#sounds like im making it about myself but thats not my intention
huuxy · 2 years
Every single day when I fall asleep I'm just being grateful for how good I have it in my life. And honestly it's not even THAT good. My country's economy is in ruins, every single day I'm exhausted and overworking, but when I read the headlines each day, it makes me realize how extremely blessed I still am. I'm healthy, my family is healthy, we can afford food, water and heating (although I wonder for how long. The situation here in my country is terrible), and so on and so on...
Its so emotionally draining to keep reading or seeing the terrible news and WANTING to do something so bad... to help, to do something, to prevent, to cure... but i dont have the power to do so and the only thing I can do is to cry for the ones who don't have it as easy as I do. But my tears do nothing, they don't help anyone, I'm just so powerless it makes me go crazy
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