#sorta. guess it doesnt have to be
solargeist · 4 months
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Aether bc i think she is so pretty
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bluebunnysart · 1 month
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Negidrill (Miku x Teto) chart by me!! :D (My own headcanons)
This isn't any of the drawings I promised earlier but LOL, I drew this during work today and I wanted to color and line it. Time elapsed: about 4.5 hours (for the coloring/lining/adding text) and maybe 30 mins - 1 hour for the traditional drawing under the cut.
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I took like 15 pictures trying to get a good pic but I wasn't satisfied with any of them 'cuz of the angle and how they're supposed to be in a line, so redrawing it digitally was fun....
Anyway, I drew this today 'cuz I've always liked flat colors (I was aiming for more of a flat color look but ended up adding some shadows anyway lol) and I saw a chart someone else made about their Miku and their Teto, and I really liked it and wanted to make one too! :D (Technically after I finished lining them, I could've done one more final lineart pass but I wanted to make it quick and get to the coloring already, so haha.)
I've been wanting to push out a "full drawing" for a while now, so take this! I have comic ideas and whatnot planned (all of that, all mostly yuri too lol), so I won't give you too much information about this chart, but I wanted to make it for fun, and also to practice some coloring. Each new drawing I make will become more rendered, maybe... My posting of things is all out of order but oh well hahahaha. Mesmerizer sometime eventually too. xD (And Neru ofc!)
Whenever I make something for Mikuteto, I do it to the exclusion of everything else, so I really can't make a huge habit of this hahahaha (I really want to and will eventually tho 😤)
[You may use/repost my art anywhere not on tumblr (unless it's RP) as long as you credit. No to AI though, please. Thanks!]
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im-smart-i-swear · 4 months
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can you remember being born? were you born at all
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real nonbinary experience tbh
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bumblydumbly · 4 months
God Sokka. He grew up too early just like Katara. She took over housework, and Sokka had to hunt, fish, and wrangle train the next generation of water tribe warriors. Did he hunt for the whole tribe? He was the only ‘adult’ male, and I imagine women didnt know how to hunt or fish.
AND with how small the tribe was, any attack/raid would take out the rest of the SWT completely. Sokka wasnt just protecting their home from invasion, however unlikely, he was protecting his tribe from a final death. Eradication. Like Aang. he sees the result of his greatest fears and makes the decision to leave anyway, to protect his sister.
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arsenicflame · 1 month
hey pspspspsps friends. i need something thatd be legible as like, a silhouette, thatd look good with a grey background. nothing too complicated but i have absolutely zero other requirements.
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carlosoliveiras-wife · 9 months
i like to think about my guys getting spoiled with love. its healing to my brain
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ennuidays · 6 months
its not serious Ur not serious ab it An ur motives r stupid n hold no real life value
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
ooouuhhhj not good
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ghostlyheart · 2 years
This is probably not a new observation, but I love this costuming choice for Sam in "The Family Business."
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She's generally a very upbeat person, which is reflected in what she wears (lots of pastels or bright colors, frills, patterns, etc.), so it's really kind of jarring to see her wearing black all of a sudden. But then she has that conversation with Hetty and it's like ohhhhh. She's still grieving both the actual loss of her mom (twice!) and the type of mother-daughter relationship she wishes they could have had. Her mom was so critical of her (which she did get some closure on) and it really shows in her need for approval (like desperately trying to get the guests to like her in "Spies") and her resentment of criticism. She's just repeating the same pattern with Hetty, defying her and getting angry when she doesn't trust her judgement. Her blouse is a really simple but effective color choice to reinforce that her mom's passing is clearly something that still weighs on her, and how she and Hetty being each other's "second chance" and building a mutually respectful relationship going forward is part of her healing process
Also random sidenote that I have nowhere else to put- In early season one, whenever Sam and Jay get into a fight and he calls her out on something, she tends to blow up and storm off. They've moved away from that (which I'm glad, I like seeing them work through things healthily and being supportive of each other), but in retrospect it makes a lot of sense why she's so sensitive about that. I think it was a great idea to explore that same type of friction with Hetty.
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
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how it feels to chew five stickmen.                           stimulate your senses
#avm#read this if you dare#this doesnt even come CLOSE to explaining everything goin on inside my head#but i guess i can note some stuff#firstly blue is such a little hater because he REALLY isnt cool with people who have hurt his friends#its like they get all older brother about it so thats why they still hate mango's guts#two a lot of the color gang consider red as a younger brother/just a sibling#and three the romantic relationships; purple might've sorta developed a crush on green but he doesnt know that#so he thinks of them as a friend and they dont wanna mess things up so to the friendzone they go#next endie and red have a thing for each other but endie is so dense about it and they dont see each other enough to go anywhere#so they stay friends for now but the others all know endie has a massive crush on red#and lastly vic has given mango the tittle of hot guy i wont shut up about except he doesnt know them so its a bit weird and parasocial#you know the drill#and all of these. arent fully canon in my mind it depends#im not one to genuinely believe in ships in canon unless stated otherwise by the media#maybe purple is the exception cus i see him doing that thing where someone your age shows you a pixel of kindness and you're head over heels#animation vs Minecraft#i actually reccomend doing this even if its not understandable too#its fun to think about#OH and green has a complicated relationship with mango because he isnt sure he's good for purple yet he has to prove himself#but he wont tell him that#on the other hand mango respects him as purple's friend#im not tagging all of these#avm ships#i guess
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lixbf · 8 months
honestly the fact that gale got kidnapped is mildly ruining how i wanna play the game bc like. i wanna do all the side quests first and Then get to gortash and orin but like i wanna have gale back? i dont want him to just miss out on so much stuff?? like hes been there since the very beginning and now when hes gonna come back it's already like oh yeah cazador is dead and shadowheart got her parents back no big deal. we got another guy to join our team tgt w his tiny giant space hamster and btw mizora now just hangs out here. oh and we fought and killed ethel again but for real this time.
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xamaxenta · 1 year
It’s difficult to not feel discouraged sometimes when your partner is also an artist and happens to be faster than you in every conceivable way
This doesn’t bother me often because everyone is different and comparing production time and skill against each other or anyone is detrimental mostly and its ok to have your own workflow
but it does weigh on me vaguely sometimes sometimes that she can finish 2-3 full coloured pieces within a week and ive been painfully scratching out the same number but theyre only sketches that ill never revisit within a month
None of this actually matters in the long run, it just makes me feel bad on occasion
#like i should be doing more#im very sorry for complaining so much online#i just dont really have any other way to express myself#i know some of you have generously and kindly reached out to me to offer an ear#but my fatal flaw is i cant talk to anyone about my problems i just idk it was beaten into me that none of it matter#matters or my problems arent a big deal and i know ots healthy to think actuallt my problems are worth talking about or a big deal#but its hard to change a behaviour that was kinda literally beaten jnto you that talking about stuff likw this is a waste of time#i guess i just feel bad that i could do more and i dont because i dont want to#but i also want to if that makes any sense at all#i suppose it also doesnt help that alot of the work im doing right now i actually sorta hate like none of it is good to me personally#i want to stop being toxic towards myself#i just wanna stop hating me and who i am and what i do every step of the way#but that mean little voice inside me is like ahh. it wont shut up#I always say i need a break or more time but what am i gonna do with it#doing nothing at all isnt fulfilling#it sounds. sad like what teenager me did and i dont want to be or feel like that ever again but its fuckjng hard#this is so woe is me#im a liar bc i say the main text doesnt bother me but it bothers me alot im very envious of her speed prolificness and drive to create#and i have none like thats so unfair#this makes me sound ultra bitter god fucking damn it#i want to go to sleep and genuinely never fucking wake up again#please im done i just dont want to
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arolesbianism · 10 months
You know I think more ppl should incorporate Saint looking young into their designs, not just cause the echos describe them as young, but also because I think there's smth a bit fucked up in a yummy tasty way abt an echo that's also a pup, or at least looks like one. I just think the feeling of being locked in place forever hits harder if it's also a child that never got to grow up and never will
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
SORRY IM FREQUENTLY POSTING ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE MY FRIENDS but i love my friends :') i feel like i havent had a proper friend until i started this school and even if we arent together on campus anymore its really nice still having those connections and it makes me wanna curl up and bawl on the floor
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sc3n3kitt3h · 2 years
looking thru my blog is WEIRD gamers. cuz like!! i used 2 post art like literally every day!!!!! and now i can only get something digital out once every couple of months, which is weird 2 think about cuz i HAVE been drawing almost every day still!! its just on paper :P i only ever rlly have the motivation 2 do physical art just cuz i do it at school and i don't have any energy 2 do artsy shit after school. I think i've been improving a lot lately which is super fun though!!!!!! I forgot where i was going with this lol. but stay tuned gamers!!!!!!!!! big doodle dump coming 2 a blog near u very soon!!!! and also more digital stuff as soon as i figure out how to draw non-anthropomorphic animals (just u WAIT once i figure this shit out im gonna draw sooooo many sparkledogs. i have sooooooooooooooo many ideas i just gotta figure out how dogs work)
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