#space rat was talking about them on twitter and I cant stop thinking about it
starrjoy · 3 months
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Pandora AU good ending <3
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tiktaalic · 3 years
I've never watch good omens and never know anything abt the general fandom around it.. only that Misha and the actor in the show who is not David Tennant did a video together???
I wanna know why this announcement of season 2 is eliciting such might I say visceral reactions???
I'm extremely curious!!
so. ok. this is a 30 minute read but very comprehensive and encapsulates my feelings very closely. some context:
i read the book when i was 12, then reread it every yr and called it my favorite book. ihave the matching black and white versions of the book.
i was never super into azcrow? i poked around back in the day for sure but only because that was what you Did if you poked around online for gomens. it's got some trappings for sure but i didn't feel intrigued enough or baited enough to actually care about it or ever really think about it
the book came out in 1990. that is a LOT of time for neil gaiman to be able to go On The Record with his thoughts. not going to dig for receipts but literally for decades up until the MONTH before the show came out. there are literally countless instances of him basically saying #notmycanon but yall have fun in your noncanon space who am i to stop you. i VERY clearly remember a post he made about digging through the good omens tag on tumblr and how weird it was to see explicit azcrow.
in the lead up to show, he made a lot MORE statements because people were like. owo azcrow? and he. AGAIN. explicitly and clearly said #notmycanon #notmyshow but yall have fun with it. it's not what i put in the text tho.
ALSO before the show he made a #diversitywin announcement about how there would be a canon nonbinary character! pollution. now we dont have time to unpack all that,
anyway. timeline shift. the show is out! cool. it treads some old queerbaiting grounds. wall shoves, aziraphale arguing with crowley in public then a guy coming to say "dont worry mate i've had the same fight with my boyfriend you'll work it out" and an angel derogatorily calling crowley az's boyfriend. yknow the greatest hits of bait.
show materials start filtering out. interviews, scripts, etc. michael sheen starts talking about how he played az as in love. scripts, etc, show that the scenes people are touting as HE WAS IN LOVE HERE were sheen choices which is also evidenced by the way he talks about it, and not directions from gaiman.
reaction from general audience is very haha cool show. neil gaiman is like :) thank you for liking my cool show.
reaction from johnlock refugees is very omg squee gay babies. in the interest of fairness this is said by actual gay people
people start @-ing him on twitter about azcrow canon. like a lot of people. articles start coming out about azcrow canon. glowing articles. neil in his little rat brain goes. hm.
SUDDENLY. neil is retweeting azcrow praise. saying it is a love story. written as a love story. always was a love story.
SUDDENLY. azcrow is #allorientations. he retweets articles where people think they are STRICTLY platonic and says yeah that's canon. he retweets stuff about them being asexual and says yeah that's canon. he retweets stuff about them being in love and says yeah that's canon. someone says oh so they're gay? and he goes NO they're angels they're not human they're genderless they cant be gay (this is the man who wrote a doctor who episode where the doctor fell in straight love with the TARDIS machine)
SUDDENLY. azcrow are canon nonbinary. didn't you catch the little reference here and there? i'm glad somebody did, neil says. would like to draw your attention BACK to the fact that when he did his nonbinary announcement back BEFORE the show aired, it was about pollution and only pollution
neil's twitter feed is now entirely retweeted praise of how Meaningful it is that azcrow is canon but Subtle and how it's GREAT rep for queerplatonic arosexual demissjdfjtjljiaw8 u49tp q4wt
i lose my entire motherfucking mind over the fact that everyone is not only allowing but encouraging this scam to happen
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