#source: neurodivergent insights (facebook)
my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
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Hi everyone,
I found some helpful information from Neurodivergent Insights talking about masking/camouflage. I’ll leave the post below so you all can read through it if you’d like.
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Hi, I saw your last posts and I was curious if that's okay. My questions refer to how people with disabilities feel about certain things and I understand if you dont want to answer. I don't mean to pressure you into feeling like you have to represent everyone, I'm just looking for someone else's insight.
I've spoken with a few other users who are really certain of the albeism in the TBB show but I haven't had the chance to talk to someone who actually has a disability (you mentioned having Autism). (I fairly sure autism is a considered a disability, correct me if I'm wrong ofc)
Do you think there's less albeism in show than what people claim? I hear others mainly complain about Echo, Tech and Wrecker. I was just wondering if disabled people actually had an issue with the show, since my experience with the matter is fairly limited.
I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but I just prefer checking what people from certain groups think before throwing around big words. Because if it doesn't bother people with disabilities, then why would I call it albeist?
Also, this is just for me, but I've been told by adults that people with disabilities don't like being referred to as disabled. Yet on the Internet I've seen that softened terms like "differently-abled" actually bother people with disabilities. Which terms would you recommend I use?
Best regards,
Fellow Star Wars Fan
Hi! Thank you for the honest question! I most certainly cannot speak for everyone, only on my own experiences and those of my loved ones.
I have seen many people speak about how Tech makes them feel seen when it comes to Autism rep. I am part of a large group on Facebook that has had multiple discussions about it with a lot of people, including those not as emerged in the fandom that have come forward saying how nice it is to have the representation.
Like I said in my post, I see a lot of myself and loved ones that fall on the Autism spectrum in Tech and how he's represented. The thing with Autism is that it is a huge spectrum with a wide variety of perspectives. My parents, who also both are on the spectrum, have commented on the neurodivergent aspects of the Batch as a whole.
The problem comes when people who do not fall into these groups try to speak for them. It happens with any kind of minority, whether it be race related, ability, religious, etc.
As for the term question. That falls to personal preference a lot of the time. Disability and disabled are not seen as negative terms by some, but they are by others. A good term to use when it comes to mental related things is neurodivergent as opposed to neurotypical. The best thing to do is to use what individual people are comfortable with. Person first language is important in a lot of situations. (ex. Person who is blind/deaf/autistic/etc rather than 'disability person'). Again some feel differently, but that is A safe place to start and then adjust to others' preferences.
I cannot speak much for physical disability representation as I do not fall into that category myself. If people with those experiences don't have a problem with it, then I would not consider it a problem. But again, everyone has a different experience and opinion.
Overall, I think people are too critical of The Bad Batch. There are some valid complaints on some points, but it has become WAY too nitpicky and outraged at everything.
Thank you for seeking out information on a topic you're not as informed on from a personal source! 😊
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
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Signs of Sensory Overload
Feeling a wave of fatigue come over you
Feeling wound up and stimming
A sense of panic or desire to escape
Urge to block incoming sensory signals (cover eye or ears)
Extreme irritability
Restlessness and discomfort
Sensory Overload
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Hey everyone,
I found some helpful information from Neurodivergent Insights talking about making a sensory safe plan:
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I hope many of you find this helpful. The link to this post will be linked below if you want to check it out.
Sensory Safety Plan
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
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Benefits of Autidtic/ADHD Masking at a glance:
Reduce unwanted attention
Increased job opportunities
Reduces the risk of neurodivergent traits being misinterpreted by the public and law enforcement
Less discrimination and stigma associated with neurodivergent traits
Minimize the likelihood of being targeted for bullying
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
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I saw this useful Infograph about the signs of sensory overload from neurodivergent_insights on Facebook that I wanted to share.
Signs of Sensory Overload
Feeling a wave of fatigue over you
Feeling wound up and stimming
Restlessness and discomfort
Extreme irritability
A sense of panic or desire to escape
Urge to block incoming sensory signals (cover eyes or ears)
I’ll leave the post below so you can check it out if you’d like. I hope many of you find this helpful and informative.
Sensory Overload
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
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Hi everyone,
I found this interesting ven diagram from neurodivergent_insights on Facebook showing the differences and similarities between “non-stereotypical” and “stereotypical” autism.
Although I find this interesting, it looks like they’re trying to separate autism and that doesn’t make sense to me because autism is a spectrum and everyone on that spectrum is different. Some might not even fit into any of these.
I’ll leave the post below so you can check it out if you’d like.
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