sowisek 3 years
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DAY 30 DUCK WOMAN Sketches of character, that more lore you can find under links below and sketch here is Next Idea of character, and coz of it. I just like to draw women its Next female character. Male one is on Day 28, but its wery fresch idea. Most of character do not have ready clothes yet, but I think some of them will be post on dayli sketches, I want a littlebit work on it to. 馃惀https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nan1HHjiY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 馃惁https://www.instagram.com/p/BYZJ0-ejExm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link #Bird #duck #women #femalecharacter #sketch #ducklady #waterbird #characterconceptart #characterconcept #characteridea #sketchbook #conceptart 聽#Originalcharacter #oc #Sowisek #sowisek_art #ladyduck https://www.instagram.com/p/CY__8UnKLJ4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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DAY 28 BUNNIES Dzisiejszy post i szkic jest wyj膮tkowy. Kr贸liczki jak i zdj臋cia o kt贸re poprosi艂am pochodz膮 od @sarnodzielo Poprosi艂am o to po po艣cie na kt贸rym zobaczy艂am snie偶nobia艂ego kr贸liczka odratowwnego z laboratorium, dzi臋ki kt贸remu "mo偶na spa膰 na sianku"( moim zdaniem wspania艂e po艂膮czenie). Niestety istnieja jeszcze miejsca, w kt贸rych przeprowadza si臋 testy na zwierz臋tach i to g艂贸wnie gryzoniach. Zwierz臋ta cierpi膮, a inne niestety nie prze偶ywaj膮. Uwa偶am, 偶e w dobie aktualnej technologii jest to przera偶aj膮ce. Znane mi s膮 jedynie iniestety statystyki z Wielkiej Brytanii, kt贸re m贸wi膮 o grubych milionach, dziennie o dziesi膮tkach tysi臋cy. Co w stosunku do ca艂ego 艣wiata powinno nam m贸wi膰 o tragedii zwierz膮t, kt贸re mog膮 sta膰 si臋 naszymi podopiecznym. Zajrzyjcie na @lab_rescue_adopcje a dowiecie si臋 o wiele wi臋cej. Posiadaj膮c czas i miejsce przy sobie oraz szukaj膮c zwierz臋cia pami臋tajcie, aby omija膰 szerokim 艂ukiem pseudochodowle i zajrze膰 w miejsca w kt贸rych s膮 zwierzaki potrzebuj膮ce. A mo偶e dzi臋ki temu kto艣 odnajdziecie kompana na ca艂e 偶ycie. I troch臋 sianka szcz臋艣cia. Mi艂ego wieczoru 馃惏 #bunnies #fluffy #bunniesofinstagram #bunnyiesworldwide #bunniesrescued #bunniessketch #bunnies #art #fluffyfriend #digitalsketch #sketch #digitalsketch #art #digital #digitalart #Sowisek #sowisek_art #digital #sketchbook #sketching #digitalsketch #digitaldrawing #digitalsketch #art #rescueanimals #animals #rescuebunnies https://www.instagram.com/p/CY19Rx2KRIu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day 23 Yak #yak #fluffycows #sketch #yakanimal #everydayskketch #everydayisagoodday #drawingeveryday #everydayskketch #sketchbookart #sketchart #sketchhing #daylidoodle #dayliart #dayli #animalsaddict #animalsofinstagram #animalslover #artist #drawing #Sowisek_art #Sowisek https://www.instagram.com/p/CYj1VyxqmNb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day 22 small goat #goat #goatdrawing #goatsketch #sketchindigital #Sowisek #sketching #artist #everydayskketch #daylisketch #daylidrawingchallenge #everydaysketches #everydayisagoodday #daylisketchbookdraw #digitalart #animals #Sowisek_art https://www.instagram.com/p/CYj0aYAqK2u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day 20 Cow Yesterday I were having a really weird "error" on Instagram that even happend a day before that. I just were unfollowing every account from my following that were looking like spam one or unactive, reposting accounts and so on. After that insta block me posibility to likes and possibilyty to follow or unfollow etc. So I just stop using app. From fiew days, spam and promoting body harasment accounts are everywhere I even can't block them, and its make me tired. #Cow #everydayskketch #cows #sketchingdaily #sketchindigital #digitalgraphic #sketch #animal #daylisketchbookdraw #Sowisek #Sowisek_art #drawing #art #cowdrawing #cowsketch #Cutecaw https://www.instagram.com/p/CYcC4L7qDSz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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DAY 17 Centaur I just like Fantasy characters and unreal fings. It was always my vibe. Imagining them, project them and drawing, making characters, work with them, and sometimes writing abotut them in my story stories. #centaurworld #centaur #centauro #drawing #fantasy #fantasyart #Fantasydrawing #fantasysketch #fantasticbeasts #fantasyillustration #digitalsketching #digitalgraphic #digitalart #digitalpainting #digitalartist #Sowisek #Sowisek_art https://www.instagram.com/p/CYRhuyiqHtA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day 15 Hare Happy New year everyone. #Hare #sketchingdaily #sketching #sketchbook #sketching #everydayskketch #everydaydrawingchallenge #everydaysketching #paws #Sowisek #Sowisek_art https://www.instagram.com/p/CYMpjA8K7qd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day 14 Cosmic Turtle Today sketch is cisn膮膰 turtle Idea from 9Kier on Twitch, here Special efect from Instagram, what made star cloud in realy nice blue coulour. #Turtle #Cosmos #Cosmicturtle #sketch #turtlesketch #sketchingdaily #digital #digitalsketching #digitalskatchingdaily #dailysketch #dailysketch #Sowisek #Sowisek_art #everydaysketch #drawings #everydaydrawingchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHRYiRoumZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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DAY 13 THE GREAT BLUE HARON I were study nie beak for so looong to make at en angle and nice looking... that was a very good fight. #birds #greatblueharon #bigbird #sketchbook #sketching #sketcheveryday #sketching #sketches #everydayskketch #drawingeveryday #Sowisek #Sowisekart #Sowisek_art https://www.instagram.com/sowisek_art/p/CYE1QeXK3-E/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day 11 Horse Little brak from sketching, christmas were a lot these year. But here I am with day 11 and on my drawing tablet <3 my desk臋 od ready to work! And there is... A lots of work. Today I will post theree more. Have nice day. #Horse #sketching #everydaysketch #everydaydrawing #sketch #horsesketch #horsestudysketches #horseofinstagram #Sowisek #Sowisek_art https://www.instagram.com/p/CYEy5jIKy-l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day5 mouflon #sketch #sketching #daylyart #daylysketching #sketch #dodles #Swoisek #Sowisek_art #Sowis https://www.instagram.com/p/CXq69uDKyPE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Day 4 E艂k #Elk #sketch #digitaldrawing #digitalsketch #everydaysketch #Sowisek #sowisek_art #Sowisekart #art #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CXlwHxrMfpL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Sketch 2 #digitaldrawing #digitalpainting #digitalsketch #sowisek #sowisek_art https://www.instagram.com/p/CXgnhd6qrxm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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Here is my new profil pick and my newest art, I feel beatter nie nas feel enough to post something. I really like working with light here and some graphic details, a little poetic. #sowisek #sowisek_art #digital #digitalgraphic #digitaldrawing #digitalartist #digitalpainting #digitalillustration #digitalart #digitalportrait #girl #girlportrait #light #digitallight #woman #womenportrait #art #painting (w: Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXeGvLjKoMl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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DAY 33 HORSES My everyday sketches looks like these. But I normaly show you one of the sketches I like The most or sometimes I draw one thing coz of the Time I have. Today I want show all of them. #horses #horse #horseportraits #portraithorse #horsesofinstagram #horseriding #horsepower #horsedrawing #horseart #horseartwork #drawinganimal #art #drawingchallenge #drawingeveryday #everydayposts #sketchbook #sketching #daylisketch #dayliart #daylidrawing #daylipost #sowisek #sowisek_art https://www.instagram.com/p/CZKXldSqX5F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sowisek 3 years
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DAY 32 PUFFIN/MAN S.D. Alkin So .... like I said, I don't draw a lot of male characters. especially from the story I am creating for myself. And somehow I thought so, since I recently published a puffin, today I can show why it was on my daily drawing and sketch idea. Here is another character from the universe. Samuel D. Alki, a sailor from the place where people turned into birds They became to varying degrees. You can find out more about this in other posts that show paintings and sketches of bird-like people. and above all in the links below. And in day 31 on my profile you can find Puffin a bird which was a base and a kind that my inspiration to portrait a character of Samuel D. Alkin the one and very grumpy member of sailorman crew. And for these who read that block of info I will just say that will be only three of them who make it and probably I will show them very later on. Have a nice day and here are links to the rest of birds changed characters. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYZJ0-ejExm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nan1HHjiY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CXd7eFfqPhc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link And these two below don t have clearly writed story yet, but both of them were tourists. And here are sketches https://www.instagram.com/p/CY4ajBOKpYW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CY__8UnKLJ4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link #puffin #manbird #birdman #characterconcept #characterconceptart #charactersketch #characteridea #characterdesign #earlydesign #man #bird #change #sketching #everydaysketch #daylisketch #dayliart #32 #day32 #sailorman #drawing #art #daylisketch #dayliart #sowisek_art #sowisek #sketchbook #digital #digitalsketchbook (w: Nowhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZHkP5pqv6r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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