#comparisons series
ouranbutworse · 7 months
Anime-Manga Comparisons, the dreaded episode 8
They actually don’t have a bunch of mannequins in the manga, just the one with one swimsuit, but Honey still suggests the one he chose in the anime, so it’s kind of confusing. Also the two piece in the manga has polka dots. Super cute. Kyoya offers to float her a loan, and the twins straight up say she has no breasts, as opposed to calling her flat. Manga also reveals she wears a sports bra, instead of the vest she wears in the anime. I’m not sure we ever actually see this manga.
Another tragic cut is one of my favourite Kyoya lines of all time when baseball Tamaki hits the twins into the distance, and Kyoya questions where his youth has gone that he has three children at age seventeen. I demand a reboot once again.
Of course, the biggest thing they removed from the anime is the fact that the beach they’re on is actually owned by the Nekozawa’s, and he’s even there with them! He’s a pretty cool dude, I wish they’d hung out with him more often, because it seems like their two clubs are actually really close. They also don’t show the huge cat rock.
The shellfish hunting in the anime is actually just collecting seashells in the manga, and when Kaoru gives her a scallop all the other hosts jump in to hand her other shells, which is just *insert relevant emoji here* They really do adore her, don’t they? Unfortunately, Tamaki doesn’t make his ‘crabtivating’ joke. I’m honestly shell shocked. I’m crabsolutely devastated. Third pun.
In the manga the twins actually call out Tamaki for using the family dynamic as some sort of defense mechanism, but he immediately gets distracted by a snake and that’s kind of it. Also the girls witness the entire attack, almost drowning, and rescue, which honestly makes Tamaki the coolest at that moment. Also Haruhi hits her head and starts bleeding, ouch.
In Nekozawa’s family mansion (the anime could have at least mentioned it!) the guys all play a cursed boardgame where every single square they land on is a bad one, the others are all vague and might not come true, but Tamaki’s is literally saying a friend hates him, lol. Nekozawa returns to tease Tamaki about liking white sundresses and plays the board game along with them, while freak of a man Kyoya says that not being charged puts a weight on his heart, and Nekozawa has more shenanigans until Haruhi turns on the lights and scares him. Her dress is the same in both, but the manga seems to always do cute patterns on everything.
While they fawn over how adorable she is and the twins coddle her, Tamaki gets a bloody nose and Honey karate chops his neck to stop the bleeding. It doesn’t work and he bleeds even worse, the dirty pervert.
Nekozawa abandons the others because they suck hardcore (the lights hurt him) and the others go for dinner, which is actually the fabled Fancy Tuna that I don’t think she ever gets to eat in the anime. And she doesn’t get to eat it here because Tamaki is awful and eats it all. She gets her own back by offering an empty crab leg and then trying to stab him with it, though.
Instead of Tamaki asking Kyoya to lead him to his room because it’s Kyoya’s place, instead he asks Kyoya to come with him because the hallways are dark and scary and he’s a big wimp. Also Mori lifts up Haru again to rush her to the bathroom, where they run into Nekozawa without his cloak. He’s so pretty!
Speaking of pretty… the upcoming scene isn’t that at all! But Kyoya is, isn’t he? Haruhi doesn’t even recognise him without his glasses on, the silly girl.
Thankfully the two scenes are really similar, so there aren’t any differences, and therefore I’m free to avoid talking about this scene for another day. Hooray! The only major difference is that Kyoya laughs harder in the manga, less attractive chuckle and more goofy giggle. Also Tamaki straight up calls Kyoya a bastard in the anime.
The lightning scene is the same, except that instead of Tamaki opening the closet Haruhi does it herself and then hits him in the face with the door. The poor pervert.
Episode 8… thankfully over!
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bloomingsalma · 1 year
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our home should have colours and flowers. daisy sims hilditch / christine atkins / stephen darbishire / marie-louise roosevelt pierrepont
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Are you more of FNAF or Jojo? (Ofc you will then say, I can be both-)
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Why pick when they are so similar/hj
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inkyami · 4 months
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Kaeru nyōbō (蛙女房) — "frog wive", a shapeshifting character in Japanese folklore. The frog turns into a woman in order to marry a human man, but retains some of her froggy qualities — Kaeru nyōbō is very fragile, small, and is unable to do heavy work due to her little strength. The life with her can be perfectly ordinary and peaceful, unless the curiosity of a husband & family discovers her true nature, and she hops away.
The stories about frog wives exist all over Japan with some variations of the plot. The motive itself — of a girl "with a secret" and a family ruined by prying into it — seems to be extremely popular in Japanese folklore in general.
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4 MINUTES (2024) I 1.01 "I'm sorry. My dad wants me to go home now. For dinner."
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
How much smaller is tiny tello than tiny Leo? Size comparison pls?/lh
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He's not shorter. But he is definitely thinner ',:)
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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emmie-writes-stuff · 6 months
I love reading both the fan scans and the official versions of the manga, because the comparison is really fun for me
And we get to see funny things like how unhinged they can both be compared to each other
Like, this one is from chapter 8 I believe and it’s my favourite comparison, and I’m so sad we didn’t get this in the anime because it would’ve been so fucking funny
This one is the scan
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And this one is from my physical copy of the manga
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This series is so unhinged and absolutely batshit bonkers and I LIVE for the chaos and hilarity of it all
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link-is-a-dork · 8 months
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Kakariko Graveyard N64 vs 3DS
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ouranbutworse · 7 months
Anime-Manga Comparisons, episode 1.
Episode 1 of the anime, episode 1 of the manga
Anime adds Haruhi’s little monologue about her mum in heaven, in the manga she basically starts off outside the music room door without the establishing shots of the school and hallway. The lightbulb scene also doesn’t exist in the manga at all, and tragically, the anime omits the “We heard the rumour you’re a man lover.” line. Haruhi doesn’t fall over in the manga, but her soul does leave her body.
The coffee scene comes after the conversation with Kyoya, Haruhi and Honey in the manga, but the coffee scene comes first in the anime. Presumably for the “drink it from my mouth” line. Also the ‘‘obnoxious’’ scene does happen, but Haruhi doesn’t actually call Tamaki obnoxious. She also has to lie to Tamaki about her heart skipping a beat to cheer him up.
Right after the coffee scene in the manga is a scene that’s completely omitted from the anime where the hosts make instant ramen together at Tamaki’s insistence (because who else would ever insist that) Tamaki is so amazed at Haruhi’s lifehack to put the toppings under the ramen to avoid them sticking to the lid that he immediately offers to kiss her, while still assuming she’s a boy. What a man. Right after is the scene where Tamaki removes her glasses to see her eyes better (in the anime it’s the twins doing it), and then the twins cut her hair, instead of a professional hairdresser. To be fair, they do make her look super cute.
Right after is Haruhi’s hosting, which goes the same in both, until Tamaki hugs Haruhi and she begs Mori to save her. He holds her over his shoulder like a bag of flour in the manga, rather than at arms length like a cat in the anime. Haruhi also wins the ‘which one is Hikaru’ game immediately.
Also omitted from the anime is that Ayanokoji bullies Haru more than just with her bag in the fountain, by hiding a razor blade in her book and sewing needles in her blazer. Rudeass. Tamaki also gets entirely shirtless in the manga to help find her wallet, and it looks like Haruhi is the one who actually finds it in the end. My personal favourite version of this scene is definitely the live action drama, where the entire club get in the fountain together, and also Mori finds that fish.
The last scene with Ayanokoji plays out the same, except all the hosts get a line. Honey calls her scary like an ogre, Mori calls her pitiful, and Kyoya has photographic evidence of her skulking around. Pot calling kettle, you pervert. After this Tamaki simply picks Haruhi’s ID up off the floor to find out she’s a girl, Haruhi doesn’t get wet when the twins splash Ayanokoji, so there’s no scene where she has to get redressed into the girls’ uniform and Tamaki walks in on her. Also the scene implies that the other hosts just knew all along, rather than figuring it out along the way like in the anime. We also get a little tease of Ranka in here as a chibi, he buys Haruhi’s clothes from the boys section. Kyoya also doesn’t say his ‘beginnings of love’ line here. It’s just disembodied words in the manga.
Finally, Haruhi outright calls herself “ a little bent” when talking about hosting girls. We love to see it, we stan a queen.
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goingdownorup · 1 month
Thinking about limited life again.
It made sense Etho went with TIES.
Etho went with TIES because he’s comfortable with the three of them. Because even though Bdubs was there when Scar asked if Etho could be their dad, Etho wasn’t comfortable enough with Scar and Cleo to even attempt…whatever they were trying to do with him at first. He had been with Tango and Skizz once before, and Impulse and him worked really close together the previous game, even if it was mainly for Etho and Bdubs benefit. It was based around being comfortable with each other.
All three of them knew Etho’s flaws. All three of them were well aware of Etho’s bias to Bdubs, and honestly, used it to their advantage. All three of them knew how to work around that, how to plot under Etho’s nose and sometimes even in front of him if it meant Etho could keep plausible deniability. They knew his strengths too, his loyalty, his mind. His mob farm was probably the biggest supplier of gunpowder that season, for everyone. The flaws and strengths didn’t matter as much as the fact that Tango, Skizz, and Impulse all wanted him on the team, and that the team never felt like it was fracturing. It wasn’t two and two like BEST was, it was four strong from the beginning. It was comfortable, because all three of them wanted Etho there. Not just Bdubs, not just Scar for a bit, SIT was prepared to do what it took for Etho to commit to their team up.
And maybe, that’s why it hurts so much that they had Etho take the final kill for Skizz.
They had built a comfortable place for Etho and now they were asking him to destroy that. Etho could go back to TIES tower and be greeted by people he KNEW were friends and allies. These guys would never betray Etho, just like he would never betray them. All three of them had the same kind of loyalty that Etho has, self-destructive in the name of character. Etho had just been hunted and hunting his own family down for time, getting knocked down time and time again and had finally come back to his home with his tail between his legs. He was panicked, more panicked than normal with his clock ticking down at the corner of his screen, he was walking into a scene half done and taking it over with a frustrated cry, which isn’t something Etho usually does.
But he did, because he felt comfortable doing so.
And then Skizz throws him the ax, Tango acts like someone shot his dog, and Impulse just stares.
And suddenly, it's not comfortable anymore.
It’s not comfortable that Impulse is one step away from dissociating. It’s not comfortable that Tango has tears trailing down his face, that both of them look almost angry that Etho picked up the ax in the first place. It’s horribly jarring, to come into a meeting expecting comfort for his failures and be greeted with a worse opportunity.
Because Skizz- the nicest guy in this match, the man who looked at Etho and said “i want him to join us”- is telling Etho to kill him. Ordering him to, actually, his final order of the game. No amount of pleading looks will get Tango and Impulse to do what Skizz wants done, Etho’s only defense is quickly shut down when they bring up just how much time Etho still had.
It’s not comfortable to see Skizz’s head roll off the edge of skynet. It’s not comfortable, the next session, when Impulse and Tango look to him for leadership. This game wasn’t meant to be comfortable, and Etho forgot about that. TIES was the most comfortable team up for him, and in the end, it created one of the most heart wrenching ends for all of them.
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hannibal nbc "fromage" x "mizumono" 7/7
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kooldewd123 · 1 month
At the start of each Animorphs book, before the first chapter begins, there is a page. On it is a simple acknowledgement. Two names. The first name is Michael - Katherine Applegate's husband and co-writer on the series. The second name is that of a boy. This name belongs to their son. Or, should I say, belonged to their son. Because they don't have a son anymore. They have a daughter. Every time I pick up an Animorphs book, I can't help but linger on this page as I quite literally hold her deadname in my hands. It's a peculiarly beautiful feeling. Peculiar because the context behind that name makes it seem all the more personal. I feel like I've violated her privacy simply by knowing it, even though it's openly out there for anyone to read. But beautiful because dammit, doesn't this represent this series's relationship with the queer community so well? Animorphs is often regarded as a queer (and especially trans) narrative, despite the fact that such subtext was completely unintentional. Applegate did not write Animorphs to be queer media, but she's embraced the fact that it has became so in the hands of the fans. How perfectly fitting is it, then, that she unknowingly dedicated the entire series to a trans woman?
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pharawee · 2 months
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Extrovert vs Introvert
—MONSTER NEXT DOOR · พี่เขาบุกโลกของผม · 8 August 2024
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airborneice · 4 months
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hands down giving alfur a little cat is one of the best things the series ever did
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