seancetm · 6 years
💌 !!
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tentakilled · 6 years
when luther was the only hargreeves sibling left in the house, he'd sit by ben's statue and start talking to him as if he were really there
stop this i’m gonNA FUCKING CRY
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sixthseance · 6 years
@spaacemonkey ------ LUTHER HARGREEVES.
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       his voice cracks. “---i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets.”
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krakentm · 6 years
Send 🔓 to learn one of my muse’s secrets!
He talks to his knives when he cleans them...
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fourthmedium · 5 years
shoutout to @fourthmedium for bringing such a wonderful klaus to my dash and putting so much love into the character!
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violints-a-blog · 6 years
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it’s been a week.   it’s been a week since the near - miss of an apocalypse.   vanya’s been exceedingly quiet for the past seven days     –––     she’s not a loud person by nature ,   but she’s been near - silent while processing what had happened.   she’d lost control.   she’d collapsed the mansion ,   she’d collapsed the theater ,   she’d nearly collapsed the world into itself.   that scares her more than she can say.   she’s filled with guilt   &   regret   &   fear.
and among it all ,   she keeps coming back to a moment.   before it all  ;   her recollection of everything past when her eyes went pale is fuzzy ,   blurred by emotion   &   power.   but before it  :   she had walked into the mansion ,   apologetic   &   tearful ,   and when luther had hugged her she had felt such relief.   forgiveness.   too big a word for the betrayal that had followed.   she’s in no position to really blame him for it ,   given what had come after ,   what she had done after     –––     but god ,   she can’t get over that moment.   the brief second where she’d thought everything would be okay ,   before waking up in that dull dark room.
she’s curled up small on her couch.   the hargreeves siblings are ,   for the most part ,   staying with her.   in her guest room.   because their home is in ruins.   (  oh ,   that guilt.  )   and she looks over at luther ,   all big eyes and sadness.           ‘   i don’t blame you for any of it ,   but . . .   i just needed a hug from my brother.   that’s all i needed.   ’      not to be locked up like some monster.   (  a self - fulfilling prophecy if there ever was one.  )
             *          @spaacemonkey .           / /             sc.
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hecarried · 6 years
the first times dave and luther talk, it's as awkward as you'd imagine it to be. however, dave one time casually mentions some music star was big in the sixties and luther showed him all the records he has of said star.
when dave jumps ahead with  klaus,  he is,   of course,  confident in and happy with his  decision.  klaus  followed him all the way to the front line,  and dave was more than happy to  follow  him  to the edge of the apocalypse  and  to everything  afterward.    there are  obviously,  though,  a lot of uncertainties about this decision,   and a  lot of loneliness that can come from being out of your decade.     dave going through  luther’s  records,   seeing  familiar  ones  he’d just bought when back in the  states,   albums  his sister  liked,  too   --  that would definitely  be a  huge  comfort  to  him,   and  would  put  luther in a fond place in his heart almost immediately. 
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fourthseal · 6 years
it wasn’t your fault.
some meme I no longer remember / @spaacemonkey
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Bullshit. Everyone always says that when things go wrong, don’t they? No one ever wants to be the one to put the blame on another person even when they deserve it. Well, that’s not entirely true actually, the Hargreeves family has a long history of blaming each other for things. Just another fun skill they all learned from a father who refused to take responsibility for his own fuck ups. They’re trying though, they’re trying so hard they’ve managed to avoid the apocalypse and keep from killing each other while all staying in the same house for the first time since they were teenagers. Family dinners won’t erase the years of damage they’ve been through, and the harsh things said to one another in the past, but it’s a start. It’s nice, feeling like a family again, but it’s also suffocating in a way that makes Klaus want to scream. 
Ten minutes of peace and quiet is apparently too much to ask for. You’d think in a house this big it would be easy to avoid people but here’s Luther, looming over the spot Klaus has claimed in the library. If it wasn’t such a ludicrous idea he’d almost think Luther had come looking for him, that he’d noticed his absence and was concerned, but of course not. Some things are changing, but not that fast and Klaus isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to regain the trust and care from his family that he pissed away in favour of getting high and living on the streets. He is sober now though, at least there’s that. Although God knows he wishes he wasn’t. Almost a week since they avoided the apocalypse and he still hasn’t been able to conjure Dave. He’s starting to wonder if maybe Dave just doesn’t want to see him. So here he is, feeling sorry for himself in the corner of the library holding Dave’s dog tags and trying not to fall apart completely.
“Go away Luther,” it comes out more of a sigh than anything with no real weight behind it. It’s nice of his brother to try, it really is, but Klaus just doesn’t have the energy for this right now. Maybe someday, when his heart feels less like it’s shattering in his chest with every breath and he’s no longer shaking with withdrawal. Maybe. “Just…leave, please.”  
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seancetm · 6 years
slurred words
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“Oh man, Luther? Luther issss....he’s uh... well, number one, right? I mean dad was an asshole to all of us, he sent Luther to the moon and all that but... I dunno I guess I just... I’m not jealous but... man I don’t know. I kinda feel sorry for the guy. Dad didn’t really want us all to get too chummy, I think... ummm... anyways he’s just big? Like some... giant goril- like King Kong right? But with... um... with like... a Ken doll head on it or something? Yeah. King Kong Ken.”
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sixthseance · 6 years
one night when they were kids, luther entered klaus' room with candles, crosses, garlic, the silver tableware and all the salt he could find in the house. he set them all up around klaus' bed and camped out underneath klaus' bed. 'it's to fight off the ghosts', he said, 'but if they still get through, i'll fight them all!'
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       and klaus, creepy kid that he was, knew that not all of those things were meant to ward off GHOSTS in particular, but he absolutely appreciated the sentiment and felt much safer with luther at his side. he never had the heart to tell him that none of that did anything to stop the ghosts from coming to him.
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krakentm · 6 years
“You could’ve been killed”
He chuckled, his eyes looking up at the man before him. Everything hurt but he didn’t think much of it, he’d been through hell of a lot worse. Especially back in prison.
He shrugged by the way of responding.
“But I wasn’t.”
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fallntime · 5 years
after his disappearance, luther insisted they kept playing five's favorite board games, watch his favorite tv shows/movies, play his favorite songs, ect. luther really just hoped five would come back to see that they had never forgotten about him... but he also desperately tried not to forget his brother and everything he loved about him.
This is everything?!?!?! I’m not crying, you are!! (I love this so much)
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scavengered · 5 years
 ✧・゚ * 。゚.*  @spaacemonkey​  »   
              SADNESS HAD BEEN LOOMING ALL DAY, it had been the cause of her bad dreams at night and her lack of focus during the day.  It was not the first time in her life that Rey had felt this  passive  in her own body as she tried to make it through the day.  In an attempt to aid herself, she had gone to fix up the cars that were  collecting  dust in the garage.
              Working on the cars in the garage had  not  helped like she had hoped it would        it was not the outlet she she knew it to be during other times she had felt as  empty  as she did        and rather than facing the few Hargreeves present in the house, she had gone back to the room she was given.
              It was a  habit  of Rey to salvage  leftover  food and she kept it safely tucked away in the room.  Hoping that eating would help, she had taken it out of its hiding place.  Eating had  not  helped her in the morning, as her mood was left unaffected by breakfast.  As a result, Rey had no expectations, but gave it a shot.  
              After a few bites of food she decided she was not hungry, and instead  dragged  herself to the bed that had been placed in the room a few days ago.  Rey sat upright on her bed, with her knees pulled up to her chin and her arms embracing her legs        allowing for the  sadness  to come to the surface.  
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              Silently, tears rolled over her cheeks,  unaware  that someone  had  noticed her absence.  
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Five has a a little book he keeps on himself at all times. He won’t ever admit it’s there but it has a list of all the people he’s ever killed. Yes he’s good at making out that it doesn’t affect him but he thinks about them regularly, especially the ones that hadn’t done anything wrong, just made a bad choice at the wrong time. He knows he’s done bad things that he can never take back but he just hopes that if he saves the world someone somewhere will forgive him just a little, even if he never will. 
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botmum-a · 6 years
luther was the last to call her mom. it was not until she found him during one of his tandrums, which terrified everyone else in the house, and held him until he calmed down and fell asleep in her arms that luther considered her as his mother.
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send  me  headcanons  you  have  of  our  muses.     always  accepting !
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ostraczd-blog · 6 years
vanya's the only person who is allowed to touch his record collection. no one else, not even allison, is allowed to go near it without his permission. 'it's a thing shared between two music lovers', he says every time, but no one even knows if he knows what that even means.
HEADCANON YES PLEASE || @spaacemonkey
this is so cute i’m gonna cry
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