#source is me watching a wilbur soot video like 2 years ago
cack1e · 2 years
was SO CONFUSED when i got this ask i thought you were asking to rp until i remembered the context
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blue-shaded · 3 years
people have been talking abt dream on here recently n i watch some of the other people in the dream smp so, a comprehensive list to things (to my knowledge) that he’s done/why people don’t support it and also some context for some of it
cw // mentions of possible pedophilia, mentions of the r-slur
1. the poll stuff is exactly as the other anons have said. many of the other dream smp creators also encouraged their fans to vote for that mob. kind of annoying but. that’s just the way it is, it’s like urging your fans to vote for a friend in an awards show, it’s natural to promote stuff you like/support to your fans
2. the thing w being shipped with his friends (some of whom are minors)! this one is in a way true, though not in the way that other anons have said. the context behind this one is that ninja was making suggestive/sexual comments with tommyinnit, who’s a 16 year old that’s a part of the dream smp, and dream laughed and encouraged the jokes. tommy makes a lot of sexual jokes about random things and though i don’t like ninja, he was going along with the bit, however i do think it started going too far as tommy then sent a panic word to wilbur soot, who’s one of the other members of the dream smp, which was a code word they’d made with one another for if they were ever uncomfortable and needed to be helped. a lot of people were confused as to whether this was part of the bit or not because tommy included these jokes in his youtube video, which many assumed that he wouldn’t do if it did make him uncomfortable and also once wilbur showed up, tommy waved him off saying never mind. regardless, after wilbur was called in, ninja backed off with the jokes. apart from this incident, tubbo, another minor on the dream smp, has said that he doesn’t liked being sexualized, and dream supported him on it. the other possibility is that the anons may have been referring to how dream has said he’s fine with being shipped with the dream team? in which case, this isn’t him saying he’s okay with being shipped with minors, the dream team consists of dream, sapnap, and george, all of whom are adults and have said they’re okay with it :) aside from this, people have a screenshot of dream saying “16 is legal in the uk” and have used that as proof of pedophilia, but if you watch the stream, you can hear that someone asks on the discord call what the age of consent is in the uk, and (i actually don’t know why he wasn’t speaking), this stream was a while ago, but everyone on the call answered with the same answer, that the age of consent was 16, and dream just answered it in chat
3. another thing is that dream has heavily defended the usage of the r-slur by neurotypicals in the past (i say past, but this was quite recent, around january of this year) saying that the word is offensive but the usage of it doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. he hasn’t commented on this, but he himself is neurodivergent because he has adhd, so many people have mixed feelings about this situation because of that. he has apologized for his words multiple times since (reminder that if you’re not neurodivergent, it’s not your apology to accept though)
4. many people were upset with him for using the word lynching during a minecraft championship game. he says something about how people are cheating and they should be lynched, and though he meant it in a joking manner, many people were still (rightfully) upset about it due to the word’s history, and he has since apologized for it (reminder that if you’re not in the black community, it’s not your apology to accept though)
5. many people have come after dream for creating a parasocial relationship with fans, citing evidence such as how he says he loves them, encourages them to watch his and his friends streams, etc. i personally don’t agree with this one? stan culture was around long before dream and it’s going to be around for long after. it’s unfair to judge him for saying that he loves his fans or for encouraging his fans to watch his streams because at the end of the day, he is a content creator, streams are a part of that livelihood, and i feel like many creators and celebrities in the past and currently say that they love their fans and don’t typically get backlash for it?
6. the merch prices. his merch was incredibly overpriced, and though he’s apologized, it’s still,,, eh. people are very understandably still really mad about this one
7. his role in the smp! this is one that a lot of people (especially who aren’t really into the smp) misunderstand. watching the lives, it’s very easy to think that dream’s just an ass to those around him (for example, the clips going around where he’s just yelling at tommyinnit over minecraft discs). for those who aren’t aware, the dream smp is roleplay based and they are simply playing out a script most times :)
8. his similarity to c*y. nothing much else to say about this one. not really fair to judge someone just based off the fact that their faceless. corpse faced similar backlash because so many people are now wary of faceless youtubers due to that situation. you can be wary but in my opinion, i don’t think it’s fair to judge them
9. the behavior of his fans. this one i think is truly unfair to call him out for. dream team twitter and dream team tiktok do truly get out of control, but when it’s a real issue and it gets brought up to him, he has called it out in the past (for example, many dream fans started shitting on and hating on addison rae just because he interacted with her on twitter and she was receiving many hate comments for it, and when someone sent the screenshots to him, he called the behavior disgusting and embarrassing). twitter stans like to get the most random things trending but,, it is what it is, he has a big fanbase, most of whom are very young n think it’s funny to do things like spam keyboard smashes, and i don’t really think that’s something to berate your audience over.
that’s it from what i know, i’m sure i missed some stuff and for that i apologize. i personally don’t watch his content because it’s not my style, but he does frequently appear on the lives of other minecraft youtubers so this stuff pops up on my timeline quite a bit. i am,,, so sorry for such a long ask but i just wanted to provide people with context since a lot of people seemed confused so that they had full context when forming their opinions. if i’m incorrect on any of this, i hope that the other anons correct me as i want to be educated and informed. i’m in no way accepting any of his apologies for the stuff he’s said in the past because i’m not black nor neurodivergent so it’s not my apology to accept, i just wanted to say that he has addressed and apologized for the incidents. hope you all have a very good day and i’m sorry if any of this came off as rude or snappy.
I think I’ll add this to my masterlist too. Can you add more sources tho?
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