kursed-arcana · 8 months
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ouranbutworse · 2 months
Anime-Manga Comparisons, episode 21.
Going back one volume for the test of courage episode, and then going back five more volumes for the halloween theme. The deeper I go into this series, the more research I have to do. What a pain.
Kaoru’s carriage theory and bizarre pumpkin obsession (he even has a pencil topper!) is another anime exclusive, so while he rambles on about that in the anime, the manga has him thinking about the broader concept of their found family and Tamaki being obviously in love with Haruhi. He then immediately stops thinking about that and returns to paying attention to Kazukiyo Souga, who is setting up the plot. In the anime the test of courage is set for Halloween, but the manga is (vaguely) more linear with the flow of time, so is set for the first day of their second semester. Haruhi is still sat between the twins in both, and gives Kazukiyo an adorably vacant stare when he tries to urge her to vote against the test of courage, because she’s not very good at visual hints. In the manga it’s a unanimous vote already made by the class, but in the anime Renge pipes up and has an entire scene to herself praising Halloween and cosplaying. Nobody is impressed by her, but I am. Kazukiyo tells her to get down off the desk and she ignores him to suggest the test of courage. The twins are suddenly very impressed by her after all. In the manga Renge stays put in the background and squees about how she loves being scared and that Haruhi will protect her.
Next in the anime, we see the rest of the hosts as vampires! I suppose I can’t deny the inherent sexiness of sharp fangs, but having them all be vampires is a little… plain, isn’t it? For comparison, the manga had Tamaki as a vampire, but the twins as angels, Kyoya as a priest, Honey as a cat, Mori as a dog, and Haruhi as a witch. Renge’s costume is the same, though. We also met Kuragano in this manga episode!
Back to the anime hosts, Tamaki comes up as a speech bubble and Honey has to adorably poke his head up from under it to join in the conversation. I swear, every time I watch this show I see something new! The twins announce they and Haru can’t attend the club, and when Kyoya kindly allows them to skip, they do. It’s so obvious who’s in charge, and it’s not their king. Tamaki’s protectiveness doesn’t come into play in the manga courage episode, but it does happen in the manga halloween episode when he reveals he’s been sneaking candies into Haruhi’s blazer so she wouldn’t get caught empty handed when they trick or treated her. And by sneaking, I mean he ran up to her the previous day and literally threw a load of candies at her. How thoughtful. He then immediately gets distracted by some club customers and runs off with them.
We also meet Kazukiyo here, but he’s left unnamed and only called ‘chairman’, same design, though. They have a brief conversation about the witch in the clocktower.
Tamaki’s mind theatre is an anime exclusive, as he imagines Haruhi being scared by a terrible looking mummy and a medusa Renge and hugging the twins for safety. Tamaki whines about how it’s improper for her, and Haruhi thinks it’s good for the class camaraderie, which shows how far she’s come from episode 1! Tamaki calls it trampy, but Kaoru is busy thinking about that damn carriage again. Then they bid adieu, and Nekozawa appears from a coffin. How long was he in there?! He offers to scare the first years silly, at least.
Back in their classroom, the 1-A trio, plus Renge and Kuragano, talk logistics of their courage test, about budget, and even having a doctor on standby in case of fainting, how sweet! While Haruhi listens in, Kazukiyo motions for her to go out into the hallway to talk, and he reveals his nyctophobia. These scenes happen the same in both, though in the manga he also talks about being freaked out just seeing scary movies at the rental place, and Haruhi is surprised he rents movies, being rich and all. The twins overhear in both, though in the manga they also scare him with one of those wiggly snake toys. (a stim toy?) As well as lying to the rest of the class about him, saying he’s an occult maniac just to hype them all up. He’s not very pleased about it. Nekozawa and the black magic club find out about the test, and plot to give them a summer they’ll never forget. We also see Reiko here before her debut in volume ten!
For Halloween evening, we see a knockoff of that freaky moon from Soul Eater rising in the sky, and some establishing shots of the grounds and hallways covered in pumpkins. Was Kaoru given free reign to decorate the entire school or something?
Speaking of pumpkins, in the manga halloween episode, we get a segment on Haruhi and some of the girls in her class in the kitchen as they make pumpkin pie and cookies, Haruhi frets about her being cursed, and we get some (cookie) crumbs of HikaHaru as she’s startled by a glimpse of the witch and bumps into him. He calls her cute and squeezes her cheeks, and they bicker as he gets in the way of her baking and she calls him a brat and tells him that Kaoru is completely different to him, because he’s loud and crazy even when he’s on his own, and he has a filthy mouth. He takes it as a compliment and calls her great. Then Kaoru returns from getting an injury bandaged to help Haruhi with carving a pumpkin, coming up behind her to help her draw on the features before she carves. It doesn’t come out looking well, and Kaoru laughs at her and calls her the best, before sending her off so he can carve for her. We get some more scenes of the first years bonding, and a conversation Haruhi has with the others about how the twins used to be closed off before they joined the club, and then we find out the witches’ curse was completely made up by the twins just to get Haruhi to play with them. The witch is actually both of them switching places at different times just to screw with her! Kaoru looks pretty with long hair. The manga episode ends on a happy note, where Haruhi agrees to dress up and dance with them, and the other four hosts bemoan how little screen time they got.
Finally, now solely on the test of courage episode, we’ve got the twins, Haruhi, and Kazukiyo hiding out by a staircase while the poor chairman freaks out, and the twins start telling the story about the clock tower witch. Haruhi scolds them both, and has to physically grab Kazukiyo’s soul and shove it back into his body. Since we already heard the clock tower witch story in the manga, the twins instead tell a story about a student who died doing an experiment in a science lab, and now repeats the same experiment night after night, when he calls their bluff, they reveal they’re wearing freaky masks and say they’re the ones who died. When Haruhi reads the book in the manga her first suggestion of simply enduring it is called ‘masochistic’, but in the anime she goes through more ideas that are shot down all at once by Kazukiyo. The twins say he’s too pure to torture, and both the anime and manga give the example of Tamaki as a type who is pure but they can pick on. I love consistency. And picking on Tamaki.
The scares are the same in both, though a little out of order. It doesn’t seem worth talking about them in terms of what order they appear in. The ghost they see is a generic, slightly gory ghost in the manga, but is implied to be the witch tower ghost in the anime, and looks less freakish and more dehydrated.
Since the rest of the host club take a backseat to the courage test and don’t appear, we don’t get to see frankenstein Mori or ‘wolfman’ Honey scaring Kazukiyo before Kaoru catches up to him. They’re both shoved into a classroom by one of the black magic members, and not Nekozawa’s butlers, and Nekozawa doesn’t show up to gloat or question Kyoya not joining in on the fun (it’s the middle of the night and you’re here, you’re clearly involved!)
Hikaru and Haruhi are trapped in a net like fish, and Hikaru is surprised she has a sewing kit and a feminine side. She’s offended by how he words it in the anime, but denies she has a feminine side in the manga and admits she just borrowed the kit from Mori.
Since Haruhi already talked about the twins being different before all the way back in volume three, they skip right to her cutting the netting in the manga, but in the anime she says Hikaru by himself is annoying and thoughtless, while Kaoru is relatively sensible and calm. We then get the gratuitous fanservice scene where Haruhi goes chest to eye level with Hikaru. In the manga she actually gives him a kind of half hug, with his head on her shoulder as she cuts the net instead. They have similar dialogue about ‘bearing with’ or ‘putting up with’ their position, and anime Tamaki cries from afar as Nekozawa holds him back from interfering.
Anime Kaoru and Kazukiyo talk crushes and carriages (that’s probably already the name of a fic, I assume), and manga Kaoru talks about their created family and changing relationships. Kazkuiyo looks baffled in the anime, but we don’t get to see his face in the manga. I assume it’s the same amount of confusion. Hikaru bursts in to stop the pumpkin talk, and Kaoru looks at him like his knight in shining… pumpkin. Hikaru running off without Haruhi makes Kaoru realise his brother is fucking useless. They meet up with the others in their class and are scared to death by a cat puppet. Everyone but the twins are going to heaven, evidently.
Finally, the anime adds an extra scene for Kazukiyo and Kuregano, while Kaoru mentions that fucking spell and carriage and pumpkin again, and pushes them all off. The manga takes it more lightheartedly and has the whole club looking over the newspaper, and Kyoya questioning how exactly Hikaru knew where to find Kaoru when they were separated, leaving the episode on a slightly spooky note, while Kazukiyo stays home for three days straight after the fright. Don’t worry, he gets the girl later!
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tetrix-anime · 1 year
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Ayakashi Triangle - Supporting characters and casts
Yayoi Toba (CV: Haruka Tomatsu)
Lucy Tsukioka (CV: Hina Kino)
Souga Ninokuru (CV: Shouya Ishige)
Ponosuke Ninokuru (CV: Satomi Arai)
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studentofetherium · 1 year
Sega is the only one treating Matsuri like he always has after being split in two.
eh, i think the way Suzu is reacting is pretty understandable. without knowing which one is "real", she can't make a rational choice, so I'm not going to blame her for being weird. Souga on the other hand is much more disconnected from the entire problem
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gossipgirlkwt · 12 days
yaksr kha6ry ilbanat mwagfeen souga
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nijigasakilove · 9 months
Probably the best ayakashi triangle has ever been tbh. Legitimately very good episode from start to finish. Stakes, action, romance, there was everything in this one.
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Shirogane earned a lot of respect from me today. Genuinely good dude who understandably became anti human after some of the shit he went thru. Suzu and Matsuri have restored a lot of his faith in humanity and he and Suzu make a perfect team. I mean, can you imagine the snarky little asshole Shirogane from earlier in the show being willing to die for a human?
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Wow that ninja art from matsuri was sick. The OST during that scene combined with the voice acting gave me chills. Not something I’d expect from an Ayakashi Triangle episode.
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Even if it’s just for a little while, being able to see Matsuri back in human form(not just a copy of him) was cool. Almost thought he’d go in for the kiss on Suzu. Even Souga senpai knew to give them some time alone because of how emotional that moment was for them.
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So yesterday and today we get episodes with downbad waifus who are overly horny for the MC 😂 Suzu was ready to take off her clothes and go at it in the FOREST. Like jeez girl at least get some dinner first.
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Hilarious ending with Matsuri transforming back into the female form, not before Suzu got a look at his goods which I’m sure she’ll be remembering for a long time.
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Great ep.
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h34vybottom · 9 months
Arise's combat system is so fucking garbage. Characters pivot off enemies often, thanks to there being no LMBS, and there's a massive lack of cohesive artes. Most physical artes have some obvious chains, especially into altered/combined artes, but those longer artes don't mesh w/ a game full of enemies that don't stay comboed and eventually every single fight is a boss fight where you can't stagger, proper stagger not Arise stagger, anything and have to rely on small, fast arte like Majinken, Kagerou, Tempestas, Hienjin, Senkou, Hyourou, Kogahazan (lol), Terra Divide, and Rondosenpuu. You can use longer artes on the reskinned, endlessly recycled mobs, but by post-game, that stops being as feasible because they start breaking out of combos like it's Berseria. It's kind of funny that Majinken is the best version of itself in Arise, Majinken Souga doesn't run in a singular line, it splits into two different directions. Unless you're fighting a large enemy, Majinken Souga is next to worthless and costs 2 souls that could be used by two Majinken instead, which guarantee a hit both times. Kisara doesn't work in Arise and her blocking gimmick (We're at the point where basic mechanics like blocking are a fucking gimmick) barely functions and feels more like spamming the dodge button works better than timing her blocks. Kisara's artes send her running fucking everywhere except to the enemy. She has such a hard time hitting anything center, including artes she has that directly shoot her to the enemy. All of her artes, even Kogahazan, an arte that should be impossible to fuck up, are so hit and miss in every single situation. Her boost strike is worthless for a majority of the game except three boss fights, one of which becomes a regular encounter directly after being a boss (They don't scale the HP down btw, it's still a full ass boss fight but they permeate a bunch of maps). It's just hilarious that they created a character w/ a bunch of artes that are supposed to hit around her, but she can't even hit anything because she barely functions. She was only added to the game to be fanservice for straight men and it shows. Rowe/Law has Berseria-itis, all of his ground artes besides Rondosenpuu send him jeering off enemies and lead him into the side of enemies instead of actually attacking them head on. He's the monk but he can't even monk properly, it's embarrassing. Rinwell's physical artes are so bad, she barely gets to do anything besides shoot orbs and splash water around. She's worthless up close and her best arte is Hyourou thanks to being homing and multi-hit. Rinwell's only salvageable because her late game spells are pretty decent and Hyourou is really good and keeps her away from most attacks. The split between aerial and ground artes structurally doesn't work. There's no reason to make a distinction between each, especially not in Tales of, where aerial combat is regularly present and artes work in both ground and air (Unless individually specified otherwise, like in Hearts). Aerial combat itself just doesn't really work, it's hard to keep enemies juggled in the air thanks to how little you can actually do in air. There's so few aerial artes that actually hit the target, even Shunjinken, an arte that is two hits forward, goes off center and barely hits the target. The best you can do is max out however many regular attacks the character you're playing as has, throw out whatever keeps the character relatively in the same position, and then shoot yourself out of aerial. This works best for Alphen, but characters like Rowe/Law and Dohalim have such a hard time doing anything. Kisara has quite a bit of aerial potential, but her artes are so fickle and often just fling her around and back to the ground. She doesn't even start off w/ aerial artes, which everyone else already has by the time she's introduced and doesn't get a full aerial move set till much later (Which locks Shishisenkou to aerial?????? Why??????????).
gathering my thoughts for a video script i'm writing have fun (p1)
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台『双牙~ソウガ』新炎 (butai souga shinen)
the show will be running from March 5th, 2021 and March 14th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ シアター1010 (Theater 1010)
Ino Hiroki as Ouka (オウカ) Izaki Ryuujirou asTsumugi (ツムギ) Sugie Taishi as Shurinosuke (シュリノスケ) Sakurai Keito as Shuzen (シュゼン) Nakamura Tarou as Shinpachi (シンパチ) Tanaka Naoki as Kouei (コウエイ) Kodama Kuniko as Hyakutaka (ヒャクタカ) Koizumi Moeka as Shizukz (シズク) Hagino Takashi as Denbei (デンベイ) Kasahara Shinji as Genshuu (ゲンシュウ)
Miyagawa Yasuhiro Sugawara Takeshi  Samukawa Shougo Maeda Ryouga Aita Mahiro Kawashima Shoutarou Fukasawa Yuuto Furukawa Takahiro Endou Takumi
homepage twitter natalie
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artctrlcee · 3 years
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Five times Kouei said Ouka’s name and One time that Ouka said his
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[Video] August releases you will need a proxy for
☆ August/September 2021 舞台「アニドルカラーズキュアステージ」SHUFFLE REVUE (butai anidol colors cure stage shuffle revue)
☆ August 2021 舞台『双牙~ソウガ』新炎 (butai souga shinen)
☆ August 18th, 2021 ミュージカル『薄桜鬼 真改』相馬主計 篇 (musical hakuouki shinkai ~souma kazue hen~)
☆ August 25th, 2021 結婚しないの!?小山内三兄弟 (kekkon shinai no? osanai 3 kyoudai)
☆ August 28th, 2021 舞台『淡海乃海 -声無き者の歌をこそ聴け- 』(butai afumi no umi -koe nakimono no uta wo koso kike-)
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maiasaliger · 5 years
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I received a look at the first samples of the Liger Zero enamel pins! Seeing mai designs come to life like this is just...overwhelming ;v;
X has glitter on the wrong color (black instead of blue glitter on blue), and the Hiou pink will become more transparent :> Others are good to go - THE EXCITEMENT!!!!!!
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takahashiyuki · 5 years
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近藤史恵 著『モップの精は旅に出る』(実業之日本社文庫)の装画を担当しました。 client :  実業之日本社 design : 西村弘美
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textsfromhokuto · 7 years
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x0401x · 3 years
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KyoAni Month
Day 19: KyoAni character who looks like you → Souga Yoriko
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Here's a Little Lesson in Trickery
Here's a little lesson in trickery by Shookspeare
"Something between a laugh and a scoff finds its way up Soga's throat and past his lips. “I don't think you'd know much about politeness.”
“And you would?” the boy quips back, sticking his tongue out while a finger pulls down one eyelid, a face of mockery directed at Soga. “You could try being nice sometimes.”
“Oh? Like the fake kind you do?”
“As if.” Izuku actually laughs, a smile flashing it's way onto his face. “No one would buy it. Not coming from you, old man.”
Soga would strangle this kid if he didn't have morals."
Words: 7415, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Sequel September
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kugizaki Souga, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Kugizaki Souga & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Kugizaki Souga, Drugs, but not really, you'll see, Midoriya Izuku is a Brat, Izuku beats up a pedo, as he should, Soga has anxiety, or maybe its ptsd, maybe its maybelline, Protective Kugizaki Souga, he acts like he don't care but we all know he does, Trypanophobia, No beta we descend into madness, Canon-Typical Violence
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33733468
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