goldenorder · 4 years
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“I apologize for taking time away from your work, for I’m sure the recent events have left little time for leisure in your schedule... ” This is all taking into account into the sudden (or rather planned, unbeknownst to many) passing of Rex Lapis, the descension of the Jade Chamber which once served as a symbol of prosperity, and the collateral damage from the near destruction of Liyue. “...but I believe this is yours?” 
Resurfacing from the depths of Guyun Stone Forest lays a nimble teacup in his palm, now outstretched to its rightful owner.
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mrcyclopsfan · 4 years
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He looked at his mora and then at the merchant, he wasn’t sure how this worked, but he knew one was suppose to barter. This man, Bolai, was not very receptive to bartering though. He kept saying that the his items were of the best quality and something about Morax.  Teucer stood there looking in his bag, “But... I’m only suppose to spend a little mora.”  Bolai huffed, “Items from local business are extremely expensive as they are custom pieces. If you wish to have this then you must pay full amount.”  The merchant stated leaning to try and peek into the boy’s bag. He had heard about this boy from Gao when he was last buying fish. A tourist was easier to trick into higher prices than a local. “If you really must it then you must pay the full amount.”  Teucer looked at the necklace he had wanted to get for his big sister. After all he was sure she was frantically looking for him at home. Maybe if had a nice gift she wouldn’t be as mad at him. He held his bag close looking distressed, “Can’t you go lower please?” He still needed to buy the Traveler a nice gift too. He wished someone would help him figure out this bartering. It was easier when it was just his family he had to barter with. 
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exilegend · 4 years
Truthfully, Osiris did not come here to join the Iron Lords. He’s no need for such titles. Titles are just tethers to him - tethers that he will never allow to hold him. He’s here for answers, tutelage. Knowledge. He will join the occasional patrol, of course, but other than that... The agreement is something he knows Nerwin is well aware of, but he has not yet explained this to Felwinter. Not in depth, at least.
If there is anywhere he can find the Exo, it would be the library. Which is naturally the first place he looks. He is soft-footed with his approach. ❝Felwinter. I have much I would like to discuss with you if you have the time.❞
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warcost · 4 years
     HE HAS LONG SUSPECTED that there was a thief taking from House Light’s supplies recently. Something hard to ignore considering how sparse their resources are. (They’ve been growing steadily in thanks mostly to the Lightbearers who have not only made a home in his House but in his chest.)
     And now it seems he’s found the culprit.  ❝ Stealing is a crude act, ❞  he clicks in annoyance as he lifts the Eliksni up from his hiding place. His old Captain would have pulled off his lower arms if he was ever caught stealing from others of their kin. He is not that kind of Captain, and he is especially not that kind of Kell.
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abyssmalice · 4 years
(streaks of salt and lightning in her hair) -- @spacewrought
There was a storyteller today.
Tonia sat at a corner of the restaurant patio, elbows on the table and her chin resting lightly against her hands. Her head was turned towards a sizable crowd on the other side - where a sizable audience ‘ooo’-ed and ‘ahh’-ed as the storyteller wove her fantastical tale. It was a grand thing to listen to, an experience so riveting that Tonia’s poor jade parcels were starting to grow cold.
And the food would only be further neglected, once the story had finished and the crowd was beginning to disperse. Curiosity never a fetter, she abandoned her own table to join the table where the storyteller was, now alone. A part of her wondered if her approach was a bit rude in its suddenness, but—
“That was a wonderful story!” Tonia greeted, placated, smiling as she took in the woman’s appearance - looking now, the eyepatch seemed so fitting for a person recounting a daring tale of sea storms and monsters from the depths. “Do you always have such grand adventures like that, Miss?”
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notpetals · 4 years
rolls this to @spacewrought​ like a bowling ball
   Yor has heard the talk amongst Guardians, him a lone soul passing through the City with attentive ears listening for what happens beyond Earth. Europa. The new center of attention for those of the Light and while his digging has lead to the Vanguard’s stance on such, he knows well enough that Guardians were not going to listen. Good for them, he’d say, why bother if everything they think they know is about to come crashing down, anyways.
   No further did he have to dig to find the information on where Guardians were learning Stasis, which brought him here, to the frigid landscape. He nearly swears that the Bones are growing louder as each step is taken, the only guide in this blizzard that threatens to bury him. Not much of a deterrent, but certainly an inconvenience. 
   It is an eventuality when he reaches the black structure barely visible against the raging white, eyeing it from several feet away, ever curious.
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solidifaith · 4 years
5, 7, 9 :)
Vanilla Sunday Meme | Accepting!
5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection?
He's not. I'm so sorry.
Zhongli, especially as of late --as a former archon in disguise--, is not very fond of drawing a lot of attention to his own person. He's also very respectful and takes his partner's personal space seriously.
This means he will never initiate them. But if he finds his partner doing so, he'll allow it. At least a hand holding (with his gloves on, of course).
Politely, he will always try to remember them that there's no need to rush.
7. Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Big spoon. He sleeps like a dragon protecting his treasure, pulling his partner impossibly close to him.
He can be convinced of the contrary, of course. But big spoon by default.
9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
He hasn't felt attracted to so many people to develop "a type", so not really.
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kammic · 4 years
“I, uh... brought this for you,” It’s little Qiqi! It seems she’s brought a gift with her. It’s a small bundle of wild Violetgrass, carefully plucked from the cliffs she often traversed. She holds them out for him to take, “I hope you like them.” Alas, little Qiqi. You shouldn’t really give such nice gifts to ‘demons’.
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*   ——   an inquiry… ft. @spacewrought​ [ ID: QIQI ].
sometimes, xiao wonders if his foolishness has ascended past teyvat’s realm entirely. it seems that he’s surpassed any measures of stupidity, as proven by how he’s actually grown a soft spot for a zombie child whose death he’s caused. and to preserve the said spot, too. still, he cannot seem to shake it off, so he chooses to stay away from it, too. except, even when he’s gone as far as the qingce village to escape liyue harbour, and consecutively, bubu pharmacy, he still detects her presence from too many kilometres away. she’s near, her aura distinct for him, and he is very, very tempted to just leap off the cliff, transporting himself somewhere farther, but instead, the fool in him prevents him from doing so. instead, the fool in him fastens him to the spot, waiting for qiqi’s arrival. her energy emits positivity that in other occasions would make him gag, but he perseveres for qiqi.
the little girl closes the distance between them with small strides, and when she arrives, he looks past his own shoulder. the wafting scent of violetgrass is unmistakeable, even from afar, and he weakens his otherwise stern gaze when she comes nearer. “ah, qiqi,” he pretends to have just noticed her. when she extends the small bouquet, he turns his body entirely, sitting cross-legged before her so that he doesn’t have to look down on the small feature. he takes the bouquet from her tiny hand, feeling like the major parts of him have shattered. what kind of demon is he, truly? “i... what brings you here?” he asks, his tone gentle. he’d retch. “can i walk you back to bubu? it’s late, qiqi. you shouldn’t wander...” and he swallows, worrying his lower lip between his teeth as he looks at the bouquet. “thank you, i... love it.” ha. sucker.
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vagasbonds · 4 years
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she’s doing her best not to be too spiteful to her escort ; after all , it isn’t HIS fault that lug and her conjunx are stuck on the new cybertron working for the government . he’s as much a pawn in this as she is . but it’s hard not to let her bitterness spill over . each notion is returned with a perplexed , curt nod accompanied by a grunt . 
though it is in guilt , that when they finally arrive to their destination , she waves to him apologetically in thanks . time to face the lion’s den .
❛ hello , ❜ now turning to her new lab partner , she bristles and speaks in a steely tone , ❛ name’s LUG . i’ll be researching this load of slag  with you -- i’m sure they told you and you’re DELIGHTED . got anywhere i should put my things ?  ❜
&& . @spacewrought​ / plotted ( STRAIN EVENT ) .
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goldenorder · 4 years
Making fun of her pain is how we COPE 👏
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pollaplous-a · 4 years
|| @spacewrought closed rp ||
Was there a reason to return to Iceberg Isle? Not currently, as much as he enjoyed terrorizing the place, too much of the same could become stale, boring, it was better to let them rest easy for a while, regain his energies and then go beat up a wolf and an owl.
For now, his travels had netted him in warmer seas, full of sharks, too! It was a treat, to say the least, despite how strangely red the ocean became, despite the amount of strange creatures he saw. 
Calmly, he strolled through the sea of stars, taking a long drag out of his cigarette before exhaling, relaxed, upon scanning the area, one small thing, or being, caught his eye, a woman clad in white with splashes of a pink-ish red, he remembers her, somehow, he’d managed to do a good deed by following his hobby, just beating up a shark and saving her life. He had admittedly not expected her to survive, despite him taking her to the safest spot an eye-ridden ocean could have.
As he finally approached, he called out. “I’m surprised you survived.” He thought she would’ve bled out, perhaps someone else went to her aid? He didn’t know, and honestly, he didn’t care, she was alive and that was the point, in the end.
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exilegend · 4 years
@spacewrought / >:3c
     WHEN OSIRIS CAUGHT WIND of the Speaker being spotted he gave it no mind. The Speaker is dead, and is staying that way. Or so it seems. The most concerning part of those rumors, however, is that the speaker was seen speaking of the Darkness. Which is why he’s even bothering investigating at all.
His head aches as his ship descends into Earth’s atmosphere. (Headaches and restless sleep have been plaguing him for the past few months, and he doesn’t particularly want to examine the dreams. For fear of accepting what’s happening to him.)
Soon he’s transmatted into the section of the city he was able to track the rumors to. His eyes scan the crowds. ("You’re not seriously looking into this are you? I thought we agreed the Speaker was creepy," Sagira says. Osiris hushes her.) There- he thought he saw that familiar mask but... no, it can’t be. The Speaker’s was white...
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warcost · 4 years
@spacewrought​ / you also get stinky ol’ toland
❝ Wish hoarder, wish hoarder, lightbearing wish hoarder. The whispers of your bones are deafening, wish hoarder, will you silence them to listen, or will you allow them to drown me out. Do you came bearing gifts and pleasantries, discussions of interest and intrigue? Or have you come bearing demands and teeth? No matter how you present yourself, I will pass my judgement of you eventually. ❞
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abyssmalice · 4 years
"You know what I've discovered?" Oh, Guizhong with new information? It must be impor- "Moon rocks taste better than earth rocks!" She's grinning, "Why?... Because they're a little meteor!" Terrible.
Cue quiet Tonia head tilt as she mumbles the word to herself, absolutely not getting the joke.
For about three minutes until a mental lightbulb suddenly clicks into place.
“—Meteor!” Enlightened punch of a fist into her palm. “Meatier! Oh, I get it now!”
She’s smiling very widely for what should be an awful pun. Unfortunately or fortunately for everyone in the world - there is no such thing as a bad joke. Only clever wordplay and a sliding scale of ‘how funny could this possibly be even when a normal person would be groaning’.
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notpetals · 4 years
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@spacewrought​ said:
i want a divorce.
   okay, but you have to take custody of the child, you are more responsible than i am.
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apollonic · 4 years
@spacewrought  |  wuh oh!
    THEY'RE HARDLY GOOD FRIENDS,  HENRY AND GAIUS.  at best they are coworkers,  or companions,  or something vaguely similar to that.  gaius seems to have morals that henry simply cannot understand  —  he thinks he heard about some incident with a noble where gaius did something to protect the guy,  despite the fact that the guy was gonna come back to bite him if he did?  or something.  if he's entirely honest,  henry was only half paying attention.  heck,  it might not even have been gaius!  but what henry does know for sure is that the last time they hung out,  he'd had this delicious - looking little pastry that henry had never even heard of from someplace that henry had never been.  it was pretty great.  (  not that henry had actually eaten it,  of course.  but it was still really cool.  )
    so maybe,  just maybe,  henry is hoping to repeat the experience.  or maybe he just feels lonely today,  with most everyone else off doing something important.  some diplomatic something - or - other.  either way,  gaius and henry both got left out of it.  which is fine,  really!  gives them a chance to catch up!  
    henry drops down into the seat beside gaius,  his typical smile stretched across his face.    ❝  heya,  gaius!  funny seeing you around here,  huh?  anyway,  i was thinking we could go somewhere and hang out,  just us guys!  i promise i won't hex you even once!  pinky swear!  ❞
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