#sorry youve probably already solved your problem by now I imagine
gin-juice-tonic · 11 months
hey, i'm having some trouble doing my T shot tonight, how did stan get past his own trouble? i'm not SCARED or anything, it just doesn't wanna like. y'know, actually shot in.
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Stan takes a deep breath, resets himself, and creates imaginary support and or good ol fashioned peer pressure to occupy his mind
(or sometimes counts to 3 and shoots it on 2, which I mention in this other post)
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Part two of an archive of a conversation between three EPF agents.
721: so… if you don’t mind me asking………
053: pfft its no problem dw
053: obviously i wont tell you exactly who they are cause even if im wrong thats gonna possibly endanger them
053: but like… you know how our usernames have numbers and stuff?
053: they used to correspond to when you joined
053: like thats why REALLY old agents have lower numbers, like me!
053: like agent d for example, shes been working here for a super long time right?
053: ive talked to her before, her number is in the 20s
053: to put things in perspective, jpg is in the 60s
053: and im obviously 053
721: woahhhh
721: wait but there’s no way theres over 700 agents, i feel like things would be really different if that were the case
053: yeah! like i said this was the old system
053: once they migrated to the epf they obviously lost a lot of info from the psa
053: which included the system and how they regulated this to make it automatic
053: at that point with everything else that was going on, g probably just gave up on what was effectively an organizational system
053: there were bigger issues to deal with as you could imagine
053: so now you just get randomly assigned a number thats not in use
053: which means you could get agents who just joined after the popcorn explosion who are number like 998 or somethin
053: and also have agents who just joined before the blackout have like 012 just because the original holder of that number retired or somethin
053: just to name a few examples
721: woah…
721: okay that’s all super cool but what does it have to do with who The Agent is?
053: im getting to that
053: youve read the reports right?
053: i dunno if those are mandatory to read or anything since obviously they didnt exist when i first became an agent
721: wait which reports
721: sorry there’s kind of a lot
053: oh sorry yeah
053: the missions having to do with herbert
053: like when he tried to chop down the ski ledge
053: or when he dug all those holes under club penguin
053: they arent special clearance i dont think but im not sure
721: i think some are since when i’ve read through them there’s always gaps
053: oooo yeah
053: i actually have special clearance since ive worked here so long
053: doesnt really matter anyway though since i lived through most of it
053: but like one detail i always noticed about the reports is that they always omitted the name of the agent doing those missions
053: i know the way our agency works
053: they would have assigned the same agent to deal with herbert pretty much every time
053: cause like
053: that way they wouldnt have to reexplain things to the new agent
053: plus that agent would already know how herbert works and could figure him out better
053: now, i dont know if they were gonna do it anyway, it was some error, or if the agent in question requested their identity be omitted in the reports
053: but im SUUUPER leaning towards the agent in question requesting their identity being omitted
053: since im pretty sure that The Agent is the one who’s dealt with herbert for so long already
721: wait you’ve lost me sorry
053: no its alright!
721: why do you think that The Agent is the same agent who was in the missions with herbert? Sorry
053: no its fine! i should have made that clear eheh
053: so like, think about what we know about The Agent
053: what comes to mind?
721: uhh…
721: they were close with the director, they’d have to be really high up for the director to trust them with that chat client thingy they were using
721: especially since they said that thing about assuming control of the epf, also they knew for sure before the rest of us the director had been taken
721: they seemed pretty insistent on people not knowing their identity, don’t know why that would be though
721: from what i can tell they know herbert and how he operates pretty well
721: also overall they seemed to really know what they were doing and the protocol and stuff
721: oh yeah they mentioned they knew some high up agent that was captured but that might just be the director
721: then again if that were the case they probably would have just said “the director”
721: from the way they talk they clearly value the epf and our island above anything else, even more so than most agents do
721: that’s… that’s about it honestly
053: mhm i came to the same conclusions about them
053: now, and this might be a bit harder,
053: think about what we know about the agent who faced herbert so many times
053: and also what kind of penguin would they probably be
721: hmmm
721: they’d have to be pretty good at thinking on the fly
721: and if i remember right from some of the reports, they had a rather unorthodox way of solving problems?
053: indeed
053: they’d do some of the most irrational things and always end up on top
721: jet pack guy must’ve hated it
053: oh he did dont worry
721: okay also uh…
721: they’d have to be pretty smart i guess? or just know herbert really well in general if they were able to beat him so many times
721: hmm…
721: i don’t remember the details of the missions so well off the top of my head i’m sorry
053: nah its understandable!! you newer agents must get really overwhelmed with just how much stuff you have to read through
721: yeah…
053: but yeah youre pretty much right
053: and looking at it it just… makes sense?
053: like forgive me i know i sound like a conspiracy theorist but it just all fits together so nicely if the agent is also the same agent who just went against herbert so much 053: i forget where i was going with this
053: i am so sorry give me a minute let me read back what started this
721: omg it’s fine!! this is all so interesting :O
721: also it’s nice to see you so excited about something!!!
053: eheh im glad you think so!
053: awww sappy
053: what can i say, this has always been just what im interested in
053: its just been such a nice reliable constant thing, its nice
053: i mean, ive told you why i joined, havent i?
721: yeah and i still wanna hug you for that
721: you didnt deserve that crap
053: eheh…
053: thanks…
053: but yeah its just
053: i guess im doing what an agent should never do
053: but it’s just what seems and feels right?
053: i think ive said before but im a big believer in cosmic fate and destiny and things like that
053: so i dunno
053: i guess it’s just a nice idea that the same agent who first met him could still be fighting against him now
053: especially in a time like this
053: if i have nothing else to hope for, i wanna hang onto this
053: i believe in the agent. i really do
053: gah, im sorry, im really rambling now arent i!!!
053: i didnt mean to go on such a tangent whoops
721: :00000 no it’s really okay!!!!!
721: like i said it’s really nice seeing you be passionate about stuff really anything
721: i’m sorry if this comes across as rude or anything but you just… always seem so distant i guess
721: i always worry about you, but… kat said this was just how you were and that i shouldn’t worry…
721: but i always did anyway
721: so i really am glad to see you enjoying yourself like this
053: aww, thank you
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