gukou · 2 months
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2006 DOL记忆
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gukou · 4 months
Kestrel: An MM Enemies to Lovers Sci-Fi Romance by Adrienne Lothy My rating: 4 of 5 stars Rating: 4/5 stars. This is the first MM Sci-Fi book I’ve finished this year. The pacing of the story was good without any dragging descriptions. The action scenes were decent, and both male protagonists were well-developed with distinct and interesting personalities. However, there were too many logical flaws in the plot that I couldn't overlook, even with all ten fingers trying to plug the gaps. For example: 1.If this cabal exists and Kestrel is a tech expert, even if he can't remotely hack the devices controlled by the cabal, he has the skills to infiltrate public places for assassinations. So why doesn't he use the evidence he has against the cabal to expose them in public gatherings, like using aerial image projection? 2.If the cabal has sealed all online evidence, where did Kestrel get his detailed evidence from? How did these detailed incriminating documents leak out? 3.Although they are a cabal, the various planets in this galaxy are essentially constitutional monarchies and democracies. This would certainly mean that the cabal members can't monopolize everything—they have enemies. Why doesn’t Kestrel send the evidence he has to the enemies of the cabal? Since the evidence was only wiped from the internet, it doesn't prevent one-on-one sharing. If all else fails, he could use the most primitive methods—randomly send it to private emails of the public, post flyers on the streets, etc., to ensure continuous and one-on-one dissemination. 4.If this cabal controls the interstellar police and can afford to hire darknet assassins, why didn't they kill Kestrel when he sought help from various media and the police, and instead confined him in a mental hospital? Considering that they are a bunch of rich and heartless scumbags, this makes no sense. From these points, it’s clear that although the novel had an exciting plot, the existence of such a cabal in a technologically advanced, media-savvy, and rapidly communicative democratic interstellar alliance is simply impossible. I deduce that the author may have initially wanted to write a story about assassins and bounty hunters, to whitewash the act of assassination, but then went further and further astray, patching things up as they went along. However, the weak foundation of the initial story framework became the novel’s major flaw. Of course, I still look forward to the next book in the author's series. I hope she can provide some reasonable answers to my questions above in the next installment. View all my reviews
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gukou · 4 months
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Tony 19 part 3 chapter02.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 5 months
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Tony 19 part 3 chapter48.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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Tony 19 part 1 chapter43.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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Tony 19 part 2 chapter97.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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Tony 19 part 2 chapter100.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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The illustration is generated by AI.Tony's Sober Formula.
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gukou · 7 months
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Tony 19 part 2 chapter95.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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Tony 19 part 3 chapter39.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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Part 2 chapter 17 .The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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Part1 chapter 1.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 7 months
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Part2 chapter 91.The illustration is generated by AI.
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gukou · 1 year
Foreword to the English localization of "Tony 19" series
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I started writing the "Tony 19" series in 2020. As of now, I have completed the first two parts, "Tony 19" and "Tony's Longest Day," which total over 600,000 Chinese characters. The third parts, "Tony's Superhero Daily," is currently in progress. This series features Tony Stark as the main character, starting with 19-year-old Tony traveling to the future and replacing his older self as Iron Man ten years later in the Marvel Comics Universe. It is a fanfiction work that combines elements of sci-fi, time-travel, adventure, and mystery, with a strong focus on the relationship between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. The story also comprises numerous Marvel characters as well as original characters. I have planned 7 parts in total, with a main storyline connecting each book, and each book being an independent story of around 300,000 words. The entire series will take me five to ten years to complete, but barring any unforeseen circumstances, I should be able to complete it.   After completing the first part of the "Tony 19" series, I attempted to translate the series into English for various reasons. For instance, my thought process fluctuates between Chinese and English during the creative process, and some of the language in the text, especially dialogue, may be better conveyed in English to accurately express the intended meaning. Additionally, I hope that English speakers can enjoy this story. My previous attempts were not successful, primarily because of my limited English ability. Although reading English is not a significant obstacle for me, writing literary works in pure English is quite challenging. To put it simply, translating from English to Chinese is not a problem, but translating from Chinese to English is not my strong suit. I once tried to translate the first installment of "Tony 19" on my own, even with the assistance of various translation software available online, the result was far from the natural style of English language that I am used to reading. However, the recent development of ChatGPT has given me hope to restart this project. After seeking help from ChatGPT, I found that the language fluency has significantly improved compared to the various translation software I have used before. Furthermore, ChatGPT is able to comprehend the context and quickly switch between character dialogues while accurately conveying the intended meaning. The accuracy rate for proper nouns is approximately 50%, which means that I only need to make some corrections to proper nouns. In the few instances where the meaning of the text is incorrect, I can ask ChatGPT to modify it to meet my requirements, resulting in satisfactory outcomes. Therefore, I plan to retranslate the "Tony 19" series with ChatGPT's assistance. Currently, I have only been able to collaborate with ChatGPT 3.5, as I have not yet had the opportunity to seek help from ChatGPT 4.0. If I do get the chance to work with a higher version of AI, I may further correct the current English version of the "Tony 19" series. In short, this is just an attempt. If you notice any translation problems in the text, please feel free to let me know through various methods, including comments, private messages, or emails. By the way, here is an email address I frequently use: [email protected].   A few words off topic before I finish: regarding the development and rights of AI, as a writer of stories about the future and a faithful chronicler of futurism, I agree with Tony Stark's view that if you respect them, you'll earn their respect, and if you guide them with love and kindness, you'll also receive love and kindness in return. If you're interested in exploring this theme further, I highly recommend checking out the "Iron Man 2020" comic series, which delves into similar topics. Additionally, if I find the time, I would love to write some special articles and engage in conversations with you all about Tony and the AI he creates.                  BY Gukou                 April 23, 2023
关于《托尼十九岁系列》英化的前言   《托尼十九岁》系列我于2020年开始创这作,截止目前已完成了第一部《托尼十九岁》,第二部《托尼最漫长的一天》,前两部合计六十余万汉字,第三部《托尼的超级英雄日常》正在创作中。这个系列是以托尼·斯塔克为第一角色,以十九岁的托尼穿越到十年后的未来代替十年后的自己成为钢铁侠为全文起点,以漫威漫画宇宙为背景的夸时空超级英雄科幻同人小说。托尼·斯塔克与斯蒂夫·罗杰斯的感情在其中占据大部分内容,同时包含幻想、穿越、悬疑、冒险等多重因素。文中人物众多,涉及许多漫威角色,也有不少自创角色。我目前规划了七部,主要大纲已经完成,每部均为独立单元故事,但各部之间会有主线联系,每部大约在30万字左右,创作时间计划五到十年。只要不出意外,应该能完成。   在第一部《托尼十九岁》完成后,我就在尝试把该系列进行英化。我会想这么做有诸多原因。例如,在创作过程中我本人的思考介于中英文之间,文章中的一些语言,尤其是对白性语言可能采用英语会有更好的原意表现。再则,我也希望英语同好能够读到这个故事。我之前的尝试效果并不好,主要是因为我本人英语能力有限,可能对我来说英语阅读障碍并不大,但是纯英语行文文学作品还是难度较高。简单说,英译中没问题,中译英还差劲儿。我曾自己动手翻译了第一部《托尼十九岁》,即使借助了网络上流行的多款翻译软件,还是离英语语言习惯较远,简单说,就是语法基本正确,语义也基本正确,就是读着别扭,和我平时看的大量英耽不一样,然而我也不知道怎么改能更顺畅。但是最近ChatGPT的诞生让我看到了重启该项工作的希望。我求助ta进行了一些汉译英的尝试后,发现ta语言的流畅性确实较我之前用过的诸多翻译软件有了较大提升,而且ta能对前后文语义进行理解,在高速切换的人物对话间给出相当符合原意的文字,在专有名词方面正确率在百分之五十左右,也就是我只需要对专有名词进行一些校正。对于个别语义上的不正确,再让ta根据我的要求修改一下就能得出比较令我满意的结果。于是我计划在ta的帮助下重新英化《托尼十九岁系列》。当然目前因为我还无缘求助于ChatGPT4.0,大家也只能看到我和ChatGPT3.5协作工作的成果。当我有幸能求助更高版本的AI时候,可能会对现在的英语版本的《托尼十九岁》系列进行再校正。总之,这只是个尝试。如果你在文中发现任何的翻译问题,非常欢迎通过各种方式留言向我指出,包括评论、私消息、邮件等等方式。顺便公布一下一个我常用的邮箱地址:[email protected] 。   最后说几句题外话,在AI发展与AI权利方面,鉴于我是一个书写关于未来的故事的作者,一个未来主义者的忠实记录员,��以我也同意托尼.斯塔克的观点:你尊重他们,你才能获得尊重,你以爱与善良指导他们,你也会收获爱与善良,反之亦然。顺便推荐《Iron Man 2020》系列漫画,其中有相应的故事和阐述。当然以后有时间,我可能会出一些专题文章和大家聊一下托尼以及他创造的AI们。                BY 古寇              2023年4月23日
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gukou · 2 years
Henry Hamlet's Heart by Rhiannon Wilde My rating: 5 of 5 stars 读后感: 本书是2023年开年我读到的最好的一本英耽,已被我列入了最爱收藏。因为它简介很平淡,故事很平常,所以才在我的阅读列表里待了那么久,当我翻开读下去三章以后才有“几乎错失一本佳作”的感觉。 这类青少年、新成人故事中你能想到的“朋友到情人”的所有烂俗情节本书基本都有,派对、醉酒、真心话大冒险、露营、舞会……可以说我看十个作者写,差不多每到这些部分都想跳章的那些情节,但这个作者就可以把这些烂俗情节写的那么不俗,可见“烂俗”和“古典”只有一线之隔,完全只在作者以怎样的笔触去诠释。 我推荐本书时打上“古典浪漫”标签的另一个原因,在于它的“寓情于景”。我已经若干年没在现代流行小说中能看到把景致能写的这么好的了。身为一个“急性子”读者,我之前碰到这种描写内容几乎都是跳过阅读。本书作者把握的恰到好处,有的放矢,让我不会想错过任何一行。每天都路过的景,每天重复做的事,因为爱而让一切都不再相同。罕见的华丽辞藻、精修的叠韵、经典文学引用……我之前看到“慢悠悠”描写,十之八九会吐槽矫情、玛丽苏,但这些复古在融合现代流行语言的幽默之后,就显得别有一番情趣了。 背景角色们都不“背景”。博西男孩们个个有趣,迟钝直男、损友、好僚机。亨利的“敌人”马丁可爱到爆,可惜本书不是“敌人到情人”。恐同恶霸们还没“恶”起来就都被残酷镇压了。哈姆雷特全家精彩纷呈,谁说见家长戏无聊来着。 全文第一人称,不切换叙述人视角的结构也带来了不错的阅读体验。说到这里,吐槽几句。英耽大多采用两个主人公切换视角的第一人称写作。这种结构其实易造成读者审美疲劳。如果是冒险、悬疑等多头展开的故事型小说为了补充关键剧情有时候切换叙述人视角是必要的,而作为纯恋爱小说,这样就极其容易产生冗余描写和心里剧透。都是“我”去叙述,不断切换视角,想的内容也差不了太多,读着、读着就不知是两个主人公中的“谁”在叙述了。这是我会忍不住弃掉其中百分之七十的书的主要原因之一。“爱情猜猜猜”,都知道想法了,文章吸引力会大幅度下跌。好作者是可以通过细腻的表情、动作描写传达给读者叙事者“眼中人”的所思所想,这是一个“猜”引起的悬思,而现代作者们正在“偷懒”,进而剥夺了读者的这种乐趣。愿意不怕麻烦的揣摩“微表情”,采用传统叙事方式的作者越来越少了。 View all my reviews
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gukou · 2 years
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg My rating: 5 of 5 stars 我一向喜欢逆向思维的故事。这一本真的非常有意思,从开头笑到结尾。rafe这个小混球为了体验一把直男生活把所有人都拉下水陪他说谎,等他体验到了,又不小心爱上了本应兄弟情的“直”男,又要再折腾出一次。最后果然自作孽不可活。不过还有下一册,作者还是打算伸手把他拉上来。 下一册阅读中……… View all my reviews
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gukou · 2 years
没有“自由”任何“爱”都是苍白的 ——读哈泽的卡鲁维亚系列有感
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警告:本文纯个人读后感,包含大量剧透,不建议在读完该系列第五册《Dearly Despised》之前阅读。
之前确实想过给哈泽的小说写推荐,但看到写的人太多了,就觉得不用自己去多一爪子了。今天刚看完千呼万唤始出来的《Dearly Despised》,很可能是这个系列作者的收官之作,读完后感慨良多,决定写一篇个感。
大约大部分喜欢看Alessandra Hazard的小说的人都更喜欢她的直男系列,而我个人一直更偏爱她的外星人故事,以卡鲁维亚Calluvia星球为地标形成的一个独具特色的平行宇宙。其实个人感觉作为独立故事,并非每一部都十分出彩,但是如果作为一个系列故事去延展阅读,就会有别样的宏观乐趣。与她的直男系列不同,卡鲁维亚系列独立性并不强,它们往往故事里面套着故事,虽然每一部有不同主人公,但是主线的故事情节依然是延续的,而哈泽在这个系列里展示了她不断布设迷阵,翻转剧情的才华,可以说如果跳跃阅读会被提前剧透重要剧情。
第一部《That Alien Feeling》我兴趣并不大,设定非常传统,‘外星人王子爱上普通人类’的被禁止的爱情,两个主人公性格也太平,主要矛盾就是不能和地球人谈恋爱,小外星人王子郁郁寡欢要为自己爱上的地球人而病死的时候,他的“恶毒哥哥”终于把他放了。我打着瞌睡,跳跃看了百分之七十,弃了。
好在完全放弃前,瞄了一眼第二部《That Irresistible Poison》,读了开头觉得有趣,之前第一部的“恶毒哥哥”——卡萨Ksar是第二部的主人公。看了一些,糊涂了,只能翻回第一部去补课,发现其实第一部是个引子,引出了这个科技远远超越于地球的卡鲁维亚星球上存在数千年的一部法律——绑定法Bonding Law。所有公民年幼时都要与另一个公民绑定一条精神纽带,并在他们都达到25岁时完婚。这是一个看似非常完美的法律,因为被绑定的二者,从小就建立了一种精神联系,被绑定的另一方成为了你唯一会以及能“爱”上的人,所以这个星球的伴侣们都从小相爱,长大结婚,婚姻幸福美满,既无法离婚也不会有人想离婚。如果丧偶,活着的一方几乎不会再想改配他人。但这种“完美的婚姻”真的存在的吗?于是随着故事一部部的展开,作者为读者揭示出这个完美幻象背后的真相。
围绕着这部法律,扑朔迷离的剧情继续拓展。原来在卡鲁维亚还有一个叫做高荷伦塔High Hronthar的地方,那里有一群和尚是精神感应“医生”,无需遵守世俗的“绑定法律”。另外还存在一些被称作“叛军”Rebels的人,他们数千年前从卡鲁维亚出逃,因为他们的祖先拒绝遵守“绑定法律”。这些人的后代依然存在,不时对卡鲁维亚造成威胁,并有各种证据指向他们是杀害第五部族两个王子的凶手。一方是受人尊敬的高僧,一方是一些叛出的流寇……故事开始更有意思了。
第三部名字烂俗到我不想打开《Once Upon a Time》,但读完后却发现这是这个系列里给我最多惊喜的一部。传统道德标杆的贾米尔Jamil王子爱上叛军头子罗汉Rohan的故事。对于“绑定法律”和“叛军”,在星球泰里尔Tai’Lehr上显然有不同的历史记载。至于这部法律的优劣贾米尔和罗汉有数段床上辩论,我通读了好几遍,床戏部分到是被我当背景了。在两个主人公各自的精彩陈述下,我都有一阵子立场模糊了。谁辩赢了我不知道,读到小说中后部分我只知道贾米尔的选择。我在这里实在不想剧透,因为这段剧情是整个系列中我个人认为最精彩的一段翻转,意料之外而在情理之中。罗汉这个角色应该算是哈泽塑造的诸多角色中我最喜欢的一个,他的登场像个超级英雄,而他的落幕却做了一个领袖、父亲和爱人的抉择。说起第三部的结局——与那些我们鄙视的人共舞。可能从一个评论者的角度,我认为哈泽写的这个结局非常精妙,她让那些尖锐的矛盾激发到似乎一个不可调节的点上,用“软招”化解了它们,让一切停在了两个主人公爱情的结局上。只是通篇读的我的血液里的超级英雄们战斗欲望鼓动的时候,作者却给了我一个只融化了表面的结局,让我不免留下了许多灰色的遗憾。好吧,说句白话,就是没揍坏蛋,看着不爽。
第四部《Prince's Master》,作者终于开始饶有兴趣的写反派了。我读这个系列这样划分主人公,卡萨—反英雄,罗汉—英雄,艾德隆Idhron—反派。艾德隆算是一个不那么坏,有情有意的反派。这种反派容易出戏,但不容易写好。个感第四部,虽然作者努力洗地,想表现这座庙里并非所有和尚都那么坏,但我依然有让自家的两只把这庙拆了的冲动。相信我,这篇文章标题绝对是他俩鼓动我写出来的。以下回到正题,哈泽还有意开一个大师系列,《Prince's Master》算是大师系列的第一部,之后又出了一个短篇《At Your Service》,目前为止作者的功力还没让我打消这种念头。
第五部《Dearly Despised》,我自认为对这一部的出刊做了贡献,我太想看沃伦Warreh王子的故事了,但作者一再跳票,等崩溃,我就去给作者留言崔文了,居然有效果了。沃伦王子作为闪瞎我眼的“叛军”三人组之一登场(“叛军三人组”分别为罗汉,沃伦,瑟瑞Sirri)。沃伦是一个经过专业训练的六级精神感应力大师,却完全脱出上文对这类角色的认知。他脾气暴躁,读脸懂心,吓人大毛狗的可爱程度,性格基本就是罗汉的反面。他在前两部狂抢主角们的风头。
——By古寇 2022.05.25
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