#sorry this is so cheesy but i had to post bc it just haunts me
hawkinsp0st · 2 years
when the final scene of stranger things is a grown-up will byers at his kitchen table, drawing, and he calls out “hey, sweetheart? can you bring me my good eraser?” his husband walks out of their home office with the eraser in his left hand, wedding band glinting, wordlessly handing will the item.
will smiles up at him. “thanks, michael,” he teases, and mike leans down to kiss him. “you know, you still need to finish your part of volume 5 before we can send this out.” mike stands up, huffs a laugh and gently rubs will’s shoulders.
the camera focuses on what will’s been drawing—the first draft of a graphic novel. will reaches forward and flips from the early page he’d just been sketching on, which depicts the dnd campaign from s1e1 and will getting captured by the demogorgon, and flips to the end, which depicts the Party saving him in s5 (which we’ve just seen earlier in the episode).
“remember?” will points at empty speech bubbles on the page. “this was all happening in your perspective. i was literally in a trance. i can’t fill it in for you,” will laughs, a mirth-filled sound that radiates through their cozy kitchen and living room.
“oh my god, and especially this part.” will flips back to volume 4 of their comic, showing frames of will and mike in the pizza van. “you left all your thought bubbles empty, babe. lucas and dustin are brutal when they edit our shit, you know they won’t let it slide—”
“yeah, yeah,” mike smiles. he sighs as he reaches down and traces his fingers over the thessalhydra on the final pages of the novel. “will?”
“this is gorgeous.”
“oh, stop.”
“…and i wanted to ask you—“
“do you think anyone will believe us?”
the room falls silent. will knows what he means—are readers going to believe that this really happened to them and their friends, that this is really their love story? or are they going to think it’s pure fiction? just a metaphor, maybe? and the bigger question hangs between them: do they want people to believe them?
mike clears his throat and continues. “i guess i should ask you what i’m really worried about. do you think people will… like it?”
finally, will’s face breaks into a beaming smile. “oh, yeah. the smart ones. the ones who know what it’s like to be… different.” will leans back into his husband’s arms. “it’s late. we should sleep. el is picking us up early tomorrow, remember?”
“oh yeah, that’s right. she’s really excited about teaching that yoga class.”
they laugh together and roll their eyes lovingly at the thought of their best friend, and will gets up from his chair. he starts to follow mike into their room, but gets stuck on the image of the whole Party physically pulling him from vecna’s clutches on the final page.
mike notices and peeks out from the hallway. “hon, you coming?”
“yeah,” will says, and he smiles fondly, thinking about how lucky he is to have the people that he has, and to have been to hell and back with them. “yeah, was just looking at a couple things.” he sighs and closes the book, and follows mike. his voice trails off as he says “you know, i’m still not sure about the title…”
the camera shows us that the draft’s cover reads:
by William & Michael Byers
Introduction by Jane “El” Hopper
Epilogue by Maxine Mayfield-Sinclair
Henclair Media, 2016©
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ladyofpurple · 5 years
answer all of the questions!!
holy SHIT ok bless you omg
(sorry it's a full day late i took this shit SERIOUSLY. don't ask me how many hours this took, i was in A Mood™️ last night. removed the ones already answered xoxo)
angel; have you ever been in love?
yeah. didn't end too well, but i loved him.
petal; favorite novel and author?
this is like asking me to pick a favorite child. i guess favorite author would be stephen king, if only based entirely on the sheer quantity of his books i own alone. favorite book would probably be special topics in calamity physics by marisha pessl, and i'm only saying that because it's been my go-to response for years. i have lots of favorite books. ask me again in five minutes and i'll give you another one.
honey perfume; favorite perfume/scent?
freshly made coffee. lilacs. jasmine. cut grass. the ground after it rains. chocolate chip cookies in the oven. cigarette smoke on skin. my mom's shampoo. my grandma. my dog when he's just had a bath. thanksgiving dinner. acrylic paint on canvas. sawdust. that one cologne i can't name but can smell on a guy from a mile away. mulled cranberry and apple juice. vanilla. coconut. fresh laundry. peppermint.
sweet pea; what’s your zodiac?
virgo sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising ✨
softie; talk about your sexuality.
i'm biromantic asexual, primarily attracted to men more than women (but have had too many crushes on girls to consider myself het), generally sex repulsed when it comes to the thought of having it myself. i prefer to call myself queer in passing conversation, it's easier than explaining asexuality and the differences between sexual and romantic attraction. if someone asks more specifically, i'll usually just call myself bi for simplicity's sake, even though the ace part is a much more important (to me) part of my identity. monogamous as fuck.
i'm still struggling with internalized homophobia and a lot of "am i even queer enough" thoughts, which is super fun. took me a long time to even consider the fact that i might like girls at all. i'll probably never come out to my parents. not that they'd, like, disown me or whatever, but they're juuuuust homophobic/transphobic enough that my few attempts to educate them when they say something A Little Yikes have shown me that i should probably just stay in the closet unless i absolutely have to come out. like i'm getting married to a woman or something.
sugarplum; what’s the color of your eyes and hair?
i usually say my eyes are green because it's easier, and they mostly are, but i have rings of greyish blue around the irises and sometimes they're more hazel in the middle. they always have a green tint to them though, even if the intensity of the green varies.
my natural hair is brown, a little on the darker and slightly ashy side of completely generic. currently a former blonde, although i'm hoping to bleach my fucking YEAR of growout soon, and then go some crazy color as a last hurrah before i have to go dark again. being broke fucking sucks.
wings; coffee or tea?
tea!! black tea. chai, to be specific, with an irresponsible amount of milk and sugar. chai lattes are a fucking drug okay? coffee makes me sick (not a judgement, a literal fact. last time i tried some i threw up).
fairytale; are you a cat or dog person?
cat!! but my family has a chihuahua named sonny and you can pry that little monster from my cold dead hands ok i will fight you.
snowflake; favorite time period?
okay, i wrote and rewrote my answer to this about 10 times. then i tried to divide it up into categories (aesthetics, history, fashion, vibes, geographical location, etc), but that didn't help. so basically: i don't have one, because i have too many.
i like the american 20s-60s for the aesthetic, music/movies, and the fashion. i also like the european 1600s-1800s for the interesting history and also vibe. i love the french and russian revolutions — the fashion! the art! the wars and political upheaval! I FUCKING LOVE HISTORY. then, of course, we can't forget the rennaisance. or the witch trials (pick your continent). and ancient greece? the roman empire? hello?? did i mention empires? how bout we mosy on over to south america — can i interest you in the mayans? incans? aztecs? what about china and japan? korea? vietnam? and don't even get me fucking STARTED on the black plague.
ancient egypt? sign me the FUCK UP. vikings? yes please. the celts? oh boy. the MYTHOLOGY. the ARCHITECTURE. the LANGUAGES and POLITICS and LITERATURE and REVOLUTIONS and GOD HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE BETWEEN ANY OF THESE
i uh. might have gotten a little excited. basically i like history a lot. and mythology. and linguistics. and cultural practices. and the politics and prejudices behind wars and stuff. and learning in general. moving on.
vanilla; do you believe in ghosts?
let's put it this way: i don't not believe in ghosts??
listen. we don't know jack shit. we don't know what happens after we die, there are constant scientific revelations that turn our understanding of the universe completely upside-down, and there is literally no way to know which religions or myths or urban legends could have some grain of truth to them. like, dude, i've literally thought i was haunted before. psychology is bananas and the universe is infinite.
demons could be real. ghosts could be real. what if we just haven't invented the necessary technology to prove it yet? what if we never do, and they just fuck around alongside us, moving furniture and making shadow puppets on the walls just for kicks until the earth explodes? what if that one tumblr post was right and ghosts are actually real people from alternate universes or timelines that we see accidentally bc some cosmic wires got crossed? who fucking knows.
i love horror movies and scary stories and ghost hunter shows just as much as the next gal. but listen. psychics? mediums? people who accept every single creepypasta retold third-hand from their neighbor's kid's classmate's second cousin who "totally knows a guy"? doubt.jpeg
i don't understand the sheer amount of assumptions made willy-nilly about the nature of ghosts and demons and things that go bump in the night. the assumption that "oh this machine that totally doesn't look like a coathanger taped to a walkman will work because ghosts have this temperature and can always communicate like this and are electromagnetic" or whatever just baffles me. to a certain degree, following a general consensus is one thing — some basic things everyone can agree on? that's cool. ghosts can walk through walls and are probably dead people or whatever. but oh my god, taking every single story as absolute, undeniable proof?? taking these stories and expanding on them to infer intentions and scientific facts to something that by it's very nature is unknowable and assuming, like, every spirit is created equal?? and yeah, ghost hunting shows are fun and campy and kinda creepy but like. you really, genuinely don't think any of them have ever faked anything at all??? even if ghosts are real, it's fucking reality tv, my dude. it's the entertainment industry. at least maintain the slightest ounce of critical thought before taking zak bagans' word as the goddamn gospel.
and sidenote, maybe it's just my limited exposure as a white woman in the western world, but of all the shows and podcasts and movies and documentaries and whatnot i've been able to find and consume, there's the constant use of christian ideology applied to every situation that just really burns my bacon. what, there's never been an atheist ghost? if you see a shadow person and you don't know the lord's prayer by heart, are you automatically fucked? why are there never stories about, i don't know, viking ghosts? does your religion in life preclude you from becoming a ghost in the first place? is that why people never mention buddhist ghosts? i don't get it, and that's why even though i'm self-admittedly the most superstitious person i've ever met, true believers make me roll my eyes so hard they almost fall out. makes me come across as more skeptical than i theoretically am. I HAVE VERY STRONG FEELINGS ABOUT THIS OK
but like, you couldn't pay me to fuck with a ouija board. i'm not stupid.
delicate; diamonds or pearls?
both have their appeal and their place, but diamonds, i guess. i like the sparkle. but fake ones!! or synthetic. diamonds are overpriced and artificial scarcity is a scam and i don't need a dumb rock that some poor person in a mine somewhere was exploited and possibly died for. no blood diamonds in this house, thank you very much.
if i ever get engaged, i don't want a diamond ring. i'd want something cool, a little unusual, like a ruby or a sapphire or some other sparkly gem that isn't literally shoved in your face every waking moment as the expected standard symbol of True Love. they're cheaper, they're cool-looking, as a ring they still hold the cultural symbolism of an engagement/wedding ring. and honestly, as long as it's well-made and durable, whatever hypothetical gem it is doesn't have to be real either. i'm a woman of simple needs and demonstrably low standards. no point in going into debt for a fucking piece of jewelry, regardless of ~tradition~.
lavender dream; favorite album?
oh lord. welcome to the black parade, i guess. or anything by panic! at the disco. there are dozens of possible options — my interests are mercurial and my memory is garbage. but i'll always be an emo little shit. black parade and vices and virtues were also the first two albums i ever listened to where i loved every single song on them, and i happened to listen to them for the first time at around the same point in my life (i got into mcr super late. like, 2012 late. rip).
silky; what’s your biggest dream?
it's cheesy but i guess i just want stability and, by extension, happiness. emotional stability, mental stability, financial stability, stable living situation, stable routines, stable relationships... you get the idea. i have ambitions and passions, of course, but my ultimate goal is happiness at this point in my life, and i'm pretty sure stabilizing all those things would go a pretty long way in achieving that goal.
a little apartment with walls i can paint because white walls make me angry. bookshelves and posters and fandom merch on every wall. a computer i can actually play games on again, and somewhere i can paint and draw and record my podcasts. someone who loves me, maybe. a cat, if i'm stable enough. space for people to come visit me, and a place for them to sleep if they need. a tiny balcony, if i really want to shoot for the stars. a job i don't hate. the spoons to hang out with my friends, and the money to not worry about buying little presents for the people i care about sometimes. i don't need much.
strawberry kiss; do you have a crush right now?
glitter; favorite fictional character?
another loaded question. like books, if you ask me again in five minutes i'll probably give you a different answer. but in this particular moment, caleb and jester from critical role (please don't make me choose between them). i won't go full shipping mode rn, but jester is so funny and silly and sweet, so much more complex than she seems, and she tries so hard to make everyone happy even when she's so sad inside. the healer who treats healing as an inconvenience in battle (she's so fucking valid and also mood), the glue that keeps the party together. and caleb learning to trust again, facing his trauma and coming out of his shell. he loves his friends so much he plays wizard as a support class and i love him so much.
i love the mighty nein in general, of course, and all the guests/honorary members they've had. pumat!! pls don't be evil reani!! keg!! shakäste and grand duchess anastasia!! cali!! kiri!!!! the brotps! empire siblings! chaos crew! nott the best detective agency! i still love molly and all his assholery to bits (fight me), and mourn his lost potential. i adore yasha, even when she's gone; fjord has grown so much; beau and nott and caduceus — i love all their flaws and disagreements and their character arcs and the excitement of watching them grow and learn. but if i had to choose, caleb, jester and molly have always been my top 3 since day 1 and, well, molly isn't really an option anymore.
but like i said, ask me again in a minute. i have a fucking list.
swan; share a quote or passage that means something to you.
a collection of things off the top of my head:
Elinor agreed to it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition. — Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen
a tired feminist Mood™️
"What I say is, a town isn't a town without a bookstore. It may call itself a town, but unless it's got a bookstore, it knows it's not foolin' a soul." — American Gods, Neil Gaiman
i got my love of books from my grandma — some of my favorites i got from her. sometimes, as a treat, she used to take my sister and i to bookstores and we'd stay there for ages, getting to pick one out, roaming the shelves, the mental torture of having to choose. the peace of being surrounded by thousands of potential worlds, so much information, so many stories just waiting to be told; being surrounded by strangers who share that same wonder. the anxious drive home so we could read them, being unable to wait that long so i inevitably start reading in the car and make myself sick. telling her in excited detail all my favorite parts. if we were lucky, maybe we got to split a bear claw, or she'd drive past starbucks and get us something there too (tall vanilla soy steamer with one pump of vanilla syrup, whipped cream on top that always melted too quickly and squirted out the hole in the lid, so hot it burned my tongue but so good i didn't care). i have never felt more at home than i do when i'm surrounded by books.
"There are a lot of different types of freedom. We talk about freedom the same way we talk about art, like it was a statement of quality rather than a description. “Art” doesn’t mean good or bad. Art just means art. It can be terrible and still be art. Freedom can be good or bad, too. There can be terrible freedom. You freed me, and I didn’t ask you to." — Alice Isn't Dead, season 1, chapter 2: Alice
as cringey as it is to admit it, this line made me cry a lot after my breakup.
"So you aren't American?" asked Shadow.
"Nobody's American," said Wednesday. "Not originally. That's my point." — American Gods, Neil Gaiman
[side-eyes white america real hard]
there's more, of course. there's always more. don't even get me started on song lyrics, we'll be here all day.
lace; what’s your favorite plant/flower?
lilacs and roses.
mermaid; do you prefer the forest or the ocean? why?
both, i guess. but in different ways, and in different circumstances.
the sea is wild. it is endless and deep and unknowable. it is beautiful and dangerous. i am terrified of the ocean, and yet my favorite place in the world is an empty beach on the oregon coast. i have picked sand from between my toes for days with hair crusted in salt, danced around bonfires and watched the stars while marshmallows burn, gotten pulled under the waves as a child and nearly swept out to sea. picked starfish and crabs from small pools in the rocks, and swum (accidentally) with wild sea lions. in a long skirt, too early in the year to be swimming, i once took off my shoes and waded fully clothed into the water to my waist and just... danced. splashed and kicked and laughed with a boy i barely knew until our throats were sore and our toes were numb, walking home hours later with our soaked clothes clinging to our legs, shoes squelching, dripping algae as we went. the ocean is freeing and overwhelming all at once. i love it and am petrified by it in equal measure.
the forest is beautiful in a different way. it is silent and dense and serene. you are surrounded by life and yet, somehow, completely alone. there is magic in the forest, and history, and even when all else dies, that will remain. the trees grow from the corpses of their ancestors, and some have lived dozens of our lifetimes — with luck, a few dozen more. it is quiet there, peaceful, even the tiniest wood in the middle of a city muffling the outside world through the trees. you can feel the ancient ways deep in your soul as you follow winding paths strewn with fallen leaves, the mystery and wonder and superstitions of your forefathers. you wonder what it would be like, to run your fingers over the moss, to take off your shoes and socks and just run, leaping and dancing over rocks and roots, hair wild and air filling your lungs in deep, pure gulps as you shed the responsibilities and struggles of modern life, for just a moment remembering what freedom tastes like. it is primal, this connection to nature, one we have nearly forgotten over time. and as the sky grows dark and the silence of night presses against you, shadows looming, every footfall deafening, perhaps you begin to understand why some believed in monsters.
honeymoon; do you keep a journal?
i used to. honestly, that's a good idea, i should start doing that again. lord knows i have enough empty journal-type books.
starlight; do you believe in love at first sight and soulmates? why/why not?
i want to. i want to believe there's someone out there for me, the love of my life, someone to whom i'll be the love of their life, and that when i meet them i'll just... know.
but when i met my ex, i didn't really look twice at him for a while — no love at first sight. and when we were together, when i loved him and he swore he loved me back, i thought he hung the stars in the sky and knew i would marry him someday. couldn't even consider the idea that that wouldn't happen. and then when he broke up with me, he ghosted me so suddenly and thoroughly that he even preemptively cut contact with every single one of our mutual friends he thought might side with me in the breakup, before anybody even knew we'd had a fight. so, not soulmates either.
i really want to believe that someday the perfect romance will just fall into place and i can have the happily ever after i've always dreamed of. but the reality is i might never even have another s.o. for the rest of my life. maybe i'll get hit by a car tomorrow, or my hypothetical soulmate moves to argentina to become an alpaca farmer on a mountain somewhere and we never even meet. maybe i'm so traumatized by the betrayal and lies that i'll never have the courage to even try again.
and even so, happily ever after doesn't have to include a fairytale romance, regardless of whether i want it or not. i still like to cling to that hope though, deep down.
princess; what do you value most in people?
i'm going to assume you mean "real people" as in people i have positive relationships with, and not random strangers on the street.
loyalty. kindness. support. humor. similar values. patience. being able to grow together and teach each other things, so we can make each other better. honesty. trust. compassion. confidence. emotional vulnerability. communication. intelligence, or at least a willingness to learn. strength.
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svtskneecaps · 6 years
halloween hijinks
yeah the title’s p bad i made it up for posting and nothing but
uhh i was bored so i wrote a kim jisung x kim jihun semi unrequited story? like love’s not really the main focus bc it’s mostly two idiot friends doing dumb shit yknow
Group: TRCNG (look at ya girl stepping out of her comfort zone)
Warnings: Ouija boards, mentioned flying erasers, two kids being dumb, scented candles, probably language (i don’t remember for sure but knowing me), ooc things (let me emphasize this, OOC THINGS), and poor writing. i did my best
Words: a commentary’s worth (1725)
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best gif i could find in 5 minutes of searching my dudes i take what i can get and don’t throw a fit cr to bapwoo the owner as shown above. i’m not a giffer just a bad writer
“We should not be doing this.”
Jisung had been saying that for probably the last day and a half straight. One would think he’d have stopped by now, since the boy creeping around ahead of him with a Ouija board tucked under his arm still hadn’t listened.
“Yes we should, because who else is going to?” Jihun checked around the corner, looking like someone from a parody of a spy movie.
“The teachers probably, I don’t know! We shouldn’t be messing with this stuff.”
“Look, I did research. It’ll be fine.” (Jisung noticed he knocked on wood as he said that)
“You did less than a day’s worth. We’re messing in the occult here, what if we summon something?”
“Yeah, like what? The spirit of an angry old woman who flicks your forehead when you cuss?” Jihun crouched down, checking around a hallway intersection.
“Like a demon! This is serio- what are you doing?”
“I’m being stealthy.” Jihun laid flat on his belly, worming his way through the intersection.
“You- okay.” He was going to say you look ridiculous, but thinking about it this wasn’t the strangest thing he’d seen. Now crouching on the other side, Jihun waved for him to join. Checking both ways for any security or custodians, he crossed the intersection.
But not on his belly, because he kind of wanted to keep that last shred of dignity, thank you.
“You’re gonna get us caught,” Jihun hissed.
“I’m gonna get us caught?” Jisung asked, but the other boy was already moving, crouched in front of a classroom door and fiddling with the knob.
“Got it.” He pulled the door open. “Come on.”
The classroom was eerie in the dead of night. Even the cheery posters with cheesy motivational sayings seemed creepy. And the model skeleton their teacher had dressed up for Halloween really didn’t help the atmosphere any.
“You know what today is?” Jihun asked as he pulled the shades down over the windows.
“Halloween?” Jisung cleared a spot on one of the lab tables at the back of the room.
“No, that ended a couple hours ago.” He pulled the last shade down and moved over to Jisung, beginning to set up the Ouija board. “Today is the Day of the Dead. I read about it on Wikipedia.”
“You think that’s a trusted source?”
“Well I wouldn’t cite it on an essay but it’s pretty accurate a lot of the time.” Jihun pulled a stack of website printouts from of the box, setting them next to the board. Jisung squinted. “Anyway, Wikipedia says spirits come to visit the living world on November first, which is the second day of the festivities, and coincidentally,” he checked his watch, “it’s been November first for about an hour.”
“I thought it was the day of the dead,” Jisung emphasized. “Singular.”
“Me too. But we were wrong.”
“And anyway, what does that have to do with what we’re doing?”
“Halloween, which is the mainstream spooky ghost day, has just ended. According to the Mexican tradition, the spirits have just begun to walk among us. I figured now would be the best time to contact the ghost and ask it to stop throwing erasers at me.”
Jisung felt his jaw drop. “That’s why we broke into school in the dead of night? I told you, it’s probably Siwoo or Hyunwoo or one of the other back row kids!”
“I’ve been watching, it’s not,” Jihun insisted, setting the triangular planchette beside the board.
Jisung sighed. “Fine. So how do we do this safely?” “Well first we’re supposed to light candles.” Jihun took a couple out of the box and set them on the lab table, pulling a lighter from his pocket. “I could only find two at my house. They’re scented.”
“You’re sure they’re not going to set the fire alarms off and get us busted?” Jisung asked doubtfully, picking up one of the candles and breathing in the scent absently (it was vanilla).
“They’re tuned for heat, not smoke. We’re in a science lab, there’s going to be smoke sometimes.” Jinhun flicked the lighter, the flame finally catching on the fourth or fifth try. Jisung caught himself staring too closely and quickly asked a question to distract himself.
“What’s that one scented?”
“Apple cinnamon, I think.”
The distraction didn’t work. He needed a new plan. As Jihun turned to light the other candle, he lifted the first and checked the label. “Yeah. It’s apple cinnamon.”
Jihun finished lighting the candles and looked back up at him, then laughed. “Why are you glaring at the candle? Do you not like that scent?”
Embarrassed, he set the candle down, trying to think of an excuse. “No, I’m just tired.”
“Do you want me to hurry then?” Jihun shoved the lighter back in his pocket and placing the candles on opposite sides of the board.
“Please do.”
Jihun hopped up on the lab table, sitting cross legged and pulling the board onto his lap. “It said we’re supposed to balance the board on our knees, preferably touching.”
It didn’t sound that close until he experienced it in action. Hunched over the board, their heads were almost touching. Despite its purpose being to contact a ghost, it felt intimate.
“Okay, now we warm up the planchette and then we get started.”
“How do you warm up the planchette? Do we hold it over the candle flame?”
“No we just move it around on the board.”
“Sounds easy enough.” They moved it around in a circle. Well, it was mostly Jihun controlling it. “How do we make sure to get the classroom ghost and not a passing other spirit, or something evil?”
“We specify.” Apparently deeming the planchette sufficiently warmed up, Jihun stopped moving it. “And it said only one person should ask questions formally to the board, to avoid confusing the spirit.”
“So you’ll be asking the questions?”
“Yeah. And the other person just tries to keep their mind clear, because the mixing energies could break the connection.” Jihun glanced at him. “So don’t freak out or anything, and don’t take your hand off the planchette. If anything goes wrong, I’ll end the session. Okay?”
“Okay,” he said simply. “I trust you.”
Jihun flashed a smile. Jisung ignored the fluttering in his chest. They leaned over the board, and Jihun opened the session. “We ask of you no negativity and no profanity, only positivity, and we ask you to only communicate with us through the board and only the board, and that anybody here or near to us is not affected by anything negative.���
“Did you memorize that?” Jisung asked, eyes flicking up.
“Yeah.” Jihun slid the planchette over to the greeting in the corner. “Hello!”
“Hello,” Jisung echoed.
“Is there anyone who’d like to speak with us?”
They waited.
“It might take a couple minutes,” Jihun said.
“So do we have to wait in awkward silence until then?”
“I don’t know.”
They tried it. Time stretched on. Jisung wished he’d thought to grab his watch on the way out. Jihun’s was hidden by his sleeve, and the clock on the wall was never trustworthy. The planchette inched towards the U, but he was pretty sure that was gravity and not a spirit.
“Is there anyone in this room who wants to talk to us?” Jihun tried again, a little louder. Jisung winced at his volume, sure that someone was going to hear and come running, but his concerns were quickly forgotten as the planchette began to move, halting over the yes.
“That’s so cool.” The words came out breathless as he stared at the unassuming piece of wood.
“Do you haunt this room?” Jihun asked. It circled around and came back to yes. “Do you throw things?” It moved to no. Jisung resisted the urge to say, I told you so. “Do you know who’s been throwing things?” It moved to yes, then slid across the board, pausing over each letter. They leaned over the board, reading each letter out loud.
“Kangmin?” Jihun asked incredulously. He straightened up abruptly and hit Jisung’s forehead with his skull. It took an inhuman amount of willpower to keep his hands on the planchette. “Shoot- sorry Jisung.”
“No it’s fine.” He shook his head. “Did you get all the answers you wanted?”
“Yeah.” Jihun turned back to the board. “Thank you for your help, spirit. Do you mind if we say goodbye now?”
The planchette slid to no, and then to goodbye.
“Thanks again, goodbye~” Jihun sang. Jisung echoed him. “Okay, we can take our hands off now.”
“Guess you really did know what you were doing.” Jisung rubbed his forehead as he spoke.
“Yeah. Is your head okay?” Jihun leaned in, setting the board aside. “I really knocked it.”
“It’s fine, just hurts a little.”
“How does one check for a concussion?”
“Hyung really, I’m not gonna get a concussion because you sat up too fast.”
“You’re sure?”
Their faces were so close. Jisung wondered if the other noticed. “Yeah I’m sure.”
“Okay.” Jihun sat back, and the tension cleared from Jisung’s chest, although it was quickly replaced by some kind of empty longing sensation. What was up with him?
“I don’t mean to be overbearing or anything,” Jihun said, hopping off the lab table and starting to pack up. “I just worry about you.”
“Yeah, I get it.” Jisung hopped down and stacked up the papers, setting them in the bottom of the box. Jihun handed him a candle, and with a quick huff they blew them out at the same time. They returned the room to its original state and snuck back out of the school, heading for home.
“Do you ever want to do that again?” Jihun asked.
“What, use a Ouija board?”
“Maybe.” Jisung’s eyes trailed over the jack o lanterns littering the sidewalk. Taking a chance, he said what he’d been thinking, “If I was doing it with you, yeah.”
Maybe it was the excitement of using a Ouija board and not dying, maybe it was that he’d basically been asleep for the past ten steps, but he didn’t remember who reached out first. All he knew was they were holding hands all of a sudden, and Jihun was smiling at him.
And maybe he hated it but he knew he’d do it a million times over if it all led to this.
i probably did shit but hey i tried my sins are atoned for i have contributed to the trcng scenarios tag happy spooky day
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simprising · 7 years
100 questions tag
i was tagged by @liv-sims, @simatrix and @pixelbloom (thank you!!!)
1. do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
closed i can’t sleep when they are open lol
2. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
3. do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
out bc i need some air!!!!
4. have you stolen a street sign before?
sorry to disappoint but no!!!!
5. do you like to use post-it notes?
yes i do
6. do you cut out coupons but never use them?
7. would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm or bees.
that’s a hard one so i can’t choose sorry i don’t want to die
8. do you have freckles?
i used to but not anymore :-) (I MISS THEM I WAS SO CUTE)
9. do you always smile for pictures?
well yes on family pictures :-)
10. what is your biggest pet peeve?
seeing a spider in my room
11. do you ever count your steps when you walk?
12. have you peed in the woods?
yes lmao
13. have you ever pooped in the woods?
i think i did??? can’t remember if that day i peed or pooped
14. do you ever dance even when there’s no music playing?
when i’m celebrating yes lmao
15. do you chew your pens and pencils?
i started like 2 months ago bc of one of my friend smh i hate her
16.  how many people have you slept with this week?
does my cat count?
17. what size is your bed?
i have a double bed!!!! (bless my parents for my new room)
18. what is your song of the week?
trading time by r5 because you know i love r5 and there’s a new ep and it’s amazing it’s beautiful it’s art
19. is it okay for guys to wear pink?
20. do you still watch cartoons?
yes when idk what to watch or when i’m feeling nostalgic
21. what is your least favourite movie?
i have no idea
22. where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
well probably in my garden bc i wouldn’t like to be away from my treasure??
23. what do you drink with dinner?
water or coke (i know its bad)
24. what do you dip chicken nuggets in?
25. what is your favourite food?
26. what movies could you watch over and over again and still love?
romantic movies :-)
27. last person you kissed?
my friends to tell them goodbye after school lol 
28. were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29. would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30. when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
4 years ago to do a work experience
31. can you change the oil on a car?
i think i can??? never done that actually but my driving teachers told me how to
32. ever gotten a speeding ticket?
no never i hate breaking the rules when it comes to driving bc we’re not alone out there so pls respect ppl and their security thank you (i wish my mom could understand that)
33. ever run out of gas?
34. what’s your favourite type of sandwich?
ham sandwich a classic in france!!!!
35. best thing to eat for breakfast?
36. what is your usual bedtime?
11pm when there’s school in the morning
37. are you lazy?
yes i am
38. when you were a kid what did you dress up for as Halloween?
never celebrated it!!
39. what is your Chinese astrological sign?
tiger!!!!!! love it
40. how many languages can you speak?
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42. Which are better Legos or Lincoln Logs?
what even are lincoln logs?
43. are you stubborn?
yes all the damn time i’m sorry
44. who is better Leno or Letterman?
idk who that is
45. ever watch soap operas?
46. are you afraid of heights?
it depends
47. do you sing in the car?
yes lmao
48. Do you sing in the shower?
all the time
49. do you dance in the car?
50. ever used a gun?
well no it’s not a thing as it is in some countries.... looks so scary to me
51. last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
never lmao why am i not american i want a year book!!!!!
52. do you think musicals are cheesy?
yes they are but <33
53. is Christmas stressful?
54. ever eat a Pierogi?
55. favourite type of fruit pie?
56. occupations you wanted to be when you were a child?
writer hehe
57. do you believe in ghosts?
yes i do and i’m a very rational person. little stories: i had lunch at school once and i felt a hand with claws on my shoulder and i screamed, then it was gone. also last summer i’m sure the house i was spending my holidays was haunted. like one night it was very windy and it was not even real, i mean the weather forecast didn’t plan it and my parents didn’t hear anything so yea scary stories. and i was awake and everything it really happened
58. ever had a deja-vu feeling?
almost once a week
59. do you take a vitamin daily?
sometimes during winter when i’m feeling a little down
60. do you wear slippers?
i used to but i’ve been seeing a chiropodist so i can’t for like 2 years lmao
61. do you wear a bath robe?
yes!!! currently wearing it <3
62. what do you wear to bed?
underwear + tee
63. what was your first concert?
my uncle!!! he’s a musician :-)
64. Walmart, Target, or Kmart?
65. Nike or Addidas?
i honestly don’t care
66. Cheetos or Fritos?
76. Peanuts or Sunflower Seeds?
68. ever heard of the group Tres Bien?
no but i appreciate french :-)
69. ever take dance lessons?
yes!!! during 5 years hehe and i still can’t dance
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
no i don’t really care
71. Can you curl your tongue?
no it’s so sad!!!!!
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
doesn’t exist here
73. have you ever cried because you were so happy?
yes at my 18th birthday party when everyone was singing happy birthday lmao i cry so easily
74. own any record albums?
yes!!! dangerous woman!!!!! <33 (is that a record album?? don’t really know if it means vinyl or not)
75. own a record player?
76. do you regularly burn incense?
i think i do
77. ever been in love?
no!! i believe you can only be in love when you’re in a relationship despite all of my friends say!!! and i’ve never been in a relationship!!!! heyo!!!!
78. who would you like to see in concert?
79. what was the last concert you saw?
my uncle again lol
80. hot tea or cold tea?
81. tea or coffee?
82. sugar cookies or snickerdoodles?
i only know sugar cookies lol
83. can you swim well?
84. can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. are you patient?
not at all
86. DJ or band at wedding?
87. ever won a contest?
88. have you ever had plastic surgery?
89. which are better black or green olives?
90. can you knit or crochet?
my mom managed to teach me but i just can’t
91. best room for a fireplace?
living room
92. would you like to get married one day?
yes :-)
93. if married, how long have you been married?
HEHE :-) :-)
94. who was your high school crush?
i had so many crushes i don’t even know
95. do you cry and throw a fit until you get your way?
yes lmao i’m a child
96. do you have kids?
97. Do you want kids?
yes :-)
98. what is your favourite colour?
yellow rn
99. do you miss anyone right now?
100. who are you going to tag to do this tag next?
no one bc i’m going to eat rn lol bye
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impatient14 · 8 years
EMP Theory is Alive and Thriving
I want to preface this post with this: I am in no way trying to offend or upset the people who do not believe in EMP. This show can be read in so many ways, even by the people who agree on most things. I respect everyone’s opinion. This is just mine! 
So, with that said, I want to go through some things I noticed in The Six Thatchers that (to me) are Extended Mind Palace smoking guns. Let it be said that I have only watched the episode twice so there is definitely going to be more to add to this list. 
1.) The story about death in Sumara. It was mentioned multiple times, by multiple characters. Almost like they were all given the same script. And you may be like, well, yeah, they are actors in a show, but writers do not give actors the same brain. But it is like Sherlock, Mycroft, and Norbury all share a brain. They all bring up the story without any of the characters speaking to each other about the story first. Sherlock’s dialogue is a voice over, which is not time stamped. It is possible that Mycroft and Norbury brought up the story and then Sherlock used it in his monologue to the audience, but why did Mycroft and Norbury both think of the story? Because they share a brain. Sherlock’s brain.
2.)  As @tjlcisthenewsexy pointed out, the sharks, CAM, water, and the death story are also very telling. This post/thread sums it up far better than I could.
3.) Intuition, Premonition- these words were used to describe Sherlock’s feelings about The Six Thatchers case. Premonition is defined as a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant. Sherlock is anticipating his death, and his intuition is telling him that Mary is involved. Its almost as if she is responsible for his murder in the first place…
4.) The odd transitions and reality breaks. The water imagery over Sherock’s face and in the background of certain scenes, Mycroft and his office busting just as the MT busts were doing throughout the episode, the overlay of a cracked bust on the side of Sherlock’s face. There is an argument for production style here, but its all so very over the top. Much more so than ususal for BBC’s Sherlock. Its almost like they want you to question what you are seeing…
5.) The Damn Skull. In case you can’t tell. Its glowing, almost like an x-ray. Like, an x-ray of someone who is currently laying in a hospital bed. Its fucking glowing guys. Adding onto the fact that it was blue in HLV, something is seriously wrong here.
6.) Mary and John sleeping on opposite sides of the bed from where they slept at the beginning of HLV.
7.) AJ doesn’t care about killing people enough to slit the throat of one of the Thatcher bust owners (unless it was really Mary who killed her), but doesnt shoot Sherlock when Sherlock tells him he is Mary’s friend and he will protect her. Um. Okay.
8.) Sherlock Holmes. His first and last name was said multiple times, by multiple people. Almost as if the entire world is centered around him. We hear his full name multiple times in his confrontation with AJ at the pool. “Who are you? Sherlock Holmes. Who is Sherlock Holmes? Not a policeman.” (This is a reference to ACD or canon Sherlock Holmes who is always described as “Not a policeman or vigilante, just a logical man with an eye for detective work.”) AJ’s “Goodbye Sherlock Holmes” is haunting me too, and not just because of the cheesy line. Where else have we heard someone say, “Goodbye Mr. Holmes”? (Honest question, I know its significant…help! EDIT TO ADD: A couple people have pointed out that this is what Irene texts Sherlock in ASiB. I do remember this, but it isn’t what I had in mind. I feel like I can hear someone say it…like in a threatening way the way AJ does…any takers?)
9.) “Sherlock the dragon slayer.” Mary says this to Sherlock after she gives him what looks like a wickedly smug smile. First of all, how the hell does Mary know Sherlock sees himself this way. When he and Mycroft had this conversation, she was in the middle of passing out in John’s arms. Unless she knows Sherlock sees himself this way because the conversation with Mycroft took place in Sherlock’s mind, just as this ones does. 
10.)”My Darling.” Mary begins her letter to John in the most old fashioned, cheesy way. Its not the way Mary Morstan talks…but it is the Mrs. John Watson talks- from TAB. “I don’t mind you going, my darling, I mind you leaving me behind.”
11.) Mary’s disguise on the plane was a joy to watch, but it reminded me of someone else. Sherlock. Sherlock loves disguises and theatrics. The vicar from ASiB and the french waiter from TEH spring to mind. 
12.) The number 6. Six months of bristly kisses. 6 months until SHerlock was to die in exile. 6 years that AJ was held in captivity. 6 Thatcher busts. A metaphorical 666 carved into the baby’s head. Highlighted 6 before giving us this:
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The number 6 is important to Sherlock, but why?
13.) John’s blog. There should be multiple blog posts for us to read and yet, there aren’t. Its not that Joe is no longer available, bc they’ve told us he has a project for this series…why stop updating the blog? Because there have been no more cases and John is too busy sleeping by Sherlock’s hospital bed. oH, and The six Thatchers? Already a case Sherlock solved. Years ago.
14.) Scene in Georgia. The ambassador says, “I’ve got something they’d love if I could just get out of here” (Paraphrasing). The man asks what and the ambassador replies, “Amo.” She has love. Just like Sherlock has love and has figured it out and if he could just get the hell out of that coma, out of the damn hospital bed, he could give it to John- and John would love him in return.
15.) The two lengthy rapid deductions Sherlock makes are about Mary.
16.) The white papers of doom. There are three of them. Mary to Sherlock (drugged), Exx to John (temptation), and Molly to Sherlock from John (emotional distress). There was a white note of doom in TAB too. Miss me?
17.) John’s cheating story line. It fits in with TAB (see below), but I think its more complicated than just that. We get him texting someone Hey and them replying with the same.Then we get the night time text messages. They seem to be written between people who are at the beginning stages of their relationship, but are still intimate in some way. The Its been too long and Miss you implies they’ve spent time together, but the Night Owl? implies they don’t know each other very well. So, taken alone, this could definitely be from the bus woman. John then breaks it off with his This isn’t a good idea. I’m not free. Things wont end well. It was fun getting to know you a little. I’m sorry. Then the bus stop girl is waiting for him at the bus stop and he smiles at her and then looks guilty- the same look he had when he decided to keep the paper instead of throwing it away. This is what we see. HOWEVER there is more there. First, when John opens the paper to text Exx for the first time he does so horizontally, however, the image they show us has the number broken vertically, as if the paper were folded vertically and Exx isn’t broken up.
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Then we’ve got Sherlock saying he deletes all messages from John that begin with the word “Hi”, then we see John text someone (E xx) with the word “Hey.” .The paper that the woman (E) gave John was already in her hand when she was sitting on the bus, she was fiddling with it when they made flirty eye-contact. She then wrote something on it before giving it to him, but the presence of the paper beforehand is suspicious. Almost as if she was planning to hand that exact paper to John anyway, before they even flirted. We’ve also got Sherlock telling John and Lestrade, very specifically, to take the bus home from the crime scene. Sherlock set John up. Why? Because that is the part he needs him to play. He needs John to feel guilty while Mary piles on the manipulative hero-worship and then dies in his arms. All of the text messages themselves are off. Almost like they are in code or written to different people. As if it is Sherlock writing for LiR, while channeling himself as well. 
18.) TAB. Basically the existence of TAB is the biggest smoking gun of all. Within that episode, Mofftiss established multiple things. 1.) Sherlock sometimes goes through lengthy mind palace scenarios (with the aid of drugs) to work out a case and we, as the viewer, could be subject to watching them. 2.) A bride fakes her own death with a big splat of blood and drama, then returns to kill her husband- who was cheating on her. 3.)Sherlock made a promise to someone about keeping their spouse safe, and that promise was broken. Lady Carmichael- “You promised! You promised you’d keep him safe!” John- “You made a vow!” Let it be said that Lady C was playing Sherlock there and that she wanted her husband dead all al- OH WAIT. Actually, we never get confirmation that it was Lady C that set up the whole thing. Sherlock makes that deduction, but then Moriarty shows up and ruins the reveal. Either way, its the same story line. Sherlock makes a promise to keep someone safe and fails. 4.) we have the text messages that Sherlock sends John and Mary at the end. Mary’s reads: The Curtain Rises.The Last Act.Its Not Over. John’s is just literal directions as to where to go. He didn’t tell Mary where to meet him. There could be an argument that this would imply that Mary was already in on some sort of plan to fake her death, but the exact same phrasing was used in TAB. 
19.) Mary’s video. A posthumous message that parallels Moriarty’s in many, many ways, which includes the phrase, Save John Watson. Where have we seen the phrase Save John Watson before? It was the answer to part of the skip code in TEH. John or James, indeed.
20.) “You’ve been having a reoccurring dream.” I feel like this might be an actual scene, just placed out of order. This scene might be from after Sherlock wakes up. He explains to her what he went through in his MP and she (as any therapist would do) interprets it as a dream. A reoccurring dream. That’s exactly what TAB and TST is. Its the same dream told differently. He goes to Ella after he has awoken and recovered and asks for her help in figuring out what to do with the emotions he has decided to acknowledge. (EDIT: This may actually be EMP too…read this.)
I think 20 is a good number to stop at. Im sure there will be more in the future. Please feel free to add on at your leisure. 
The most important thing to realize here is that Mary is the villain and Sherlock is figuring out how to best her, protect John, and stay alive at the same time AkA- The Final Problem. 
@monikakrasnorada @isitandwonder @tjlcisthenewsexy @ebaeschnbliah @yan-yae @gosherlocked @the-7-percent-solution @longsnowsmoon5 @tendergingergirl @may-shepard @loveismyrevolution
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taylornock · 5 years
I waited 19 years for lollapalooza
its wednesday, and three nights ago - on sunday august 4th, the last performance of the lollapalooza festival weekend had just wrapped up; a beautiful concert by the female pop queen Miss Ariana Grande.
music has basically always been a HUGE part of my life; ever since my cousins showed me the fateful X factor videos of one direction that they had no idea would spiral into an unhealthy obsession of many years with 5 british boys who will never know my name or face. but that story deserves a whole nuther post!
i simply cannot imagine what the world would be like without the power of music. it is on literally everywhere, in every store + restaurant, in every car you step into, and playing in the streets of crowded cities with every breath of air you take outside. music is so common and so present in life that the mere idea of silence drives me up a wall; i have no appreciation for silence and almost always need music at least in the background so that silence is not so haunting as i make it out to be. i am blessed to live in a generation where if i want to hear a song, its not like i need to haul my ass over to the jukebox and dig for coins to hear it; i can crack open my AirPods…. (soft flex) case and queue it up on spotify in like, 20 seconds. sorry, i cant hear you was that someone poor speaking? (kidding)  as i said, i hate silence so much even cleaning my room is too much for me without some track playing even if i have heard it 300 times over.
the trend and infatuation with celebrities that plays a huge role in our generation also plays into the concept of music, as now just hearing our favorite artists / records is not enough; we now have access to unlimited media about their lives and who they are as people. not only can we hear their story through the music, but through all that they are willing to share outside of the studio. the ease and accessibility i have today is something i try not to take for granted.
theres something about music that makes you feel connected… connected to something, for lack of better word. the release of serotonin (science fuck ya) that is initiated when u hear your favorite song or your favorite voice is literally a chemical release triggered by something that you love. your body functions and emotions are connected when it comes to music! i think its cool, if i am even explaining this concept right. but, aside from science; nothing beats the feeling in your stomach when your favorite song is blaring. for me, when i hear the intro to Freaky Friday or Mona Lisa i feel like a new woman and am ready to go absolutely apeshit. when i hear the intro to cough syrup or the climb, my heart drops so low and i feel emotions i didnt know i needed to feel. when Feeling Whitney by post malone comes on, the ex i never had runs through my mind; and even though i relate to about 5% of what Post sings about in that song, it feels so so undeniably real to me and like i can sympathize with him through his heartache. im rambling clearly, but the main point here is MUSIC! IS POWeRFUL! TO THE SOUL BAYBEEE
so, furthermore, to explain the title. this past weekend i attended the lollapalooza festival in chicago with my mf sisters, my best friends.  + thousands of more people willing to pay over $400 for the music - or the instagram - either resonates with me. i talk about the connection you can feel with music, and literally NOTHING can surpass the feeling of that connection LIVE; when the artists that you have been screaming in the car to work everyday are there with you on stage, singing the same lyrics you feel like you may as well have written yourself at this point. concerts are one of my favorite things to do, as few things can make me as happy as i am when the band emerges onto the stage to start the set and that first beat hits to make you feel at home. this sounds cheesy and dumb but i promise its JUST HOW I FEEL I MEAN CMON youre telling me you wouldnt get chills hearing the first note of Redbone by Childish Gambino live? youre wrong. ~and not only do you feel that connection with the artist. but the people who are watching and singing beside you. i LOVE the concept of being able to talk to the homies around me who are all here for the exact same reason; to see the artist up on that stage. literally they could be anywhere in the world; but they are at the same damn festival and sweating it out in the same damn heat, dehydrated for the same damn reason you are…… to connect with the voice behind the albums they have on repeat. it will never not amaze me that 100,000+ people all come to the same place to hear hundreds of artists for four days. thats a fuck ton! i met lots of cool people this weekend, and even if i only talked to them for 20 seconds EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION mattered to me. its the little things. i will take my brand of being a people person to my grave and i love talking to people…. even if its an awkward interaction that makes me pee of laughter on Halstead Ln on the sidewalk (thats a story for the books).
the best best best best thing about this trip is that i got to experience it with my MOFO BUDDIES!!!!! i love these girls so much and i know i don’t say it enough - but they truly do mean the world to me and i have no doubt that without them there is no way the experience would have been the same. these are the girls that can make me laugh, that can make fun of things we shouldn’t make fun of together, that can turn a bike ride home into a 15 minute rave, and can make something like braiding hair so much fun. getting ready together every morning was so much fun, and i wish i could wake up and pour glitter in my friends hair every day. id be the happiest person alive!! i am not kidding you when i say i laughed harder on this trip than i have in MONTHS! everything was so funny, and maybe that was the exhaustion or maybe its because we are all (self declared) crackheads at heart. either way, i love these people so much because they can make the most basic things into crazy fun memories that i will never forget about. that dunkin donuts on the corner of diversey + halstead? i will forever associate with the foolery that elisa and i got into with the employees who didnt speak english and our dumbasses who couldn’t hear well enough to communicate through the accents. every time i get in an uber ill probably have a flashback to one of the weird drivers we had who either 1) hated us or 2) offered to take us to a dispensary for weed bc she thought we were cool. THERE IS REALLY NO IN BETWEEN lol. there are a million and 1 memories about the dumbest shit that will only be funny to the 5+ of us. so im not gonna put them here, just know that if u ever ask me to grab you a slim jim theres a 90% chance i will collapse in laughter because of a dumb 2 minute interaction in an Indiana rest stop that sent us all into hysterics.
i feel like these words are a little all over the place, but after a summer full of a stress + a year full of college stress and building anxiety, i didnt know how much i needed lollapalooza. i didnt know that wristband would make me so happy and have as much of an impact on my life as it did. i didnt know when i bought the ticket that this may have been the best weekend of my life, in 19 years. i waited 19 years for this experience and i didnt even know that it was waiting on me. and thats one of the most beautiful parts of life - you never know what the next day brings so you might as well say fuck it and do what you want or it will never come.
see you next year lollapalooza, shoutout to my parents for trusting me to navigate chicago by myself and have a weekend that ill tell your grandkids about some day. thanks for trusting me enough not to take street molly at the EDM stage! even though the offer was tempting, i listened to what you and D.A.R.E taught me about taking questionable narcotics from strangers.
“if someone offered me molly right now id honestly take it”
elisa, abby, julia, + chloe: id do a n y t h i n g to go back to last wednesday when we began all this. i love u all so mucho xx
sad tender gossip girl; currently listening to sweet music by HOZIER wus good ????
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