for the meme: *** mountprospect ***
send 6 characters/people and i’ll tell you who i would:
do the sexy love™ with: aaron harmon (i’m ace but i can appreciate the beauty of aaron)
sacrifice myself for: andrea radcliffe or griffin callahan (both are actual puppies)
kick: ethan valdez (no explanation needed)
take to prom: florence kingsley (cause why not?)
abandon in jurassic park: orion (he is as old as the dinosaurs, maybe he’d bond with them)
push off a bridge: oliver jager (so he can stop making bad decisions)
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danwritestuff · 7 years
tagged by @sparkiewrites​​ 
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people. ...you’d think i know 20 people here buuuut @viirgowrites @rjwrites @allywritestuff @amywriteswords @darklingsea @yonduuude @ashlaaaywrites @proserpinewrites​ 
the last
1. drink: water, i think
2. phone call: with my boyfriend about how my drunken family at a farewell dinner thing is insufferable.
3. text message: think i sent a msg to my friend to have fun at his rp game session?
4. song you listened to: future friends by superfruit
5. time you cried: I cried when I was drunk af and I thought about leaving my bf behind and then how drunk I am.
6. dated someone twice: you mean the same person two times or like was in a relationship with them, broke up and then started dating again? this is very confusing.
7. kissed someone and regretted it: ehhh not really.
8. been cheated on: never? 
9. lost someone special: thankfully not, i’d like to think. but i really fucked up one time and ruined a friendship with someone. 
10. been depressed: um. every single second of existence?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i went to get drinks with my high school friends and we had four different kinds of drinks and i died.
3 favourite colours
12. grey
13. skyblue
14. green
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: surprisingly yes
16. fallen out of love: kinda?
17. laughed until you cried: i rarely do that so no
18. found out someone was talking about you: not really cuz i don’t pay attention to shits like that
19. met someone who changed you: yep.
20. found out who your friends are: idek what that means. like who’s your “real” friends? perhaps?
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list:  technically two of them, i think?
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: except like one or two, most of them. but there are random guy from mexico who added me.
23. do you have any pets: my family lives with two cats, one of whom is sleeping next to me rn.
24. do you want to change your name: eh?? not really?
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to a meeting with my competition team and then had a breakfast for dinner with my boyfriend.
26. what time did you wake up: 6:30 am today... and then after brief nap in the car, around 5 pm i think?
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: playing mobile game and talking to bf.
28. name something you can’t wait for: sweet release of death? being financially independent?
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like, an hour ago, at living room.
31. what are you listening to right now:  future friends by superfruit
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: uhh......... i don’t think so.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: virtually everything... but if i have to pick, bigotry, arrogance, myself, little noises when i try to sleep.
34. most visited website: tumblr and youtube, prob. 
35. hair colour: black, mostly, but in some lights it looks dark brown i think?
36. long or short hair: short. can’t stand long hair.
37. do you have a crush on someone: does my bf count?
38. what do you like about yourself: i’m a cat person.
39. piercings: nah dude
40. blood type: AB?
41. nickname: Dan (technically a nickname cuz it’s an English name i picked), Danny boy (obviously) Danio, Dan the man, DanDan, DJ... stuff like that.
42. relationship status: taken... not for long tho?
43. zodiac: aquarius
44. pronouns: he/him
45. favourite tv show: can’t really list it all here but rn i’m watching Killjoys, Archer and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Also love Friends, Scrubs, Justified, Elementary, Jane the Virgin
46. tattoos: I WANT ONE OR TEN
47. right or left handed: right, but for some stuff i prefer left for some weird reason. i can also write on my left hand, kinda
48. surgery: a lot
50. sport: i don’t understand the question. is video game a sport?
51. vacation: i went to a fancy camp stuff (the tent had an A/C) with my lgbt group folks last week.
52. pair of trainers: uh........ idt you mean two gym trainers or like... pokemon, so i’m just gonna skip.
53. eating: what does this question even mean? i eat when i’m hungry, but i think it can be annoying
54. drinking: coffee?
55. I’m about to: probably should sleep.
56. waiting for: death
57. want: financial independence, master’s (and hopefully doctor’s) degree
58. get married: sure? don’t think how that’s gonna be possible but
59. career: i’m trying to be a human rights law scholar/activist. maybe a professor too?
This or That
60. hugs or kisses: ew hugs. kiss if we’re gonna have sex?
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller
63. older or younger: i don’t mind age
64. nice arms or nice stomach: i... honestly don’t know. what does “nice stomach” even mean cuz like, you mean good digestive system? 
65. hookup or relationship: both
66. troublemaker or hesitant: idt those two are mutually exclusive... but hesitant i guess
67. kissed a stranger: well... are they strangers if you hook up with them
68. drank hard liquor: sadly i have
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: um. once a year or so. last time it was cuz my bf ate it.
70. turned someone down: i don’t have a standard but like... sometimes it’s just weird.
71. sex on the first date: most of the time, actually.
73. had your heart broken: you mean living?
74. been arrested: nah i’m a law abiding citizen
75. cried when someone died: i’ve never had someone closed to me passing away.
76. fallen for a friend: sadly, yeah.
77. yourself: nah.
78. miracles: i don’t like to rely on them, so no.
79. love at first sight: nah, but you can be attracted to someone at first sight.
80. santa claus: nah. not since like 10?
81. kiss on the first date: um... it happens so i guess i believe in its existence?
82. angels: nah.
84. eye colour: dark brown. it looks like black i think.
85. favourite movie: not much of a movie person... i enjoyed Freier Fall.
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eva-writes · 6 years
I was tagged by @sorbriquette 
Rules: Use only song titles from one artist cleverly answer these questions and tag ten people.
Artist I selected: Hozier 
Gender: Do I wanna know?
Describe yourself: Whole lotta love
How do you feel: Like real people do
If you could go anywhere: Take me to church
Favourite method of transport: Run
Your best friend: In the woods somewhere
Favourite time of the day: Cherry wine
If your life was a TV show what would it be called: Angel of small death and the codeine scene
Relationship status: Someone new
Your fear: To be alone
And the 10 people I tag are: @ashlaaaywrites, @proserpinewrites, @theichthyostegawrites, @viirgowrites, @trishywishy, @azianxpersuasionwrites, @aceofdrabbles, @sparkiewrites, @dude-im-batman & @montaguew
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mydamnsunshine · 6 years
tagged by @sorbriquette thanks bro
rules: using only song titles from one artist cleverly answer these questions and tag ten people
the artist i am selecting: Bastille
gender: Fake It
describe yourself: Flaws
how do you feel: Lethargy
if you could go anywhere: Oblivion 
favourite method of transport: The Currents
your best friend: Skulls
favourite time of the day: Quarter Past Midnight
if your life was a TV show what would it be called: Daniel in the Den
relationship status: Good Grief
your fear: Power
tagging: i don’t have ten people and El already tagged half of the people I know but here goes @persephoning​ @sparkiewrites​ @trishywishy​ @viirgowrites​ @achlaaay​ and anyone else who wants to
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ilyatath · 7 years
I was tagged by @cassianscamanders
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people. I'll avoid tagging people already tagged by Stefano and JJ, so... @hellogriffalo, @deathlyhllws, @allydia, @acousticace, @sparkiewrites, @tooextremeforlouisiana, @theschuylerbrothers, and anyone else who see this on their dash and wants to try it.
the last
1. drink: Coffee! with milk.
2. phone call: Skype call; right now as I finish writing this.
3. text message: I think that snapchatting JJ counts, so a few moments ago.
4. song you listened to: “Deceiver,” by Tenterhook, according to my Spotify playlist.
5. time you cried: Hmm... I mean it was probably like a month ago, or so?
6. dated someone twice: I don’t think I’ve ever actually dated? So...
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nah.
8. been cheated on: Nope.
9. lost someone special: However you want to see it, yes. My aunt died recently.
10. been depressed: Oh, boy. I’m always a bit depressed, it comes in highs and lows.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve never gotten so drunk to throw up.
3 favourite colours
12. Green! 
13. Black (which is definitely a colour, thank you very much!) 
14. Purple. And I’ll sneak Red too in this.
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: I think so, yes, but then time is a weird concept.
16. fallen out of love: Nope.
17. laughed until you cried: Definitely. 
18. found out someone was talking about you: No, not really. 
19. met someone who changed you: Possibly? Again, time is a weird concept.
20. found out who your friends are: Yep! This one, yes!
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Basically all of them expect one, I think, and only because we never had the chance to meet face-to-face. I have like 41 Facebook friends and most of them are people I used to go to university with, so...
23. do you have any pets: No.
24. do you want to change your name: Now? No. I’ve grown to like my name.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Hmm.. I don’t know. I may have bought myself a cake?
26. what time did you wake up: 6:38 a.m. (yes, sometimes does happen that I wake at this hour instead of going to bed)
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Well, I was sleeping? Or trying to sleep? I think. Time. Is. A. Weird. Concept.
28. name something you can’t wait for: This heat-wave to end. 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: I don’t know. She finally moved out like, eight months ago and I do my best to hide when she rolls around here to visit.
31. what are you listening to right now:  A playlist I made on Spotify.
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Possibly?
33. something that is getting on your nerves: My dad’s smoking.
34. most visited website: Tumblr.
35. hair colour: Brown (maybe light brown?). A bit of a reddish tinge in the sun (because I use henna to colour them.)
36. long or short hair: I have long hair after years of keeping them shorts. I’m suffering, but it’s a matter of stubbornness.
37. do you have a crush on someone: It’s a bit more than that, but sure.
38. what do you like about yourself: My boyfriend, my friends, and maybe my weird sense of humour.
39. piercings: Classic ear-piercing, but I forgot to put earrings on. So they close up and then I gotta reopen them. 
40. blood type: 0+, my dear vampire-fellows.
41. nickname: Emi. One friend also calls me “Mostriciattolo”, which is like “little monster”.
42. relationship status: In a relationship. (It has been almost 11 years. I feel old.)
43. zodiac: Aquarius *Within Temptation plays in the background*
44. pronouns: She/her.
45. favourite tv show: Listen, I watch so much TV and love so many shows. But if I had to pick one without second-guess myself: Star Trek: DS9 and TNG.
46. tattoos: None. I’m terrorised by the idea of getting something from the tattoo needle, otherwise there would be one tattoo that I’d like to have.
47. right or left handed: Right.
48. surgery: Ah, yes. 
50. sport: When I was young I used to play tennis.
51. vacation: It has been a while since my last proper vacation. But then one could say I’m taking one long vacation from university and responsibilities, so...
52. pair of trainers: I have a lot of converse... and they are almost all falling to pieces.
53. eating: General eating? I love food. I love eating. Above anything I love bread.
54. drinking: Water is always a good choice. I also live thanks to coffee, but it’s not like my favourite thing---I’m just kinda addicted.
55. I’m about to: Fetch some water because I’m thirsty and dehydrated.
56. waiting for: Aliens to arrive so I can leave planet Earth. Or for my anxiety and depression to go away so I can actually finish university and maybe find a job. Whichever comes first.
57. want: Right now? Cold water.
58. get married: Yes. I’d like to. But not that I need a marriage certificate to validate my relationship---just because that’s the only way to get “couples’ rights”.
59. career: Ideally? Writer. But part of me would be happy to just finish university and become a Neurodiagnostic Technician.
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs. I’m a hugger.
61. lips or eyes: Both? Both are good.
62. shorter or taller: I live in-between. So like, in-between. Not too tol, not too smol.
63. older or younger: I used to be the youngest in my group of friends. Now, I have a best friend that is younger than me. So, all in all, in friendship age doesn’t matter.
64. nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t understand this. But the answer is: LEGS!
65. hookup or relationship: Well, for myself, relationship. But everyone is different.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Eh... since this is the last thing I answered, I’ll say ‘hesitant.’
67. kissed a stranger: No. Unless you count that thing we Italians do of fake!kissing someone’s cheek when meeting. But even then I think I at least know them a little bit??
68. drank hard liquor: Yes.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: My glasses, but only for a little while. 
70. turned someone down: Yes. But I only ever realised after that I was being asked out.
71. sex on the first date: I have never properly dated, so no.
73. had your heart broken: No. Not romantically, at least.
74. been arrested: Nope. Only my characters are thieves.
75. cried when someone died: Yes.
76. fallen for a friend: Well, I like to think Stefano was a friend before we got together.. so yes?
77. yourself: I believe I will fail 99% of the time.
78. miracles: Nah. Definitely not the religious kind. 
79. love at first sight: No. Not “love” at first sight.
80. santa claus: No, sorry, Santa.
81. kiss on the first date: Is this a thing that needs to be believed in? I mean.. whatever feels right.
82. angels: Nah.
84. eye colour: Brown.
85. favourite movie: Ugh. How can I choose?!? GATTACA; The Man from Earth; Treasure Planet; Strictly Ballroom; Trick; The Aristocats. So many beautiful movies.
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xartemiswrites · 8 years
1. BASICS NAME: Heather 
PRONOUNS: She/Her SEXUALITY: Straight ZODIAC SIGN: Aries TAKEN OR SINGLE: Singleish?  THREE FACTS: - I have 9 piercings depending how you count them. Ears double pierced, Industrial, 3 Helix's (cartilage), nose, monroe (above lip) and bellybutton.  - I used to be a concert junkie I’d go to like one a week and drag whoever I had to with me so I could go even if they didn’t know the band. - Being a concert junkie I’ve meet several bands, Hedley, Billy Talent, Mariana’s Trench, Boys Like Girls, Hellogoodboye, All Time Low, Faber Drive, Circa Survive, Silverstein and Greeley Estates. I think that’s it, probably forgetting one or two it’s been awhile.

HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Like 12 years? PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Myspace, roleplayer.me, sitemodel, tumblr, there was some other one but i forget what it was called. BEST EXPERIENCE: Back on roleplayer.me there were a few people there that I was close with and we went from group to group together or just rped with each other, on here it would be a 1x1. I miss them and having people like that.

FEMALE OR MALE: I usually like playing females but they tend to get neglected more in rps. I have two boys right now which is unusual for me but I’m enjoying it. MULTI OR SINGLE: I have a page per muse, I find it to messy to have multiple ones per page. As for accounts, I used to always use sideblogs so I could see everything on one account, way easier. The limitations of sideblogs kind of annoy me so this time around I made two separate accounts. 

FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: FLUFF, I love all the fluffy cute stuff. Angst is fun at times but I don’t like hurting my babes. And smut is meh, I like the lead up to it, but the actual smut feels awkward at times hah. PLOTS OR MEMES: Both? I dunno, I want plots but I suck at coming up with them. I like certain memes, the text message ones in particular but the ones where you have to write long things I am way too lazy to do. Well, most of the time I am too lazy for all memes haha.  LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I used to be all for super long replies, but I like having a few threads so its easier if they are all around a good size para then I can get more done without getting burnt out especially with multiple accounts. Also, I find the short replies are a little more real? organic? I don’t know how to put it, but when you write out several long paragraphs you have to advance the plot forward without godmoding their character making the reactions from the other character after the fact. With shorter ones, you can take the time to explore each little bit of plot better. The long ones where people just ramble on with their thoughts are kind of exhausting trying to match length with similar thoughts that just aren’t needed in that length. BEST TIME TO WRITE: I like to write when its slow at work or at night usually. Lazy weekends are good too. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Hmm, of my current ones I have a bit of Apollo in me, I used to play piano and started guitar, but more for his love of music and fun loving attitude. There are bits of Alton in there, that awkwardness, the love of reading, feeling alone at times. My fav is Artemis who in other rps is the twin of Apollo. She is my girl, my alter ego and I miss her lots. 
TAGGED BY: @sparkiewrites TAGGING: @acousticace, @tooextremeforlouisiana, @spotofsunshine, @ilyatath, @minervawrites @kreacherwrites
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jediiwrites · 8 years
NAME: Jordan 
SEXUALITY: Support ur local Space Ace 🚀 ⭐️ 
-I’ve dyed my hair 12 times in the last five years (I might be forgetting a few tbh) 
-I played the clarinet for 7 years but quit when I started college 
-I’m the secretary of my college’s Spanish club despite never having taken a Spanish class. I am also not a Spanish speaker. I don’t know how this happened. 
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): ummmmm seven? years off and on. Maybe 8. I forget. PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Twitter (yikes) and Tumblr BEST EXPERIENCE: oh gosh. I’ve made some amazing friends through roleplay. I feel like that’s such a cliché and like everyone says it, but that really just goes to show how writing with someone and building characters can connect people and I think that’s amazing. I have friends I’ve made through rp that I don’t even write with anymore and I’m constantly rooting for them in real life. I love y'all. I’m emo. (Also my best group experience/ experience with Admins is the Mount Prospect crew and I will continue to say that until I die. Zoey, Kenzie, and Jo are amazing and deserve all the love) 
FEMALE OR MALE: I think I play boys the most? I love my sons. MULTI OR SINGLE: I’m gonna say single but I definitely do, like, single muse blogs in the form of side blogs so it’s like multi-muse in the sense that I only have to log in once lmao 
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I LOVE FLUFF OKAY KILL ME WITH CUTE PLEASE. I’m also into doing angst though. I don’t smut. PLOTS OR MEMES: I’m always a slut for memes LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I am happy with either but I’m a garbage person who will take a million years to reply to anything no matter the length BEST TIME TO WRITE: When I’m avoiding doing my grammar homework! (: ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I have anxiety so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Lol no for the most part I don’t think I am. 
TAGGED BY: @kenziecarrion TAGGING: @tellingscarystories @hannahbalwrites @confiscatingallyourcharacters @wiscowrites @sparkiewrites
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dwptribune-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
The following people are on activity check and have 48 hours to either post a reply, a starter, or message the main before an unfollow notice will be posted.
@this person
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danwritestuff · 7 years
Not sure if you are actually doing this or not, buuuuut: ⊗
Send me ⊗ for 3+ headcanons about your muse and mine
Leslie always brings flowers for their dates. At one point he began learning how to make flower bouquets and obsessing over it. Griffin had to make Leslie stop bringing increasingly big flowers. 
Griffin taught Leslie how to use Youtube and ended up with tons of cat videos. 
Leslie was super jumpy about intimacy and physical contacts so they had to start slowly with hand-holding. There was a lot of hand-holding before Les actually asked Griff if he could kiss him.
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danwritestuff · 7 years
•   NAME : Dan •   PRONOUNS : He/him •   SEXUALITY : Gay as a circle •   TAKEN OR SINGLE : Taken
I hate minions. I really do. With burning hatred. They are the spawn of hell and I will smash them into disgusting yellow pieces if they approach me. Of course, though, kids and those who love them can and should enjoy them. They just creep me out.
I’m a freelance translator, sometimes.
I’m okay with people using me. I just want them to acknowledge that they are using me, because I use them too and that’s just how it works.
– EXPERIENCE. •   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?) : Oh wow. I started RPing in tumblr in January 2013. But I used to plot shits and write stories in my head all the time growing up? •   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED :  Tumblr. Recently Discord too on the side, and trying to get into TRPG stuff. •   BEST EXPERIENCE : To be honest I would say SMP is the best experience I had, just because it lasted for two years and it would always hold a special place in my heart. But I only say that ‘cause the question asked best. Every group was a unique experience and I loved every bits of it and I miss characters I don’t play anymore.
– MUSE PREFERENCES. •   FEMALE OR MALE : Male definitely. I do write bios for female characters, and I would also like to try out non-binary characters?  •   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT :  Um. A little bit of all three? Can I go with that? I guess it goes angst > fluff > smut. Don’t get me wrong, I like the smutty part of the RPing sometimes, but... like... mm... not always and it’s not my primary interest. Angst is the most reason why I write, though because I’m a bad writer. •   PLOTS OR MEMES : Plots definitely. Memes are fun, though. •   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Honest to God, I would like it if I can produce short replies at this point, but I just write in bunch and vomit words and it’s becoming a real fucking problem. •   BEST TIME TO WRITE : Replies - morning/noon, feelsy paras - night.  •   ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : I think some aspects of my personalities are amplified to extremes, but other than that, not really? Some characters are overall closer to me, though. I think they take up on my way of speech, too, sometimes, if I don’t pay attention. 
TAGGED BY : @ashlaaaywrites and @eva-writes
TAGGING: @rjwrites @viirgowrites @theichthyostegawrites @allywritestuff @wiscowrites @sparkiewrites @proserpinewrites @darklingsea
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