#sorry that this post is very salty and less comedic
katapotato55 · 1 year
Writing review: Saints row 2022 is an example of overly safe writing
disclaimer: I have NEVER played the old saints row games. saints row 2022 is my first exposure to the series, so you can rest assured knowing i am mostly unbiased. My only frame of reference for older games is the internet second disclaimer: the focus of this post is on the writing and maaaybe some unrelated stuff here and there. also let me remind you that this is my opinion and that you are allowed to enjoy something that i personally hate. you don't need my permission to enjoy things. spoilers for saints row 2022 obviously. do not play this game it is not worth the money. lets begin under the cut.
First problem: the main character is an unlikable turd, also they look ugly.
half related but i spent 30 minutes on that damn face slider and i still couldn't get them to look natural. What an ugly looking creature. the thing that sticks out to me is in the start of the game where they are constantly bitching and moaning about their commanding officer ordering to do things. when i think "lose cannon" character, i don't imagine a whiny 14 year old with a gun and ugly armor. at that moment i have decided to put that thought aside at that moment and think to myself "ok so perhaps the game is trying to go for a character that doesn't listen to the rules. I will play along for now"
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whoopsie! the main character is too much of a coward to shoot the big bad guy who has killed a bunch of people up to that point ! let me just throw empty threats like "don't move or i am going to shoot you" without actually shooting! wOULD YOU PLEASE SHOOT HIM IN THE FUCKING KNEE ALREADY YOU HAVE A GUN. YOU ARE AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATE LAW. YOU LET HIM GET AWAY AND TAKE OVER A FIGHTER JET BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SHOOT HIM HE IS UNARMED AND YOU HAVE A GUN AND BULLET PROOF ARMOR. FUCKING FUCK FUCK The story can't decide if your personality-less protagonist is a lose cannon or a goody two shoes, so to artificially move on to a boring "dangling off a jet" fight scene they just don't shoot the fucker causing a huge mess and I am not even going to get into the fact the big bad didn't even fly the fuck away when your character was literally dangling off the jet. what is it made of??? Styrofoam ? ? ? ?
Problem 2: this game is too scared to actually be a game aimed at adults
the rating of this game is rated as M for mature. This is a game that they will not sell to minors in stores. As in this game is made for adults who are legally able to enjoy dirty jokes in games.
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so why the FUCK did they censor RimJobs and Freckle bitches??? what are you scared that the underage teen that bought the game on steam without telling their parents is suddenly going to have a meltdown because they saw a swear ? ? I never played the older games let me remind you, but it feels so lame that my first experiences is jokes stolen from older games and then bastardized. and no this does not make the game more mature. Let me tell you why:
Problem 3: the main villain conflict is an unholy mash between high school drama and boring "fight the system" stories
today I learned that you run a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION in this game. did you know that? I didn't know that. "Kat that's the whole point of the series" OH REALLY? WELL TELL THAT TO THE DAMN WRITERS OF THIS STORY first issue: the fact that the evil corporation somehow buys your criminal organization legally and your dumbass character and even dumber team-mates think this is some big deal hey friend! did you know that the perks of having a criminal organization is that you don't follow the law ? did you know that owning the rights to something doesn't mean shit when the thing you own is a criminal organization that doesn't follow the law? did you know that this is a criminal organization ? have i made that clear yet? are you sure you understand ? the evil corporation is an EVIL CORPORATION. they own the city ! couldn't you actually make them more threatening than "lol we own you now" what the hell do they expect to do? take this criminal organization to court? gee wouldn't society improve if we simply had huge businessmen buy out the fucking mafia out and then tell them to stop doing crime? (this is sarcasm in the event this actually does happen in real life) Second issue: the big bad guy who has experience with being a crime lord and has a history of manslaughter becomes a yandere. no i am not shitting you. Your character (WHO RUNS A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION) decides to suddenly be a good guy and teaches the big bad that the magic power of friendship and how wonderful being nice truly is like its fucking my little pony. then at the end of the game your character gets stabbed, magically survives being burred in a shallow grave after being stabbed, and then the big bad apparently is forcing your friends to be his weird friendship puppets. listen. yandere characters can work sometimes in situations like this. but like all characterization: you need to ACTUALLY ESTABLISH TRAITS LIKE THAT EARLY ON. why the hell is this grizzly 30 to 40 something year old man who has a history of being a charismatic crimelord suddenly acting like this is a really shit anime and he is a 16 year old nutbasket? ? ? ? ? nothing about him screams "i am socially starved to the point i am willing to kidnap people and force them to be my friends" like ? ? ? ? these stories and themes are NOT comparable at all- to recap this story features -a "fuck the system" story where your character fights against the evil corporatin -a yandere story where the big bad steals your friends with murder or whatever. -a story where the main character is good actually and they will free this city of evil -a story where the main character is a crime lord and that they create their own criminal gang and snuff out other criminal gangs. PICK A LANE THIS IS THE STORY EQUIVALENT TO ADDING PICKLES, CHOCOLATE SAUCE, MINT, AND ORANGE JUICE TO A FUCKING SOUP.
Conclusion: what not to do and suggestions for people who want to try these kind of stories.
first things first: don't be a fucking pussy. this is a crime lord story. you need to be comfortable with adult themes, swearing, and doing illegal and morally dubious shit. if you can't handle writing about that, then this genre isn't for you. Second: pick ONE threat as the main threat and then perhaps have smaller, less consequential threats. MAKE IT COHESIVE if it isn't obvious already, "screw the system" stories where the evil corporation is going to buy x building to fund their golf course or whatever isn't very compatible with crime lord stories where the main character is the lord in question. i am sure you can make it work if you are creative enough, just don't do what saints row 2022 did. Third: let your main character be a bad person in some way or form. Or even better: a complex character People who run crime rings are not good people. They are people who are running a hierarchy where they exploit money and society for personal gain. some of them are cults who convince their lackeys to stay, while others give their lackeys a cut of the dough. people. who run. crime rings. are not. good. people. Part of the failure of saints row 2022's main character is that they are a mix of the worst traits of a goodie two shoes and an aggressive hipster. they tried to make a CRIME LORD a morally good person who is fighting the system or whatever. get it through your head people who exploit people and the system are not good people who should be respected in your story. If your protagonist is in this position, they need to either A: start out as a good person and be corrupted, or B: start out as bad people and improve as a person only to then LEAVE the crime organization. unpopular opinion: but Mary sue characters can work in fiction depending on what you are writing. Steven universe is still a good show even if i can argue that Steven has Mary sue like tendencies. A Mary sue character is not inherently bad if the point of the show fits the reason why they exist. this is popular in escapist fantasy stories. But Mary sue type protagonist do not work in crime lord stories. Even if you want to make a weird gang related escapist fantasy story, you still need to make the protagonist do morally dubious things for it to actually work.
sometimes i ask myself: why was this story so bad? it was written by a professional studio, so something must had happened. my theory is that the studio had no experience with writing saints row games and basically got too scared to do anything actually mature and adult oriented. Its the fear of accidentally making something problematic. fair enough But at that point..... just don't make a saints row story ? don't make a game featuring a criminal organization at that point. but remember: there is no safety in a good story. all stories have risk. Why ? because art SHOULD provoke. art SHOULD make you uncomfortable, it should make you laugh, it should make you cry and feel. Art NEEDS to provoke some emotion to be considered quality art. and saints row 2022 didn't even make me laugh or connect to the boring ass characters like it set out to do, because it didn't provoke anything. I am not even angry. I am not a fan of the series, I just wrote this so that those who love writing can learn from this awful story. the only gain i got from this story is lost time because I "legally acquired it" if you get my drift. here is a suggestion to you fanfic writers: maybe you can make a story where its the future and the saints are the main villains of the story after accumulating so much control, and the protagonist has to fight against them only to eventually lose track of the plan and rise the ranks to the leader of the saints. there is so much you can do with this story, why be scared to offend? lifes too short, just get out there and fail as fast as you can so that you can gain the failure experience to make something great? thank you for reading my crap, check out my blog for a bonus reblog!
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waistcoat35 · 6 years
HTTYD: The Hidden World -  Thoughts!
I’m going to try and stay entirely positive here, because even though I had a few qualms with the movie (and, when the poster was released, wondered why they were trying to market a character that was clearly made of sparkly white playdough) I adored it, I adored all the throwbacks it made, and I’ve adored the trilogy overall. Spoilers will be placed under the cut!!
(These won’t be in a particular order, by the way)
 - The Hidden World. Oh. my. GOD.
- I adored the hidden world itself. I loved the waterfall entrance. I loved the design, the colours, the fireworms flocking like starlings, the transparent eggs containing glowing little baby dragons!!! The concept of so much of it - and especially the dragons, including ones we’ve seen before - functioning based on bio-luminescence was extremely clever and well-executed. (It healed my heart because I’m still salty about the loss of the huge, serpentine, glowing sea beast we could’ve had for an antagonist in the first movie instead of a grey and red turd with wings.)
- Berk!! The designs were breathtaking for all of the houses and dragon-related facilities!!
- Given that, however, and since these things are designed for dragons, you’d have thought they’d be made to withstand more than one large dragon knocking into them?? Like?? Do you guys just rebuild these every week or something??
- Eret is back!! I really like his character, and enjoyed seeing more of him helping out around Berk and becoming closer friends with Hiccup.
- About 45% of the movie being about people thirsting over or being jealous of Eret?? Apparently it’s more likely than you think.
   - All of the little hints of older themes coming through in the new tracks was           absolutely delightful. Seriously.
   - When Hiccup, Astrid and the kids are on the boat and meet Toothless, a             rehash of Forbidden Friendship was played and it snipped my heartstrings           one by one??
   - As Long As He’s Safe is the best damn track and I will fight anybody on this.       Seriously. ALL OF THE BITS FROM ‘LOSING MOM’. WHAT. JOHN POWELL WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS. 
   - The Test Drive reprises were all astounding. 
   - The music when the dragons all fly away??? yeah congratulations John Powell you’re cancelled 
 - I should probably do a separate soundtrack post this is gonna take too long
- Ruffnut annoying Grimmel??? The comic relief we needed 
- I liked how the comedy was spread and not forced, but also very in-keeping with the comedic style they’ve been using. 
- I wanted more snarky Hiccup, not gonna lie?? There?? Wasn’t nearly enough snark???
- Gobber?? A legend. 
- “Ye’ve got the body of a Norse God.” I WILL LITERALLY NEVER RECOVER FROM THIS
- That said, the Snotlout and Valka thing was kinda funny at first but it also just felt kind of...weird and tired after a while.
- However I love how he does that thing that kids do where they just call their friend’s parents “(name)’s mom” 
- I’m sick of Ruffnut trying to pick a boyfriend, this got old before the sequel had even ended
- I LOVE the big dragon at the start. He’s just huge and dorky and a fire-breathing version of a great dane puppy??
- As sad as the parting of Hiccup and Toothless is?? I feel like they should’ve further emphasised the goodbye between Valka and Cloudjumper. Hiccup and Toothless?? These bitches have known each other for 6 years. Sweet. But? Valka and Cloudjumper?? That is literally 21 years of constant companionship. When she’d first been taken away, I imagine she felt lost and afraid and depended on him a LOT, and now they’re so in-sync and codependent that theirs sometimes feels like the strongest human-dragon relationship. Yes, we got a tearful goodbye, and sometimes less is more, but in this case I feel like the emphasis we got wasn’t the emphasis we needed.
- I missed seeing more of Gothi and the Terrible Terrors
- Same for most of the riders - I love the little snippets of their bonds with their dragons, and I know the lack was due mostly to plot and runtime but I would’ve loved to see more.
- I loved the NightLight forbidden friendship style scene
- “So NOW you can draw?!” Hiccup holy shit
I’m sorry for the few gripes on the list, but I wanted to fling my feelings into one place!!
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survivenovascotia · 4 years
Episode 3 - AHHHHH -Heather
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I hate Tiktok dances. Im not in shape enough for this but like 150 pts is 150 pts
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So I come back from Oak Island and Kevin has been voted out. Excuse me but what? Kevin of all people. The dude was great in challenges and a loyal person. But apparently Sunshine and John said he’d be too controlling at a swap and possibly had an idol? What kind of lame ass excuse is that at the second tribal council? Darcy, Mac and Kyle were all in favour of keeping Kevin over Jessie. Which means that Sunshine, John and Dan have some kind of alliance going on there. I don’t imagine Jessie is really aligned with them and probably only worked with them to keep herself safe. I don’t blame her at all. However, we’re probably going to lose this next challenge (partly because of me throwing it oops) which isn’t the worst thing in the world. If Darcy, Mac, Kyle and myself all stick together, and none of us go to Oak Island (Kyle and myself can’t), the four of us would have the majority to vote out any of the other three who don’t go to Oak Island. And as of right now, I think John and Sunshine still feel like I’m on their side. So I’m a little bit in the middle right now. I’ve got my fingers crossed everyone else on the tribe can pull together a win but a whole ass person not submitting for this is definitely a huge disadvantage for us.
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In my opinion, one of the most important things to be aware of while playing survivor is your threat level. You can't exactly be too big of a threat or else you'll get voted out, and you also can't be too little of a threat or else you'll just get taken to the end, or be seen as an easy vote. This is why the meat shield strategy is one of the best ways to play survivor; be a threat, but never the biggest threat. However, I'm not playing the meat shield strategy right now, because quite frankly I don't feel like I need to. I'm so under everyone's radar, that I don't see myself going home anytime soon. Also, since this is my first time playing, it's hard to get a read on who really is a meat shield and who isn't. However, I'll be sure to make big moves; just not too many to get targeted over anyone else.
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Kevin going home was upsetting for me. Sunshine, Jessie, Dan and John are dead to me. I need to convince Keegan to join myself, Darcy and Kyle if any of us are gonna get anywhere in this game. I didn’t search for the idol yesterday because I was feeling sick and was upset with Kev leaving. I just don’t wanna go back to tribal. Otherwise I’ll be saying a few words at tribal.
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I am very nervous for this challenge. Evan hasn't done anything so far , but if we lose, we need him as a number so we are stuck in a sticky situation. Livingston a while ago thought you only had to do a select few and I am worried because I don't want to lose  a challenge I worked so hard for just because people won't try. I hate having a for the tribe mentality because like I don't want to seem like a challenge threat but its more we have to work together and get as many points as humanly possible.
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ok so this tribe turned into a literal mess. So i said i wanted to sit out of the challenge because i didn't have a lot of the items, and then i got ignored by like two members of the tribe which meant I was doing the challenge and evan and coco were sitting out. Honestly, I'm livid that I was ignored by people because that I take personally. I could care less about the challenge, even though I know i'd get like 6 points because i have papers and stuff to do. Luckily, we figured things out and evan is doing the challenge. If we win, awesome, but if we lose, I definitely have a couple people on my list. Luckily though, I'm in a 5 person alliance with Heather, Austin, Evan and Coco. That makes me feel safe at this specific time in the game, but I can't help but wonder who we will all vote for if we go to tribal tomorrow.
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The dynamics right now are absolutely hilarious let’s breakdown: Heather: is currently having a panic attack bc this challenge is a mess & literally no one knows what they’re doing Eric: says ‘I’m not doing this’ then dips for like 20 hours. Evan & Coco are confirmed as sit outs, Eric gets mad at the hosts for some reason, & then forces himself to sit out. Evan: was confirmed as a sit out, dips for 20 hours because he thinks he’s not doing anything, comes back like ‘wait what’ & is hella salty Livingston: didn’t know that each person had to individually post everything Glo: is a angel her videos are killing me she is the comedic relief during these dark times. She also suggests we have one person go TWICE & have 3 sit outs LMAO Me: fucking cackling anytime anyone speaks in a passive aggressive tone We were supposed to be the tribe that loves each other now look what happened  
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It honestly feels horrible not submitting a damn thing for a challenge because I am certain we’re going to lose because of it. But I don’t want to try my best in the challenge and have us still lose and then lose my vote at tribal. It’s just not worth it. On the plus side, even if we do lose the challenge Darcy, Kyle and Mac are all pretty down to blindside Sunshine for being snakey. So unless they change their mind right away and decide to axe me I should be in a good position.
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My legs are sore and I made TIKTOKS to win by over 1000. Im..... I was gonna set a plan to get Livingston out but I mean I guess
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We lost the challenge, surprise surprise. By a heck of a lot so I’m hella glad I accept the Oak Island challenge and didn’t submit for the challenge. It wouldn’t have even mattered. So we lose the challenge and shout our ho hums in tribe chat before it dies and everyone disperses to their quiet hidey holes to scheme against each other. And lo and behold Dan has immediately thrown my name out for not submitting in the challenge. Because I alone was the reason we lost. Whatever. Darcy is going under cover with Sunshine and Dan right now, Kyle is trying to act like a free agent and I’m sitting here twiddling my thumbs wondering why the minority of Sunshine, Dan and John aren’t approaching the one person who wasn’t at all involved in the Kevin tribal. They honestly aren’t that smart if they’re straight up ignoring the one impartial person. Whatever. I wouldn’t actually vote with them since they voted out Kevin who was fantastic and useful. (#RevengeForKevin). Also, since I completed my Oak Island challenge I now have an extra vote I can use up until the final 5! I shouldn’t have to use it this tribal, thankfully. It will probably come in handy during a swap!
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Is this what its like to be on a successful tribe? So unused to this. This gives me time to think and bond more. I’m thinking my first instinct to be threatened by glo and aim for her was wrong, it might make more sense to get her onside and use her both as a shield but also as a scapegoat for targetting others? We’ll see. Still good with Heather and Austin as a core three, and Livingston and Chips would be a good pair to link with if needed. Hopefully if swap comes I’m with some of them.
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I’m crying at the fact we killed at. Like all of us were actually scared of losing & arguing & causing chaos & it was all for nothing & it’s AMAZING Also glo is scaring me she’s getting clingy she’s like “you wouldn’t miss me if we swapped” and I’m like what she’s like “tehe I was JOKING silly 😜” and like. I’m sorry what. Maybe I’m overreacting but that type of language makes me v uncomfy. Ion know that really off put me I’m gonna take a break from socializing. I’m pretty sensitive to behavior like that so I feel like it’s healthy to distance
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Birch and Tawni really sat there being like, yall won stop trying. I thought we were up for competition. Oh Well. I had fun!! We love scavenger hunts
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Me, Kyle, Keegan and Darcy are a good 4. With Jessie going to Oak Island that leaves Sunshine, Dan and John vulnerable. Keegan shared to me that he won an Extra Vote at Oak Island, which he hasn’t shared with Kyle and (maybe) not Darcy. I’m worried because I feel like I’m the 4th and not the 1st. Kyle admitted Kevin was his closest ally. My idol hunt is going alright. Definitely progress made.
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To Kyle, if you’re ever reading these one day. I take back everything I said. You are awesome.
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Fuck losing every challenge so far that’s all I have to say
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I’m not sure if I’m feeling sick because I’m just sick or it’s the stress from this vote. I don’t want to be out this early. I can’t be out this early. If Kyle, Darcy and Mac can be trusted then I’m definitely safe and John is going home. I think I can trust them. I hope I can trust them. Why are we playing so damn hard so early in this game? Everyone needs to chill out or we’ll end up like Matsing.
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Going to tribal I feel safe but nervous about what will happen in the aftermath. My group of 4 are pretty chill and not budging. Bye John.
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No Swap, Thank God!! I think im fairly decent at this type of challenge. I won an individual immunity in this challenge once but idk how ill do with a tribe.
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Oh my god my alliance is now in control! Yeah boi. Sunshine being HELLA QUIET after John’s boot was spooky but, I mean, he can’t complain since he did the exact same thing last vote. My problem now is not being the 4th member of the alliance. I’m scared that people will see me as riding coattails. I mean controlling the idol hunt is a cute look.
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Our tribe was on a roll and had won 2 challenges in a row. I was starting to get busy taking care of my crush, and because of this, I had to sit out. However, apparently two people stated they were sitting out before I did. But the thing is, I never knew that. So I decided to disconnect from skype for the day to be with the one I love. However, I turn on skype the next day, and I'm bombarded with messages telling me to do the challenge. This really overwhelmed me, but then I realized it was an opportunity. 
Glo realized how much of a sticky situation I was in, and she came to my help, and told me she would be with me until I finish it if she needs to. Ultimately I wouldn't have been able to finish the challenge if she hadn't helped me. She also played it up as if I stepped up for the team last second and made an impact. I still can't tell if she did this from the goodness of her heart, or if she did it for strategic reasons. But, I do think it was moreso strategic, because she did mention that after she helped me as much as she did, that we would have to be aligned. So because of that, her actions don't really mean as much to me as it should, and I will take out Glo if it's necessary and beneficial for my game.
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rankpup8 · 7 years
About Jasper
I can’t wait till she returns, so here’s my idea about how that would turn out. I gotta admit most of this is very unlikely, so this is works more like fanfic
Really, these are just notes for my Jaspmuth fanfic that hasn’t been written yet, I wanted to post them
Kinda like a little timeline and figuring out relationships between characters
When Jasper returns she gotta be:
Learn the value of earth
Learn the value of love
Face lapis
Face her inner demons
Unlearn homeworld ideas
Gain some self steem
Let go of the past
Song is gonna be important, pretty sure that's how Steven is gonna beat corruption. Fight music with music.
I guess that after all the shit she's been through she would stop caring so much about homeworld. Not really treason, she's just tired. Let those crystal gems do whatever they want
("Just... leave me alone")
Amethyst is gonna be a major player in the jasperdemption
She's gonna teach Jasper what she has learnt since the beginning of the show: you are worth more than you think, you are important.
("We're the same! We were both made on Earth, we're both Quartzes, we both have the best hair on the planet..."
Jasper's not amused
"Look, I know we aren't perfect but we don't have to be. If... if every pork chop were perfect we wouldn't have got dogs"
Jasp's confused by the human lingo "But that's what I was made for, that's who I was supposed to be!"
"Yeah, and me too but if I was what Homeworld wanted I wouldn't be me"
Or something like that, but ya know, that makes sense)
Eventually Jasper realizes that she can stop beating herself up over every mistakes she's made. But it takes a long time.
Meanwhile she's living in Steven's house and later on in Amethyst's room as well. The CGs considered sending her to the barn but... bad idea. While dealing with her self worth issues she's also learning to control her emotions because being calm is the key to maintaining an uncorrupted form. If she gets too angry, scared or otherwise agitated the green stars to spread out, spikes form, her arm and then her body starts hurting. It's just bad. So she has to try to stay calm which she managed first by not speaking with anyone and being numb to the world and later talking with Amethyst and Steven (boy taught her Here Comes A Thought). She avoids Pearl and Garnet because bad memories + finding them patronizing/annoying.
[Side note: Pearl and Garnet haven't had to deal with a full quartz warrior in a while, but they are still better at accommodating Jasper because of the experience from the war]
[Jasper is really petty sometimes, Garnet tries to ignore her and after a while Pearl gets tired and just calls her out. Jasper immediately shuts up, who knew a Pearl could have such a commanding tone? Again, dealing with young, new CG quartzes during the rebellion taught her a few tricks, gotta make the big soldiers listen to her somehow]
Jasper still has some of Homeworld's prejudices (who doesn't but Steven and Amethyst?) but if she says something really rude or stupid the CGs will call her out.
Does Jasper like the Earth? Not specially, except for her kindergarten. She will fight you if you dare trash talk it [source of conflict between her and Peri later on, mostly comedic]. She doesn't like water, though watching the ocean is strangely soothing [Do Not get her wet, she Will punch you, redemption or not]
About Lapis. Jasper doesn't wanna talk about it -not even with Amethyst- at this point. It's a big source of shame, not Lapis herself but the fusion. Malachite brings back bad memories, she really just wants to forget it happened. Jasper is kind of scared of Lapis, to a degree; they are both scared of each other and themselves, of what they did and what they felt. It takes a long time for them to interact
[At the beginning when someone brought up something Jasper didn't wanna talk about she just got angry and derailed the conversation, avoiding and forcing the other person to shut up or leave. Low-key threatened them despite the fact that she shouldn't make the CGs angry. Now she just says it, "Don't wanna talk 'bout that", people get it and back off. They are learning each other's boundaries]
When Lapis and Jasper have the much needed talk it’s gonna be awkward and the words won't flow easily but they will say what they need and apologize. They agree to back off, don't cross other's paths. They aren't friends and rarely talk, the one thing they have in common is Peridot.
Jasper isn't sure about how she feels about fusion, but she cannot try it ever again ‘less her fusion partner becomes corrupted as well.
Peridot doesn't know how she feels about Jasper. She resents her a little for the Malachite fiasco but at the same time she understand that it's not only Jasper's fault. At the beginning she's weary around her, doesn't talk much to her, but they are forced to interact and eventually they're relationship returns to coworkers/low-key friends. Peridot likes annoying Jasper and vice versa. Jasper finds Peri's reaction funny. Bonus that if she ever needs something from Lapis she can talk to Peridot. But really they never speak about her. They also don't hang out a lot by themselves, it's usually with Ame or Steven.
Jasper, Amethyst and Steven bond over being Earth made quartzes, result from a war. Jasper teaches Steven some combat moves at one point, gives him some real Quartz advice. Pearl mostly encourages her, she knows she can't teach every aspect of battle to Steven by herself, specially the quartz stuff. Amethyst joins them and she and Steven spar while Jasper is watching. Jasper itches for a fight but in her early stages of healing the movement + intensity wouldn't be good for her. Later down the line they will spar together though.
How does Jasper feel about Rose and her revenge? Well, can't do much about Rose now, and she's learning to let go. Despite coming to understand the reasoning behind the rebellion, she will forever resent her for forcing her and her sisters to fight since the moment they emerged. A good thing Rose isn't around anymore (I'm sorry Rose, I love you but you gotta go).
The Famethyst and the Betas will return. When they do, Jasper is gonna be both shocked and so very happy, she's def gonna cry. But that's not happening yet.
[Quartz headcanons:
Like sleeping
Good stamina
Medium speed
Rowdy (yeah, even Steven)
Stubborn as a mule
Like eating (there's a range, Pearl to Amethyst, most quartzes are closer to Ame)
Like exploring new places
Fast learners of practical abilities
Good reflexes
Gotta go fast (yeah even Rose and Steven)
Messy bed hair
Cuddle piles
Like small, cool places for curling up in (like holes)
[Jasper headcanons:
Likes food, spicy and salty stuff are the best
Furry Earth animals are her favorites
Ends up with a few cats that like hanging around
Likes sleep, but not for too long
Laying in the sun -> best napping position
Likes Lion, he doesn't mind her
Bad at video games but that won't stop her  
Misses her cape
Thinks the wedding in unfamiliar familiar was really unnecessary
Pessimistic humor
Jasper will end up respecting Pearl and Garnet a lot more than she will admit.
Connie isn't sure if she trusts Jasper at the beginning, and Jasper doesn't really care for humans. But they become unlikely friends through the power of entertainment: Jasper really likes those fantasy books Connie shows her and Connie likes listening to random anecdotes Jasper has. She really doesn't tell these stories to anyone, but the books brought back some memories and Connie is there to listen, so she tells her about her old missions and the places she went during the last five thousand years. Connie is fascinated.
So things continue like this, Jasper is healing and learning. But she's tired of staying in the temple, it's a really small place that already has people living in it (also Steven misses his privacy).
Enter Bismuth
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