#source; n.aruto
daybreakrising · 1 year
@c4garuda | continued
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Hidan scoffs. "Please. You should know by now that I never get caught." He was what some might call a career criminal - all minor, petty stuff, of course, but he was experienced enough not to be stupid about it. "You should just ditch the old man, y'know? Cut ties and be fuckin' free. It's much better this way."
He was pretty sure Sasori didn't like him, despite only meeting him a handful of times. That was fine - Hidan didn't care much for him, either, and given his track record he probably wouldn't be around this time next year. He never could stay in one town for long, for one reason or another. More often than not it was because he's outstayed his welcome and the local authorities were getting a little too close for comfort.
"Alright, sounds like a good deal. Try not to blow us up though, yeah? Your idea of fun is always so fuckin' noisy." Hidan flashes him a grin, pushing up from the sofa to hunt down his jacket in amongst the chaos of his shithole apartment. Finding it half-buried beneath a toppled-over stack of empty pizza boxes, he slides it on and gives the pockets a pat-down to make sure he has his smokes.
He fingers the keys to his truck, thinking of the duffel bag full of tools he has stashed under the seat. He turns back to the blond with a daring grin. "How fucked up are we going, blondie?" He's not just thinking of the carnage they'lll inflict upon the empty structures, but of the potential kids to scare off. He's still testing the blond's boundaries, seeing how far he can push it before it's deemed too far.
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resolutepath · 2 months
At first he tries leaning back a little - subtle, almost not noticeable (hopefully) - but it doesn't quite get him where he needs to be. The damn cover is still all Iruka can see, nothing but a handful of detached words at the very top of the open pages peeking at him when he strains his eyes to steal a glance. Incoherent and insufficient. Icha Icha is not the kind of title he'd expect a book to have that someone like Hatake Kakashi reads on a daily basis, which only heightens his curiosity. Eventually he decides to simply reach out - not to take the book from the jonin's hands, but to push it down just enough to be able to read at least a sentence that might reveal its content. "What are you reading anyway?" (uminosensei)
The first indication is the shift of a shadow over the edges of his pages, the second a slight creak at the change of position, though neither are enough to cause alarm. With his experience the difference between a curious individual who meant no threat and an enemy seeking an opportunity was stark, so Kakashi did nothing, merely turned his page and waited to see what the other would try next. When the sensei is bold enough to push down on his book, there's a curve of his lips beneath the mask and he slips the book from beneath the gentle touch to let it close with a resounding snap.
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"You shouldn't read a book in the middle of it. Terrible spoilers." Answering the question with a non-answer, Kakashi stores his book within his pouch to be resumed at a later date when he has the peace of the village and the solitude he requires to indulge within the pages. For now he turns upon the chunin who holds charge of educating Konoha's young minds and smiles beneath the mask, letting his exposed eye close to enhance the expression. "Not on the mission desk today? Or are you here to collect my report in person..?" He pauses, letting the horror of what he could possibly have done to the report sink in before he shrugs. "You'll be waiting a while, I think I left it with Naruto."
He is all to aware that his conversation does little to sate the chunin's burning desire to know the contents of his book. Well that's part of the fun of it, if Iruka truly wishes to know, perhaps he should buy a copy of Icha Icha for himself. Admittedly, he'd be quite amused to catch that reaction first hand.
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tvrningout · 9 months
📲 + 🌓 !!
send me an emoji & i'll tell you my opinion | @espectres asked for my opinion!
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📲 doubles
i really don't mind doubles/duplicates at all! sometimes i do feel a little protective of certain characters -- mainly k.aigaku bc i put so much time and thought into his portrayal since we have very little to go on in the first place :' ) but even so, i've never hesitated to follow someone who also writes him or another canon character on my roster. it's kinda neat bc everyone has their own takes and thoughts on how a character is! how i see kai is different from how someone else might see him, and i enjoy getting to read that differing view. really, though, i don't often pull out my canon characters unless it's for a friend, so hopefully no one ever worries about duplicate anxiety with me! i feel good about my own portrayals as should everyone else. we're all doing our best to write the lil guys we love, and that's enough <3
🌓 crossovers
i like them, though i need a lil help with them at times! mainly if i'm not familiar with the source material bc i can feel daunted at the thought of learning new lore without first watching/reading the source material. but most of the time, it's fine, and i think they're a nice way of allowing characters from different series to meet. like m.ob p.sycho and j.jk or b.leach might make for some cool crossovers! or maybe n.aruto and k.ny, even. if we can imagine it, we can make it happen, so i'm all for it!!
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
💋💋💋 !! ~ lyell
Thank you Lyell!! @withlovefromlyell
Ro.ck Lee - N.aruto
Reason: I just don't know enough about his source anymore and I think most of his content is from the original first wave series??
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H.arry P.otter - Same named source
[NOT this version of him obviously ... but ... the third film had some of the best Harry hair sorry.]
Reason: I couldn't think of anything for an s/i or anything.
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N.ewt Sc.amander - FBWTFT
Reason: Same as H.p.
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cluelessmuses · 3 years
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@tempjaksrpbox  inquired:  5,  6  &  10 [   meme  for  rping  muns   ]
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5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
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[   i’d  say  Obito/Tobi  from  N.aruto  for  now?  though  the  difficulty  in  there  is  more  of  i’m  not  fully  caught  up  with  source  material  than  hopefully  not  being  able  to  just  grasp  his  personality  well.   ]
6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses.
[   1. variety,  but  most  of  them  are  fucking  jerks  2.  Heiji.  that’s  it.  him.  just  everything  about  him.  i  love  my  son.  3.  a  lot  of  them  are  smart  so  i   get  to  look  up  weirdest  information  when  they’re  showing  off  &  then  have  some  cursed  fun  facts.  ]
10. Why do you write?
[   well,  obviously  part  of  it  is  for  fun.  other  part  is  though  just  letting  out  emotions  &  some  thoughts  in  healthier  way.  part  of  reason  my  most  common  memes  are  hurt/comfort  &  angst/violence.  kinda  therapeutic  to  write  these.   ]
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daybreakrising · 2 months
"Hey Tenzo you forgot this." Kakashi hands a small envelope to the other, barely sticking around after as he disappears in a swirl of smoke. Might be because in that envelope is Kakashi's latest bookshop bill.
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Eyes flit down, quickly, to the envelope that had been pushed into his grasp. His gaze is averted for barely a breath, but that is all the time it takes for his old friend - his eternal headache - to make a hasty exit. And a good thing, too, because once careful fingers pluck the bill from inside, that normally passive expression upon Yamato's face shifts into something that a certain copy-nin should be familiar with by now.
Somewhere across Konoha, a sense of foreboding ought to descend upon the shoulders of a man who frequently pushes the boundaries of his kouhai's patience, though it probably doesn't. And even if it does, it certainly won't stop Kakashi from doing it again - and probably next week, too.
With his mind conjuring a satisfying image of growing a tree on top of his senpai, Yamato begins the trek to the bookshop to pay the bill. He knows there are people who believe Kakashi takes advantage of him - that he lets him - but they're wrong. This is merely a part of who they are to each other, an established behaviour that he wouldn't change for anything.
And, besides, he knows that Kakashi will make it up to him in his own way. He always does.
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@c4garuda sent: biting your lover’s lip amidst a kiss . ( to hidan, modern au?)
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He's still not entirely sure how it happened, but he isn't complaining. He supposed it was inevitable, really. He's actually surprised it hasn't reached this point sooner.
The blond is pushed unceremoniously against the bare brick wall, Hidan's hand braced beside his head. The crackle of nearby flames mirrors the heat between them, the flickering glow the only source of light in the otherwise abandoned warehouse. It's just them and this vast space, truly alone amidst the silent city limits.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he reminds himself to watch his enthusiasm. He knows he can get carried away, that he gets too caught up in a moment. He's pumped up from the carnage they've just inflicted upon their surroundings and the thrill is influencing his actions. He needs to watch for signs that he's overstepped.
Just as he's worrying about getting too rough, he feels a sharp nip on his bottom lip, a quick stab of pain that only serves to excite him further. He draws back, a breathless laugh upon his lips, pale violet eyes darkening with far from subtle desire.
"Oh, you wanna play rough, blondie?" His tongue teases at the reddened mark Deidara's teeth have left. "I can play rough."
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daybreakrising · 8 months
@shameofice: ❝ anyone tell you it’s rude to stare? ❞ (sako @shameofice to neji? i'd like to try his naruto verse on here)
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The pale gaze doesn't falter for a second. He stares, unflinchingly, at the other, his expression seemingly disinterested. He's used to the cool treatment of the Hyuga clan, so the retort means nothing to him. In fact, Neji appears, at first, to not have heard him.
A moment passes. Then, another.
"I believe you were staring first." His voice is cool, calm, unruffled. He sits comfortably in place, hands resting lightly in his lap, seemingly at ease in the other's presence. His new sense of peace in the world has left him with a well of patience that is unending.
He angles his head, the sweep of his shorter hair falling lightly over one shoulder. "Is there something you want, kinsman?" His eyes narrow as they study the face, trying to place a name - if he even knows it. He knows a great many of the Hyuga, but assuredly not all of them.
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@senbonz | continued
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"You don't look alright." Kiba points out, rather obviously. He's wary - he knows better than to trust in appearances, injured or not - but Akamaru doesn't seem to be particularly on edge, and he will always trust in his companion's instincts.
The kid - they seem to be of an age with him, he guesses, though it's not easy to tell - has a peculiar maturity to them, something he's only ever seen in those who have lived a hard life and seen too much for their limited years. Given the way they're dealing with their current situation, this is definitely not someone inexperienced. He needs to be careful.
But he can't just walk away, not when he can do something to help. "Here, let me help..." He takes a few steps closer, carefully, trying to both respect the boundaries of a stranger and maintain a healthy dose of wariness regarding an unknown person. "Two hands are better than one, after all. And I've got some supplies..."
He reaches into the pouch at his waist, keeping his movements slow and easy to follow or predict, just in case this injured teen misunderstands and reacts accordingly. He pulls out one of the medical kits Hinata prepared for him prior to his leaving Konoha, and tosses it down between them. "What happened to you, anyway?"
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising sent: you know, you’re getting weirder. (( shikamaru 2 kiba ))
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He's upside down, legs thrown over Akamaru's back where the nindog lays in the grass beside them. He's spent the last ten minutes entirely focused on balancing a stick on the end of his nose, his brows furrowed in deep concentration. The comment from the other shifts that focus, with an immediate and inevitable consequence.
The stick topples and smacks him in the face.
Luckily, Kiba's been hit in the face with worse. As the stick bounces away into the grass, he merely scrunches up his nose and slides his gaze sidelong to where Shikamaru lies - the right way up - next to him.
"Mm, am I weird, though, or are you just boring?" He shoots back, lips curving into a teasing grin. "All you wanna do is lie here looking at clouds. I gotta make my own fun."
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daybreakrising · 10 months
💪 for @senbonz to hidan bc i think that man deserves to be thrown
send 💪 to pick up / carry my muse | @senbonz
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There is a rather distinct shriek of enraged protest as the priest finds a sudden hand around his throat, before he's subsequently lifted clear off the ground - and by a .... child, no less? Who even is this fucking kid?
The surprise is enough to immobilise him for a moment - probably for the best, since close-range is lethal where Hidan's concerned - and it's only when he finds himself swung around and tossed like a sack of potatoes that he kicks back into gear.
"You little brat." Oh, he's pissed now. "I'll fucking kill you for that!"
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daybreakrising · 1 year
"are you thinking what i'm thinking?" (@c4garuda , modern au because i think they'd be interesting together ^^)
His head tilts to face the blond, pale violet eyes fixing upon the other's face with a hint of curiosity. He knows that tone - that edge of mischief to Deidara's voice. It's a tone that's haunted his own lips for as long as he can recall. Slowly, one corner of his mouth lifts into a sly smile. Something tells him that his day is going to get a lot less boring, though he's not completely sure on the how just yet.
"Do I look like a fuckin' mind-reader?" There's no bite to his voice, as there might be to anyone else, but humour instead. He's not a mind-reader, but he does have a vague idea of where Deidara is going with this. Although their friendship is still fairly new - Hidan's only been in this town for the last four months - he and the blond are cut from the same cloth.
He sits up from where he's been lounging on the couch, drags a hand idly through his silvery-white hair. He grabs the open bottle on the floor, lifts it to his lips, then scowls when he remembers he's already drained it dry. "Wanna get out of here, fuck something up?"
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising sent: so… we’ll talk later. (( hana to kiba :] ))
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Nothing has incited fear in Kiba's heart faster.
Well, that's not true. His mother terrifies him on the daily. But it's different when it comes from a sibling - an older sibling - and delivered in a tone he can't fully discern. Instantly, he's scouring his recent memories for something he's done (or not done) or said (or not said) that might warrant trouble.
Coming up empty, he has no choice but to face his sister, plastering on his most winning smile. "We will?" He laughs, only slightly nervously. "Uh, sure, okay. What... what about, again?" He looks to Akamaru at his side, but his canine pal seems as bewildered as he is. If a dog could shrug...
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daybreakrising · 10 months
@musaics: A kiss on the brow from Hinata to Kiba :^) //hello ive missed u
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It's been a long, tiring day - with four new litters of nindog puppies to wrangle, it's been all hands on deck at the Inazuka compound. He'd roped in his teammates immediately to help deal with the chaos and carnage that over two dozen puppies create, but even then, there's hardly been a chance for a break.
But, with all puppies safe and secure in their dens, well fed and sleeping soundly, at last he can relax.
Shino has already left for home - as fond as he is of creatures great and small, there's only so much yapping and nipping a person can take in a day - but Hinata remains, helping with the cleanup no doubt. He knows he should join her, if not tell her to go home and rest, but he cannot bring himself to get up from the couch now that he's down.
Akamaru is similarily drained - the big white dog is flopped on his side, chest softly rising and falling as he snoozes away on the rug. Now that is a great idea, Kiba thinks to himself, his own eyelids feeling suddenly heavy.
He must have drifted off, as the next thing he knows, there are soft lips against his forehead and gentle hands upon his cheeks. He knows that scent anywhere - so familiar and comforting, like a warm blanket on a cold night. His lips curve into a smile and his eyes blink open, finding her lilac gaze hovering just above.
"Sorry," he murmurs, voice thick with drowsiness, "didn't mean t' fall asleep." One of his hands finds hers, gives a gentle squeeze. He shuffles over on the couch, pats the space he's freed up. "C'mere. It's comfy down here."
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising: your hair’s a mess. sit still. (( hana 2 kiba also :] ))
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Her words are met with a deadpan expression. His hair is always a mess. He can't even remember a time when it wasn't sticking up in every possible angle. He blames genetics - look at their mother's hair, for one thing. Hana obviously takes after their father. Probably. He doesn't really remember what he looks like.
"You're wasting your time." Asking him to sit still is also an exercise in vain - he's incapable of it. "Maybe I should grow it out, see if it behaves more when it's long." He doubts it. More likely, it'll just get even more uncontrollable. He tips his head back, peers at his sister's upside-down face. "What d'ya reckon?"
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daybreakrising · 1 year
💭 for deidara from hidan? (@c4garuda)
𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 💭  𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝚨 𝐓𝚮𝐎𝐔𝐆𝚮𝐓 | @c4garuda
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[Modern ver.]
"Shit, Dei is fuckin' wild. Kinda glad I stuck around here for a while. It's nice to hang with someone who gets it. Shit gets boring on your own sometimes. I think I'll even miss him when I move on, whenever that is."
[Canon ver.]
"Fucking blondie is too damn loud all the time. Guys needs to chill the fuck out."
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