#source is episode 3 of Lupin III Part 2 series
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recentanimenews · 2 years
LUPIN THE THIRD PART 6 Joins Toonami Anime Block on April 16
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  Everyone's favorite thief is making his way to Toonami in just a little over a week. Cartoon Network's late night anime block announced plans to add LUPIN THE THIRD PART 6 into the mix, with the latest TV anime in the long-running series set to join the lineup starting on Saturday, April 16 at 1:30am. 
  That puts Lupin smack dab in between episodes of Assassination Classroom and a double-whammy of One Piece. The April 16 block kicks off with Shenmue the Animation at 12:00am and ends with Cowboy Bebop at 3:30am, offering up a balanced meal of anime for those who prefer staying up to catch it all. 
  RELATED: Sentai Filmworks Acquires Lupin the Third Part 6 TV Anime
  Here's the full lineup for April 16: 
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    12:00am - Shenmue the Animation
12:30am - Attack on Titan Final Season
1:00am - Assassination Classroom
2:00am - One Piece
2:30am - One Piece
3:00am - Naruto Shippuden
3:30am - Cowboy Bebop
  LUPIN THE THIRD PART 6 is directed by Eiji Suganuma (Mashiroiro Symphony: The Color of Lovers) with music from longtime series music composer Yuji Ohno and series composition by Takahiro Okura (LUPIN THE 3rd PART 5). Hirotaka Marufuji provides the series’ character design (LUPIN THE 3rd: Goodbye Partner). This latest entry in the long-running franchise is intended to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the the first animated series premiere in 1971.
  RELATED: Lupin the Third Part 6 TV Anime Takes on the UK This October
Gentleman thief Lupin III is back and ready for his next caper— unless legendary sleuth, Sherlock Holmes, has anything to say about it! When Holmes’ longtime partner, Dr. Watson, is murdered, none other than Lupin tops the suspects list. With Holmes fast closing in, Lupin must prove his innocence and bring a shadowy organization called The Raven to heel if he wants to live to steal another day.
  Source: Toonami's Facebook via Anime News Network
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
  By: Joseph Luster
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a-x-ce · 7 years
My Anime Expo Experience
Finally writing this up before I forget because my memory is CRAP.
First con woot woot! This is mega long, probably don’t read it unless you absolutely MUST know about how this went.
The Good
Before I even got to the con I researched and planned and bookmarked and researched some more and came to the conclusion that for me, the highlight of a con, is to do things you can only do at that year. I looked over the panels, the premieres, and decided THAT was what I wanted to prioritize. They did not disappoint. I went to two premieres, the Welcome to the Ballroom premiere and The Ancient Magus' Bride premiere, for the first one we got to watch the first two episodes, and for the latter we saw the first THREE episodes. And they blew me away, especially Magus which by episode 3 already had me crying, I could not be more stoked for that to start airing. I then went to two panels which I HAD to go to, one being the FLCL panel, where we got to see the season 2 and (kind of) season 3 trailer a whole 5 minutes before they dropped that shit everywhere else (kind of lame) but what we got added on was “some” information in regards to the series, which made up for us not really getting to see the trailers before everyone else. And then I went to the Studio TRIGGER panel which was awesome! It started with them shooting fake money at us and if you got a special stamped version it got you access to their signing (didn’t get one but kind of didn’t care) and then followed into them playing a hilarious short video which was this bizarre mix of all kinds of shit and ended on them singing the national anthem?! It was funny as all hell. They pretty much spent the majority talking about Little Witch Academia which, I’ll admit, I kind of put on hold after like episode 5...BUT they spent that time giving us all kinds of back story and information on the various characters which was fascinating. Finally though, the main focus was them releasing information on their upcoming projects (which was why most of us were there) and the first two were kinda okay, nothing too much to get us excited, but boy, the hype they built around the last project got the room in a frenzy of excitement! Promare has the potential to be another classic anime for this studio, working with the people who helped bring Kill la Kill to life, as well as Gurren Lagann! You bet your asses I was stoked for this! 100% worth it. I also got free shit at all of these premieres, posters mainly, but I also got a cool Anime Strike pin when going to see Welcome to the Ballroom.
Another thing I ended up loving was actually doing shit in the exhibit hall. When I was sitting my butt in line for an autograph ticket to meet Miyu Irino I got to talking with my fellow line sitters, and one person I talked to gave me all kinds of tips and tricks to getting even more free stuff! She told me about 2 scavenger hunts going on for two of the booths, one got me a free Sailor Moon scarf, and one got me a free CD and a poster for a new game! They were a pain in the ass to get, but that’ll be talked about more in The Bad.
After having figured out you can just ask cosplayers for a picture I manged to get the coolest picture of a Guts and Casca pair and it’s the highlight of every image I took at the con. I wish I had taken more because there were a lot of cosplayers I wanted pictures of. I missed out on a Euphie and Suzaku and I’m still sad about it :’(
The last thing I’ll say I loved was the actual experience of trying to get Miyu Irino’s autograph. Not the actual getting his autograph, but sitting in line with other fans and con goers in the line to get tickets...to get an autograph...in which I met and talked with quite a few really cool and nice people! 
The Bad
The sheer size of this event is ridiculous. It’s so ridiculous in fact they split events between the Convention Center and the Marriott hotel behind the Staples Center. And whoever ran this event was a dumbass and decided that the doors open at 8 am, but none of the major halls open until 10, soooooo, you had a 2 hour gap where hundreds to thousands of people flooded the main floor creating the most hazardous sight I’ve ever seen. Seriously, this was a fire martial’s worst nightmare if you saw this mess. Luckily I only saw this disaster on day 4 ‘cause I had spent the whole damn night on the street. Otherwise I came later on day’s 2 and 3 because to me coming early was meaningless. 
And I did that because getting into the center on day 1 was absolute bullshit. I came a day early to pick up my badge thinking it would cut out waiting in line even longer. No, it didn’t matter. The mass of people outside waiting to get in, and the chaos of even trying to FIND the line TO GET IN, took hours! It was such a goddamn mess that they released a statement that same day saying they WOULD fix the issue. Luckily they did and getting in on day 2 and 3 literally took minutes. What a joke.
Staff for the most part was utterly clueless when it came to finding anything and I fucking hated it. When trying to find the line for Miyu’s panel I got run around the whole damn building, which in the end paled in fucking comparison to the run around I got put on trying to find the autograph booths which were different from the general ticket booths which in the end had ANYONE known fucking anything was a whole lot easier to find if they explained it better...
Lines for larger events were a NIGHTMARE. The Marriott is NOT designed for the sheer number of people lining up for the events held there. I thought it was bad for Magus, oh no, oh no no no, even the Lupin the III game premiere line was not remotely as horrible as what I caught just a glimpse of for the Tokyo Ghoul live-action premiere. That was capped off practically THREE hours before it even played, that’s how crazy popular this event was. I missed it because of that and ended up kind of disappointed. 
Crowding. Holy fuck was this bad. Not even splitting the con between two buildings reduces the sheer number of people in EVERY given space. The artist Alley, crowded, the Exhibit Hall, FUCKING MEGA CROWDED! Moving in the Exhibit Hall was the worst. Add on terrible cell service, add on the fact that the ATM’s were few and far between (and sometimes not fucking working), add on the fact that some sellers use onsite conversion so if your card doesn’t automatically accept you making a purchase in like, Canada, you’re gonna have a bad time...the crowding even makes the fun things not all that fun.
The Disappointing
Cosplay gatherings. Oh boy were these underwhelming. I think the only one I ended up kind of enjoying was the Osomatsu-san gathering I went to on day 1, but aside from that the bigger they got the more chaotic they got, the ruder people become, and just overall super frustrating. What was even more kind of a bummer was that for most of the gatherings I saw the cosplayers walking around the convention at various points and could have MUCH EASIER asked them for a picture rather than deal with the crowding of gatherings. Not to mention when smaller gatherings were made up of people who had gone before and knew each other, as a newcomer you definitely feel left out. It gave off that click vibe and that was really disheartening. Some of these gatherings were definitely not “newbie” friendly which made them even less interesting and makes me not want to go to them again.
Miyu Irino. I have gone back and forth on this one, but after this much time I realize between his panel and the actual autograph this was one of the more disappointing experiences I had. First off, his panel. It lasted one hour, if it was not already bad enough that they split the line where premiere fans got to be inside the building, the rest of us had to figure out where the fuck the OUTSIDE line was. This was a pain in the ass, really, I was run around the whole fucking building to find this line, and by the time I did I was fortunate the line wasn’t too long, but I knew the reason for that was ONLY because no one else could find this fucking line.
So after getting let in late, we sit and we’re told right away we can’t take pictures or video. And originally I thought that was fine, maybe we’d hear some new content they didn’t want getting out. No. No we spent an hour talking about old roles and getting information that I’m sure we could have gotten through any magazine or interview in probably ANY Japanese source. We learned literally nothing about any new work, there was honesty no reason why we shouldn’t have been able to take at least 1 or 2 pictures. It was also incredibly frustrating seeing someone in the row next to us break that rule anyway and got warned THREE times and STILL got to stay and see the panel. Like why make a rule of no pictures to the point where you threaten to remove anyone breaking that rule only to not enforce it? Pointless. 
But anyway, so we spend our hour listening to him talk about various roles, pretty much skipping the one series I was even there for (Osomatsu-san, he voices Todomatsu) and essentially we run out of time for the Q&A where only 3 questions were asked. And no one could even bother to answer one of Miyu’s questions on why Americans like Osomatsu-san, since the ONE person he did try and ask didn’t even watch the show! It was so disappointing.
So I was not all that disappointed at the time but reflecting on it, it was kind of a bust. But I did not realize just how much worse it could get. Because Miyu was one of the most popular guests for AX this year a LOT of people wanted to see him. So many in fact that while I heard lines could start for autographs anywhere from 2 am to 4 am, people got in these lines starting on day 2 (for his session on day 3) at 8 fucking pm. And it was the exact same way on day 3 (for his session on day 4) in which as soon as I go turned away from the Tokyo Ghoul premiere I had really nothing else I wanted to do so since I saw someone on twitter already experience night 2 I went ahead and got in line at like, fucking 7 pm! I was 5th in line...
So I stayed awake for over 30+ hours to get a ticket, which I wasn’t even all that crazy about, I’m not a fangirl so this wasn’t some life changing thing for me, I just wanted the experience. I enjoyed the hell out of the actual staying awake and getting to know people though. So at 8 am they opened the booths, and everyone with a handicap got to go before anyone so while I was 5th in line I got the 12th ticket (kind of bullshit but whatever, given how the rest of us literally had to sleep on the sidewalk seeing people just walk up last minute and get tickets was frustrating). But once we had those tickets it was another 2 and a half hours until the signing, which was in the Artist Alley hall, which didn’t even open until freakin’ 10 anyway. So again there was nothing to do but wait.
So finally 10 roles around and we can get inside, I have my ticket and I go to find the line for Miyu, and as I get in line and waiting we’re eventually told that he will not be signing anything that isn’t related to his anime work. 
Now, this is where I’ll deviate to tell you why this pissed me right the fuck off. Because I live in NV I had to leave unbelievably early to get to L.A. within a reasonable time to check into my hotel. There really wan’t much time earlier in my week to make a run to wal-mart or somewhere to get my pre-chosen images printed for his autograph. So, we had to run around parts of L.A. which is a shit hole for traffic because Californians CANNOT DRIVE (seriously, that’s not a joke, California drivers are THE biggest morons on the West coast) and getting anywhere was a headache. Then the actual process of getting these pictures printed was also a nightmare, because the printing station cropped the images so badly they ended up looking like shit, until finally, after about 40 minutes I got ONE (1) good image of him. It was a picture of HIM.
And he was only signing material that was anime related...yeah. So, now that the picture I had a nightmare printing was not an option, the only other one available to most was that they gave you a pre-signed poster from Akito the Exiled. Which was shitty, it was pre-signed so you wouldn’t even be able to get it autographed and talk to him even a bit! Why the fuck would anyone be happy about that when people stayed awake for HOURS specifically to get an autograph FROM HIM???? Luckily for me I invested time and money into making my Kara and Totty ita bag and had at least ONE official Todomatsu item which I ripped right out of my bag. I was ushered through the line by multiple people and spent a total of maybe 15 seconds in his presence. I said hello, he said hello, he signed my badge, I said thank you, he said thank you, and the experience was over. That was it. 
And as I was leaving the line I was then asked by others in the line what the hell was happening because other people were also being screwed over by not knowing what he would or would not sign (this was literally something they needed to tell us BEFORE actually getting in line for the autograph for fucks sake). I spent some time answering them and leaving. Where I proceeded to notice quite a few girls crying as they were the ones who were denied an autograph being ‘standby’ ticket holders. Miyu did NOT take ANY standby ticket holders on either day. So for anyone who sat up all night and managed to get their hands on one of the extra tickets, it did not matter. Which really, was kind of shitty seeing he really didn’t even do much while there. He had 2 panels, and two autograph sessions, one on each day. One of his panels wasn’t even a focus on him, he was included in the Akito the Exiled panel since he was a VA on it, but he was with others who worked on the show. And since our hour and a half Miyu exclusive panel was cut short to being only an hour since it started late!!! he spent even less time doing things he was signed up to do.
I decided that as a result unless it’s Tanaka-san or anyone else from One Piece I am never sitting in line for an autograph again.
Lastly, I learned that while it’s fun to meet up with people to hang out and try and do things together, you cannot let them try and control your experience. I missed absolutely everything I wanted to do on day 1 because I allowed myself to be guided around by another person. Which initially I was grateful for, as a first-timer I had no clue where things were, but that’s where my day 1 was fucked. There were things and ways to go about this that I planned that didn’t work out, and as a result I missed things I wanted to do. And I told myself at the time it wasn’t a big deal, but since I ended up so goddamn exhausted on day 4 I left early and missed even more stuff I wanted to do...so essentially of my 4 days I only truly enjoyed 2 of them to the fullest. Because on days 2 and 3 I put my foot down and decided no matter what I would do the things I fucking came to do regardless of anyone else and I ended up having a blast. It wasn’t even lonely doing those things by myself, because I had fun! And that’s what mattered.
So yeah, in the end I learned some valuable lessons for my first con, especially at one as big as Anime Expo! I know what I want to do next year, I now know what I don’t really care about, and I know what I absolutely will not be doing again. I hope from these lessons next year I can have even more fun and thoroughly enjoy my 4 days! Also there’s probably some stuff I missed in this post so not sure if I’ll do another part, most likely not since this got hella fucking long...
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xtremedespair3d · 6 years
Anime Spring 2018 Final Impressions + Plans for Summer
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It’s been a long time since I made the last post on every anime I watched on winter, or posting anything on Tumblr in general, it’s time to come back to talk about what anime I’ve watched this spring season and what I’m going to watch this summer.
WARNING: This list may contain spoilers.
Spring 2018
Golden Kamuy: I’ve looked this one this entire season, even though I may not know much, after watching a few episodes, I was definitely impressed, but there are a few people who are disappointed with how the anime turned out, I kind of understand that, but at the same time it leaves me a sour taste in my mouth.
I’m happy season 2 got announced for October, definitely looking forward for more.
High School DXD Hero: I’ve always been skeptical about this season just by the new art style alone, even if it’s by the same studio that made the Citrus anime, but it seems like Passione pulled it off.
Not only the art is rather nice, as I stated, it looks to be faithful to the light novels, they retconned the Juggernaut Drive moment from Born from episode 0, it took me by surprise and learning that the rest of Born was anime original ruined my life and everything I’ve seen has changed.
Steins;Gate 0: Not a lot to add, but it’s definitely one of the strongest series I’ve seen this season so far.
Tokyo Ghoul:re: As someone who hasn’t read the Tokyo Ghoul:re manga, I’d say this one was decent. I saw this ComicBook post where fans were disappointed by the season finale, but hey, there’s season 2 coming in October.
(Man, what’s with these shows having season 2 in Fall?)
My Hero Academia season 3: It’s lower in my list because, while MHA is really good, I read the manga and I pretty much know everything that happens, even if I forget what happened since it’s been ages since I read the chapters the anime adapts, at least they refresh my memory.
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Lupin the 3rd Part 5: This one is good, my only problem is that every few episodes with storylines end, there are those extra episodes that take place in previous jackets, like red jacket and pink jacket Lupin, I can’t help but think those are filler. It’s probably my first time I’ve been mad to filler.
Persona 5: The Animation: Totally did not expect the problems P5A has at all, from animation quality, like terrible fight scenes, to pacing issues, like everything is happening so fast and A-1 decided to rush the 100 hour plot into a 25 episode series. At least it looks better than Persona 4: The Animation.
Given by the episode count I mentioned, I’m looking forward to the surprise teased by the director, I hope I see a lot of people lose their shit like Darling in the Franxx (Heh, A-1), I kind of have the guilty pleassure to see people suffer in this case.
Caligula: This one I really was looking forward to hate. The animation was decent and all but all I can think of is the story, I really don’t like the world at all and I probably don’t care for any of the characters, especially Ritsu.
At the end of episode 10, Ritsu left Mobius and came back to reality alone while all of his friends are left behind, by that point, for some reason I thought “I officially hate Ritsu for that!”, but the more I waited, the less I considered that idea and decided to drop it.
By episode 11, it’s where things are getting worse: The Ritsu we were seeing all along wasn’t even Shikishima Ritsu, it’s a dude called Tachibana Shingo...
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...and this dude right here IS THE REAL SHIKISHIMA RITSU!
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I thought Mobius Ritsu was Shingo who took Ritsu’s name but it’s actually the real Ritsu who took Shingo’s likeness. Why? Why would he do that? It’s not even explained. (Not sure if the game does)
I wanted to drop around episode 8 but I was 4 episodes left to finish watching this trash, and the more I saw it, I felt interested to know what was going on in the story.
I cared less about everything that happened in this show. It’s not offensively bad as 18if, but seriously, the world of Caligula sucks.
The only highlight of the series I’d give credits for are the post-credits teasers by Pop Team Epic creator, Okawa bkub.
Winter 2018 ongoing
Darling in the Franxx: Darling in the Franxx has grown to be the most divisive series to date, mainly from the “Bitchigo” controversy ever since.
While I definitely enjoy the series and I feel defensive about it, I can’t help but think that this is Trigger (and A-1)’s most controversial anime they’ve produced to have such fan outrage. Speaking of which, I don’t think it’s even being animated by Trigger anymore, it’s probably only A-1 alone along with Trigger animators and they just slapped the Trigger name on the credits. (I’m probably exaggerating), and Darling in the Franxx is not even on Trigger’s website!
If this is another one of Trigger’s big flops (The second one being Kiznaiver which WatchMojo called it “disappointing” which made me pissed so bad considering that I loved Kiznaiver, fucking thanks for the trauma, you cunts. (Don’t ask)), then Trigger, as storytellers, have become one-hit wonders, and that one hit is Kill La Kill. (Speaking of which, it’s getting a video game... developed by the people who made Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time, which turned out hot garbage, RIP)
As of the writing of this post, the series hasn’t ended yet, so we’re still gonna have to wait how the ending will turn out.
Toji no Miko: This one was alright, for some reason I expected the second cour to be somewhat time-wasting and trying to figure out the story because I was satisfied with the end of the first cour, but this one was decent.
Even if the anime series ended, while the mobage is currently on existence, I’ll never stop making Kancolle x Touken Ranbu jokes, at least the series had its own identity to make up for it.
Grancrest Senki: This one I was the least hopeful to watch, though not as trash as Caligula per se, but it’s just generic fantasy with some political drama, and ridiculously violent (Which there’s nothing wrong with it but the amount of gore is really something from a fantasy anime).
There were a couple of good moments but overall, it was meh.
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card: I’m a little surprised that Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card ended with 22 episodes as opposed to 24 or 25 episodes, overall, I enjoyed the series, hopefully we won’t wait for a long time for another season.
Plans for Summer
Attack on Titan season 3: Reminder that we didn’t have to wait for another 4 years for another Attack on Titan season.
Angels of Death: This one has the potential to be one of the better anime adaptations of an RPG Maker game, unlike Ao Oni which failed spectacularly, considered that the Angels of Death anime is being made by JC Staff.
As of the writing of this video, it’s now confirmed that the total of episodes was 16 episodes, 12 of the regular series, and 4 OVA.
Overlord III: It’s still hard to believe that Overlord II was a winter show and this new season is a summer show, considering that I normally would expect shows having two seasons between winter and fall (Such as Shinmai Maou no Testament (2015) and Bubuki Buranki (2016).)
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs: All I can think of is the titular character, Yuuna, is cute, and hot springs, what’s not to like?
Fate/Extra: Last Encore Illustrais Geocentrism: It still feels weird that Last Encore ended with 10 episodes, but at least there’s going to be more, but it’s going to be a two hour special, in two separate episodes. I thought I’ve seen sources that it was going to be episodes 11-13, I’ve seen a lot of sources and they confuse the heck out of me.
(Finally, a good line-up to watch)
BONUS: FLCL Progressive: Technically, FLCL Progressive came out on June 2nd on Adult Swim/Toonami, unlike the majority of the shows are all July shows.
FLCL Progressive and Alternative have quite the unique releases.
I was so baffled that many of the people I talk with were skeptical about FLCL Progressive, there were even stories of the original creator not wanting to make a sequel in the first place, I never gave a crap and ignored to what they said and just moved on to watch it.
After the first episode, it seems like the reactions were mostly positive (Maybe because a lot of people must be more newcomers than a few veteran FLCL fans), though the one thing that cringed me out was the part where Haruko (disguised as a teacher) made everyone watch porn.
Also, my bigger problem with watching FLCL Progressive (and Alternative) is that I have to watch them English dubbed and the subs got delayed until November (yes, that long; I’m not an English dubbed person, okay?).
Speaking of problems, as I mentioned that it was English dubbed, the parts where the characters say Japanese phrases is absolutely cringey as fuck, and with episode 4, at the beginning of the episode, Hidomi made a Jacksepticeye reference by saying “TOP OF THE MORNING!” and that triggered me so bad.
Speaking of Hidomi Hibajiri, she’s like my only highlight of this entire season, she’s such a cutie.
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Like the original FLCL, Progressive and Alternative (I keep counting that one a lot, but, since it’s released on September, it still falls into Summer, I guess?) have 6 episodes, so as of the writing of this post, which ironically it’s almost 2 AM and it’s saturday, so new episode tonight, there’s at least going to be one more episode to end, and Alternative, while the first episode was released as a surprise release on April Fools, the rest of the episodes will be on September.
I wanted to add Tensai Bakabon to the list but now my interest to watch has turned off and I prefer Osomatsu-san over this one (This and Osomatsu-kun are made by Fujio Akatsuka and they’re being animated by Pierrot).
I hope you enjoyed my list of everything I saw this spring (while tryhard reviewing them in the process) and what I plan to watch this summer.
Twitter: @HKomaeda
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recentanimenews · 6 years
BANANA FISH, Zero The Enforcer Win Fans' Votes for Tokyo Anime Award Festival
Tokyo Anime Award Festival has announced the top 100 anime titles (90 TV series and ten feature films) chosen by fans' online votes from a total of 524 titles aired/released in Japan between October 15, 2017, and October 13, 2018. A total number of votes cast between November 17 and December 24 was 397,145, which was the highest record in the award's 16-year history.
  From this 100 titles, the Grand Prix winners of "Anime of The Year" will be chosen by industry experts (producers, creators, broadcasters, critics, staff members of animation shops, etc.), while the winner of "Anime Fan Award" will be decided by another online votes by fans, which is scheduled to begin on January 14, 2019. Check out Japanese fans' choices below. 
    Top 90 TV anime titles:
©Akimi Yoshida, Shogakukan/Project BANANA FISH
    2. "A Place Further than the Universe"
3. "Cells at Work!"
4. "Laid-Back Camp"
5. "Zombie Land Saga"
6. "IDOLiSH7"
8. "Land of the Lustrous"
9. "POP Team Epic"
10. "Violet Evergarden"
  11. "Bloom Into You"
12. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind"
13. "Overlord II & III"
14. "Asobi Asobase"
15. "Umamusume: Pretty Derby"
16. "Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai"
17. "Goblin Slayer"
18. "Girls' Last Tour"
19. "Steins;Gate 0"
20. "Attack on Titan Season 3"
  21. "Dream Festival! R"
22. "Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight"
23. "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"
25. "Mr. Osomatsu Second Season"
26. "The Idolm@ster SideM"
27. "My Hero Academia Third Season"
28. "Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card"
29. "Golden Kamuy First & Second Season"
30. "Sword Art Online Alicization"
  31. "Lupin The Third Part 5"
32. "Zoku Touken Ranbu -Hanamaru-"
33. "Free!−Dive to the Future−"
34. "Kino's Journey -the Beautiful World- the Animated Series"
35. "Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san"
36. "Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond"
37. "Yowamushi Pedal GLORY LINE"
38. "Run with the Wind"
39. "Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku"
40. "The Ancient Magus' Bride"
  41. "Detective Conan"
42. "DAKAICHI -I'm being harassed by the sexiest man of the year-"
43. "Fate/Apocrypha"
44. "Hozuki's Coolheadedness 2"
45. "Planet With"
46. "Hi Score Girl"
47. "Gintama. Shirogane no Tamashii-hen"
48. "Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online"
49. "Hugtto! PreCure"
50. "DARLING in the FRANXX"
  51. "Yuki Yuna is a Hero: Washio Sumi Chapter/hero Chapter"
52. "Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san"
53. "Love Live! Sunshine!! Second Season"
54. "Working Buddies!"
55. "Hakumei and Mikochi"
56. "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Second Season"
57. "Encouragement of Climb Third Season"
58. "Magical Circle Guru Guru"
59. "A Certain Magical Index III"
60. "The Ryuo's Work is Never Done!"
  61. "Mitsuboshi Colors"
62. "Katana Maidens ~ Toji No Miko"
63. "Comic Girls"
64. "March comes in like a lion. Second Season"
65. "Iroduku: The World in Colors"
66. "Idol Time Pripara"
67. "Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinlkalion The Animation"
68. "Ms. Vampire who lives in my neighborhood."
69. "The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Theater Second & Third Season"
70. "UzaMaid!"
  71. "Mr. Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues"
72. "Angel of Death"
73. "Welcome to the Ballroom"
75. "The Idolm@ster SideM SideM Wakeatte Mini!"
76. "Tada Never Falls in Love"
77. "School Babysitters"
79. "Happy Sugar Life"
80. "Slow Start"
  81. "PERSONA5 the Animation"
82. "Magical Girl Ore"
83. "Legend of the Galactic Heroes Die Neue These 'Kaikou'"
84. "How Not to Summon a Demon Lord"
85. "Konohana Kitan"
86. "citrus"
87. "Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens"
88. "Gintama. Porori-hen"
89. "Gundam Build Divers"
90. "Aikatsu Friends!"
    Top 10 anime films:
  1. "Detective Conan Zero the Enforcer"
2. "Girls und Panzer das Finale: Episode 1" 
3. "Natsume's Book of Friends the Movie: Tied to the Temporal World"
4. "Liz and the Blue Bird"
5. "Is the Order a Rabbit?? ~Dear My Sister~"
6. "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes"
7. "Non Non Biyori Vacation"
8. "Bungo Stray Dog Dead Apple"
9. "Waka Okami wa Shogakusei!"
10. "Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us"
  Source: Tokyo Anime Award Festival 
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recentanimenews · 6 years
TV Anime BANANA FISH Wins "Anime Fan Award" at Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2019
    Tokyo Anime Award Festival announced on February 15 that the TV anime BANANA FISH based on Akimi 
Yoshida's crime action manga of the same name was chosen as this year's "Anime Fan Award" title from 
the 100 titles. The TV anime animated by MAPPA was aired for 24 episodes from July to December 2018.
  To celebrate the award, a special screening of the anime's first four episodes will be held at the Cine 
Libre theater in Ikebukuro at 16:00 on March 10.
    For the award, top 100 anime titles (90 TV series and ten feature films) were first chosen by fans' online
votes from a total of 524 titles aired/released in Japan between October 15, 2017, and October 13, 2018.
Then the Grand Prix winner of "Anime of The Year" will be chosen by industry experts (producers, creators,
broadcasters, critics, staff members of animation shops, etc.). Meanwhile, the winner of "Anime Fan Award"
was decided by another online votes on Twitter by fans, which was held from January 14 to February 13. 
    "Anime Fan Award 2019" Top 50 titles
    1. "BANANA FISH" - 68,507 votes
©Akimi Yoshida, Shogakukan/Project BANANA FISH
    2. "Mr. Osomatsu Second Season" - 46,122
3. "Dream Festival! R" - 22,334
4. "Run with the Wind" - 17,047
5. "Detective Conan Zero the Enforcer" - 16,621
6. "DYNAMIC CHORD" - 14,249
7. "Yowamushi Pedal GLORY LINE" - 11,045
8. "Attack on Titan Season 3" - 10,804
9. "Free!−Dive to the Future−" - 10,305
10. "Zombie Land Saga" - 9,683
  11. "Bloom Into You" - 9,044
12. "A Place Further than the Universe" - 7,633
13. "IDOLiSH7" - 5,432
14. "Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond" - 4,455
15. "Liz and the Blue Bird" - 4,399
16. "SSSS.GRIDMAN" - 3,775
17. "Laid-Back Camp" - 3,090
18. "DAKAICHI -I'm being harassed by the sexiest man of the year-" - 2,756
19. "Cells at Work!" - 2,685
20. "Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinlkalion The Animation" - 2,165
  21. "Violet Evergarden" - 2,052
22. "Asobi Asobase" - 1,907
23. "Land of the Lustrous" - 1,890
24. "Mitsuboshi Colors" - 1,780
25. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind" - 1,758
26. "Yuki Yuna is a Hero: Washio Sumi Chapter/hero Chapter" - 1,757
27. "Lupin The Third Part 5" - 1,717
28. "Goblin Slayer" - 1,698
29. "Golden Kamuy First & Second Season" - 1,613
30. "The Idolm@ster SideM" - 1,600
  31. "Idol Time Pripara" - 1,593
32. "Umamusume: Pretty Derby" - 1,567
33. "POP Team Epic" - 1,496
34. "Overlord II & III" - 1,408
35. "Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight" - 1,395
36. "Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai" - 1,226
37. "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" - 1,192
38. "Gintama. Shirogane no Tamashii-hen" - 1,160
39. "Hozuki's Coolheadedness 2" - 1,141
40. "My Hero Academia Third Season" - 1,117
  41. "Steins;Gate 0" - 1,033
42. "Natsume's Book of Friends the Movie: Tied to the Temporal World" - 1,000
43. "Encouragement of Climb Third Season" - 976
44. "Zoku Touken Ranbu -Hanamaru-" - 923
45. "HINAMATSURI" - 910
46. "Bungo Stray Dog Dead Apple" - 846
47. "March comes in like a lion. Second Season" - 842
47. "Katana Maidens ~ Toji No Miko" - 842
49. "Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san" - 828
50. "Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens" - 770
       Source: Tokyo Anime Award Festival 
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recentanimenews · 7 years
"Lupin the Third" Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary with Memorial Anime "Is Lupin Still Burning?"
A memorial anime episode "Lupin wa Imamo Moeteiruka?/Is Lupin still burning?" is now in the works to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Monkey Punch's Lupin the Third manga series. The news was revealed in the last broadcast of the "Lupin the Third Best Selection" special program on Nihon TV to have aired the top 24 anime episodes selected by the fans' votes since July. The title of the episode is obviously taken from that of the first epsiode of the TV anime first season aired in October 1971, "Lupin wa Moeteiruka...?!/"Is Lupin Burning...?!" No release/broadcast schedule is availabe at the moment.
  The long-running manga series started its first serialization in Futabasha's Weekly Manga Action in August 1967, and the original manga author serves as general director for the memorial anime produced by TMS Entertainment. The 80-year-old manga artist previously directed the 1996 anime feature film Lupin III: Dead or Alive.
  Monky Punch posted his comment on the franchise's official website: "Thank you for supporting 'Lupin
the Third' for 50 years. In this memorial anime, we expressed the contents that were filled with the past
'Lupin the Third' and also included new challenges in animation. I would be glad if you enjoy watching it.
Please continue to support 'Lupin the Third'!"
  『ルパン三世』原作誕生50周年を締めくくる記念作品として、「ルパンは��も燃えているか?」の制作が決定致しました!原作者のモンキー・パンチが自ら総監督を務める本作に御期待ください。総監督コメントはこちら https://t.co/CKpDL4oa8Y http://pic.twitter.com/UIQLbzbOlb
— アニメ「ルパン三世」公式 (@lupin_anime) 2017年12月19日
     "Lupin the Third Best Selection" Anime Episode Top 24
  1. "Farewell My Beloved Lupin" (2nd season 155th episode)
2. "Wings of Death - Albatross" (2nd season 145th episode)
3. "The Coming of Goemon the 13th" (1st season 5th episode)
4. "One Chance for a Prison Break" (1st season 4th episode)
5. "Is Lupin Burning...?!" (1st season 1st episode)
6. "The Combat Magnum Scattered in the Wasteland" (2nd season 99th episode)
7. "Goemon's Close Call" (2nd season 112th episode)
8. "Lupin the Third's Gallant Appearance" (2nd season 1st episode)
9. "Goemon Daydream" (3rd season 5th episode)
10. "Pray for the Repose of Your Soul" (3rd season 24th episode)
11. "The Day the Old Man Died" (2nd season 98th episode)
12. "Tutankhamen's 3000-Year-Old Curse" (2nd season 7th episode)
13. "The Target Is 555 Meters" (2nd season 148th episode)
14. "The Man They Called a Magician" (1st season 2nd episode)
15. "Lupin Dies Twice" (2nd season 32nd episode)
16. "The Gold Is Beckoning Lupin" (3rd season 1st episode)
17. "Beware the Time Machine!" (1st season 13th episode)
18. "The Magnificent Team-Play Operation" (2nd season 137th episode)
19. "Kill the Atomic Submarine Ivanov" (3rd season 50th episode)
20. "Pops Boils over with Rage" (3rd season 37th episode)
21. "The Woman the Old Man Fell in Love With" (2nd season 69th episode)
22. "A Rose and a Pistol" (2nd season 26th episode)
23. "Our Papa Is a Thief" (3rd season 44th episode)
24. "Farewell, My Beloved Witch" (1st season 3rd episode)
  Watch the "Lupin The Third" TV series on Crunchyroll:
Lupin the Third Part 1
Lupin the Third Part 2
Lupin the Third Part 3
Lupin the Third Part 4
     Source: "Lupin The Third" anime official website
  ©TMS ©Monky Punch/TMS・NTV
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