thinkingabout-girls · 6 months
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thousand yard stare this man has Trauma. and anxiety. someone get him some weed
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simpingforcys · 5 months
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i've been giggling for the past 10 minutes
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whump-queen · 1 year
I love the concept of a ‘practice doll’ like ~ whumper isnt worried about hurting them..
they’re only kept around to practice with until we’re ready for the main event.
The only problem is, once the ‘main event’ arrives— duct taped, zip tied and terrified—
the practice doll is still alive.
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mangofanarts · 9 months
Tubbo: "You're gonna need to stay in there a little bit longer princess, I'm afraid. There is a-" Sunny: (opens the door briefly) Tubbo: "NO - NO - CLOSE THAT DOOR, CLOSE THAT DOOR! I'm not coming in, I'm not coming in. Sunny, under no circumstances you leave this room unless I'm standing right here, okay,"
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hedonists · 7 months
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Dream sandwich; crush me between your thighs 🙏
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Have found something worse than a job interview… a job interview with a pop quiz at the end
My brain:
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
standing infront of barb's door in the mom I frew up pose. thats it thats the ask
Depending on whether or not you actually did throw up, I think Barbatos would either tell you to go back to sleep or drag himself out of bed to take care of you.
I make it sound like he'd be upset, but he wouldn't be. He likes taking care of people too much for that.
Don't worry, MC, he has just the tea blend for that~
Oh uh this is assuming you also say that. If you just stood there in that pose without saying anything, he would be even more worried. Like what is it MC? Is this some human thing? Let him help you. LOL poor guy, he's not familiar with these odd human customs.
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mister-eames · 5 months
something something that one tumblr post about someones boyfriend screaming in the shower.. that's arthur. that's arthur who is pretending he's in a metal band, screaming into a shampoo bottle, wet hair plastered all over his face.
eames, the first time he hears in, rushing in with a gun:..... ???
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
oki this one might be a little angsty? xD
at this point you're used to patching dabi up when he returns from missions or whatever he was doing. it's not a big deal (in his mind) anymore but you still worry each time and scold him ofc. he never understood why you make such a big deal out of it until the roles were suddenly reversed and you're the one who got hurt >:)
- 🥛
i’ve been thinking about this a lot and let it on stall because i was afraid of making dabi ooc, BUT you know what??? screw that, because i 100% think he would freak-the-fuck-out.
he never ever cared about himself getting hurt, it was irrelevant to dabi what happened to him, that’s how much self-destructive he has become still... when he saw you come back with a wound on your shoulder and another on the left side of your waist, dabi’s brain went blank while his heartbeats started to quicken and breath becoming heavier.
his body was quivering all over like an electric shock went through it and in a second he was already in front of you, eyebrows frowned, dark look in his eyes and lips pressed together “who did this to you?”, he growled with raspy and deep voice, pure anger coming off of him, his stance tense and menacing.
you reassure him that it’s nothing and you’re fine, but he keeps staring at you with a gaze that’s a mixture of rage and worry. the moment you rest your hand on his arm though, dabi relaxes right away, and when you reassure him once again with your beautiful sweet smile he settles down completely.
breathing in deeply from his nose, the arsonist places an hand over yours and after you excuse yourselves to the others he takes you to his room where the black haired boy tends to your wounds, when you giggle he looks up at you quizzicaly with a lifted eyebrow “usually i’m the one patching you up, but this time is the other way around.”, at hearing your words his heart sunk, because to him this wasn’t funny at all, the only thought of something happening to you was eating him up alive from inside.
you were the last person in the world who dabi wanted to see hurt.
lowering his head, the villain bends down to rest his face on your lap and surrounds your waist with his arms, swallowing hard at the thought of losing you, an instant painful pang aimed at his chest just like that “next time i’ll be the one on mission with you... i’ll be there to protect you... so never get hurt again... please...”, that’s the first time you heard him sound so vulnerable, so scared, so... so desperate. it broke your heart.
you moved cupping dabi’s cheeks with your hands and lifted his face up locking eyes firmly with his lost ones “we’ll be fine. you’re by my side and i’m by yours, so we’ll be fine...”, you said hinting at him to be careful himself and with the final reassuring smile you gave him, the raven haired boy felt the anxious feeling inside his chest lessen bit by bit; then when your arms went to surround his neck hugging him close, head resting on your chest, hearing your steady heartbeats dabi closed his eyes, relaxing completely under your tender touch.
whoever dared to hurt you though, has his days numbered anyways 🥰
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lavendorii · 1 year
it's very late but I'm getting very emotional about the "statue at the lake" excerpt from the lost library and the reveal of how it went in the duet . something about sunny falling into the lake and the final line of "[sunny] shuts his eyes... and waits for the brothers to save him." when in reality it was mari that ran to the dock and hurled herself into the lake to save her little brother. I'm in shambles
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it turns out that, in moving, i have traded out having to deal with many small spiders for having to deal with the occasional fuckoff huge one
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draftsandchains · 9 days
throwback to that time feinberg tried to build the wither like a golem
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dylanconrique · 4 days
i have.... no words for how this is making me feel rn.
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etrevil · 1 year
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LORD I BEG OF YOU PLEASE SEND HIM ONTO A PLANE INSTEAD OF A BOAT PLEASE I- he's so goddamn pretty in this shot but I am so scared oh goodness
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Atsushi getting two fisheye scenes is my increasing level of distress 😭
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What not bullying your fav specimen @deargravity does to a girl
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noyzinerd · 2 years
Derek the Doggo
Now, I've read a few Sterek AU fics where Derek has to pretend he's a dog/wolf and gets adopted by Stiles, who is none the wiser. Stiles usually talks to his "pet" in these as if he were talking to a person.
That's nice and all, but can someone PLEASE give me a Stiles that speaks to fully-shifted wolf Derek like a tumblr millennial raised on the internet? Like the single, poorly socialized, unhinged, expending-waaaay-too-much-energy-into-his-"fur-baby" dog-mom I know he'd be?
Like, Stiles holding up a mirror up to Derek and going "It you!"
Or, when Derek lays belly-up, paws to the ceiling, and stretches his toes wide, Stiles says sagely, "Ah, yes.The beans are coming in nicely this year."
Or Stiles putting Derek in a hotdog costume.
Or decorating his entire place with balloons and streamers and ordering an elaborate, dog-safe cake made of peanut butter and Milkbones to celebrate their one-month-iversary since the adoption.
Stiles hiring a professional baby photographer for a photoshoot.
Stiles setting up a Zoom call for Derek with another friend's dog, in which, Derek just sits there, looking awkwardly between Stiles and the other dog like "What exactly am I supposed to do here?", because he's a full grown man expected to have a "conversation" over videochat with a dog like they're supposed to bark back and forth about the weather or park recommendations or something.
Stiles making Derek a Twitter account and constantly posting as him in doggo speak (which he reads out loud, in a voice he imagines Derek would have, as he types). Like "Henlo! I is heckin good boi derk! Big anger! Much grump!" Or "No bork. Only O\m/O". Or "Mmmm hooman shoes omnomnomnom 😋"
And when Derek tears into things or misbehaves in an attempt to upset Stiles, he's just met with a psuedo-stern "Wuh-oh. Looks like Hurricane Derek strikes again. I hereby sentence you to 3 hours of cruel and unusual punishment!" Before being put in a cone of shame.
Bonus points if, after Derek shifts back, it turns out Stiles already knew he was a werewolf (maybe not the whole time, but definitely early on). He just wanted to see how far he could push things until the mysterious werewolf he had adopted finally showed himself and revealed whatever he was planning.
(If there is, by miracles of miracles, already a fic like this, recs would by greatly appreciated!)
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