comms panel from the rest of your arm. "Paneling looks fine." Another tinker here and there, and Shin frowns. "Some wiring is fried. But that can be replaced. Let's check the history and see if you sustained any error messaging." Oh, fuck.
If Shin goes through the history, he'll see the elevated heart rate warning, the damage incurred messages, the fight or flight? mode activation. Hopefully, he won't see the long period the notes continued to pop up. If he saw any time-stamps...
"Damage incurred," he reads. "Typical. Fight or flight..." Your heart begins to speed up again. No, Shin is too smart not to know what happened. "Damage, damage, damage..." Shin stops. You hold your breath. "Y/n," he begins softly, slowly. He turns to you, holding your arm in both of his hands. "Three hours of the messages." You stare at him, swallowing hard. "Is the time clock damaged?"
"No," you mutter.
"Three hours." His words leave you empty. He's waiting for you to fill in the blanks. But when he stands and sets your arm aside, you flinch. "How much money did you get?" You set your bowl down and fish around in your pocket, ashamed. The stack of bills is produced, and Shin looks at them, then at you. His dark eyes fill with disappointment, and you press your lips together solemnly.
"It's seven hundred."
"Why... no, I know why you lied." Shin shakes his head, running his hands through his jet-black hair. "Why do you continue to go out there?"
"For money," you whisper.
"I've given you everything you've needed," Shin explains, pacing the room. "I've given you a place to sleep, food, entertainment... and you continue to put yourself in danger. I don't get it."
"Sometimes it's not enough," you answer softly. "And it's not you," you add. "It's all me. It's my fault."
"But I can't keep fixing you up and then letting you go back out there. What if you don't come back?"
"Then you'll be rid of me. And so will everyone else."
"I can't force you to do anything," Shin grumbles, tossing your arm back at you. "But I won't continue to fix you up if you keep doing this. I care about you too much."
Care. You look back down at your feet. Shin follows your gaze and squats low, holding your ankles in both of his calloused hands. "Y/n, I care about you. I do. You're worthy of care just like everyone else around here."
"I don't think I'm broken," you murmur, trying to refute his words.
"No, I'm sure you don't. But you throw caution to the wind because you don't care about yourself. And if there's one thing I'm good at, it's caring for people. Let me do the same to you."
"Not one of your little projects, am I?" you laugh wryly.
"No. We've both got things we need to work on. But you know what's good for you and what's not. Fighting? That isn't good for you at all."
"It's all I know," you whisper.
"Then it looks like it's time to teach you something new."
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cinanamon · 6 years
fortune cookies — wyk
pairing | yukhei x reader
genre | fluff, employee!au, customer!au, mutual pining!au
word count | 1.8K
synopsis |  You ate so often at the little Chinese restaurant around the corner that flirting with the boy at the counter became a regular occurrence.
warnings | none
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“Welcome to the Red Sun restaurant!” You heard the older woman’s voice crackle through the phone and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread on your face. “What would you like to order?”
“Hi, I’d like the General Tso chicken, shrimp lo mein, and two egg rolls.” You glanced down at the list you wrote for your friends hanging in the living room.
“What type of rice?”
You moved the phone away from your mouth and peeked out behind the wall. “What rice?”
Chenle looked over the edge of the couch enthusiastically. “White!” When no one objected you nodded and brought the phone back, repeating the order.
“Any drinks?” You heard her faintly shouting your order but you moved to your fridge and checked that you had soda’s available.
“Ah, no, I think that’s it.”
She told you your total and said it’d be about a twenty minute wait before it’d be ready. You nodded and thanked her before ending the call.
You left the kitchen and sat beside Chenle on the sofa. “I don’t know why you didn’t want an egg roll,” He had been saying crossly.
Jisung, on the other side of the room, shrugged. “I just don’t want one; besides, they put too much lettuce in theirs.” You rolled your eyes and laughed lightly.
“Okay, but they’re good that way,” you objected with a pout. Jisung gave you a look of distaste before going back to his phone.
You sighed and shook your head, checking the time on your phone before standing. “I probably should go ahead and head there.”
Chenle looked at you in confusion. “Aren’t they only, like, five minutes away?”
You moved to the closet and pulled on your jacket, shrugging even though he couldn’t see you. “I mean, if there’s traffic it’ll be longer. And I’ve been going there long enough to know that it doesn’t take as long as they say.” Chenle gave you a look of suspicion but just waved you goodbye as you left your apartment.
Like you predicted, the traffic was a little stocked up, which was normal for nighttime rush hour, but it ended quickly and you showed up within a quarter of an hour. You pushed open the red door and smiled at the receptionist politely.
You had always enjoyed this restaurant, hence why you came so often. It was quaint; small and a little tucked away, but warm and nicely decorated. It had red wood paneling and a dark carpet, a small crystal chandelier in the center of the room, drawings of the Great Wall Of China spanned one wall above the booths and tables. Shelves and thin paper separators sectioned off the different areas, and you enjoyed the scented candle on the counter.
It took only a few seconds before a tall, broad frame pushed through the back room curtain, a box in his hands. Wong Yukhei.
He had flirted with you since you first came to order food; or at least, since he came to take up the job to help his grandparents’ restaurant. You would admit, he was definitely cute and you could tell he was hardworking, but you felt it was just harmless teasing. Who knew how long he’d be working here? Who knew how many other girls he tried to get the numbers of? So you found it fun to reply but never carry out.
His smile only grew wider when he saw you, and he quickened his pace to get behind the counter, taking the girl’s place. “(Y/n), h-hey!”
You smiled charmingly and leaned against the counter slightly. “Yukhei! How are you?”
His eyes met yours and you took note how his grin never once faltered, his hands moving on the monitor without his watchful eye. “I’m doing good; you haven’t called for a bit! How’s life for you?”
“I have a couple friends over right now who were craving some Chinese so,” You gestured to yourself vaguely and laughed, and it must have been contagious because he chuckled too.
His hands slowed on his work and you didn’t miss how he slightly frowned, reluctantly telling you your total, which you readily fetched and handed over. His cheeks flushed lightly when you brushed your fingers over his palm and he retracted his hand back nervously, causing you to bite your lip not to giggle.
“Well, um, have a good night.” He grinned briefly, his eyes locked on you hopefully as he handed over the box. You nodded and wish him the same, turning to go. “Wait, um,” You looked over your shoulder, your eyebrow cocked playfully. The apples of his cheeks colored as he tried to not show how far he leaned over the bar. “Um, come back soon, yeah?”
“Of course,” You tried not to smirk as you pressed on the door and exited.
Maybe you did like him, and maybe he did like you, but where’s the fun in not playing with him a little?
- - -
You had been planning on having leftovers, but Chenle and Jisung seemed too unapologetic when they finished off the food you ordered. You had scolded them but couldn’t say that you weren’t craving Chinese food the next night.
You sighed and looked through your fridge for the third time. Nothing looked appealing. Would it hurt to order Chinese again? You took only a second before you crumbled, grabbing your coat and heading out to your car again.
It was a little later than the night before, allowing you to reach the restaurant in less time. When the bell chimed, signaling your arrival, you moved to the counter automatically.
“Hello! Are you dining in or did you order?” The young man smiled at you. You told him the former, and he reached under the surface to grab a menu before leading you a few steps away to a table with two seats. He sat down the menu and took your drink order before departing.
You glanced at the contents of the menu for a short while before decided on the sweet and sour pork; you hadn’t had that in a while.
“One Diet Coke—(y/n)?” You glanced up and smiled at Yukhei’s shocked look.
“Hello there.” You giggled out the words, closing the menu and placing your hands on your lap. He blinked and hastily placed down your drink, pulling a straw out of his apron.
“I know I said come back soon, but I wasn’t expecting you to come back the next day.” His loud laugh rang through the rather quiet restaurant and you tried not to shrink in embarrassment when another couple looked at your amusement.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t expecting my friends to finish off my leftovers.” He whistled and pulled out his notepad.
“Dang, I feel that.” He clicked his pen and shone a brilliantly genuine smile on you. “Do you know what you want to order?”
“The sweet and sour pork, thank you.” He wrote it down and took your menu.
“It’ll be right out! Especially since you’re a favorite customer.” He flushed right after saying that and excused himself, hurrying behind the curtain. You furrowed your eyebrows and tried to shrug it off. You guessed he probably meant since you came so often.
And like promised, it was out after only a few minutes, and Yukhei presented it himself. He lingered by your table, his mouth pursed. You paused in reaching for your food. “Is something wrong?”
He seemed to come alive again, shaking his head but looking at you with those same hopeful eyes from the day before. “It’s just...would you mind company? My shift ends in a few minutes so I just thought…”
“That we could eat together?”
He blushed at that, a hand coming to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. “...yeah.”
“I don’t mind,” you found yourself saying, dropping your hands back to your sides. “I’ll wait for you.”
“Really?” He perked up, a foolishly big grin spreading on his features. “I mean, you don’t have to but...awesome. Yeah, I’ll be quick!” He practically bounded back into the kitchen, stripping off his apron as he went. You couldn’t hold back the chuckle that bubbled in your chest.
You looked up from your phone to the welcome sight of Yukhei holding another drink and plate (something steak, you presumed), and it was a nice change to see him in just regular clothes and messy hair. He sat down happily across from you. “Sorry for the wait.”
“You’re fine!” You picked up your chopsticks and looked at him expectantly. He really was always smiling, wasn’t he? Or at least always smiling at you. He lifted his to clank with yours before you both dig in.
You shared small talk, but overall, it seemed you were both too hungry to spare too long on conversation. He cracked a few jokes here and there, making you choke on your food and you’d send him a playful glare over the table, but he’d only chuckle in delight.
When you finished, you leaned back with a hearty sigh. He rubbed his stomach and hummed, “The food is good, right? My grandfather really is a good chef.” You smile softly at the comment, nodding in agreement. “Oh! And, uh, this,” he picked up the two fortune cookies from his hands, laughing at the silly addition some restaurants had taken up. He outstretched one to you, and you took it delicately, unwrapping the crisp cookie carefully. Across from you, Yukhei counted down for you to break them at the same time. You smiled lopsidedly as you withdrew the slip of paper.
“Read it aloud,” he prompted.
You sighed in joking exasperation, but cleared your throat. “‘A potential relationship is just under your nose.’” You looked up at Yukhei and both of your cheeks colored a deep red that matched the wood paneling.
“Well that wasn’t very subtle, was it?” He tried to play it off, but you could tell even he felt shy.
“T-that was the fortune cookie!”
“Of course! I’m just playing with you.”
“Well read yours.”
He cracked his fingers and took a deep breath, his dramatics of such a simple action making you laugh again. He grinned back goofily before opening the slip of paper, and his smile dropped instantly, leaving him slack jawed. You furrowed your brows.
“What does it say?”
He tore his gaze away to gape at you, and he slowly turned the paper so you could see it.
It was the same one as yours.
“You’re joking,” you reached for it and brought it closer to your eyes, laughing in disbelief.
“I’m not!” He chuckled reaching across the table to pluck it back from your hands. You made eye contact with him and you both are still laughing and blushing. “The cookies have spoken; would you like to go out with me?”
You shook your head but couldn’t help your foolish smile. “Please never say that again but…yeah, I think going out with you would be nice.”
And when Yukhei blushed the prettiest shade of red, you couldn’t help but cheekily add, “...wouldn’t want to upset the fortune cookies—“
“Please, I knew it was stupid as soon as I said it.”
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roses-and-oceans · 7 years
A/N: I’d like to thank @ubeshibe @wolfyfloofs @gladiolus-mamacitia for keeping my Twin AU alive with their love. So here’s a fic where all the twins exist in the same universe. This is based off Doodle’s comic ahhhAAHHHHHH.
Also, if you’re not familiar with my Twin AUs, Here are the headcanons; more info and doodles can be found on my masterlist~
also, tagging: @chemicalkiddo, @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit, thank you guys for your support for my au <3
I listened to La Vie en Rose by Pomplamoose over and over while writing this it seemed to fit it somehow lol. 
Caelum Twins | Argentum Twins
Scientia Twins | Amicitia Twins
It all began with a cough from a passing councilman. Or it could have been a sneeze. Aurelio found himself sneezing up a storm as he put books away for that evening; the Citadel library was empty except for his echoing sneeze. With that, he prayed to the stars and Gods above to spare him the from the flu.
The brothers and sister group of the Caelums, Scientias, Amicitias and Argentums were out enjoying a night out together. It was a rarity; Vega was home for the winter break and staying with her brother, Noctis. Aster was back home from guarding the Wall, which was a relief for Gladio and both Ignis and Aurelio were not working late tonight. No doubt, Noctis would have pulled strings to get them all to come out. With the eight of them, they were all able to fill a lazy susan table. As everyone was eating fried rice, noodles, flanks of barbequed pork, sweet and sour chicken, and sauteed veggies (except Noctis), Aurelio felt the beginnings of a headache. Vega was spooning chicken onto her plate in great quantities when she noticed Aurelio massage his forehead, “You alright?”
Aurelio winced at the volume of Aster’s and Gladio’s guffaws and sniffled, “Yes, I think so. Just a headache, I’m afraid.”
Vega gave him a knowing look and said, “I’ve got you covered.”
From her purse, she pulled out a small bottle of naproxen sodium, and shook out two tablets, “That should do it. Let me know if you need more.”
Aurelio thanked her. The pills were like rough stone going down.
The pills weren’t enough; Aurelio woke up the next day with a fever, sore throat and a plugged up nose. He wrapped himself up in his comforter and set himself on the couch. His little black cat Fish hopped up on his lap and started rubbing up against him. He gave her a quick cuddle and set her down on his lap. He reached for his phone and as he clicked the screen to life, he immediately put it back down. The screen was far too bright to handle. Fish purred next to his ear and rubbed against him again purring loudly.
“Can you tell Ignis that I’m sick, Fishie?” He asked pitifully. She gave a little mew and sneezed herself, spraying Aurelio’s ear.
He scribbled note hastily and tucked it into Fish’s collar and let her out onto the fire escape. She climbed up to the floor above and started meowing right at Ignis’s window. She meowed and meowed until Ignis plucked her from the windowsill and plopped her right on the couch, “Alright! I heard you the first few times, whats the matter?”
He saw the note on her collar and he unfurled it.
“Oh, bother, dear brother…”
Ignis sighed and Fish blinked at him with her deep blue eyes. “What a fool, my master is,” her eyes said.
Ignis nodded in agreement. As Ignis gathered his things, Aurelio wailed in his apartment, “Igniiiisss, I’m out of tissues, I can’t breaathee!”
Ignis found Aurelio in his apartment buried deep in his blanket, a bag of used tissues at his side. His cheeks had taken a ruddy hue and he was half asleep.
Ignis touched his twin’s forehead and it was just as he feared; Aurelio’s fever was running high. He sighed and tried shaking Aurelio awake.
Aurelio groaned weakly, “I think I’m a bit ill.”
“A bit ill? I could fry an egg on your forehead.”
Aurelio groaned again and settled back on his couch. His face was just peaking out of the pile of blankets. He looked at Ignis dejectedly and Ignis got up to make a phone call.
“Hello Aster. Might you be able to do me a favor?”
Aurelio was still covered in blankets when he and Ignis had arrived at Aster Amicitia’s apartment. Aurelio had started to shake, “W-why can’t you take, take care of me today, Ignis?”
“I’m very sorry, the prince needs me today, I can’t stay with you. And if I remember, we agreed that we would stay away from one another, to isolate the illness.”
Aurelio slumped into Ignis’ shoulder with a whine, “I don't remember such a silly thing. And just call Nooctt, pleaasee.”
Ignis rolled his eyes and sighed; Aurelio always got needy when he was ill. It was worsened with his delirium the fever had brought on.
“No, I can’t. And you promised!”
Aurelio had started kicking up such a fuss that Ignis had to pick him and carry him bridal-style all the way to Aster’s door. By the time Aster had answered the door, Ignis was struggling under the deadweight that Aurelio had set. He practically threw his brother into Aster’s arms with a, “Be strong for mother, Aurelio.”
“Ignis, what the hell?”
“You’ve got this covered right?” Ignis didn’t even wait for Aster to reply, he was practically sprinting out of the apartment complex.
Aurelio peered up at Aster with watery eyes, “Gladio?? Aster?? I can’t see, I don’t have my glasses.”
Aurelio decided that maybe he could tell by the scent of his cologne. He sniffed, “… I can’t smell, my nose is too clogged…”
Aster grumbled under his breath and set Aurelio down on his futon and asked, “Have you taken any medicine yet?”
“Cough syrup… Ignis ran out of medicine and I didn’t have any.”
Aster hummed, “I don’t have anything for what you’ve got, bud. I’ll make a quick call, though, don’t you worry.”
“Thank you,” Aurelio said, his voice quivering.
Aster couldn’t help but laugh at his poor friend’s misfortune. Aster reached for his phone and as he unlocked it, his apartment buzzer went off. He went to answer, “Yeah?”
“Aster, dude, open up! Hands are kinda full!”
Aster was taken back, “Cassiel? Don’t you have the key?”
“Like I said hands are full, I’m using my forehead to press the button.”
He buzzed Cassiel in and a minute later, the door burst open. Prompto and Cassiel came in, looking as identical as ever down to the last freckle. They each had bags and bags full of things.
“We heard Aurelio was sick,” they chimed together.
“We brought stuff!” Prompto waved a bag cheerfully.
Aster waved them in, a hand clapping each Argentum on the shoulder, “Great timing! I’ve been gone for months, I don’t have anything in my place.”
Aurelio greeted Prompto and Cassiel as enthusiastically as he could. Cassiel set about making cups of tea, walking around the apartment as if it was his own home.
“How do you like your tea? Sweet, unsweetened?”
Aurelio made to answer, but was overcome with a coughing fit and he retreated into his comforter. He didn’t come out until his face was red and he wiped a bit of spittle from the corner of his mouth.
“Honey, if you please.”
Cassiel nodded and Prompto sat down next to him. He held a thermometer in his hand, “Open the hatch.”
Aurelio held the thermometer under his tongue and winced at the pounding in his head.
“Can I ge-”
“Minutes almost done, hold tight.”
Aster sat down next to Aurelio and the sick man slumped against him. All Aster could do was give him a sympathetic pat.
When the thermometer beeped, announcing Aurelio’s 102°F fever, Aster said, “Wonder what got Ignis so busy today.”
As Aurelio gulped down his tea and cold pills, he rasped, “He’s been working late for the last few weeks. I think it’s in preparation for something in Niflheim. It’s months away from being complete, should be in the summer that it should pop up again.”
Aster nodded, “I would hope it’s something good then.”
Vega poured herself a cup of tea while waiting in the Citadel garden for Ignis and Noctis. She picked at her nails, eager and sort of anxious to tell them something that had been troubling her. She wished her hair was longer; she had cut it short to stand in for Noctis at a gala the last time she was on school break. She missed toying with the long strands.
She heard echoing footsteps, so she stood. Noctis came first, followed by Ignis and Gladio. Noctis ruffled her short hair as he sat down, Ignis gave her a little bow and Gladio said, “How are you, Royal Princess?”
“I’m good, nice to be home.”
“Training tomorrow at 7pm, sharp.
Vega rolled her eyes, "Good, I get to kick your ass again.”
Gladio gave a hearty laugh as he stood against the wall and she smiled as she took her seat.
“Thank you for organizing this tea for us, Vega,” Ignis said, “But I’m afraid we might have to cut it shorter than anticipated, I have a meeting and Noctis has his training.”
Noctis sighed and frowned, “Oh, c'mon Specs, Vega’s here, I just wanna relax-”
“Tomorrow, your highness, you should be free.”
Noctis relented with a “bah,” and reached for a slice of cake.
“Cake before training?” Vega tried stealing some off Noctis’ plate, “You’re gonna make yourself sick.”
Vega was successful in taking a piece with her force, much to Noctis’ chagrin. She paused in thought as she licked the frosting off her fork.
“Ah, I suppose you’re old enough, just aim for Gladio when you puke.”
Ignis managed to stop himself from snorting into his tea, “No, I don’t think that’ll be good for either of them. They’ll end up worse than my poor brother.”
Vega had been ready to sip from her tea but she placed the cup back down, saucer and all, “What happened with Aurelio?”
“He’s indisposed, nasty bout of flu.”
Vega raised her eyebrows, “Is he okay?”
“He’s a grown man, he can take care of himself.”
“He’s Aurelio; He’s alot like you but you know how he gets.”
“That’s precisely why I left him with Aster.”
“You left him- you do realize you left him with someone who doesn’t even have crumbs in his fridge? He’s been gone for months!”
Ignis sighed, “I’m not a fool; I sent Cassiel and Prompto with supplies.”
Vega propped her chin in her hand and her elbow against the table, “Lords almighty, Igs. I know things are tough with the councilmen right now- mind you, Noct’s been talking my ear off.”
“Aurelio does get rather difficult when he’s ill,” Ignis had the tiniest bit of grace to look slightly ashamed, “Which is why we agreed on not caring for one another while ill. I’d rather not say something too brash by accident and offend him.”
Vega sighed and nodded. She got up and said, “I’m gonna go check up on him, just in case.”
Noctis tugged at her sleeve, “Hold up, you said you wanted to tell us something.”
She had almost forgotten.
“Ahh, its not that important, it can wait.”
“Nonsense,” Ignis said and he finished his tea, “Pray tell. We might not get a chance to talk later.”
Reluctantly, Vega sat back down. She took a deep breath to calm herself but she felt her heart pound heavier.
“I’m not going back to school after break.”
Ignis dropped his fork, “Y-You’re dropping out? What ever for? Are you failing?”
Vega could feel Noctis’ eyes bore into her and an uncomfortable heat went through her, “It won’t be forever, its just a gap year! I still haven’t chosen my major…”
“Vega, I thought we discussed this-,” Ignis began but Vega interrupted, “You know my heart isn’t in government. You’ve known that! Medicine is good and all, but that’ll take years and I’ll be stuck, an-and I don’t want that.”
“Well, what do you want to do, Vega?”
She hated that question so much. She never had an answer.
“I don’t know…”
Ignis sighed and she could tell he was trying to collect his remaining patience.
“Why don’t you stick out the remainder of the semester? Maybe by then you’ll figure out whatever you want to do?”
“Ignis, I’m going crazy there. I like school enough but I’m not going anywhere with it. It’s like being stuck-”
“Stuck in a cage with no where to go,” Noctis finished for her. She looked at him, and he held a somber look.
“What do you think Dad’ll say?” Her throat had gone dry.
Noctis looked away and his eyes settled on the table, “I dunno… You’re gonna need to talk to him yourself.”
Vega shut her eyes and let out all the air she had been holding in.
She didn’t look at either them for fear of seeing disappointment in their eyes. She got her motorcycle helmet from under her chair and she started walking out.
“Hey, Vey,” Noctis called out. Vega spun just in time to catch his keys. It was a new set of keys. He had talked about driving around with her, to hit up their old haunts, places she hadn’t been to in a while.She
Vega shook her head and tossed his keys back.
The ride from the Citadel to Aster’s apartment was enough to relax Vega enough. She was buzzed in with a “Holy Crap...” from Aster and right when she entered the hallway, she smelled burnt rice. She practically sprinted down to Aster's door and started pounding on it.
Cassiel answered the door and the burnt stench followed. Vega covered her nose with her sleeve. He greeted as casually as he could, “Hey Vega! How are you?”
“What in the gods are you guys doing?” She pushed past him and found Prompto opening the window in the kitchen and Aster trying to scrape the rice off the pot. Vega couldn't have come at a better time.
She spotted a very sorry looking Aurelio on the futon, lying back with his eyes half open. Vega shook him gently, “Hey, how are you?”
“Vega? What's that smell?”
“Someone other than your brother trying to cook,” she said with a smile. Aurelio chuckles turned into coughs and she touched his forehead. His fever was still burning on and he said, “Gods above, I feel awful.”
“You don't look too good, either, sorry to say.”
“I just want to go to bed...”
Vega started to kick herself for not taking Noct's car. She said, “Let me see what I can do.”
She went over to Aster, who was soaking the pot in hot water. Prompto and Cassiel were trying to read out a recipe from their phones. They were arguing over whether they could feed it to Aurelio or if they would be able to make it in the first place. She said to the three men, “You guys mind if I take Aurelio back to his place? I think it'll be better...”
“Aww but we wanna help!!” Prompto and Cassiel cried. Aster pouted at them, “Yeah and you guys almost burnt down my kitchen. I was supposed to hang out with Nyx tonight but I gotta stay and clean up.”
Cassiel frowned, “I'm sorry, big guy.”
Vega took out her phone, “Alright, how about a game plan? I'll take Aurelio home, you three clean up, yeah? Team Argentum can take over cleaning when you need to get going, Aster.”
“Will you be okay with Aurelio?” Aster asked as he took out cleaning sprays from under the sink.
“Yeah! I'm in college, I get sick all the time. I can handle it from here. Can you guys watch my bike while I get Aurelio settled?”
Cassiel and Prompto gave salutes.Vega called a taxi.
Immediately after arriving (and after Vega had to break in to collect Aurelio's forgotten keys and glasses), Aurelio crashed onto his bed. Vega was able to coax some toast and juice with medicine into him before he passed out. She left a note next to his pillow saying that she would be at the store and called a taxi to take her back to Aster's to pick up her motorcycle.
She picked up a bit of fruit and some chicken to stew, if Aurelio felt he was up to it. She also picked up some tissues, frankincense oil, some honey and lemon. These were her staples for survival back at school when flu season hit the campus. She'd pick up more later if need be.
She was setting a pot to boil and looking for a cutting board when Aurelio shuffled into the kitchen. His hair was mussed up and he rasped out, “I think my head might explode.”
“That's not good,” Vega said as she reached out for a mug, “Want a cup of tea?”
“Yes, please.”
She prepared his tea and he perched himself right at the counter. He was in his scruffiest cardigan and shivering. Vega stuck a thermometer in his mouth before he could take a sip of his tea.
She laughed at his pout and when she finally found the cutting board, the thermometer went off. She plucked it from his mouth.
“Hmn, 101.5. What was it the last time your temp was taken?”
“I dunno, I think I was dead.”
Vega laughed and handed him his mug, “How so do you feel about having a bit of chicken stew?”
“That would be great, thank you.”
Vega sent him to the couch to settle with a movie and set herself to dicing carrots and onion. She set the chicken, veggies and some herbs to boil then simmer. She set a timer to an hour and she sat next to Aurelio. He looked about ready to doze off again. He shifted when she sat and said, “Wont be for another hour, sorry.”
“No hurry, I'm not all that hungry yet.”
She nodded and pulled her knees to her chest. They sat and watched the movie in silence for a minute and Aurelio said, “I can't thank you enough for being here. But why?”
“I'm not up to much most days,” Vega yawned. She looked at him, “Honestly, I don't mind, it gives me something to do.”
“How kind of you. Really, I-”
“Don't mention it, its no big deal.”
Vega turned to watch the movie. Aurelio asked with a light air, “How has school been?”
Vega shook her head, “I'm dropping out. Or well, taking a break for a year.”
“Has it been that tough?”
She sighed, “I'm just tired... I don't know what I'm doing there, to be completely honest.”
Aurelio scooted to face her. She looked at her knees, “My grades are fine... I just don't think I'm all that passionate enough about anything to pursue a degree.”
“Ignis wasn't too happy to hear.”
“Well, that's Ignis, dear. He's already got things figured out, he's always finding more things to figure out.” He paused to blow his nose.
Once the trumpeting petered out, he said, “You just focus on what you want to do. You're still young and though you may be royalty, you're human.”
Vega felt her eyes sting slightly and her voice was small, “What if my father is disappointed in me?”
Aurelio took her hand, “Now, I know that to be impossible. He'd want what's best for you. Understand?”
Vega nodded and whispered, “Thanks.”
They continued watching the movie until Vega's timer went off and she went back to fixing up the stew. Aurelio had dozed off while she finished and she brought him a bowl. He downed some medicine and fell asleep again. Vega picked another movie to play and found her thoughts drifting back to this afternoon. She knew Ignis meant well; he'd been a great help though the past few semesters when she felt herself close to losing her mind. They'd all talk about it more later. She'd talk to her father when she got the chance.
For now, she closed her eyes and let the movie lull her to sleep.
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