#sorry tokyo div mun (>_<)
suginami-division · 2 years
It was a beautiful day in Tokyo city, the Division was resting, at least Hideki and Hana, the others were busy with their jobs. Hideki was cooking while Hana was helping him to clean and set the table. As they sat down to eat Hideki was smiling a little mischievously at Hana, that action made her worry, since when he did that it was because he would ask for a favor or send her on an errand.
"Spit it out at once" Hana said in a serious tone, she didn't like being told things at the drop of a hat in surprise mode.
"I see you already figured it out" Hideki said a bit teasingly while resting his face in his hands "Today you will go to Suginami, you will meet the leader of Sazanka Zombeez."
The young actress just looked with annoyance as she reproached the fact that she didn't want to go so the man just smiles mockingly.
"I know you have a hard time expressing yourself in a nice way with people so this will help you" Hideki kept smiling then started to eat a little "You will be leaving tonight so start preparing your things".
Hana just sighed to eat a bit angrily. Later she started to organize her backpack, it was going to be a few days so she wouldn't take something as annoying as a suitcase, she would leave by train at 9 PM but for some reason the train took longer than expected so it left at 11:30 PM, it would be a 30 minutes trip so Hana just sighed with annoyance. By the time she finally caught the train, she started listening to music.
"She is already on her way there so wait for her" Hideki said on his cell phone, he was talking to the leader of Suginami Division, smiling mischievously.
When she arrived, she looked out the window with some sleepiness and went downstairs quietly until she saw three men standing there staring at her, so she fearlessly approached to speak to them.
"You are Sazanka Zombeez?" Asked Hana calmly, waiting for the men's response.
Like Hana, the entire Suginami team looked pretty exhausted. The two Umemoto brothers were especially tired, with Ryuko having just gotten off work and Maki not accustomed to being awake so late at night. Shuu on the other hand was beaming at Hana, responding to her question quickly.
“Yup yup yup! We are the Sazanka Zombeez!” Shuu exclaims, looking up at Hana and grabbing her hands tightly. “You’re Hana-chan, right? Come here! I promise we aren’t scary! The brothers are just being a couple of sleepyheads.”
“You’re being too pushy Shuu, back off.” Ryuko started to grumble, trying to shoo Shuu away from the girl.
Apologizing in a whiny voice the detective backed off, letting Hana’s hands go and shoving them into his pockets. Ryuko looked pretty stressed, rubbing his head to try and relieve his mental strain just a little bit.
“Look, your friend asked us for this favor last minute, but we’re all pretty exhausted from our day. We can worry about introductions later. Right now, we need some sleep.”
Ryuko looks at the things that Hana had packed, motioning his head at it.
“Good that you packed some stuff. You got a place to stay?”
Shuu is quick to chime in, “If you don’t have a place to stay, you can come stay with one of us!”
As soon as Shuu says this, both the brothers jump in surprise. Maki finally speaks up after not talking for so long, nervously stammering at Shuu’s abrupt offer.
“S-Stay at our places? I don’t think that would be a good idea…”
“Right… Definitely not a good idea.” Ryuko halfheartedly agreed with Maki.
“Really? I thought Maki at least had a spare room in his apartment?” Shuu hums.
Ryuko starts to lose his temper at Shuu's antics, raising his voice in anger. “Hey, hey! Why the fuck are you deciding for her, huh? Quit pressuring the girl and let her talk!”
“You’re right!” Shuu brushes off Ryuko’s rising temper, clapping his hands together and smiling at Hana. “Hana-chan, what do you want to do? Are you gonna stay at a hotel in the city? Or are you gonna pick your favorite team member and stay at their place?”
All three men waited for Hana’s answer impatiently. Shuu seemed excited at the idea of a fun sleepover, but Ryuko and Maki looked like they were internally praying that they wouldn’t get picked… So, what was Hana’s response?
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