#source: masrani global
islanublar · 4 years
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Simon Masrani: Masrani Chief Executive Officer, Simon Masrani, in the JW001 Helicopter overlooking Isla Nublar.
It's been a long time coming but finally I can update my blog. So many of the endeavors we are preparing behind the scenes here at Masrani have now entered new stages of development. This has freed up my schedule to finally fly down to visit Jurassic World and oversee our latest attraction: the Indominus rex.
The last year has been very busy for me so I regrettably haven't been able to oversee the development behind this new dinosaur. However the scientists at Jurassic World are a truly awe-inspiring group of people and have brought us unforgettable experiences since 2005. I'm sure the Indominus will be another worthy addition to our ever-growing prehistoric population on Nublar. I'm also certain that I'll be able to understand how our public will react to the Indominus as I will personally see it for the first time so close to its release. I admit it's been a while since I have had the privilege to experience something like this with fresh eyes. Not long now!
Our investors will want to keep a close eye on our progress over the next six months as we hope the Indominus will prove to be our biggest showstopper to date. As many of you are aware our goals are never finite. Here at Masrani we're always looking to develop the latest concepts to break through potential misconceptions in this ever changing world we live in. So now the time had come to prove just that.
P.S. I should hopefully have time to personally meet some of you at Jurassic World upon my visit. I'll try my best to experience the park with those we're aiming to educate and entertain. See you very soon!
So the celebrations have settled down here in Shanghai and what a fantastic way to begin the year: Masrani has boosted the funding behind InGen, we’ve got something incredibly exciting happening with Masrani Oil (more news on that soon), and we announced Jurassic World's exciting new attraction -- the Indominus rex.
2015 is already off with a bang!
I will be heading to London this month to attend IventiCon 2015, which promises to show off some big game changers, mainly from the virtual reality crowd. VR has the ability to reinvent our daily lives, when we have the ability to enter 3D worlds, like computer games, the mind opens itself to all sorts of possible futures. For Masrani we’re looking to create the first VR "web structure", a virtual playground that anyone connected to the internet can explore. Imagine your social networking webpage becoming an entire custom built structure someone could walk into, and hang out in. Our minds over at Tatsuo Technology believe we have the ability to make this possible within the next five years.
I envision that Masrani Global will be at the forefront entering this brave new world. We’re already laying out plans to have a VR tour of Jurassic World, for those unable to travel to Isla Nublar. Obviously it will have its limitations, but it would share the wonder of our amazing theme park with those who have yet to experience it.
For those who will be attending IventiCon, Masrani will be situated in the central showroom with some special surprises on hand like our highly anticipated Tanius 7 smart phone from Mascom! We hope to see many faces there.
Welcome to 2015! I hope everyone celebrated the new year with open arms. Here in Shanghai, we are a little over a month away from reigning in the Chinese new year, but it was exciting to finally see the arrival of what will become such a pivotal period in our company's history.
Today at Masrani, we have a fantastic announcement to make. Over the last three years, the brilliant minds at InGen, lead by the great visionary Dr. Henry Wu, have brought us a new attraction for Jurassic World–the likes of which have never been seen before. While I cannot reveal any important information behind its creation at this time, I can reveal the title of our finest endeavor: the Indominus Rex.
The name means fierce and untamable, it is one of fascinating design and a product of our important foray into the future of science. The new attraction is set for a release in mid-June and is the result of three decades of crucial and integral research into genetic technology.
We are all proud of this and cannot express our excitement enough to show you the Indominus in all of its glory.
It's December and we're already at the end of the year. I am extremely proud of everyone at Masrani — 2014 has seen our company rise to new heights. Thank you again to everyone who has made this year possible.
I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about 2015, as next year promises to be our most innovative yet. Our team at Mascom will launch "Ervic", a weather satellite built with a lifespan of 35 years (the longest in history). Thanks to the brilliant minds over at Tatsuo Technology, "Ervic" will redefine the future of the satellite as we know it. Our focus for this project is to limit the amount of objects in orbit around the globe, and work on having self-updating systems that will adapt to shifting technologies back on Earth. Fingers are crossed for "Ervic." #GoodbyeGlinda #HelloErvic
Our scientists at InGen are finalizing their work on a new attraction coming to Jurassic World this June. I would love to share more on this bold step forward in genetics, but here at Masrani we like surprises. For now, I'll just say this: no one has ever seen anything like it, and our investors will see the park advance to even higher levels of profitability over the coming decade.
I'll be spending the Christmas period in Shanghai to oversee the renovation of our corporate offices there — and I may even stay until February 19th to ring in the New Year! A personal curiosity as I've never spent new years in China before. I've heard it’s quite the event.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
November is here and it's been another amazing month for Masrani. We left our mark at this years IventiCon with our prototype XL5 wind turbines, which gathered huge media attention pushing the project forward into phase two. Our great minds over at Aerospace Dynamix worked for months on end bringing the project to life. 2016 will be a year for the books!
Working closely with the young minds at Aerospace Dynamix reminded me of how lucky we are finding graduates who surprise us with their visions. Every day I meet young inspiring people who offer up unique ideas they believe will benefit our everyday lives. Those who change my view of our world, and those I see potential in, I note down. Masrani is a company that is changing every day and for myself I look to change my opinions from the moment I wake up, to the moment I sleep. I remember those who leave their mark because I believe that every life-changing idea deserves to have its time in the spot light, and I’d like Masrani to provide that light for them.
...and it doesn’t just end there. Our already established teams break new ground every month bringing fresh concepts to the table. I can’t say too much but one idea has been brewing for a number of years now and recently it’s become a reality. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for that one.
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ofdearing · 6 years
jurassic park/jurassic world timeline ! sources on dates and events - dino protection group, Masrani Global’s Official Website, a rogue InGen website, too many general google searches and the jurassic park wiki ! this is rebloggable. just don’t claim as your own.
---1973; Masrani Global Corporation is founded by Sanjay Masrani   - 1979; The Hammond Foundation is founded by John Hammond. They mostly focus on funding dinosaur digs and academic research. -   Early 1980′s; Hammond forms a research group, led by Doctor Laura Sorkin and Doctor Henry Wu, to focus on cloning a dinosaur.
-   1984; The group successfully clones the first living dinosaur. -   1985; International Genetic Technologies, Inc ( InGen ) is formed. They focus primarily on cloning extinct animals. Base of locations is in Palo Atlo, CA but is eventually moved to Isla Sorna to breed dinosaurs on the islands. (*novel cites 1983 as the creation of the company ). InGen’s Website.       - Also around this time, The Hammond Foundation leases Isla Nublar from the Costa Rican government claiming it’s to be used for setting up a biological reserve or a tourist resort.       - Around this time, construction begins on an amphitheater in San Diego, CA. -   1988; Construction ends on the amphitheater, leaving it unfinished, and the construction of a full fledged park starts on Isla Nublar.    - Late 1980′s; the first documented rumors of research on cloning in regards to dinosaurs start. -   1992; Simon Masrani takes over Masrani Corp after the passing of his father. -   1993; Unbeknownst to the general public, a worker is killed by a raptor on the island. In an effort to keep Jurassic Park from being prematurely closed, Doctor Alan Grant, Doctor Ellie Sattler and Doctor Ian Malcolm are invited to inspect the park, along with a lawyer for InGen.              - After interference with the computer systems by an employee at the park ( there are rumors a rival company had a hand in this ), the dinosaurs escape and endanger the lives of Doctor Sattler, Doctor Grant, Doctor Malcolm, John Hammond and his two grandchildren, Tim and Lex Murphy.            - The idea of opening Jurassic Park officially ends after this disaster.             -  It is later alleged or theorized that a park employee, possibly Dennis Nedry, was who sabotaged the park’s systems which helped caused the Incident. His motives are often theorized, the most popular being to sell the embryos on the black market or to a rival company (*These rumors are true, the rival company that wanted the eggs being Biosyn. There is more information about the aftermath of the employee and the company in regards to the island in documents leaked by JUR@55!_H@K3R ) -   1994; A hurricane hits Isla Sorna, destroying the InGen facilities used to clone the dinosaurs. John Hammond becomes an environmentalist and refuses to consider any plans to reopen the park. Doctor Wu assists in helping clean up the remaining buildings and documenting the remaining dinosaurs on the island.               - During the clean up, evidence is discovered that implicates that the pipes that brought liquid nitrogen to the embryo storage units was severed. This resulted in a rise in temperature and all viable embryos were lost.                - A burst pipe was also found to have caused severe flooding around the visitor center. There wasn’t any sole reason cited for what caused the pipe to burst, though tectonic activity is suggested.              - Also during the clean up, Dennis Nedry’s body is found near the tunnel that leads to the East Dock. (*cause of death is redacted, along with his name, on the official document that was leaked by JUR@55!_H@K3R. Dennis Nedry was killed by the Dilophosaurus ) -    1995; Doctor Malcolm, during a televised interview, disclosed information about what actually happened on the island in 1993.                 - Several interviews were granted by Peter Ludlow with the set intention ( on InGen and Ludlow’s part ) of discrediting Ian Malcolm. Ludlow used a combination of bribes, legal loopholes, and lies in order to convince the general public that Malcolm was lying. The Costa Rican government also contributed to this as they had their own motives to remain a friendly tourist attraction. Their efforts work and the general public believes that Malcolm is lying and that the entire thing is a hoax.
-   1996/1997; (*no specific year is offered for when Peter Ludlow tries to remove his uncle, John Hammond from his position of CEO but it is a deleted scene in the lost world so hence the year placement) A family on vacation, dock their yacht on Isla Sorna. The couple’s child, Cathy Bowman is attacked by compies. Her parents sue InGen. Because of the lawsuit, Peter Ludlow, John Hammond’s nephew, makes a move to remove his uncle as CEO by using Resolution 213C citing that his uncle’s decisions are bankrupting the company.  -   1997; Hammond, in an attempt to keep the dinosaurs out of Ludlow and his financiers hands, asks Doctor Ian Malcolm to join a team to document the dinosaurs in their natural state in order to create public sympathy. The team consists of Doctor Sarah Harding, Eddie Carr, and Nick Van Owen. They don’t know until they are on the island that Doctor Malcolm’s daughter, Kelly, has also traveled with them.                - Peter Ludlow, along with his own team that is lead by an accomplished big game hunter, Roland Tembo, arrive on the island. Their goal is to capture a T-Rex and bring it back to San Diego to display in the previously abandoned, now soon to be finished, amphitheater.             - After a run in with a family of T-Rexs and an attempt to treat a baby T-Rex, Ludlow’s camp is destroyed and Eddie Carr dies. Harding, Malcolm and Van Owen nearly die. Ludlow, however, is successful in trapping the T-Rex and it’s child and transport both back to San Diego where the adult kills everyone on the transport boat and escapes into the city. Malcolm and Harding lure it back to the boat by using the cries of the baby.           - The adult and it’s child are contained and sent back to the island, with the general public finally aware that cloned dinosaurs now exist. -   1997; Interest spiked when Hammond said in an interview that he was working with Costa Rica on how best to protect the dinosaurs. As a direct result of the San Diego Incident, The Gene Guard Act ( formally the ENPGR bill was created by the US House Committee of Science and key members of InGen Management ) was passed. The purpose was to give dinosaurs the same rights as endangered species and restrict access to the islands. It also banned the company from cloning any ‘new’ prehistoric flora or fauna.             - Masrani Global Corporations run by Simon Masrani, an old friend of Hammond’s, begins talks of buying InGen after reading about Doctor Wu’s creation of the Wu Flower. (*created by Doctor Wu and his team in 1997, this involved creating a new plant by combining several species of plants together. Proof that hybrid breeding, perhaps for dinosaurs, is possible)           - John Hammond dies sometime during the year. -   1998; Masrani Global Corporation finishes negotiations and officially owns InGen and the islands. Within 100 days of the purchase, the company begins to research and start illegal cloning in violation of the Gene Guard Act. Only a select number of Masrani officials knew, it is unclear whether Simon Masrani was aware (*information discovered after a leak of InGen documents by a hacker only known as JUR@55!_H@K3R during the 2015 inquiry into the Jurassic World Incident ) -   1999; Illegally cloned dinosaurs are introduced on the island, a direct violation of the Gene Guard Act. By doing so they have disrupted the environment and habits of the original cloned dinosaurs. This eventually causes a drop in population for many of the dinosaurs who were already on the island. -   2000; Doctor Henry Wu is promoted within InGen. (*can’t find what position he was promoted to)  -   2000/2001; Masrani Global begins to slowly move dinosaurs from Isla Sorna to Isla Nublar in preparation for starting a new park. (*couldn’t find a set year for this, other than a mention of a near escape of pteranodons in 2001 which is handled by a private security team so I’m placing the moving between the two years.. A further edit: this could also be placed in 2003, but I think the process of getting ready for the move started during 2000/2001 because to gather all the dinosaurs and get them ready to move would be a large undertaking. ) -   2001; Paul and Amanda Kirby pose as a wealthy couple that want to hire Doctor Alan Grant and his assistant Billy Brennan in order to take an aerial tour of the island. When it actuality, their son, Eric, along with Amanda’s boyfriend Ben, have gone missing after a parasailing trip. The Kirby’s plan to land in order to search for their son and Ben. They are attacked shortly after landing, with one of the hired mercenaries they brought for protection being eaten on the runway. The plan crashes before it can properly take off. They eventually find Ben’s body and Doctor Grant is saved from being attacked by dinosaurs by Eric. The trouble begins again shortly after everyone is reunited as Billy has hidden away a raptor’s egg which is eventually returned to the pack of raptors. With the help of a satellite phone, Doctor Grant is able to call Doctor Sattler for help. They are rescued by the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corp. Grant spots Pteranodons flying away from the island. (*some of the species reportedly seen by the survivors at this time were species that Masrani Global had illegally cloned. This report was quickly buried by ‘officials’ - information leaked by JUR@55!_H@K3R ) -   2001; Several Pteranodons nearly escape but are quickly recaptured by a private security force. After witnessing this, Simon expands the private mercenary company. Vic Hoskins oversaw the proceedings of the incident in Canada and is then hired by Masrani Global to oversee InGen’s security division. (*found on DPG’s article The Rise and Fall of Masrani Global and Masrani Global’s Offical Website. ) -   2002; In the months leading up to Masrani’s announcement, amber archaeology tools start arriving on the doorsteps of random homes. Several weeks after it is followed by a compass and then a small wooden box that held a key, a jagged tooth, and a piece of paper with a sketch of a gate. No one could understand what it meant until a boy in Bolivia found an indentation in the lid of the box and inserted the key. By doing so it beamed a small hologram message that simply said ‘they’re coming. May 30, 2005.’ -  2002; Masrani Global Corporation officially announced their plans to open Jurassic World, a revolutionizing theme park, in 2005. Marketing begins, in print and tv, to create interest. Construction for the park also begins. -  2003; After a request by a representative of Masrani Global in March to have the committee reexamine the act and lift the further research restrictions for medical purposes, the U.S. House Committee of Science revise The Gene Guard Act by making it less strict. This enables Masrani Global to create new animals for the park. (*during the 2015 inquiry into Jurassic World it would be found out that this had been done under purposely misleading tactics since Masrani Global had already started cloning dinosaurs back in 1998.) -  2004; Summer: Masrani welcomes the first group of Interns to the still unfinished park, Claire Dearing among them. The interns are given the chance to test out the gryospheres and observe and work with the dinosaurs before anyone else. However, Claire eventually uncovers, with the help of Justin Hendricks, that two other interns were stealing products and information from Masrani Global for a rival pharmaceutical company in order to get life saving medical treatment for their younger sister. During a by chance confrontation of the other interns, Justin and Claire end up trapped within a paddock with a raptor from Sorna. Justin dies as a result and because of Claire’s research and investigation of a former intern’s notes ( Isobel James ), and her actions that kept the raptor from escaping to the rest of the park, Simon Masrani offers her a position within the park in order to see what he can’t and fix mistakes before they happen.                                    - she also learns of the truth. there was a previous group of interns earlier in the year, Isobel James being apart of the original group. When a storm unexpectedly hits the island, Isobel runs to go and let out the brachiosaur from the veterinary wing when a fire breaks out. She dies in a car crash on her way back to the docks, and the ferry leaves without her after Simon makes it stay for as long as it can.                - Justin’s death, and the incident with the raptor, is also buried in order for the park to open. Claire accepts the position to stay on until the park opens.  
-  2005; Jurassic World officially opens to the public to record numbers in May. -  2007; This is the year, possibly, that Eli Mills takes over the Lockwood Estate. (*based on his comment, ‘right after college’, and assuming he is roughly the same age as Claire ) -  2007-2011; At some point during these years Claire Dearing is officially hired as Senior Asset Manager (*Job title listed on Masrani Global’s official website. though she’s also listed as operations manager in other places). The park operates smoothly without incident. (*assumption is that she’s been working at the park during the summer until she graduates from college)                    - sometime between 2010 and 2011, Claire Dearing meets Eli Mills for the first time. Probably around the time she meets Benjamin Lockwood for the first time (*based on her line about how it was ‘good to see you again’ )  -  2011; Masrani Global buys Tatsuo, a technology company and who once competed for buying InGen back in 1997. With ownership of Tatsuo, the Hammond XB-20 is developed. They can now decode any extinct genome in an hour.  -   2012; InGen Security’s newest project, IBRIS, begins. Overseen by Vic Hoskins. Owen Grady is apart of the project to study a small pack of raptors.(*there is no clear year that Owen Grady starts at the park that I could find. So my best guess is that it’s around this time)               - research, and announcement, begins on the project to create a new hybrid also happens at this time. -   May 7,2013; Owen Grady, citing how complicated the pack dynamic is for the raptors, asks for additional assistance on project IBRIS. He recommends his friend Barry. (*email found through backdoor terminal on Masrani Global’s official website. Best guess is that Barry is hired within this year. ) -   2015; Simon Masrani reveals the project that was hinted at three years prior. He announces the name, Indominus Rex, on Masrani Global’s website in January and promises a release date of mid June.  -   2015; Simon Masrani arrives to see the newest hybrid, the Indominus Rex. Owen Grady, who has been training four raptors for InGen Security’s project IBRIS, is asked to take a look at the paddock. After he arrives with Senior Asset Manager, Claire Dearing, the security guard and Grady enter the paddock under the impression that the indominus has found a way to escape. The Indominus, as it turns out, never left and in fact did this on purpose. The security guard dies and the Indominus escapes. The ACU is sent out to sedate and remove the Indominus but the team is quickly killed. Dearing, begins to bring in guests from the outskirts of the park as they continue to contain the situation. Dearing and Grady take a vehicle out into the park in search of her nephews, Gray and Zach. Simon Masrani assists by taking other members of InGen Security in a helicopter to track down the Indominus and kill it. The indominus brings down the helicopter, causing it to crash into the aviary. Simon Masrani and those with him die. The crash frees the species kept in the aviary and they descend on the park, attacking the guests. Dearing’s assistant, Zara Young is killed in the process. Vic Hoskins takes over the control center, now having the opportunity, and puts into play using the pack of raptors to hunt and kill the Indominus. He manages to convince Owen to be apart of the ‘mission’. It is in this attempt that they find out just what The Indominus is actually made of and the raptors turn on Hoskins’ team, nearly killing everyone. Dearing and Owen, along with her nephews attempt to get to the main control room but end up escaping due to a raptor. There is sparce CCTV footage of  how the Indominus is taken down by the T-Rex, the pack of trained raptors and Mosasaurus.  However it is clear that all but one of the raptor pack die. The remaining raptor known as Blue escapes the area. Guests are ferried off the island by morning.              - there are rumors and suspicions of other cloning and hybrid breeding with more military purposes happening within the labs. How much Simon Masrani knew becomes a heated debate. -   2015; Doctor Wu comes under investigation for bio-ethical misconduct. As a result he loses all of his credentials and is discredited (*He is either fired before or after the trial). Three months after the incident, the US government opens an official inquiry to see if the Gene Guard Act was violated. This came after several former employees of Masrani Global came forward. The leak of files by JUR@55!_H@K3R appear online at this time. Those involved with the violation were arrested, with some receiving jail time.              - According to the DPG website, Claire Dearing has a public testimonial around this time. For what or why, it is unknown at this time.(*may,2018. if explained this will be updated )              - (*according to Colin Trevorrow this is roughly (within a few months of the incident) when Mills extracts the Indominus bone from the Mosasaurus enclosure this would supposedly give them enough time to study and breed a successful Indoraptor. HOWEVER, the dialogue, the state of the indominus’s body and the park, and the reports on the DPG website suggests otherwise so I believe it’s proper placement is later ) -   2016; (* also my best guess is if there were to be a congressional hearing or a large scale lawsuit against Masrani Global where Claire might have to testify, it would be this year. However I’m going with what I can find and back up by websites, wiki or official promo, so I can only really say that a lawsuit against Masrani Global is something I think happened. *edited, july 2018 - seeing as it’s reported within the movie about Masrani Global paying out 800 million in class action lawsuits, I’m leaving this where it is as i feel this is the year most of those would be settled or wrapped up. ) (*I imagine this is also the same year that Owen and Claire break things off, possibly early to mid 2016 ) -   2017; The Dinosaur Protection Group is formed by Claire Dearing. A nonprofit focused on the safety and care of the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar. Originally, the ultimate goal, with assistance from Costa Rica, was to get veterinarians onto the island to keep the dinosaurs healthy. -   2017; In February, Mount Sibo is considered burning itself from within. It is in September of 2017 that it is officially listed as Active Volcano when a private helicopter with passengers spotted magma at the mountain’s peak. This was cause for a full investigation. The current belief is that there is pressurized magma beneath the surface that should it break to the surface through an eruption, the explosion could destroy all biological life on the island. Masrani Global had recently recalled their teams that were monitoring the island. No decision has been made in regards to the dinosaurs.(*you can keep updated on the volcano here )                - (*this is when I would place the extraction of the indominus’s bone. Seeing as there would be no one monitoring the island and it would account for the man saying ‘everything in here is a dead by now’ and the state of the indominus’s body. The mosasaurus has been in the open ocean for at least a year by the time the events of fallen kingdom takes place )                 - Unbeknownst to the general public, an expedition is sent by Eli Mills to gain access to the Mosasuarus enclosure to get DNA material from the Indominus Rex. At least one person dies as a result. -   2018; March: A new congressional hearing begins in regards to the situation on Isla Nublar (*not specifically stated that it’s about the volcano situation but going off of previews and the article on DPG’s website, this is what makes the most sense). Doctor Henry Wu has been stripped of all of his credentials after being found guilty of bio-ethical misconduct. He is mysteriously absent from the congressional hearing.
-   2018; May: you can adopt a dinosaur! for #DinoDay -   2018; June: more documents released from the InGen Leak, this time about the original incident in 1993, thanks to JUR@55!_H@K3R in a new article on DPG’s website               - a group, Extinction Now!, begins tweeting. They are in direct opposition of the Dinosaur Protection Group and advocating for the re-extinction of the dinosaurs on the Islands. (*while their website implies they have been around the whole time and their twitter account was created in March, they didn’t start posting until June 9th. To hence their placement here in the timeline )                - Ian Malcolm testifies to congress that they should let the dinosaurs be killed by the volcano. Congress concludes their hearing with the decision that no federal involvement will occur seeing as the island is technically a ‘private venture’.                - June 22; Claire Dearing posts on the DPG website for the last time detailing how a generous associate has offered a solution and she is leaving immediately, with her colleagues Zia Rodriguez and Franklin Webb and hopefully with the help of an ‘old friend’ (*old friend being Owen Grady). (*with the island exploding within several hours and her post, it is safe to say that the rest of the world believes that Claire Dearing, Zia Rodriguez, and Franklin Webb are dead for at least, give or take, two days ) -    2018; Claire Dearing receives a phone call from the Lockwood estate in order to set up a meeting. Eli Mills, who runs the Lockwood Estate the former partner of Hammond, tells Claire that they have an island, that would be perfect to rehome the dinosaurs where they can be safe. The only difficulty they have now is capturing Blue, the sole survivor of the raptor pack. Claire goes to see Owen to convince him. While Claire leaves without Owen committing either way - he does show up for the chartered flight that Claire, Zia and Franklin are taking to go to the island. While they are there, they learn the truth of the situation. Eli Mills has no intention to save the dinosaurs but to sell them at auction. Claire and Franklin are locked into a bunker while the volcano erupts, Owen having been shot with a tranquillizer and Zia being taken with Wheatley, a big game hunter, in order to care and heal an injured Blue. As Owen, Claire and Franklin try to escape for the exploding volcano, Claire and Franklin end up in an empty gyrosphere before Owen can get in and they are sent rolling over the ground towards the ocean. Franklin and Claire fly off the edge of a cliff and into the water, they eventually free themselves from the gryosphere. They find a way to sneak onto the boat as it leaves and hide out as the boat makes it’s way back to the Lockwood estate. They rejoin with Zia and help to save Blue from her wounds.                 - Eli attempts to lock Maisie, Lockwood’s granddaughter, in her room after she discovers the horrible creature which Henry Wu and Eli have created. However Benjamin asks to see her and she tells him the truth. When Benjamin confronts Eli and demands he put an end to it, Eli kills him.                  - Claire and Owen are caught trying to sneak in and locked away in a cage. With the help of a dinosaur they are able to break out and run into Maisie, who has learned the truth of her existence and that she in fact a clone of Lockwood’s daughter (*edit: june, 2022. even after watching this movie mulitple times, I am still not confident on where to place this in the timeline given that the picture looks like it’s from the 70′s but there’s no other indication of when Lockwood would have brought his daughter to Jurassic Park based off his comment to Maisie about her ‘mom’ having loved visiting the park). As they try to find a way out, they finally see Wu and Mills’s creation. The Indoraptor. Which, through releasing Stiggy into the crowd, Owen is able to trap within the auction room. However it is let out by mistake by Wheatley who returns to the room and is then killed. The Indoraptor stalks and eats the people he finds, chasing Owen, Claire and Maisie through the Lockwood Mansion.             - In a final stand off between Owen, Claire and Blue, the Indoraptor is taken down and dies on the horns of triceratops. Zia and Franklin reunite with Owen, Claire and Maisie and inform them that poisonous gas is killing the dinosaurs still trapped in the building. Claire opens up the cages, planning on releasing them into the woods but changes her mind, realizing the consequences of releasing dinosaurs into the rest of the world. But it is Maisie who hits the button and releases them. Eli Mills is killed in the aftermath by the T-Rex and the remaining dinosaurs are released into the woods of Northern California. Blue being one of them.         - Maisie is taken under the care of Claire and Owen. 
-     2019; The Department of  Prehistoric Wildlife (DPW) is created. They are a global organization that “publishes up to date reports on dinosaur encounters, user submitted sightings and vital information to facilitate the co-existence of humans and dinosaurs.” They work with scientists, conservationists and paleo-veterinarians around the world. Anyone can submit pictures, videos and other sightings via social media etc and you can also keep track of sightings around the globe via their website dinotracker. (Their twitter account is created at this time but does not start posting until May 10, 2022. )                    - Through their twitter feed is numerous sightings including mentions of Dino-Spray, Dino sighting tours, images from the 1997 escape of the T Rex.                      - There are also short videos discussing certain types of Dinosaurs from Doctor Alan Grant, Doctor Ellie Sattler and Doctor Ian Grant.
     - September; there is a stand off between several dinosaurs at the campsite Big Rock. (*short released in 2019 called battle at big rock)
-     2021; November - DPW attempts to subdue or sedate a T-Rex as it comes across a drive in theather. ( The Prologue for Jurassic World Dominion released 11/23/2021)
-     2022; 
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ordear · 6 years
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        what’s the cosmos, but a little closet space ?
CLAIRE BEATRICE DEARING entered the world of galactic politics with pure intentions; from humble beginnings, a little girl living in a house well beyond the outskirts of Elysium’s capital city, with her parents, and her older sister. Born in 2153. She loved animals. She loved people. She had a bug collection (expired from natural causes, of course), and organized scrapbooks with such minimalist hyper-efficiency, she turned it into a modest entrepreneurial business to earn money that helped finance her contributions to her high school committee as student body president.  Elysium, as a colony, is a diverse “melting pot” of sentient species, mostly human and asari. Due to the fact that half of Elysium's population is nonhuman, requiring extra screening procedures, security there is very tight----- which only increased after 2176, when the colony was attacked by a large force of mercenaries and pirates under the command of Elanos Haliat in what would become known as the Skyllian Blitz;  Claire was attending university as a sophomore in Illyria, at the time. Her father was a retired Commissioner for the Illyria City Police Department; she had received basic training and handling of firearms from him, even had a license to carry. She had managed to defend herself and aid others during the attack, before the slavers were valiantly repelled by Alliance forces. The experience had put things into perspective, to say the least. The aftermath was arguably worse, inciting attrition, fear-induced prejudice and unjust immigration policies targeting batarian and krogan denizens. Claire’s leg was injured, and while it was not crippling, it had affected her performance as a college track and field runner.
Claire was idealistic, but she was also shrewd. Pragmatic. She understood that in order for real change to happen, she could not just join a charitable non-for-profit organization, or become an activist-------   change required power,  and that power was in politics. Money. She majored in political science, graduated with honors, and, at the age of 19, was accepted into a paid internship with Masrani Global and its subsidiary company, Interplanetary Genetics Incorporated/Technologies (InGen); owned by Simon Masrani, Masrani Global is a massive conglomerate corporate entity with a plethora of successful business ventures in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Colonization and Exploration, Mining and Energy, Weapons/Personal Defense and Private Military, and Architectural Engineering Construction. Masrani Global and its intergalactic genetics company offered her an opportunity she had wanted more than anything, at the time. The megacorporation was incredibly influential across the sol system, citadel space, and the outer rim. They had connections. They had power. They have helped people, from providing constructions and resources for budding colonies, to saving endangered and extinct animal species (especially Earth animals) through their advanced genetic engineering and cloning technology.
By the time she had graduated college, a career was already waiting for her at Interplanetary Genetics Technologies. By 2183, she was their corporate representative and assets manager, overseeing the productivity of the company’s divisions and research funding. InGen’s Security Division, in particular, was affiliated with the Citadel Council as an esteemed private security contractor and paramilitary service. Because of her experience with various species and interplanetary politics, Claire became a mediator for business relationships between Masrani Global and the Citadel Council species and their governments.
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“There’s always been this thirst in me…this desire for adventure that comes only with the kind of risks I rarely take. I talk myself out of dangerous things more often than I do them. Careful Claire------- that’s me. What would happen if I weren’t so careful? Just once? Who could I be? What could I do?"
Masrani Global becomes a major contributor and investor in Jian Garson’s Andromeda Initiative. Claire, in particular, genuinely believed in the project. For once, she wasn’t Careful Claire. She was appointed to the project as an operations manager and corporate representative, handling InGen’s investments and resources contributed to the Andromeda Initiative, and working closely with Jian Garson, who became a great source of inspiration to her. Other candidates and associates included Baron “Barry” Dumont: a French interplanetary zoologist, Owen Grady: a former N7 special forces operator and certified xenoanthropologist, Henry Wu: a highly skilled geneticist/bioengineer who contributed to the genetic therapy which prepared the Initiative’s denizens for extensive cryostasis... and lastly Simon Masrani himself, a benefactor and open supporter of the initiative.
Tragically, Simon Masrani perished on the Nexus, after his cryo-pod was allegedly damaged when the Scourge hit. Barry was stationed on the Asari Ark, Leusinia, and is currently missing.  Owen was stationed in the Turian Ark, Natanus, and is also missing. Claire remained on the Hyperion, but would later contribute her skills as an assets manager on the Nexus upon awakening from cryo-sleep.
Claire had left her parents, sister, and nephews behind to see the Andromeda Initiative through. When she wakes up from cryostasis, and nothing is going as planned, it’s a devastating disillusionment. However, she perseveres, and does whatever she can to restore order.  Currently, Claire offers her services to the Common Area of the Nexus, a docking area for incoming ships, and a central hub for social activity, immigration, and commerce. She can be found in the Tech Lab for research and development, with Henry Wu. She actively works to assist superintendent Nakmor Kesh, helping the krogan engineer to keeping the Nexus functional, which includes maintaining systems, integrating any returning arks, and overseeing construction efforts. 
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jurassicparkpodcast · 6 years
'The Evolution of Claire' Review | By: Tom Fishenden
BE ADVISED: The following article contains spoilers for The Evolution of Claire.
Several years after Michael Crichton’s iconic Jurassic Park and The Lost World laid the foundations for the sprawling Jurassic movie verse that Universal Pictures have built, we finally get to build even more Jurassic lore in a novel format. This time, through Tess Sharpe’s The Evolution of Claire.
The Evolution of Claire falls nicely within the gap between Jurassic Park III and Jurassic World – exploring the story of a young Claire Dearing, and how she is an intern on Isla Nublar during the construction of the Jurassic World resort. The book is a fantastic deep dive into Claire’s character – explaining beautifully how the traumas and effects of a dangerous Nublar shape Claire into the cold, calculating and clinical character we meet in Jurassic World before Owen can break through her layers and reveal more of the slightly vulnerable, more sensitive character who we first meet in the beginning chapters of this novel. The Evolution of Claire does a fantastic job of really exploring Claire’s character – delving into how she behaves, and why she behaves the way we she does. Tess has done a fantastic job in working in conjunction with both Universal and Bryce Dallas Howard herself to really align the Claire in the novel with the Claire we see on screen. The novel helps add context and explanation to Claire’s actions, and helps to provide a fulfilling backstory which really compliments the Claire we see fighting sharply for animal’s rights in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
However, The Evolution of Claire doesn’t just focus solely on Claire Dearing – as much as the name may suggest otherwise. We have a whole cast of rich and diverse characters – some new, some returning – who really help to carry the story and build real, strong emotional connections with the story as it unfolds. We have Claire’s fellow interns – from the snobby, brat-like Wyatt (Whom I’m sure we can all compare to someone during our time at school), to the more desperate characters like Tanya and her twin brother Eric, who are on Isla Nublar for far more nefarious reasons. Like the Biosyn plot of the original Jurassic Park – where Lewis Dodgson paid Nedry to obtain embryos from the original site, in The Evolution of Claire, Tanya and Eric are being forced to steal specifications and technology from the new Masrani Global facility on Nublar – all for a rival medical science company who have technology which will save their sister’s life, for a price. This kind of ethical question comes into play towards the end of the novel, but really makes the reader think about technology and all its relevant applications – both good and bad. It also leads to the most traumatizing area of the book – an area focused around the character of Justin.
Justin is introduced as a cute, slightly-geeky character around Claire’s age with similar interests and a passion for business. He instantly hits off with Claire, and the two form quite the small romance which we gradually see grow as we explore the book further. It’s your typical teenage romance – all nerves and bumbling along, but it is well written and really serves to build and elevate both characters and their investments in the park further. It is this sparking romance that impacts us most when reading the novel – as it all goes horrifically wrong. Whilst trying to re-route the power to collect paddock information for the rival technology firm, Eric and Tanya accidentally unlock a Velociraptor which has just been transported to Isla Nublar from Isla Sorna – which is explained to be a hatching ground much like in the days of John Hammond. However, whilst attempting to escape the paddock to relative safety, Justin ultimately sacrifices himself – dying at the claws of the Velociraptor so that Claire may escape. It is this act of sacrifice that shocks readers – and helps to form the traumatized and clinical Claire we met in Jurassic World so well. Seeing an intern die was a shock – and it is a shock which was pleasantly surprising as I did not expect such chaos from a Jurassic World prequel novel.
It is here that it feels appropriate to move onto Simon Masrani’s character – as we learn a lot about his character within this novel. One of the driving components of Claire is finding a previous intern’s journal – despite being told they were the first group. This leads to the discovery of an algae which is harming the Brachiosaurs – but also to the discovery of a cover up, which we ultimately learn, lead to the death of a previous intern and the covering up of their first intern group. It is through these actions, and the dialogue with Masrani towards the end of the novel, that we learn a lot more about this kind and caring man – and the burden of sacrifice and loss upon him. He feels deeply whenever something goes wrong and whenever somebody dies – but he also feels that it is important to not let death ruin somebody’s legacy. In the case of the missing intern, Isobel – Masrani decided that it was better to cover up her death because she truly cared for the dinosaurs – and wanted them to bring happiness to people across the world. Masrani makes the hard decision to cover her death up because, in doing so, he allows her legacy to live on and grow throughout the park. The Evolution of Claire does a fantastic job of building upon Masrani – developing his ethics whilst also showing how the world of business is sometimes murky and blurred. His character in the Novel really adds to the Masrani we meet in Jurassic World, and to Tess’s credit, I feel as though Masrani is arguably one of the most beautifully written characters within the whole book.
We also get to revisit Henry Wu within the novel – and the novel adds a little bit more humanity to Wu’s character, exploring how the events of the first park perhaps effected Wu a little bit more than he lets on. His persistence to create more of these creatures to honour his colleague’s deaths adds a lot more to his persistent cause – and helps to make more sense of his character’s lapses of judgement within Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Wu is, fundamentally, continuing mad science to honour his fallen comrades. The story also introduces a couple of fun park workers – the most memorable being Bertie, an animal trainer who works with the T-Rex, Brachiosaurs and Triceratops, and Oscar – who is a dark, security-focussed individual not too dis-similar from Lambert within Jurassic World Evolution. Adding these additional characters does a fantastic job in adding personality to the Jurassic World we see within the films – reminding us that everyone from the security staff on main street to the paddock workers at the Raptor Pen had a story – and had something which they would have done within the run up to Jurassic World’s opening. It’s interesting as in some areas, I feel as if Tess has opened the flood gates – showing exactly how much scope for additional and meaningful story telling there is within this universe.
The story also feels fulfilling – exploring how different areas of the park have been worked on and why certain features and functions exist. We gain insight into different components – from the construction of the Monorail and how the Mosasaur was a late addition to Jurassic World, to the development of certain paddocks and enclosures, and how the processes to transfer animals were created. Nothing here ever feels forced for the sake of fan appreciation. Everything Tess includes within the story feels logical and conclusive – and really speaks volumes of the kind of faults, errors and corrections that a real theme park may encounter before launch day. You can tell that Tess worked hard to research existing source material in addition to real-life attractions, and the result is a story which feels logical and crucially – makes sense when grounded within the Jurassic Lore. We gain a lot of insight in a short amount of time – and you walk away from this book really longing for more. I want to see more of how Jurassic World was constructed. The roundup of dinosaurs. The capture and sedation of them. This book answers so many questions and adds so much context, whilst at the same time – opening so many more questions. These are questions which I can only hope Universal are willing to invest in – allowing us to get more novels and canonical materials in the future
The book isn’t perfect. Towards the end, the developments perhaps feel a little bit rushed – with a lot happening in a short span of time. And, some characters – such as Vic Hoskins, for example, do not make appearances. But – this could be because there is ample room to tell more stories including these characters soon. What Tess Sharpe has done is produce a fantastic and insightful prequel to Jurassic World. The novel builds upon many characters we already know whilst adding new ones – and everything feels organic and appropriate to the universe. The Evolution of Claire is a fantastic novel – and I hope that it is the start of many more to come under the Jurassic banner.
Don't miss our podcast review below!
Article written by: Tom Fishenden
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nerdcalendar · 8 years
February 16, 1973 - Sanjay Masrani Establishes the Masrani Global Corporation
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The Masrani Global Corporation was founded by Sanjay Masrani on February 16, 1973. Initially conceived as a telecommunications company, Masrani spent ten years developing the Mascom technology, successfully becoming a household name in India by 1983. When Sanjay Masrani died in 1992, the company was passed down to his son, Simon.
Simon Masrani began diversifying the company’s holdings, in particular in the energy sector. By 1996, Masrani Global owned several oil rigs in Abu Dhabi. In 1997, after the untimely death of John Hammond, Masrani purchased the InGen Corporations, and with them, the technology and patents required to clone dinosaurs. They began constructing their most ambitious, and eventually most profitable, project: Jurassic World.
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(Jurassic World, 2015) (source)
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csrgood · 4 years
The TD Community Resilience Initiative Allocates $25 Million to Organizations Engaged In COVID-19 Response and Community Recovery
TD Bank Group (TD) yesterday introduced the TD Community Resilience Initiative, a comprehensive program that includes funding, employee engagement and on-going collaboration with organizations and community groups across TD's operating footprint that are critical now and into the future. With global economies in historic decline, many of them have been directly impacted just when society needs them the most.
Through the TD Community Resilience Initiative, part of the TD Ready Commitment, the Bank's corporate citizenship platform, TD will allocate $25 million (CAD) to help strengthen community resilience today and into the future.
"Across society, lives are being disrupted in unprecedented ways and TD stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the communities we serve," said Bharat Masrani, Group President and CEO, TD Bank Group. "Our purpose is to enrich lives, and in this critical moment we want to be there to help those who will deliver the care, services and support that millions will need to overcome today's challenges and thrive once again."
Initial funding through the TD Community Resilience Initiative will include:
$13 million toward philanthropy efforts across our communities and in alignment with the TD Ready Commitment's four drivers (Connected Communities, Vibrant Planet, Financial Security and Better Health), including support for:
Existing TD-supported community organizations to fund immediate, short-term needs and help save not-for-profit jobs at risk due to funding shortfalls
A redirection of funds to regional community banking offices to allow for a more local response to regional COVID-19 impacts in Canada and in the U.S.
Donation to the United Way Local Love Fund to help fill gaps created by the increased and changing demand for services created by the COVID-19 pandemic
Community initiatives that focus on helping to support individuals' financial security, including income stability and affordable housing
Community initiatives that help support healthcare workers, including $1 million to The Frontline Fund to assist Canadian frontline healthcare workers with supplies, supports and research funding to fight COVID-19; and $1 million to the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres and the U.S.-based National Association of Community Health Centers to support their work with those most vulnerable in society
$2 million matching grants program, to amplify the impact of TD colleague donations to organizations that support COVID-19 relief
$10 million through the TD Ready Challenge, an annual program that supports organizations developing innovative solutions for the benefit of society, which will be dedicated to pandemic recovery in 2020. Details to be announced later this Spring.
"COVID-19 has demonstrated how health, social and economic needs are intrinsically linked," said Andrea Barrack, Global Head, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship, TD Bank Group. "The TD Ready Commitment was built on that premise, recognizing that strong communities will lead to a more inclusive future for all."
The not-for-profit sector is a significant economic driver, employing 2.4 million Canadians, according to Statistics Canada, and 12.3 million Americans, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics Canada estimates that the sector contributes 8.5% of Canada's GDP, more than the Canadian retail trade industry. In the United States, the sector contributes to nearly 5.4% (almost $1 trillion) to its GDP, according to the National Center for Charitable Statistics.
About the TD Ready Commitment
TD has a long-standing commitment to enriching the lives of its customers, colleagues and communities. As part of its corporate citizenship platform, the TD Ready Commitment, TD is targeting CDN $1 billion (US $775 million) in total by 2030 towards community giving in four areas critical to opening doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow – Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities and Better Health. Through the TD Ready Commitment, TD aspires to link its business, philanthropy and human capital to help people feel more confident - not just about their finances, but also in their ability to achieve their personal goals in a changing world. For further information, visit td.com/tdreadycommitment.
About TD Bank Group
The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Group ("TD" or the "Bank"). TD is the sixth largest bank in North America by branches and serves over 26 million customers in three key businesses operating in a number of locations in financial centres around the globe: Canadian Retail, including TD Canada Trust, TD Auto Finance Canada, TD Wealth (Canada), TD Direct Investing, and TD Insurance; U.S. Retail, including TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank®, TD Auto Finance U.S., TD Wealth (U.S.), and an investment in TD Ameritrade; and Wholesale Banking, including TD Securities. TD also ranks among the world's leading online financial services firms, with more than 13 million active online and mobile customers. TD had CDN$1.5 trillion in assets on January 31, 2020. The Toronto-Dominion Bank trades under the symbol "TD" on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges.
SOURCE: TD Bank Group
For further information: Media Contact: Heather Reinsborough, [email protected], 647-405-2660
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/45070-The-TD-Community-Resilience-Initiative-Allocates-25-Million-to-Organizations-Engaged-In-COVID-19-Response-and-Community-Recovery?tracking_source=rss
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iyarpage · 6 years
9 Fictional Websites Reviewed
There’s a moment that every tech nerd in every corner of the tech industry knows all too well. It’s that moment when you see that some movie or TV show has decided that your area of tech is relevant to the story, and by golly they plan to butcher it in the cheapest and most simplified way possible.
(This is your yearly reminder that CSI: Cyber was a thing, and that NCIS once had two people type on the same keyboard to “hack faster”.)
Oh dear God…why?
Thankfully, the representation of web design hasn’t been nearly as ham-fisted as that of information security. Sure, there are plenty of badly designed websites in movies and TV, but it’s getting better. Some may hate to hear this, but we probably have pre-made templates and frameworks to thank for that, because it now requires less effort to create a passable-looking prop site.
For the heck of it, I went down memory lane (and did some Googling, if you must know) to list some of the best and worst web design that our fictional universes have to offer. Some of them exist only in fleeting screenshots of shows, while others have real, live builds up right now. Some exist in both worlds.
Here they are, for your enjoyment. (Note: Some of these are old, and not all have working HTTPS. Just sayin’.)
1. Chumhum
Ah, The Good Wife. Was it a bit soap-ish? Yes. Was it also littered with stunning performances by amazing actors? Was the sometimes-over-the-top drama balanced by interesting characters, and genuinely hilarious moments? Yes to all of that.
Protagonist Alicia Florrick represents a tech company or two in the show, and many plot points revolve around web technology and the information age. One of the most notorious examples is that of Chumhum, a Google stand-in that copies the dead-simple aesthetic, but adds a cuddly mascot. The screenshot featured here is of a live mockup that is integrated with DuckDuckGo, a search engine with a mascot of its own.
My ranking: I can’t fault the UX or aesthetics for much beyond maybe the small height of the text box. I mean, how complicated do you want your search?
2. Trask Industries
In X-Men: Days of Future Past, Trask Industries is a corporation dedicated to dealing with “the mutant menace”. For all that, their website looks like a fairly standard corporate presentation-style site with a heavy emphasis on background video and simple animation.
My ranking: It’s a bit JavaScript-heavy for my personal taste, but the aesthetic itself feels understated in a clam and professional way. I am gonna give it extra points just for the photos/video of Peter Dinklage, and say this is one of the better ones.
3. Masrani Global Corporation
The Masrani Global Corporation site (from Jurassic World) has a sort of low-key corporate feel like Trask Industries, and much less in the way of fancy flourishes. It feels a lot like a premade template.
My ranking: It’s rather middle-of-the-road. While perfectly serviceable, it feels like they spent about as much money refining the details of their site as they did on not letting dinosaurs eat people. It loses a couple more points for having a splash video. Seriously, who does that? People who are bad with dinosaur security, that’s who.
4. Pawnee
The City of Pawnee’s website (Parks and Recreation) is what you get when you use a government budget on the cheapest, oldest HTML 4 template you can find. It’s got illustrations, very small photos, very little in the way of typography, and even less in the way of layout.
My ranking: As a website, it’s terrible. And because it’s terrible, it’s the perfect prop. It’s exactly what you’d expect a small-town website originally built in the ‘90s (probably) to look like.
5. Pied Piper
Let’s bring it to the tech sector with Silicon Valley. This is Pied Piper’s website. It’s simple, it’s corporate, and it all looks exactly like it was designed by a developer who has a general idea of how modern websites look, but hasn’t practiced a lot.
My ranking: As a website, it gets the job done. What really sells that “designed by a developer” feel for me is the typography. It has all the basic elements of a good website without the polish you get with experience.
6. War of 1996
Ah Independence Day 2. It’s a perfectly mediocre movie with a website to match. The design is presentational and modern, but kind of stuck in the ‘90s. I feel like that’s appropriate, though, since web design and many other aesthetic disciplines might stagnate with interstellar war on the horizon.
My ranking: It loses points for auto-playing audio, even if it’s epic music and that fantastic Independence Day speech from the first movie. It’s alright, otherwise.
7. Save Walter White
The Save Walter White website (Breaking Bad) looks like it was built with GeoCities in mind. Since it’s supposed to have been built by Walter’s son, who is most decidedly not a professional. He just wants to save his dad. I think we can let this one slide.
My ranking: It’s awful. It’s ugly. That’s appropriate.
8. John Watson’s Blog
John Watson’s Blog was created to market the BBC’s Sherlock. While it certainly wasn’t a perfect show, they did pay great attention to detail in crafting the world. This would include what appears to be a standard blog theme that could run on any platform.
My ranking: It’s one more of those sites that I couldn’t call “pretty”, but it doesn’t need to be. It needs to hold words and make them readable.
9. Grade my Teacher
Last, and definitely least, we come to Grade my Teacher from How I Met Your Mother. This one doesn’t even warrant a ranking. It’s abominable. It’s an image mockup on a repeating background. Approximately half an hour of Photoshop work went into this, and then they called it a day.
Look, if it was just going to be a static prop (nothing wrong with that), why would they bother making it live? This low-effort “website” should have stayed purely fictional.
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Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} 9 Fictional Websites Reviewed published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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islanublar · 4 years
Investors: Masrani Global
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Masrani is one of the world's most successful corporations, with portfolios in both the commercial and industrial sectors and services spanning telecommunications, oil production, biological engineering, and construction. Generating a total profit of over $800 million in the 2014 fiscal year, Masrani can credit vision and innovation in its successes over the last two decades with CEO Simon Masrani at the helm.
Since the Masrani Global Corporation's NASDAQ market debut in 2000, Masrani has witnessed growth to over 70,000 team members, 250,000 shareholders from all across the world, and a list of stakeholders growing every day. Masrani is a significant global employer and CEO Simon Masrani has led from the top through acts of philanthropy and community engagement.
Investors have much to gain with the Masrani Corporation. Being one of NASDAQ 100 and Fortune 500 companies, 2014 saw a share price index increase of 13.2% from Q1 to Q4. With the world's best market analysts driving the corporation’s financial sectors, you can be assured that you're investing in the future with Masrani.
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NASDAQ MSRN (YTD): The above graph represents the year-to-date share-price index for MSRN on the NASDAQ market since Janurary 1, 2015.
NASDAQ Share Price Index: $158.12* -3.36 ⇓ 2.08%
As one of the leading Fortune 500 companies, Masrani Global has continued to advance and excel in major markets around the world. America, Asia, Europe and Australasia, no region has been left untouched. Having overseen a magnificent year in our two leading fields - namely genetics and research & development - we have set our sights on improving on new horizons.
Since its inauguration in 2005, Jurassic World has captivated millions around the globe. By 2015 we are expecting our 10 millionth visitor to Isla Nublar. For investors, that spells success.
What does 2015 hold? We have a world-class genetics and research and development team who have some ideas that will take genetics to the next level. Using InGen technology, combined with Masrani innovation, the world is ours to make and enjoy. I wish all of you the best as we head into a new era.
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Chief Executive Officer: Simon Masrani reflects on an encouraging start to the 2014-15 financial year.
The Masrani Global Corporation posted one the most successful years in its history during the 2014 financial year, thanks in large part to investments in more sustainable energy technologies early in Q2. Now the world's 12th richest company, Masrani Global entered the 2015 fiscal year valued at 562.15 billion dollars.
Despite Masrani Oil's L-12 hiccup in August, 2014 was a year for investors to largely celebrate. Starting off Q1 with a share price index of $159.12, Masrani Global (NASDAQ: MSRN) continued its steady rise ending the year on a high of $180.12 after a series of innovative technological approaches. For the eighth year in a row, Masrani Global showed why it is one of the world's safest investments - with a net profit of 822.38 million dollars and a positive share price index increase of 13.2% over FY2014.
Simon Masrani was optimistic on the future prospects of the workforce. "We recently set up the Masrani scholarship program, which has assisted top graduates find positions within our companies all over the world", he said from Masrani's recently renovated offices in Shanghai. "We encourage our interns to think with fresh and open minds. If someone has a good idea, it needs to be nurtured. Some of the world's most successful ventures have come from young talent who just hung onto one unique idea. This is where the true future investment of Masrani lays."
2014 saw the continued investment of assets within the industrial (Masrani Oil, Timack Construction) and technological (InGen, Tatsu Technology) fields. While the overall intention was to focus on new technologies, sharing of information across subsidiaries was the underlying philosophy.
"Last year was one of scientific advancement", said Mr. Richard Wiesner, COO of Masrani Global. "We witnessed various subsidiaries working with each other to bring about the most exciting innovations the world has yet to see. Mascom launched satellites carrying Tatsuo processors, Analysys provided data that helped Medixal drive innovative healthcare, and Axis Boulder helped Masrani Oil make advances in sustainability."
Dr. Henry Wu, Lead Geneticist of InGen Technologies, was also excited about the future prospects of Jurassic World. Speaking from a scientific convention in Chicago, he said, "Thanks to the changing nature of genetics and the limitless power of the human imagination, we can now push boundaries that were once considered to be decades away."
Wiesner credited Jurassic World's latest success to Simon Masrani's recent announcement of the new Indominus rex attraction. “Since opening we've seen online bookings skyrocket” he explained. “2015 is going to be a fantastic year for Jurassic World."
InGen Technologies temporarily closed down two of its mines in Argentina to focus on its Martel expedition in Siberia, a move that has so far yielded an abundance of highly preserved carcasses. Despite the exciting finds, Dr. Henry Wu has held back on speculating whether Jurassic World might be including recreated assets from the Cenozoic Era. "Right now we are focused on the construction of the world's most complete genomic library", Dr. Wu reiterated. "But if the world tells us that's what they want to see, we're more than prepared."
FY2013 Report
Masrani continued it's trend since 2008 to post billion dollar profits over the financial year. Now a $521.42 multi-billion corporation, Masrani Globlal is on the verge of being one of the world's top 10 companies by 2020 should current market predictions continue.
Showing no change in course for the last four years, Masrani Global (NASDAQ: MSRN) continued to set its high standards for 2013. Showing a steady incline, starting off the year in Q1 with a share price index of $138.52 and ending the year at Q4 on a high of $159.12 after rumors of further investment in InGen resources.
Hiring an additional 4,000 staff over the course of the year, Masrani looked to increase its workforce in the United Arab Emirates, with an upgraded oil refinary expecting to be completed in early 2014. With a workforce age of just under 32 years of age, Marani Global is one of the most proactive workforces in the world looking in every corner for fresh talent.
Thanks to a scholarship program with Masrani, young college students excelling in their studies can now take up internships in field offices around the globe. With inauguration set for December 2014, the Masrani scholarship program has so far seen over 80,000 applications in its first year alone.
In the last two years further investment of assets within the industrial (Masrani Oil, Timack Construction) and technological (InGen, Tatsu Technology) fields continued to be made, exciting investors with new technologies and greater profits.
"Scientific advancement is something that cannot be compromised on", said Simon Masrani. "In today's world the competition is great, and with much at stake, and with the power to deliver, we find ourselves in a unique position to deliver technical advancement capabilities that go beyond the imagination."
Despite scientific advancements, Jurassic World continued to spark debate. Within the last three years, despite visitor rates climbing, the peak in numbers continued to appear during the American school holiday season, where staff on Isla Nublar are operating at 100% capacity.
Masrani Corporation's Chief Operations Officer Mr. Richard Wiesner described the year's success as merely acceptable. "You can't expect the world's greatest theme park to merely rely on the same attractions. We need to be proactive, thinking of bigger and better things. Isla Nublar only peaks in attendance during the American holiday season. Why? Proximity. The world has seen what we have to offer, but they aren't in awe as they once used to be. We need to change that. We have a chance to over the upcoming few years."
Despite speculations in the media that Jurassic World might be seen as a slowing attraction, investors can enjoy last month's announcement of a further 300 hotel rooms to be built on the island. Some big plans are coming, so stay tuned in 2014.
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Last 4 FY Profit: Masrani Corporation profit in millions of dollars.
Following in the footsteps of my father to make his company into a global corporation has been a lifelong goal. I have nothing but the investors of this company to thank, for they have joined me in this vision.
Simon Masrani - Chief Executive Officer, Masrani
The success that this company has given back to its investors has been incredible. It is something that other companies strive to replicate, but often can't deliver. Masrani has set new investment standards.
Richard Wiesner - Chief Operations Officer, Masrani
The pleasure it gives me to see that with every building we construct is another addition to help the global economy is greatly satisfying. With 8,000 workers, we all look forward to building the future.
Anthony Leigh - Director of Operations, Timack Construction
With Masrani Energy in Abu Dhabi, our workers come from diverse backgrounds with diverse skills, all towards one common goal - to build on the success of the Masrani corporation.
Jennifer Oliver - HR Manager, Masrani Energy
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islanublar · 4 years
/ˈvɪʒən/ (noun): the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
/ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ (noun): the process of featuring new methods; advanced and original.
/səkˈsɛs/ (noun): the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
Timack Construction
Established in 2002 for the purpose of construction on Jurassic World, Timack Construction have since gone on to specializing in renowned commercial building constructions.
Axis Boulder
Based in Dubai, Axis Boulder Engineering was established in 2000 by the Masrani company to assist in the design processes of many of Masrani's civil and mechanical interests.
Medixal Health
With headquarters in New York and operations throughout the United States, Medixal Health own and operate more than 32 teaching and research hospitals across North America.
Data Analysys
Advisory data solutions for audit and assurance reports, no matter how large or small. Based out of Johannesberg, Data Analysys have operated since 1996.
Aerospace Dynamix
Leading the way in aeronautical engineering, research, and design since their establishment in France in 2007. Company focus is on wing-design and production.
Tatsuo Technology
Tatsuo Technology, operating in Japan since 1984, are a chip-set design and manufacturing company. Acquired in 2011, Tatsuo have been focusing on next generation processors.
Masrani Global Offices: Major offices of the Masrani Global Corporation and its subsidary companies located throughout the world.
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islanublar · 4 years
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InGen Security. Direct. Alert. Safe.
"There is a reason why we have the safest theme park in the world. We’ve hired the best field professionals in every discipline to ensure Jurassic World’s success — that includes security." - Simon Masrani
From innovations in drone technology to the introduction of cold-signature mapping in satellite surveillance, InGen Security has been at the forefront of peacekeeping and contingency services in every corner of the world over the last decade.
Headed by Mr. Vic Hoskins, InGen Security has evolved from a once small, private service into a vibrant multi-national security organization of the highest caliber. Vehicle modifications and military training are just some of the operations at the very core of the company’s expertise.
"Becoming a part of the InGen Security team is something to aspire to”, says Hugh Winchester — Director of InGen Security’s Training Division. “We train cadets from the ground level and turn them into fully-certified military personnel who can handle themselves in unique combat situations."
With a decade of excellence awards for safety, the security teams at InGen have a strict understanding of the environment and risks behind operating the world’s greatest theme park. Protected by a trained force, state-of-the-art equipment and Mascom-inspired communication technology, your visit to Jurassic World will be a treasured and secure experience.
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InGen Security: An Asset Containment Unit officer stands watch at Isla Nublar's Jurassic World.
InGen Security: No Laughing Matter.
With the number of reported Central American poaching vessels increasing in the Meurtes Archipelago over the last year, InGen’s security division, headed by Vic Hoskins, has been busy ramping up operations in the Gulf of Fernandez.
"We don’t have the capacity to take things for granted around here”, Vic says. “While some of our work is assisting the staff at Jurassic World, we also have a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations to monitor activity on Isla Nublar and its neighboring islands."
Poachers have been known to risk their own lives working in the service of ruthless collectors. It has also been reported that some individuals have been responsible for mishandling captured specimens, with disturbing hospitalization cases on the Costa Rican mainland.
"This area of the world is controlled by a multi-national coalition, and our Asset Containment teams spearhead keeping this region safe and protected. With the use of state-of-the-art equipment and communication technology provided through partnerships with various Masrani Global subsidiaries, we can do just that."
A seasoned security contractor, Vic Hoskins was involved in overseeing the infamous flying reptile "cleanup" operation over Canada in 2001. Due to the professionalism his team displayed, he was hired personally by Simon Masrani to re-develop InGen’s Security Division, which helped oversee the protection of workers on Isla Nublar during Jurassic World’s construction.
Since 2012, Vic Hoskins has been actively involved in overseeing InGen Security’s IBRIS Project.
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Head of Security: Mr. Vic Hoskins, of InGen, has overseen redevelopment of the company's security standards and protocols to make InGen a recognized name amongst leading global paramilitary organizations.
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InGen Security has placed a high importance in the role of peacekeeping. In its personalized training program, officers are taught on the philosophy of political impartiality. InGen peacekeepers further provide security and political support to help countries and regions make the challenging, initial progression from conflict to peace.
"Peacekeeping isn't just about the political environment", InGen Head of Security - Vic Hoskins adds. "Through our partnership with the United Nations Security Council, we have been able to focus on the protection of civilians, human rights, and environmental sustainability in the numerous-affected regions we have been involved in."
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Drone Operation
Since 2007, InGen Security have been developing drone technology with Masrani Global subsidary Aerospace Dynamix and the Mascom Network. Through innovative efforts in wing-design and real-time communications, InGen's CT-model drones have already caught the attention of the G20-major economies.
"In the last 10 years, warfare has changed on a larger scale than any time in humankind's recorded history", says Aerospace Dynamix CEO - Louis Mercier. "The ground soldier is becoming less of a major player out in the battlefield. Armies are investing more in drones and robotics as we see a shift in the methodologies of warfare."
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Contingency Services
Unpredictability is the only circumstance that is certain in any dangerous conflict or combat situation, and InGen Security heavily prides itself in this regard. Led by seasoned security contractor Vic Hoskins, InGen's quality, risk management, and contingency have seen reform in the areas of weapons manufacturing, vehicle modifications, and military training.
"Never undervalue the power of a 'Plan B', for it can mean the difference between resolution or disaster", says InGen Strategist - Drew Leggett. "Whether science, business, or security, contingency services should never be underestimated. What we have in 2015 is a lot different to what we had in 1992, and we are much better for it."
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islanublar · 4 years
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We make your future
InGen Tomorrow. Today.
InGen is all about tomorrow's technology, today. Ever since its founder Dr. John Parker Hammond dreamed up the idea to access prehistoric life from preserved DNA in fossilized amber, InGen's headquarters in San Diego, CA have been busy at work collecting the world's most comprehensive genomic library. Their work paved the way for the first prehistoric animal to be brought back to life in 1986 and since then have learned valuable lessons about control and environmental issues which have helped shape the company into what it is today.
The acquisition of InGen by Masrani in 1998 hasn't changed the scientific focus placed on the company, and CEO Simon Masrani has looked to experienced geneticist Dr. Henry Wu to guide the company ever since - with results often exceeding expectations for investors. Thanks to Masrani, InGen has been reinvented and is bringing tomorrow's science, today.
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InGen Assets Chart: The International Genetic Technologies figures above are represented in billions of dollars.
Laboratory: 84.5 Mining: 30.5 Security: 14.55 Infrastructure: 7.65 Vehicles: 5.95
Dr. Henry Wu leads the way for InGen Technologies.
After the unfortunate incident at Jurassic Park, Dr. Henry Wu returned to Isla Nublar in November of 1994 to assist the clean up teams in cataloging specimen numbers, and to identify exactly how the animals were breeding. Despite the island’s presence of seemingly same sex animals, it was the inclusion of amphibian DNA which he himself had underestimated. Dr. Wu noted that the inclusion of DNA sequences from several species of amphibians including the Common Reed Frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus) adapted extremely well to the cloned DNA of the dinosauria - eventually enabling the animals to change their sex through a chemical trigger which disintegrated the female organs to create male sex organs.
This event intrigued Dr. Wu and inspired him to write the book ‘The Next Step: An Evolution of God’s Concepts’ in 1995. Within its pages he included a theory claiming that, with the right tools and research, he could bring brand new species into fruition by the combination of various species. “Much like selective breeding within domestic animals,” he writes, “but with this, we would be combining several species into one new animal. Today's technological limitation means we are decades away from achieving this, maybe even fifty years away, but who knows, hopefully in my life time we could see it become a reality.”
By May of 1997 Dr. Wu and his research team at a financially struggling InGen had successfully combined several species of plant life together giving birth to the Karacosis wutansis (or Wu Flower) which gained world-wide media attention, including the attention of Simon Masrani - who incidentally acquired InGen the following year. The son of a close friend of the now late John Hammond, Simon Masrani promoted Dr. Wu within the ranks of the InGen company in December of 2000 and brought the scientist onto the Jurassic World project. Dr. Henry Wu was instantly looked at as a valued member of the Masrani company, proving his unique skill not only as a successful scientist, but a great visionary.
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Lead Genetic Biologist: Dr. Henry Wu, of InGen, stands behind a collection of amber samples collected from various InGen operated mines located all across the world.
1:  Extraction
The first step involves the extraction of DNA. InGen were the first to discover the potential behind extracting DNA from the fossilized remains of tens of millions year old mosquitos trapped in amber back in 1983. Over millions of years the amber has protected large amounts of the DNA inside the insect, albiet with gene sequence gaps.
2:  Sequencing
The slow decay rate means that there are enough preserved DNA sequences to construct a genome. Early specimens in the 1990s required weeks of gene gap sequencing to fill in missing DNA sequences. Thanks to additional funding from Masrani, the Hammond XB-20 can decode and correct the genome of any extinct creature in under an hour.
3:  Assembly
InGen biologists then take the constructed genome of the creature and insert it into an artificial host egg, synthesized according to the requirements of the animal. Synthetic proteins then ensure that the host has sufficient nutrition throughout its gestation in order to survive over the weeks until hatching.
4:  Hatchery
Scientists and animal veterinarians then work together to ensure that the gestation of the animal runs smoothly until hatching. The specimen eggs are carefully incubated at a specific temperature to allow for optimum growth. During the hatching process, a dedicated team of two scientists observe and record data during the birth.
5:  Nursery
InGen scientists undertake multiple tests at birth to ensure the animal is defect-free and that vitals are good. From there, the animal is handed directly over to veterinarians who assist the nurturing of the animal until it is released into an enclosure after three months. Scientists continue to monitor measured data of the animal.
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islanublar · 4 years
Lighting your future
Masrani Energy, powering the world's energy sector.
Established in the heart of Abu Dhabi, a port-city sitting in the middle of three continents, Masrani Energy has been sharing its resources to the rest of the world since 1996. In just a matter of less than a decade, Masrani Energy has seen its services expand from crude oil, natural gas production off the western coast of Australia, right through to the natural energy sources - namely wind, solar, and hydroelectric.
Today Masrani Energy powers an estimated 21% of the world's transportation sector - from automobiles, trucks and diesel trains to passenger aircraft. You can be rest assured that if your fuel is Masrani Energy, then you have invested in a company that is looking towards the future of sustainability in the energy sector. Masrani Energy - Lighting your future.
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Masrani Energy Assets Chart: The Masrani Energy Industries figures above are represented in billions of dollars.
Crude Oil: 122.4 HydroElectric: 18.9 Natural Gas: 17.2 Wind: 6.5 Solar: 6.2
Masrani Energy continues to set profit records.
Over the last 18 years, Masrani Energy has evolved from a regional enterprise bringing the Arabian and Indian oil industries together, to a global provider of traded petroleum. We operate in most of the world’s countries making products to fuel cites, transportation, and offer petrochemical ingredients that lead to hundreds of thousands of useful results.
"Rest assured if you drive, captain or command, you’ll be using Masrani Energy to do so", says Bakri Sarraf, Director of Operations at Masrani Energy's headquarters in Abu Dhabi. "We fuel 21% of the world’s transportation sector with plans to work with our competitors in order to help shape a future we can all be proud of. We aim to average a $125 billion per year investment from 2015 through to 2030, building upon our well established name."
Despite being one of the youngest oil companies in the world, Masrani Energy has defined itself as a force to be reckoned with, and its investors could not be any happier. With Masrani stock increasing ten-fold in just the first five years alone after the establishment of Masrani Oil in 1996, it is no surprise why Masrani Energy is seen as the shining light of the Masrani empire.
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Director of Operations: Bakri Sarraf, of Masrani Energy, gives a private demonstration to investors in Abu Dhabi highlighting Masrani's latest sustainability measures.
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Wind Energy
With an experimental wind energy trials set up in 1998, Masrani Energy has since been establishing wind energy farms across the world as a clean and efficient energy source. The Cerberus Array off the coast of the United Kingdom is one such example. Having been commissioned in 2013 the array currently powers 450MW of electricity from 120 turbines.
With a further $48 million invested in blade architecture in 2014, Masrani's Aerospace Dynamix team have been closely looking at the future of 3-bladed wind turbines. Having just been commissioned to provide wind-power solutions to South Africa, the Phillipines, and the south-west of Australia, the timing could not be more suitable.
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Solar Energy
With millions of investment in nanotechnological solar cell research, Masrani Energy has looked to be the leading provider of solar energy in the mid-21st century. By using the sun's natural radiant light and heat, Masrani has been able to establish a powerful solar research grid in China with several leading universities.
Masrani has a long-term goal of establishing solar energy in several major cities. "Solar energy has the most outstanding energy potential compared to all other energy sources", Bakri Sarraf explains. "We have a lot of sun here in the Middle East, so I don't see why one day businesses or even cars in Abu Dhabi can't be running purely off solar."
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Hydroelectric Energy
Using the power of water and gravity, Masrani Energy has been able to provide clean energy to cities from the power of hydroelectric dams in Europe since 2004. The Schwarz Dam in Germany, recently acquired by Masrani's Alternative Energies division, is one such supplier of energy with an incredible 2,000MW capacity.
The productivity of a dam is not always about the capacity of water-flow, which is why Axis Boulder engineers are working closely with Masrani Energy to engage in revolutionary hydroelectric turbines. The future of Masrani turbines will enable current dams to generate more electricity to meet the demand of the growing consumer population.
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islanublar · 4 years
Connection is key
Mascom, delivering communications since 1973.
Established in 1973 by Sanjay Masrani in India, Mascom was the satellite television pride of Asia - streaming over 45 channels up until 1992. After the untimely passing of its founder, Simon Masrani then took to the helm and guided his father's company further than it had ever been previously. By establishing a setup in cellular connectivity, Mascom was able to expand across the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, and Asian markets - from Dubai to Shanghai.
Today Mascom represents worldwide digital communication. In a world full of televisions, radios, mobile phones, satellite phones, internet, and navigation systems, you can be sure that somewhere and somehow the information you are receiving has come through one of the twenty-nine Mascom satellites circumnavigating the globe from Earth's exospheric layer. At Mascom, we are all about connecting you further. Connection is key.
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Satellites Chart: Please note that while the above total adds to 26 satellites, Mascom operates an additional 3 for internal company use.
Weather: 4 Cellular: 8 Navigation: 5 Surveillance: 5 Television: 7
Mascom leads the way for global networking.
The Mascom family has been the longest running sector of Masrani. Established in 1973 with the birth of the company it has gone on to conquer the world with its advancements in communications. From utilizing the concept of fiber-optic communications systems back in 1979, reshaping the satellite phone industry in the 1990s, to bringing the world its first holographic mobile smart phone with the Tanius 7; Mascom has connected the world establishing itself as a leader of the avant-garde.
“Mascom has always had the difficult task of being the old and the new,” says Mascom Lead Network Engineer James McClure. “It may be our oldest venture but it's one which is extremely up-to-date, mainly because we’re the ones who connect all the other enterprises, without Mascom everything would fall apart. It’s an honor to lead this current team and count my name amongst so many brilliant visionaries and inventors. If the Tanius 7 is the shape of things to come, its going to be a bright future.”
The Tanius 7 smart phone is now six months away from release. Mascom are proud to announce a 30% rise in preorders compared to 2012’s Tanius 6J. There has been an overwhelming response to the new model, since it’s announcement in June of this year, the world is gearing up for the next step in personal communication. #TanStyle
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Lead Network Engineer: James McClure, of the Mascom Network, stands inside Mascom's latest telecommunications facility in San José, Costa Rica.
Mascom is all about connectivity. Whether that be through our 185 satellite television channels that we have been providing to the globe since 1973, or through our roaming cellular and satellite phone networks, now available in 31 countries. Mascom is all about connecting you further.
Thanks to the Centaurus range of satellites launched by Mascom in 2007, GPS navigation has never been more precise. With five state of the art satellites using built-in Centaurus technology, today's aircraft navigation systems have been able to operate more effectively than their predecessors.
Real-time updates for media are an integral part of satellite communication, and Mascom makes no exception. With up to date weather using Mascom available on-demand, global news networks are able to stream directly from satellite feed, giving the user the best weather access in the world.
Mascom also offers surveillance capabilities for government national interests. Mascom has been able to cater to the on-demand requirements of many national interests. Using real-time tracking and Mascom-HD technology, finding the needle in the haystack has never been easier.
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islanublar · 4 years
The world's greatest theme park
Simon Masrani helps to construct the safest theme park in the world.
Soon after the acquisition of InGen in 1998, Simon Masrani looked to work at a plan that seemed impossible given the circumstances of the years preceding - the control and re-invention of a new theme park on Isla Nublar. Experts from the Masrani company were collected together, along with Dr. Henry Wu from the InGen company, to plan for the greatest theme park and attractions ever constructed in humankind's history.
Simon Masrani used subsidaries Axis Boulder Engineering and Timack Construction to work on the preparation and planning prior to construction on the island. Construction workers were protected from native wildlife by InGen security over the course of the three years from 2002 until completion in 2004. With over $1.2 billion alone spent in concrete and building materials, this project was never underestimated.
"The most incredible thing about the project for me was the fact that we were able to construct so far off the mainland, while maintaining all deadlines", explains Jurassic World Project Manager Mr. Eli Jacobs. "The logistics and the planning were just incredible. Security teams, perimeter fencing, scientists, quarantine zones ... it was quite the atmosphere."
Simon Masrani was taking no chance.
Simon adds, "The sense of security proved vital in the establishment of Jurassic World. The media were having a frenzy at the time, conservation groups around the globe were looking and waiting for any incident to tarnish our reputation to try and take Isla Nublar away from us. We had to set a feeling of safety, for when the time came for opening in 2005, we had to ensure people were willing to come."
And come they did ... Jurassic World officially opened in June 2005 to an incredible 98,120 visitors in its first month of operation.
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Welcome to Isla Nublar: Raised banners proudly stand tall in welcoming visitors upon their arrival to Jurassic World on Isla Nublar.
The future of Jurassic World.
Masrani’s flagship enterprise opened in 2005 to record-breaking numbers. A state-of-the-art theme park and biological preserve, it has lead the way in entertainment, education and scientific discovery. But what is on the horizon? Claire Dearing, Senior Assets Manager at Jurassic World discusses her thoughts.
"Scientists are often challenged by the risks involved in executing grand concepts," explains Claire. "Many at InGen doubted the likelihood of a successful hybrid, but here we are just one month away and she's more than we imagined. We will closely monitor visitor response and gauge the consumer's appetite for future experiences, taking Jurassic World into a new era."
"But as we seek to recreate the past, we can't forget to innovate", Claire adds. "We have several new rides in the conceptual phase with Axis Boulder. Our most evolved, the 'Treetop Gazers', has an ETA sometime in 2018."
[Treetop Gazers links to this image:]
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New concepts unveiled: Claire Dearing, Senior Assets Manager at Jurassic World, speaks from Isla Nublar, Costa Rica.
Simon Masrani welcomes you to Jurassic World.
Masrani’s flagship enterprise opened in 2005 to record breaking numbers. A state of the art theme park, leading the way for the future of entertainment, education and scientific discoveries.
Step into the prehistoric era and come face to face with some of the greatest animals to ever walk the Earth, the Dinosaurs! Soak in the atmosphere and visit an ecosystem like nothing experienced before. With technologically advanced ride systems, five star restaurants, and a high class golf course, it is full of excitement, spectacle, and will leave an everlasting impression on everyone who visits.
The Masrani company is proud to present the greatest theme park ever built: Jurassic World.
“The most gratifying feeling of the Masrani Company is the global appreciation of our visions and ideas. We have brought together the world’s top minds all under one roof and since 1973 we have conquered things previously thought impossible. We’ve established ourselves in many areas from telecommunications, to genetic research, and defense organizations, landing as the number one in terms of innovation and success. Jurassic World is the sum of everything that came before it.”
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An appreciation for the history.
Officially discovered in 1525 by Spanish navigator Diego Fernandez, the naming of Isla Nublar is often credited to cartographer Nicolas de Huelva, who, on the Spanish carrack La Estrella (The Star) described seeing a "cloud island" while mapping the western coast of Costa Rica.
The Spaniards learned the existance of a local indigenous tribe to the island, known as the Bribri tribe. The natives referred to the island locally as Guá-Si (Water House, or, House beyond Water) and themselves as Tun-Si (Water Men).
Four centuries of history displaced many of the local inhabitants, and in 1987 those few remaining were resettled off the island. The Masrani company wish to acknowledge the indigenous Bribri tribe and the contributions they have made to the history and culture of Isla Nublar.
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Respecting local wildlife.
There are a wide variety of animals native to Isla Nublar. Most common is the Elaphodus cephalophus nublarus (Nublar Tufted Deer). This 2 foot tall mammal is mostly nocturnal, although they have been studied grazing under the darkest patches of the jungle canopy during daylight hours.
Around the coasts of Nublar hundreds of birds stop to rest on their long migrations. The largest being the Pelecanus occidentalis (Brown Pelican) whose impressive wing span reaches 8 feet in length on average.
The Masrani company, together with InGen, have worked together to ensure the protection of these animals. A historical agreement was signed in 2005 with the Costa Rican Environmental Protection Society to ensure the safety and habitat of the indigenous wildlife of Isla Nublar.
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Sustainability for the environment.
Masrani have been working together with InGen to ensure environmental sustainability is kept on Isla Nublar to help protect the local plant-life. Energy-saving and waste-saving methods have been installed across the island, with strict regulations to all visitors and park staff.
The inclusion of over 750 blue recycling bins across the island, including a local recycling facility, is testimony to the specific requirements set in place by the Costa Rican government and by the Costa Rican Environmental Protection Society.
An estimated 35% of the power on Isla Nublar is solar-powered, with the other 65% being powered by geo-thermal energy produced from the activity of Mount Sibo in the north of the island. Jurassic World ensures that clean sources of energy are used with low emissions.
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islanublar · 4 years
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If you were to work in one of our professional environments - from our laboratories to our tropical Nublar resort - we want you, to be yourself; that’s a requirement asked for by Simon Masrani himself. We’re looking for people from all walks of life to join our many sectors, who aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd and push the boundaries of what it takes to be a member of the world’s esteem pioneering corporation.
Can you bring a specialist flair to one of the worlds fastest growing families? Can you be an individual in a buzzing workforce of thousands? Can you show us something new? Can you, be you?
If you’ve clicked on this page you already have that inquisitive nature we’re looking for, take it one step further and turn that intrigue into a new career; we expect the unexpected.
We want someone like you.
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Human Resources Manager: Jennifer Oliver, of Masrani Energy, travels the globe holding conferences at leading universities in an effort to hire fresh talent.
Everyone has a point in their lives where they come to a crossroads. We’re here to offer an experience that may lead to a path of inspiration and success. Here at Masrani we applaud those who seek to try new things. With hundreds of sectors to browse through we welcome internships left, right and centre for those willing to make the jump into a new world.
So what should you expect when working with us? We offer excellent training and support from a wide array of professional figureheads, who will be there to guide you through everything you will need to know. Worldwide travel may apply if you decided to become an intern for one of our international sectors. Almost 89% of interns we bring on board, who show us a level of professionalism that meets our criteria, are offered the chance to move to a career here at Masrani. Either way we’d say its an experience worth taking.
So what are you waiting for? Apply today!
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Masrani Internships: Just where exactly can a Masrani Internship take you? Here is one example, as Steven Paul welcomes travellers to Jurassic World on Isla Nublar.
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Intern Genetic Biologist
International Genetic Technologies are looking for fresh young graduates to join their scientific team in San Diego, CA. Must be highly enthusiastic and keen to learn new skills and methodologies. Availability to travel is a must.
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Jurassic World is seeking qualified veterinarians to join the Isla Nublar Veterinary Services. Successful candidates must be comfortable working alongside large dinosaurs and have experience with Sub-Saharan predators.
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Paddock Supervisor
Jurassic World is seeking a number of Paddock Supervisors to join the Asset Containment team on a per assignment basis. Successful candidates will need to become acquainted with stringent security protocols.
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Jurassic World demands a high level of professionalism from its security staff. We are looking for part-time individuals who are willing to guard and protect our many visitors on Main Street during the busy summer period.
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Dinosaur Maintenance
With the arrival of the stunning Indominus rex we expect visitor numbers to rise, so we are looking for a dozen new staff members to over see our Dinosaur’s needs and maintain their paddocks at our one-of-a-kind resort.
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Park Inspector
As a Park Inspector you will step into Jurassic World with one mission, to inspect our efforts. With a new attraction arriving this summer we want you to ensure our guests are treated with first class service and respect.
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islanublar · 4 years
Masrani Corporate Reel
Meet Simon Masrani
Masrani Security Initiative
InGen. Tomorrow. Today
More videos coming soon!
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