#sorry this ones kind of a downer wndjsnf
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
Ajfjsnf i don’t really know. They just strike me honestly?? Like the plot for my chreon comic came from seeing a bottle of hotsauce in the shape of a grenade at a war memorial gift shop. I just thought it was really tacky and kind of stupid to even have a gift shop at a memorial?? And i had just played 2remake so it was on my mind and i started thinking abt how there was def a memorial to raccoon city and they would also have grenade shaped hot sauce in the gift shop. And then i built the story from there lmao. Others come from prompts or just scenarios i want to see. And sometimes i just write and see what happens
💌 why did you start this blog?
This is extremely sad, but i had a really, really, really shitty ex who hated that i started getting really into resident evil, so i made this sideblog so they wouldn’t see me resident evil posting……. Anyway, if you’re young and in a relationship, and your partner tries to dictate what you can and can’t be into, run! That is a Red Flag bestie!!
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write
Oh my god, yeah and i deleted it snfndnnf. It was a followup to my cleon fic. there were some people asking me to write porn for it and I was bad at setting boundaries. I was young and wanted to make people happy, so i tried and i just. Felt so bad about it, i hated it, i hated writing it, it was not a good time. I know ppl say don’t delete fics, orphan them! And i’ve orphaned a few fics, but that one i was like. this one makes me genuinely upset, it’s going Away. So sorry to the people who sometimes ask me abt it, thats why I deleted it ajdjsjf. Regrettable smut 😔
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