#speak now tv shouldn't be overshadowed
blazehedgehog · 8 years
1) I can only remember Amy threatening in Advance 3 and it certainly could have happened in Battle (havent played it in 10 years) I won't count Heroes cause that scenario made no sense and also has Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles pushing Big and Cream off a skyscraper?? I mean why not say the same thing about Knuckles. He's a "friend" but has attacked Sonic multiple times when hearing misinformation from someone he shouldn't trust. Isn't that pretty awful too? haha. Her Boom personality seems the
2) same but they downplay her liking Sonic immensely which I like cause I like alot of her cooler moments in the games which get overshadowed by her crush stuff. I just don’t like that Boom (or atleast the show) makes her into a party pooper. But from what I played of the boom!game and the boom!tv the characters seem portrayed… differently in general… but now I’m rambling!!!!            
I don’t think you can discount something just because it “doesn’t make any sense.” That just means it’s even more of a problem, because in the best case scenario, it’s poor characterization, in which case the whole foundation of everything this character is constructed upon is a shambles.
Amy is basically legitimately psychotic in Sonic Battle; so the story is all about how Emerl, this “Gizoid” robot dug up from ancient ruins, comes to know everyone in Sonic’s world and eventually progresses from “beep boop I am just a machine” to having sentience and a personality built from pieces of everyone he interacts with, right?
Amy, upon learning about Emerl and Sonic’s attachment to him, goes out of her way to convince everyone that she would be a great mother to Emerl. She undergoes an intense “boxercise” training regimen to strengthen her fighting abilities (so she can protect Emerl from harm). She begins training even harder when she realizes she’s also losing weight, which she thinks will impress Sonic. Cream actually becomes legitimately afraid of Amy after she trains so hard her body gives out on her and she passes out.
Along the way, Amy uses her growing strength to beat up anyone who comes near her, basically. She is shown to be more than a little overprotective, and violently so. That was the point where, at least personally speaking, Amy Rose went from “funny gimmick character” to “somebody I wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.”
She is a little bit of a Lisa Simpson in Sonic Boom, but I’ll take that over “If Sonic won’t marry me then I’ll take it out on you with my fists.”
The thing is, Knuckles being “friendly” toward Sonic is a different problem – Knuckles’ whole deal is that he’s spent his entire life alone. He has no education, he has no skills, he is not really sociable. He has (or had) one job: protect the Master Emerald, and prevent anyone else from misusing its powers.
But Knuckles was popular. Popular enough that, after his debut appearance in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, he carried enough cache to get his own spin-off game. You can’t have a Sonic game without Knuckles. But everything about Knuckles’ character dictates that he shouldn’t be involved with most stories they’re going to tell, right?
Now Knuckles just hangs out as part of “the crew.” He puts the Master Emerald in his back pocket (wherever that is) and hangs around Sonic and Tails doing basically nothing of value outside of making fans feel good that Knuckles is currently on screen doing things, even if they are things that might necessarily be in opposition to who he was supposed to be. So in Sonic Adventure 2, he’s not a guardian anymore, now he’s a “treasure hunter.” In Sonic Heroes, he’s not even that. And as of most Sonic games to follow, he’s not even anything at all except generic muscle. He isn’t a character, not anymore, he’s just kind of there.
Surprisingly, it’s Sonic Boom that probably does the best to give Knuckles’ a personality again, and “comically stupid meat head” isn’t actually far off from his original intended characterization (just a funnier take).
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