smol-stardust · 1 year
Don’t ever let little things like little stop you. For the littlest of us often contain the most abundant ocean of love. Within us the warm glow of the sun, the soft caress of moonshine. Remember that a vibrant field of flowers bloom inside when you feel hopeless. Know that each flower tells a story of your compassion and strength, nurturing a bloom of colours even in tough times. A galaxy of possibilities lay within you. You might just be a small blinking star now, but stars expand. Soon the little star that is you will become a dazzling shining nebula. You might be little now, but don't let being little deter you. Because you're so much bigger that you realize and always have been.
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smol-stardust · 9 months
Unavoidable darkness ahead.
Crimson puddle to the right,
Abysmal void to the left
Betrayal if returning
Bones cluttered
Glass shattered
All is right but wrong
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smol-stardust · 10 months
Vast tapestry of existence, courageous wanderers navigate the labyrinth of life with hearts akin to resilient stars illuminating the night sky. They are the architects of their destinies, weaving dreams into reality with threads of determination. Like intrepid sailors, set sail on the boundless sea of challenges, weathering storms that threaten to engulf their aspirations. Their bravery is a symphony, each note resonating with the echoes of countless struggles, a melody that transforms adversity into an melody of resilience. In the grand theatre of existence, we are the performers, dancing fearlessly on the tightrope of uncertainty, casting shadows that echo the indomitable spirit within.
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smol-stardust · 11 months
When the darkness consumes you. Remember, the stars are twinkling to signal to you. A message that all is okay. Soft whispers from the wind that you’ve done well. Moon and sun still shine for you because you deserve brightness. Arms outstretched, our fingers almost touching, I am telling you: come out and peel away the cocoon of darkness encasing you. For you have been forgiven, the mistake long gone. You are worthy to feel the sunlight and tender whispers of kindness, everyone has forgiven you. So take my hand, and show yourself the love and kindness you give others and forgive yourself like how you’ve forgiven us.
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smol-stardust · 1 year
Don’t forget the moments, where the little things made me smile.
The secrecy of suckling on ixora blossoms, the crimson mingling with sweetness. Orange kindergarten hat crooked atop your head, remember the first moment where you strayed and broke rules but felt an utter bliss in nature.
Never touch the engine exhaust of the motorcycle after grandma shuts it off, and the billowing wind in your face all through the back alleys of the guava farms. And when your mom showed you the little gem inside a hibiscus that same summer, and plonked the sticky yellow bit within on your nose, the laughter you shared.
When you hid away, scared of being left alone as the adults forgot that you were still small.
Remember the evening motorcycle rides on grandmas motorcycle and that same summer, where your mom showed you the hidden joys lurking within hibiscus flowers and forgetting the flat tires of your bike as you trekked along, a yellow sticky stub securely stuck to your nose after your mom fetched it out the hibiscus flower. The sweet perfume of the rice fields in the pink skies. The tippy toe reaches with pruning scissors as you chomped away at guavas on grandmas farm at 5 in the morning.
Don’t forget being different, it’s not a bad thing. Remember that you were scorned for your different foods and items, but also remember that the differences make you, undeniably you.
The cool bleak void of how human inhumanity can be, how sometimes human are the most pitiable inhuman creatures that scorn you. Let the bitterness linger when you feel dark, and remember even bitterness have antidotes and be the antidote to the bitter inhumanities you feel.
Feel the cool breeze and squeeze of stubby fingers against your own. The gooey softness of marshmallows melting on your tongue. Blissful, and the smiles of friends as you bask under the moon
Remember watching your mom alone yet kind and caring for you. And when things feel hopeless remember she too had felt that way as she cherished you. Remember the perils and how you’ve loved words yet hated them and remember that a weapon is only a weapon if you allow it. Turn the words around in your head, and decide if you will hurt or heal.
Giggle at the fortune of never getting in trouble that time you sacked a senior student after they mocked your friends and shoved you. Question how fate spared you that day but giggle at your victories and how obviously right you were.
Remember the waves and rocking off the boat under the sunset when you won that regatta, the sweet yet bitter lingering of matcha as your friends gathered for chado.
rough blisters digging into your skin but how rewarding they felt as you sat atop the highest branch, reading in serenity.
Feel the overwhelming scent of sunscreen everyday that summer as you entertained the tiny army. A ghastly mix of sharpie, alcohol markers and sunscreen etched into your skin as the little ones displayed their love in the form of potential skin cancer but oh so adorable doodles all over your body. A reminder that you are loved.
Soap suds and the intense burn of plastic on the improvised slip and slide for the kids, pretending that you didn’t pin the plastic picnic math into the grass with scissors. And the sweet horrors of being hosed down by kids for the whole afternoon in the sweltering sun
The burns of sliding down the stage barefoot before a band concert and plonking on your face as all of us giggled, glad we’re hidden in the back as drummers and the silly cowbell and woodblock solos everyone scorned, yet we found solace in.
Remember my aliases throughout the years, four square champion, surgery queen, snoopy fanatic, and eventually, the sweet tender child calling me mom at camp.
The overwhelming sea breeze as a child screamed out mom and everyone paused, a warm blanket of fluffiness in you. The rest of the summer your name forgotten, just the sweet echoes of mom, or cwoach echoing on the seas and over the playground. A sweetness lingering at your little army and how they nurtured you as you learned to nurture them in return. Remember the doki doki thumping as you received the rainbow loom bracelets and warm embraces from those stubby arms. Yet you still question to this day, what is it with the little ones always nuzzling their faces into your butt in particular, an awkward feeling, yet a gentle pure fondness that exuded from them
Hallways rendezvous to my snack locker after my victory of fixing a printer jam, the warm papers in my hands, chemistry booklets piling everywhere. That last year of high school with the Forbidden blue Gatorade and grape juice, how I had to chase my dear friend away as we joked about drinking the colourful chemicals, or when I squealed as I felt an unfamiliar coolness touch my hands, all from a drop of acid and carbonate in a test tube, the laughter and half serious comments of flogging the silver harvested in labs on the black market. And that final day as I bid farewell to my chemistry mom, heavy green book in hand as she passed along a piece of the chemistry shenanigans onto me.
And feel the anxiety in you right now as you crawl into the voidal abyss of exam season, and remember the then and the now.
And look in to the future, remembering and changing and growing while always keeping your roots planted firmly.
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smol-stardust · 9 months
Cacophony of voices raised; though merely a masquerade. Those who shout the loudest sometimes carry the lightest and gentlest of touches. Louder the voice, less weight the threat.
Like thunder, a loud echo, warning of the lightnings flash lightning's flash. A benevolent herald in the cosmic dialogue. Its resonant the friendly drumroll of the skies, serving as nature's courteous announcement.
With each reverberating boom, thunder extends a kind warning — a courtesy that precedes the dazzling spectacle of lightning. It echoes through the skies, a sonorous reminder that nature is about to paint with electric hues, urging us to seek shelter, to marvel from afar.
The loud is not scary, but rather protects us.
Rather it is lightning’s jagged fingers, menacingly reaching down with the power to extinguish life in an instant. The raw force, the electric kiss, leaves an imprint of fear, a black scorch of of a void torn and left behind.
In the quiet corridors of strength and poise, resilience often speaks in softer noise. A paradoxical dance between thunder and lightning. The loud scary one, who brings a friendly warning, and the silent lurker ready to strike. Heed the paradox, for in the crescendo of voices, you may find the most solace
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smol-stardust · 1 year
Yesterday, pure and clean I stood,
flower of innocence, a tranquil dream
Petals white, untouched by stain,
Innocence in every vein.
Today I wear a crimson hue,
Tainted in blood, a darker view,
Sorrowful hues now marks my core,
A story of life's ever-changing score.
From purity to tainted grace,
all too familiar with pain's embrace.
Now I stand, a stained vermillion bloom
Tainted in blood, a new kind of doom.
Tomorrow's promise, a bleak, somber course,
No longer a flower, but a lifeless corpse.
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smol-stardust · 1 year
A shadowy sorrowful entity sets off the motion,// ticks echo within the hollow cavern, //slowly but surely//richocheting.// A fizzing simmers in the distance, //hissing, gnawing and pounding away.// It rips apart from within,//hissing louder, ticking and consuming. //Finally. //The hissing symphony peaks,// crescendoing to a loud crash// as everything crackles apart// in an explosion. //Emotions seep out.// No longer a soft simmering prelude,// but a loud, terrorizing song.
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smol-stardust · 1 year
In the cold, clinical glow, I pondered.// chemicals whispered secrets of transformation,// puddle of building blocks at my fingertips.// The lights above, indifferent to my contemplation;// bright blinding hollowness.// Moment of solitude amid sterile surrounds,// seeking to grasp the mysteries of our existence,// Elusive answers// slipping through my fingertips// into the puddle of colours.// Vivid lively colours,// yet devoid of any life.
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smol-stardust · 1 year
The rain may fall, and the clouds may be there. But know that now and forever, I shall always hold my umbrella out for you; standing out in the rain in silence til the storm passes. The loud echoes of thunder may ring in your ears, but I shall hold you close; doing my best to shelter you from the rain. Our fingers intertwined as we brave through the storm. The whirring and screeching of the storms will slowly fade as we tread through the path, and I’ll embrace you in a tender dance. If only to make the storm slightly more bearable. Undoubtedly the sun will shine again and we shall enjoy the remnant liquid crystals glistening in the sun. But until then, know that you have me and I have you, and the storm will surely pass
@thebestieyoureinlovewith this one is for you :)
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smol-stardust · 11 months
Weighted under the soft covers, cotton fabric entwined with my skin. Wasting hours, yet time is indefinitely suspended. A soft comforting warmth and aroma, that belongs only here. I float, neither conscious nor unconscious. Just existing in this warm fluffy place. A solace found when I subconsciously reach out, the cool and familiar texture of the age old bankie bringing tranquil. In this space where I am neither existing nor gone, the weighted heaviness is appreciated as I'm comforted within the warm embrace.
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smol-stardust · 1 year
And while they fly far away and soar
What happens to those
with wings clipped and torn
Before they get to spread them ?
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smol-stardust · 1 year
Do you ever think about how we live to ultimately die? Then a mellow sort of sorrow washes over you. Yet a bittersweet beauty lingers because if we didn't die, we wouldn't be able to find beauty within ourselves and our lives. Because the beauty comes from how fleeting it all is, and the desire to cherish that fleetingness. The harmony is this mellow beauty, and I think to understand that makes life shine a little differently.
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smol-stardust · 1 year
The curtains fall, light fades
night's shroud upon the world
Shadows cast, truth unfolds,
the facade of day, a mask.
Quiet still nights shatter it.
a voidal stillness looms
once vivid, now hollow.
Lost in the abyss
Grasping for the colours
Until you sleep
And yet again
See the colours of the future
Behind those lidded eyes
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smol-stardust · 2 years
Cherry Blossom Dance 🌸
Fluttering softly with every move,
swiftly gliding along with mirth.
Pink hues mingle;
swirling in a dance down to earth.
Bringing forth the sweetest of scents.
Rosy gentleness returns for rebirth.
Signalling the return of spring.
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a/n: ^Aren't they pretty!! Have a pic I took :)
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