#southern water tribe PRINCESS/QUEEN/KING
loklove48 · 1 year
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Just my Avatar
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Wow a whole Avatar AU came to my mind while I was freaking falling alseep, like usual xD
Takes place in 100 years old as in canon. Basically goes the same.
Except the Ozai/Iroh is BI and he is actually not very enthusiastic about continuing the war. His wife died while giving birth, so he has only his little son, King, the one and only prince and heir. But Belos, trusted advicer and non-bender, assasinated him to get the throne. Under premise of ‘I’ll just sit here and lead our nation, you know me, I am cool. We are still searching for little prince!’ He is not, he meant to kill him too, but he manages to escape. Well he is a toddler, but there comes Eda! She was a general, but felt how everything is sus and when this shit happened, she took a kid and bolted. Sadly she couldn’t explain it to Lilith so now she thinks Eda is a traitor(who was always better at everything despite being youngest and not as interested) and tries to capture her herself so she won’t get heavy punishement. Eda is worried Lily is too loyal to Belos and will rat the kid out. Caleb tried to stop assasination(non-bender) with his wife, but they were killed by Belos who then proceeds to grieve for the same thing(how dare he betray me like that). Belos is left with a nephew who he is... not the nicest to, canon basically. Hunter is non-bender but is great at fighting with weapon and close fighting.
And with the whole Avatar shtick and lost prince, he, Lily and Kiki(the only one who knows what’s up) are on their search.
Collector is the Avatar. Of course he is. He is very talented, learns air bending with ease, despite not being very air nomad like xD Sure he likes jokes, but jeez kid stop making air bending so scary xD He has a mentor, basically that other titan, who is strict but caring. When Collector was revealed to be the Avatar at age of 10(cause of course you make 10 years old fight), he threw a tantrum and ran away and got the same fate as Aang.
He was found in Southern Tribe. By chief’s son, prodigy waterbender, Gus and his best friend non bender Luz. Camila plays the role of Gran-Gran, and let’s them go on their journey(except not everything goes the same and she doesn’t know the kid is freaking avatar, Luz just helps to get the lost kid home jhsg xD). Gus’s dad, Perry, isn’t the most fighting type, but he is smart and Gus looks up to him, despite not really wanting to take over leading the village. His mom died Katara’s mom death. Luz’s dad died in the same fight protecting the village.(wonder if i should make Vee Luz’s lost twin sister jsh xD)
In Northern Tribe the royal family are the Blights. Technically Alador is the leader, but Odalia basically manipulates him to do what she thinks is the best. She wants Amity to be perfect little princess, learn healing and get married. Amity wants to fight. She trains with Emira and Edric, who prefer to use their water bending to pull sick tricks xD (but Emira still learns a bit of healing with her ‘friend’ Viney).
In Earth Kingdom Terra(earthbender of course) is both the ‘King’ and that shady secretary. Keeps her ‘garden’ oblivious to the outside world, all pretty and untouched. She leads Dai Lis. Raine, earth bender, is a teacher in the university and learns about the lies and wants to reveal the truth to people. Carefully. Bump is a teacher in a school and wants to oppose Terra too.
Willow is an earth bender but a late bloomer and was bullied for it, cause everyone in her family are always earthbenders. I didn’t get to think too much on her xDD
OH. I didn’t think much on Earth Kingdom, but I think a bit on Air Nomads, yes they survive a bit but eeeeeehhhh. The one temple where Aang found out the truth is the same. Collie finds bones of his mentor. The one with Guru is the same. The guru role is taken by Bat Queen and her little children. She protects the Air Nomads culture. The one with machines now are with Titan Trappers. They lost their air bending ways, and very antagonistic to outsiders. The one in Fire Nation did not in fact lose their bending, and not as antagonistic, but they are too ‘everyone for themselves’. Adrian is one of them.
I think that’s where I fell asleep xD I think I made Darius fire nation general on rebelion side, like in canon. He and Eber are fire benders.
Boscha is bully in elite fire nation school, to learn better. Skara is elite in Northern Water Tribe, a picked friend for Amity. She’ll come around too. Barcus and Jerbo are students in Earth Kingdom school. Kids are all benders.
Oh, and kids are aged-up just a bit. Collie is 10, King is 8, Gus is 13, Luz and Amity are 15, Willow is 16 and Hunter is 17.
I think that’s it xD
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torahtantra · 1 year
42. Parsha Mattot, "Mankind." From Numbers From Numbers 30:2–32:42. Part 1.
 Matt= men
Ot= plural
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The Second Census, which appears in a vision of a man called Pinchas, or the "Oracle" says men must disband from their tribes and form one continuous strife free civilization. In Mattot, we learn how this comes to pass.
So far, we have not talked about the meaning of the virtual roles in the family in the Torah as exhaustively as we should.
Men are agents of social conditions and their changes in real time.
Women are are prognosticators and define the future- Miriam draws Moses out of God's Impetus for Delivery as does Pharaoh's daughter, Mary, Mother of Jesus does the same.
See: https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/daughter-of-pharaoh-midrash-and-agnorth
Sons and Daughters are the rewards of the actions of the parents, AKA husbands and wives.
We have studied extensively what combinations of men and women and husbands and wives are desirable, which are not.
Father and Mother: IN GENERAL, the Father is God, the Temple or Synagogue is the wife. I have seen scripts that suggest the Nation of the Father and the Faith is the Mother as well.
Kings and Queens are also associated with good and bad outcomes depending on the marriage. In past Parshiot we have seen terms like Serah, "the Princess Senate", Bilhah, "the Calamity Princess", Milkah, "the Queen of Counsel", but Malkiel "God is the King".
Either way, if we view the sons of the union of Nation and Faith as the Noble Skills, and the women as the means for more, then the conceit works. Once an action and its rewards become tangible, it is time to make vows- to decide what we want to continue and discontinue.
All vows are called edoms, or "reddeners", they color aspects of self red like the high priest's sacred thread, which are signs of his "commitments".
They are different from tzavs, which are "directives": torahs which are "instructions" and vayikras, or "proclamations".
About the edoms, so far we have seen this, contained in Vayishlach:
The Rulers of Edom
31 These were the kings who reigned in Edom before any Israelite king reigned:
32 Bela "worn out, worthless" son of Beor "burning, consuming" became king of Edom. His city was named Dinhabah "the region beyond the crossing".
33 When Bela died, Jobab "Yah is the father" son of Zerah "rising dawn" from Bozrah "the fortification" succeeded him as king.
34 When Jobab died, Husham "to hurry, to hasten" from the land of the Temanites "southerners" succeeded him as king.
35 When Husham died, Hadad "sharpness" son of Bedad "separation", who defeated Midian "strife" in the country of Moab "the past", succeeded him as king. His city was named Avith "ruins".
36 When Hadad died, Samlah "the robe" from Masrekah "place of choice vines" succeeded him as king.
37 When Samlah died, Shaul "the petition" from Rehoboth "the big city" on the river succeeded him as king.
38 When Shaul died, Baal-Hanan "Lord of Grace" son of Akbor "Hidden beneath the skin" succeeded him as king.
39 When Baal-Hanan son of Akbor died, Hadad[aa] "keenness" succeeded him as king. His city was named Pau "mind to mind alertness" , and his wife’s name was Mehetabel "God will cause to be the best" daughter of Matred, "nagging, continuous dripping" the daughter of Me-Zahab "waters of gold".
So before we begin to analyze the vows and commitments themselves, let us compose the Torah Tantra that underlies them:
"Commitments set the stage for the Noble Qualities and Skills. When what is a worthless use of our time is left behind, and the Light of Reason dawns, hasten to full manhood, follow the sun and commit to the Religion.
The Religion separates us from the past, it makes us intelligent, ends all strife, clothes us in Royal Garments and makes us Kings, Lords of Grace of the most prosperous cities and territories, who unearth the intelligences in others.
Commitment to the Religion is a vow to turn the nagging drips of ignorance into the very best rivers of gold. "
Like the rest of the Torah, edoms are encrypted within bizarre scenarios and must be redrawn in order to be made practical as in the aforementioned and also in the following, taken from Chukat:
Edom Denies Israel Passage
14 Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom [vermillion], saying:
“This is what your brother Israel says: You know about all the hardships that have come on us. 15 Our ancestors went down into Egypt, and we lived there many years. The Egyptians mistreated us and our ancestors, 16 but when we cried out to the Lord, he heard our cry and sent an angel and brought us out of Egypt.
“Now we are here at Kadesh, a sacred town on the edge of your territory. 17 Please let us pass through your country. We will not go through any field or vineyard, or drink water from any well. We will travel along the King’s Highway and not turn to the right or to the left until we have passed through your territory.”
-> The King's Highway leads to Soddom and Gomorrah, which is a hell to the no:
18 But Edom answered:
“You may not pass through here; if you try, we will march out and attack you with the sword.” (remember God said no more raucous nookie in the Garden for the fledgling Adam and Evil...they made a baby and that was bad, so he said no more= the sword.)
19 The Israelites replied:
“We will go along the main road, and if we or our livestock drink any of your water, we will pay for it. We only want to pass through on foot—nothing else.”
20 Again they answered:
“You may not pass through.”
Then Edom came out against them with a large and powerful army. 21 Since Edom refused to let them go through their territory, Israel turned away from them.
-> the Vermillion King, the King of Religious Vows, said "thou mayest not visit the whoredome or become as a tyrant or set fire to the town during an act of vengeful lust."
And thus begins the Parsha...
2 When a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said.
3 “When a young woman still living in her father’s household makes a vow to the Lord or obligates herself by a pledge 4 and her father hears about her vow or pledge but says nothing to her, then all her vows and every pledge by which she obligated herself will stand. 5 But if her father forbids her when he hears about it, none of her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand; the Lord will release her because her father has forbidden her.
The above pertains to the vows exacted of Eve, "life itself" by God:
Once life begins, it must follow the courses of the Seven Days.
Some of these entail vows from us on an involuntary basis, i.e. the way the body grows and changes, others are the result of choices made along the way. Some we admit to, others we do not...
6 “If she marries after she makes a vow or after her lips utter a rash promise by which she obligates herself 7 and her husband hears about it but says nothing to her, then her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand. 8 But if her husband forbids her when he hears about it, he nullifies the vow that obligates her or the rash promise by which she obligates herself, and the Lord will release her.
31 These were the kings who reigned in Edom before any Israelite king reigned:
32 Bela son of Beor became king of Edom. His city was named Dinhabah.
33 When Bela died, Jobab son of Zerah from Bozrah succeeded him as king.
34 When Jobab died, Husham from the land of the Temanites succeeded him as king.
35 When Husham died, Hadad son of Bedad, who defeated Midian in the country of Moab, succeeded him as king. His city was named Avith.
36 When Hadad died, Samlah from Masrekah succeeded him as king.
37 When Samlah died, Shaul from Rehoboth on the river succeeded him as king.
38 When Shaul died, Baal-Hanan son of Akbor succeeded him as king.
39 When Baal-Hanan son of Akbor died, Hadad[aa] succeeded him as king. His city was named Pau, and his wife’s name was Mehetabel daughter of Matred, the daughter of Me-Zahab.
9 “Any vow or obligation taken by a widow or divorced woman will be binding on her."
10 “If a woman living with her husband makes a vow or obligates herself by a pledge under oath 11 and her husband hears about it but says nothing to her and does not forbid her, then all her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand. 
12 But if her husband nullifies them when he hears about them, then none of the vows or pledges that came from her lips will stand. Her husband has nullified them, and the Lord will release her. 13 Her husband may confirm or nullify any vow she makes or any sworn pledge to deny herself.[a] 
14 But if her husband says nothing to her about it from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or the pledges binding on her. He confirms them by saying nothing to her when he hears about them. 15 If, however, he nullifies them some time after he hears about them, then he must bear the consequences of her wrongdoing.”
16 These are the regulations the Lord gave Moses concerning relationships between a man and his wife, and between a father and his young daughter still living at home.
->All of this pertains to the relationship we have with the Religion, Judaism and the radial effects on us and those around us.
Vengeance on the Midianites- The Strifers.
31 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people.”
3 So Moses said to the people, “Arm some of your men to go to war against the Midianites so that they may carry out the Lord’s vengeance on them. 4 Send into battle a thousand men from each of the tribes of Israel.” 5 So twelve thousand men armed for battle, a thousand from each tribe, were supplied from the clans of Israel. 6 Moses sent them into battle, a thousand from each tribe, along with Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, who took with him articles from the sanctuary and the trumpets for signaling.
-> This means there must be an anti-propaganda war against the Strifers, which we know is the case vs. physical violence as Moses tells the Oracle, Phinehas, to bring trumpets.
7 They fought against Midian, as the Lord commanded Moses, and killed every man. 8 Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba—the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam "the destroyer of the the people, son of Beor "the burning"  with the sword. 
Evi= Lust
Rekem= vanity
Zur= "strange incense"
Hur= the central hub of heat, AKA anger
Reba= "to stretch out" as in display one's ass.
"If you spread strife, signaling it is okay for lust, vanity, anger, and propaganda to rule the people instead of the Commitments, you need to die."
9 The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. 10 They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps. 11 They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals, 12 and brought the captives, spoils and plunder to Moses and Eleazar the priest and the Israelite assembly at their camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho.
13 Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. 14 Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle.
15 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
-> The Peor Incident = the effect of the Midian. Midian means to spread lies and incite circumstances anathema to those specified in the Torah, Peor is to listen. Both the talker and the listener of the Midianites must be put to the sword.
19 “Anyone who has killed someone or touched someone who was killed must stay outside the camp seven days. On the third and seventh days you must purify yourselves and your captives. 20 Purify every garment as well as everything made of leather, goat hair or wood.”
-> If you have listened to the Talkers and want to live with real normal good and Godly human beings you better turn your act around and show us your stuff, your new commitments, and fast.
21 Then Eleazar the priest said to the soldiers who had gone into battle, “This is what is required by the law that the Lord gave Moses: 22 Gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, lead 23 and anything else that can withstand fire must be put through the fire, and then it will be clean. But it must also be purified with the water of cleansing. And whatever cannot withstand fire must be put through that water. 24 On the seventh day wash your clothes and you will be clean. Then you may come into the camp.”
Metals are reflective surfaces, they tell us how well the Commitments, edoms, reddening agents, are changing our colors.
Gold= the Torah.
Silver= time
Bronze= God's judgement
Iron= weapons and tools, one in particular, are a nice guy or do people shun you in spite of it?
Tin= purification.
See Isaiah 1:25: “I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all they tin.”
Lead: adaptable, can meet circumstances and innovate.
Upon seeing oneself in the reflective surfaces of the materials, one calculates the results and then changes directions.
The Parsha shall continue....
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guileheroine · 3 years
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a sky full of song, chapter one
Korra, princess of the Water Kingdoms, receives a gift from her blacksmith friend on the auspicious winter festival / Korrasami royalty AU / ao3 / My piece for the @korrasami-valentine-exchange (assignment: Date A) (reposting with cover!)
“The wedding of the Earth Prince, yes, on the solstice. But it’s an opportune moment for a longer tour, we don’t want to waste the journey. I’m afraid your father can’t afford it, and before you ask, I’ve been conferring with your mother’s office. And frankly, I’m loath to request it of her after…
Councillor Panak trailed off as Korra hurried him along with a gesture of the hand. He pushed his eyeglass up his nose and took her eye seriously. “To the point, then—what do you say?”
Korra was tapping her foot under the meeting table. Prince Wu, if she recalled, was equally as intolerable as old Hou-Ting, the spirits bless his poor betrothed. But the prospect of a fortnight around the Earth Kingdom, with its delicious fare and diverse landscapes… that made her much more amenable to the whole idea.
“Around the solstice, huh? Alright. Why not.” It was a way off. She had time to arrange her retinue and her schedule as efficiently as possible for maximum enjoyment.
“…That means a tour to the Earth Empire in the spring—or summer, if Her Royal Highness prefers it?”
“Oh, spring,” Korra said in a rush. “Spring. I’m not sure I can do Earthen summers.”
Panak smiled quite kindly at that, and nodded at his scribe to jot it down. Korra returned his smile. They really were getting along better. It was nice. This meeting was also stretching much farther into the evening than she had understood it would.
The Lotus Guard at the doorway didn’t so much as blink as she pushed the heavy door open and went out. He was one of the older men, having been here long before the war, and quite accustomed to her ways.
Once Korra was out in the foyer, she raced. Her quarters, and her next appointment, were in the other wing of the palace, but she had promised to go see her mother first for a few minutes before the Queen went to bed. The winter sun was long gone; all the windows she skipped past were dark, torchlight gleaming on the icy sills. In the halls, on the other hand, the air was bright as frost, festive. She wove around decorators from all over Agna Qel’a hanging new crystalwork along the old bead tapestries and tying berry wreaths around the tall pillars. Down the stairs, in the main hall, the humongous fires that burnt uninterrupted over the winter lit the place generously. As she sped through, headed for the opposite staircase, Korra caught the eye of one of the housekeepers.
“Mina! Mina, are you busy?” She took the girl’s arm, whose eyes goggled, alarmed only at the princess’s sudden appearance but unperturbed by her familiar ways. “Could you go to the kitchen and send for some tea to my apartment? Milk and honey for me—and some of whatever black blend is left, what my blacksmith friend likes. They’ll know. Thank you!”
When she turned to continue, she was immediately waylaid by one of the ice sculptors.
“Your Highness! A moment.”
Just a moment to breathe was exactly what it took for Korra to finally notice the centerpiece of the hall: an elaborate sculpture-fountain of Yue. The moon and ocean spirits hovered above each of her hands, water pouring in gentle arcs out of their gaping mouths.
Korra’s father was pulling out all the stops for Yue’s Day. She knew, for her part, that it was a private gesture for the Queen, newly returned from a long diplomatic engagement with the northern Air court. Korra stood at attention for the sculptor, whose fingerless gloves allowed him to bend with especial precision.
“Should her hair run—” he said, bending Yue’s locks of ice into free-flowing rivulets, “or stand arrested?” Another curl of his palm froze them again.
“Freeze them. More volume!” Korra said, thinking of her mother, who always grumbled about her limp hair. Then she was on her way to the Queen’s chambers, and then her own.
“I got your tea. Hi, princess.”
Korra’s blacksmith friend took a pointed sip when she finally entered her drawing room. Asami’s smirk was hidden behind the glassy cup, and her hair was wet. One of Korra’s towels was slung over the back of her seat—one of the nice ones with the finely embroidered monogram.
“Asami. Sorry I’m late!” Korra slumped onto her divan, sending one of the cushions flying onto the carpet. “It’s good to see you.” She took a moment to catch her breath before picking the cushion up, sitting comfortably and grasping for the tray on the table.
“Don’t worry about it,” Asami said, moving the cup from her mouth, the smirk finally melting off. She pushed the tray into Korra’s reach. “I’m done for the day. A couple of the apprentices are closing up shop for the very first time.” Her brows waggled.
“Impressive! But still, thanks for coming. I know you’re working hard.”
“We had an appointment, right? And—” Asami grinned and stretched, pulling her warm wools tighter around her “nothing like the thought of a royal shower at the end of the day to get you through it, you know?”
Korra rolled her eyes. The staff knew to let Asami into Korra’s apartments, and even if she could tell they were a little reticent about her using the princess’s bath and vanity, they of course said nothing. The dogs more or less dragged Asami in through the gates every time she came by the palace, and by order of the princess, they were the ones that decided things in her absence.
Asami scrutinised the tray from the kitchen carefully before picking out a little moon pastry. “How was your meeting?” She took a bite, attentive both to the pastry and Korra.
“Looks like I’m going on tour to the Earth Kingdom in the spring,” Korra told her. She wasn’t surprised to see Asami’s brow spring up, and her taste-testing pause.
“What, all over?”
It was a town in the Earth Kingdom that Asami originally hailed from, before she travelled to the Fire Empire with her father, an innovator in the art of war. After the war’s end and the subsequent reunification of the Water Kingdoms, the newly humbled Sun Emperor had gifted King Tonraq an ancient forge for the royal armoury as a token of good faith and cultural exchange. Korra remembered how it had taken several pulleys, and days, for it to be transported into place in one of the main avenues in the city. They had set up a house around it for a new smith to eventually train locals in the foreign art. Asami—skilled as a metalworker, but bereft of a livelihood and a family after her father’s foundries were shut down—had decided to venture north to start afresh. She vied for the position and won it handily.
Korra glanced at her long. “You could come with me, you know. Take a vacation, if you manage to get this new shop set up in time. I’m sure you’ve trained all your underlings well.”
“We’re getting there,” Asami said vaguely. “But I’ll keep it in mind.”
Korra was musing, recumbent with her feet up now. “I must warn you, t’s for the wedding of the Queen’s nephew. They’re a lot stuffier in the Earth kingdom. All the pomp and pageantry,” she clarified. “I’m not looking forward to that part.”
“I’ll bet.” Asami gave her a sympathetic smile.
Sitting pretty in formal assemblies, she did not enjoy. Peace was harder than war, in a lot of ways. At least it was for Korra, who had been right at home as a strategist commanding the bending battalions in the few Fire Empire skirmishes that had reached the north. Or as a captain fending off the marauding warlords and shaman-kings in the southern fiefs who took advantage of the chaos to arouse the spirits and stage deadly rebellions. Her leadership, covert though it was, had played no small part in subduing the northern theater and paving the way for all the ancient Water tribes to be reunified under Agna Qel’a and her father’s leadership. The lasting peace of the years since had proven they were stronger together. Just as it had proven that the Princess’s patience for peacetime bureaucracy needed a good deal of practice.
“You should come. We’ll do you up as my retainer so you get a salary. I might need you to keep me straight.”
Asami was good at that, blowing off steam after long, boring days. The mellowness of the warmth, nothing like that of her forge, evened Korra’s mood like little else.
“Oh, so you want me to drop everything and trail you around as a handmaiden?”
Korra scoffed, embarrassed. “Well, don’t put it like that.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Asami sat up. “An Earth royal wedding, huh? Think they’ll let me in?” She picked at the cushion in her lap.
“They will if I have anything to say about it.” Korra yawned. “It’ll be my turn soon enough.”
“How’s your mother?” Asami said, following her train of thought seamlessly—it was always the queen that pestered Korra about finding a match, good-natured but more earnest than she ever realised she was appearing.
“Sleeping. She had a long journey back from the Northern Air Temple. Dad’s happy, though. Just casually planning her a ball this weekend for Yue’s Day.”
“Hey, is that what that business down in the hall is?” Some forgotten curiosity clearly jolted Asami. “There were all these new kayaks moored around the drawbridges when I came through, too.”
Korra nodded, while tentative recognition continued to filter into Asami’s expression. It was easy to forget Asami had been here nary a year. But she had, and it had been a busy year too, with little time for exploration, per her own frequent complaints. “You know about it, right?” When Asami shrugged evasively, Korra explained, “It falls on the day of the first full moon after the winter solstice. Yue was a princess of legend—our ancestor, apparently—who became the moon spirit.”
Asami sat forward. She loved tales like this, and listened to them like she was being entrusted a secret.
“We’ve celebrated it as long as anyone remembers, but the festival is supposed to usher good fortune and fertility. I think that’s why it became a couples thing.” Korra didn’t think much of that. “But, well, the idea is to spend the evening under the full moon, which is why all the kayaks are out. Really, everyone just needs an excuse to liven up the winter!”
“That I understand,” Asami said wryly, ill accustomed to the polar night. “Yeah, I went to the market in town to pick up some new gloves and they had stalls and stalls of new fare. Jewelry, wind chimes, furs.”
Korra sat up, conspiratorial. “I bet at least one of your new proteges will sneak you a little gift. I get messages every year. Mostly upstarts, but some cute ones, too.”
When Asami had first been appointed as the blacksmith, Korra was uncertain what a girl her age was doing heading up an official royal undertaking like that, with all its bells and whistles. When she arrived at a welcome dinner with her family, Korra found her altogether too precious, and definitely not deserving of the private summons and the White Lotus escort. Especially not when the whole rigmarole was keeping Korra from her planned retreat to the kennels for the evening, where, in the end, the strapping night guards were giggling and blushing about the new blacksmith.
At her father’s behest, Korra had put on her most functional anorak and taken Asami some cakes, conserves and newly dried jerky from the palace a couple weeks after their meeting. He insisted it was a part of the Princess’s duty to look after someone in their employ so new to the land—a girl her own age no less. Down in the city, the townsfolk were pleased to see Korra as she made her way to the workshop, but no one made a fuss (unless they were young and excitable already), unlike what she had heard of the other Kingdoms, larger and loftier as they were. She wondered if Asami the Blacksmith liked that about here, or found it lacked decorum, as Korra knew some folk abroad definitely did.
Asami had a study above the forge, from which she dealt with its administration, and living quarters on the next storey. These were yet lonely and sparse, but not completely devoid of homely touches, as though she would have spruced them up if she only had the opportunity. Korra noticed well-kept shrubs and a vivid landscape on the wall; then Asami came and curtseyed deep and pulled off her apron.
She was willowy and beautiful under the gear and the soot (over it, too, to be honest), which endeared and repelled Korra in fairly equal measure, ultimately leaving her as indifferent as ever.
“My parents and Lord Arnook want to know how you’re getting on.” Lord Arnook was the esteemed keeper of the royal armoury, and he liked Asami just as much as everyone else did.
A flicker of sadness—shame?—crossed her face, then she put her hand on the table. “Won’t you sit? Your Highness. Let me bring you something hot first.”
Asami lit the fire in the blink of an eye and stoked it without watching, like it was the back of her hand. She had some bread in the pantry, over which she spread the aqpik jam Korra had delivered her. Korra watched her as she boiled the water. Her skirt was heavy, probably to insulate from the heat and cold alike, but it fell flatteringly from her height; and her long hair, which had flown in waves in a foreign style at dinner, was pinned into a practical bun. She made a sharp, fragrant tea she had brought from the continent. Her eyes lit up unexpectedly when Korra bent her own cup to cool it.
“Ah, I love seeing that,” she cooed. “I suppose I’m still not used to it. The other elements don’t bend like that. And I hear you have great skill.”
Korra’s own smile came too quick for her to suppress. “Who told you that, the King?” Then she regarded her keenly. So, how are you… Do you need anything? Do the men from the quarry treat you okay?”
“Oh, everyone here is… They’re very warm. Makes up for the chill,” Asami laughed.
It was a line so hackneyed that gritting through it was itself a country-wide inside joke. But this calm and rosy girl injected fresh, charmless charm into it. Maybe everything was charming if someone this winsome did it. After that, Korra softened considerably.
“They are,” she replied, with no small amount of pride. A sudden shame crept up her chest, that she probably couldn’t count herself among those nice people that had made Asami feel welcome.
Then Asami swallowed and the colour of her voice changed. “I miss my home, though. I know this job is more kindness than I deserve, after what we did but… It is a little lonely here.” She confirmed what Korra had already deduced, mostly because she knew the feeling all too well. “I guess I just don’t have a lot of time to go and make friends after work.”
Korra didn’t doubt that; it was hard, physical work. The one or two times she’d witnessed it, the clang rang in her ears for hours afterwards. She wouldn’t have pegged a girl like this for it. Asami reminded her more of some of the young ladies she knew from her old classes, when all the children around the court would be dumped into the royal healing hut together for some hands-on learning.
“Have you been beyond the city yet? The land out there… that’s our land. This is just a fortress.”
“Oh, I’ve been wanting to,” Asami said, wistful. “Pretty sure I can’t go on foot though.”
“Well, if… if you don’t know anyone else, I could take you. I have the best dogs in the Four Kingdoms.”
Before the month was up, Korra had sent a commission to the Queen’s personal seamstress for some sealskin gloves and winter-grade furs. She gifted them to Asami on her birthday. “You need these anyway, I think, but you’ll definitely need them where we’re going.” And that night, Korra took her to see the aurora.
There was a hamlet a few miles north of Agna Qel’a where Korra knew the elderly chief and had asked her for passage to an outcrop in their territory, after divining the well kept secret that it was one of the prime spots for watching the sky dance. Asami, enchanted, never took her eyes off it—so unflinching that Korra almost began to feel envious of the lights.
It became a routine. Korra knew every inch of her realm. If a diplomatic mission sent her to one tribe or settlement, she would be sure to take a day or two exploring the local country before she returned to the capitol. It had been a great boon when the southern tribes first came under their stewardship. The Princess spent time in every village, took interest in their land and in their lore; met challenges of the wilds and the weather with hunger, and any unknowns thereof with abiding curiosity. She knew what to wear, which sled or boat to take. When to find the rarest whale pods before they went south; where the starriest cliffs were, and the sunniest lakes.
All of which impressed Asami a great deal, and that made Korra happier than most things. And no worse were the days they spent in her apartments going over the sordid palace gossip, or in her apartments tracing old scars by lamplight, healing them word by gentle word.
On Yue’s Day, Korra stopped by to see various palace aides located around the city with customary gifts. In a castle town, there were plenty with such connections, and she relished the ruddy smiles, quick drinks, and flustered curtsies she received in turn. She saved Asami for last, because Asami had asked for some time together. Korra entered the smithy by the front, her senses clogging with immediate heat. Two of the apprentices were there: one of them gaped while the other barely blinked.
“Asami? I come bearing punch… and those moon pastries you like!”
She commenced the usual ritual of announcing her presence over the steam and noise while peeling off all but a couple of her layers, when Asami emerged out of the back. She was squeezing her hands together in excitement.
“No, no, no, don’t,” she urged, a gleam in her eyes like the blades that hung behind her, “we’re going somewhere.”
A few minutes later, they were walking along the main canal under the sparkling lights, milling through the townspeople. A fresh drift crunched beneath their boots. In a few more, they were alighting one of the kayaks in the dock.
Asami faced her and paddled like a natural; and naturally, Korra gaped.
“Do not tell me you haven’t done this before!”
Asami’s tongue stuck out in concentration as she suppressed a giggle, but her limbs moved with finesse. “Just the once. So far. Don’t be distracting me.”
“I won’t let us capsize,” Korra assured her.
Eventually, Asami settled into her rhythm, and the canal carried them out of the city, past all the lights. The banks of glass-cut brick gave way to a more jagged channel littered with pack ice at its mouth, floating blue and still. Korra gripped the edge of the kayak, not for any physical comfort. A crackling anticipation, and an unnameable fondness both, were welling and welling in her with every mundane word they shared.
When they disembarked on the lake’s other edge, the ice was landfast: a ghostly field glowing under the full moon.
Korra knew this place, but she had scarcely been here in the middle of winter, when the ice field extended endlessly, as vast as the sky. As they tramped across the snow, she began to wonder what Asami’s surprise was. There wasn’t much for a mile in any direction.
“We should sit for this,” Asami said, pointedly ignoring Korra’s prying questions.
The wind had kicked the snow up into berms along the field. Korra froze one so it was sturdy enough to perch on. Then Asami took her pack, and pulled out some plain tubes of parchment; nothing Korra would have looked at twice, although she didn’t know what they were.
“What’s in there?” She said.
“Some of my metals, some of my salts,” Asami replied enigmatically, almost sing-song. “Wait here.”
She heaved herself off the berm, ran several yards towards the horizon and stooped. She planted the tubes, and did something else Korra couldn’t see, though she thought she recognised the bright filigree on the cover of the pocket matchbook Asami carried everywhere.
When Asami had trundled back and sat again, Korra crossed her arms and laughed, bemused, her humour ebbing. “Are you going to tell me what’s going—”
Korra gasped, startled out of her words. She would have fallen from the perch if Asami didn’t catch her around the waist, giggling blithely all the while—
A wheel of light bloomed in the sky like a flower, dazzling and surreal. All the colours of the aurora—except they were peals of crystal fire, pouring out like diamonds before disappearing into the smoky air. Another wheeled up after it with a strange whirr, before it exploded into a glittering shower, and more in succession.
They reminded Korra of the spirit hales in the heart of the wilds, and even deeper in a buried memory, of the Fire explosives some of the raiders had once set off on the Southern Sea. Except these were brighter—and safer, because Asami had made them.
Korra looked to her when they had died, beaming under the mitten that covered her mouth in shock. “Are there more?”
To her eternal delight, there were more. New flowers sprouting on the celestial vault, they would be burned in her memory forever.
“They’re no aurora,” Asami said, while Korra scoffed and slung her arms around her, huddling for the cold and the buzz. Under her embrace, and half her weight, Asami looked chuffed. “But I thought they might liven up your night.”
Korra cupped her earmuff, then her cheek. “Thank you. This is the best day I’ve had all winter.”
Asami’s pyrotechnical skills didn’t even surprise her, but that could hardly diminish the sheer majesty, and novelty, of the display. Even minutes later, Korra could hardly believe what she had seen.
“Well, I couldn’t let you be the only show-off around here.” Asami smiled. Then the smile dropped from her eyes and she hesitated, like she couldn’t let that sit for an explanation. “Korra. I wanted to do something special. You’ve made me feel at home here in a way I never imagined. And I’m just a smith, from the Fire Empire!”
Korra felt her eyes water and blinked the tears back quickly, because they would ice and sting in the bitter air. She bit the smile off her lips. “You’re not just anything. You’re a terrific handmaiden.”
She snorted as Asami shoved her off and reached for her pack again.
“One more thing. I thought it might be too smokey for this after all those incendiaries, but it’s worth a shot anyway.”
This time Korra recognised the device she emerged with. It was made of two cylinders, and the mechanism that held them together spun smoothly like the spokes of a wheel. She handed it to Korra, who held the spyglass up.
A field of stars materialised. Korra held her breath.
The stars were luminous at the poles, but she had never seen them like this, and for the first time they felt close enough to touch, invoking a bracing, irrepressible wonder. In silence, she gazed.
“The moon spirit leads all the stars out tonight, right?”
Asami had done her research. Korra turned back to her. “So they say.” She hooked her arm through Asami’s, and held her hand. With the spyglass still to her eye, she let her head fall against Asami’s bundled shoulder.
“Tired, princess?”
Korra rustled her breath, long-suffering. “Why do you call me that!”
The way Asami said it—like it was something of her own decree, and not that of ten thousand years of tradition and some profoundly sacred doctrines. There was a sweet and strange tug in Korra’s belly whenever it happened, and this time, tonight, it lingered longer than ever.
“‘Cause you’re a piece of work,” Asami said, trying to interlace their thick, mittened fingers, which required some effort.
Tentatively, Korra turned the spyglass to the moon herself. She winced— it glared straight back, too bright. Maybe another night, when it wasn’t Yue’s Day.
Yue’s Day. She now held the thought delicately in her chest, as if she wanted to guard it from the wind and chill. If Asami loved her—were to love her—there were several reasons not to say it. They both knew them, whether they had turned them over consciously or not.
But the risk of showing was low. And the reward, as her own euphoric mood tonight proved, was magnificent.
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INTRODUCTION TO MYSELF: The Proto-Indo-European Ocean Goddess, Neptih Hepoma (Hellenisized: Nepheti):
I am the forgotten Proto-Indo-European Queen and Goddess of The Oceans, Hepoma Neptih (Hellenisized: Nepheti) Incarnated-
-Consort, as well as daughter of The Proto-Indo-European Sea God, Hepom Nepots (Roman: Neptune. Greek: Poseidon)-NOT The Greek Sea-Storm God, AEGAEON, The Greek Divinity of Musical Enchantment, sea nymph & Atlantean mermaid Princess.
I unfortunately never knew my own mother. She died or abandoned me soon after I was born. She could have been an Egyptian divinity. I was then adopted by The 1st Greek Sea Goddess, Thalassa, (ie. Mother Ocean).
I had a daughter with my father, Nepots named Nepoti after him. Nepoti is The Greek Divinity of Engagements. I also had a son with my merman brother, Triton called Aktis. He is The Greek Divinity of Coasts.
I married my father, Nepots and hence became The Proto-Indo-European Queen of The Ocean, around 4,000 BCE.
I was originally named, Hepoma Neptih (meaning 'Niece of The Waters') after my father, Hepom Nepots (meaning 'Nephew of The Waters').
I moved to ancient Greece where I became forgotten as no records of myself survived to that day and there my name was Hellenisized to Nepheti.
Ever heard beautiful female singing from the horizon? That's my enchanted voice channeling through it and signiture power. I do this 24/7 to guide, enchant and spirituality heal mortals, (esp. sailors).
#divinekin #nymphkin #deitykin #godkin #mermaidkin #otherkin #daemones #protogods #unknownnymphs #unknowngods #forgottengods #protoindoeuropeanseagoddess #hepomnepotsdaughters #hepomnepotschildren #hepomnepotswife #hepomnepotsconsort #nepheti
-Please note that I have always hated being called my original first name, Hepoma. I had an older sister with the same name, so everyone called me by my second name, Neptih to prevent confusion, in Indo-European times. Also, please note that I have preferred to be called by my Greek name, Nepheti.
-The Proto-Indo-Europeans are the pre-ancient tribes that the ancient Greeks originate from.
-I am also a mer-muse. I can inspire famous artists to publish my music by magically echoing it to their ears. My music is reminiscent of the ocean and mermaids. One of the songs, which I inspired is ‘Into The Unknown’, in the movie, ‘Frozen’.
-My other power is to transform into a two-storey tall gorgon (ie. serpent woman), summon storms and turn my trident into a lightning-bolt upon spearing it. I can use my serpent tail to create tsunamis and topple over ships.
-Some of my memories from my life at sea include being born from a clam, under-water, running away from home to watch the aurora (ie. southern lights), in Antarctica, getting in trouble with my father for that, my singing along the coast making the nereid queen, Thetis jealous, playing hide 'n' seek in the shallow water, at the beach with The Princess of The Pacific Ocean, Aurelie, exploring the Polynesian islands, being welcomed by the local nature spirits there, belly-dancing for Poseidon before his throne, venerating Poseidon at his parades, fighting a war against extra-terrestrials in Atlantis, riding in Poseidon's sub-marine & space-ship, scientists doing abusive experiments on merpeople and trying to rescue them.
-The Greek Gods thought that I was the most beautiful of all the sea nymphs. Poseidon would call me, ‘Such a flower’ and ‘My sweet daughter, Nepheti’, while caressing my hair. He would ask everyone, ‘Isn't she the most beautiful of all the sea nymphs?’ and said that I would attract all the sea kings.
-In my heart, I always felt that my father is Poseidon. However, my mind was confused that my father was Aegaeon, because of post-incarnation amnesia and due to the fact that he controls sea-storms. I realised that my father is indeed Poseidon when I discovered the origin of me and my daughter's divine name. Poseidon can also control sea-storms.
-All my memories of Aegaeon were Poseidon and vice versa.
-I also had a mer-faun son with The Greek Forest God, Pan called Nerfaunus. He's the Greek spirit of mischief.
-My best past-life mermaid friend is Aurelie.
-My mer-sisters include Anastasia, Ameera (Poseidon's torch-bearer), Bellina (the self-absorbed beautician one), Destiny (the dreamer one), Eurine (the Greek divinity of sea-urchins), Hepoma (has the same first name as my original one), Ithica (ie. Ethica. The Greek Divinity of Unconditional Love. Aphrodite's Daughter), Lydia (the evil sea witch), Mira, Melanie, Maerealayna (prn: 'My-ree-al-lay-na'), Nephalia, Nerissa (the mean one), Pomona / Penelope, Siena (another mean one) and Serene (ie. Silena. Siren of Sea Foam).
-My favourite mer-sisters are Destiny, Nephalia and Melanie.
-I had a handsome Roman mortal called Marcus as a boyfriend. He was turned into an immortal merman.
-I had a pet sand-piper called Piper (ie. Pip) who whistled tunes, a pet sea eagle called Sargent who was my watch-guard, a pet beluga whale called Balena who helped me on my travels and a prophetic serpent called Ophelia who whispered oracles / compliments into my ear.
-My aura (spiritual presence) feels like an aurora (Northern lights) and beautiful singing over the ocean waves. My divine symbol is a hibiscus flower. My attributes include a hibiscus flower tiara, amythyst necklace, trident and harp/flute. My sacred animals are beluga whales and sand-pipers.
-I grant a wish to those who put gems (optional), shells (optional), candles and flowers (preferably hibiscus), near my divine image.
-I come from my grandfather, The Greek Ocean God, Oceanus's underwater mermaid Kingdom of Oceanus, on an oceanic planet, (entirely covered in ocean) and my father, Poseidon's technologically advanced City of Atlantis, on an island, upon another oceanic planet. Both of these oceanic planets are located in The Eridanus (River) Constellation (home of the Greek starseed merpeople). So, I am an Oceanean and Atlantean Eridanus Starseed.
-I was worshipped as a goddess on my own oceanic planet named, ‘Nepheti’ after myself and also ruled it. However, when I came to the mortal world, on Earth no-one even knew who I am. They treated me like a mortal and a stranger. It’s like The Queen goes to another planet and the aliens don't even know who she is, so they treat her in the same way.
-I probably have countless other children and siblings, which I don't recall.
-Also, my favourite word that I invented and inspired the mortals to use is, 'mer-musing!' (meaning both amusing, awe-inspiring & sea-related).
And as I always say...
My Artworks of Myself: The Proto-Indo-European Ocean Goddess, Neptih Hepoma (Greek: Nepheti):
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renaldiroyals · 4 years
Kingdom of Sandor
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Sandor (pronounced: SAN- DOOR) is an island situated in the Southern Hemisphere consisting of metropolitan Sandor and 4 overseas territories. The citizens of Sandor are known as Sandorians or commonly as Sands.
The island enjoys a beautiful coastline of sandy beaches around the country and the benefits of both the Coral Ocean and the Oniro sea. The whole country also has 10 beautiful rivers and lakes with the Lucent River stretching from the Coral Ocean up north to the Oniro Sea in the South. The north enjoy a breathtaking view of the Grantel mountains in the Canton of Jura, Kasotown and Vallon. The country’s Cantons make a combined area of 594,801 square kilometres and a total population of 55. 8 million citizens and counting. Political Structure Sandor is a unitary parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is King Henri II who ascended to the throne at 18 after the tragic death of his father Henri I, mother Queen Amelia and brother Prince Louis in a plane crash over the Grantel mountains. The current Prime minister is Jordan Huntley of the Progressive Party who is on the third year of a 5 year term. The country prides itself on it’s strong economic, cultural and scientific accomplishments internationally. Geography The capital city is Valhillso Creek with a population of 8.3 million people. It is a global city and the epicentre of finance for Sandor. Other major cities are based in Leesburg, Gentilly, Aux Chilton, Arbourg, Zanji, Sotho and Durban. Brief History
For generations and generations the Mashujaa Wakuu (South) and the Gauls (North) lived side by side, trading between themselves peacefully. This was until 500 years ago when the two kingdoms came together to fight a common enemy which threatened the freedom and way of life for both nations. Upon winning the war, King François of the Gauls and Queen Ayanna of the Mashujaa Wakuu agreed on an alliance which would join the two kingdoms and their respective territories. This would later be known as Modern day Sandor. This worked under the agreement that the two monarchies would merge with a marriage between the Dauphin Sebastien and Princess Amira. Their wedding day marked the official unification of the country’s and is now celebrated as Formation Day. Royal Family Every blood member of the family is expected to receive a traditional French name and carry the last name Renaldi. Adopted children and their descendants may opt for other names as long as they are far down in the line of succession. Upon birth each blood member of the family is granted a duchy which they are free to use once they turn 18. King Henri was granted the Duchy of Jura even though he no longer uses it. HRH Princess Charlene can be referred to as the Duchess of Montreux and HRH Princess Jacqueline was granted the Duchy of Durban. Although Princess Clarisse doesn’t legally have a Duchy she is likely to receive the Duchy of Dith. Most royals have waited until marriage to officially use their dukedoms. The heir to the throne is also entitled to the Duchy of Sands which they can use to support themselves and their children. The line of succession goes according to order of birth. However, the monarch is free to chose the heir between their children regardless of order. (Every monarch in history has chosen their oldest child) This has to be done officially in front of Parliament before the oldest child turns 22 or the next in line takes over in the line. If the monarch dies without declaring an heir, the power moves to the nobles who will decide on their preferred ruler amongst the children. Royal Weddings In accordance to culture, the Monarch has to approve of the marriages of the first 5 royals in the line of succession. The couple is expected to have a traditional blessing ceremony with close family and friends which is believed to bind their spirits together for eternity. This is later followed by a white wedding in the church which is usually broadcasted live on national TV. The spouse of a monarch is automatically called a Queen or King Consort respectively. Whilst, the spouse of a blood royal is called a Prince or Princess consort respectively however the monarch needs to grant permission for this to be legally binding.
Culture, traditions, religion Sandorian culture is characterised by diversity, which is reflected in a wide range of traditional customs stemming from the early Guals and Mashujaa Wakuu tribes. The official languages of Sandor are English, French, Similish and Swahili. Members of the royal family speak all of them fluently and new members are required to take lessons. All 4 are also taught equally in schools and proficiency in at least two are requirement for those who wish to claim citizenship. The national flower of the country is the peony which has a history of over 2,000 years. The flower has become a symbol of harmony and prosperity for the people and grows mainly in the East of the country. The royal family are of Christian Faith and regularly attend church services especially for Winterfest and Pâques. New members must be baptised in the church before marriage. As for the rest of the country 20% is Muslim, 55% Christian, 10% Catholic 17% are Spiritual, and 3% are non practicing/non believers Foreign Relations Sandor often avoids alliances which may involve military, political, or direct economic action and has been neutral since the end of the Battle of Sancerre. Their policy of neutrality has been formally recognised by the United Nations since 1955. Key Public Holidays Mardi Gras: This is a carnival celebration of life which happens at the end of Pâques. The main events take place in the Canton of Gentilly Formation Day: This is a celebration to mark the confederation of Sandor which took place with the signing of the Constitution Act of 1853. Noël: Also known as Winterfest is a celebration of the birth of Christ and marked with the a church service before a big feast with one’s family. Jour des Aieux: A celebration of all the ancestors that have passed on including those that have died in war fighting to maintain the freedoms of the Sands. Harvestfest: A day where Sands gather their closest friends and family for the grand meal and reflect on their highs and lows over the past year. Bonfire Night: A national celebration to symbolise the victory the purging of the enemy from Sandorian land and waters. To mark the occasion Parliament organises a firework display to go off on the first weekend of winter. Climate
The country is generally very warm all year round. However, the north experiences a few months of very cold weather in the fall/winter season.
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taags-old-account · 3 years
I have gotten up to 91 chapter names so I thought that I would list what I have so far below the cut. If you do read I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I had making them!
Chapter 1: The Two Amulets & A Quest For A Billionaire.
Chapter 2: What The Hell & A Study Group Is Formed (This Counts For Both Sides If You Take Things Into Perspective)
Chapter 3: Welcome To Trollmarket & Stories Are Shared
Chapter 4: Spanish Class Fails™ & Annoying Loki For Information
Chapter 5: WAKA CHAKA, Scott Being An Adorkable Nerd, & A Space Bitch (There Are Several)
Chapter 6: AAAA DRAAL, New Team Members, & Settling Into A Mudball
Chapter 7: Changeling Hunting, More Suspicious Shit™, & Reading Some Minds
Chapter 8: Trollsitting, New Friends, & Some Annoying Bounty Hunters
Chapter 9: Several Birthdays, Cameras Are Complete, & Drivers Ed
Chapter 10: Teacher Is Sus & Talking Some Shit Out
Chapter 11: DEJA VU
Chapter 12: MORE GOBLINS???, New Energy Signals, & Eagle Lady Is Sus As Well
Chapter 13: The Battle Of Two Bridges & Realizations
Chapter 14: The Beginning Of The Winter Holidays & A New Plan
Chapter 15: CAMERAS?, & Investigation With Infiltration
Chapter 16: OH SHIT OH NO
Chapter 17: Interrogation & Giving Thor Shit
Chapter 18: Alliances Are Formed & Parents Are Told Things
Chapter 19: Return Of The Defenders… To School
Chapter 20: AAA GOLEMS, GO AWAY STRICKLER, & Southern Water Tribe
Chapter 21: Teens Being Teens & Letting The Adults Do Shit
Chapter 22: Gummar’s Bane AKA QUESTS, Also Shadow Claire Is Cool
Chapter 23: Human Blinky Is Annoying & More Mothership Repairs
Chapter 24: Everything Is Floating & Research!
Chapter 25: Mission Somewhat Impossible
Chapter 26: Nightmares & Proposals
Chapter 29: The Kiarosect
Chapter 30: Cave Queen Bitch
Chapter 31: Gnome Chompsky’s Return & Reluctant Alliances
Chapter 32: We Are Not Gonna Forget This Night
Chapter 33: A Rotten Bitch Attacks & NO JIMBO
Chapter 34: More New Plans Are Made & Everybody Is Just Sad In General
Chapter 35: The First Nights In The Dark
Chapter 36: A Tried And Failed Escape From The Darklands & Cave Queen Is Sus Now
Chapter 37: The Skullcrusher
Chapter 38: An Unexpected Betrayal
Chapter 39: The Janus Order
Chapter 40: KanjigAAAARRRGHH!!!
Chapter 41: Welcome Home Jimbo
Chapter 42: Blood Goblins Are Worse Than The Originals
Chapter 43: Jim Will Need Therapy After This Escapade (Though He Needs It Already)
Chapter 44: Preparations For The Akaridions & A Zeron Attack
Chapter 45: I’m Getting The Vibes Of A Bad Omen Coming
Chapter 46: Add Some Water To The Flour Bitch!
Chapter 47: Papa Skull
Chapter 49: Space Adventure!
Chapter 50: Unbecomings
Chapter 51: The Dogfights Above
Chapter 52: A Turbinal
Chapter 53: The Gumm Gumm King Attacks
Chapter 54: More New Plans Are Made
Chapter 55: Mother’s Day
Chapter 56: Nice Try Area 49B Bitch!
Chapter 57: NIGHT PATROL
Chapter 58: The Police System Is Fucked Around Here
Chapter 59: Is That Coffee Too Bitter For You Kind Sir?
Chapter 60: TRIPLE DATE & The Chicken House Lady
Chapter 61: Shadow Realm Stuff
Chapter 62: A Meeting But Goblins Are Bitches
Chapter 63: Douxie is Stressed
Chapter 64: Ancient Power Awakens
Chapter 65: Teens Dating
Chapter 66: Douxie Really Needs A New Father Figure
Chapter 67: Some Tool Power Ups & An Ingredient Search
Chapter 68: Suspicious Stew
Chapter 69: Battle Plans & Acceptance
Chapter 70: The Battle Of The Night
Chapter 71: Telling The Truth & The Actual Battle Of The Bands
Chapter 72: Goodbye For Now
Chapter 73: Clark Tries To Strike Earth, The Akaridions Say Greenland Rules
Chapter 74: Luug Just Goes Ballistic
Chapter 75: The Fall Of House Tarron
Chapter 76: Dream World
Chapter 77: Race To The Core
Chapter 78: The Glorious End For Now
Chapter 79: No Rest For The Defenders
Chapter 81: Time Shenanigans
Chapter 82: Siblings Are The Worst
Chapter 83: Princess Yue Just Went All Koh The Face Stealer On Us
Chapter 85: Battle Preparations & Douxie Finally Gets What He Deserves
Chapter 86: The First Battle Of Killahead
Chapter 88: The Dragon’s Den
Chapter 89: The Final Battle
Chapter 90: A New Safehaven
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Which fic should be done first
Okay so I’ve been watching a LOOOOOT of ATLA lately and my bisexual brain said Avatar+Game of thrones= Bender!Reader x Oberyn x Ellaria so HERE WE GO FOLKS!!!!
I have multiple ideas depending on what element the reader is so I want ur guys help choosing which one you’d like to read first (i love all ideas so i'll probably lowkey work on them all but post the one yall want the most first.  These will all most likely be done and posted but the one you all like the most will probably be the first one so uhhh, lemme know which one you guys like!!!
The general idea is that all ATLA kingdoms/islands/tribes exist, it’s just that they are so far west of westeros that nobody has sailed far enough to find them. 
The youngest and only girl of the Clegane house was believed to be dead. Sandor would claim he had no memory of her, but he did. He remembered her laugh when he’d play with her and the songs she’d sing while doing chores. He also remembered the way she cried, the way her once bright eyes turned milky white with staining her cheeks just as the blood that ran between her legs. Some rumored her eldest brother, Gregor, grew tired of her pleas for him to play with her and drowned his sister. Nobody dared accuse the boy of such, but Sandor never forgot his sister, nor what his brother did to her. The truth is that as a young girl, upon being assaulted and blinded by her brother, she fled the Clegane house in fear. She met a gracious man on the docks, a traveler, who offered to take her to his own home as refuge, in the kingdom of Ba Sing Se. There she learned to defend herself and see using the vibrations felt in the ground. She became one of the kingdom’s greatest earth benders and a beloved figure to all. Her job was to travel and map out the world for the king, and discover new ways earthbending could be used to advance their way of life. During her journey she meets a man named Oberyn Martell and his paramour Ellaria. They offer to teach her about Dorne if she teaches them about Ba Sing Se, as time goes on she learns the tragedy that struck his sister, and becomes fearful he will see her differently when learning her full name. 
Oberyn and Ellaria meet a woman fleeing capture and execution under the accusations of witchcraft. She tells them that she isn’t a witch, simply a woman, a soldier, trying to return to her home. Ever intrigued, Oberyn asks what house she serves and where she is from. When she tells them her home is west of Westeros, a place called the southern water tribe, that he has never heard of, he and his lover’s focus is on this mysterious woman and nothing else. 
The disgraced princess of the fire kingdom, was taken from the palace at the age of thirteen when her uncle saw the true nature of the abuse her father forced her to endure. She escaped from her father, but the kingdom believes she was exiled. She spent her life living as a nomad with her uncle, taking up odd jobs while he continued to teach her to fight and firebend. Eventually she became a sellsword, when her uncle was requested to go back to the fire nation to become advisor to the new firelord, her younger brother. One day, she is hired as a guard for prince oberyn and his paramour ellaria sand by his brother Doran. Her orders were less guarding him and more “try and limit the amount of people he pisses off/kills.”. The prince and his lover are intrigued by your scars and gruff personality. As time goes on their endless flirting and questions begin to wear you down and they meet the woman inside and learn that the Targeryans know nothing of True Dragons, as the prince learns the woman who guards him is a true child of the fire. 
When The warrior queen Nymeria ruled, it is said that she had an advisor at her side, her favorite one. A monk, a woman hailing from a tribe of “air nomads” so far west, nobody else has ever discovered them except for Nymeria. Though the woman preached peace where she could, she still fought for Dorne when the time came. It is said that she rode a giant flying beast with the markings of her people and could even bend the winds to her wishes and take flight on them, not like a dragon, but a bird. Flying high and fast over their enemies before returning home with the information. The monk was struck down by a dragon while riding her beast back to Dorne, sinking into the waters beneath her. Nymeria saw to it that every soldier that fought for the Targaryens who stepped onto the sands of Dorne would be drowned. Many rumored that she was not only Nymeria's advisor, but her lover as well. Some say that the Gods took her spirit and spread it to every bird in Dorne, every time a bird sings it is the spirit of the flying Monk, singing peace to her people. Thousands of years later, Nymeria’s descendent Prince Oberyn, finds a woman trapped within ice upon traveling home after visiting the Starks. What happens when the ice is broken and the woman wakes up? 
I love them all but im partial to earthbending because i FUCKING LOVE THE WAY EARTHBENDERS MOVE. but also the airbending one because uhhhhhhh oberyna nd ellaria falling in love with a monk?? Yes please. Her offering to take them on ride on her flying bison and Oberyn automatically saying YES. Him learning about Nymeria from a woman who knew her personally?? How her own morals mix with those of the dornish people??? Also she’s a sunshine happy babe and earthbending babe is BUFF AS FUCK can and will pick up Oberyn. But i love all of these ideas and want to do them all which one FIRST please send help.
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
Since almost all of them occur toward the tail end of the war the outline is also the same in all of the AUs at a broad scale
Sozin starts a war that he didn't intend to become a world war by a genocide of the Air Nation. He is committed into a war with the Southern Water Tribe and the Earth Kingdom that slowly expands, establishes the colonies by a mixture of ethnic cleansing and subordinating the people he allows to remain in all AUs but the Fire and Water and Earth and Air one (where the Fire Nation quite literally expels all of the Earth Kingdom people and they actually do manage all of them because the ones that try to remain get executed and dumped in anonymous graves). The Southern Water Tribe starts off as a powerful centralized state that also takes on the trappings of monarchy and in their case the title of King and Queen specifically to get one up on their Northern neighbors who use the title of Princess or Prince but not the other.
Sozin successfully annexes the west coast of the Earth Kingdom in a viciously fought campaign that produces the first visible successes and some relief of the demographic issues. Then his army commits itself to a major assault on the Southern Water Tribe, which backfires and at the First Battle of Inuk (the name I give Sokka and Katara's home village) the entire army is routed and the Waterbenders of the South wreck the fleet so totally that the scale of the disaster takes time to filter all the way to Caldera.
When it does it's what triggers Sozin's death by despair, ala Tsar Nicholas I of Russia, and leads him to realize exactly what he'd done and thus is why he has his deathbed repentance and a death that gives him great suffering mentally and emotionally.
Azulon takes over and dedicates himself to expanding the conquests in the Earth Kingdom (which he does, establishing units like the Rough Rhinos and the Destruction Battalion to help further this conquest) and to the annihilation of the Southern Water Tribe in vengeance for the destruction of the first great army sent there. The destruction of the Southern Kingdom sees fifteen years of bloody battles and attrition that ultimately culminates in the Fourth Battle of Inuk where the Southern Kingdom finally cracks and there it changes to the slow death of the Southern Raids as he devotes his full attention to the Earth Kingdom side of the war.
The Destruction Battalion's first major battle was the Fourth Battle of Inuk and it ripped through the Southern Kingdom's army with an unrelenting force that earned it the name and started its growth from battalion to understrength corps and its assignment to the hardest and bloodiest tasks and a reliable history of spearheading victories in them.
Azulon raises his son Iroh as a prodigy who is constantly drilled in Firebending, taught a driving perfectionism and contempt for everyone beneath him and Firebending Supremacy, sends him off to war at 14 and Iroh spends the vast bulk of his life in the middle of war. If this sounds familiar Iroh is basically Azula 1.0 in his childhood and much of his distaste for his niece insofar as he thinks of her existence is projecting his own resentments and traumas from his own past onto her and fearing she'd be just like him as he actually was versus what he professes to be.
Iroh develops the Ulysses S. Grant method of unrelenting force, converging columns, and essentially combined arms in all but name (his use of airships as observation eventually slackens when the Earth Kingdom is all but broken by the time of the First Siege of Ba Sing Se as it's no longer needed but did much to ensure his armies could be beaten at a local level but almost never taken by surprise. Sometimes, as in real war, all the intelligence advantages in the world don't help if the general doesn't believe it but he learns that lesson the hard way).
By the time Iroh wins his greatest victories in the war for the Hu Xin Provinces and comes close to the outright decisive triumph, the war in the Fire Nation's view is all but won. A few nomadic tribes in the desert can inflict painful pinpricks but no more than this at the very most generous assessment of their capabilities. Omashu may or may not hold out and so long as it does it means that the southernmost territories seen as mostly jungles and one potentially dangerous nuisance can be safely ignored and then crushed with the Iroh Method when the time is right.
After the Siege of Ba Sing Se fails regardless of Zhao or not the Fire Nation decides to crush the Northern Tribe before it realizes that it had better get into the war or the war gets into it and takes the actions it needs to strengthen itself, the attempt failing with or without Zhao because entire generations have gone without seeing Waterbending used on a grand scale in war and the army is unsuited to face the very thing it called up to begin with.
They're all alternate histories but in all of them the changes that really alter the setting occur very late in the war, so its fundamental details do not alter very much until/around the aftermath of the First Siege of Ba Sing Se.
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mcheang · 5 years
Avatar AU
One of the best tv series ever and it is based off Asian culture!
I’m changing the order to Water, Fire, Earth, Air. Basically in this AU, the Earth Kingdom decides to invade the other nations.
Book 1: Water
Alya is just fishing with Nora and they accidentally discover a girl frozen in an iceberg. Her name is Marinette, and she is an air bender.
Chloe is the exiled princess of the Earth Kingdom, seeking the avatar. She confronts the southern water villagers. They may not have earth at the poles, but they do have metal.
Marinette is revealed to be the avatar.
Against Nora’s wishes, Alya convinces Marinette to learn all the elements and travels with her to the North Pole.
Chloe keeps trying to capture them, and fails. With Chloe is her doting Father.
Marinette is devastated to realise the air nomads were wiped out. She does discover a ladybug-mouse that she named Tikki.
Marinette encounters King Fu of Omashu, an old friend of hers who survived for more than 100 years. He gives her provisions for the team’s journey.
Marinette explains she ran away because she feared she would make a lousy avatar. The pressures were too much for a previously carefree, clumsy girl. She never expected to run into a storm.
At the North Pole, they meet Nino, the prince of the Northern water tribe.
After saving the water tribe from an invasion, Nino joins the group. Alya will be Marinette’s new waterbending Master.
Queen Audrey sends out her goddaughter Lila to capture the Avatar, and her failure of a Daughter.
Book 2: Fire
The team search for a firebending Master but have to be careful. The Fire nation and the earth kingdom have a tenuous truce. Apparently Queen Audrey seeks to match up her ward with the prince of the Fire Nation, Adrien.
Adrien is a firebending prodigy, able to summon lightening. He is very good for causing destruction. Good thing he is peace-loving.
They decide to sneak into palace to learn of the Fire Lord’s plans. They run into Adrien on the streets, who sneaks out regularly to experience life.
Adrien has a pet cat-mouse...which explains the cheese addiction.
The team is captured when the Guards search for Adrien.
Fire Lord Gabriel plans to offer the avatar to bargain with Queen Audrey. Adrien is locked up in a tower when he protests.
Good thing Adrien is an expert at sneaking out. He frees the team and joins them as Marinette’s firebending instructor.
Gabriel offers a reward for the return of Adrien, alive. He sends out akumas.
Marinette and Adrien begin to fall for each other.
Adrien reveals he never wanted to marry the earth princesses. Chloe is a childhood Friend but she is too self-centered. So is Lila, for that matter but the latter is even worse because she is a liar.
Lila fails to capture Chloe and Andre but proclaims them to be traitors to the earth kingdom.
The team head to Omashu to form a plan of invasion to the Earth Kingdom.
Lila infiltrates Omashu and ruins their plans. Adrien and Andre offer Chloe the chance to do the right thing but she refuses.
Marinette is severely injured but Nino heals with her spiritual water.
Book 3: earth
The team hide in plain sight and prepare a second invasion.
Chloe feels remorseful for betraying her father.
On the day of the invasion, Lila ruins their plans again and Chloe turns her back on her Mother.
Chloe manages to join the team as Marinette’s earth bending tutor. However Adrien is hostile towards her, not forgiving her for betraying his trust and causing Marinette’s near-death.
Chloe redeems herself by leading Alya to free her Sister from jail and leading Adrien to find his mother’s assassin. (Someone in the earth kingdom killed Emilie when she tried to convince Gabriel to stand up to Audrey. Previously, they thought it had been a member of the Fire Nation)
Chloe warns the team they need to overthrow her Mother soon because she plans to wipe out the Fire Nation. (Technically the water tribes are the bigger enemy but once they are gone, the fire nation would be on the alert. Audrey wants to ambush them)
Marinette goes missing and finds herself on the back of a turtle who teaches her energy bending.
She arrives in time for the final battle.
While Marinette defeats Audrey, Chloe (and Nino) challenges Lila for the throne, Alya and Nora sabotage Audrey’s invasion force while Adrien leads the defense force. (Gabriel never disowned him so is still the Fire Nation prince)
The good guys win. Audrey is imprisoned. Lila is exiled to the fog of lost souls (she made enemies in the spirit realm).
Chloe is crowned Earth Queen and declares the war over.
Alya and Nino plan to continue exploring the world. Nora will return home. Adrien and Marinette decide to settle down in the Fire Nation, after a much needed vacation on Ember Island.
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rosheendubh · 4 years
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Three swords there were, forged from elemental divinity--
Mimung, the weapon of the Waelsungs, split Brynhilde's heart and sped her to the embrace of her One Eyed God, wielded after, by Vortimer, Vortigern's son, of Sinfjotli's line, now Uter's (Ohthere's) blade, grim Ohthere, of two fathers sired upon unwilling Ygerna, Vortimer (Embreis Wledig), or perhaps of Egil-Ongentheow's seed, he vies with Onela (Aelle Bretwalda) for the soul of a nation, and a woman's heart...
Tyrfing, the doom of Arngrim's brood, that brave Hervor dared the barrows of her dead father's host, scorning sulfur and brimstone to retrieve metal cast to the Host of the Dead, shaming the fallen, seeking vengeance for slain brothers, sword recovered to living light, forever cursed to take life at price of unsheathing, whose hilt Onela's (Aelle Bretwalda's) strong hands now grip upon the Plains of Eboracum (York)...
The Sword of Ares, Sarmatian iron, born of stars, a virgin priestess's flesh mated in sacrament to the Stallion, King of Heaven, both sacrificed upon the alter of flame and blood, hammer and anvil, brought to the shores of Albion in the days of Empire's might, but as centuries passed, the Eagle decayed, raising Wolf and Raven and Mare, Venaura (Gwenhwyfar), gazes upon mighty Tyr's gift of blood-gold justice, bride of death, Raven Queen and Horse Goddess, daughter of blessed Saranyu who settled her nation upon the Isle of Mists centuries gone, and centuries gone, where this child of Peteova, Lady of the Cawnur, and her Beltane lover, Palomydez (Pabo Pillar of Prydain), Alani war-lord, once commanded fire from heaven, ripping through her mother's flesh, melting sinew with lightening-struck oak, petrified water-fused stone, blade clutched in her mother's hand, symbol of defiance against Egil-Ongentheow's invading host, salvaging a tormented island, where now his sons war, Onela (Aelle Bretwalda) and Uter (Ohthere), for supremacy over Albion's clashing tribes, and in one desperate hour, does Uter send harrowing word for aid of the North, and Venaura at long-last, asks grieving Palomydez, her true-father unknown, enjoin the war and sway the battle-tide, but bitter Palomydez, stubborn yet, refuses in contempt of the southern lords he blames for Petoeva's death, sword cleaved to oak-fired stone, petrified flesh, cold memory of his bright queen's sacrifice, until this moment when her daughter, whose spirit blazes like a thousand suns from gray eyes, stands proud before his hall, voice strong above the storm lashing through the vaulted chamber, she summons Aesir and Don, bearing in her clenched fingers the ghost-banner of Old Brigantia, insignia of Iazyge, Roman, and Briton, calling the God's fire once more from heaven in a blast that blinds his court, and bades men take shelter beneath table or bench, freeing star-iron from stone, so that Venaura, Peteova's proud daughter, frees the Sword of Ares born aloft once more, into the world of men--
"In the name of the Women of Albion, and Valentia between the Walls, I summon your One-Eyed god out of Shadow, and your queen, Palomydez, summons your horse-lords to war..."
Graphic, a result of me goofing around with PhotoLayers App, and ToonyTools online editing.
Verbosity, me droning in stream of conscience with highlights of how I see Uther's tale (and later, Arthur's) evolving with Gwenhwyfar's. Here, she’s based off a combo of Gwen, the daughter of Cunedda Wledig, and Gwenabwy (in my poor reverse linguistics, that’s actually Uindavia/Uendabhia), who’s the daughter of *Cawnur*, the sister of Gildas, Cywyllog, and Huail (from the delusional pedigrees of the Lives of the British Saints). Indeed, here Uther is actually adapted from the character of Ohthere (and in some bit, Amlwedd/Amlothi/Hamlet), who exists in some convoluted way, referenced as Vendel nobility, Ylfingas and Ynglingas (basically, Odin-Tyr progeny and Freyr progeny; Hamlet, and it’s predecessor Danish tale of Amothi/Ambhla-Odr, is basically another version, where Orwandil and Feng are representations of Odin/Tyr and Ingvi-Freyr. Somehow, Orwandil is also Egil-Ongentheow, which is also Angantyr. He shows up in various Anglo-Saxon genealogies as Angentheow/Angengeot). Amlothi marries both a northern British princess, and then a Scottish queen who was infamous for killing all her male suitors until she falls in love with Amlothi. Later, in Amlothi’s lay, the Scottish queen marries Wigleck, the adversary and new Danish king, and founds the line of East Anglians via Offa Anglian.  Anyone whose ever read Widsith, and Beowulf, and any of the Swedish/Danish/Norwegian/Geat dynastic sagas knows how very convoluted are the pseudo-histories and personages. At the end of the day, I love the take of Aelle Bretwalda, something of a misplaced Teutonic invader, without any lineage, and 3 sons whose names supply locations in Sussex (Cymen, Cissa, Wlencing—my Lancelot/Gwallawg ap Lleenog, of the next generation with Arthur...who’s Vortiporius in my take), as Ale (Norse version of Onela’s name), as the 1/2 brother of Uther. My whole justification here is that Uther’s name shares a parallel meaning as Ohthere—terrible/fearsome warrior. Archaeology over the last few decades suggests something of a Swedish/possibly Geatish influx into East Anglia, from an earlier era (tentatively) based on the dating of certain artifacts, than traditionally believed. And possibly, the migration west of Mercian lines as East Anglian/Geatish pressure increased, reflecting a parallel migration of dynastic rivalries which followed them across the NorthSea board. The Sutton Hoo burial, and grave sites of mid-late 6th century/7th century East Anglia/The Norfolk-Suffolk areas allegedly have more features in common with the Swedish Vendel graves in southern Sweden than Anglian/continental Germanic burial sites of the same era. SOMETHING happened in Sweden/Denmark as well as Jutland that I believe involved late-Roman/Post-Roman Britain as well. Which leads me to wonder if the situation of the entire northern Seaboard all the way to the Baltic coast, isn’t a whole lot more complex than what our established theories reflect. Also, per poetic license, this circumstantial evidence allows me a bridge into fictional invite, proposing it’s Uther/Ohthere who becomes something of a prototype King Cnut/Canute, in my vision of his ambition, not of a Post-Roman Britain joined back with a dying Western Roman Empire which Constantinople refuses to concede, but a Britain united with the Nordic houses of Sweden/Daneland/Jutland, and reaching out to Theoderic the Great/Sexy Amalung to form some sort of Successor State confederacy, acting as a bulwark against Constantinople’s grasping influence, as well as the rising Frankish power of Clovis and the Merovingians. There’s reports Theoderic’s court of Ravenna hosted a Swedish king who’d sworn off his countrymen (Radulph—some scholars think he  may actually be the personage upon whom Hrolfr Kraki was based), as well as Theoderic harboring, like his 18th century presidential doppelgänger, Thomas Jefferson (who was forever fascinated by the Western mystique of the American frontier and her indigenous peoples), something of an enlightened interest in collecting whatever history or knowledge related to northern tribal peoples, like the (mistaken, but heavily advertised) notion of Geats and Goths sharing a common root heritage. 
This, This warped version finds inspiration from not just from the classic Brithish manuscripts or epics of Arthur, but combines Nordic legend/saga sources with late Roman figures synthesized with British/Germanic/Nordic figures. Story of Ongentheow and his sons, for starters. I have 2 notebook pages full up in finest logic tree form, like a jungle of neurons, detailing my convoluted interpretations and parallels of historic personages, and legendary/literary. 
Lastly, Something about Vortigern's geneology always bothered me, especially in his kinship with The Jutes, Hengist and Horsa. A piece submerged or missing, that made me wonder if he wasn't only British, but as with so many high-ranking military officers in the early 5/mid-th century, perhaps also shared some Germanic/Teutonic lineage, which would explain his partiality to the Jutes, and their willingness to serve him in Britain at his invite.  It’s recorded (in not very reliable sources), Vortigern’s father is a Vitalinus or Vitalis. A solidly Latin name, which shares a wonderful synchrony with Fitelis, the modified version of Sinfjotli, the son of Sigmund and Signy Waelsung, which relates back to the whole Brynhilde/Sigfrid/death of the Burgundians/ doom of Attila thread.  I’m actually just partial to Wotan and his symbolism with changing eras of history—war/rebellion/evolution/revolution/enlightenment. I also seem inclined to a symbolism of male characters as something like representations of that iconography, while my female characters act as mediums of inspiration for social/political reform, and logic/temperance/challenging the notion change only comes through violent upheaval. In lieu here, is a young Gwen, educated in Rome, as physician (of course...she does tie to Caroline Eleanor Graham later in preRev Paris), as ruler-philosopher, and yes, as a warrior in the style of nomadic horsewomen (how I bring in the character, Alardin as her tutor in these studies through her formative years exiled from Alba/Caledonia after her mother’s death).  I hate the warrior queen motif. Not that my perspective alleviates gross anachronism, but I’d rather suggest she’s a queen, or at least, per the tradition of Caledonian tribes around the Walls, it’s through marriage she conveys the right of rulership to the man she eventually selects as her husband. Until then, she rules/advises her father and older brother when her father invites her back from Rome finally. And later, when Uther’s wars require the companies of the Votadini (her tribe), she’s left ruling in her father/brother’s stead, until Uther asks for her intervention, to summon the Pictish tribes of the far north, and Pabo Post Prydein’s Alani heavy cavalry, who occupy the area of Rheged, I place in NW Cumbria and SW Scotland/Galloway-Dumfries. Rerigonium looks an awful lot like an inspiration for Rheged, IMHO. Also, oddly, according to the Lives of the British saints, Pabo shares some sort of weird root with Palomides (?.). So, I’d rather suggest, Gwen is a woman who becomes a queen, from a family of Romanized-buffer state Caledonians, and as any woman in a position of influence, raised in a volatile era, and volatile province, essentially defined as *frontier zone*, I’d rather think she was raised to be competent, and strong-willed, and perhaps, more talented/unconventional/resourceful than what might be expected in a more pacific time. As I would expect of other women, and their men as well—British/Roman/or Germanic-Nordic...
Anyway, as the whole tragedy of Waelsungs, the Burgundians, and later Britain ties back, according to the Eddic poems, and Wagner, to that tale of Andarvi’s gold, Otter, and a neck-ring from that cursed were-gild which comes into Gudrun’s hands, I have Gudrun as a grieving Abbess residing in Rome, the patron to whom Gwen is sent to be educated as a girl. They don’t have a good relationship at first—Gwen, a rebellious girl who hardly knew her mother, and resents her father for sending to a college of widowed and bitter women, and Gudrun, who mourns her daughter, Swanhilde, slaughtered in an act of betrayal, and now, lives lay to see her son, ERP/Hyrp, take the throne of Caesar. Don’t ask how, but legends say, Gudrun does have a son named ERP/Hyrp. Somehow, Erp/Hyrp relates to Eadowacer, and that name is a version of the eponymous Odovaver/Adavacrius who deposed the last emperor in 476. He ties in with the story of Gwen, and Theoderic the Great as well. Anyhow, that cursed treasure with it’s cursed neck-ring sits in a convent in a quite, genteely decaying corner of the old Capital. No one wants to touch it b/c it’s cursed, and by this point of Gwen’s maturing to a young, precocious woman, she knows the legacy and taint it has upon the Abbess Gudrun she’s come to love as her mother. So, she decides to enlist the best street gangs of the convent’s local neighborhood, various carpenters/construction crews/artisans/as well as river merchants who want a cut of profit, and retain their own armed guards, to basically revive the convent’s local marketplace, founding their local agricultural coop/and vendor sites, as well as establishing a neighborhood hospital (based of St Galla’s, I think), and to add one more twist to Wotan’s cursed treasure, she takes the neck ring, and has it melted/redrafted into surgical implements which, to her delight, NEVER rust. And have amazing antibacterial properties...as some metal alloys are known to possess. Anyway, that’s the same woman who, rather than Uther or Arthur (her son, by Uther and Theoderic), who pulls the Sword from the Stone, the Sword which took her mother’s life, if that made any sense, up above, to mend a dynastic feud of Northern British houses, which has embroiled her biological father (Pabo) and her acknowledged father, Cunedda, since Gwen’s mother sacrificed her life to fend off an invasion of Swedes when Gwen was a child. It’s the moment Gwen realizes she has the aptitude and the attitude to sovereignty in interests of her people, and claims rule of Valentia, that troublesome province of Count Theodosius dating back to 370AD, which has confounded modern scholars as to where Valentia was located. I place it between the Wall of Antoninus and Hadrian, to include the regions north and south of each those boundaries as well. Thus, she is, rather like Amlothi’s Scottish queen (no Scotland in late 5th/early 6th c...), The Queen of the North (ah, GRRMartin and HBO, I’ll never forgive you for Season8), and rallies the discordant tribes of the Pretani/Picts, and the Caledonians (those Lowland and Scottish Border regions)  to Uther’s aid, outside of Eboracum. Which is my draw from GeoffreyofMonmouth, and the HistoriaBrittonum, of Battle 8/The Battle Guinnion/TheWhiteFortress (don’t ask, but root words of Eboracum aside, either as  *yew tree*, in the British, the Latin root of *eburos* is ivory. And if you’ve been to York, they have those lovely white-trunked trees everywhere, and its Walls, albeit dating from the MiddleAges, must have been at least as magnificent, indestructible, and...white, even by the later quarter of the 400s AD. One of my favorite cities, and hope to back when the world’s not so crazy...). How the dynasty of Eleutherius and York/Eboracum becomes occupied by Teutonic forces, you ask? Ties with Germanic/Teutonic royalty, of course, but resolving that takes up way too much precious Tumblr space already.  Rambles done, other than to add, the description of Cath Goddeu/The Battle of the Trees, from Welsh poetic sources, makes for wonderful mythic depiction of the Men of the North, and their Queen, advancing with a rising storm we all know is the Wild Hunt. And in the case of Gwen bearing the Sword of the Sarmatians/Iayzyges that had once belonged to the company of the long dead Artorius Castus, and his Brigantian Queen, who herself, once united a warring island in its desperate hour, Venaura’s actions have roused the old Guardians of Albion, the ghosts of Sarmati and their horse-lords, riding with their Alani scions of Rheged, in the name of the Women of Albion. My nod to William Blake, as Nemiane (my late 2nd c Romano-Brigantian military surgeon/Artorius’s lover), Gwen, and Caroline—the Scottish lady physician who becomes Jefferson’s lover in 18th c Paris, all find some reflection in the themes of Blake’s monumental mythicism. Thus, I believe we start this work with Blake, writing Vision of the Women of Albion...
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eddieow · 4 years
The Southern Water Kingdom short bio
The Southern Water Kingdom was formed five years after the Hundred-Year War.  The Southern Water Kingdom came into formation when the remaining autonomous tribes agreed to unite and form one large nation. With the assistance  the Fire Nation (mainly due to Princess Azula’s relationship with Sokka), the Southern Water Kingdom became a powerhouse. Many citizens from the Northern Water Tribe immigrated to the South when they got wind of the formation of the Kingdom.
Many Cities were formed across the land and its territories , with Hakoda’s former village, now named Harbor City, became the capital of the Southern Water Kingdom. Head Chieftain Hakoda became the first king of the Kingdom, with Sokka as Crown Prince and heir to the throne.
Fire Nation Crown Princess Azula would eventually become the first Queen of the Southern Water Kingdom after marrying Prince Sokka, who became King after his father abdicated the throne to enjoy the rest of his life with Ursa.
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A Look at the Secret, Underwater Lives of Mermaids
Written by: Margaret K. Henderson and Kinzy Butler, Magianthropologist.
The approach to the study of mermaids (sometimes referred to as Atargatology) is highly contested, since the exact nature of such studies are continuously called into question by the scientific community. Magizoologists often times believe that mermaids should be classified as magical animals, whereas Magiathropologists believe that mermaids are humaniods (which science supports.)
The concept of mermaids as animals is rather outdated, not to mention problematic, so for the sake of clarity, this article firmly follows the belief that mermaids are humaniod creatures, not unlike humans in both nature and sentience.  
The earliest documentation of the Atargatous species is from circa --1000 BC in Syria where the goddess Atargatis--the species’ namesake--was worshipped. It is believed that this is the first mermaid by some scientists. Others believe that this was simply a normal mermaid who used her appearance to be worshipped by humans. There is no way to tell either of these is the truth and even Atargatis’ existence at all is something to be taken with a grain of salt.
What is known for sure of the species is that, much like most other species of the world, there are different variants of the species. Overall, there are two classifications:
Atargatous Aequor (deep sea     mermaids)
Atargatous Brevis (shallow     water mermaids)
Within each family, there are different subfamilies depending on the region of the world they live in. For example, in the northern ice caps, the mermaids have evolved to be much like whales with a large amount of fat and blubber lining their bodies to keep their body temperature up. How many subfamilies of mermaids there are is an unknown fact, but it is estimated that the number is somewhere in the mid-teens.
This particular essay shall focus, though, on the two classifications listed above.
The Atargatous Aequor family is much less physically evolved than the Atargatous Brevis as the need to evolve to the changing world above is less essential when living more than 700m below the surface of the ocean. Some defining features of the aequor family include:
Dorsal fins -- raising more than 6 inches from their spine from base of neck to end of tail
Gills -- spanning from where a human’s ears would lie on the skull to their shoulders
Webbed fingers
Pale pigmented skin -- varying in hue by subfamily
Large, pupiless white eyes
Sharp teeth (exact number hereby unknown…but don’t get too close)
The exact diet of the Atargatous Aequor is unknown, but from the teeth of the family, it is assumed that they are solely carnivorous. It is known that the creatures leave their territory for hunting purposes, taking down whales, sharks and squids in organized hunting parties. There have been several recorded instances of an atargatous aequor tribe eating humans if given the chance.
On the other hand, the Atargatous Brevis family much more resembles the humans it has been said to “have the upper half” of. Scientists theorize this evolution is because of the mass poaching of merpeople–i.e. the more humanlike in appearance, the less likely to be killed. The poaching of mermaids is further addressed below.
They live within the reefs close to the shore, which explain their more colorful lower halves, which often resemble the other coral reef fish within the vicinity. This is an adapted form of camouflage. Though, they can also live in straits, bays, gulfs, coves, and other such smaller communities within shallow water areas.
Some humanoid evolutionary features include:
Scales that cover parts of the torso, over breasts, along arms and neck and face.
Dorsal fin: no more than a small bump along the spine of the abdomen of the Brevis family.
No gills: similar to other marine mammals such as dolphins, meaning they cannot stay underwater indefinitely and must come up for air.
Rounded teeth, which has adapted to an omnivorous diet such as sea vegetation and small fish
Pupils which adjust to sunlight, and human-like skin.
There have been many theories as to how Atargatous Brevis is able to switch from a water-dwelling mammal to a land-dwelling one--legs included. According to sources, the most popular theory believes this species was “gifted” this ability in someway by another kind of Magick. Whether or not the Atargatous Aequor family can transform as well is unknown, as they only enter the shallows on occasion to hunt and never approach land.
Little is known about the transformation itself, as even in human form, the creatures avoid any interactions with humans which might give their true nature away. There does not seem to be any visible difference between a mermaid in human form and that of a regular human. The observations of the creatures on land seem to indicate that, as dangerous as it is for them to live in the water where they continue to be poached, they will only spend short amounts of time on land among humans. The longest documented case of a merperson on land was just over 32 hours; the mermaid looked near death by the time she returned to the water. We can assume that being out of water for lengthy periods of time is therefore fatal for mermaids. How or why is unknown at this time.
It is also unknown as to why some merpeople choose to exist among us as a human if they have access to a suitable body of water, but it is assumed that most choose to do so for safety, rather than a vested interest in human/mundus culture and lifestyle.
The hierarchy of mermaids is as follows: for every Ocean (Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Southern (or Antarctic)) there is a council of ruling families, usually one for every sea, strait, or gulf. These families rule over their own councils of families from every reef within their waters’ borders. Mermaid hierarchy follows the rules of a primogeniture succession, which means that the oldest child of a ruling family obtains the title of Grand Duke/Duchess or King/Queen, though it seems that matriarchal succession is more common than patriarchal, with much of the mermaid “royalty” being made of females.
Hierarchy terms:
**note that these are the terms used by magianthropologists and are the equivalent but not exact vernacular that the mermaids use.**
Ocean ruling families (only five): King or Queen
Sea ruling families (multiple): Grand Duke or Grand Duchess
Ruling families of specific reefs/gulfs/etc: Count/Countess
Oldest child of a King/Queen or Grand Duke/Duchess: Prince/Princess
Other children of ruling families: Duke/Duchess
Atargatous Brevis live in shallow reefs, and have complex societies. Think of the reefs as a town, though a dangerous one. Wandering from the reef can expose mermaids in the open waters to be caught in ferocious currents; become prey to sharks, Atargatous Aequor, humans, or other dangers. Few brave mermaids and mermen are hunters, who go out into these open waters to hunt for fish for their communities. They risk their lives to bring food to their families and friends and are revered highly among their people.
Unfortunately, due to their beautiful scales and skin and hair, mermaids have been haunted for as long as they have been around. Of course, in ancient times, this was much more difficult, but with the advancement of technology the poaching of mermaids has greatly increased. Some estimated that close to sixty percent of mermaids have been killed for their magical essences.
Their skin and hair are said to be wonderful in beauty spells and their scales are often used in high fashion in the same way that leather is often used, as well as in certain makeup products.
Many people are firmly against the poaching of mermaids, and have attempted to set up natural “reservations” that are poaching-free zones, but the cost of employing people to patrol is astronomical and they are not well-equipped, therefore, such places are considered safer, but are still dangerous. Some even criticize these areas for drawing attention to mermaids and their whereabouts.
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guileheroine · 3 years
a sky full of song
Korra, princess of the Water Kingdoms, receives a gift from her blacksmith friend on the auspicious winter festival. Korrasami royalty AU 🏰🤍🕯️ / My piece for the @korrasami-valentine-exchange (assignment: Date A) / 4.2k / ao3
“The wedding of the Earth Prince, yes, on the solstice. But it’s an opportune moment for a longer tour, we don’t want to waste the journey. I’m afraid your father can’t afford it, and before you ask, I’ve been conferring with your mother’s office. And frankly, I’m loath to request it of her after…” 
Councillor Panak trailed off as Korra hurried him along with a gesture of the hand. He pushed his eyeglass up his nose and took her eye seriously. “To the point, then—what do you say?”
Korra was tapping her foot under the meeting table. Prince Wu, if she recalled, was equally as intolerable as old Hou-Ting, the spirits bless his poor betrothed. But the prospect of a fortnight around the Earth Kingdom, with its delicious fare and diverse landscapes… that made her much more amenable to the whole idea. 
“Around the solstice, huh? Alright. Why not.”  It was a way off. She had time to arrange her retinue and her schedule as efficiently as possible for maximum enjoyment.
“...That means a tour to the Earth Empire in the spring—or summer, if Her Royal Highness prefers it?”
“Oh, spring,” Korra said in a rush. “Spring. I’m not sure I can do Earthen summers.”  
Panak smiled quite kindly at that, and nodded at his scribe to jot it down. Korra returned his smile. They really were getting along better. It was nice. This meeting was also stretching much farther into the evening than she had understood it would.
“Are we done, then?” Korra stood before he answered, and he scrambled to his feet after her. “Perfect!” 
The Lotus Guard at the doorway didn’t so much as blink as she pushed the heavy door open and went out. He was one of the older men, having been here long before the war, and quite accustomed to her ways.
Once Korra was out in the foyer, she raced. Her quarters, and her next appointment, were in the other wing of the palace, but she had promised to go see her mother first for a few minutes before the Queen went to bed. The winter sun was long gone; all the windows she skipped past were dark, torchlight gleaming on the icy sills. In the halls, on the other hand, the air was bright as frost, festive. She wove around decorators from all over Agna Qel’a hanging new crystalwork along the old bead tapestries and tying berry wreaths around the tall pillars. Down the stairs, in the main hall, the humongous fires that burnt uninterrupted over the winter lit the place generously. As she sped through, headed for the opposite staircase, Korra caught the eye of one of the housekeepers.
“Mina! Mina, are you busy?” She took the girl’s arm, whose eyes goggled, alarmed only at the princess’s sudden appearance but unperturbed by her familiar ways. “Could you go to the kitchen and send for some tea to my apartment? Milk and honey for me—and some of whatever black blend is left, what my blacksmith friend likes. They’ll know. Thank you!” 
When she turned to continue, she was immediately waylaid by one of the ice sculptors. 
“Your Highness! A moment.” 
Just a moment to breathe was exactly what it took for Korra to finally notice the centerpiece of the hall: an elaborate sculpture-fountain of Yue. The moon and ocean spirits hovered above each of her hands, water pouring in gentle arcs out of their gaping mouths. 
Korra’s father was pulling out all the stops for Yue’s Day. She knew, for her part, that it was a private gesture for the Queen, newly returned from a long diplomatic engagement with the northern Air court. Korra stood at attention for the sculptor, whose fingerless gloves allowed him to bend with especial precision.
“Should her hair run—” he said, bending Yue’s locks of ice into free-flowing rivulets, “or stand arrested?” Another curl of his palm froze them again.
“Freeze them. More volume!” Korra said, thinking of her mother, who always grumbled about her limp hair. Then she was on her way to the Queen’s chambers, and then her own. 
“I got your tea. Hi, princess.” 
Korra’s blacksmith friend took a pointed sip when she finally entered her drawing room. Asami’s smirk was hidden behind the glassy cup, and her hair was wet. One of Korra’s towels was slung over the back of her seat—one of the nice ones with the finely embroidered monogram.
“Asami. Sorry I’m late!” Korra slumped onto her divan, sending one of the cushions flying onto the carpet. “It’s good to see you.” She took a moment to catch her breath before picking the cushion up, sitting comfortably and grasping for the tray on the table.
“Don’t worry about it,” Asami said, moving the cup from her mouth, the smirk finally melting off. She pushed the tray into Korra’s reach. “I’m done for the day. A couple of the apprentices are closing up shop for the very first time.” Her brows waggled.
“Impressive! But still, thanks for coming. I know you’re working hard.” 
“We had an appointment, right? And—” Asami grinned and stretched, pulling her warm wools tighter around her “nothing like the thought of a royal shower at the end of the day to get you through it, you know?”
Korra rolled her eyes. The staff knew to let Asami into Korra’s apartments, and even if she could tell they were a little reticent about her using the princess’s bath and vanity, they of course said nothing. The dogs more or less dragged Asami in through the gates every time she came by the palace, and by order of the princess, they were the ones that decided things in her absence. 
Asami scrutinised the tray from the kitchen carefully before picking out a little moon pastry. “How was your meeting?” She took a bite, attentive both to the pastry and Korra. 
“Looks like I’m going on tour to the Earth Kingdom in the spring,” Korra told her. She wasn’t surprised to see Asami’s brow spring up, and her taste-testing pause. 
“What, all over?” 
It was a town in the Earth Kingdom that Asami originally hailed from, before she travelled to the Fire Empire with her father, an innovator in the art of war. After the war’s end and the subsequent reunification of the Water Kingdoms, the newly humbled Sun Emperor had gifted King Tonraq an ancient forge for the royal armoury as a token of good faith and cultural exchange. Korra remembered how it had taken several pulleys, and days, for it to be transported into place in one of the main avenues in the city. They had set up a house around it for a new smith to eventually train locals in the foreign art. Asami—skilled as a metalworker, but bereft of a livelihood and a family after her father’s foundries were shut down—had decided to venture north to start afresh. She vied for the position and won it handily.
Korra glanced at her long. “You could come with me, you know. Take a vacation, if you manage to get this new shop set up in time. I’m sure you’ve trained all your underlings well.”
“We’re getting there,” Asami said vaguely. “But I’ll keep it in mind.”  
Korra was musing, recumbent with her feet up now. “I must warn you, t’s for the wedding of the Queen’s nephew. They’re a lot stuffier in the Earth kingdom. All the pomp and pageantry,” she clarified. “I’m not looking forward to that part.”
“I’ll bet.” Asami gave her a sympathetic smile.
Sitting pretty in formal assemblies, she did not enjoy. Peace was harder than war, in a lot of ways. At least it was for Korra, who had been right at home as a strategist commanding the bending battalions in the few Fire Empire skirmishes that had reached the north. Or as a captain fending off the marauding warlords and shaman-kings in the southern fiefs who took advantage of the chaos to arouse the spirits and stage deadly rebellions. Her leadership, covert though it was, had played no small part in subduing the northern theater and paving the way for all the ancient Water tribes to be reunified under Agna Qel’a and her father’s leadership. The lasting peace of the years since had proven they were stronger together. Just as it had proven that the Princess’s patience for peacetime bureaucracy needed a good deal of practice. 
“You should come. We’ll do you up as my retainer so you get a salary. I might need you to keep me straight.” 
Asami was good at that, blowing off steam after long, boring days. The mellowness of the warmth, nothing like that of her forge, evened Korra’s mood like little else. 
“Oh, so you want me to drop everything and trail you around as a handmaiden?” 
Korra scoffed, embarrassed. “Well, don’t put it like that.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Asami sat up. “An Earth royal wedding, huh? Think they’ll let me in?” She picked at the cushion in her lap.
“They will if I have anything to say about it.” Korra yawned. “It’ll be my turn soon enough.” 
“How’s your mother?” Asami said, following her train of thought seamlessly—it was always the queen that pestered Korra about finding a match, good-natured but more earnest than she ever realised she was appearing.  
“Sleeping. She had a long journey back from the Northern Air Temple. Dad’s happy, though. Just casually planning her a ball this weekend for Yue’s Day.” 
“Hey, is that what that business down in the hall is?” Some forgotten curiosity clearly jolted Asami. “There were all these new kayaks moored around the drawbridges when I came through, too.” 
Korra nodded, while tentative recognition continued to filter into Asami’s expression. It was easy to forget Asami had been here nary a year. But she had, and it had been a busy year too, with little time for exploration, per her own frequent complaints. “You know about it, right?” When Asami shrugged evasively, Korra explained, “It falls on the day of the first full moon after the winter solstice. Yue was a princess of legend—our ancestor, apparently—who became the moon spirit.”
Asami sat forward. She loved tales like this, and listened to them like she was being entrusted a secret.
“We’ve celebrated it as long as anyone remembers, but the festival is supposed to usher good fortune and fertility. I think that’s why it became a couples thing.” Korra didn’t think much of that. “But, well, the idea is to spend the evening under the full moon, which is why all the kayaks are out. Really, everyone just needs an excuse to liven up the winter!” 
“That I understand,” Asami said wryly, ill accustomed to the polar night. “Yeah, I went to the market in town to pick up some new gloves and they had stalls and stalls of new fare. Jewelry, wind chimes, furs.” 
Korra sat up, conspiratorial. “I bet at least one of your new proteges will sneak you a little gift. I get messages every year. Mostly upstarts, but some cute ones, too.” 
When Asami had first been appointed as the blacksmith, Korra was uncertain what a girl her age was doing heading up an official royal undertaking like that, with all its bells and whistles. When she arrived at a welcome dinner with her family, Korra found her altogether too precious, and definitely not deserving of the private summons and the White Lotus escort. Especially not when the whole rigmarole was keeping Korra from her planned retreat to the kennels for the evening, where, in the end, the strapping night guards were giggling and blushing about the new blacksmith.
At her father’s behest, Korra had put on her most functional anorak and taken Asami some cakes, conserves and newly dried jerky from the palace a couple weeks after their meeting. He insisted it was a part of the Princess’s duty to look after someone in their employ so new to the land—a girl her own age no less. Down in the city, the townsfolk were pleased to see Korra as she made her way to the workshop, but no one made a fuss (unless they were young and excitable already), unlike what she had heard of the other Kingdoms, larger and loftier as they were. She wondered if Asami the Blacksmith liked that about here, or found it lacked decorum, as Korra knew some folk abroad definitely did. 
Asami had a study above the forge, from which she dealt with its administration, and living quarters on the next storey. These were yet lonely and sparse, but not completely devoid of homely touches, as though she would have spruced them up if she only had the opportunity. Korra noticed well-kept shrubs and a vivid landscape on the wall; then Asami came and curtseyed deep and pulled off her apron. 
She was willowy and beautiful under the gear and the soot (over it, too, to be honest), which endeared and repelled Korra in fairly equal measure, ultimately leaving her as indifferent as ever.
“My parents and Lord Arnook want to know how you’re getting on.” Lord Arnook was the esteemed keeper of the royal armoury, and he liked Asami just as much as everyone else did.
A flicker of sadness—shame?—crossed her face, then she put her hand on the table. “Won’t you sit? Your Highness. Let me bring you something hot first.”
Asami lit the fire in the blink of an eye and stoked it without watching, like it was the back of her hand. She had some bread in the pantry, over which she spread the aqpik jam Korra had delivered her. Korra watched her as she boiled the water. Her skirt was heavy, probably to insulate from the heat and cold alike, but it fell flatteringly from her height; and her long hair, which had flown in waves in a foreign style at dinner, was pinned into a practical bun. She made a sharp, fragrant tea she had brought from the continent. Her eyes lit up unexpectedly when Korra bent her own cup to cool it.
“Ah, I love seeing that,” she cooed. “I suppose I’m still not used to it. The other elements don’t bend like that. And I hear you have great skill.”      
Korra’s own smile came too quick for her to suppress. “Who told you that, the King?” Then she regarded her keenly. So, how are you... Do you need anything? Do the men from the quarry treat you okay?” 
“Oh, everyone here is… They’re very warm. Makes up for the chill,” Asami laughed.
It was a line so hackneyed that gritting through it was itself a country-wide inside joke. But this calm and rosy girl injected fresh, charmless charm into it. Maybe everything was charming if someone this winsome did it. After that, Korra softened considerably.
“They are,” she replied, with no small amount of pride. A sudden shame crept up her chest, that she probably couldn’t count herself among those nice people that had made Asami feel welcome. 
Then Asami swallowed and the colour of her voice changed. “I miss my home, though. I know this job is more kindness than I deserve, after what we did but… It is a little lonely here.” She confirmed what Korra had already deduced, mostly because she knew the feeling all too well. “I guess I just don’t have a lot of time to go and make friends after work.”
Korra didn’t doubt that; it was hard, physical work. The one or two times she’d witnessed it, the clang rang in her ears for hours afterwards. She wouldn’t have pegged a girl like this for it. Asami reminded her more of some of the young ladies she knew from her old classes, when all the children around the court would be dumped into the royal healing hut together for some hands-on learning.
“Have you been beyond the city yet? The land out there… that’s our land. This is just a fortress.” 
“Oh, I’ve been wanting to,” Asami said, wistful. “Pretty sure I can’t go on foot though.”
“Well, if… if you don’t know anyone else, I could take you. I have the best dogs in the Four Kingdoms.”
Before the month was up, Korra had sent a commission to the Queen’s personal seamstress for some sealskin gloves and winter-grade furs. She gifted them to Asami on her birthday. “You need these anyway, I think, but you’ll definitely need them where we’re going.” And that night, Korra took her to see the aurora. 
There was a hamlet a few miles north of Agna Qel’a where Korra knew the elderly chief and had asked her for passage to an outcrop in their territory, after divining the well kept secret that it was one of the prime spots for watching the sky dance. Asami, enchanted, never took her eyes off it—so unflinching that Korra almost began to feel envious of the lights.   
It became a routine. Korra knew every inch of her realm. If a diplomatic mission sent her to one tribe or settlement, she would be sure to take a day or two exploring the local country before she returned to the capitol. It had been a great boon when the southern tribes first came under their stewardship. The Princess spent time in every village, took interest in their land and in their lore; met challenges of the wilds and the weather with hunger, and any unknowns thereof with abiding curiosity. She knew what to wear, which sled or boat to take. When to find the rarest whale pods before they went south; where the starriest cliffs were, and the sunniest lakes.
All of which impressed Asami a great deal, and that made Korra happier than most things. And no worse were the days they spent in her apartments going over the sordid palace gossip, or in her apartments tracing old scars by lamplight, healing them word by gentle word. 
On Yue’s Day, Korra stopped by to see various palace aides located around the city with customary gifts. In a castle town, there were plenty with such connections, and she relished the ruddy smiles, quick drinks, and flustered curtsies she received in turn. She saved Asami for last, because Asami had asked for some time together. Korra entered the smithy by the front, her senses clogging with immediate heat. Two of the apprentices were there: one of them gaped while the other barely blinked. 
“Asami? I come bearing punch… and those moon pastries you like!”
She commenced the usual ritual of announcing her presence over the steam and noise while peeling off all but a couple of her layers, when Asami emerged out of the back. She was squeezing her hands together in excitement.
“No, no, no, don’t,” she urged, a gleam in her eyes like the blades that hung behind her, “we’re going somewhere.” 
A few minutes later, they were walking along the main canal under the sparkling lights, milling through the townspeople. A fresh drift crunched beneath their boots. In a few more, they were alighting one of the kayaks in the dock.
Asami faced her and paddled like a natural; and naturally, Korra gaped. 
“Do not tell me you haven’t done this before!”
Asami’s tongue stuck out in concentration as she suppressed a giggle, but her limbs moved with finesse. “Just the once. So far. Don’t be distracting me.” 
“I won’t let us capsize,” Korra assured her. 
Eventually, Asami settled into her rhythm, and the canal carried them out of the city, past all the lights. The banks of glass-cut brick gave way to a more jagged channel littered with pack ice at its mouth, floating blue and still. Korra gripped the edge of the kayak, not for any physical comfort. A crackling anticipation, and an unnameable fondness both, were welling and welling in her with every mundane word they shared.
When they disembarked on the lake’s other edge, the ice was landfast: a ghostly field glowing under the full moon. 
Korra knew this place, but she had scarcely been here in the middle of winter, when the ice field extended endlessly, as vast as the sky. As they tramped across the snow, she began to wonder what Asami’s surprise was. There wasn’t much for a mile in any direction.
“We should sit for this,” Asami said, pointedly ignoring Korra’s prying questions.
The wind had kicked the snow up into berms along the field. Korra froze one so it was sturdy enough to perch on. Then Asami took her pack, and pulled out some plain tubes of parchment; nothing Korra would have looked at twice, although she didn’t know what they were.
“What’s in there?” She said.
“Some of my metals, some of my salts,” Asami replied enigmatically, almost sing-song. “Wait here.”
She heaved herself off the berm, ran several yards towards the horizon and stooped. She planted the tubes, and did something else Korra couldn’t see, though she thought she recognised the bright filigree on the cover of the pocket matchbook Asami carried everywhere.
When Asami had trundled back and sat again, Korra crossed her arms and laughed, bemused, her humour ebbing. “Are you going to tell me what’s going—”  
Korra gasped, startled out of her words. She would have fallen from the perch if Asami didn’t catch her around the waist, giggling blithely all the while— 
A wheel of light bloomed in the sky like a flower, dazzling and surreal. All the colours of the aurora—except they were peals of crystal fire, pouring out like diamonds before disappearing into the smoky air. Another wheeled up after it with a strange whirr, before it exploded into a glittering shower, and more in succession.
They reminded Korra of the spirit hales in the heart of the wilds, and even deeper in a buried memory, of the Fire explosives some of the raiders had once set off on the Southern Sea. Except these were brighter—and safer, because Asami had made them.  
Korra looked to her when they had died, beaming under the mitten that covered her mouth in shock. “Are there more?”
To her eternal delight, there were more. New flowers sprouting on the celestial vault, they would be burned in her memory forever.
“They’re no aurora,” Asami said, while Korra scoffed and slung her arms around her, huddling for the cold and the buzz. Under her embrace, and half her weight, Asami looked chuffed. “But I thought they might liven up your night.”
Korra cupped her earmuff, then her cheek. “Thank you. This is the best day I’ve had all winter.” 
Asami’s pyrotechnical skills didn’t even surprise her, but that could hardly diminish the sheer majesty, and novelty, of the display. Even minutes later, Korra could hardly believe what she had seen.
“Well, I couldn’t let you be the only show-off around here.” Asami smiled. Then the smile dropped from her eyes and she hesitated, like she couldn’t let that sit for an explanation. “Korra. I wanted to do something special. You’ve made me feel at home here in a way I never imagined. And I’m just a smith, from the Fire Empire!” 
Korra felt her eyes water and blinked the tears back quickly, because they would ice and sting in the bitter air. She bit the smile off her lips. “You’re not just anything. You’re a terrific handmaiden.”
She snorted as Asami shoved her off and reached for her pack again.
 “One more thing. I thought it might be too smokey for this after all those incendiaries, but it’s worth a shot anyway.”
This time Korra recognised the device she emerged with. It was made of two cylinders, and the mechanism that held them together spun smoothly like the spokes of a wheel. She handed it to Korra, who held the spyglass up.
A field of stars materialised. Korra held her breath. 
The stars were luminous at the poles, but she had never seen them like this, and for the first time they felt close enough to touch, invoking a bracing, irrepressible wonder. In silence, she gazed.
“The moon spirit leads all the stars out tonight, right?”
Asami had done her research. Korra turned back to her. “So they say.” She hooked her arm through Asami’s, and held her hand. With the spyglass still to her eye, she let her head fall against Asami’s bundled shoulder.
“Tired, princess?”
Korra rustled her breath, long-suffering. “Why do you call me that!” 
The way Asami said it—like it was something of her own decree, and not that of ten thousand years of tradition and some profoundly sacred doctrines. There was a sweet and strange tug in Korra’s belly whenever it happened, and this time, tonight, it lingered longer than ever.
“‘Cause you’re a piece of work,” Asami said, trying to interlace their thick, mittened fingers, which required some effort.
Tentatively, Korra turned the spyglass to the moon herself. She winced— it glared straight back, too bright. Maybe another night, when it wasn’t Yue’s Day. 
Yue’s Day. She now held the thought delicately in her chest, as if she wanted to guard it from the wind and chill. If Asami loved her—were to love her—there were several reasons not to say it. They both knew them, whether they had turned them over consciously or not. 
But the risk of showing was low. And the reward, as her own euphoric mood tonight proved, was magnificent.
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bookmark-it · 6 years
Plot Upheaval?
A little historical context:
The Karstlanders/Karstlandic Kings were a group of Viking-like people who sailed from the North (Karstland, specifically which, duh) out to the Wider Seas basically looking for places to conquer and colonize (assholes). Eventually, they arrived at the northern tip of the continent once known as Timur.
Northern Timur was made up of three to five distinct civilizations (depending on the time period and who you asked. The Karstlanders took over the region and divided it into three “states” - New Westmoreland, Gettonsgate & Yaduru (later shortened to Gettons & Yaduru), and St. Galbert’s Island.
New Westmoreland was originally home to the Pagatowar people (who called the land Umnepo). Gettons & Yaduru was originally just Yaduru. The Karstlanders invaded, but couldn’t completely defeat the Da-rai warrior tribes, which is how Yaduru exists as an independent city-state to this day. St. Galbert’s (originally called Nilam by its native peoples, the Orang batu) is an island mostly used for agriculture and has remained so even in modern times.
The Karstlanders unified these states into a single nation, called Trinnea, nearly 213 years ago, but they’re still often refereed to as the Karstland States or the Karstlandic Triadica.
In Karstland itself, they’re derogatorily called the Leftover States.
Why does all that history bullshit matter?
Part of the Karstlanders’ motivation for conquest (besides the usual), was the search for untapped sources of viv, their word for naturally occurring, raw/unrefined magical energy. Basically, viv is to magic what crude oil is to petroleum.
The Karstlanders found plenty of viv, and opened several large Ley Lines (the term for stores of refined viv/usable Magic) across Trinnea.
But they wanted more.
So the Karstland Kings broke a huge taboo, one that existed across every culture of the world: they pierced the Veil, broke the Boundary, and sailed over the Last Horizon and into the Realm of the Other Folk, the Hidden People, The Fae...in hopes of finding more Magic.
Three Karstlandic ships sailed into Faerie Territory: the Alchemist, the Archbishop, and the Artificer.
Only the Artificer survived to see landfall.
How do Humans survive in Faerie Land?
Terrible, unnatural storms battered the ships for three days straight. And even more strangely, once the sun set on that first night on the Otherside, it never rose again. There in Faerie Land, it was eternally night. The Karstlanders didn’t recognize any stars/constellations in the sky and, even more disconcertingly, there was no moon.
Finally, the relentless storms calmed. The Artificer’s captain, Sir Yancy Harken Toddleburr, recalled the moment in his ship’s log in a passage that is now famous, and a popular recitation piece in finishing schools back home in Karstland.
He writes:
“The water of this cursed, endless sea is wholly unnatural. The foreign sky above meets it [the water] at the horizon and is devoured by its  waves....no lite [sic] reflects from its surface, like the eyes of a dead man...not even our bespelled torches can pierce its depths...this an evil place, and no man belongs here.”
Land, ho!
After an indeterminate time adrift, land was sighted, but it was a strange ass sight. The land literally glowed, a bright, undeniable orange, a beacon above the light-less waves.  The orange color is why the Karstlanders named the new land Meteoria. Modern science has determined that the soil in Meteoria is highly ferrous (lots of iron molecules) and contains high concentrations of meteoric iron. (Rebekah says: This ties into the fact that iron is a useful ward against fae kind, in the soil it is not harmful to them, but when extracted, refined, and wielded by humans i.e. taken from its natural state, it is harmful to fairy folk).
The Karstlanders disembarked and began their exploration. They didn’t have to look very hard - the land was brimming with viv.  It was also brimming with Otherfolk: Seelie, Unseelie, Demons, Monsters, Ghosts, Spirits, all kinds of non-humans.
So what did the humans do? Well...they just did what they’d always done of course: conquer, fragment, destabilize, colonize. They began a systemic destruction of the native Fae populations using techniques they’d “perfected” with the native Pagatowar of New Westmoreland, the Da-rai of Yaduru, and the Orang batu of Nilam.
Over hundreds of years of colonization, only a small area of Meteoria was left for the Fae, a bit of land to the North that the Karstlanders couldn’t tame. The Humans called it The Wildness, but the Fae knew it as the lair of the Wilder Queen, Land Spirit of the faerie realm.
The Wildness was under her direct protection, because within its depths, beat her Heart, the very kernel of the earth. If the Karstlanders ever got a hold of it, they could "tame” her, the Wilder Queen, and finally claim the once Fae-owned land completely for themselves. They haven’t managed it...yet.
Despite the Wilder Queen’s protection, the Wildness is not a Fae paradise.
Destruction of Fae habitats and relocation of all different kinds of Fae has forced long-feuding factions to co-exist. Seelie and Unseelie, Trouping and Solitary, Friendly and Malicious, Night and Day...all together in a small area. The Wildness isn’t just dangerous for Humans, but for Faekind as well.
Okay? Why do I care?
Shortly after its founding, Meteoria was used as a penal colony for the Karstland States. It was a dangerous place to settle, what with Fae running all about, as well as a LITERALLY hostile environment (The Wilder Queen wasn’t going to relinquish her control easily). The Karstland Kings figured it’d be better if Prisoner-workers died fighting to settle the colony rather than “real” people/citizens.
Modern day Meteoria is a colony in flux. Ninety-eight percent of the land is "civilized”, with human!free-settlers and human!prisoner-workers living in relative peace. It is still in use as a penal colony for the Karstland states, though now, about 40% of the prisoner-workers aren’t “shipped in” but residents of Meteoria, themselves. The current royal governor, Niveus Borscheid, is determined to be the one that finally fully “civilizes” Meteoria so it can elevate itself from penal colony to economical powerhouse, maybe one that could even challenge it’s mother country.
But that’s easier said than done because the 2% of Uncivilized Meteoria is a bitch of a place. It’s comprised of the Fringes and the Wildness itself. The Fringes are where the Human and Fae populations are most likely to mingle. It is an extremely dangerous place for Humans (and Fae). Its the considered the front lines of the battle for the Wilder Queen’s heart, a battle that’s been going on for nearly 120 years (by human measurements).
 The Fringe is also home to a few “Weird Towns” where Humans and Fae co-exist. There’s even ghastly rumors in the civilized world of some Humans breeding with Fae to create...Halfmen.
It is known that such things happened in Meteoria’s past, as a way to breed some civility into the Fae. But it was an uncouth time then. Besides, back in the day such couplings were highly regulated. Humans only interbred with the Fair Folk, the Good Neighbors as they were sometimes called; the Fae who were beautiful, kind, benevolent - those who fell in line with Humanity’s standards of beauty and morality.
Now, in modern times, such couplings are considered about as charitably as interracial marriages are in our world. Every pretty human girl knows that the best way to get “revenge” on her family, is to bring home some Fae boy or girl. 
A map of “civilized” Meteoria...
The capital is Port Grace. This is where prisoner-workers first arrive in country. It is also where their labor is sold at the famous/infamous Hipplethwaite Square (Labor) Market.
 Besides Port Grace, there are several other medium to large cities in Meteoria. In the southern marshlands (where Port Grace is located), there is Iron Station to the northeast, and in the west are the "princess cities" of Ernestine and Rohesia.
The middle part of the island is predominantly agrarian. It's mostly farming villages, but there is one town larger than the rest, Crossings, where a huge farmers' market/agricultural festival is held every full moon. Crossings is large enough that it crosses the Needle River in three places (hence the name): once in Slurry near the Midland Ley Line, once in the Old Town, right across from Halyard's Chapel, and then again near Southgate.
 Between Crossings and the west coast are several towns: Ralston, Moss Fenning, and Badwater. There are two notable ports along the western shoreline: St. Winston and Kettlesbottom Shoals.
The eastern part of Meteoria is taken up by the craggy Mossbacks, a range of green mountains known for their rugged terrain/viv mining industry. The biggest mine in all Meteoria is in the Mossback town of Jubilee. Other mining settlements include Little Holler, Travers, and Compromise. The biggest "city" out east is Asheton, named for frontiersman/explorer, Barnabas Ashe. Asheton sits at the bottom of the Salter-Erskine Escarpment, and is known as the "grand foyer" of the Mossbacks.
 The northern most tip of Meteoria is taken up by the Wildness, a completely uninhabitable swath of land overrun with magical beings.
The biggest permanent settlement out that way is a Fringe town called Last Stop because that's where the Shooting Star Line (name of the only transcontinental railway) ends. Its the terminus for all train traffic in Meteoria.
Between Last Stop and the Wildness is the Fringe Land.
 So how does this new information change things?
It makes the Gauntlet more concrete: the Human challengers will have to fight off hostile fae and the Wilder Queen
Owusu and Nona (J.J.’s new name, which I will explain in more detail in a separate post) are still human. I chose to do this because it seems shitty to have Fae be a metaphor for native populations but, like, not include (Fictional) native humans. The Karstlanders screwed over everybody, humans and Fae.
Taufan has Fae heritage. She is Orang bunian (basically the Southeast Asian version of Elves). Her ancestors intermarried with humans as part of the “Civilization Programs” in which “acceptable fae” and humans intermarried to create Halfmen, hopefully easing relations between the humans and the Fae. As a Bunian, Taufan has a natural affinity for all types of magic, unnatural beauty, and innate healing abilities.
Rafi is a “brute” or “mongrel” - a mix of human and several “unsavory” Fae. Specifically, Rafi is a quarter human, a quarter giant, a quarter ogre, and a quarter Duende (Hispanic gnome-like peoples). Her “bad”/”muddy” heritage is blamed for her issues with reading/using Sigils. It’s also why she’s encouraged to join the army. She’s big and strong (6′4′‘ and jacked as shit) and dumb and not fully human, so if she dies, it’s not that big of a deal (according to popular thought).
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festpop · 7 years
FYF Fest Adds Mac DeMarco, Chicago Batman, Kelly Lee Owens, to 2017 Lineup July 21st, 22nd, 23rd at Exposition Park, Los Angeles, CA Tickets available at www.FYFFEST.com
Featuring: The highly anticipated return of Rap Queen Missy Elliot
“…perhaps the best summer festival a Southern California music fan could hope for.”
- Rolling Stone
“FYF is one of the rare fests to have grown in size without losing sight of what makes it stand out” – A.V. Club
“FYF Fest may have its sights more on the mainstream than the underground, but it hasn’t shed its adventurous roots” – Los Angeles Times
FYF Fest 2017 is happy to announce the addition of Mac DeDemarco, returning for his 5th year in a row, L.A. natives Chicano Batman, Welsh singer and producer Kelly Lee Owens, plus Homeshake, Peter Sagard, and DJ Collective Honey Soundsystem. The festival is also introducing a new 6th stage called Outer space with extended set time from 15 artists.
Headlining performances from Missy Elliot, Bjork, Frank Ocean, and Nine Inch Nails along with additional performances from Solange, Iggy Pop, MGMT, A Tribe Called Quest, Anderson Paak and the Free Nationals, Erykah Badu, and many more. All this taking place at Exposition Park in Downtown Los Angeles and produced in association with Goldenvoice.
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Day Line Up are as follows.
FRIDAY: Headlining Missy Elliot & Bjork
Anderson .Paak & the Free Nationals, Flying Lotus, Slowdive, Majid Jordan, Angel Olsen, BadBadNotGood, Thee Oh Sees, John Talabot, Beach Fossils, Horse Meat Disco, S U R V I V E, Hundred Waters, Royal Headache, Helena Hauff, Kirk Knight, Paranoid London, Kelly Lee Owens
Saturday: Headlining Frank Ocean A Tribe Called Quest, Erykah Badu, MGMT, Nicolas Jaar, King Krule, Sleep, Thundercat, The Drums, The Black Madonna, Grandaddy, Motor City Drum Ensemble, Cap’n Jazz, Noname, The Faint, Arca + Jesse Kanda, Jonathan Richman, Perfume Genius, Daniel Avery, Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, Mitski, Kamaiyah, Homeshake, Princess Nokia, Fatima Yamaha, Young Marco, Avalon Emerson, Big Thief
Sunday: Headlining Nine Inch Nails Iggy Pop, Solange, Run the Jewels, Little Dragon, Hannibal Buress, Kehlani, 6LACK, Chicano Batman, Mura Masa, Ty Segall, Talaboman, Blonde Redhead (performing Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons), DJ Harvey, Temples, TIGA, Whitney, TR/ST, Moses Sumney, Omar-S, Andy Shauf, Joey Purp, Honey Soundsystem, Cherry Glazerr, Nadia Rose, Julia Jacklin
Here’s a FYF playlist from us to get your dancing shoes ready!
For more Tickets, FAQ, and news, please visit FYFFest.com.
FestPop Staff Writers, Celeste De Los Santos & Priscilla Perez
FYF Fest : July 21-23 at Exposition Park, Los Angeles FYF Fest Adds Mac DeMarco, Chicago Batman, Kelly Lee Owens, to 2017 Lineup July 21st, 22nd, 23rd at Exposition Park, Los Angeles, CA…
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