nekropsii · 1 year
Wait, what do you mean with two distinct Mitunas???
I mean that there's two of them.
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Two of them. Distinctly. Separately. At the same time. Second guy has a lot of names juggling around but is most commonly called either Mi2na or Prospituna. He's cool. Doesn't have brain damage, though, so he's a bit weird to get used to if you're used to regular Mituna. They're not fond of getting compared to each other, though. It's a sore spot.
To explain as simply as possible...
Mituna's a Dual Dreamer. The rule of Dream Selves is that only one body will take on the damage of the original at a time, and the Native Moon takes priority in this exchange. Mituna's a Derse Native, so when he died during the Great Act of Heroism + got God Tiered, his Derse Self was the one that sustained the Narratively Important Brain Damage and merged with the original body. God Tiers cannot dream on Prospit or Derse, so this leaves Prospituna as his own separate person, and lacking Brain Damage.
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nekropsii · 1 year
How will the different mitunas in sovstuck be differentiated in terms of dialogue? Will they have the same chumhandle, quirks, color, etc? I can already imagine the FCG-CCG antics if they ever talk to each other, lol
I'd actually be pretty surprised if people managed to mix them up. They've got different handles with different acronyms (TA/AT), text colors, quirks, and look + speak completely differently from one another, lol. They're very much so undeniably different people, but still fundamentally the same god damned son of a bitch.
Mi2na's quirk has More Leet Per Leet, though, I will say that. You meet him pretty early on, so you'll see what I mean. At the very least, you get the grace of it only being number-based leet and there being no typos this time. It's genuinely not that hard to write or anything, at least. Pleome's quirk, despite having zero character replacements involved, is substantially worse to work with for me, lmao.
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nekropsii · 2 years
kinda surprised I haven't seen anyone else ask this yet, but does sov mituna still have brain damage? I wouldn't expect you to completely veto it obviously but seeing as he is a reincarnation I'm guessing it's a bit different?
Yes, our Mituna still has Brain Damage. It's still specifically a TBI to the Frontal Lobe, and it was still gained through a Great Act of Heroism. The main difference between Homestuck's Mituna and Sovereignstuck's Mituna in that respect is that we write him and his disability with significantly more care and sensitivity. This is because we actually like him, and we do not hate disabled people, lol.
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nekropsii · 2 years
I saw that you made Mituna and Latula moirals rather than matespirtes in your au. What are your thoughts and reasons about that decision for your story? Just curious!
Considering both of their characters, it seemed like it would be easier and more intriguing to explore their relationship through the lens of Moirallegiance rather than Matespritship. Their canonical Red Romance has very much so been explored and loved for years now, and we wanted something fresh but still familiar. Overall, it opened some new doors for exploration of both of their characters that we thought would liven up the Patron dynamics, and make them distinct from that of canon.
For Sovereignstuck, Moirallegiance is all about balancing each other, and staying in your best health. It's keeping each other in check, making sure your partner stays on the right path, and doesn't go down any dark roads. It's a form of extreme platonic love. It's a QPR with a specific function, though it manifests differently for everyone. Not all are healthy, and not all of them last, but all aim to fulfill the same basic purpose. Latula and Mituna both need each other, and separating them is a bad idea across most timelines. This is undeniable. We felt that with the way we executed their characters, it would be more apt for them to take on that balancing. They both have a lot of things wrong with their brains, and for the longest time they felt like they were the only ones who really understood each other. And, for the longest time, they were right.
The love between them isn't lesser just because they're Pale. It's still there, at the same levels. It's still intense. It's just in a different form.
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nekropsii · 2 years
Are there any mituna-inspired character in Sovereignstuck?
Aw, man... I don't know... That's a tough question... I mean, we have this one character, right? He's this, like, 90's kid 4Channer skateboarding gamer guy, that's kinda like Mituna, right? And he's got this whole bee thing going on, because he's an apiarist... He's got this skintight latex body suit too, it's modeled after flight gear because he thinks planes are swagful, and it's like this costume thing for this superhero self insert character he has that's in this little indie comic series he's working on with his moirail. He's also a goldblood, and got brain damage from overexerting his psionics that had near historically unprecedented strength to them? He's an Heir of Doom, and his name is, like, Mituna Captor. I know, it's kind of dumb. Here's a picture of him, though!
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Other than that, man, I really don't know... Damn... We're getting some really hard questions lately...
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nekropsii · 1 year
Howdy 8)
not to reference a sovTuna post from like nearly a year, but which neuromancer quote does mituna have tattooed?
That’s no problem! I like to keep that kind of ambiguous, just for fun. I also like to think that he has more than one quote on him, so you get some choices. Have fun with it.
Personally, I’m a big fan of these lines:
“All the meat, he thought, and all it wants.”
"Horror. The spiral birth factory, stepped terraces of the hatching cells, blind jaws of the unborn moving ceaselessly, the staged progress from egg to larva, near-wasp, wasp."
They have a nice little zest to them.
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nekropsii · 2 years
what would sov!mituna do with cronus? like, how would you respond to her abuse?
His.* There is no "her" in this equation.
Elaborating further is entering spoiler territory, since we delve into their dynamic quite a bit... But what I can say is that he's still a pretty meek person, in his own regard. Though he's known for being loud, abrasive, and at times overly defensive/aggressive in response to oftentimes seemingly innocuous things, these traits don't typically extend to things that are legitimately hurting him. He has an awful habit of just taking things sitting down... Especially if he's scared of you. It sucks. Fear in particular is a great way of forcing him into a form of submission- he finds articulating and defending himself much more difficult when under stress. There are severe limits to his capabilities in that department. It's a trauma response. You know how it is. This is taken advantage of, unfortunately.
So... TL;DR: what he does with Cronus at the start of the story is... Essentially nothing. He just lets it happen. It's... Really not Mituna's fault that this happens to him, though. To claim that would be Victim Blaming. Cronus just latches onto people he knows he can control to some extent. It's an unfortunate result of copious amounts of horrifically unchecked entitlement. He sucks, but... We definitely tried to make him sucking make logical sense. It wouldn't be interesting if we didn't try to make sense of it, and it wouldn't be interesting if we did nothing but dehumanize him, either. That's a topic for another day, though.
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nekropsii · 2 years
so I finally got around to reading your essay on mituna being a Cassandra parallel, and it was really good! But I can't help but notice that one of the sovereignstuck players is named Ajax and now I'm sweating profusely hoping there's no connection
Thank you very much, I’m glad you enjoyed the essay! And don’t worry! There’s no connection between Ajax Barrett and Mituna’s status of being a Cassandra parallel!! See, there’s actually two men named Ajax in Greek mythology- Ajax the Great, and Ajax the Lesser.
Cronus Ampora, in relation to Mituna’s myth of Cassandra, is simultaneously playing the role of Apollo, by most likely being the person who destroyed people’s belief in Mituna in the first place, and Ajax the Lesser specifically, for, well… You know what Ajax the Lesser’s relevance to Cassandra’s story is.
Ajax takes more cues from an entirely different guy- you might have noticed that his handle starts with the word “Telamonian,” which relates him very specifically to Telamonian Ajax, better known as Ajax the Great. He’s a hero of Greek mythology. Don’t worry- Ajax and Mituna are actually friends! Mituna’s his Patron, actually!
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nekropsii · 2 years
latula will be present in sov!stuck? If so, what will be her relationship with Mituna?
She will be, yes. There are 12 Patrons, after all. @scalematez has the honor of writing the beloved Game Girl!!
Latula and Mituna are Moirails. They live together and keep each other stable and in check. The living arrangement is necessary for the both of them to maintain full functionality. They love and need each other. It's nice. :) Do not separate them.
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nekropsii · 2 years
Make no mistake. I think Mituna is lame as all hell. That’s what I love about him though.
For every cool thing about Sov!Mituna, there’s at least, like, 2 really lame things about it to offset it. Like…
He has tattoos. Like half of them are gamer tattoos though. He has a Triforce on his hand. He physically has a Neuromancer quote tattooed onto his body. He will not get rid of it. He thinks it’s fucking awesome.
He makes music. Sometimes it’s white boy gamer rap. He will put chiptune in his white boy gamer rap.
He uses a double-necked guitar for no reason other than he likes the number 2 and thinks a cool looking guitar will get him more bitches. It’s hard to play. He fucks up all the time.
He’s good at programming. If you ask him to help fix your computer, he will purposefully give you at least one new, slightly more annoying problem. Only he knows how to fix the problem. Sometimes he uses this to force people to talk to him more, because he likes them but doesn’t know how to approach them.
He uses video game references and bad puns to hit on people. I have no follow-up to this. It’s lame on it’s own. It works.
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nekropsii · 3 years
Mituna Captor and Meulin Lejion?
Sexuality HC: Not much of a hot take here, but I see him as bisexual!
Favorite Ship(s): In the context of canon? MITULA. ALL THE WAY. That man DESERVES it. In the context of Sovereignstuck? Unreal Heir. That one’s between him and Retris Morage, my fantroll. I have got to post about it sometime!
BROTP: Hot take! I think he’s very close friends with Rufioh and Meulin! Bonus: In Sovereignstuck, his moirail is Latula! Do not separate them.
NOTP: CroTuna. In any quadrant at all. Yes, including Black Just... No. Absolutely fucking not. That wasn’t Blackrom, that was abuse. Huge difference.
Happy HC: I like to think that when he’s happy, he makes a buzzing sound. Like a bee! You can’t go wrong with a good ol’ trolls purring headcanon. Also, whenever he’s feeling particularly affectionate, his psionics spark a little and make heart shapes. He has no control over that. He is incredibly bad at hiding his feelings.
Angsty HC: Abandonment issues. Really, really bad abandonment issues. Like, breakdown level. He gets nightmares about it sometimes, but his grasp of reality isn’t all that great, especially when he’s freaked out or emotional, and he tends to think it actually happened.
Random HC: His favorite book in Sovereignstuck is Neuromancer! HUGE Cyberpunk fan.
General Opinion: He’s my favorite! I love my weirdo Cassandra parallel dearly. I think he’s got a lot of potential to be a nuanced, intricate character if you simply work to understand him. Which I have done for the fanventure. Thoroughly. I’m in charge of writing him. >:)
Sexuality HC: Now, this one’s a doozy. I, personally, see Meulin as functionally AroAce, or at least somewhere on that spectrum. I think she likes the idea of relationships a lot, but isn’t very compatible with them in practice.
Favorite Ship(s): Romantically? None, really!
BROTP: [In the same time as Shrimp Heaven Now] Damara! Friendship! Now!!!
NOTP: I’m sorry but whatever her and Kurloz had going on was not healthy. I find it interesting narratively, don’t get me wrong! But I cannot in good faith say I ship them.
Happy HC: Her so-called overexcitement is because she has autism! She’s got a lot of love in her heart for her interests, and she’s extremely passionate about them. She writes a lot of fanfics for the media she consumes, and her fanfiction accounts for them are actually really popular! She’s a very good writer!!
Angsty HC: The fact that several of her fellow session members- people she calls friends- didn’t even try to learn Sign to help accommodate to her Deafness actually really makes her upset. The fact that she still has to communicate mostly verbally really frustrates her. It makes her get a little snappy sometimes, and she often winds up saying things she regrets later. A friendship or two was broken because of it. (She is fully in the right for snapping, though.)
Random HC: Secretly into horror and thrillers! She doesn’t only consume popular media and romances!! She loves to have some variety in her diet with the content she indulges in. It keeps her from getting bored! I will say, though, she is SUPER into Hannibal.
General Opinion: I love her. So much. You have no idea. Meulin actually meant a LOT to me when I was younger! I hadn’t seen any form of representation for the deaf/hard of hearing before, so it made me REALLY happy. I actually named my cat after her, lol!!!! She’s super underappreciated, honestly. She’s FUNNY.
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nekropsii · 2 years
Okay, what song (and voice) do you associate Mituna with? Color me curious!
(FUCK yes, I get to torment people with Sov!Mituna’s voice, HELL yes.)
Mituna, in Sovereignstuck, is a musician! Some of his skills took some relearning after the head trauma, and he does still struggle with it more than he used to, but all the hard work pays the fuck off. Because he’s DAMN good at it.
His voice, and his music? Harvey Danger! Flagpole Sitta (the song linked) is 100% his theme song.
Another amazing demonstration of his voice is in Cream and Bastards Rise. Definitely reflective of Sov!Mituna’s life and outlook, too! The whole band is 100% worth checking out!! But if you want specific recommendations, hit me up! I’ve listened to just about their entire discography at this point, lmao!!
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nekropsii · 2 years
what does mituna do for sovereignstuck? is he important?
What does he do for Sovereignstuck? Brain damaged, psychotic, tourettic, autistic, bipolar 4Channer awarded the title “Hottest Motherfucker On This Dimensional Plane,” more at 7. Ableds lose forever. What more could you ask for?
Jokes aside… Yes, Mituna is fundamentally incredibly plot important. Removing him would mean completely decimating a good amount of major plot points and character development. Do not worry. We aren’t tossing him off to the side like a wet rag. He’s very much so getting the attention he deserves.
Considering the Players weren’t exposed to the destruction of Hope within the Patron’s session, especially in regards to Mituna, he’s not getting the Cassandra treatment again. Sure, he’s still pretty abrasive, and he still has zero impulse control, which does lead to a lot of upsetting exchanges… But the Players tend to be a lot more tolerant of him than the Patrons were.
If you’re wondering who he’s the Patron for, it’s Ajax Barrett, Page of Rage. He’s @scalematez’s OC!
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nekropsii · 2 years
Tell us about the Gay People. (Unreal Heir)
How’d they meet! What were some of their first impressions of eachother?
I owe you my life.
They met at a group meeting of sorts, focused on introducing the Patrons to the Players in person.
Their first impressions of each other... weren’t that great. Retris, disaster that he is, took one look at this bright yellow latex-clad motherfucker from across the room and thought he was, like, the hottest shit on the planet. Kept looking at him. Kinda hard not to, his whole look really just commands attention.
Mituna, on the other hand, was not having a great time at that party. Too many people, too much sound, too many conversations attempted, too many things happening, too much everything. It was overwhelming, and the overload was translating to anger. Not at anything in particular, just everything and nothing simultaneously, and just about anything that breathed in his direction was going to get lashed out at because of it.
Unfortunately, Mituna had come to this meeting with a specific goal in mind, and even though he was pissed and overwhelmed, he was very much so hellbent on completing that mission before leaving. And that mission was to meet the other team’s leader.
Retris is, unfortunately, that guy.
Retris was more than happy to speak with him. Getting approached seemed fucking awesome until he realized Mituna was a bit of a mean bastard, at least at that moment.
Picture this. Mituna kept asking around the Players who their Team Leader was, and, obviously, they kept saying that was Retris. As the party goes on, Mituna gets more overwhelmed, and thus more unstable and angry. At this point, he’s just mad that the Team Leader hasn’t shown himself- even though Retris was just like, sitting there, in the open, the entire time.
Retris is a pretty unassuming guy. He looks like some short idiot nerd in a turtleneck and a cape, because he is, in fact, a short idiot nerd in a turtleneck and a cape. Mituna walks straight up to him and asks where in the god damn shitting fuck is the leader, and Retris, obviously, replies by saying, “Oh, th4t’s me! C4n I help you?”
Mituna may or may not have laughed in his face and told him that no, he fucking isn’t. He may have accused him of lying and demanded to know where “the actual fucking leader is,” you know, to Retris’s face.
It kinda hurt Retris’s feelings. They were off on a pretty bad foot for a while- even after Mituna calmed down, him and Retris still essentially hated each other. It was based in misunderstanding. Retris couldn’t put his defenses down, and didn’t understand why Mituna was, in general, the way that he is. He was kinda mean to him because of it. Mituna reacted accordingly to this, and was defensively angry with him a lot. Just a lot of jumping the gun all around. Everyone was dead certain they were gonna end up in some kind of blackrom.
They didn’t, though. Despite all odds, they didn’t. But that’s for another post. :)
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