#soy byproduct
rurinnfane · 1 month
Having to go soy-free shouldn’t have to be anywhere near this ridiculous and difficult ☹️
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najia-cooks · 9 months
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[ID: Buttermilk being poured from a Moroccan ceramic cup with orange and black geometric designs into a glass. End ID]
لبن نباتي / Lbn nabati (Vegan traditional buttermilk)
Lbn (لْبْنْ or لْبَنْ; also transliterated "lban") is a Moroccan buttermilk drink. It is not to be confused with standard Arabic لَبَن‎ ("laban"), meaning "milk"; with Levantine لَبَن‎ ("laban"), also called لَبَن رَائِب ("laban ra'ib"), which is curdled milk (a.k.a., yoghurt); or with Levantine لَبْنَة‎ ("labna"), which is yoghurt that has been strained and thickened.
Instead, lbn is a traditional buttermilk. It is historically made the same way Western traditional buttermilk is: by leaving raw milk to sit at room temperature while the cream separates and rises to the top, allowing the cream to ferment, and then churning the cream until it separates further into milk solids (cultured butter) and a cultured liquid byproduct (traditional buttermilk). Commercial Western buttermilk, and some Moroccan lbn, is now no longer traditional buttermilk but instead cultured buttermilk, which is produced by fermenting low-fat milk; this produces a thicker, more acidic liquid than traditional buttermilk. Lbn is usually made with goat's milk, though cow's milk is also often used.
Lbn—very sour and tangy, slightly sweet, and about the consistency of milk—is consumed as a refreshing after-dinner drink during the summer. It is also used to soak كُسْكُس ("couscous") (made from durum, barley, or corn flour). Couscous with lbn is called سَيْكُوك ("saykouk") in Darija (Moroccan Arabic), or أزَيْكُوك ("azaykouk") in Tamazight.
Saykouk is a cold dish, commonly eaten in the desert and in rural areas during the summertime; but it is also sold from food carts and by vendors on bicycles year-round in cities. On Fridays, Moroccans often eat couscous dishes with lbn on the side, and may make some on-the-fly saykouk by pouring lbn into their bowls to soak the couscous that remains after the vegetables or meat in the dish have been eaten.
This recipe resembles cultured buttermilk, in that it ferments non-dairy milk with live cultures to achieve a sour taste. However, it more resembles traditional dairy buttermilk in taste and texture. Note that this lbn is intended for drinking and for recipes that call for Moroccan traditional buttermilk, and not for replacing Western cultured buttermilk in pastries or pancakes.
Recipe under the cut!
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2 cups full-fat oat milk
1-3 vegetarian probiotic capsules (containing at least 10 billion cultures total)
A few pinches salt
A few pinches granulated sugar
Make sure your probiotic capsules contain no prebiotics, as they can interfere with the culture. The probiotic may be multi-strain, but should contain some of: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidus, Lactobacillus acidophilus. The number of capsules you need will depend on how many cultures each capsule is guaranteed to contain.
Instead of probiotic capsules, you can use a specialty starter culture pack intended for use in culturing vegan dairy, many of which are available online. Note that starter cultures may be packaged with small amounts of powdered milk for the bacteria to feed on, and may not be truly vegan.
Other types of non-dairy milk may work. My trial with soy milk did not succeed (it never became notably tangy). Soaked and blended cashews will thicken substantially, so be sure to blend cashews with at least twice their volume in (just-boiled, filtered) water if you want to use cashews as your base. I found that oat milk, as well as being more convenient and cheaper than cashews, more closely mimicked the taste of lbn. I have not tested anything else.
1. Boil several cups of water and use the just-boiled water to rinse your measuring cup, the container you will ferment your lbn in, and a wooden spoon or rubber spatula to stir. Your bowl and stirring implement should be in a non-reactive material such as wood, clay, glass, or silicone.
2. Measure oat milk into a container and open probiotic capsules into it. Stir the powder from the capsules in until well combined.
3. Cover the opening of the container with a cheesecloth or tea towel. Ferment for 24 hours: on the countertop in temperate weather, or in an oven with the light on in cold weather.
Taste the lbn with a clean implement (avoid double-dipping!) to see if it is ready. If it still tastes 'oaty,' continue fermenting for another 1-3 days, tasting every 12 hours, until it is notably tangy.
4. Blend lbn with large pinches of salt and sugar; or put lbn, salt, and sugar in a jar with a lid and shake to combine. Taste and adjust salt and sugar.
5. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. This lbn will continue to culture slowly in the fridge and will eventually (like dairy lbn) become too sour to drink.
Serve chilled.
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homeofhousechickens · 6 months
Things I like
-Most birds are active and in good spirits
-no beak mutilation
-bedding in the indoor area looks clean and cozy and good for dust batheing
-plenty of natural safe enrichment. You don't want very tall perches for battery hens they could break a bone.
-Communal roosting
-cockerels used for meat rather than culled at a day old
-use of solar for energy
-when the birdflu isn't a threat they have outdoor pastures the birds can access anytime during foraging time.
-natural daylight
Things I don't like
-birds seem dirty due to communal roosting situation, they are getting pooped on basically. Changing the layout to a almost look like stairs would probably help.
-some birds still show evidence of feather picking, obviously not as bad as American battery farms but always room for improvement. They didn't have as much evidence of this when they could go outside but unfortunately they can't right now for their own safety.
-their feed regime might contribute to the feather picking behavior and poor feather quality if they are truly only using byproducts in their feed. Wheat,soy, and corn byproducts are harder on a chickens gut microbiome than better ingredients.
Things to note-
-Leghorns are more prone to neurotic behaviors than other breeds (this can happen when you take a flighty land race and turn it into a production animal) if they had a different production breed they might see less feather picking. I think they chose pure production leghorns on purpose for sustainability reasons so can't fault them for that.
Their feathers will likely always look a bit shit. White feathers are structurally weaker than pigmented ones and that goes pretty much for all birds.
The feathers you see on the ground are just molted not from plucking of anything like that.
What do you think fellow chicken keepers?
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
Debunking Wellness Trends: Seed Oils
One aspect of the growing wellness trends on social media is the idea that seed oils are poisoning the population and need to be avoided to reach better health/heal health conditions/conserve fertility/etc. They’re being called “the hateful eight”, and there’s a lot of people doing the #seedoilfree lifestyle. Seed oils are being blamed for headaches, low immunity, disrupted attention and thinking, diabetes, and more.
(Seed oils include canola, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, rice bran, safflower, soy and sunflower oil)
Toxicity Claims
Current scientific evidence does NOT support claims that seed oils are “toxic”.
Now, if you begin to cut out foods such as fried foods (like fries) or packaged snacks, you may feel better. A lot of people are attributing this feeling to removing seed oils, but these foods are usually high in refined carbohydrates, sodium and sugar which is why they’re associated with more negative health outcomes.
Another fear is that the “toxicity” comes from production byproducts. Heat and solvents like hexane are used to extract oil from seeds, which apparently introduces chemical additives and unstable molecules, which then can turn polyunsaturated fats into harmful trans fats. Realistically, hexane is a bigger threat to the environment and workers in case of inhalation – trace amounts in the oil are still being studied, but so far there’s no concerning data. They’re also heated for short periods, and actually have fewer trans fats than products like milk or butter.
Additionally, omega-6 (found in nuts and seeds, and a dominant polyunsaturated fat in seed oils) is also not “toxic”. In fact, it’s been scientifically linked to lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar and reduced heart disease risk. The argument against omega-6 is that it’s responsible for chronic inflammation – omega-6 linoleic acid is converted into arachidonic acid in the body, which is a component of inflammatory compounds. Only 0.2% of linoleic acid we eat turns into arachidonic acid, and not all the compounds cause inflammation – arachidonic acid is a complex molecule, and it also has some anti-inflammatory effects. Linoleic acid is also an essential fatty acid that our body can’t make itself, and we use it to produce cell membranes and for skin health.
Another claim is that our omega-3: omega-6 ratio is out of balance, and that this is because our ancestors ate a much more balanced ratio than we do today. We DO eat more omega-6 fats than omega-3, but the claim that we eat 20 to 50x more is misinformation – it’s closer to 10:1. Instead of cutting omega-6, the better solution is to try and introduce more omega-3 fats into your diet.
Realistically, a lot of the online discourse about seed oils is misunderstanding scientific reports + deliberate fear-mongering. If you do have concerns about something in your diet causing health issues, seek advice from a trained medical professional who can give you evidence-based ideas and solutions to help you!
(Some articles to start if you want to know more on this topic 1 2 3)
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vegautistic · 3 months
I never posted when I was supposed to! I apologize, I just kinda needed a break from being online.
The benefit, though, is that I have a lot more to talk about in regards to chickpea tofu.
So, I’ve made two different kinds of tofu - I’ve made a chickpea tofu made in a similar way to traditonal soy tofu (twice!), and I’ve made a Burmese tofu using chickpea and lentil flour.
Chickpea tofu
I followed this video from Mary’s Test Kitchen (a vegan channel a definitely recommend!).
The first time I made this, I failed. It didn’t curdle properly. But I know where I went wrong - I didn’t blend the pulp finely enough, so the second time I made it, I blended it for longer, and it worked great! I had a kinda janky set up for resting the tofu, and so it still retained a good bit of moisture, but overall I was happy with the result.
I like making this tofu because not only do I get delicious tofu made from the chickpea protein, but I still have multiple byproducts to still use - chickpea whey, the chickpea pulp, and chickpea starch.
I had it with some teriyaki noodles I made, with some zucchini and mushrooms. So so good
Burmese tofu
This was made using a combination of chickpea and lentil flour, due to some awful “chickpea lentil rice” I had sitting at the back of my pantry. I thought I would make it into something potentially better, thus Burmese tofu. And oh man it was REALLY good.
I was afraid of it having too jiggly of a texture, so I cooked it down a bit more than other people did in their videos - until it was a thick paste. This resulted in a less jiggly but still soft and creamy tofu with a LOVELY flavor.
I had this for dinner last night. Coated it in a little potato starch, pan fried it, and lightly coated it in a little sauce I made. It was delicious, I’m so excited to have the rest! I only used one cup of the flour. And it made a good amount.
Will be making both again :D
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elithilanor · 25 days
For the ask game:
what are 3 things you'd say shaped you into who you are?
what's an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
what's some good advice you want to share?
For the Ask Game!
What are 3 things you'd say shaped you into who you are?
Friends, places/locations that I've lived (California, San Francisco, etc.), and the experiences that I've had. Very cliché in a way but it's the truth.
What's an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
With my roommate: a very obnoxious fake Jon Snow vibe: "She's ma queen, I don't want it." anytime we don't like or don't want to do something a la the disastrous and just horrendous season 8 of game of thrones. I hope my fanfiction writing is never as bad as that catastrophe.
It's mostly a long list of like variant versions of back and forth echolalia with my roommate because we're both ND and that's just how we roll, honestly.
What's some good advice you want to share?
Here's some medical advice I've had to learn over the last few months through my own issues and fighting to find out what's wrong. Also shout out to the failures of the US's scholastic teachings (mitochondria is the power house of the cell lolol):
Advocate for yourself and remember that you're the only one who will. You don't know medicine maybe, but you know when something isn't working the way it should in your body.
Hydration affects every bodily function including your heart and your dry eyes (omega-3s also affect eyes). Drink water and eat your fruit and veg with higher water content (cucumbers, watermelon, etc.).
If you're a vegetarian, pescetarian, vegan, or just don't consume too many meats and animal products, check if you're vitamin B12 levels (energy) are okay. It's the only way to get them as they aren't produced in the body. Legumes and soy are all fine and dandy for protein, but not B12. B12 is a required nutrient and affects the skin, hair, liver, heart, etc.
If you live in the Pacific Northwest or other far northern climes and/or you don't get out a lot and/or you don't eat a lot of animal byproducts, please check your Vitamin D levels! Also affects heart, brain, skin, etc. Your body does make vit D naturally, but that assumes that you're getting enough time in the sun for you to produce it and that you don't have any underlying issues that affect it's production and/or absorption. Vit D levels also affect your body's calcium intake, which especially for AFAB people, can affect bone health and the likelihood of osteoporosis later in life.
Movement (as much as you can) will keep you alive and your circulation flowing. Even if it's just one part of your body, move it. Stand up and move every half hour if you can.
Sleep matters. Undisturbed sleep matters. Movement helps sleep.
Soreness is okay. Tiredness is okay. Exhaustion, constant fatigue, and long-term pain is an indication that something is wrong.
Stress will kill you.
Different fruits and veg have different nutrients and vitamins that your body needs. Don't just eat the leafy greens because they're "healthiest".
Relationships take work. Not really, "how do I improve and make things better all the time (though this can be important)", but just reaching out and saying "hi how are you" every so often.
If it took you 20 years to get to a point, it's going to take more than a couple of weeks to reverse it.
If your body is telling you to rest and you can, do it.
You spend the latter half of your 20s making adjustments and changes to the life that you've been leading. Everyone goes through this and it's normal. You're a little crazy until the 30s/40s. That's fine. Roll with it. Your life is just getting started.
Life is hard. Life is so hard. It has it's ups and downs. Enjoy that cup of coffee or that cup of tea or 5 min in the sun.
Community matters more.
Stop trying to "better yourself" all the time. You're probably a fine person with fine and great qualities. You can improve, but spend time just being or else life will pass you by and you won't have a lot to say for it.
You're doing better than you think you are.
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Soy biodiesel byproduct could enhance 3D printing industry
In a development that could advance the 3D printing industry, researchers at the University of Louisville have discovered a way to transform a significant waste output from soy biodiesel plants into a valuable resource. The team, led by Dr. Jagannadh Satyavolu, has developed a process to convert matter organic non-glycerol (MONG), a byproduct of biodiesel production, into copolymers suitable for 3D printing filaments. This innovative approach not only offers an environmentally friendly solution to waste management but also presents a new avenue for value addition within the biodiesel industry. The global demand for renewable energy sources has led to an increase in biodiesel production, resulting in a significant amount of waste byproducts such as MONG. Traditionally, MONG has been landfilled, posing environmental challenges and economic inefficiencies. However, the study presents a two-fold solution: a method to stabilize MONG for use in 3D printing and a reduction in the synthetic polymer content of natural fiber composites (NFC).
Read more.
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In the United States, 1 out of 37 children are now born with Autism. In the last 20 years the rate of babies born with birth defects has doubled. Gender Dysphoria rates are staggering.
Factory farmed livestock are given synthetic estrogens in their feed such as "Revular", used to make the animals gain weight faster, these synthetic estrogens are ending up in the waterways, the animal waste is also used as fertilizer along with human biowaste from treatment plants for food crops. The majority of contamination areas are in agricultural regions which correlate with the biggest rise in birth defects, Autism and Gender Dysphoria.
The "corn" that is added to animal feed is the byproduct from ethanol refining and corn oil refining and the Rapeseed from canola oil refining, same with soy, all of which are also GMO'S. Seed oils, corn, canola, vegetable and (palm oil), are extracted using the endocrine disruptor and toxin, Hexane. PFAS, Phthalates (Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable. They are often called plasticizers) are now found in nearly all human blood and breast milk.
Endocrine Disrupting chemicals have been associated with Gender Dysphoria and Autism, Autoimmune diseases, low testosterone, birth defects, and low fertility rates. There are also related to mental health conditions.
All of the synthetic petroleum based bioengineered chemicals are toxins that are recycled by the liver back into the blood stream and stored in the bones. These are forever chemicals that are accumulative in both human and animal bodies. These chemicals are in municipal tap water, meat, dairy and every processed food.
Flouride as hydrofluorosilic and hexafluorosilic acid, which are byproducts from the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing industries are added to treat municipal water as cheap substitutes for sodium flouride, and are also used in the manufacturing of pesticides and fungicides. 90% of chronic illness and all autoimmune diseases are related to toxic processed chemical laden food.
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amityalvarez · 6 months
Design and Discover Unique Candle
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In today's bustling world, creating a sanctuary of peace and comfort in our living spaces has never been more important. Candles, with their gentle glow and soothing scents, play a pivotal role in this quest for tranquillity and ambience. The market is flooded with countless candle brands, each promising a unique sensory experience.
But for those seeking a more personal touch, the emerging trend of designing candles online offers an enticing avenue to creativity. This article embarks on a journey through the enchanting world of top candle brands and the innovative realm of custom candle design online.
The Enchanting World of Candle Brands
The Rise of Artisanal Candles
The allure of artisanal candles lies in their uniqueness and commitment to quality. Unlike mass-produced counterparts, these candles often use natural waxes, such as soy or beeswax, and are infused with complex, pure essential oil blends. Artisanal candle brands prioritize sustainability, from eco-friendly wax to recyclable packaging, making them a favourite among environmentally conscious consumers.
Benefits of Quality Candles
Investing in high-quality candles means enjoying longer burn times, a cleaner burn with fewer soot emissions, and the absence of toxic byproducts. Moreover, quality candles often feature more nuanced, layered scents that are designed to unfold slowly, enveloping your space in a fragrance that enhances your mood or complements the occasion.
Spotlight on Popular Candle Brands
Brands like Diptyque, Jo Malone, Yankee Candle and Innerfyre Co have set the benchmark in the candle industry. Diptyque is celebrated for its luxurious fragrances and chic Parisian heritage, Jo Malone for its elegant, customizable scent combinations, Yankee Candle for its vast range of scents and accessibility and Innerfyre Co is well known for its eco-conscious candle brands.
Each brand offers something unique, from the depth of their fragrances to the beauty of their presentation.
Unleash Your Creativity by Designing Candles Online
The Appeal of Custom Candles
The trend towards customizing personal items has reached the candle market, allowing individuals to express their creativity and create products that perfectly suit their preferences. Whether it's for personal use, a thoughtful gift, or event favours, designing candles online adds a personal touch that mass-produced items cannot match.
How to Design Candles Online
Designing your candle is a simple yet rewarding process. You can grab your own candle-making kits online or at the nearest available store.
Start by choosing your base wax—soy wax is popular for its clean burn and environmental friendliness.
Next, select your scent; essential oils can add a therapeutic dimension to your candle, whether you're seeking relaxation, an energy boost, or a memory trigger.
Finally, choose your colour and container, keeping in mind the decor of the space where the candle will be used.
Tips for Designing Your Candle
When creating your candle, consider the mood you want to evoke. For relaxation, lavender or chamomile scents are perfect; for a refreshing atmosphere, citrus or mint may be ideal. Think about the colour psychology—soft blues and greens for calm, vibrant reds and oranges for energy. And remember, the container is part of the experience; select one that complements your space and can be repurposed later.
The Added Value of Essential Oils in Candles
Synergy Between Candles and Essential Oils
Candles infused with essential oils do more than just smell good; they offer therapeutic benefits that can enhance your wellbeing. The right blend can aid in stress relief, improve sleep quality, and even boost your mood. This synergy between the visual and olfactory senses can transform any room into a haven of peace or a vibrant space of energy and creativity.
Best Essential Oils for Candles
For those seeking relaxation, lavender and chamomile are unmatched. Peppermint and eucalyptus can clear your mind and invigorate your senses. For a cosy, comforting atmosphere, vanilla and cinnamon are perfect. Incorporating these oils into your custom-designed candles ensures a product that's not only beautiful to look at but also beneficial to your well-being.
The world of candles offers an endless spectrum of possibilities, from exploring the exquisite offerings of top candle brands to diving into the creative process of designing your candles online.
Whether you're drawn to the artisanal charm of established brands or the personalized touch of a custom-made candle, there's a perfect candle out there for every space, mood, and occasion.
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Ppl r so weird about milk preferences. idk what it is about milk specifically but everyone is incapable of being normal about it
Like I'm so sick of seeing people assume that everyone has a dairy and/or lactose intolerance, which is always followed by them touting almond milk and oat milk and soy milk as some kind of universal moral health choice w anorexic undertones (and then overtones), but also I'm sick of people saying nonsense like "oat milk is full of chemicals and preservatives and byproducts" or "soy milk is full of estrogen" . Like oh my god
Also everyone is so weird about the centuries (millennia?) long practice of humans drinking cow milk which is no weirder than eating meat, the primary basis for the circle of life on this planet. If you're a vegan you're a vegan but if I see another tweet about how we're the Only Species That Doesn't Drink Our Own Breast Milk I'm gonna lose my mind
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najia-cooks · 8 months
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[ID: First photo shows a mixed seaweed salad topped with toasted sesame seeds; in the background are bowls of pickled daikon and kake udon. Second photo is a close-up showing light shining through the seaweed. End ID]
わかめと昆布サラダ / Wakame to konbu sarada (Seaweed and kelp salad)
A wide variety of seaweed-based salads are made by Japanese home cooks. They may contain only a mix of seaweeds and a dressing, but may also feature vegetables including cucumber, carrots, lotus root (レンコン / はす), daikon (だいこん), corn, edamame (枝豆), or onion. Dressings are as varied as cooks, and may be based around sesame oil (ごま油), rice vinegar (米酢), miso paste (みそ / 味噌), ponzu sauce (ポン酢), or mayonnaise (マヨ).
This recipe is a good way to use up reconstituted kombu and wakame that were steeped to make soup stock. It includes instructions for two dressings: one based on rice vinegar and sesame oil, and another with a sesame-mayo base.
"わかめ" or "ワカメ" ("wakame") is likely from "若" ("waka," "young") +‎ "海布" ("me," "seaweed"); it is a particular species of edible seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) that is farmed in Japan, Korea, and China. It is sometimes called "sea mustard" in English. Without further specification, "wakame" in a culinary context is taken to mean the leaves of the seaweed; these are the same leaves that are eaten in miso soup (みそ汁).
The etymology of "昆布" ("kombu" or "konbu") is unknown. It may be a phonetic Japanese reading of the Middle Chinese "昆布" (Mandarin: "kūnbù") (itself from "綸布" "*krūn pās," "green ribbon" + "cloth"), used to refer to various types of kelp and seaweed. In Japanese, the term refers to any of a few species of edible kelp from the Laminariaceae family.
Dried kombu is steeped to make one type of dashi ("出汁" / "だし"), a stock that is used in various soups and sauces. Once reconstituted, it may be steeped again to make 二番だし ("niban dashi," "second dashi"), sliced and simmered as one ingredient in a 煮物 ("nimono," simmered dish), or roasted and combined with other seaweeds and spices to make 振り掛け ("furikake").
"サラダ" ("sarada") is probably derived from the English "salad."
Note that the "seaweed salad" served at Japanese restaurants in the U.S. is not commonly eaten in Japan. It is shipped out to restaurants and stores pre-packaged, and is made with colored オゴノリ ("ogonori"; "agar" on ingredients lists), きくらげ ("kikurage"; "wood ear mushroom" or "fungus" on ingredients lists), and byproducts of wakame including 茎わかめ ("kukiwakame," wakame stem) and メカブ ("mekabu," wakame sprouts; both listed as "wakame" or "seaweed" on ingredients lists). You may be able to find this salad in the freezer section of your local Asian grocery store. If you want to approximate the texture of this salad at home, try buying some mixture of ogonori, kikurage, kukiwakame, mekabu, モズク ("mokuzu"), and/or ひじき ("hijiki"). Instructions for the dressing are below.
Recipe under the cut!
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For the salad:
2 cups total reconstituted kombu, wakame, hijiki, or other kelp or seaweed
Vegetable additions to seaweed salads are possible and common. Try adding some cucumber, julienned carrots, sliced lotus root, sliked daikon radish, corn, edamame, or sliced onion that's been soaked in plum vinegar for 15 minutes.
If you're including cucumbers, slice them, salt them, allow them to drain in a colander for about 10 minutes, then gently squeeze them of excess liquid, to avoid making your salad watery.
For dressing 1:
1 Tbsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil (煎りごま油)
1/2 kosher salt
1/2 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
1/2 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds (いりごま)
To make U.S. restuarant-style seaweed salad, omit the soy sauce; replace the sugar with high fructose corn syrup; and add a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1/4 tsp of onion powder or yeast extract, and a pinch of MSG.
For dressing 2:
2 Tbsp vegan mayonnaise
1/2 tsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1/4 tsp dried ground shiitake mushroom, or vegetarian dashi powder
1/4 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
Drop of djion mustard
Pinch kosher salt
1 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
Drizzle of mirin (みりん)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds, ground in a mortar and pestle or spice mill
If you eat eggs, you can replace the first five ingredients with 2 Tbsp Kewpie mayo (キューピーマヨ).
For a halal version, replace the mirin with an extra pinch of sugar.
For the salad:
1. Slice kombu into very thin strips. Slice wakame into thin strips, or leave as-is, as desired. Slice other flat dried seaweed into thin strips or bite-sized pieces.
For dressing 1:
1. Whisk all ingredients except sesame seeds together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Top with sesame seeds and serve cold.
For dressing 2:
1. Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Serve cold.
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homeofhousechickens · 8 months
Hey! I'd love to get a pet bird eventually and I've been looking at options. I think I'd love a pigeon, but the dust worries me a little esp since my partner has allergies (to cats). I also love chickens to bits, but I was wondering like. What is to be expected in terms of smell and cleaning requirements when keeping a house chicken? Sorry if this was asked previously, search seems to be broken..!
Pigeons are definitely way more dusty then chickens my 4 pigeons can coat my whole house in a layer of dust so quickly compared to my chickens but my partner is also allergic to cats but birds do not bother him at all. Regardless if you own any bird you should plan to buy a good air purifier for the health of your lungs.
Washing diapers is about the same as washing cloth diapers for babies and has about the same smell and grossness but you get used to it. I wash mine in the bathtub or sink and wouldn't throw them in the laundry so get comfortable with the idea of hand washing (while wearing hand protection of course)
Healthy chickens and pigeons themselves do not stink but their poop can, especially depending on diet and if they are broody or not. Broody poops are abhorrent and are the worst smell ever 😒 😑
Healthy pigeon poop will usually be consistent round balls with a urate cap there is usually no smell from them as they are quite dry. Morning poops and broody poops can be wet and quite gross though, let pigeons do that poop on a puppy pad before letting them out then throw away the puppy pad so you aren't killed by the stink bomb.
Chicken poop is similar but bigger and every 10 - 15 poops or so they will have a cecal poop which is a softer consistency and smells. This is because it's the food they were basically fermenting in their gut because it was harder to digest. This is also why diet influences the amount of cecal poop a chicken produces. Typically feeds high in byproducts from wheat, corn, and soy are going to have your chickens producing more cecal poop. This is because the byproducts tend to be nutrientionally poor and hard to digest plant matter. Chickens who eat more unprocessed feeds who don't have those byproducts or chickens supplemented with barely tend to have fewer messy poops and fewer cecal poops.
Chickens also love to dig and fling their food and bedding everywhere so expect to be sweeping and vacuuming daily so you don't have food crumbs all over your floor. If you only have one house chicken you probably won't need to mop every day but you should still do it often to help kill pathogens and clean up dust.
Hope this helps!
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k00297644 · 10 months
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Monday 6th November
Today I did the Publication workshop with Fiona and Suzannah. I think this has been my favourite workshop so far! I haven’t worked with print before at all but I found it really interesting.
In the morning with Fiona we learned a lot about Riso Printing/The Risograph Machine. This printer is the most eco-friendly printer out there, it uses over 70% less energy than regular printers and it uses an ink made from soy so it doesn’t release VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compost, a byproduct which releases toxic emissions into air and water). We also learned about definition layers and highlighter layers, for this workshop we used blue and pink ink. Blue is a definition layer and Pink is a highlighter layer, so the blue will come out more saturated and defined, and the pink will come out lighter and less defined.
for my collages I utilized recycled paper using old gifts from my workplace, and this reflects the ethics and sustainability core value.
Continuing on my disrupt theme of gender identity and expression I wanted to incorporate some overlap of blue and pink. This is intended to represent the masculinity and femininity and how they intersect and coexist in the same bodies be it physically or emotionally. I also experimented with different colours!
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In the afternoon session of the workshop I worked with Suzannah to do bookmaking and paper folding. We made a book compiled of the prints everyone did in the morning and then disrupted them through editing the pages and paper folding. Another thing I hadn’t experienced before but quite enjoyed:) I’d like at a later stage in the stage when I have some more physical works to compile them into a book like I did in this workshop.
#art #student #artstudent #lsad #print #riso #risograph #disrupt #jackjosephryan
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veganrecipebox · 11 months
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I came up with this recipe for Vegan Sausage using Okara, the gritty pulp byproduct from making Homemade Soy Milk, to reduce the amount of food waste in my kitchen. Mix and match with different seasonings to mimic your favourite sausage flavour, or start with one of the Spice Mixes recommendations below.
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hydnes · 1 year
if you're curious about the jeremy boyfriend lore we have a difference of about 10cm and i am very small unfortunately on account of me being a living soy byproduct, so we're both on the shorter end generally. but he is so tall and cool. i don't care if this makes me easily impressed or if i come across as someone poisoned by fanfiction shipping tropes. i like my tall, cool, boyfriend. who is very tall, as already mentioned.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
I feel like this screams Max/Kyle but any RNM pairing is fine.
“I thought you were dead.”
You: how about a valevans Drabble?
Me: what about a short half assed mini fic??? (Sorry this got out of hand- and ends abruptly of course, as is my style)
It shouldn’t terrify him half as much as it does, but nonetheless it strikes through Max’s body cold and hollow. Fear making his mind snap into sharp focus, hands steady as he sets his jaw and reaches into the crashed vehicle.
The metal is warped and smoking.
Too many memories threatening to break his calm exterior- to snap him into uselessness. Rosa’s tires squealing before the car came to an abrupt stop, Frankie Vallette’s lifeless body being taken away on a stretcher.
Max’s hands almost start shaking as he presses two fingers to Kyle’s pulse point, a shaky breath escaping him at the soft thrum of life beneath his hands. Even as he frowns at how weak his pulse is.
“Fuck Valenti,” he growls. “I thought you were dead.” Though he knows it’s not his fault, knows the glowing wreckage in the road was undoubtedly alien.
Kyle stirs, eyelids opening almost imperceptibly, body still slack against his seatbelt. “Max?” He croaks out.
The exhausted, nearly broken sound makes something natural and protective flare to life in Max’s chest, his hand sliding up to cup Kyle’s cheek. “Yeah, it’s me. I got you.”
Kyle seems to relax slightly at that, his consciousness still not fully with him as he fails to notice their predicament. “Good. I was… thinkin’ about you?” It’s a question that trails off, like he doesn’t remember why. Doesn’t remember the dumbass argument that had him driving home at three in the goddamn morning.
There’s a piece of metal protruding out of Kyle’s stomach- another unsavory memory rolling off Max as he strokes his thumb along Kyle’s cheekbone.
“Were you now?” Max asks softly.
Kyle frowns, eyes drooping closed again. “Mhmm. You’re dumb… so dumb.”
Max chuckles, heart twisting violently in his chest at the action. “Something we can agree on,” he says gruffly.
“No,” Kyle says weakly. “Only I get to-“ he winces, seeming to finally be waking up in some way or another. The pain in his abdomen finally registered. “Only I get to call you dumb.”
Max tries to smile, but it turns into a sad look as he releases a shaky breath. “This is gonna hurt babe.”
Kyle frowns, “I hurt…everywhere?”
Which sends a pang through Max’s heart, even as he gives Kyle a wry smile. “Just breathe.”
“Sound like me-“ Kyle says, his snark starting to return. Even as his body seems to start reacting to the pain, waking up in a soft panic, one Max can watch him try and repress. He seems to realize he’s in his car, realize the pain he feels is a byproduct of a crash. “Fuck,” he breathes out, wincing as he adjusts slightly. Becoming all too aware of the foreign object in his abdomen.
Max braces himself for the inevitable screams- Kyle’s pained cries had haunted his nightmares for weeks after the last incident. But this was worse already- had started to overlap too many other untouched traumas.
He grips the metal in Kyle’s stomach, ignoring the soft whimper his boyfriend gives at the contact. His breathing becomes heavier and ragged, body tightening up in preparation.
“Breathe,” Max says calmly, “I need you to relax baby.”
Kyle frowns, “no soy tu bebé.”
Max chuckles humorously, “not what you said last week.” Then he’s gripping the metal and pulling it free, wincing at the way it sticks for a second.
The scream rips out of Kyle, body convulsing as his hands fly out to grip the steering wheel. Max’s stomach flips, chest aching as he hurriedly presses his palm to his stomach, hands slick with blood and sliding sickeningly across skin and torn clothing.
Kyle releases a soft yelp as Max’s hand presses against his open wound, hand heating up as he starts using his powers. It always feels like getting his blood drawn and sticking a fork into an outlet all at the same time. The strain on his cardiovascular system tangible as his heart squeezes, as Max pushes all of his energy into his hand, into Kyle’s body.
His vision blurs, mind wandering, body teetering at the edge of some cliff. Max squeezes his eyes closed as sweat starts beading on his forehead, the wound stitching closed beneath his palm. The feel of skin weaving itself back together always makes him feel sick, stomach churning, nausea wracking his body.
But Max doesn’t stop, he keeps pushing at the invisible seam in his mind, where his energy meets Kyle’s, where their bodies and minds are stitched together. He doesn’t know what the internal damage looks like, doesn’t know how much effort it will take to make Kyle’s abs shiny and new. Which would usually make him blush- but not with his hands slick with Kyle’s blood.
“Max,” Kyle manages, throat hoarse. “Max stop.”
He sounds bad. Voice still weak, body weaker as he tries to push Max’s hands off his body, tries to get him to stop.
“I’m fine,” Kyle says. Voice falling flat to Max’s ears. Even as he presses his palm tighter to his body, not wanting to stop till he knew Kyle was safe. Fully safe.
“Max,” Kyle snaps, the same tone he used back at the house. When he’d been mad about him for putting what he wanted on the back burner, again, all to keep a town placated instead of letting it unravel beneath their feet. “If you kill yourself wearing that godforsaken badge-“
Max snaps out of it, remembering their argument, how Kyle had mentioned the badge killing his dad.
“Sorry,” Max mumbles, body already grown heavy, mind sluggish. He’s going to puke. Which he does, managing to jerk back and double over in the grass. His mouth tastes sour and his stomach churns uncomfortably.
There’s a sharp click as Kyle undoes his seatbelt, breathing still ragged. Enough to have Max wipe at his mouth with his sleeve as he straightens back up.
Kyle’s brows are knit together as he meets Max’s eyes, “the fuck is that?” He nods to the glowing orb cratered in the road.
“No idea,” Max mutters, not caring at all as he grabs Kyle and pulls him close. Until he’s fitted beneath his chin, heart beating erratically in his chest. A welcome comfort as Max holds him tight to his body.
“You’re gonna crush my ribs,” Kyle complains, even as he wraps his arms around Max’s waist and burrows his face into his chest.
Max chuckles, pressing his lips to the side of Kyle’s head in a soft kiss. “Am not.”
“I love you,” Kyle mutters into his shirt.
“I’m sorry.” It’s spoken with a heaviness they both understand, even as Max pulls away and starts yanking Kyle’s shirt off.
Kyle bats at his hands, “not here, Evans.”
“I’m just checking,” Max says with a no nonsense tone. Fingers already sliding across his abs, over the smooth skin that only a few moments before had been an open wound.
“Checking my ass,” Kyle grumbles.
Max feels something like relief and adrenaline crashes through his veins, if a little late, and he starts laughing. “I mean- if you want.”
Kyle groans, scrubbing a hand down his face. “I’m dating a teenage boy.”
“On a serious note,” Max can’t help his smile, “we should call Alex. Get this road blocked off. And Liz. Find the answer to whatever that thing is.”
“I get impaled and your solution is to call our ex’s,” Kyle all but pouts. Then he’s grabbing at Max pulling him back in for a kiss.
“I just threw up,” Max laughs, ducking his head.
“No worse than your morning breath,” Kyle mutters.
Max scrunches up his nose, “heyyyy.”
send me a paring + prompt <3
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