#source: space banda
Slowpoke: Bendejo! I thought you built this pinche spacesheep? Speedy: Eet's a flyeeng sombrero cabron! What do you expect?
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latechlatam · 2 months
ORBITH lanzará su primer satélite MicroGEO en 2025
La empresa proveedora de Internet Satelital anunció que, en colaboración con Astranis Space Technologies, pondrá en órbita su propio satélite MicroGEO en el primer trimestre de 2025. Esta tecnología le permitirá a ORBITH reducir los costos de sus servicios para empresas, gobierno y usuarios hogareños, en línea con su misión de reducir la brecha digital en zonas rurales de toda la Argentina.
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Buenos Aires, 25 de marzo de 2024. ORBITH, el mayor proveedor de servicios de Internet satelital de Argentina, anunció la adquisición de su primer satélite de tecnología MicroGEO a la compañía californiana Astranis Space Technologies, cuyo lanzamiento está previsto para el primer trimestre de 2025.
Con una inversión que rondará los US$ 80 millones, ORBITH selló una alianza con Astranis Space Technologies Corp., empresa estadounidense especializada en satélites de comunicaciones geoestacionarios de bajo coste con sede en San Francisco, California, para el desarrollo de su primer satélite de tecnología MicroGEO.
El anuncio fue realizado durante la Conferencia y Exposición SATELLITE 2024, realizado en Washington DC del 18 al 21 de marzo, evento que conecta y une a la industria satelital global, del cual participaron Pablo Mosiul, Co-fundador y CEO; y Fernando Gatti, Director de Tecnología; de ORBITH.
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"La coyuntura actual resalta una necesidad crítica en términos de conectividad en áreas rurales, donde la falta de acceso a internet de alta velocidad ha obstaculizado el progreso. En Argentina y en toda Latinoamérica, persiste una brecha significativa en la penetración de internet entre las zonas urbanas y rurales. Esto no solo es un desafío, sino también una oportunidad única para marcar un cambio positivo y tangible en la vida de las personas. Estamos convencidos de que al llevar internet satelital de alta velocidad a estas comunidades estamos allanando el camino hacia un futuro más equitativo y próspero", dijo Pablo Mosiul, CEO de ORBITH.
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La tecnología MicroGEO del satélite desarrollado por Astranis para ORBITH permite reducir el tamaño de los satélites de comunicaciones, optimizando la inversión y la flexibilidad de las misiones. Tendrá una masa aproximada de 450 kg, utilizará tecnología HTS en banda Ka, y permitirá brindar servicios de acceso a internet de alta velocidad a decenas de miles de usuarios, tanto residenciales como corporativos.
"Disponer de un satélite específicamente adaptado a nuestras necesidades y a la demanda de nuestros clientes en el país es una enorme ventaja competitiva que nos ayudará a ampliar nuestra cobertura en todo el país", destacó Pablo Mosiul.
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ORBITH es la primera empresa argentina en utilizar satélites HTS de banda Ka de ultra velocidad, y el primer operador "multiórbita", ya que puede combinar las fortalezas de la órbita geoestacionaria "GEO", (que ofrece mayor disponibilidad de servicio con costos más eficientes), y la órbita baja LEO (que brinda una menor latencia).
"Con la tecnología MicroGEO, lo que vamos a lograr a partir de la creación de nuestra flota de satélites dedicados es tener una expansión granular, abordar nuevas zonas o crecer en las que ya brindamos servicios sin detener nuestro crecimiento. Esperamos que este sea el primer satélite de muchos", dijo para concluir el CEO de ORBITH.
Para más información y ver el video de presentación del satélite MicroGEO puede ingresar aquí " target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DsNgiIHEa1Zk&source=gmail&ust=1712229958093000&usg=AOvVaw1I4XN69ae5VTtLYv-5OW01" class="c13">https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=sNgiIHEa1Zk
Acerca de ORBITH
ORBITH es una empresa de capital y emprendedores argentinos, respaldada por el Grupo Boldt.
La compañía es la primera proveedora en la Argentina que opera satélites de alta capacidad HTS en banda Ka, que permite mayores velocidades de conexión a un menor costo, transformándose en la mejor opción de conectividad residencial o corporativa en zonas rurales o alejadas de los centros urbanos.
ORBITH se encuentra en pleno proceso de expansión en el país, con proyección hacia otros países de Latinoamérica y se ha consolidado como un referente clave en la reducción de la brecha digital en Argentina y Chile.
Más información en www.orbith.com
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Stuck on You (Levi x Childhood Friend! Reader) Part 2
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A/N: Hey guys! It’s been kinda a while but here is part 2~ I have this habit of writing and rewriting my pieces since I’m never fully satisfied by them, but overdoing that is just as bad so I’m going to leave this as is ajflkajada  The amount of love my first part recieved was so genuinely heart warming and I cannot express my gratitude enough. I’m nervous to post this because of it, to be honest, because I hope it lives up to the expectations. Thank you to everyone who has shown me support, it means so much! If you guys want a part three, or maybe just a short epilogue, I will consider it so let me know! Also if you would like to be tagged in my future works, comment below or send me a message <3 I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: Angst, Season 1 and No Regrets ova spoilers
Word Count: 4k
If you haven’t already, read part one here
As a former member of the Scouts yourself, you knew the ins and outs of the military’s regulations. Because of this, you also knew your request was a strange one, seeing as soldiers weren’t typically allowed visitors, but you hoped your letter appealed to the more personal side of Commander Erwin. Apparently it somehow moved the man, seeing as you had been brought by carriage to the legion's base the following night.  
The clopping of horse hooves eventually stopped, and you were currently being escorted into the building by another familiar face, her hand already outstretched to help you out of the vehicle as soon as the door swung open.  
“I understand your reservations about this, but you’re brave for coming here. I think he’ll be relieved to see you, (Y/N),” Hange spoke, her fingers hovering over the small of your back as she guided you down one of the many hallways, lantern swinging in her free hand. “I think he could benefit from seeing a familiar face.”
Your eyes were downcast, staring at the floor as rooms upon rooms passed by along your path. You couldn’t speak if you tried, words seemingly stuck in your throat and unable to keep up with your racing thoughts.
Deep breaths, (Y/N).
For better or for worse, there was no need to reply, as Hange came to a halt not a second later. She squeezed your shoulder gently before bringing her knuckles to the wooden door, knocking once, twice.
Your hands were clammy, heart thundering in your ears as you tried to steady your breathing.
“Levi, someone is here to see you,” Hange’s voice rang out firmly.
There was a distinct sound of a chair being pushed back, and footsteps growing nearer. Time slowed down, and you began to second guess every decision up to now. Would Levi even want you to be here? Will he be angry? You felt like bolting away and forgetting about the whole idea, suddenly afraid of his reaction. Afraid that your presence would only make everything worse.
Your eyes were widening as you realized the possibility of leaving was too late to explore, Levi already turning the handle from the other side. So instead, you swallowed your pride, stood up straighter, and pushed away the growing sensation of nausea in your gut.
“Who could possibly be important enough to interrupt my--”

The second his eyes met yours, Levi halted in all movements. Your gaze was fixed on him as well, every bit of longing settling back in your bones the second it did.
He looked nearly the same as the last time you saw him, clean and kempt as ever, hair styled the way it always was-- the same way he’d keep it when he used to chastise you for running your fingers through it.
And those stoic, gray irises that drew you in your were fierce, yet somehow emptier. At the sight of you, his flooding emotions became too much to properly register, unlocking every moment you’d ever spent with him as they replayed all at once.
“(Y/N)?” He couldn’t hide his disbelief, eyes widening ever so slightly. 

“Hello, Levi.” 

Never did Levi think he would grow to care for another group of people the same way he had for you, Farlan, and Isabel. But sitting around Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Oruo, he found their excited chatter over the dinner table endearing more than anything. The ever stoic look on his face didn’t change, and he would never openly admit it, but it felt reminiscent to be surrounded by trusted company like this. All of Squad Levi had full faith in one another; it was necessary for the battle field. This created an unspoken bond between all of them that the unreachable Ackerman did not picture building with others again.
Fate worked in funny ways, he supposed.
Sounds of clinking silverware and chatter filled the mess hall, sun setting outside of its many windows and painting the expanse in an orange light. The males eyes drifted towards the entrance of the room expectantly, where a clock rested above the doorway. He took a sip of his tea whilst squinting at it, attempting to get a better read before feeling a slight jab in his side.
“Looking for someone, sir?” Petra inquired, with a hint of deeper emotion in her tone that went right over the male’s head.
He glared at her in annoyance, having almost spilled his drink as the thought of you returned to the forefront of his mind.
It was strange, seeing how capable you had become after spending those months by yourself in the Underground. They made you a bit more calloused than when Levi last saw you, carrying over to your skills as a Scout. You never used to be skilled at riding ODM gear, not even when Levi tried to teach you in your youth. Seeing you slash Titans without blinking an eye was like watching someone completely different.
But you had to learn, since you had no one to protect you.
Your open displays affection had grown fewer and farther between as your time in the Survey Corps dragged on. At first, Levi thought nothing of it. Truthfully, the Captain had hardly noticed, with how busy the both of you were. He wrote it off as stress, or the workload catching up to you. Or, maybe, it was that nagging thought in the back of his conscience he dared not dwell on: he had turned you into this, after being away for so long and then failing to protect your friends.
But as your words replayed in his mind like a broken record, too late he realized this wasn’t the case.
“I see the way you look at her. I see it because you used to look at me that way.”
“Captain?” Petra repeated, leaning forward to study his distant countenance and successfully pulling the man out of his thoughts. “She’s probably just training.”
He rested his hand on top of her head, turning it away from him and sighing.
“Eat, Petra. I don’t need you to be whining about hunger during our patrol tomorrow morning,” he chastised, forcing his eyes away from the doorway.
After that talk, Levi had watched you go, telling himself that you’d return soon enough. Yet could not shake the feeling in his gut that there was something amiss. He pushed away the pit in his stomach. You were safe, you were healthy, and that was all that mattered. Humanity’s Strongest had other things to focus on, after all, and tuned back into his comrades’ conversation. The man blended back in easily, occasionally offering a few of his own comments as the meal dragged on.
Every so often his thoughts would shift back to your conversation earlier that day, and he realized that you were wrong. As close to Petra as he had gotten, there was a stark difference between you and her:
No matter how strong you’d get, and no matter what you thought of him, Levi would always shield you from as much of this world as he could.
But it was better this way. Better if you moved on from him and easier to do if you thought it was because he wanted Petra.
If only he knew your last words to him “I’ll be back for dinner,” had been a lie.
It had been strange for him when you didn’t return. Levi tried not to think about how Kenny had done the same, instead grasping for a reason. For once, he could not read your thought process. The male had no idea why you’d voluntarily leave, after everything. He knew better than to hold onto certainty, but you’d thrown him for a loop. You were always the one to communicate, the problem solver, the one who understood him without much direction. Didn’t you know that you were irreplaceable? He should have come clean: told you that he didn’t see Petra that way, and just didn’t have the heart to admit he didn’t feel good enough for you anymore.
Did he ever even get the chance to say “I love you?”
His regret multiplied tenfold as he began to understand that maybe if he had, you would’ve stayed.
A strange sense of comfort washed over the man as you smiled softly, small hands clasped together in front of you. He blinked, wondering if you were simply a mirage caused by his sleep deprivation. But you remained where you were, after all this time, standing at his door. For once in the man’s life, his mind was drawing a blank.
“I’ll leave you guys to it, then,” Hange stated, excusing herself and soon disappearing out of sight. 

Her statement pulled the both of you back into the present, and you were suddenly self conscious of Levi’s stare. You tucked your hair behind your ears and gestured towards his office, unable to gage his reaction to your presence.
“Would it be alright if I came in?” you asked shyly, astonished he hadn’t slammed the door in your face the second Hange left. 

To your shock, Levi simply nodded, stepping aside to let you through. Your movements were unsure and hesitant, stark in comparison to his: calm and collected as ever.
Just like any space Levi occupied, the area was clean and tidy, a lantern sitting upon his desk the only source of light against the cloudy night sky. It smelled like tea leaves, sandalwood, and disinfectant, a signature scent that made you fill with nostalgia. As the click of the door echoed behind you, the reality of your situation set in, and you turned around to face the man you were here to see.
His gaze had never left you.
“You’re hurt,” was the first thing that left your mouth, concern evident as you studied the bandaging that peaked above his knee length shoes. 

“Long story,” Levi offered curtly, eyeing you up and down from a few feet away. “One I don’t particularly care to tell you.” 

“Of course, that’s fine,” you agreed softly, a weak smile pulling at your lips.
You did your best to mask the hurt, knowing you deserved to feel it. It hurt to be here, the fear that Levi hated you previously keeping you away. Now that you were facing the music, that fear seemed more realistic than ever. Your brain wracked to change the topic before your mind could continue overthinking; desiring instead to cut the unbearable, building tension that never used to exist between you two.
“How are you, Levi?” it was a stupid question, but you no longer knew how to talk to him.

The way he said your name was sharp and challenging. You quickly cleared your throat and looked away.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. Of course you’re--”

“--Why did you leave?” Levi effectively cut you off, orbs narrowing as you dared to come closer.
The question caught you off guard. You thought you’d made it obvious with your last conversation with him those years ago. Surely, he had some idea, although his pained expression said otherwise. His fingers twitched at his sides, a movement you didn’t miss as your eyes flickered back to his in surprise. He had been so composed just a moment ago, that the sudden shift gave you whiplash.
Now his fists were clenching, as he waited in the painful silence, knuckles turning white.
“Why did you leave?” The phrase echoed tauntingly in your ears, over and over again.  
You don’t know what came over you. All you knew was that you needed to rid him of the rare, defeated look etched into his countenance. To purge him of this feeling you caused. Whether reaching out would help or hurt, you didn’t know.
But you needed to be near him.  
Levi’s eyelids screwed shut as you brushed your thumb across his cheek. The action was so simple, so delicate, so unsure and so familiar all at once, and at the feeling, the Captain’s composure finally came undone.

He reached up and gripped your wrist, as if you’d fade away if he let go. In previous years, it was always you who craved skinship, yet it seemed as if a weight had been lifted off Levi’s shoulders to have you this close. Your touch still felt like the comforting warmth of a campfire; the type that would make anyone want to stay forever.
“I’m sorry. I thought you’d be better off without me,” you whispered. “I didn’t want to cause you any pain.”
He let out a breath.
“Then why are you here now?” his question was more defeated than hostile, which you hadn’t expected.
If someone asked a few hours ago, your answer would have been much clearer. But now, the logic that brought you here seemed overshadowed by doubt. After all this time, and after everything that had happened between you and Levi, any semblance of a relationship with him seemed unsalvageable. You told yourself this mantra over and over until it stuck. So why were you here?
Levi must’ve thought it audacious, for you to run away like a coward and still think you were relevant to him.
“I owe you so much. Whether I ended up being wrong or right, I’ve always acted with your best interest,” you sighed, thumb brushing over Levi’s dark circles. “Truthfully, I don’t know if I’m any use to you now. I might be the last person you want to seek comfort from, but on the off chance that I still matter to you, I’ll always come back,” you whispered earnestly.
Levi’s grip on your wrist tightened imperceptibly, and you longed to bury your face in the crook of his neck; to feel him wrap his arms around you in his embrace once more. It seemed as if Levi was staring into your soul, his shallow breaths mingling with yours at this close proximity as he opened his eyes to fully drink you in.
“I’m here to tell you that if you need me, I’ll stay.”

He looked to the side as if brushing aside your touch, hand falling away from the raven-haired man’s face as he did so. It felt like rejection, as if he was brushing all of you away with a simple turn of his head.
“You’re a real idiot, (Y/N),” he spoke finally, voice nearly out of place against the stillness.
Moonlight suddenly peaked through the window, showering you in a bath of silver light. Levi recognized this look. You were wearing your heart on your sleeve, offering everything you had to give; eyes wide and honest, shining with a vulnerability that even after a lifetime of knowing you, he had never seen before. The man felt conflicted at the sight, annoyance prickling under his skin as you somehow managed to hold him together and tear him apart all at once with your presence.
Losing his squad twist that knife in his heart, convincing him that he was cursed to be left by everyone and his superhuman talents only doomed him to live a life alone.
But now, here you were, standing within arms length: despite the pain you caused, still the only person he had left. Only you could draw this much emotion out of the typically monotonous man. He couldn’t tell if you were a blessing or a curse, but in the moment, all he knew was that he didn’t want you to leave again. He needed you to stay here, with him, the way it should be. Because you were family.
And true to your word, you did.
“You should really get some sleep, you know,” you stated after a while, closing the door with your foot as you entered with two fresh cups of tea. 

You watched Levi fill out paperwork on the other side of the desk, bringing the cup to his lips in the strange fashion you always teased him for. His gaze flickered up boredly.
“You know I don’t sleep. You go on ahead, though. The bed’s behind that door,” he paused, gesturing somewhere behind him. “I hardly ever use it.”  
You shook your head, reaching forward and plucking Levi’s pen from his hand.  

“What you’re drinking is caffeine free. I switched it, so you have no excuse now.” You ignored the indignant scowl growing on the Captain’s face, urging him to listen. “Please, you really should rest. You know you need to.”
It took an entire hour of imploring and convincing for the man to finally give in, him grumbling as you helped take off the boot on his injured foot and ushered him onto the bed. You knew you were the last person with any right to tell the short Captain what to do, but knowing Levi, he was running on an hour or two of sleep while his body was begging for rest. And yes, you were very much hypocritical, draped across the couch in Levi’s office, staring at the ceiling. But none of that mattered to you, as long as he was okay.
You had been lost in introspection, being a room away from your childhood best friend and first love after so long a surreal experience. It felt strange to be back here, but you were too tired to dwell on how strangely out of place you seemed in a place you once called home.
The weight of your abundant emotions from the day finally crashed down, fatigue settling in. You rubbed your eyes, and snuggled closer to the cushions, letting the darkness claim you.
And in the other room, as Levi slipped out of his uniform, shaking his head in exasperation. His last thoughts while he inspected the door as if he could see you through it, was that of course only (Y/N) (L/N) could be more stubborn than he was.
As he slipped under the covers per your command, the ghost of a smile spread across his lips at the thought.
Perhaps it was the constant danger of where you grew up, and the need to always stay on your toes, but for as long as you could remember, you’d been a light sleeper. If someone so much as stared at you for too long, your body would jolt awake, ready to take action within a moment’s notice. There had been many instances where this came in handy in your past; even after years of seldom disruption in your now boring life within the walls, this was a trait you never seemed to grow out of. So it wasn’t hard to notice the heavy breathing and panicked movement from behind Levi’s closed door.
Just like for you, some things never changed-- when it came to old habits, you knew the man like the back of your hand. The reason he rarely ever slept was one you were quite familiar with. One both of you struggled with, and probably always would. Nightmares never seem to stop. You’d gotten through so many of your own rough nights with your friends by your side.
Levi, however, always refused to admit how they affected him. Insisted on going through it by himself.  
The subconscious urge to look after one other was most likely one you'd never grow out of, even if Levi had. You didn’t think twice before making your way across the office, swinging your legs across the sofa, awake within seconds. Without missing a beat, you stood up and made your way to Levi’s personal sleeping quarters, knuckles rapping against the frame twice. Levi’s shallow gasps quieted, and when you realized he didn’t plan on opening the door, you steeled your nerves to do it yourself. This was what you were here for, wasn’t it? To offer some comfort?
He did want me to stay.
“Levi?” You called into the darkness gently, feet padding foreword as your eyes adjusted to the lack of light.
His silhouette was upright in the bed, no doubt staring at you menacingly.
“I'm fine, (Y/N). Go back to sleep,” he snapped.
That didn't deter you, for he would never openly admit vulnerability. This was by no means new behavior. Besides, the strong emotion behind the Captain’s voice was an easy tell that betrayed his words. You pressed on, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
“Do you remember the time we were teenageers and you got sick, but couldn’t afford medicine so I took that sketchy job you specifically told me not to?” Your back was to him, yet you could feel Levi peering at you.
“Obviously,” he humoured you with a reply, knowing you weren’t going to leave. “You came home half alive and I felt like the most useless piece of shit in the world.”
You chuckled, fingers fiddling with the white sheets beneath them.
“Yes, which was unfair to yourself but also something I did not realize since you called me pretty much every name in the book,” you smiled, the memory oddly fond despite its events. “You were so angry, but I was also scared out of my mind... which was more important than your anger, I suppose. So you let me lay next to you that night. That was all it took to make me feel safe again.”
There was a long pause, you trying to get your words together in a way that could allow Levi to understand how you felt right now.
“I know what you’re thinking; what you’ve been thinking your whole life. You haven’t failed anyone and that stupid idea should be the furthest thing on your mind. Take it from someone who knows, alright? So many lives have had meaning because of y--”
His hand closed around your wrist, the grip much like it was the day you left him.
This time, he would not let go.
“--Stop, (Y/N). Don’t.”
You hadn’t realized there were tears falling down your cheeks until Levi turned your face to look at him. Trying to look away in your embarrassment, you laughed bitterly. His grip did not budge as he examined you sternly.  
“Just be quiet and go to sleep, alright?”
You wiped at your face, determination etched into every fibre of your being.
“Mark my words, Levi, I will make you believe me.”
Levi rolled his eyes but tugged at you once more, opening the duvet in an invitation. When he sensed your uncertainty he simply nodded, arms winding around your waist as you finally crawled in beside him. Both of you knew that there was so much that still needed to be said; so many buried feelings and pain that would only take time to unravel. It felt like a miracle to find yourselves in this situation, pushing aside the thousands of emotions and questions and misunderstandings the two of you had, if only to stay together in this moment.
You didn’t need Levi to know that you still loved him; not while he was coping with another loss. It would be selfish to spring that on, and that was not what you were here for. But you had to tell him:
“I missed you.”
Levi hummed, nose brushing against yours in the close proximity.  
“You better not be gone when I wake up,” he chided in response, orbs fluttering shut.
Your fingers threaded through his onyx black locks, brushing through the knots soothingly. Knowing you’d help this man heal no matter how long it took, you took comfort in the realization that he’d finally let you do just that.  
“I’ll be right here. You’re not alone, Levi. I promise you never will be.”
He pulled you closer, thankful that there was at least one source of warmth left in his life that he could hold onto-- especially after coming to terms with and almost having been certain he’d never experience this feeling of contentment, again. But here you were to prove him wrong, a living slice of home in his arms.
It may have been wishful thinking, but you could have sworn you felt Levi’s breath fan across your hairline, a soft voice whispering “Thank you, (Y/N).” before you felt yourself slip away into slumber once more.
taglist: @asterroidd @chucky-26o1 @silversxble @belovedwindermere @christina-mj-stan @leviackerrman @cravrat @thekohakuriver1 @batakprincess @sunisenpai
772 notes · View notes
The Armor of Contempt- Part 11
“The most ghostly of the Ghosts melted through the sunlight towards the foot of the town wall. They made no sound, and their signing was so understated that even their hands were whispering.” Oh, I like this image. They’re so damn stealthy!
“It was an odd detail that only real recon experts would pick up, but each Tanith scout had his own “flavour” of silent movement. Mkoll flowed like liquid, running through the levels of darkness. Bonin had a dry drift to him, like a shadow moving with the sun.” They even have different kinds of stealth!
“Hwlan, who moved like smoke, took up a spot by the gate and held cover as Maggs and Leyr crossed up the paddock to a woody clump of wintergorse. Leyr was Tanith, and moved as secretly as slow thawing ice.” More similes!
“Maggs was short and broad-shouldered, and had a scar that dropped vertically from the corner of his left eye. Off duty, his mouth could give Varl’s a decent race. He had his own style too. It was “try damn hard not to get seen and killed”.” I do like Maggs, even if he doesn’t get a fancy stealth description.
“The guard heard the clinking, and headed right over to the source. As he came down the ditch to the door, Maggs just got to his feet to meet him in one smooth motion and buried the blade through his neck. Maggs caught him in an embrace and pulled his body back down into cover with him. A blink of an eye and they were both out of sight again.” That’s pretty damn smooth.
The enemy starts to fight back, though some of the Ghosts must be through the walls.
“Seena and Arilla” I don’t think these names have popped up before, but I’m guessing, given their names, that they’re Verghast women who were in the resistance, joined up with the Tanith, and keep using the heavy guns because they’re good with them.
““Like tin cans on a stump,” she murmured as she lined one up.” Jessi Banda is awesome.
“Close by, Nessa Bourah looked up from her long-las. “Like tin cans on a stump,” she grinned, speaking the words with the slightly nasal flatness of the profoundly deaf.” And Nessa! I’d forgotten about her.
“Something considerable exploded behind the wall and the mortars shut up. The scouts were plying their trade inside.” Yep, they got through. And are making things blow up.
“Filth littered the streets, and the buildings were all in miserable repair, though many, like the town walls, had been refitted or converted using a patchwork of unpleasant materials that weren’t immediately identifiable. There was a grey-green sheeting that was halfway between flakboard and tin, and odd, resin-like substances.” I suppose it makes sense that Chaos would have their own, weird building materials.
“It was as if, rather than taking the town over and occupying it, the Arch-enemy had nested in it.” Like they’re birds?
“Some were using goads and lashes on a team of half-naked, emaciated human wretches — skin and bone and rags — forcing them to ferry shells from a supply stack to feed the weapons. The wretches were prisoners, captives, grotesquely malnourished and abused, the stigma rune branded on their faces.” The people are really not doing well. Not after years of slavery.
And the slaves are so numb to everything they just stand there while the scouts attack and probably all get killed by their explosion. The people here can’t just be saved by soldiers showing up. A lot of them can’t be saved at all.
“It occurred to Mkoll that there were no people because, like any resource, they had been used up.” It’s what Chaos does. They use up everything around them until the world is dead. Gereon’s been stripped of resources for years.
“Gereon was close to exhaustion. As Gaunt had feared, and privately confided to Mkoll, they were bringing liberation far too late.” Gaunt’s right. Some things can’t be healed.
“Mkoll and Hwlan scurried through the dry, dead husks of homes and workplaces. Every room contained a warm, stale atmosphere and a yellowed cast of neglect. Everything had shrivelled and flaked. Window glass, where it still existed, was stained the colour of amasec. Dust mould and a virulent fungus, violet and blotchy, were endemic across walls and ceilings. Heaps of dead blowflies, like handfuls of coal dust, lined every windowsill.” Everything’s just... dried out. Desiccated. Left to fall into disuse. 
“Twenty, and one, Rawne had put it, “for luck”. Major Rawne, who knew about these things thanks to what he described as a “misspent youth”, had built the detonator himself.” Rawne’s sense of humor is amazing.
“For the first time he realised, with a strange start, that there were no cobwebs at all. Arachnids, like rats and lice, had accompanied mankind out into the stars and had permeated all his living spaces. What had happened to all the spiders here? Was there something about Chaos that drove them out or — and Hwlan had always had a thing about spiders — was the absence of webs a sign that spiders enjoyed some sort of collusion with the Ruinous Powers? He wouldn’t put that past them, filthy little wrigglers.” ok....
Mkoll talks to the enemy in their own language to distract them, then stabs the guy in the face! Nice!
“The pile of rags was something vaguely human. An old man, an old woman, Hwlan wasn’t sure.” Probably a mostly dead slave who’d passed out. Though they were able to get up and run for a bit, so maybe only half dead.
“Do you not know how to sign? Bonin signed angrily. 
Yes, Maggs signed back, and to prove it elaborately signed, You are a total feth-wit.” LOL. I do like the bits of humor.
Maggs and Bonin are outnumbered and have nowhere to run. Not good.
“Occupation troops were scrambling down from revving trucks by the gates when the baby carriage appeared. It was rolling free, jiggling over the cobbles, picking up speed as it came down the long slope of the road. A couple of troopers looked at it in frank puzzlement, others called to friends and comrades. The baby carriage rolled right past a few mystified troopers, past a truck, heading for the gates themselves.” It’s not every day you see a lone baby carriage, rolling through town.
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markalina748 · 3 years
A guide about the LED lighting online
Banda LED
LED lighting products are not only efficient, but they are also very stylish. LED lights provide the perfect accent to all kinds of interior decoration, from wood and marble, glass and granite, tile and metal - the list goes on. LEDs can even be incorporated in outdoor lighting fixtures such as walkway lights, lanterns, planters and other outdoor lights.
 There are several kinds of LED lighting products in the market today that are quite trendy, and they can give any home a completely different look. One of these is the LED Wall LED. These LED wall sconces are one of the most efficient light sources available in the market today. These LED Wall LEDs is designed especially for easy installation on the walls and ceilings of a room.
 LEDs are generally used to provide lighting. However, there are LED products like LED chandeliers and LED spotlights that can also be used outdoors. If you wish to use them outdoors, it is advisable to place the LED products on a post to ensure that they receive sufficient amount of sunlight during the day. The LED lighting products that are used outdoors need to be protected from dust and water; otherwise they will not function properly.
 LED light bulbs have become popular since they have become more affordable over the years. In fact, LED lighting products now account for most of the energy consumption in America, and this figure is expected to increase. Most of the people prefer to use LED light sources over incandescent light sources because of their efficiency, low costs and long lasting features.
 LED lamps can be found in various designs, depending on the type of LED lights that you are looking for. LED spotlights are best suited for small-sized spaces whereas ceiling lights are more suitable for large rooms or hallways. LED lighting products can be found in different types including combi-modes, surface mounted and compact fluorescent lights. LED lights are also available in different color selections, so it is possible to personalize your LED lights to make them even more attractive.
 Before you purchase an LED lighting fixture, it is important to know the maximum brightness that the fixture can provide. The brightness of the LED bulb directly affects the overall performance of the light source. If you are looking for a bright source of light, then the LED Light providers can be perfect for you as they have the wide collection of the best LED lights. However, if you want to provide some more illumination, then you can use the compact fluorescent light or the incandescent light. You can find LED bulbs in varying watts to ensure that you obtain the maximum brightness. For more information, visit this page.
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Spacesheep Pancho stolen…dorty Martian greengos!  We must avenge our leetle amigo!
Speedy Gonzales
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cidadenoticias · 3 years
Estreito de Gibraltar
Estreito de Gibraltar
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O Estreito de Gibraltar é apresentado nesta imagem em cores falsas capturada pela missão Copernicus Sentinel-2.
O Estreito de Gibraltar conecta o Mar Mediterrâneo com o Oceano Atlântico e separa o extremo sul da Espanha do norte da África. O canal tem 58 km de comprimento e se estreita para 13 km de largura entre Point Marroquí (Espanha) e Point Cires (Marrocos). Podem ser vistas balsas e embarcações cruzando o estreito e cruzando os dois continentes.
Esta imagem em cores falsas, capturada em 28 de outubro de 2020, foi processada de uma forma que incluiu o canal infravermelho próximo. Este tipo de combinação de bandas do Copernicus Sentinel-2 é mais comumente usado para avaliar a densidade e saúde das plantas, pois as plantas refletem luz infravermelha e verde próxima, enquanto absorvem o vermelho. Como eles refletem mais infravermelho próximo do que verde, a terra densa e coberta por plantas aparece em vermelho brilhante.
Os corpos d’água, como o Mar Mediterrâneo e o Oceano Atlântico, aparecem em azul escuro ou preto, enquanto as águas turvas, como as visíveis ao longo da costa espanhola no canto superior esquerdo da imagem, aparecem em ciano ou azul claro. Isso é provavelmente devido às águas carregadas de sedimentos que fluem dos rios para o mar. Os corpos d’água interiores, como o reservatório de Barbate, visível no topo da imagem, podem ser identificados em vários tons de azul devido à sua turbidez.
Várias cidades proeminentes podem ser vistas na imagem em cinza. Entre eles estão Tânger, o porto e a principal cidade do norte de Marrocos, que fica a apenas 27 km do extremo sul da Espanha. Tétouan fica ao longo do Vale do Martil e pode ser visto no canto inferior direito da imagem. Sua medina é considerada Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO desde 1997.
No extremo sul da Península Ibérica, pode-se avistar a Baía de Gibraltar. A linha costeira é densamente povoada e a costa está dividida, de oeste para leste, entre os municípios espanhóis de Algeciras, Los Barrios, San Roque, La Línea de la Concepción e o Território Britânico Ultramarino de Gibraltar.
Copernicus Sentinel-2 é uma missão de dois satélites. Cada satélite carrega uma câmera de alta resolução que captura a superfície da Terra em 13 bandas espectrais. A missão é usada principalmente para rastrear mudanças na forma como a terra está sendo usada e para monitorar a saúde da vegetação.
Esta imagem também é apresentada no programa de vídeo Earth from Space.
Créditos: contém missões Copernicus Sentinel modificadas (2020), processadas por ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
The post Estreito de Gibraltar appeared first on Fotos Publicas.
source https://fotospublicas.com/estreito-de-gibraltar/
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informationpalace · 4 years
Manhunt for mafia son after the Murder of Ellie Price in South Melbourne
Police are investigating after the murder of a woman of 26 - Ellie Price - in South Melbourne, a member of one of the country's most infamous crime families. Ricardo "Rick" Barbaro, a 33-year-old with links to the Gold Coast and the west of Melbourne, is on the run from police following the discovery on Monday afternoon of Ellie Price's body in a townhouse on Park Lane. Police think the body of Ms. Price might have lain undiscovered for up to a week. Detective inspector Tim Day, the homicide squad chief, told The Age that Mr. Barbaro may have fled interstate. He stated investigators from both the homicide squad and the fugitive task force, along with a number of other police forces, had undertaken a substantial search over the past three days for Mr. Barbaro, but were unsuccessful. "At this stage we are looking in all states of Australia and interstate police are assisting us," he said.
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Mr. Barbaro is a scion of the mafia's Barbaro crime family, an Australian branch, and slain Sydney underworld leader Pasquale Timothy Barbaro, 35, who was gunned down in a gangland attack in 2016. When contacted Thursday morning by The Age, the family declined to comment. Detectives spent Wednesday night negotiating with Mr. Barbaro's family, visiting his father's house, Giuseppe "Joe" Barbaro, in the west of Melbourne, trying to negotiate a surrender for the 33-year-old. "We've relied on our own methodologies and inquiries to locate him, and 99 times out of 100 they're successful, but at this stage we have not been able to locate him," Detective Inspector Day said Thursday. The senior officer has encouraged anyone who may have seen suspicious activity over the past fortnight in South Melbourne's Park and Ferrars streets to contact police.
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"We are looking for information from residents, and people in that area, during the two weeks leading up to April 29," he said. "In particular the afternoon of Tuesday the 28th and into the early hours of Wednesday the 29th last week." Police started looking for Mr Barbaro on Tuesday hoping to query the Queenslander after it was reported that since around October 2019 he had been in a casual relationship with Ellie Price, one's mother. Police had been called to two-storey Park Street townhouse of Ellie Price at the back of a residential complex after Monday's family confirmed losing touch with the 26-year-old. They find her body inside. Detectives said she had been "significant assault" Forensic investigators have spent over 24 hours trying to piece together what had happened inside. Neighbors were told to turn in any CCTV camera footage they might have had from the six days before. Residents said their suburb pocket on the west side of Ferrars Street mainly housed families and elderly people and was typically free of violence. Police sources have told The Age Ellie Price may have been dead for several days before it was discovered. The Barbaro family are no newcomers to the spotlight, with proven ties to the Calabrian mafia. Another of Mr Barbaro's children, Queensland man Rossario Dom Barbaro, took his own life at age 28, a few months after the 2016 murder of his older sibling. Another brother is Harley Barbaro, 27-year-old Gold Coast man and alleged leader of the Villains gang. All four are sons of Joe Barbaro, a cousin of gangland icon Pasquale Barbaro, who was gunned down in a van alongside Jason Moran while attending a 2003 football training session for children in Essendon.
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Joe Barbaro was jailed in Melbourne and Sydney for six years in 2005 for his involvement in an illegal drug ring. His father and his uncle, both also known as Pasquale, were killed in gangland attacks-his father in 1990 in Brisbane. In a brazen abduction, in 2004 Joe Barbaro's baby daughter Montana, just three weeks old, was abducted from her car seat at a Brimbank shopping centre. Two days later she was discovered in a derelict house in North Melbourne with a shaved head, after a passerby heard her shouts. In 2012 another linked Pasquale Barbaro, Joe's uncle's friend, was sentenced to life in prison for smuggling into Melbourne what was then the largest ecstasy haul in the world.
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Detective Inspector Day on Thursday said police knew the guy they wanted was in contact with family and friends. He warned those people that someone who has been caught harboring a fugitive or helping to flee could face serious criminal charges. "Barbaro, this is not going to go away. This is an opportunity for you to come forward," Detective Inspector Day stated. "We have a young female, 26 years of age, who has died impulsively. "She has a family who is grieving for her and a community that is needing and deserving of answers."
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Ricardo Barbaro is defined as 185 centimeters in height with a solid foundation, black hair and olive complexion. Police said he is notorious for frequenting Melbourne's north-west and west suburbs. Detectives are also searching for the 2009 Toyota Hiace white van with 1OZ 8PC registration.
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The victim's car, a 2017 white E350 Mercedes sedan featuring distinctive 22ZERO pink numberplates, is missing from her house. Police have released Ricardo Barbaro's image and a photo close to that of the vehicle of Ellie Price in the hope that someone can provide information about his whereabouts. Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about the earthquake struck in Indonesia, view our construct, ‘Earthquake Darwin from Banda Sea, near Indonesia and Timor-Leste’. Read the full article
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Essa semana nós tivemos a chance de conversar com uma grande banda canadense de Punk Rock, a banda MUTE. Nessa entrevista, a banda comenta um pouco sobre as expectativas para a turnê na América do Sul, sobre o processo de gravação do álbum “Remember Death” e sobre a cena punk canadense atualmente.
MUTE é uma banda canadense de Punk Rock fundada em 1998, a banda possui 4 álbuns de estúdio e 1 EP na carreira e conta com influências sonoras de bandas como Satanic Surfers, Strung Out, Children of Bodom, No Fun At All e Pennywise. MUTE vem ao Brasil em Fevereiro ao lado da banda No Trigger com uma turnê sul-americana passando por Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, Curitiba e São Paulo.
Antes de qualquer coisa gostaríamos de dizer que estamos muito feliz e honrados pela oportunidade e gostaríamos de agradecer a confiança que a Solid Music tem depositado em nós e também ao apoio de todos vocês que seguem e compartilham nossas postagens!
Mas agora vamos ao que importa, esperamos que vocês gostem da entrevista e pra quem quiser, a entrevista original em inglês vai estar no fim do post.
Respondido por Alexis Trépanier (Guitarrista):
We Are Fearless: Como vocês se sentem sobre voltar para o Brasil? O que você espera para esta turnê? O que podemos esperar de todos vocês?
Alexis Trépanier: Nos sentimos muito entusiasmados por voltar ao Brasil! Qualquer viagem à América Latina é uma ótima fonte de entusiasmo para nós. Estamos ansiosos para experimentar mais uma vez a paixão ilimitada dos fãs brasileiros!
WAF: Como foi o processo de gravação e composição do "Remember Death"? Como este álbum é diferente dos últimos musicalmente falando?
Alex: O processo de fazer "Remember Death” foi longo e cansativo. Passamos muito tempo na fase de pré-produção, registrando nossas próprias demonstrações no espaço de ensaio. Nós confiamos nesses demos para obter todos os detalhes certos, não importa quão pequeno e trivial. Mais tempo foi dedicado para elaborar os vocais e letras também. Ter o nosso próprio equipamento de gravação realmente nos ajudou a conseguir as músicas prontas como poderiam ser antes de realmente ir para o estúdio. Eu não acho que haja diferença importante e óbvia entre o último álbum e o anterior. As mudanças são muito mais sutis. Seja adicionando alguns instrumentos menos tradicionais para apimentar algumas músicas, ou simplesmente variando os tempos das músicas um pouco mais do que antes, então tudo não é tocado exatamente na mesma velocidade. O diabo está nos detalhes.
WAF: Desde o lançamento do primeiro álbum "Blueprints", qual foi a maior mudança no som da banda?
Alex: Para mim, é a qualidade da escrita da música. Pode soar como um elemento vago e intangível, mas não sei como descrevê-lo. Do “The Raven” em diante, nós ficamos muito melhores. 
WAF: Qual foi a maior influência para começar a banda e qual a sua fonte de inspiração atual para continuar fazendo música desde o início?
Alex: Bom, eu não estava na banda no início, mas imagino que foi a mesma motivação que me fez entrar em uma banda em primeiro lugar. O desejo de tocar a música que amamos e tocar nossa própria música. Os motivos para continuar são os mesmos que quando começamos.
WAF: Qual foi a maior conquista que vocês já conseguiram como uma banda? E o que é mais difícil sobre estar em uma banda?
Alex: Eu acho que nossa maior conquista é que fomos bem-sucedidos sem ter comprometido nossa música. Teria sido fácil mudar nosso som para algo mais popular e pegar um atalho para ficar maiores dessa maneira, mas nunca a consideramos. Forjamos nosso próprio caminho, em nossos próprios termos.
WAF: Qual foi seu show favorito até agora, por quê? E qual é a sua música favorita para tocar ao vivo?
Alex: Isso é difícil... há tantos incríveis. Nós poderíamos provavelmente fazer os melhores 5 melhores shows apenas com a América do Sul! Acho que não posso simplesmente escolher um... São Paulo em 2014, Bogotá em 2014, México DF em 2014, primeira vez em Tóquio em 2015... Eu poderia continuar para sempre. A música favorita para tocar é provavelmente o “Bates Motel”, pois é uma das músicas que obtém a melhor reação da multidão.
WAF: A banda começou no Canadá certo? Como foi a sua cena local no momento em que a banda foi formada? Como está a cena agora? Há alguma banda local que vocês querem nos mostrar?
Alex: Isso mesmo, somos da Cidade de Quebec, Canadá. Quando começamos, há mais de 15 anos, a cena era muito boa. Tinham muitos shows o tempo todo e muitas pessoas iam á esses shows. Não apenas de bandas da Epitaph/Fat Wreck, mas também bandas locais. A maioria dos shows era realmente bem frequentada e as multidões faziam parte disso. Infelizmente, esses dias já se foram. A maioria das pessoas que você costumava ver em shows raramente aparecem agora, e eles não foram substituídos por fãs mais jovens. Conseqüentemente, os shows ficaram menores. A menos que seja um grande festival, é muito mais difícil atrair pessoas em shows punk. De qualquer forma, ainda existem algumas bandas da nossa área carregando a tocha. Na verdade, temos um show em algumas semanas com Go Great Guns e Our Darkest Days, que todos vocês devem verificar!
WAF: Há algo que vocês querem dizer a todos os seus fãs no Brasil?
Alex: É aqui que falar português seria útil agora? Vamos apenas dizer que não podemos esperar para ver todos vocês maravilhosos fãs brasileiros no show. Prepare-se!!  
Siga MUTE em:
This week we had the chance to talk to a great Canadian Punk Rock band, the band MUTE. In this interview, the band comments a little on the expectations for their tour in South America, about the process of recording the album "Remember Death" and about the Canadian punk scene currently.
MUTE is a Canadian Punk Rock band founded in 1998. The band has 4 studio albums and 1 EP in their careers and has sound influences from bands such as Satanic Surfers, Strung Out, Children of Bodom, No Fun At All and Pennywise. MUTE comes to Brazil in February alongside No Trigger with a South American tour going through Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, Curitiba and São Paulo.
First of all we would like to say that we are very happy and honored by the opportunity and would like to thank the trust that Solid Music has placed in us and also to the support of all of you!
But now we go to what matters, we hope you like the interview:
Answered by Alexis Trépanier (Guitarist):
We Are Fearless: How do you guys feel about coming back to Brazil? What do you expect for this tour? What we can expect from you all?
Alexis Trépanier: We feel very excited about coming back to Brazil! Any trip to Latin America is a great source of excitement for us. We're looking forward experience once again the boundless passion of Brazilian fans! 
WAF: How was the recording and writing process of “Remember Death”? How this album is different from the past ones musically speaking?
Alex: The process of making “Remember Death” was a long and draining one. We spent a lot of time in the preproduction phase, recording our own demos at the rehearsal space. We relied on these demos to get every single detail just right, no matter how small and trivial. More time was spent crafting the vocal parts and lyrics too. Having our own recording equipment really helped us getting the songs as ready as they could be before we hit the real studio. I don't think there's any major, obvious difference between the last album and the one before. The changes are a lot subtler. Weather it is adding a few less traditional instruments to spice up some songs, or simply varying the tempos of the songs a little bit more than before so everything is not played at the exact same speed. The devil is in the details. 
WAF: Since the release of the very first album “Blueprints”, what was the biggest change in the sound of the band?
Alex: To me it's the quality of the song writing. It may sound like a vague and intangible element, but I don't know how else to describe it. From The Raven and onwards, we just got so much better. 
WAF: What was the biggest influence to start the band and what’s your current inspiration source to keep making music since the beginning?   
Alex: Well, I wasn't in the band at the very beginning, but I imagine it was the same motivation that made me join a band in the first place. The desire to play the music that we loved and to play our own music. The reasons to keep going are the same as when we started.
WAF: What was the biggest achievement that you guys ever achieved as a band? And what’s the hardest thing about being in a band?
Alex: I think our biggest achievement is that we've been successful without having compromised our music. It would have been easy to change our sound to something more popular and take a stab at getting bigger that way, but we never even considered it. We have forged our own path, on our own terms.   
WAF: What has been your favorite show to date, why? And what’s your favorite song to play live? 
Alex: That's a tough one... there are so many amazing ones. We could probably do a top 5 best shows just with South America! I think I can't just pick one... Sao Paulo 2014, Bogota 2014, Mexico DF 2014, first time in Tokyo 2015... I could go on forever. Favorite song to play is probably “Bates Motel” as it is one of the songs that gets the best reaction out of the crowd.
WAF: The band started in Canada right? How was your local scene at the time the band was formed? How’s the scene now? There’s any local band you guys want to show to us? 
Alex: That's right, we're from Quebec City, Canada. When we started, over 15 years ago, the scene was very good. There was a lot of shows all the time and a lot of people came to those shows. Not just Epitaph/Fat Wreck bands but local bands too. Most of the shows were really well attended and crowds were really into it. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. Most of the people you used to see at shows very rarely show up now, and they haven't been replaced by younger fans. Consequently, the shows have gotten smaller. Unless it's a big festival, it's a lot tougher to draw people at punk shows. Anyway, there are still a few bands from our area carrying the torch. We actually have a show in a few weeks with Go Great Guns and Our Darkest Days which you all should check out!
WAF: Is there anything you guys want to say to all your fans in Brazil? 
Alex: This is where speaking Portuguese would be useful now would it? Let's just says that we can't wait to see all of you wonderful Brazilian fans at the show. Get ready!!  
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The Urban Dictionary Of Interiorsinvogue.Com New York Mirrored Furniture
Transforming London: The New Breed Of Designers at the Super-Prime
London's modern-day HNWs have different concerns and needs for their homes-- and fresh brand-new designers are stepping up to satisfy the difficulty with innovative approaches, composes William Cash.
Every years-- or generation-- London sees a brand-new type of interior designers or 'developer-designers' who stand out and consult with a visual voice, whose vision mixes easily with the architectural zeitgeist. While many HNWs have actually become aware of Candy & Candy (or at least their Monaco superyacht), Finchatton, or a custom company like Fenton Whelan, these 'designer brand name' firms are all now regarded as well established. To put it simply, they've made lots of cash establishing in London's super-prime market, which up until just recently was up 40 per cent because 2009.
However, following punitive stamp duty hikes, London's super-prime market is down 20 percent. 'Billionaires are shunning the London high-end home market, with sales of "extremely prime" ₤ 10 million-plus houses in the capital collapsing by 86 per cent over the past year,' the Guardian reported in October. The paper mentioned figures from Land Registry which exposed that just five properties were cost more than ₤ 10 million in the 3 months to August 2016, compared to 35 such homes in the very same quarter the previous year. Outdoors London, no property cost more than ₤ 10 million.
As constantly in the residential or commercial property development business, such price falls have created new chances for designers who are tuned into the mindset of HNW clients, and more notably are not caught economically with a slate of pricey super-prime tasks and advancements on their books. HNW customers looking to purchase 'off-plan' have various priorities-- such as desiring a two-bed lateral flat with sufficient entertaining area to host twenty for supper, rather than a six-bedroom ₤ 11.5 million super-home.
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The previous few years have the emergence of several under-the-radar individuals who are transforming the guidelines of interior decoration and of what it indicates to create a designer 'brand name' today. Leaders include Katharine Pooley and Helen Green Design, which are following in the tradition of the great London interior designer brands such as Colefax & Fowler.
What is most striking about such renowned 'designer' brands is that, on the whole, clients pertained to them since they wanted their hallmark look. Colefax & Fowler originated what is known today as 'country home design', using a revitalizing mix of modern chic and timeless chintz that stripped away the cluttered gloom of Victoriana. But the brand-new breed of designers is moving far from the signature brand look. Instead, their customers want provenance, creativity, artisan-craftsmanship, eccentric architectural information. These designer-developers have a philosophy of style that transcends the aesthetic into the practical.
Edo Mapelli Mozzi of Banda is passionate about the stage set of contemporary metropolitan life. For each Banda project, 'designers, artisans and professionals are thoroughly picked to guarantee the homes we produce an interest the relevant market. We aim to surpass expectations in regards to the quality and service in the residential or commercial properties we deliver.'
Banda's acutely in-depth bespoke work reflects the most extensive aspirations of HNW clients today and society's altering architectural tastes and domestic design. Edo, who was brought up and educated in England, has actually embraced the title of Noël Coward's 1932 play Design for Living for his branding functions. 'At Banda, our homes are developed for life,'
he says.
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With twelve years' experience, Edo and his group utilize their deeply embedded 'market intelligence' (i.e. relationships with representatives and purchasers' agents) to source eccentric homes, typically with some commercial heritage or architectural provenance. Using a team of 'artisan-craftsmen' and designers, the Banda principle is to only put its name to a development that has 'an original identity' and will 'make its own mark'.
The Banda Design Studio is unusual because it provides a really 'full service' experience for HNWs, from interior design to designer's designs, through to the dressing of all reveal apartment or condos within advancements. The most talked-about decorators of each generation are more than mere designers: they provide a window into the soul of our times and the Way We Live Now. Some 95 percent of Banda's work is 'speculative development'; the other 5 percent is a private commission or task work.
Edo has been developing 'character' properties in areas like Battersea, where he has actually had noteworthy success transforming an old bakeshop. 'A great deal of our business model has been producing prime lateral flats outside the conventional zone 1 location,' he states. He points out that in locations like Nine Elms most two-bed flats vary from 900-1,300 sq ft. Think kitchen area dinner for four-six if you squash around the table. 'So you can't captivate.'
His two-bed flats tend to be 2,000-3000sq ft. In one flat he had a 'bedroom that had his-and-hers dressing spaces, a substantial restroom with an amusing space where you might have twenty for supper or 40 for a beverages celebration. But it's a two-bedroom flat. And that doesn't exist on the market.' When Banda took these 'two-bed prime lateral' flats to market, all sold in 24 hours. 'We produced something that is not cookie-cut, is not what everyone else is producing.'
Edo says his client focus has actually always been based upon listening to what 'owner-occupiers' desire, instead of the sales pitch of representatives. 'We understand there is a demand from these sorts of downsizers, individuals in their early fifties whose children have actually matured, have actually left home. They require a spare bedroom however they don't need a five-bedroomed house anymore. However they still desire the space they had.' Many also have a home office space.
Another leading example of the leading brand-new breed of designer is Andrew Murray, founder of Morpheus London design. I initially fulfilled Andrew in May at the MIPIM exhibition in Cannes, where he had invited me to an exclusive lunch party. Andrew is also a co-partner (with Simon Davis) of the Rosebery, Britain's most exclusive double-decker personal box bus-- more like a private luxury yacht decorated like a Mayfair club than your normal bus.
I asked him how a designer today can get the balance right between being a luxury 'brand name' (like the Rosebery) and at the same time keep being unique and individual as a business with personal commission work. The answer is that Morpheus is rooted in craftsmen design work. His mom was an interior designer and his father 'very imaginative', and this is the common DNA style aspect to all its projects. Andrew began as a cabinet-maker and joiner, pretty much self-taught. 'This has been vital because I understand how things are made, and I understand how things should stream,' he states. 'So, originating from that craftsman background, the business progressed as my direct exposure to high-end home evolved.'
Andrew's vocation started at Canford School in Dorset, which had an outstanding carpentry department. 'I established my service when I was still at school,' he says. 'I decorated an office block when I was about sixteen and used individuals from school, which was quite enjoyable. So it progressed from there.'
Clients started asking him guidance on all aspects of the design task-- not simply the cabinet he was making. 'I realised none had a full service, and they were constantly at a bit of a loss. So they were having this charming piece of cabinets made, however everything else didn't truly match, and the arrangement of service wasn't there. It was really historical. It was really in the old school. And so I saw an opportunity to offer the sort of end-to-end service.'
Morpheus is now among the most sought-out design companies in London, with customers all over Europe (hence the trendy however discreet lunch party at MIPIM). It wasn't always so glamorous, though: his very first big project was the conversion of a large house in Stockwell in which the dance act KLF utilized to live. 'Then I ingratiated a designer in Mayfair who had a portfolio of 60 homes-- rentals. I was about 25 then, and I took control of the advancement management of their maintenance, archive, repair-- so it led from there.'
The next move was to develop his own aesthetic design-- putting the Morpheus imprint on tasks without them becoming more about Morpheus than the customer. 'I look quite at the function of area. Our designers do the interior decoration and the stylising, however I do the function, the flow, the purpose. Which was coming through extremely strongly then, and I think that's what caused success and led to growth.'
What makes Andrew the choice of magnates, UHNWs and City tycoons who want their houses to stand apart however also remain under the radar design brand-wise is his knowledge of who the absolute best craftspeople are. 'I can still go onto a website and state, "Actually, make it like that. It's a lot more business." So Morpheus is a design home, but we are also so much more than that-- we comprehend business truths. If a client states, "I've got 4 apartments that I want you to develop," I'm not even going to take a look at the style till I've comprehended the commercial service case. And I'm going to go, "Who's going to buy it? Why are they purchasing? What do they want?" And then that will lead the design.'
0 notes
Why We Love Interiors Invogue Prosecco Glasses (And You Should, Too!)
Transforming London: The New Breed Of Designers at the Super-Prime
London's modern-day HNWs have various priorities and needs for their houses-- and fresh brand-new designers are stepping up to satisfy the challenge with ingenious techniques, writes William Cash.
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Every years-- or generation-- London sees a new type of interior designers or 'developer-designers' who stand apart and consult with an aesthetic voice, whose vision mixes easily with the architectural zeitgeist. While a lot of HNWs have actually heard of Candy & Candy (or at least their Monaco superyacht), Finchatton, or a custom company like Fenton Whelan, these 'designer brand' firms are all now regarded as well established. To put it simply, they've made lots of loan establishing in London's super-prime market, which up until recently was up 40 per cent given that 2009.
However, following punitive stamp task hikes, London's super-prime market is down 20 per cent. 'Billionaires are shunning the London luxury residential or commercial property market, with sales of "super prime" ₤ 10 million-plus homes in the capital collapsing by 86 per cent over the past year,' the Guardian reported in October. The paper cited figures from Land Registry which exposed that just five homes were sold for more than ₤ 10 million in the 3 months to August 2016, compared to 35 such residential or commercial properties in the exact same quarter the previous year. Outside London, no property offered for more than ₤ 10 million.
As always in the home development service, such cost falls have created new chances for designers who are tuned into the mindset of HNW customers, and more importantly are not trapped economically with a slate of expensive super-prime jobs and advancements on their books. HNW clients aiming to purchase 'off-plan' have different priorities-- such as wanting a two-bed lateral flat with sufficient entertaining area to host twenty for dinner, rather than a six-bedroom ₤ 11.5 million super-home.
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The previous few years have the emergence of numerous under-the-radar people who are transforming the guidelines of interior design and of what it implies to develop a designer 'brand' today. Leaders consist of Katharine Pooley and Helen Green Design, which are following in the custom of the excellent London interior designer brands such as Colefax & Fowler.
What is most striking about such iconic 'designer' brand names is that, on the whole, clients concerned them since they wanted their hallmark look. Colefax & Fowler pioneered what is understood today as 'country house design', using a rejuvenating mix of contemporary elegant and traditional chintz that removed away the cluttered gloom of Victoriana. But the brand-new type of designers is moving away from the signature brand name look. Instead, their clients desire provenance, originality, artisan-craftsmanship, eccentric architectural details. These designer-developers have an approach of design that transcends the aesthetic into the practical.
Edo Mapelli Mozzi of Banda is enthusiastic about the phase set of modern urbane life. For each Banda task, 'designers, craftsmens and professionals are carefully chosen to ensure the houses we produce an interest the relevant market. We aim to exceed expectations in terms of the quality and service in the properties we deliver.'
Banda's acutely detailed bespoke work shows the most profound goals of HNW customers today and society's changing architectural tastes and domestic design. Edo, who was brought up and informed in England, has actually adopted the title of Noël Coward's 1932 play Design for Living for his branding functions. 'At Banda, our houses are built for life,'
he states.
With twelve years' experience, Edo and his team utilize their deeply ingrained 'market intelligence' (i.e. relationships with representatives and purchasers' agents) to source wacky properties, typically with some industrial heritage or architectural provenance. Using a group of 'artisan-craftsmen' and designers, the Banda idea is to just put its name to an advancement that has 'an original identity' and will 'make its own mark'.
The Banda Design Studio is uncommon because it offers a genuinely 'complete service' experience for HNWs, from interior design to architect's designs, through to the dressing of all show homes within advancements. The most talked-about designers of each generation are more than simple designers: they provide a window into the soul of our times and the Way We Live Now. Some 95 per cent of Banda's work is 'speculative advancement'; the other 5 percent is a private commission or job work.
Edo has actually been establishing 'character' properties in areas like Battersea, where he has had notable success converting an old pastry shop. 'A lot of our company model has been producing prime lateral flats outside the standard zone 1 location,' he says. He mentions that in locations like Nine Elms most two-bed flats vary from 900-1,300 sq ft. Think kitchen dinner for four-six if you squash around the table. 'So you can't amuse.'
His two-bed flats tend to be 2,000-3000sq ft. In one flat he had a 'bedroom that had his-and-hers dressing rooms, a big bathroom with an amusing area where you might have twenty for dinner or 40 for a drinks party. But it's a two-bedroom flat. And that doesn't exist on the market.' When Banda took these 'two-bed prime lateral' flats to market, all sold in 24 hours. 'We produced something that is not cookie-cut, is not what everyone else is producing.'
Edo says his client focus has actually constantly been based on listening to what 'owner-occupiers' desire, instead of the sales pitch of agents. 'We know there is a need from these sorts of downsizers, people in their early fifties whose kids have actually grown up, have left home. They require an extra bed room however they do not need a five-bedroomed home anymore. However they still desire the space they had.' A lot of also have an office area.
Another leading example of the leading brand-new type of designer is Andrew Murray, founder of Morpheus London design. I first met Andrew in May at the MIPIM exhibition in Cannes, where he had invited me to an unique lunch celebration. Andrew is likewise a co-partner (with Simon Davis) of the Rosebery, Britain's the majority of unique double-decker personal box bus-- more like a personal yacht embellished like a Mayfair club than your typical bus.
I asked him how a designer today can get the balance right between being a high-end 'brand name' (like the Rosebery) and at the very same time keep being unique and private as a business with private commission work. The answer is that Morpheus is rooted in artisan design work. His mother was an interior designer and his father 'very innovative', and this is the common DNA design aspect to all its jobs. Andrew started as a cabinet-maker and joiner, basically self-taught. 'This has been vital due to the fact that I understand how things are made, and I know how things must stream,' he says. 'So, coming from that craftsman background, the company developed as my exposure to luxury property evolved.'
Andrew's occupation started at Canford School in Dorset, which had an outstanding carpentry department. 'I set up my service when I was still at school,' he states. 'I embellished a workplace block when I was about sixteen and utilized people from school, which was quite enjoyable. So it evolved from there.'
Customers started asking him suggestions on all aspects of the style job-- not simply the cabinet he was making. 'I realised none had a complete service, and they were constantly at a little bit of a loss. So they were having this charming piece of cabinets made, however everything else didn't really match, and the provision of service wasn't there. It was really historic. It was extremely in the old school. And so I saw a chance to offer the sort of end-to-end service.'
Morpheus is now one of the most sought-out design firms in London, with clients all over Europe (for this reason the stylish but discreet lunch party at MIPIM). It wasn't constantly so attractive, though: his very first big task was the conversion of a large home in Stockwell in which the dance act KLF utilized to live. 'Then I ingratiated a designer in Mayfair who had a portfolio of 60 apartments-- rentals. I was about 25 then, and I took control of the advancement management of their maintenance, archive, repair-- so it led from there.'
The next move was to develop his own aesthetic design-- putting the Morpheus imprint on tasks without them becoming more about Morpheus than the client. 'I look quite at the function of area. Our designers do the interior design and the stylising, but I do the function, the flow, the function. Which was coming through really highly then, and I believe that's what caused success and caused growth.'
What makes Andrew the choice of moguls, UHNWs and City tycoons who desire their homes to stand out however also stay under the radar design brand-wise is his knowledge of who the very best craftspeople are. 'I can still go onto a website and state, "Actually, make it like that. It's much more industrial." So Morpheus is a design house, but we are also so much more than that-- we understand commercial truths. If a client states, "I've got four homes that I want you to design," I'm not even going to take a look at the style till I've understood the industrial organisation case. And I'm going to go, "Who's going to purchase it? Why are they buying? What do they desire?" And after that that will lead the style.'
0 notes
Sitios Web de Andrex Montenegro
Página Web:  https://andrex-montenegro.webnode.es/
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcm8uh56cO6-A_T4F83dNA
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Galaxy-Music-106443200842225/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/galaxy_music2020/channel/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/MontenegroAndr_
Bandcamp:  https://montenegro2.bandcamp.com/album/musas
Reverbnation:  https://www.reverbnation.com/montenegro1
Soundcloud:  https://soundcloud.com/user-250891291
Linkedin:  www.linkedin.com/in/montenegro-andrex-8b6ab9198
Tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/blog/andresmontenegrothings
Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.es/amontenegro0193/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/AndresMontenegro
Last FM:  https://www.last.fm/user/AMontenegro1
Vimeo:  https://vimeo.com/user106698455
Audiomack:  https://audiomack.com/artist/andresmontenegro
My Space:  https://myspace.com/andrexmontenegro
Sonusbook:  www.sonusbook.com/andrexmontenegro
Stage It:  https://www.stageit.com/Andrex_Montenegro
Amy: https://amy.network/musician/andrex.montenegro.0/talent
Flickr:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrexmontenegro/
Besonic:  https://www.besonic.com/profile/andresmontenegro
Unsigned Band Web:  http://www.unsignedbandweb.com/music/Andrex_Montenegro/
Our Stage: https://ourstage.com/andresmontenegro
Bandizmo:  http://www.bandizmo.com/AndrexMontenegro
Show.co:  https://show.co/Lc3ckrv
Broadjam:  http://www.broadjam.com/andrexmontenegro
Independencemusic:  http://www.indiependencemusic.net/andrexmontenegro
Crowdfire:  https://web.crowdfireapp.com/#/add?source=top_bar
Sonicbids:  https://www.sonicbids.com/band/andrex-montenegro/
Amazing Tunes:  https://amazingtunes.com/andrexmontenegro
Napster:  https://es.napster.com/artist/montenegro/album/musas
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/album/121552731
Andrex Montenegro mostró desde temprana edad fuertes inclinaciones musicales. Su padre es profesor de violín. Comenzó como alumno de violín de su padre, pero su creciente interés en la música le hizo tomar cursos sobre diferentes instrumentos musicales.
Cursó primara y secundaria y su creciente curiosidad por el enigma de la vida lo hicieron inscribirse en la cátedra de Filosofía. Trató en vano de buscar un oasis de descanso para los seres humanos y para sí mismo y de solventar los problemas del existir.
Como guitarrista, tecladista y baterista formó parte de varias bandas en diversos países como España, Alemania, Rusia, Bélgica, Inglaterra y Holanda. También trabajó en cruceros, teniendo la oportunidad de conocer el mundo y de recorrer los siete mares. Andrex Montenegro también trabajó durante mucho tiempo como profesor de varios instrumentos musicales, además de como traductor.
Andrex Montenegro es un multi-instrumentista que acometió él solo la grabación de su CD ¨Musas¨, que aquí se presenta, grabando todos los instrumentos, coros y voces solistas en sus canciones. Continuó su idealismo Platónico en el inmaterial mundo de la música. Se percató que el músico habla de la realidad como tuviera que ser, pero que desafortunadamente no lo es. Se dió cuenta que la gente se escapa momentáneamente de la pétrea realidad y se sumerge en la música y sus etéreas letras. Es por eso que la música apela tanto a todos los seres humanos. El músico construye el paraíso de tontos a donde todos los seres humanos se fugan momentáneamente para descansar del rigor de la existencia. Los sueños se vuelven realidad en las canciones.
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kamalayanspw · 4 years
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Mabuhay! Ako si Cecille Ann V. Merlin. Ako’y nag-aaral sa Unibersidad ng Santo Tomas at pinagtalaga kami upang malaman aming Barangay at ang Disaster Risks and Managament nito. Tara! Tukuyin natin ito!
Saan nga ba banda ang “San Pedro West, Rosales, Pangasinan?”
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“According to PhilAtlast.com, San Pedro West is a barangay in the municipality of Rosales, in the province of Pangasinan. Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 1,954. This represented 3.10% of the total population of Rosales. The population of San Pedro West grew from 1,496 in 1990 to 1,954 in 2015, an increase of 458 people. The latest census figures in 2015 denote a negative growth rate of 2.87%, or a decrease of 323 people, from the previous population of 2,277 in 2010. San Pedro West is situated at approximately 15.8962, 120.6370, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 36.9 meters or 121.1 feet above mean sea level.” It is also, located on northern luzon.
Source: San Pedro West, Municipality of Rosales, Province of Pangasinan. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.philatlas.com/luzon/r01/pangasinan/rosales/san-pedro-west.html.
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Noong ika-30 ng Nobyembre, ako ay dumako sa aming Barangay Hall at gumawa ng interview kasama ang Barangay Kagawad na si Gng. Lorna T. Fadriquela.
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Si Gng. Lorna T. Fadriquela, ay sa isang taon pa lamang namamahala sa Barangay bilang Barangay Kagawad. Nanalo siya noong Nakaraang taong eleksyon. Tamang-tama din na siya ang aking ininterview sapagka’t galing din siya ng seminar patungkol sa DRRM.
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Source: San Pedro West, Municipality of Rosales, Province of Pangasinan. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.philatlas.com/luzon/r01/pangasinan/rosales/san-pedro-west.html.
Aking nalaman na ang madalas tumama na kalamidad sa aming lugar ay Bagyo. Ang pinakamalakas ng Bagyo na tumama sa aming lugar ay ang Bagyong Pepeng noong taong 2009. Ayon kay Gng Lorna, dito naipakita saaming lugar ang bayanihan at pagkakaisa ng mga tao sapagka’t nagpatuloy sa mga bahay-bahay (mga may bahay ng 2nd Floor) ang mga tao upang matulungan ang mga may bahay na nakapwesto sa mga mababang lugar. Noong panahong ito, wala pang evacuation center na pwedeng pagtuluyan ng mga tao.
Isa pa sa mga panganib na nararanasan ng aming Barangay ay ang lindol. Ayon kay Gng. Lorna, malimit lamang magkalindol saaming lugar ngunit lagi namang  handa ang Barangay tuwing nagkakaroon.  
Tuwing may bagyo naman, palaging tinitignan/binabantayan ang mga ilog na malapit sa aming lugar upang malamn kung kailangan an bang lumikas ng mga taong nasa paligid nito, at maghanda. 
Nalalaman ng mga Barangay Officials kung may paparating na kalamidad sa aming lugar sa pamamagitan ng Radyo o kaya naman sa telibisyon. Pinapalikas na nila ang mga tao kung may mga anunsiyo na mula sa LGU o Local Government Unit ng aming Bayan.
Capacity and Disaster Management
Ang ginagawa ng Barangay at pamayanan tuwing may paparating sakuna ay sinasabihan na agad ang mga tao sa aming lugar, kung biglaan naman kagaya ng lindol, nagkakaroon sila Earthquake Drill para may karanasan o pagsasanay sa kung anong gagawin ng mga tao kung may mangyari mang mga sakuna.
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May nakalaang BDRRMC FUND INVESTMENT PLAN ang aming Barangay na siyang nagkakahalaga ng 124,714.00 Pesos. Ayon kat Gng. Lorna, Balak nilang bigyan ang kada bahay ng pito, flashlight at iba pang bagay na maaring makatulong tuwing may sakuna. Naglalaan din sila ng mga pagkain, kung sakaling may mga kalamidad na darating.
Sa kasalukuyan, ang mga programa ng barangay ay pagdalo sa mga seminar patungkol sa paglikas. Sa loob naman ng Barangay Hall, mayroong CCTV na siyang makakatulog kung ay mga aksidenteng mga nangyari. 
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Mayroong ding mga volunteers, at mga Barangay Tanod na siyang tumutulong upang magkaroon ng ligtas na pamayanan. 
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Eto naman ang mga taong namamahala patugnkol sa mga Sakuna na mangyayari at nangyayari sa aming lugar. Sila ang mga nangunguna upang gabayan kaming mga lokal.  Sabi din ni Gng. Lorna, may mga kabataan ding tumutulong o nagvovolunteer para sa komunidad. 
Vulnerability, Elements, and People at risk Assessment
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Ayon kay Gng. Lorna, ang bahagi kung saan may pinakamatinding pinsala na lugar sa aming Barangay ay ang mga mababang lugar nito at ang mga bahay na malapit sa ilog, sapagka’t kapag umulan maari silang bahain at kapag umpaw naman ang tubig mula sa ilog, maari silang maapektuhan at bahain din.
Patungkol naman sa serbisyong pangkabuhayan, lipunan at imprastaktura ng aming pamayanan, nakakaapekto dito ang mga pananim ng mga magsasaka. Sa aming lugar, kalat ang pananiman at mga lupa at halos ng mga tao ay pagsasaka ang trabaho . Kapag ay malakas na ulan, nababaha ang mga lugar na ito at kung bagyo naman, nahahangin ang mga palay na siyang ikinasisira ng mga ani. 
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Ang evacuation center ay isa sa mga pinaka-ligtas na lugar sa aming pamayanan. Pinagtutuluyan ito ng mga taong pinapalikas dahil sa mga sakuna. Bagong gawa lamang ito, at unang beses ko din ito nakita noong simahan ako para sa Community walk.
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Ang Basketball Court (open area) naman na ito ay isa din sa mga ligtas na lugar ng aming pamayanan. Kapag may lindo, diyan pumupunta ang mga tao dahil ito open space at malawak.
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Isa din ang Barangay Hall,  sa mga ligtas na lugar. Ayon kay Gng. Lorna, kapag wala ng puwesto sa loob ng evacuation center, ipinupunta nila ang mga tao dito.
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Patungkol naman sa mga lugar kung saan hindi ligtas at delikado, hindi ako pinayagan na papuntahin ni Gng. Lorna sapagka’t delikado na raw ito ngayon. Ngunit, noong mga circa 2014, nakapunta na ako sa isang ilog saamin na siyang delikado at umaapaw pag bumabagyo (tignan ang piktyur sa itaas). May hanging bridge ito sa taas na siyang tinatapakan ko sa larawan. 
Isa sa mga suliranin na aking nakita ay walang gaanong kabuhayan at nakapokus lamang sa pagsasaka ang mga tao. Kaya naman madaling bahain ang mga mababang lugar sa aming pamayanan dahil kulang sa paglilinis at hindi gaanong strikto ang implementasyon patungkol sa mga basura 
Tuwing may bagyo na tumama sa aming lugar, ang mga pananim ng mga magsasaka at ang ekwelahan ng aming pamayanan ang naaapektuhan. Ngunit, sa pagtutulungan at pagbabayanihan ng mga tao sa aming lugar, nalalagapasan namin ito at umuuwing may ngiti sa aming mga labi. 
Sa makatuwid...
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Ang Evacuation Center;
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Ang Barangay Hall at ang;
Basketball Court
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Isang Hazardous place naman na aking napuntahan na noong 2014 ay isa sa mga ilog na malapit sa aming pamayanan. 
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Sa ibaba ng Hanging Bridge ang ilog.
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Dito na nagtatapos ang Kaalaman patungkol sa aming lugar (Barangay San Pedro West, Rosales, Pangasinan) at kung paano kami maghanda at bumangon sa mga Sakuna. Ngayon ikaw ay may KAMALAYAN na.
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0 notes
sonyclasica · 5 years
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Sony Music anuncia el lanzamiento EN FORMATO VINILO de MEN IN BLACK ™: INTERNATIONAL (ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK)con música de DANNY ELFMAN y CHRIS BACON. Disponible el viernes 2 de agosto.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Uno de los compositores cinematográficos más aclamados y distintivos de su generación, Danny Elfman, regresa a Men in Blacktras poner música a las tres primeras entregas de la franquicia. o acompaña Chris Bacon, creador de música adicional para diferentes composiciones cinematográficas de Elfman, entre ellas Avengers: Age of Ultron,Alice Through the Looking Glassy Goosebumps. Disponible el viernes 2 de agosto, la banda sonora incluye música de la esperada película, que se estrenó en los cines a través de Sony Pictures el viernes 14 de junio.
De la banda sonora, el compositor Danny Elfman dice: “Siempre he disfrutado haciendo la banda sonora de la saga MEN IN BLACK. Me permite entrar en un universo musical muy peculiar, singular y único como lo es el universo MIB, donde siempre disfruto volviendo atrás e innovando. Y compartir este capítulo con el compositor Chris Bacon fue también una experiencia increíble”.
Los Hombres de Negrosiempre han protegido a la Tierra de la escoria del universo. En esta nueva aventura, se enfrentan a su amenaza más grande y global hasta la fecha: un infiltrado en la organización. Men in Black: Internationalha sido dirigida por F. Gary Gray, y escrita por Art Marcum & Matt Holloway, y está basada en el Cómic Malibu de Lowell Cunningham. Producida por Walter F. Parkes y Laurie MacDonald. Producción ejecutiva de Steven Spielberg, Edward Cheng, Howard Chen, E. Bennett Walsh, Riyoko Tanaka, David Beaubaire y Barry Sonnenfeld. Los protagonistas son Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Kumail Nanjiani, Rebecca Ferguson, Rafe Spall, Laurent Bourgeois y Larry Bourgeois, con Emma Thompson y Liam Neeson.
L Train
Seeing Is Believing
Job Interview
I Found You
Viper Room
Who's That Guy?
VR Room
Too Much
Vungus Aftermath
Here Comes Trouble
Riding a Bike
Blue Giant
Pink Trousers
Flying Fists
Where's The Weapon?
Ah, Paris
The Truth
Like a Son
Red Button
End Credits
En los últimos 30 años Danny Elfman, el nominado en cuatro ocasiones a los premios Oscar, se ha establecido como uno de los compositores de cine más versátiles y exitosos de la industria. Ha colaborado con directores como Tim Burton, David O. Russell, Gus Van Sant, Sam Raimi, Paul Haggis, Ang Lee, Rob Marshall, Guillermo del Toro, Brian De Palma y Peter Jackson. Su primera composición para el cine fue para La gran aventura de Pee Wee, de Tim Burton, y desde entonces ha puesto música a multitud de películas entre las que se encuentran Milk (Nominado a los Oscars), Good Will Hunting(Nominado a los Oscars), Big Fish(Nominado a los Oscars), Men in Black (Nominado a los Oscars), Eduardo Manostijeras, Batman, To Die For, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Spiderman, A Simple Plan, Midnight Run, Sommersby, Dolores Claiborne y los documentales de Errol Morris The Unknown Known y Standard Operating Procedure.Más recientemente,ha puesto música a la película de Tim Burton,Dumbo, La Liga de la Justicia deWarner Bros, Don't Worry He Won't Get Far On Foot de Gus Van Sant yThe Grinch para Universal.
Originario de Los Ángeles, Elfman creció sintiendo un profundo amor por la música de cine. Viajó por el mundo absorbiendo su diversidad musical. Ayudó a fundar la banda Oingo Boingo y llamó la atención de un joven Tim Burton, quien le pidió que escribiera la música de La gran aventura de Pee Wee. 34 años más tarde, los dos han forjado una de las colaboraciones de compositores y directores más fructíferas en la historia del cine. Además de su trabajo cinematográfico, Elfman escribió el icónico tema musical para la serie de televisión The Simpsons y el de Mujeres desesperadas.
Elfman ha ampliado su trabajo a la composición de obras orquestales de concierto, entre ellas: Serenada Schizophrana, una sinfonía encargada por la American Composer's Orchestra, que se estrenó en el Carnegie Hall en 2005, Rabbit and Rogue, para el American Ballet Theatre coreografiada por Twyla Tharp, interpretada en The Metropolitan Opera en 2008, e Irispara el Cirque du Soleil, dirigida por el coreógrafo francés Philippe Decouflé. En 2011, el concierto orquestal en directo Danny Elfman Music from the Films of Tim Burton, se estrenó en el Royal Albert Hall, que desde entonces ha llevado de gira por todo el mundo, llegando a ganar dos premios Emmy.
El concierto para violín de Elfman de 2017, “Eleven-Eleven”, escrito para la violinista Sandy Cameron tuvo su estreno mundial en Praga y fue interpretado por Cameron y la Orquesta Nacional Checa. En 2018, se estrenó en Estados Unidos junto a Cameron y la Royal Scottish National Orchestra. Este año, "Eleven-Eleven" fue grabado por Sandy Cameron y la Royal Scottish National Orchestra y publicado a través de Sony Classical International. Además, el primer Cuarteto de piano de Elfman, un encargo del Cuarteto de Piano de la Filarmónica de Berlín, se estrenó en la Philharmonie de esa misma ciudad.
“Necesito meterme en un nuevo territorio con nuevos desafíos tanto como pueda y siempre que pueda. Me dicen que tengo un estilo reconocible, pero mi mayor placer es cuando puedo sorprender al público con mi música."
Chris Bacon irrumpió en la industria de la composición cinematográfica con su trabajo para el exitoso thriller Source Code de Duncan Jones. "Desde el mismo momento en que pude comenzar a pensar en lo que quería hacer cuando creciera," dice Chris Bacon, "tuve claro que quería escribir música para películas". Después de haberlo hecho como discípulo, —orquestando, componiendo y escribiendo música adicional— de James Newton Howard (en películas como Gnomeo y Juliety King Kong), Bacon hizo su debut en solitario con la música de Angels Fall y desde entonces no ha parado. Creó música animada para acompañar aSpace Chimpsy Alpha and Omega, y compuso la música dramática del documental de guerra High Ground producido por Don Hahn. Chris también escribió la música de fondo de la mitad de la temporada Smashde la NBC, que le valió su primera nominación a los Premios Emmy. Asimismo, recibió recientemente su segunda nominación al Emmy por Bates Motel a la mejor música original dramática para una serie. También ha creado música adicional para la película nominada a Premios Oscars, American Hustle, de David O. Russell, Avengers: Age of Ultron de Marvel Studios, Paddingtonproducida por David Heyman y Goosebumps de Sony Pictures. Su trabajo más reciente incluye Being Charlie, de Rob Reiner, el drama televisivo de ABC When We Rise, el relanzamiento de Amazon, The Tick, dirigido por Wally Pfister, Snatched de Fox, dirigida por Jonathan Levine, y la aventura de animación de Paramount, Sherlock Gnomes.
Bacon creció en Utah, aprendiendo a tocar el piano y el saxofón antes de estudiar composición musical en la universidad. Se mudó a los Ángeles para asistir al programa de composición cinematográfica de la USC, y acabó siendo aprendiz de Howard. "Vuelve al instinto", dice de su proceso, "y para bien o para mal, sigue a mis oídos."
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cidadenoticias · 4 years
SpaceX lanca Falcon 9 com mais de 60 satélites
SpaceX lanca Falcon 9 com mais de 60 satélites para fornecer internet de banda larga em alta velocidade a locais de dificil acesso a rede
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Space X
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O post SpaceX lanca Falcon 9 com mais de 60 satélites apareceu primeiro em Fotos Públicas.
source https://fotospublicas.com/spacex-lanca-falcon-9-com-mais-de-60-satelites/
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folhadefeira · 5 years
Como funciona o Festify, app que transforma seu Spotify em festival
Festify viralizou entre os usuários do Spotify. É que o aplicativo transforma seu histórico num pôster de um festival de música como Coachela, Rock in Rio e Lollapalooza, simulando como seria o evento se levasse em conta única e somente o seu gosto musical. É divertido fazer porque, boa parte das vezes, não nos damos conta de que ouvimos um determinado artista ou banda com tanta frequência no dia a dia.
Deezer ou Spotify: qual é melhor?
Spotify permitirá bloquear músicas de cantores e bandas
Como isso é possível?
O Festify puxa da API do Spotify os artistas mais ouvidos por uma conta e cria um line-up visual para você compartilhar nas redes sociais. O projeto é uma parceria, de Rick Rieta e Tony Bui e começou no ano de 2017, com Rock “brincando” com os dados extraídos do Spotify. Tony então redesenhou o aplicativo e deu o visual que tem hoje.
Dito isso, como é que usa o Festify?
Se você procurar no Google, vai encontrar várias notícias sobre o assunto e o link do festify.rocks. Não se trata desse aplicativo, embora a URL pareça bastante óbvia. Esse cara é bem legal também, permite que “seus convidados” escolham qual música deve ser tocada no seu smartphone. Você cria uma “festa” e obtém um código para convidar amigos. Todos votam para decidir quais faixas devem ser tocadas na sua playlist.
Mas o aplicativo que está “bombando” por aí, está hospedado em outro lugar.
Você pode encontrá-lo aqui: salty-beach-42139.herokuapp.com.
Você precisa autorizá-lo a obter dados da sua conta como seu e-mail, playlists públicas, as músicas e artistas que você mais escuta, a música que você está escutando agora, as músicas que você ouviu recentemente e realizar ações em seu nome (criar, editar e seguir playlists). Revogue o acesso a qualquer momento em spotify.com/account.
Como usar o Festify
Acesse o endereço em que o Festify no link acima, pelo navegador;
Clique em “Login with Spotify”;
Será necessário autorizar o acesso à sua conta;
Agora escolha o período que o aplicativo vai considerar o seu histórico: Last month (mês passado), Last 6 month (seis meses atrás) e All time (tudo); Dependendo do que você escolher, os resultados podem ser bastante diferentes.
Clique no período escolhido e baixe uma versão do seu festival no Spotify. O Festivay vai reunir 24 artistas mais ouvidos em ordem de frequência por você.
Como funciona o Festify
Você deve ter notado que artistas e bandas cujas músicas você escuta em “sessão privada” não apareceram, não é? Isso acontece porque, independente de Festify, qualquer pessoa que seguir o seu perfil no Spotify poderá ver o que você está escutando em tempo real,na coluna da direita no desktop, a menos que você tenha ativado a sua “sessão particular”. Para ativar, basta acessar o menu do Spotify.
  Segura meu #Festify do mês com @RitaLee_real e alguns mortos do @SpotifyBR que precisariam voltar para essa festa.
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— Melissa Cruz Cossetti
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(@melissajorn) April 15, 2019
Como você esconde dos seus amigos, é possível que esconda também dos aplicativos que usam a API do Spotify. Para o serviço de streaming, as músicas que você ouve em uma sessão particular, porém, ainda poderão ser consideradas no momento de criar algumas das suas playlists personalizadas (com exceção das “Descobertas da Semana”).
Agora que você já tem o link certo e já sabe usar o Festify, teste fazer a sua versão. O aplicativo cria um nome diferente para cada período de tempo: VolcanoJam (um mês), ForestFest (seis meses) e Unholy Space (todo o histórico). Divirta-se e compartilhe.
Como funciona o Festify, app que transforma seu Spotify em festival
O post Como funciona o Festify, app que transforma seu Spotify em festival apareceu primeiro em Folha de Feira.
source https://folhadefeira.com/como-funciona-o-festify-app-que-transforma-seu-spotify-em-festival/
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