#sorry to keep spamming all these updates over such a short span of time
duhragonball · 6 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (91/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
[25 May, 234 Before Age.  Planet Pflaume.]
For all intents and purposes, Pflaume City was a space station.   The only real difference was that it was designed to float in the upper atmosphere of an ice giant planet, instead of the vacuum of space.   From a combat perspective, the tactical problem was the same.  Luffa had to be careful about when and how she used her power.    A careless energy blast in the wrong direction could breach the city's outer hull.   This was undoubtedly why King Rehval had lured her here in the first place.   On Planet Saiya she was unstoppable, but here, she was constrained by the structural integrity of the city.  
"Katem, we need to be figuring out a way to get out of this place!" Luffa shouted.  It was glorious and horrifying to speak to her son this way.   He was barely fifteen, and far too arrogant for Luffa's liking, but to see him so strong and capable was a dream come true.   No, not even a dream.   Luffa's subconscious had never dared to imagine that this could be possible.  
Xibuyas punched her in the face, knocking her through a support beam that kept the twelfth level of the city from collapsing onto the eleventh.   "Stop calling me that, woman!" he shouted back.   "You’re not my mother!  My mother was a Saiyan!  A real Saiyan, and not an alien trickster who pretends to be one of us!"
She smashed her way through the debris and fired on him with ki blasts, taking care to aim toward the center of the station, in case he dodged.    When he did, she intercepted him and landed several blows of her own.   To her surprise, he managed to block several of them.  
"What do you know about your mother, kid?" Luffa asked.   "I'm curious."
"I only know what matters!" Xibuyas replied haughtily.   "That she was a lowly subject of the great King Rehval, and her only noteworthy deed was conceivving the mighty Xibuyas to serve the glory of his regime!"
Luffa snorted with contempt.   "Is that a fact?   Well, I owe you a story..."
"You owe me your death!" Xibuyas shouted.   He rushed Luffa, and seemed to be throwing a kick, but when Luffa tried to block it, he vanished and reappeared behind her, and tagged her from behind with an energy blast.    Luffa fell like a stone, landing in the middle of an confection parlor.  
She was genuinely impressed.    The boy was not only standing up to her Super Saiyan form, but he seemed to be improving as they fought.   Even so, she knew the only reason he was doing so well was because she was emotionally compromised.    Rehval's treachery, followed by this shocking reunion, and all the unpleasant memories that came with it, were too great a distraction for her to ignore.   In times like these, Luffa normally centered herself by thinking back to her childhood training, and the lessons handed down by her own mother.    Now, those memories only reminded her of the relationship that had been taken away from her own son.    She was fighting sloppy, unable to focus on a singular objective.   At times, she wanted to let her son hit her to see just what he could do.   Other times, she hoped to defeat him without hurting him, so that she could find a way to escape together.   But above all, Luffa wasn't fighting to save her own life.  Her superior strength and experience was the only reason she hadn't been killed already.
She could sense Xibuyas searching for her to continue his assault.   He had done something with his ki to prevent her from pinpointing his exact location, but he undermined this technique with his constant gloating.  It frustrated her to see her own son carrying on like a spoiled regent, but she had no one to blame but herself.  With newfound rage, she blindsided him, and caught him in a headlock.
"Let me tell you where you came from, boy," she said as she dragged him into the air.    Xibuyas struggled against her grip, so she smashed through several decks to calm him down a little.  
"I met your father when I was fifteen.    We didn't get married right away.   Your grandfather had taken on a contract to defend a planet from the Tikosi, and I was too weak to be of much help on the battlefield, so he hired a Saiyan named Kandai to help out.   Huh.  It doesn't seem that long ago, but the two of us were about your age when we met."
She could feel him trying to summon enough ki to push against her own flight path, so she used her own power to push herself in the opposite direction, allowing the net force to hold them motionless in the air.  It pained her to relive all of this, and she was grateful that he couldn't see the look on her face as she spoke, but she was determined to tell him everything.   Even if he didn't believe her, he still deserved to hear it.  
"You father and I didn't have much to do with our downtime, so we fell in love.   Or... that's what I thought, anyway.  Meanwhile, your grandpa was plotting to sell our clients out to the Tikosi.   He ordered us off the planet, but I decided to go back when the Tikosi invaded.    I had managed to become a lot stronger than I'd ever been, and I thought I could defend their planet by myself.   Zatte-- Well, I guess she's your stepmother now-- she begged me to save her people.   At first, I thought it'd be easy.    But the Tikosi were stronger than I expected, and they just kept coming.  I fought until I couldn't fight anymore, but it wasn't enough.   They... they defeated me.    And then they..."
"Let GO of me!" Xibuyas shouted.  
She was so caught up in her story that her grip on Xibuyas wavered, and he managed to break free.  
"I've heard enough of your ravings, you lunatic!" he screamed.  He threw back his hands, and when they began to glow, he brought them forward again, firing dozens of blasts of concentrated ki at her.  Xibuyas's attack was relentless.   He just kept firing, even when his assault destroyed most of the city level surrounding Luffa.   The deck above her began to weaken from the intensity of the bombardment, and after a few minutes it collapsed, dumping several tons' worth of infrastructure and residential property on Luffa.  
Xibuyas kept firing.  
"I won't hear any more of your lies!" he howled.  "You are an enemy of the state and it is my duty to destroy you, do you hear me?!  You're an abomination!  You're are mockery of all things Saiyan and--!"
Without warning Luffa flew directly through the path of his ki blasts.  Xibuyas was so amazed by the directness of her attack that he failed to react until she was too close for him to avoid.  The blasts simply slipped around her like water, and she reached out for him with her fingers curled like the claws of some giant bird of prey.   Her face was twisted with rage.
"I!  Wasn't!  Finished!" she screeched as she struck him in the face.  Xibuyas recoiled from the blow, and she followed up by driving her knee into his solarplexus.  Then a double axehandle between his shoulder blades.  
"You're good, Katem," she shouted.  "For your age, you're phenomenal, but don't think for one!  Second!  That you can underestimate me!  Galick Gun!"
Before Xibuyas could even try to recover, she had drawn back her hands to her left side and gathered enough power to launch at him.  The beam of purple light crashed into him and forced him down to the deck below.   Luffa began to cackle wildly.  
"No!" he cried.  He was caught between her energy and the deck, struggling to push back against the titanic pressure.   Luffa couldn’t see him from her vantage, but she could imagine him planting his hands onto the wavefront of her Galick Gun, and straining to halt its advance.    She increased it’s power to see just how much more he could handle.
"Push it back, you big baby!" Luffa screamed.   "Or was all that high and mighty crap you were saying before just a bunch of talk?"
She could hear him grunt and groan against the brunt of her attack, and she started to feel tears in her eyes again.  Whatever Rehval had done to the boy, he had grown up strong and proud, and he was fighting back against his mother.  How she had longed for a chance to do this!    
"Put your back into it, you ungrateful brat!" she shouted.  "I'm not even using a fraction of my full power!   Your great-grandmother could handle this kind of pressure!"
That was an exaggeration, actually, but Luffa's own mother used to say it to her as a child, and it warmed her heart to be able to say it to her own son.  
At last, Xibuyas managed to resist the power of Luffa's Galick Gun, and with a tremendous burst of power he deflected it away from himself.   Luffa flew after the errant energy blast and intercepted it several hundred yards away, where she dispersed it into something relatively harmless.  
"You idiot!" she shouted.  "We're on board a space station!  You can't just deflect energy blasts like you're on a planet's surface!"
"Shut up!" Xibuyas shouted back.  "I didn't come here for a lesson, and I don't need advice from the likes of you!"
He was flying after her, but Luffa closed the distance between them and caught him in a hammerlock before he could react.  
"As I was saying...!" Luffa growled.  "Your mother is telling you a bloody tale of the old heroes."
"Let go...!"
"You would do well to listen, Katem!"
"Shut up!"
"Granted, I'm not much of a hero, and I'm not very old, but you'd sit still for a story about Chanisp or Old Darbock, right?   Well, guess what?   Your dear old mother can whip both of them."
"That's ridiculous!" Xibuyas insisted.   "No mere woman could--"
Luffa applied more pressure to the hold, and Xibuyas cried out in pain.  
"See?  If you'd listened to the story I was trying to tell you, then you'd know better than to say stupid things like that," Luffa scolded.  
Xibuyas threw back his head, driving the back of his skull into Luffa's nose.  This surprised her enough that she released him, and he spun around and caught her with a kick to the ribs.  
Luffa clutched at her face, but instead of fighting back or crying out in pain, she began to laugh.  When she removed her hand, there was a trickle of blood running from her nostrils.   Thanks to her smile, Xibuyas could see that some of it had gotten onto her teeth.  
"I'm proud of you, son," she said.   "You're kind of a creep, and I'm betting that fool Rehval filled your head with a bunch of royalist crap, but you're a treat to fight, and you don't back down from anybody, not even the Legendary Super Saiyan.   I can tell you're afraid of me, but you're not about to quit."
Xibuyas shuddered as she wiped the blood from her face with her right arm.  Her eyes were wide with... what?  Even Luffa herself wasn't sure.   Excitement, fear, regret, sorrow, joy?  Perhaps all of these and more.  She couldn't blame the boy for being frightened.  
"I just want you to know," Luffa said.  "If this fight is all you and I ever have together, I mean.   I want you to know that you've impressed me.   I never got a chance to tag my own mother, not the way you just did.   That was a clean hit, by the way.   I let you have some of the others, but you really surprised me with that one."
Xibuyas was stunned by her words.   For a split second, Luffa wondered if she had actually gotten through to him.  Then he turned his head and spit.
"That's what I think of your praise!" he sneered.  
In spite of his insult, Luffa couldn't help but smile.  
[25 May, 234 Before Age.   Interstellar Space.]
Zatte thought she had prepared herself for anything, but as she fled through the corridors of the ship, she realized just how poor her defenses truly were.
Pozet didn't need to breathe.  Zatte had considered the possibility on its own.  She had depressurized entire sections of the ship, and re-pressurized some with pure nitrogen.  This was meant to foil any intruders who did breathe, but it was also a misdirection.  In theory, Pozet would assume that Zatte would seek out the sections of the ship that still contained breathable air.  In fact, Zatte had a portable air supply on her belt, and she had stashed others air tanks in various locations on board.  This would allow her to move more freely than Pozet would expect.  As things turned out, Pozet now knew about this, and so that advantage was mostly neutralized.
Zatte had also considered the possibility that her enemy might attempt to take control of the ship's computer.  Zatte had tried that herself once, only to learn that Luffa had a master override.  So there was no way to completely take over the computer without Luffa's permission.  Knowing this, Zatte had asked Luffa to authorize certain programs that would keep Zatte alive in the event of a hijacking.  So an intruder might find a way to access certain ship functions, but she wouldn't be able to cause a self-destruct or depressurize the entire ship.   But, Pozet's voice was a perfect match for Zatte's which allowed the intruder greater access to the computer than Zatte had anticipated.
On some level, Zatte had also prepared for the possibility of an enemy with similar powers to her own.  Dorlun powers were thought to be unique to the individual, but Zatte figured there had to be a few repeats throughout Dorlun history.  But Pozet was more than just a set of abilities.  She was some sort of unliving monster, which meant she could take chances that Zatte couldn't.
Worse, Pozet seemed to have at least some intuitive understanding of how Zatte fought.  The creature claimed to lack Zatte's memories, but she seemed to anticipate Zatte's attacks, which made a direct confrontation risky at best.  Against a true Dorlun, Zatte had hoped that her superior strength would be her ace-in-the-hole.   Pozet, however, didn't have ki energy, so Zatte couldn't even tell for sure how strong she was.
Worst of all, Pozet had been planning this confrontation all along, while Zatte had been operating under a faulty premise.   Her plan was to lure Pozet onto the ship.  Zatte was supposed to be the bait.  Zatte was supposed to be Luffa's secret weapon to surprise and overwhelm the killer.   Instead, Zatte turned out to be the quarry.  Pozet had left a trail of dead Saiyans across the galaxy, just to get at Luffa.  Pozet's master had anticipated Zatte's involvement, and created a seemingly perfect countermeasure.
She forced herself to remain detached from the situation.  Over countless centuries, her people had perfected the art of survival, refining it into a sacred liturgy.  Even as her heart raced, even as she fought the urge to panic, she heard the words of the Dorlun Holybook, reminding  her to assess the problem, but also warning her not to let that assessment lead to despair or self-recrimination.  There were lessons to be learned from this catastrophe, tactical errors she could identify and correct, but those would have to wait until the threat was resolved.  Somehow, Pozet's master had learned enough about Zatte to use against herself and Luffa.  How it happened wasn't important.  What mattered now was finding out what Pozet knew and how to defeat her.
"Where are you headed, babe?"
Zatte perked up at the sound of her own voice over the intercom system.  Pozet had apparently chosen to access the ship's computer instead of chasing after her.  She was likely still on the bridge, though she could be almost anywhere else on board.   Zatte made a mental checklist of where Pozet was likely to have gone, but she needed a way to narrow it down.  If only--
"I'm in the gym," Pozet said.  "Figured I'd save you the trouble of guessing.  I mean, the intercom system lets me talk to you from almost anywhere on the ship, right?  Except the parts you depressurized, since there's not enough gas to carry the sound of my voice to the audio receptor.  That's what you're probably thinking right now."
Zatte quickly considered what was in the gym, and what Pozet might have there to use--
"I thought about going to your cabin, and I'll get around to it eventually, but this is where Luffa sleeps most of the time, isn't it?   The computer showed me security logs, and the logs show a lot of traffic in and out of this room, and it's not hard to guess who spends a lot of time in here."
Zatte continued making her way to her destination.  She had shut off the lifts as a precaution, but the access ports  would allow her to go to the deck below.  As she opened the hatch, Zatte considered what Pozet was saying.  She apparently didn't possess much of Zatte's memory if she needed the computer to find Luffa's quarters, but why admit that?
"The pile of mats on the floor is how I know she sleeps here.  And they're pretty worn out.  Lot of rips and tears too.  Our lover doesn't sleep well does she?  Poor baby."
Zatte hurried down the access port and found Pozet's voice waiting for her when she emerged into the lower deck.  "Maybe she just needs some company.  Someone to cuddle up with and say reassuring things to her whenever the nightmares start.    'It's okay, Luffa, I'm here.  I'm here.'  You ever try that?  The security logs don't put a second person in this room very often, so I'm thinking no."
Zatte shook her head as she continued on her way.  So it was psychological warfare.  Pozet was trying to anger Zatte and provoke her into making a mistake.  Did that creature really think she'd be stupid enough to come running to the gym for a fight?  Or was she playing at something else?
"I can smell her on these towels," Pozet went on.  Our noses aren't as sharp as a Saiyan's, but at this range, it doesn't need to be.   Wow.  She smells so... Well, I don't know what to call it.   I guess she smells... safe."
Zatte set her jaw and stiffened her upper lip as she proceeded down the corridor.
"I mean, she's a hot mess, let's not kid ourselves.  There's nothing safe about her, but her scent is so intoxicatingly secure.    No wonder we're so attracted to her, right?"
Zatte refused to dignify that with an answer.  
"Only this is the first time I've gotten to take a sniff.  I've had to admire her from afar.  The curves of her arms, the small of her back, that savage gleam in her eyes.  Sometimes, after I'd killed a Saiyan I would run my hands through the victim's hair, and imagine it was her, you know?"
Zatte was finding it more and more difficult not to respond to this.  
"Nothing to say?  That's what it says in the Holybook, doesn't it?  Well, not explicitly, I mean.  There isn't a chapter about what to do when your undead duplicate talks dirty about your wife, but it's common sense, really.  Don't waste time arguing with me, that's the smart play.  You'll only be giving me control of the situation."
Zatte winced.  Pozet seemed to lack her memories, but somehow she had access to the Dorlun Holybook.  The very thought of it disgusted her, but she kept listening, in case the creature decided to reveal anything else.
"The thing is-- I'm stepping out of the gym by the way-- I'm not really trying to provoke a reaction here.  For all I know, you slipped on a deckplate and broke your neck, or you ran out of oxygen somewhere and suffocated.  I've already got you where I want you, Zattie.  I can finish you off at my leisure."
Zatte didn't believe that for a second.  Pozet might have been reckless, but she was no fool.  Whatever the creature had planned, she wouldn't hesitate to carry it out.
"I just wanted to talk to you for a while.  My homuncular matrix was patterned after you, so you're a very important person to me, Zattie.  I wanted to make the most of the time we have.  And you know Luffa better than anyone, so I want to learn as much as I can from you and this ship while you're still here."
Zatte smirked at her choice of words: "while you're still here."  Pozet's mission was to kill her after all.   That meant the ship was safe, since Pozet would need it to return to her master.  And since the ship was already en route to Rehval's current location, there was no need to worry about Pozet tampering with the navigation system.  Pozet's plan was suddenly very obvious: she needed to kill Zatte before they arrived in the Pflaume system.  
So all Zatte had to do was stay alive for a few more hours.   It was no wonder, then, that Pozet was goading her over the intercom system.  If Zatte took the bait and rushed headlong into a confrontation, it made Pozet's job easier.  
"I'm heading over to your cabin now," Pozet said.  "Let me ask you something.   Where do you two lovebirds keep your laundry?  It's a big ship and all, and I couldn't find much in the gym."
"Your master didn't send you here to find my clothes," Zatte replied.   "You've got bigger things to worry about."
"Oh-ho," Pozet replied.  "Someone's feeling confident all of a sudden.  I guess you've figured out some way to beat me, is that it?"
"I don't have to beat you," Zatte said.  "You have to beat me, and you're running out of time."
"Really?" Pozet asked.   "I was planning to take my time and poke around for a while.   It's a big ship.  Must be kind of weird with only two of you on board most of the time."
"Keep talking," Zatte said.  "I'll swing by later and give you the grand tour."
"Great!" Pozet said.  "You know if I were you-- and I guess I am, sort of-- I'd just strut around this ship nude all day.  Yeah, that's probably why I'm not finding much in the way of laundry.   You and Luffa just throw it all in the wash when you're done with it, and hang out together, wearing nothing but a smile."
Zatte let out a contemptuous snort as she moved down the corridor and arrived at her destination.
Before the ship was rechristened Emerald Eye, it had once been a star-yacht owned by some rich alien.  That being had given the ship to Luffa in a desperate bid to get her to leave him unharmed.  The cabin she now entered had, at one time, been an art gallery, boasting various sculptures and paintings from across the galaxy.   After taking possession of the ship, Luffa had converted it into a sort of trophy room, although most of the souvenirs she brought back from her adventures turned out to be exotic alien weapons that her enemies had used against her.   It was more like an armory, then, although Luffa had no use for the weapons herself, and she had kept a few objects that couldn't be used to kill someone.  Luffa and Zatte's marriage paperwork was mounted on one of the walls in a modest frame, alongside a few of the paintings Luffa had decided to keep from the original art collection.
To Luffa, the weapons stored here were little more than toys, but Zatte had studied them all carefully, just in case she ever needed to use any of them in an emergency.  She preferred handheld plasma firearms, but now that she had gotten an idea of Pozet's abilities and tactics, she would have to use something more substantial.   Zatte knew little about alchemy, or how a homunculus like Pozet could be destroyed, but she was willing to bet that there was some delicate balance that maintained Pozet's ability to walk and talk.   A large enough dose of ionizing radiation would surely upset that balance, and several of the weapons in this room could make that happen.  
"If I were you," Zatte said as she picked out a weapon to use, "I'd find out how much longer I have until we reach the Pflaume System."
"Oooh, that's a good point," Pozet said.  "Hey, I just found the bathroom in your quarters.  This is nice.  There's parts of master's castle that don't look this good.  I don't even need to use a toilet, but looking at this one makes me wish I did."
Zatte selected a Hythoonian disruptor and checked the power supply.   Satisfied that it was fully charged, she checked the safety and held it in her hands to get used to the feel of it.  "Take a shower if you want," she said to Pozet.  "Every minute you screw around is to my advantage."
"Oh, pshaw," Pozet said.  "We've got plenty of time!  Computer, estimated time of arrival to Pflaume system?"
"Five minutes, eleven seconds," the computer replied.
"What?" Zatte gasped.   When she had last looked, the Emerald Eye wasn't supposed to reach Pflaume for another two hours.  "Computer, report any changes to our original course and speed!"
"No changes have been made," the computer announced.   "Original course and speed have been maintained."
Zatte's left eye went wide with fear.   What did she do to the ship? she wondered.  
"Computer," she asked tentatively, "How long would it take to return to Planet Saiya at our current speed?"
"Four point six billion years," the computer replied, completely unaware of the magnitude of its answer.
"That's impossible--!" Zatte started to say, and then she heard Pozet's laughter from the intercom.
"You organisms are all alike," she chuckled.  "I was wondering if you might be different, since I was based on your mind and body, but I guess not."
"What have you done?" Zatte demanded.  
"You were expecting me to sneak aboard your ship," Pozet said, "but you act like I've never done it before.  Yeah, you took some decent precautions, making sure to secure the ship's major systems from sabotage, but you still think like a living being, and I don't make that mistake."
"What are you talking about?" Zatte shouted.  
"Oh, you sound beautiful when you're angry," Pozet said.   "Honey, I've been on this ship since it left Saiya.   You were holed up in the bridge, waiting for me to come attack you, but what do you think I was up to before that, huh?   I'll tell you: I was installing programs onto the ship's navigational computer."
"But... but the ship is still on course!" Zatte protested.  "And you wouldn't have had the authorization to order a change in heading, even if--"
"Of course I couldn't change course," Pozet said with a laugh.  "Everyone who flies around in spaceships knows to protect the navigational controls.  My voice sounds like yours, but you probably set it up so I'd need a handprint and some unique energy signature to get access.  I might be able to duplicate that eventually, but it would take a long time to guess the right energy pattern."
"Then how--?"
"Like I said, everyone safeguards the helm control, but they don't think about how it works.   The ship uses a database of star charts and sensor data to figure out where it is in the universe.  It uses an algorithm to interpret that information and apply it to the real world.   All I did was replace that algorithm with one of my own.   The ship thinks it's flying in a straight line, but it's actually going around in circles.   Computer, how long until we reach the Pflaume System?"
"Two minutes, twenty-three seconds," the computer said.  
"In a few minutes," Pozet explained, "the ship will complete a single revolution, and when it doesn't find the Pflaume System, it'll fly around in another circle to try to reach it again.  The countdown to arrival will reset, and it'll keep going around and around until we run out of fuel.   The beauty of this is that you can try to alter course, but the ship will just end up flying in a different circle.   And I made sure to fix it so you won't be able to restore the computer's spatial awareness back to the way it was before."
It took a moment for Zatte to make sense of what she was hearing.   "But.. you're trapped here along with me!" she finally said.  
"Am I?" Pozet asked?  "Like I keep telling you, I'm not alive.   If the ship runs out of power, if the life support fails, if we're adrift in space for a hundred million years, it makes no difference to me.   My master won't even miss me.  He'll just make a new homunculus that looks just like me to take my place.  It doesn't matter to me.  All that matters is making sure you don't reach Pflaume until his business with Luffa is finished."
Zatte looked down at her weapon, and suddenly realized how useless it was.   Even if she destroyed Pozet, that wouldn't put the ship right again.
"Face it, babe, you were so focused on protecting your own life that you never imagined I'd maroon us out in the middle of nowhere.    That's the advantage of having no life to protect.  Now, I'm gonna take that shower.   If you want to come join me, I wouldn't mind the company, but if you want to be a sore loser about it all, that's fine too."
Zatte didn't know what to say.  She thought about asking the computer for another ETA, but she already knew it's answers would meaningless.  She could try to undo Pozet's tampering, but she had no idea how to do that.  What else did that leave?
Then, over the intercom, she heard the sound of running water, and her own voice singing off-key.
NEXT: The Road Goes On Forever
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annegalliher · 6 years
So, Your Twitter Account Is Suspended. Why? And Now What?
Enjoy Social Media for as Long as 'They' Let You
Was Your Twitter Account Suspended Because...
Twitter Account Suspension and Other Twitter Enforcement Actions
What to Do If Your Twitter Account Is Suspended
“Your Twitter account has been suspended.”
NO ONE wants to hear that… like, EVER… 
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Yet, with Twitter continuously changing the Twitter Rulebook (and, by the way, it’s YOUR, Twitter user’s, responsibility to stay on top of those changes!), it’s nearly impossible to keep your Twitter account squeaky clean.
I know exactly how you feel. I had not one, but several Twitter accounts suspended at one point or another.
Full disclosure though: some of my Twitter account suspensions didn’t exactly come as a surprise… I knew I was playing with fire! 
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You can learn more about why a few of my Twitter accounts were suspended in my best Twitter tools post.
Whether you knew you were breaking Twitter rules that got your Twitter account suspended or not (that’s between you and you!
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), let’s take a look at
several common cases of why Twitter accounts get suspended,
what (if anything) you can do to get your account back,
what to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Enjoy Social Media for as Long as ‘They’ Let You
What, on earth?…
You are right, this doesn’t seemingly have anything to do with your Twitter account suspension.
However, since humans now have a SHORTER attention span than your childhood friend, the goldfish (I know, right?!!!), something I’d normally save for the end of the post has to be said now – while I have your FULL ATTENTION.
Yes, it’s THAT important!
per recent Microsoft study
Still with me? Or are you completely distracted by my masterful content repurposing?… (in this case, summing up the very long Microsoft study in two images.
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Wait, where were we? I’m so distracted… 
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Oh, yes, something really important…
When using third-party platforms (any website you don’t own, in other words), you are completely at their mercy.
You are not ‘entitled’ to anything.
Their platform. Their rules. Their last word.
If they close their doors tomorrow (like Google+ just did), everything you’ve built on that platform is done for.
Thank goodness, a platform closing down for good is extremely rare.
But what about…
Google algorithm changes?
Facebook Zero reach?
Twitter API changes?
Speaking of Google algorithm changes, did you know Google changes it around 500–600 times per year? 
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No one can protect you from platform changes. All you can do is suck it up and adapt.
So, if your Twitter account is suspended, you find yourself at the mercy of a random Twitter employee to plead your case to. And, let me tell you, they haven’t been that merciful, as of late!
Now… when I said, “All you can do is suck it up and adapt“, I was half serious.
There IS something you can and SHOULD do to protect yourself.
When using ANY third-party platform (Twitter, Facebook, SlideShare, Medium, whatever), your objective should be to bring people you engage with back to your site as quickly (but spam-free-ly!!!) as possible, then build those relationships on your own turf and terms.
That’s precisely why I wasn’t crying when my Twitter accounts got suspended. At least, I milked them for all the website traffic I could before I was busted.
And yes, I went into much more detail about how exactly I got my new Twitter followers to come to Traffic Generation Café in the best Twitter tools post I mentioned above; take a look at it when you are done here.
Alrighty; moving on.
Was Your Twitter Account Suspended Because…
You know that message you got when your Twitter account got suspended?
It went something like this:
The following behaviors are violations of the Twitter Rules:
• Creating serial and/or multiple accounts with overlapping use cases • Cross-posting Tweets or links across accounts • Aggressive following, particularly through automated means
As such, these accounts will remain suspended.
Gut-wrenching, I know.
Let’s see if your Twitter account was suspended or restricted due to…
Repeatedly posting duplicate or near-duplicate content to one or multiple accounts you run
You used to read it everywhere, “Post your tweets multiple times to make sure your followers actually see your content!”
Oh, yes, the good ol’ golden standard of making yourself visible on Twitter…
No longer the case.
Twitter rules state:
You may not post duplicative or substantially similar Tweets on one account or over multiple accounts you operate.
So, whether you used to:
post the same tweet to multiple accounts you run, OR
schedule/recycle the same tweet to go out hours or days apart
…it’s now against Twitter rules.
This one definitely hit HARD.
Take a look at this Twitter forum thread:
A Twitter employee replies:
Yet another question follows:
To that, Twitter says, “Sorry, we aren’t here to entertain every question about our policies.”
There you have it.
A whole list of don’ts and only one way to do:
craft each tweet thoughtfully,
post it manually (once),
then rinse and repeat.
Hey, I am all for maintaining/re-establishing quality content on Twitter, but realistically?… who has the time to market on Twitter ‘to a T’?
But then again… if more and more marketers stop using Twitter to promote their businesses, wouldn’t that create a great opportunity for those of us who don’t mind putting some elbow grease into it? 
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If you do want to share the same post across multiple profiles, or to repeat it on your own profile, Twitter recommends that you retweet your original post.
Buuuuut… not too much 
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, because 
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Another way to get into trouble with Twitter and get your account suspended is:
Liking and/or retweeting too many tweets at once
Doing it ‘aggressively‘, in other words.
And it’s up to Twitter to decide whether what you are doing is aggressive or not. How convenient, right?
I once had a brand new Twitter account suspended within an hour of its creation for that very reason: I engaged with (liked, @mentioned) and retweeted too many posts within that hour.
Truthfully, what I was trying to do was to make my account look less ghost-towny! Since I didn’t want to tweet out a bunch of Traffic Generation Café posts (that was too spammy for my taste, ironically!), I decided to spread some retweeting/engagement wealth to the people I had started to follow.
Alas, that was exactly what got me banned! 
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How do you stay out of this kind of Twitter trouble?
Let’s say you go to your Twitter timeline to do that manual thing Twitter wants us to do – converse, engage, relate, be present.
Don’t just go nuts and like every tweet you see!
Give yourself a limit – let’s say to like 5 tweets, to retweet 5 tweets with a thoughtful comment to go with each one, and to share one of your blog posts in-between.
Better yet, do this 2-3 times per day.
OR better yet, establish an easy-to-follow daily Twitter routine to make sure you make the most of Twitter within the least amount of time.
Read How to Manage Twitter Like a Pro [Your Daily Twitter Routine] to…well, learn how to manage Twitter like a pro
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The next most common reason to get your Twitter account suspended is:
Aggressively following and unfollowing Twitter users
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you have followed and/or unfollowed a large number of of accounts in a short time period, particularly by automated means (aggressive following or follower churn).
And, as if that was unclear in any way, here’s more:
Following/unfollowing users was always a huge part of my Twitter marketing strategy.
So much so that I don’t mind going a bit gray hat on this one every once in while.
Learn more here: Best Twitter Tools to Get More Twitter Followers in 2019
Closely related to automatically following/unfollowing users is:
Using or promoting any tools to automatically add Twitter followers or engagements
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you sell, purchase, or attempt to artificially inflate account interactions (such as followers, Retweets, likes, etc.); and
…if you use or promote third-party services or apps that claim to get you more followers, Retweets, or likes (such as follower trains, sites promising “more followers fast”, or any other site that offers to automatically add followers or engagements to your account or Tweets).
Totally get it.
It’s one thing to use a Twitter automation tool to make your life of getting more followers easier (but you still have to do the work!!!), and it’s something completely different and definitely spammy to outright BUY followers, Retweets, likes, etc.
This one is easy: DON’T DO IT.
Abusing trending topics or hashtags
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you post multiple updates to a trending or popular topic with an intent to subvert or manipulate the topic to drive traffic or attention to unrelated accounts, products, services, or initiatives.
Say, you create a tweet, then add a popular/trending hashtag to it – not because it’s relevant, but because you want your tweet to be seen by the people following the topic.
That example is a clearly spammy and unacceptable way to market your business.
I am sure most of you don’t do that, but there are many other ways to abuse trending topics… be assured that Twitter is monitoring that one very closely.
Posting affiliate links
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you post misleading, deceptive, or malicious links (e.g., affiliate links, links to malware/clickjacking pages, etc.).
Social media is not a storefront. Not the right place to make a sale; unless you are paying for ads, of course.
Bring your followers back to your site. THEN convert them.
Twitter Account Suspension and Other Twitter Enforcement Actions
Now comes the really hard part: paying for your Twitter indiscretions.
I’ve got some good and some bad news for you here.
The good news is Twitter is genuinely trying to make the platform better for everyone.
And they ‘aren’t there to getcha…‘
Should they feel your otherwise healthy Twitter account is getting into a bit of trouble with Twitter rules, they won’t just ban you, I promise.
They’ll try to warn you first (most often, send you an email notification), then might give you a slap on the wrist.
For instance:
Twitter Might Require Tweet Removal
Once again, this kind of Twitter enforcement action exists to ensure:
…we are not being overly harsh with an otherwise healthy account that made a mistake and violated our Rules.
If Twitter determines that your tweet violated the Twitter Rules:
They’ll send you an email to let you know which tweet is in violation and which specific rule it violated.
You then can either remove the offending tweet or
…appeal it if you believe Twitter made an error.
(Hmmm… Remove it and count your blessings! 
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Meanwhile, while Twitter is waiting for you to remove the tweet, they’ll hide that tweet from public view and will replace the original content with a notice stating that the tweet is no longer available because it violated Twitter Rules.
This notice will also stay for 14 days after the tweet was removed.
Twitter Might Place an Account in Read-Only Mode
Once again, this slap on the wrist is reserved for an otherwise healthy account that is ‘in the middle of an abusive episode‘, as Twitter puts it.
In this case, Twitter might temporarily make your account read-only, limiting your ability to Tweet, Retweet, or Like content until ‘calmer heads prevail‘.
If that’s your punishment, then:
You’ll still be able to read your timeline.
You’ll only be able to send Direct Messages to your followers.
Others will still be able to see and engage with the account.
The duration of this enforcement action can range from 12 hours to 7 days, depending on the nature of the violation.
Twitter Might Make Your Tweets and/or Account Less Visible
This is something that’s referred to as ‘restricting or limiting an account or content’ throughout Twitter Rules, yet there’s no specific section that explains what it is.
From what I could gather, it sounds like Twitter might limit (a.k.a not show) your account or tweets in search results, replies, and on timelines.
The only other piece of info we have is:
Limiting Tweet visibility depends on a number of signals about the nature of the interaction and the quality of the content.
Twitter Might Make You Verify Your Account
This helps Twitter weed out violators who are abusing Twitter multiple accounts rules – operating those to spam Twitter users, for instance.
If Twitter suspects you are running one of those Twitter spam rings 
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, they will lock your account (remove it from follower counts, Retweets, and likes) and require you to verify account ownership with a phone number or email address.
Twitter Account Suspension or Permanent Suspension
Compared to a Twitter account suspension, all previous enforcement actions were just that: a slap on the rist.
Account suspensions happen if Twitter determines that a person
has violated the Twitter Rules in a particularly egregious way,or
has repeatedly violated them even after receiving notifications from Twitter.
When Twitter suspends an account, they notify the account owner and explain which policy or policies he/she has violated and which content is in violation.
What to Do If Your Twitter Account Is Suspended
That’s the good news: if you believe Twitter made a mistake, you can appeal your account suspension.
=> Follow this link to file a report
The bad news is if you appeal is denied, your Twitter account suspension becomes permanent.
Twitter will remove your account from global view, AND you will not be allowed to create new accounts.
Yes, it’s very sad and very final…
Marketing Takeaway
Bookmark this post and use it as a guide of what not to do to remain in good standing with Twitter.
It’s definitely a lot easier to try to follow Twitter rules than to deal with a Twitter account suspension!
The post So, Your Twitter Account Is Suspended. Why? And Now What? appeared first on TrafficGenerationCafe.com.
0 notes
xbakugobakugobakugo · 6 years
muffy goes to hell
 i didn’t edit this and i wrote it on the high of no sleep. but still.
Buffy steps off the bus already regretting every single life choice she had ever made. Next to her, a fellow teammate checks her watch, which reads: 6:27 AM. After an hour bus ride, it’s still before sunrise. 
“Yo, Driscoll!” Marty shouts as he jumps off the bus. “Spikes?” Buffy tosses him her spike tightener, shivering in the crisp October air.
Somewhere nearby, someone lets out a scream as he discovers the forty foot hill that opens the course. Meanwhile, twenty Jefferson kids go about pitching a tent so they can shiver underneath a roof instead. Then they throw out snacks, which are banned unless throwing up on the forty foot hill is a desirable option. Buffy, who has already consumed a banana at exactly four hours before her allotted race time, shakes her head at the embarrassing runners who snack on stale uncrustables before the race. 
“Marty,” Buffy whispers, waiting to see if he hears her through his headphones. He doesn’t—he’s too busy thinking about the twenty or less minutes of death they’re all about to go through. Buffy decides to do the same; she visualizes sprinting at the beginning, feeling strong in the middle, and then feeling like she’s carrying Andi, Jonah, Cyrus, Marty, Libby, Amber, Reed, and TJ on her back as she wheezes to the finish line. 
Great. Can’t wait. 
Cross country is the only sport Cyrus refuses to show up and cheer for. Even Cyrus won’t show up with sunscreen, glittery signs, and moral support. Instead, Buffy’s mom comes out to one meet a month and Marty’s dad shivers in the car so he can drive him home. Andi wished her good luck the night before, with that awkward emoji face next to it, meaning—“you’re dumb for doing this sport, but good luck anyway!”
The morning slogs on, and Buffy drags Marty to the single bathroom which was last cleaned in 1985. They wait forty minutes, only to be retrieved by angry captains saying: sorry, it’s pre-run run time. Buffy tries her best not to throw something. 
At TJ’s basketball games, or Amber’s figure skate shows, or Cyrus’s musicals, Buffy can usually bring herself to smile. Enjoy the experience. But now, as she runs a mile before her actual race, in 40 degree weather, at 7:30 in the morning, she’s starting to feel like she’s smacking her head against a wall. Repeatedly.
“Stretch!” Marty calls out once they get back to the tent, which is being blown into the air. He smacks energy gum, which is probably, definitely some form of steroids but no one seems to care.
Buffy avoids ripping her muscles out by—reluctantly—stretching, and mostly just staring into space and seriously considering her life decisions. Marty, meanwhile, listens to screaming rap music (raccoon in da blender, obviously, along with heartbreak lake), and halfheartedly reaches for his toes. 
Finally, there’s only twenty minutes until the race, and they both put on uncomfortable shoes which have spikes sharper than the wing of Amber’s eyeliner if she tries hard enough. Marty laces her shoes, and Buffy laces his. They whisper a cross country blessing to each other: “bless our shoelaces, our timing chips, our jerseys, our nerves, and our results.” Then Marty writes the words “Plus Ultra” on her arm and she writes the words “Go the distance” on his. It’s an age old tradition with no explanation, but it’s the only way to prepare for what they are about to experience. 
At the starting line, in a mixed girls and boys race, Marty gives Buffy a quick hug, then proceeds to ignore her, because she’s competition. Buffy imagines Cyrus is there, counting down the seconds until the gun is fired. And when it goes off, and her mind goes blank, and her legs start to move, she clears all thoughts of friends out of her head. She sees nothing but green field, feels nothing but biting cold, thinks of nothing but the steps in front of her.
Of course, that works the first 100 meters, but by the second 100 meters she has Boomerang by JoJo Siwa in her head and is trying to resist surgically removing her own mind for blessing her with this song. And of course, the song syncs in line with her footsteps and breathing, so it doesn’t go away. The entire race.
Marty’s mind is completely blank because he’s too busy dying a slow death to put anything into his head. Except, somewhere in the second mile, he starts to think about anime, and it’s all over. The energy gum has given him enough energy to finish the race in less than eighteen minutes, but it’s also given him enough energy to play through every single episode of attack on titan in his head at full volume in the span of four hundred meters. And then to do it again. 
Somewhere in the second mile is also when Marty permanently passes Buffy, offering no acknowledgement. Buffy just keeps running, feet pounding and Boomerang raging. The finish line is nearing sight, except not really, and they still have a mile and a half left. Buffy accidentally-not-accidentally stabs someone with her spike, who may or may not have been Iris. Who knows? It’s common knowledge that no one is responsible for what goes down in a cross country race. It’s a sacred, untouched time. 
While Iris bleeds from a single spike-shaped hole in her leg. Marty’s feet nearly fall off because someone had the bright idea to fill one quarter of the course with cursed concrete. He considers, several times, untying his shoes and running the rest barefoot. He doesn’t, though, because surrendering one’s shoes is just like surrendering one’s weapon. He thinks about stale uncrustables and also the even-more-stale-and-possibly-moldy knockoff uncrustables Cece bought for the same. Meanwhile, Buffy fever dreams of baby taters as she realizes they have to once again run straight up a forty foot hill.
A vertical, forty foot hill. 
Cross country skiing is almost, (almost) preferable to the trek up the final hill. Almost. Buffy claws her way up the slope, makes it to the top, nearly throws up, and spots Marty a ways away already crossing the finish line. Some coach yells at her to speed up, but her ears are tuned out to spectators and tuned in to the jumping heartbeat in her chest and the absolute lack of breath she has. She even hallucinates TJ, Cyrus, and Reed in the crowd, wearing matching t-shirts to cheer them on. That, of course, (more than a single genuine cross country fan at a meet) is as much of a dream as her ever actually reaching the finish line. 
Fortunately, neither Marty nor Buffy throw up after tumbling over the finish line. Gus does, because he’s being forced by his parents to run and because social events make him nervous. There’s too much cross country camaraderie here, between the solidarity of guys wearing short shorts to the awkward, “inspirational” posts made by the most elite runners in the state. Buffy and Marty both made inspirational cross country instagrams, once, seeing as they’re milesplit famous and known by fellow jealous runners as the Jefferson lovebirds. The only picture Marty ever ended up posting (because he would rather stalk other runners and screenshot milesplit results to spam Buffy with) was an artsy shot taken just after a state race at one point, of Marty and Buffy kissing right across the finish line against a sunrise background. Buffy, on the other hand, posts daily story updates of every run she goes on, and recaps every single race in a long paragraph rant. Even TJ reads them, despite reluctance. Marty couldn’t be more proud. 
Once Marty is done dragging Gus back to the tent, some captain announces: now that everyone has finished running, it’s time to run (again)! Buffy, once again, plays through her life decisions in her head as she shuffles along behind her teammates at a speed slower than Cyrus’s mile time. Marty looks like something has sucked the soul out of him (because it has, and that (something) was 3.1 miles of soul-sucking fun). Finally, they finish, and stretch again, because why wouldn’t they? 
Buffy scrolls through several inspirational messages on her phone: from her mom, from Cyrus, the old one from Andi, and, shockingly, one from TJ. 
“Time for uncrustables!” Marty screams, interrupting her thoughts. Being a smart girl, Buffy grabs seven granola bars, three bags of (regular flavor) cheez-its, and eighty packs of Mott’s fruit snacks (because one never knows when the supply will disappear). Marty eats four bananas and every single honey uncrustable in the box, because he’s chaotic.
“Results? Times?” someone goes around asking everyone: the neurotic one. Buffy just throws him a look that says: ask me and I will push you off the bus. Marty, who lacks such a look in his repertoire, gets bullied into guessing his time, only to be met with a pitying glance from someone who didn’t even run the race.
“Hey Marty,” Buffy calls, “the Spoon after?”
Marty nods, and then nods some more. The only way to erase the trauma is to overeat baby taters and cry in a public place—sometimes, while flaunting the medals acquired in the race.
Somewhere in the corner, Gus is still throwing up. Buffy mentally prepares herself for another bus ride, only this one will be less anxious and more full of regret: that she didn’t run faster, that she ate all seven granola bars, that she showed up for the first day of practice and didn’t take up the trombone instead. Maybe she should have joined Andi’s crafting group, or Walker’s art appreciation society, or Cyrus’s thespian club. 
While she’s contemplating all of this with her nose pressed against the window, Marty comes over and puts an arm around her, then prompts falls asleep on her shoulder. Several teammates sing along in unison to high school musical and various rappers blasting through a tiny speaker. Everyone holds on to their seats, hoping that *this time* the coach doesn’t crash the bus.
There’s probably a lesson in there, about teams and relationships and bonds and being worth it. Unfortunately, the message gets lost in Buffy’s mind, which is operating exactly like she woke up at 4:30 in the morning—which, she did. And so, while reflecting on the last few hours of her life, Buffy’s eyelids slip down until she’s sound asleep between Marty and the window, catching up on sleep already so she can wake up and do it all again next weekend. 
29 notes · View notes
So, Your Twitter Account Is Suspended. Why? And Now What?
“Your Twitter account has been suspended.”
NO ONE wants to hear that… like, EVER… 😱🤪
Yet, with Twitter continuously changing the Twitter Rulebook (and, by the way, it’s YOUR, Twitter user’s, responsibility to stay on top of those changes!), it’s nearly impossible to keep your Twitter account squeaky clean.
I know exactly how you feel. I had not one, but several Twitter accounts suspended at one point or another.
Full disclosure though: some of my Twitter account suspensions didn’t exactly come as a surprise… I knew I was playing with fire! 😉🔥👌
You can learn more about why a few of my Twitter accounts were suspended in my best Twitter tools post.
Whether you knew you were breaking Twitter rules that got your Twitter account suspended or not (that’s between you and you! 😉 ), let’s take a look at
several common cases of why Twitter accounts get suspended,
what (if anything) you can do to get your account back,
what to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Enjoy Social Media for as Long as ‘They’ Let You
What, on earth?…
You are right, this doesn’t seemingly have anything to do with your Twitter account suspension.
However, since humans now have a SHORTER attention span than your childhood friend, the goldfish (I know, right?!!!), something I’d normally save for the end of the post has to be said now – while I have your FULL ATTENTION.
Yes, it’s THAT important!
per recent Microsoft study
Still with me? Or are you completely distracted by my masterful content repurposing?… (in this case, summing up the very long Microsoft study in two images. 😉 )
Wait, where were we? I’m so distracted… 😳 🤪
Oh, yes, something really important…
When using third-party platforms (any website you don’t own, in other words), you are completely at their mercy.
You are not ‘entitled’ to anything.
Their platform. Their rules. Their last word.
If they close their doors tomorrow (like Google+ just did), everything you’ve built on that platform is done for.
Thank goodness, a platform closing down for good is extremely rare.
But what about…
Google algorithm changes?
Facebook Zero reach?
Twitter API changes?
Speaking of Google algorithm changes, did you know Google changes it around 500–600 times per year? 😲🤪
No one can protect you from platform changes. All you can do is suck it up and adapt.
So, if your Twitter account is suspended, you find yourself at the mercy of a random Twitter employee to plead your case to. And, let me tell you, they haven’t been that merciful, as of late!
Now… when I said, “All you can do is suck it up and adapt“, I was half serious.
There IS something you can and SHOULD do to protect yourself.
When using ANY third-party platform (Twitter, Facebook, SlideShare, Medium, whatever), your goal is to bring people you engage with back to your site as quickly (but spam-free-ly!!!) as possible, then build those relationships on your own turf and terms.
That’s precisely why I wasn’t crying when my Twitter accounts got suspended. At least, I milked them for all the website traffic I could before I was busted.
And yes, I went into much more detail about how exactly I got my new Twitter followers to come to Traffic Generation Café in the best Twitter tools post I mentioned above; take a look at it when you are done here.
Alrighty; moving on.
Was Your Twitter Account Suspended Because…
You know that message you got when your Twitter account got suspended?
It went something like this:
The following behaviors are violations of the Twitter Rules:
• Creating serial and/or multiple accounts with overlapping use cases • Cross-posting Tweets or links across accounts • Aggressive following, particularly through automated means
As such, these accounts will remain suspended.
Gut-wrenching, I know.
Let’s see if your Twitter account was suspended or restricted due to…
Repeatedly posting duplicate or near-duplicate content to one or multiple accounts you run
You used to read it everywhere, “Post your tweets multiple times to make sure your followers actually see your content!”
Oh, yes, the good ol’ golden standard of making yourself visible on Twitter…
No longer the case.
Twitter rules state:
You may not post duplicative or substantially similar Tweets on one account or over multiple accounts you operate.
So, whether you used to:
post the same tweet to multiple accounts you run, OR
schedule/recycle the same tweet to go out hours or days apart
…it’s now against Twitter rules.
This one definitely hit HARD.
Take a look at this Twitter forum thread:
A Twitter employee replies:
Yet another question follows:
To that, Twitter says, “Sorry, we aren’t here to entertain every question about our policies.”
There you have it.
A whole list of don’ts and only one way to do:
craft each tweet thoughtfully,
post it manually (once),
then rinse and repeat.
Hey, I am all for maintaining/re-establishing quality content on Twitter, but realistically?… who has the time to market on Twitter ‘to a T’?
But then again… if more and more marketers stop using Twitter to promote their businesses, wouldn’t that create a great opportunity for those of us who don’t mind putting some elbow grease into it? 💡🤫 🤓
If you do want to share the same post across multiple profiles, or to repeat it on your own profile, Twitter recommends that you retweet your original post.
Buuuuut… not too much 😅, because 👇
Another way to get into trouble with Twitter and get your account suspended is:
Liking and/or retweeting too many tweets at once
Doing it ‘aggressively‘, in other words.
And it’s up to Twitter to decide whether what you are doing is aggressive or not. How convenient, right?
I once had a brand new Twitter account suspended within an hour of its creation for that very reason: I engaged with (liked, @mentioned) and retweeted too many posts within that hour.
Truthfully, what I was trying to do was to make my account look less ghost-towny! Since I didn’t want to tweet out a bunch of Traffic Generation Café posts (that was too spammy for my taste, ironically!), I decided to spread some retweeting/engagement wealth to the people I had started to follow.
Alas, that was exactly what got me banned! 🤪😖🤐
How do you stay out of this kind of Twitter trouble?
Let’s say you go to your Twitter timeline to do that manual thing Twitter wants us to do – converse, engage, relate, be present.
Don’t just go nuts and like every tweet you see!
Give yourself a limit – let’s say to like 5 tweets, to retweet 5 tweets with a thoughtful comment to go with each one, and to share one of your blog posts in-between.
Better yet, do this 2-3 times per day.
OR better yet, establish an easy-to-follow daily Twitter routine to make sure you make the most of Twitter within the least amount of time.
Read How to Manage Twitter Like a Pro [Your Daily Twitter Routine] to…well, learn how to manage Twitter like a pro 😉 !
The next most common reason to get your Twitter account suspended is:
Aggressively following and unfollowing Twitter users
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you have followed and/or unfollowed a large number of of accounts in a short time period, particularly by automated means (aggressive following or follower churn).
And, as if that was unclear in any way, here’s more:
Following/unfollowing users was always a huge part of my Twitter marketing strategy.
So much so that I don’t mind going a bit gray hat on this one every once in while.
Learn more here: Best Twitter Tools to Get More Twitter Followers in 2019
Closely related to automatically following/unfollowing users is:
Using or promoting any tools to automatically add Twitter followers or engagements
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you sell, purchase, or attempt to artificially inflate account interactions (such as followers, Retweets, likes, etc.); and
…if you use or promote third-party services or apps that claim to get you more followers, Retweets, or likes (such as follower trains, sites promising “more followers fast”, or any other site that offers to automatically add followers or engagements to your account or Tweets).
Totally get it.
It’s one thing to use a Twitter automation tool to make your life of getting more followers easier (but you still have to do the work!!!), and it’s something completely different and definitely spammy to outright BUY followers, Retweets, likes, etc.
This one is easy: DON’T DO IT.
Abusing trending topics or hashtags
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you post multiple updates to a trending or popular topic with an intent to subvert or manipulate the topic to drive traffic or attention to unrelated accounts, products, services, or initiatives.
Say, you create a tweet, then add a popular/trending hashtag to it – not because it’s relevant, but because you want your tweet to be seen by the people following the topic.
That example is a clearly spammy and unacceptable way to market your business.
I am sure most of you don’t do that, but there are many other ways to abuse trending topics… be assured that Twitter is monitoring that one very closely.
Posting affiliate links
Twitter considers it spam:
…if you post misleading, deceptive, or malicious links (e.g., affiliate links, links to malware/clickjacking pages, etc.).
Social media is not a storefront. Not the right place to make a sale; unless you are paying for ads, of course.
Bring your followers back to your site. THEN convert them.
Twitter Account Suspension and Other Twitter Enforcement Actions
Now comes the really hard part: paying for your Twitter indiscretions.
I’ve got some good and some bad news for you here.
The good news is Twitter is genuinely trying to make the platform better for everyone.
And they ‘aren’t there to getcha…‘
Should they feel your otherwise healthy Twitter account is getting into a bit of trouble with Twitter rules, they won’t just ban you, I promise.
They’ll try to warn you first (most often, send you an email notification), then might give you a slap on the wrist.
For instance:
Twitter Might Require Tweet Removal
Once again, this kind of Twitter enforcement action exists to ensure:
…we are not being overly harsh with an otherwise healthy account that made a mistake and violated our Rules.
If Twitter determines that your tweet violated the Twitter Rules:
They’ll send you an email to let you know which tweet is in violation and which specific rule it violated.
You then can either remove the offending tweet or
…appeal it if you believe Twitter made an error.
(Hmmm… Remove it and count your blessings! 😅)
Meanwhile, while Twitter is waiting for you to remove the tweet, they’ll hide that tweet from public view and will replace the original content with a notice stating that the tweet is no longer available because it violated Twitter Rules.
This notice will also stay for 14 days after the tweet was removed.
Twitter Might Place an Account in Read-Only Mode
Once again, this slap on the wrist is reserved for an otherwise healthy account that is ‘in the middle of an abusive episode‘, as Twitter puts it.
In this case, Twitter might temporarily make your account read-only, limiting your ability to Tweet, Retweet, or Like content until ‘calmer heads prevail‘.
If that’s your punishment, then:
You’ll still be able to read your timeline.
You’ll only be able to send Direct Messages to your followers.
Others will still be able to see and engage with the account.
The duration of this enforcement action can range from 12 hours to 7 days, depending on the nature of the violation.
Twitter Might Make Your Tweets and/or Account Less Visible
This is something that’s referred to as ‘restricting or limiting an account or content’ throughout Twitter Rules, yet there’s no specific section that explains what it is.
From what I could gather, it sounds like Twitter might limit (a.k.a not show) your account or tweets in search results, replies, and on timelines.
The only other piece of info we have is:
Limiting Tweet visibility depends on a number of signals about the nature of the interaction and the quality of the content.
Twitter Might Make You Verify Your Account
This helps Twitter weed out violators who are abusing Twitter multiple accounts rules – operating those to spam Twitter users, for instance.
If Twitter suspects you are running one of those Twitter spam rings 😲😲😲, they will lock your account (remove it from follower counts, Retweets, and likes) and require you to verify account ownership with a phone number or email address.
Twitter Account Suspension or Permanent Suspension
Compared to a Twitter account suspension, all previous enforcement actions were just that: a slap on the rist.
Account suspensions happen if Twitter determines that a person
has violated the Twitter Rules in a particularly egregious way,or
has repeatedly violated them even after receiving notifications from Twitter.
When Twitter suspends an account, they notify the account owner and explain which policy or policies he/she has violated and which content is in violation.
What to Do If Your Twitter Account Is Suspended
That’s the good news: if you believe Twitter made a mistake, you can appeal your account suspension.
=> Follow this link to file a report
The bad news is if you appeal is denied, your Twitter account suspension becomes permanent.
Twitter will remove your account from global view, AND you will not be allowed to create new accounts.
Yes, it’s very sad and very final…
Marketing Takeaway
Bookmark this post and use it as a guide of what not to do to remain in good standing with Twitter.
It’s definitely a lot easier to try to follow Twitter rules than to deal with a Twitter account suspension!
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