#speaking of instagram he has over 10k followers on his personal account and even more on his art account
juniemoe · 5 months
do you ever think about what kind of lives your dragon age ocs had if they lived in a modern AU
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Buy Instagram Likes $2.90 Immediate Real Likes.
Let's be real-- purchasing fans on Instagram is very appealing. So that, then, Obama's ending up being the President of the United Staes was debunking, unmasking and damaging this truth that verifies White superiority, and encouraging Africans that they too can have power and control the entire nation of America and the world. This is why Obama, who belong to an individuals whose rights can not be appreciated nor accepted by white America, is being attacked and even if this could cause the death of the American civilization and credo, the White racist believe that it should be so,. If this history is forgotten, the White racists in America will trigger some serious dysfunction and gridlock and make the governance of America difficult, up to the point of damaging the whole economy, credit standing and importance of America on the planet. 8. Pay close attention to how he operates in his relationship with you. When you ask him what he did today, or the other day or what have you, is he over explanatory? Does he take a long period of time to think up what he did? Does he want to the left (a signal he is lying), does he prevent contact? get likes on instagram online been so hectic lately that he does not have time for you? Has he stopped buying you things, taking you out for unique nights, or has he been sleeping over less? Does he seem actually stressed when you try to speak to him? Have you been fighting a lot recently? Guy who cheat discover themselves in fights with their better halves since they are on edge as they know they are 2 timing, they end up being more and more guilty and protective performing. They provide all sort of social media services for extremely low rate. They provide full-time customer assistance. The followers they supply are high quality and looks authentic. Likewise the followers are long-term. They charge very less for Bulk orders. The payment approach is through Paytm, Phonepe or Bank Transfer. They are reliable and you can check the feed backs in their profile. I myself has actually tried this and totally satisfied with their services.
You can share fun minutes of your life particularly of your children with your buddies and family members. The growing-up years of your children make for fantastic moments which you can share through Instagram. However when you submit personal images you may wish to have a personal account, which is possible on Instagram. Pictures published on Instagram when revealed are for all to see, like and follow. This benefit can be utilized to your advantage to promote your business venture. There are reliable websites from which you can purchase Instagram likes for your images. In order to build an online existence you can buy 500 Instagram fans and after that continue for more. One big jump or discontinuity in human cognitive evolution seems to involve the unique method human brains consistently produce and make use of numerous species of cognitive technology so as to re-shape the space and broaden of human reason. We-- more than any other creature on the planet-- release nonbiological components (instruments, media, notations) to complement our standard biological modes of processing, producing prolonged cognitive systems whose computational and analytical profiles are quite various from those of the naked brain. Our discussion of human mathematical proficiency displays this process in a type of microcosm. Our distinctive mathematical prowess depends upon an intricate web of biological, cultural, and technological contributions (McLuhan., 78). This has actually triggered us to start our relationship with devices under wrong presumptions. Postman composes: "But due to the fact that the computer system "believes" instead of works, its power to stimulate mechanistic metaphors is unequaled and of huge worth to Technopoly, which depends upon our thinking that we are at our best when acting like machines, and that in considerable ways devices might be depended function as our surrogates. Among the ramifications of these beliefs is a loss of self-confidence in human judgement and subjectivity. I would buy from Idax as it has the most trading volume for it. Be aware of idax's delayed withdrawal, it takes about a day. 6 Group spokesperson Stephan Meier claimed that there is a genuine requirement" for the establishment of transparency and responsibility in the crypto-world.". Kryptowährung für likes? Ist ganz einfach. For example, an account with under 1,000 followers need to have an engagement rate of a minimum of 4.3%, an account with 1k - 10k ought to have at least 2.2%, and so on etc. Esta inactividad estatal obligó a recurrir nuevamente a una herramienta judicial a los fines de garantizar el acceso efectivo a este derecho.
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itsjesperfahey · 7 years
modern soc au
loves to dance !!! esp ballet but she can dance to whatever tbfh, she’s that good 
likes to wear caps, esp backwards. really loves bomber jackets too. 
has a couple, small tattoos dedicated to her saints 
is that one kid who loves to do parkour (both ironically and unironically) for instance is really good at it but sometimes just yells PARKOUR and steps over a rock
usually found eating lunch with her pals on the roof of the school 
is amazing at hide and seek like holy fuck ????? hid for 2 hours once and wasn’t found, came back the next day and was like “y'all losers SUCK" 
loves to study other people’s cultures, as well as history and is great as p.e (never has gotten a bad grade in the flexibility tests) 
likes to read poem books 
has a black cat as a pet named "saint" 
pronounced meme as "mehmeh” the first time she read it 
only has snapchat and instagram. is that kid who ALWAYS posts the sunset every day, esp from weird/high places and the comments are always “HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET UP THERE" 
cried the most during fox and the hound 
always braiding nina’s hair. Knows how to do all the super advanced onces as well
"I don’t know, CAN YOU?" 
 the best one at pushing people on the swings 
"sorry I ran out of fucks to give try again later maybe?" 
gives the nicest presents. always knows what a person wants for christmas/their birthday 
the one who’s really into photography and is always taking aesthetic™ pics of Nina for her social media accounts 
Prefers tea over coffee
bullied for not being able to read (at least up until high school), so is super shy 
loves drawing. the artistic™ one who takes anatomy to be able to draw people better 
MASTER FLUTE MUSICIAN. On the school band. Jams hard af when he plays it 
is in gem math and AP chem with kuwei. 
loves sweet. addicted to blue jolly ranchers. his tongue is always blue 
constantly pushing up his thick rimmed glasses (even if they ain’t on, which causes him to poke his eye)
looooves all the superhero shows on the CW 
V neck sweaters. always
always has his trusty satchel
only has tumblr. has like 10k followers because of his artwork. 
”‘illuminati’ ? is that a band?“ 
cat person even though he’s allergic to cat fur. absolutely adores inej’s cat. settles for owning a horned lizard named "shrek" 
secretly a huge fan of memes 
really gay for tom holland and ed sheeran (calls him "ginger Jesus”) 
gamer with jesper. they always play overwatch together, wylans better tho. a genji and Ana main 
cried the most during big hero six 
wylan, with blank eyes: “I like my coffee how I like my men” // jesper: *spits out his drink* 
sports fan obv. On the schools hockey team bc his fav is hockey. is extremely competitive when he plays it. Is constantly checking but never gets penalties (aka slamming the other players against the walls)
played basketball against jesper and surprisingly lost. jesper won’t let it go 
dog person. owns a pet pomsky (Pomeranian-husky) with nina who’s name is “bub" 
“long hair don’t care”draws inspiration from Harry styles 
really philosophical. takes all the philosophy/ethics classes available 
kind of sounds like Thor (thick and deep accent) 
a good™
"you’re all horrible trash”
“do we really have to be doing this now? I have to finish my homework" 
loves baking. bakes everything for the love of his life 
grey sweatshirts and adidas shoes 
wears contacts Because he hates how glasses look on him. only wears them when he’s home 
oblivious to all the women in love with him
real 👍🏻🤘🏻👌🏻life🤰🏻👼🏻🌱student📚✂️✏️athelete🏃🏼🥇🏆🥅🏒
has Facebook and Twitter only
cried the most during bambi and dumbo 
little spoon™ 
has a couple tattoos with very deep meanings
dancer with inej. dances like those ppl who look like robots ??? the ones who look like they freeze parts of their body while the others move. AMAZING at it 
loves jazz but also dubstep/edm and rap/r&b. Beyoncé is MOM/QUEEN. 
sometimes djs parties 
again, huge gamer with wylan. he’s a lucio and junkrat main for overwatch. loves like every video game ever 
loves all the marvel movies, in love with black panther (was team cap) 
dresses like a hipster but also sometimes a fuck boy (tank tops and shorts with a backwards cap style) 
favorite subject is business and debate. great negotiator 
cried the most during the lion king 
A+ cosplayer (especially his lucio cosplay) 
big supporter of human rights (LGBTA+, feminist, black lives matter, poc representation). Will LITERALLY get into fights over anyone who thinks otherwise. Fist fights, always supported by Kaz and Matthias. Got suspended for 3 days for breaking a kids nose who thought LGBTA+ people should **** ** ****) 
that one kid who has 50 fidget spinners and can do cool tricks with them. also manages to sell all of them 
skateboard pro™ 
always sends the blinking face meme, even if it’s out of context 
all the social medias. 
one tattoo only of a gun with a 'bang’ flag coming out of it 
Speaking of YouTube, she always does cute videos. Baking/cooking tutorial videos featuring Matthias, 'i do my boyfriends makeup’, 'my boyfriend does my makeup’, 'my boyfriend buys my makeup’, does make up tutorials obviously, challenges with her best friend inej like the 'whisper challenge’. everyone loves her and says her and Matthias are their otp 
loves fashion design, takes that class. 
loves horror movies/creepy things but also Disney 
great at roller skating 
always wins the best dressed awards ad school 
also huge fan of ed sheeran. loves little mix more than 5h. 
cried the most during 'up' 
Can speak like 4 languages (English, french, Latin and spanish) 
loves traveling and learning about new cultures too 
dancer!inej’s biggest fan and hockey!matthias’ biggest fan 
always breaks snapchat streaks 
likes to (friendly) debate with jesper, especially over stupid things 
amazing with kids. babysits all the time. calls “bub” (the dog) her and matthias’ baby 
big spoon™ 
notes are so fucking pretty. buys the most expensive stationary and notebooks 
also huge supporter of human rights. runs the feminist club. (Jesper is the Vice President) stresses loving yourself and your body, and makes sure to design comfortable yet GORGEOUS clothes for “"plus sized people”“ 
wins 'dynamic duo’ award with inej 
always eating lollipops 
has a few very small tatos of cute things like roses and crowns. has one quote written in cursive on her rib
prefers black coffee as well 
loves crime shows, whether they’re real or fake. for instance loves both 'Dateline’ and 'Criminal Minds’ also loves 'House’
 favorite class is psychology, learning how a person thinks and acts and feels
has the dregs tattoo on his arm * edge lord 9000™ * such a drama queen and diva like damn 
*deep sigh* "I think I’d rather go take a nap” *gets up and leaves* 
also loves computer science. knows how to hack shit like a pro 
always rough housing with jesper. broke a table once 
does walk with a cane. likes to slap matthias’ ass with it 
“bow down you fucking peasants" 
only types in lower case with 0 emojis and no punctuation marks. CONSTANTLY leaves people on read 
only has Twitter and snapchat. His posts on snapchat never have captions, yet somehow has a 200 day streak with Jesper and a 250 day streak with inej 
loves watching horror movies with nina 
 *in a fight* "oh I’ll sHOW YOU SOME DIRTY HANDS” *swings* 
gets second place for best dressed award 
always sending memes with no context in their group chat, as well as vines 
indie and alternative rock fan 
“does it look like I care because I’m sorry if it does I didn’t mean to give you that impression" 
head over heels for inej Ghafa like wow 
likes to read a lot of mystery books and non fiction books 
cried the most during finding dory 
can solve a Rubik’s cube under a minute and won’t let you forget it 
The one asshole who picks either Kirby or metaknight in super smash brothers brawl
 hates seeing the notification bubble so he always has all chats muted and notifications turned off for apps 
kiss ass to all the teachers to get them A’s
SCIENCE NERD. ALWAYS singing the bill nye theme song. Loves ASAPScience on YouTube. Master at chemistry and biology 
"hey did u know bill nye is, like, my dad" 
nina treats him like a baby 
loves everything to do with Star Wars while wylan loves star trek more. Fighting ensues. 
has a pet Siamese cat name sparky 
Used to have a huge crush on jesper and everyone knew it except jesper. 
knows the intro to the bee movie ("according to all known laws of aviation-”)
 jesper in the group chat: “gonna go shower be right back” // kuwei: “without me ;)?” // wylan: “KUWEI SWEAR TO FUCK” // kaz: “watch your fucking language wylan" 
obsessed with Pokémon go even if it died out (chose team instinct) 
"fight me on this" 
has Twitter, snapchat and instagram 
Always drinking ginger ale 
master at bop it 
the one kid who always forgets to pay you back for stuff 
is also into the CW super hero shows, so him and wylan are constantly talking about it 
loves cartoons and anime 
speaks fluent fuckboy 
God awful at comebacks 
"let’s take a selfie guys !!!” // “kuwei no-” // *snapshot sound* 
talks !!! Like !! This !!!! for,,, some reason ???????? 
huge nerd for other things too like lord of the rings and Harry Potter and game of thrones 
cried the most during inside out
 "do you think planes are scared of heights?“ // "for fucks same kuwei it’s 4am”
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dailyhockeyimagines · 7 years
tyler seguin // i’m your biggest fan
warnings: mentions of alcohol
who: tyler seguin x reader
premise: tyler discovers ur fan account….
When you chose to be a marketing media major in college, you weren’t really thinking about how you could apply it. It seemed interesting and not too difficult, so you picked it without a second thought. Fresh out of college, you were beginning to regret the decision. Your business and econ major friends were finding jobs so quickly, but you couldn’t even find a job opening that worked with your major, let alone an actual job.
What happened next was completely out of your expectations. Just as you were about to give up searching, you stumbled across the perfect job. It was something you had never thought about doing, but, now that it was an option, felt like the only thing that could happen. 
A job offer came to you from the Dallas Stars, your favorite team growing up, asking you to run their media page. They wanted someone young who could interact easily with the team easily and someone who knew a lot about social media and marketing. The job was practically made for you and you accepted quickly.
You accepted right away, moving to Dallas within the week and starting the job a day after. You met everyone and knew that you would get along with all of them very well. They were all talented, of course, but they were also kind and caring, helping to ease you into the city and offering you friendship.
You were excited to document their news and games (and even birthdays!) on social media, getting to think of fun captions and post amazing action shots of the guys celebrating. Everything was going perfectly until something absolutely terrible happened.
You got a crush.
You always thought Tyler Seguin was attractive, even before you met him in person, but when he surprisingly had an amazing personality to match, there was nothing you could do. You desperately tried to not like him, even avoiding his requests to hang out and places where you knew he would be, but it was becoming increasingly difficult and, unfortunately, increasingly impossible.
Now that you admitted it to yourself, your job became even more stressful. How could you be around Tyler and the guys and act normal? 
You felt yourself avoiding posting photos of Tyler on the instagram. And, when the numbers quickly dropped after, you felt yourself posting too many. You over thought everything and your perfect job was quickly becoming a perfect nightmare.
Until you got the idea. So many Tyler Seguin fan accounts followed and interacted with your account. Sometimes, when you were bored, you scrolled through them, carefully avoiding liking the multiple drool worthy shirtless shots and giggle inducing pics with his adorable dogs. Looking back, it was a dumb idea, and a little childish for you honestly, but it felt like the only solution at the time: make your own fan account.
With your own account, you could post and swoon over Tyler any time you wanted and you wouldn’t have to worry about flooding the team instagram with just photos of Tyler.
You fumbled with a few usernames before finally deciding on sexyseguin91 and began posting. 
Thanks to your media marketing degree, your account became an overnight sensation. You flooded your account with pics of Tyler, trying not to post too many photos you had taken yourself to avoid revealing your identity. You switched out your carefully worded captions for thirsty one liners (”ugh so hot ty” or “shirtless tyler is literally my one dream in life”) and commented back to your followers in all caps and with multiple exclamation points. Although your 10k followers wasn’t anything compared to the 240k followers you had on the team account, you felt excited and like a local celebrity whenever you logged on. 
This went on for weeks, carefully logging into and out of accounts and keeping your phone locked. You almost thought you could get away with it too. Almost.
One night, you were at a bar with Jamie and Jordie Benn, getting french fries and beers, when Tyler crashes. You would normally become tense in his presence, but you were a little tipsy so you didn’t act weirdly around him.
Another beer in, and you are laughing over some silly story Jamie is telling about Jordy as a kid. You are so busy laughing that when Tyler asks if he can take over the instagram snap story, you barely acknowledge him. You definitely don’t tell him no and you definitely, even though you should, don’t remember which account you are logged into.
You and the Benn’s don’t notice that Tyler is too silent to be normal for five whole minutes. And in those five whole minutes, Tyler has wordlessly scrolled through all of your cringe worthy posts and captions and what not. When you steal a glance at him and see his expression, you know immediately.
In a state of shock, you grab your phone and run out, leaving behind a shell shocked Tyler and a confused Jamie and Jordy.
It isn’t until you get outside that you begin to cry. You don’t care about the long streaks of makeup that have definitely stained your face or the stares you get from people on the street. Your dream job is DONE your friendship with all the guys is DONE and, any shot that you potentially had with Tyler is completely and utterly DONE. 
You are about to delete the stupid account for good when a hand on your shoulder promptly stops you.
“(Y/N)” Tyler says, breathlessly. 
You don’t turn around to see him, but begin to speak.
“I’m sorry, Tyler. I know it’s stupid and embarrassing and I don’t even know why I did but I’ll delete it and I’ll send an email saying I’m quitting tomorrow and you’ll never have to see me aga–”
“What, no! (Y/N), what are you talking about??? That’s not what I want at all… I was the one who wanted to apologize, for how I acted back there. You didn’t do anything wrong…it’s actually really cute. I just was silent because I couldn’t believe you felt the same way after I had liked you for so long.”
You cut him off with a kiss, all the shame and embarrassment lifting from you immediately.
This was…well, this was perfect. You couldn’t have possibly considered a better outcome.
You kiss for a little longer, letting yourself melt into Tyler’s strong arms. When you finally break and decide to rejoin Jamie and Jordy to offer an explanation, Tyler’s face breaks out into a wide grin.
“What?” you say, smiling at his infectious happiness.
“Just thinking I should start a fan account for you in return” he says, teasing you. 
You blush red immediately and whack his arm playfully, trying to keep a stern face. But within seconds, you two are laughing about it. And maybe, just maybe, your stupid idea was actually one of the greatest things that could have happened.
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emilyplaysotome · 7 years
Away and Back
After seeing @hotcocosharing‘s story prompted by @hifftn‘s story challenge I wanted to participate and this is what I came up with! I did this for fun which means it was a quick write with no revisions and probably a ton of errors...hope you enjoy it.
Like most nights without him, I’d reverted back to my “gross self” as I liked to call it - wearing stained sweatpants that had been diligently broken in after a decade of hardcore lounging. My hair was tied back, my makeup was off, and I was wearing the free glasses I’d gotten a few years back thanks to a promotion at Costco. 
It was fair to say that the nicest part of my outfit was an oversized t-shirt of his that I’d swiped from his apartment, but it did little to help my slovenly appearance. 
I’d taken the shirt home after the first night we spent together, insisting that I’d return it after washing it when in actuality I’d hoped to keep a memento. At the time I’d been uncertain as to whether or not we’d ever see each other again but as we continued to go out and it soon became obvious that I wasn’t simply a one night stand, the shirt quickly lost its souvenir status.
Instead, it served as a reminder of the man I loved during the long stretches we were apart - something that was a common occurrence for us.
On nights like tonight when he wasn’t around, I relished my solitude while simultaneously surrounding myself with the person I missed.
With my laptop open, I watched tv as I allowed myself to go down rabbit hole after rabbit hole to a soundtrack of variety shows and comedy programs. 
The cheap beer I drank on nights like tonight always made me gassy, and unconcerned with appearances I embraced it, belching loudly and allowing the noise to reverberate off the walls in my small, one bedroom apartment.
I think it’s fair to say that most girls would whine about the fact that their boyfriend spent most days on the road, but to be honest, I really liked what we had. 
Our relationship had provided me with the freedom to indulge my true self - a girl who enjoyed fried food, farting, and belching without worry that those around her would judge her. On nights like this I could be totally disgusting, and thanks to his schedule, he would have no idea.
We’d met through my work, and upon first glance he thought of me what everyone did. I knew that I came across competent, charming, and professional which was more than I could say for the others on my team.
Yes, I wanted a picture as did they, but the difference was that it was my job to photograph him and his friends. 
That day the stylist, beauticians, and even my assistant had taken turns swooning as they meekly asked for fan photos, all the while batting their eyelashes as they fantasized about something more. When the guys had asked me if I wanted one too I’d shaken my head and noted that I didn’t take fan photos on a job, and proceeded to ask them to disrobe so I could capture what it was we’d all been tasked with getting. 
Photographing five chiseled men wearing nothing but underwear and the occasional over-shirt probably seems like a dream to most, but I promise it’s nothing but a pain. 
The studio is always too cold, the talent is always uncomfortable, and on top of all that nothing is more awkward than having to objectify a group of people as you attempt to give your direction in the hopes of capturing that one, perfect salacious photo that will move magazines and further your career.
Over time I’ve learned that substituting words like “handsome” for “sexy” or “hot” allows for a more professional dialogue, and I remembered snapping away that day, saying things like, “That’s great. Three more oh-so-handsome photos and we’ll be done.”
After the shoot he’d come over to thank me for the day, like everyone always did, and I was polite in return. 
He asked if I had an Instagram account and I told him that I had a professional one in order to showcase my work. To that, he immediately took out his phone and followed me, telling me to tag him in the BTS photo his manager asked me to post and I agreed, figuring our exchange was purely business.
When I shared it out an hour later, he immediately “liked it” and as a result my modest following of 10k jumped to 100k practically overnight. 
I figured like most of the people I photographed I’d never speak him again, but as the months went on he’d message me over the app in response to my stories, or another shoot I’d done. I was always taken aback to see a message from someone like him, but never did I think he had any ulterior motives until the day that he messaged me in response to a BTS Instagram Story of my shoot with a popular young idol:
Kyohei Rikudoh - Beautiful! Can’t wait to see the final shot.
Me - Haha yeah it was a fun shoot.
I expected that to be it, but that night he sent more.
Kyohei Rikudoh - More fun than mine?
Me - Never ;)
I didn’t think twice about sending a playful answer seeing as how the pop idol world was full of social landmines that I’d learned were best laughed off. 
I figured he was like any other pop star and craved reassurance, certain my non-response would be enough to put our conversation to bed, however he persisted.
Kyohei Rikudoh - If you think I’m fun on set, you should see me on a date...want to go out sometime?
He had to be joking, or even worse, one of those pop stars who used women for fun after working with them. Seeing as how I had no desire to be added to his roster, I laughed his message off once more.
Me - Ha. Very funny Mr. Pop star. Night.
Kyohei Rikudoh - I’m not kidding. Have dinner with me...please?
Me - Not trying to be in a tabloid and I’m more of a relationship girl...so thanks for the invitation but I’d rather not waste either of our time.
Kyohei Rikudoh - It’s not a waste if I’m with you...and there won’t be a scandal. I like you.
I’d initially rolled my eyes at the response, not believing him for a second and chose to ignore the message. I went to sleep and awoke the next morning to several new messages from him in which he made a strong case for joining him for dinner.
Ultimately I relented, joining him for dinner, then sex, and much to my surprise we’ve been together ever since.
He’d be returning in a few days, and I’d shed my “gross” self for the one better suited for a pop star’s girlfriend. 
Upon reuniting I figured we’d do what we always did - catching up in each others arms after having sex, followed by a few days of living together, until he once again disappeared from my life for weeks, giving me the opportunity to revert into the person I’d never let anyone see but relished being.
The beer was making me sleepy, and I let out an unbecoming belch as I settled into the couch, too lazy to attempt to make it to my bed. 
My television continued to drone on in the background and with my week free of photoshoots I had no need to worry. If I overslept, I overslept. I didn’t need to be anywhere this week and it was a great feeling.
With no obligations, I snuggled into the nest I’d created on my couch - surrounded by empty beer bottles, takeout, blankets, and pillows. 
It was something you’d expect from a frat boy, not a professional woman but it was so comfortable...so freeing...so...
Hearing his voice made me feel as if I’d been doused with a bucket of ice water, and I quickly shot up only to verify that my boyfriend had indeed returned and had caught...me being me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to hide my panic.
He’d seen it all (other than the burping and farting thank god), and he looked at me both surprised and amused, cocking his head to the side as he crossed his arms and shot me a teasing grin.
“They say there’s no place like home and I’d have to agree...”
“You’re such a cheeky bastard,” I said, throwing a pillow in an attempt to distract him from how mortified I was. “You know this isn’t your home, right?”
“Might as well be...you gave me a key and all.”
“With the understanding that you’d give me a heads up before coming over...”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“Oh, believe me, I’m surprised.”
He laughed again and I threw another pillow at him.
“So this is what you do when I’m away,” he said, nimbly dodging it as he quickly pinned me down on the coach. “I had all these ideas that you went out, met guys...but really...”
“See! This is exactly why I never wanted to date a pop star in the first place! You wouldn’t understand...”
“Oh no...I totally understand,” he said before giving me a kiss. “May I join you?”
I could feel my face flush from being in such close proximity to the man I loved, and nodded, relieved that my appearance hadn’t scared him off. 
Flashing me another naughty smirk, he left my side and headed to my bathroom where I watched as he removed his jewelry and hopped in the shower, returning to my living room wearing nothing other than his boxers. 
It was that that I realized for the first time my perfect pop star boyfriend was without his usual embellishments and I realized that even when we hung out at home, just as I’d done, he’d always made the effort to style his hair and maintain a certain appearance in my presence.
This version of Kyohei Rikudoh was free of his usual pop prince aura, and there was something almost boy-next-door about him as he approached me with wet hair, two open beer bottles, and a playful grin.
I took a sip, and much to my surprise, for the first time since meeting, we didn’t reunite with sex. In that moment it struck me that drinking cheap beer from the convenience store as we looked our worst, somehow managed to feel more intimate than anything we’d done to date and I felt myself relax next to him.
For a few minutes we enjoyed a comfortable silence before he reached over and grabbed the remote, flipping aimlessly through channels before finally settling on a soccer match that had been played earlier in the day. 
He put his arm around me, and pulled me close before taking another swig and finding myself the happiest I’d ever been in a relationship, I snuggled close to him.
“Hey Kyohei?”
“Welcome home.”
He looked at me with a smirk, and then, belched in response. 
I laughed, and for the first time wondered if I’d found my perfect man.
I hope you enjoyed my little take on your challenge. I keep saying I need to focus on my IRL projects (which I do!) but I couldn’t help but take a stab at this.
As always, if you found this story and liked it...I hope you’ll consider sharing it and if you’re feeling really generous I hope you’ll consider buying me a coffee!
Thanks for reading!
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fellowhuman-being · 7 years
Normani VS Camila Girls, Lauren and Ty Dolla Sign Drama
You know, maybe in Europe it’s still dawn, while in the US it’s night. But here in Asia, it’s already in the morning, on the next day. I actually went to sleep at 2.30 AM, which means I was still awake until 8 hours ago. This was happening right when I was about to sleep, but since I never see my timeline anymore, I didn’t really know what’s going on until I woke up. No, I didn’t stalk Twitter right after I woke up. I just happened to join in a lot of group chats and these are what I found. You know, it was not a pleasant thing to wake up with these trolls, and it just took me 1 second to get my mood ruined.
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Seriously, I’m so enraged. As Harmonizers, you must know that we tend to associate Ally girls with being sweet and unproblematic. But, what makes me disappointed even more is that one of these fans is Ally’s stan. I won’t mention which one but you can check it out by yourself. So, Ally girls are sweet? Bullshit! Every -izers are the same. They just care about their favorite ones without caring about others. Note: I’m speaking this as a general. It doesn’t mean all of you are like that if you are one of them. And I do know that there are people who still respect the other girls even if they only stan 1 or 2 girls.
What makes me frustrated even more is that I followed one of these people. So I checked one by one and I unfollow that account. So, my decision has been right not to see my timeline anymore. It’s full of hates.
Honestly though, we know who are the object of hates here and who got the most hates. I’m gonna say it out loud, it’s Camila. Now that she’s even out of the group, it’s even easier to just throw shades and hates on her. But, here I’m not gonna defend anyone in particular cause the last time I did it, I’ve got a lot of question whether I would do the same for the others. I was even questioned, “Where are you guys when Ally got bodyshamed? When Lauren got bodyshamed? Or when Dinah was accused of being homophobic?” You don’t know me here. What I do is nothing but supporting and defending all the girls. Even right now, I should be working, but I put my time aside to write this.
That #ApologizeCamila hashtag is so disgusting tbh. I thought as a fan, we should have understood by now not to pit women against each other. The girls have been saying it over and over again. As #Harmonizers we should have known this better than anyone else in this world. If you really love the girls, you will know all about their interviews, what they have been promoting, and their advices as feminists. Should i remind you about what they said about what they have been promoting, watch this!
If you idolize these girls, then you should follow them by example. I still don’t understand how people admire someone as a person, inside and outside, physically and characteristically, but not follow them by example. Then what are you stanning? Only their sexy bodies? Their beautiful voices? Their boobs? Their asses? You wanna get inside their pants and you get horny watching them dancing around? I’m sorry, but that means you are drooling over them, NOT idolizing them. I know some of the fans are like that, but these girls are more than just their sexy bodies and their voices.
Please keep in mind that these girls are HUMAN. THEY HAVE FEELINGS. Confronting them out of something they didn’t do is stupid! Who started the war? US!!! Now, let’s trace back. Things have gotten really worse when Normani’s face was cropped and lynched. Who started it? Answer by yourself! We might not see it or we might see it sometimes, but Camila has been crying over all the hates she gets. Now who started it? Now, let’s not blame each other over WHO did it first. You keep saying, “Camilizers started it.” or “Normani girls started it.” WHATEVER!! Basically we are the ones who makes everything worse. We are the ones who started the war. And not to mention, we ARE the reason why the girls are hurt. Are you heartless or what speaking about them or even confronting them out of something that they don’t even do? Before you speak all those disgusting words, THINK, PUT YOURSELF UNDER THEIR SHOES, AND THINK ABOUT HOW THEY FEEL. Are you happy being called a cunt? A whore? Or every other negative words flowing out of your mouth so easily. We are all the same in front of God, cause we are ALL THE SAME: HUMANS. So, if you call them those words, then it goes the same with you (I have said this on my posts waaaaayy long ago). You call Normani a monkey, then you are also a monkey. You call Camila a camel, then you are also a camel. Now are you happy being called like that? ...............EXACTLY!!!
I’m not telling you who to stan or whether you should be an OT5 stan. Some of the people in the fandom indeed only stan 1 or 2 girls. Some of us are OT4 stans. Some of us are Camren shippers, but don’t really know about Fifth Harmony. Whoever you stan, please have respect to the other girls. Do a research about them as a person, what they have been promoting, and keep in mind that the world is much better if we just spread love instead of hates. You have a big platform: Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube. Some of you might have only 100 followers, some other might have more than 1000 followers, some others have more than 10K followers. Use those platform for something good, NOT for something bad. Now I’m asking you this question: IF YOU USE YOUR PLATFORM FOR SOMETHING BAD, YOU HURT PEOPLE, YOU THROW SHADES AND HATES HERE AND THERE, AND YOU SPREAD NEGATIVITIES, ARE YOU EVEN PROUD OF IT? Ask yourself this question whenever you wanna start spreading negative words and throw hates. I’m speaking this to the general fandom, NOT only to Harmonizers. I’m not a fan of her but her wisdom is also something I admire. Lucy worded it well here.
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Now if you have nothing to do, or if you have a lot of free time, use your platform to support the girls instead. Vote for awards. Compliment them for what they do. Show them love. Keep reminding them that we support them no matter what. Be there for them. Cause there have been a lot of drama in these girls’ lives since 2014. Imagine yourself in their position and your lives are out there being spoken, talked, and posted anywhere. Some are true, and some are even made up stories. They have got enough drama, and don’t even add up more dramas to their lives. This is the example of the current drama.
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So, that girl is Ty’s ex. Perez Hilton even makes it worse by making it like a love triangle. *rolls eyes*
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Honestly though, this is more like a “love rectangle” (I’m making up a term here lol) cause Camren shippers are also going crazy out there. But I don’t believe this guy. Ever since the Fifth Harmony drama especially about the leaked picture of Lauren and Lucy, I don’t believe in media anymore. For God’s sake, he might even get paid for this.
Honestly there have been a lot of drama involving Lauren and Ty Dolla Sign before this one, but let’s focus on what happened in the past 24 hours. Otherwise, we are gonna write a novel about the girls. But, let’s see their indirect tweets about their reaction.
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Ty Dolla Sign has been teasing by tweeting and deleting. And his ex also did the same. Have you ever wondered why this happened after the Camren denial? I keep wondering why drama has been put to our faces over and over again.
Now enough with the drama about Camila leaving the band or the questions like “Is Camila leaving the band?” cause she did. Ever since the leaked photos in October 2016, who are the center of all of these dramas? Other than the side projects or solo projects that have been going on, now trace back and focus on what the media has put on headlines that blow up all over the world. Everything revolves around LAUREN. Lauren’s leaked photo with Lucy, Lauren got caught in weed in the airport, Lauren tweeting about something during the Grammy that made the media put on headlines “Did Lauren Jauregui diss Camila Cabello?”, Lauren’s photoshoot with Lucy, Lauren’s denial about Camren, and now Lauren and Ty Dolla Sign dating rumors. I’m sorry, did I miss something here? Cause, it’s hard to put up with all the drama. But, have you ever wondered why it has to be Lauren being put on the spotlight of medias and headlines? The scandal is always about Lauren so far.
I’m gonna leave it there though. I leave rooms for interpretations and I leave you to believe what you wanna believe. But, I want you to keep your mind open. Have you ever wondered why they keep teasing by deleting tweets? Was it a mistake? Or are they playing with us? Are they playing with our minds? Are they playing with our hearts? If they know, it would blow up and get themselves being in the spotlight, if they don’t like it, why would they do it? They know people will focus on the deleted tweets.
I just wanna remind you this thing. Lauren is a VERY PRIVATE person. She doesn’t like her private lives to be talked in public and being posted all over the place. She keeps ranting about people talking about her private lives. Then, why all of a sudden, all of these are put on our faces like it was some kind of shiny treasure we have just found out of the clue we have been given and we are all mesmerized by it?
Anyway, I don’t wanna get delusional but Lauren tweeted that during the #ApologizeCamila was trending. Honestly, those tweet could be anything. It could show that she low-keyly supported Camila or she could be tweeting about things in general or she could be talking about her own personal lives and the headlines about Ty and her. But since we are so caught up with the whole Ty and Lauren dating rumors, we only perceive those tweets as her reactions towards it. Meanwhile, there might be other things she is implying to that we will never know what it is about unless she answers some of the fans’ replies.
Ever since the drama in 2016, especially that goddamn cursed Dec 18th, 2016, I never really believe in media, headlines, tweets, posts, NOT even the girls’ accounts. I only like Snapchat or Instagram stories since it seems like those are the only ways we can see something behind the scene. But, even now Snapchat can be staged, like the 7/27 Tour Spain when Camila was actually in the bus, but her face was not there. We could hear her teaching the girls Spanish, but then we still found only 4 girls in the camera. Sometimes, these girls just CAN’T pretend. Lauren also admitted herself that she has another Snapchat account, which means that she has a private Snapchat account and I’m sure the other girls do too.
What I’m implying here is no matter how much we wanna know about what happens behind-the-scene, WE KNOW NOTHING. No matter how much we think we know what’s going on in their lives, we know nothing. We can only watch their body languages and their expressions now as those are the most sincere language they can communicate to us, NOT some bullshit written interview or headlines on the media.
Keep your mind open and respect the girls, guys! And keep supporting these girls endlessly. They need us, especially Lauren. I can’t imagine being in her position where dramas keep haunting her life one after another.
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andrewdburton · 6 years
How to ask for a favor (and get it)
Think of all the favors you might need:
A job referral from an old boss
A friend to teach you how to cook a meal to impress your girlfriend
An introduction to the founder of a startup you want to freelance for
Favors like these can act as turning points in our life. But sometimes it’s hard to ask for a favor — especially if you’re shy and not too confident about the process.
Today I’m going to teach you the five simple steps to ask for a favor and actually get what you want.
How to ask for a favor in 5 steps
Each year on my birthday I ask my readers to do me a simple favor: Comment telling me how IWT has personally helped them. 
You know what happens? I get more than 500 comments every time. People LOVE telling me about landing their dream job, eliminating $45K of debt, earning $10K on the side, and more.
This is the best gift I could hope for. I don’t need cookies or new clothes. I just love hearing how my material has helped other people.
This is just a tiny favor. I’ve also asked for bigger ones like getting a bunch of my entrepreneur friends to contribute to an e-book I was working on.
So how do you ask for a favor and get great results?
Use the following 5 steps:
Step 1: Consider how your favor impacts them
Step 2: Ask with the expectation that your favor will be granted
Step 3: Don’t lie
Step 4: Hold on to your power
Step 5: Be very specific about what you’re requesting
Let’s get started.
Step 1: Consider how your favor impacts them
When you ask for a favor, you’re essentially doing sales. You’re selling someone else your needs at the cost of their time, energy, and/or money.
And that’s what you’ve got to realize: It’s not all about you. While this favor benefits you in some way, you’re putting this person out in another way. You need to acknowledge that and compensate for it.
Having empathy like this is absolutely necessary for two reasons:
It lets you talk to the person you’re selling to on their terms. You can relate to them and speak their language. Think about it: How you ask for a favor from your boss is a lot different than how you ask for a favor from your friend.
It lets you adapt as the “sale” happens. When you care about the other person’s emotions and needs, you can see if what you’re asking from them is too much, or maybe if you’re asking it in a way that makes them feel weird. So stop weirding them out and relate to them.
Check out this amazing email I got from a reader a while back that did exactly this.
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This email is the perfect example of everything that goes into learning how to ask for a favor:
He showed that he actually knows me. Nothing is going to make me want to trash your email faster than a boilerplate message. The guy who sent me this message showcased how he knew me and how I’ve helped him.
He made me care. Most likely, the person you’re trying to get a favor from is busy. That’s why you need to make them give a damn. That incentivized me even more to work with him. He also touched on a subject that matters to me (in this case, the sender knew that I’m always on the lookout for talented developers).
He made it easy to say yes. The reader who sent me the email made it clear that, though he was looking for paid work, he would be willing to work “to network and receive a little advice” while acknowledging that I did have a few projects that I didn’t have time for.
By the time I finished the email, I was clamoring for the phone to call him. THAT’S how you ask for a favor.
Step 2: Ask with the expectation that your request will be granted
However, if you feel like you’re putting them out by asking for this favor, stop. You’ve already failed.
Your mental framework matters. You need to believe you’re going to get whatever you ask for. If you’re going to play, play to win. Don’t try. Don’t hope. You’ve already decided to do it … you might as well do it right.
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Go in with a winner’s mentality.
You should go in ACKNOWLEDGING that you are asking them to go out of their way. But that doesn’t mean you go in thinking that you’re “bothering” them or that this is a waste of their time.
That’s why I want to go over the “What if I were perfect” technique.
I’ve talked about this technique before but it’s important to mention again because it has everything to do with confidence.
Let’s say that you were trying to become more confident about public speaking, or cooking, or running, or starting a business. Whatever.
With these goals come a set of crippling barriers:
What if I screw up and make a bad meal?
What if I never lose weight?
What if my business fails?
And many times, that’s enough to screw up. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That’s what happened when I was younger and I thought nobody would ever show up to my personal finance class — and nobody did. That’s because I already set myself up for failure with my mental barriers.
Instead, just ask yourself, “What if I were the absolute master of this domain? What if I were perfect and had all the knowledge — in the world — what would I do?”
You wouldn’t get overwhelmed by going to the store, buying onions, and learning how to chop them. You wouldn’t get overwhelmed by going to the gym and hitting the treadmill. I definitely wouldn’t have been bothered by getting people to attend my personal finance class.
And you wouldn’t get psyched out by asking someone for a favor.
You would just do what was necessary to accomplish your goals. This technique helps you get past your own mental barriers and say, “If I were perfect, how would I handle this issue?”
Using this exercise is a great way to become more confident over time.
For more help, check out my video below on how to develop natural confidence. It’s only six minutes but you’ll learn some great mental frameworks.
Step 3: Don’t lie
Many people think that you have to lie or at least tell a white lie (like these 7 money lies) when it comes to asking for something. They believe you’ll be more successful if you butter someone up and give them a bunch of phony reasons to do something.
Being truthful is what makes people believe you and want to help you. Studies show that when you come at people from a place of honesty you not only make yourself and your relationship with that person happier but it’s also better for your mental health (per UC San Diego’s Emotion Lab).
Think about it. If I want my brother-in-law to introduce me to his boss, he’s going to be pissed if I come to him with the pretense of asking how his Thai cooking classes are going.
“Hey I saw that pad thai you made on Instagram the other day. Awesome stuff. Do you think your boss likes pad thai too?”
Fail. Instead he’ll respect me if I am direct and tell him, “Hey, I really want an intro to your boss because I think I could help him with XYZ goal.”
Step 4: Leverage your power
Nobody likes a needy person. But if you act like you don’t really need your favor granted, you’re more likely to get what you want.
I‘ve explained this before in the context of negotiating your way out of paying bank fees. Banks want your money however they can get it, but if you threaten to leave the bank they’ll clear any charges in no time.
I’m not saying threaten to terminate a friendship or partnership because they’re not presenting what you want on a gold platter.
Instead, lead into the conversation with something organic. For example, “Hey, do you still want those tickets for the game on Thursday? I’m happy to give them away since I know you love the team — but I was hoping I could ask you for a favor. Would you have a couple of hours to help me move this weekend?”
It’s like my system for asking for a raise from your boss or raising your freelance rates for your clients: Always do it after you’ve added value.
Did you just crush a project at work that increased sales by 100%? Perfect time to ask for that raise.
Did you create an email for your client that doubled leads for them? Strike while the iron is hot and raise your rates.
This isn’t all to say that you should be doing favors for other people strictly so you can have a bargaining chip for when you need a favor. What I’m saying is your chances of having your favor granted increase immensely when you’ve done something nice for the other person.
Think about my birthday example. It doesn’t actually matter to you that it’s my birthday. But, because of how our society is set up, you feel like you owe me one because of the value I’ve provided you. It’s totally okay to leverage situations like that.
Step 5: Be very specific about what you want
When you ask for directions, would you go up to someone and say, “How do I go somewhere?”
Of course not. Not only would you sound like an idiot, but you wouldn’t get what you want. Instead you ask specifically, “How do I get to the Farmhouse Restaurant?”
The same goes when you ask for your favor. Make sure you have a very specific ask in mind.
Don’t ask: “Can you get me a job?”
Ask: “Can you give me a warm intro to Ross Currier? He’s your head of accounting at Company XYZ, and there’s a position opening up under him that I’m interested in.”
Don’t ask: “Are you around this weekend?”
Ask: “Are you free on Saturday afternoon? I need to pick up a couch from ABC Store and I was wondering if you could drive me over in your pickup to get it.”
Be direct. Be succinct. When you say exactly what you want, people know exactly how to help you.
A great example of this was when I asked a few of my entrepreneur friends to contribute to an e-book I was writing.
I knew that all these people were incredibly busy, so I needed to offer value to them and show them that the favor wasn’t a waste of their time.
Here’s a private email I wrote to NYT bestselling author Ben Casnocha when I wanted him to help me with my 15 Little Life Experiments e-book. My comments are in brackets:
Hey Ben,
I’m putting together a short free e-book with fascinating/actionable test results (e.g., material on marketing, business, lifestyle design, social dynamics, career hacks, etc). [Quickly introduce what I’m doing and get them excited about it. Note how I skip over introductions because I already know Ben. If I didn’t, it would be important to introduce who I am and why he should read this email.]
I’d love to have you contribute, and wanted to see if you’d be interested. I already have a great idea of what your test result could be. [VIPs expect you to want something from them. Get to the point. Again, this is not the approach I would take with everyone, but it works here because Ben is (1) insanely busy and (2) a friend.]
I’ll be putting IWT’s marketing muscle behind it — we’ll be sharing it with our list of 200,000+ and we expect to have at least 500,000 other emails going out. The emails will have links to your site. [Benefit. Why should he care? Note that almost anyone would love to get this kind of exposure. (And note the meta-lesson of me promoting Ben in this very email.)]
All I would need from you is ONE great test/result that you’ve run. For example, one of the following list:
1. How I started waking up earlier (lifestyle)
2. One phrase I always use when I meet someone new (social dynamics)
3. How I got more people to join my email list (business/marketing) [Anticipate the needs of the reader. As he reads, he’s saying, “Hmm…so what would this require?” BOOM — proactively hit him with specific examples.]
(For you, I’m thinking about conversational techniques you used to become more interested/interesting … or how you elicit people to become more open by being transparent yourself. Also, you had that AWESOME tip about speaking, where you take a mid-talk break and tell them 5 books to write down, and everyone wakes up. People love that.) [Personalize it. I personalized every email I sent and got a tremendous response rate of over 90%. Use my motto — “Don’t make the busy person do your work for you” — and suggest ideas to them. There’s more to this principle that I outline in my e-book on writing winning emails (see below).]
We’ll include ~300-word case study about a successful test you’ve run. Here’s a previous e-book we did with examples from people like BJ Fogg, Mark Sisson, and Josh Kaufman: [Include a finished result, if possible. This also shows him big names I worked with in the past, so he can see this will be a gathering of renowned contributors.]
Our deadline is Wednesday, September 18th. What do you think?
P.S. If you’re interested but not sure what you’d contribute, let me know and I can give you a quick call to share some ideas. [VIPs get swamped with emails. Sometimes, I prefer to hop on a 5-minute call while I’m in between errands. So I offer that option here.]
A few takeaways:
Be specific but brief. VIPs are busy and do not want to read your tortured expository essay on your life history, food allergies, and the mole on your back
Focus on what’s in it for THEM. Benefit-driven, focused on benefit to THEM (“putting the full IWT muscle behind it”)
Offer a clear CTA (call to action). You wouldn’t believe how many people end their emails to me with “Yeah, so … wow, I wrote more than I thought” DELETE
Anticipate every objection and counter it before they can consciously voice it. Who’s going to be in this? Oh, here are past people I worked with. I don’t have any ideas. Oh, let’s get on a call and I’ll help you come up with some, etc.
Get what you want
I’ve just given you the five steps to asking for a favor and getting what you want. This strategy works for anything.
And if you want specific scripts for emails that get results too, I have five you can use to:
Set up an informational interview
Ask for recommendations for people to talk to
Cold email a stranger for advice
Pitch for a consulting gig or a job interview
Reach out to others in your company to get to know them
Just enter your information below, and I’ll send you these five word-for-word scripts for free.
How to ask for a favor (and get it) is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-ask-for-a-favor-and-get-what-you-want/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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10k followers on instagram - A great Understanding
For the previous many a long time, Facebook is conducting what amounts to an A/B check on human society, using two various social websites apps. The main application in Fb’s examination provides a maximalist style: It allows users to publish lengthy standing updates, with inbound links to information article content, photographs, movies plus much more. The application is built as a giant megaphone, by having an emphasis on general public sharing and an algorithmic feed able to sending posts rocketing worldwide in seconds. The 2nd app in the exam is a lot more minimalist, designed for intimate sharing as an alternative to viral broadcasting. People of the app, lots of whom have private accounts with modest followings, can post photographs or films, but exterior backlinks never work and there's no re-share button, rendering it tougher for consumers to amplify each other’s posts. The effects of the check happen to be stark. The very first app, Facebook, changed into a big and unmanageable behemoth that swallowed the media marketplace, was exploited by hostile international actors, empowered autocrats, produced the circumstances for a global phony information epidemic and ultimately turned a giant headache for its creators. The 2nd application, Instagram, has fared much better. It hasn’t been overrun with bogus information, it hasn’t been exploited to the identical degree, and most customers feel pleased with it — In particular youthful people, who vastly want it to Fb. Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to spend 2018 cleansing up Fb, and making certain that “our companies aren’t just entertaining to make use of, but additionally great for folks’s very well-staying.” He’s also pledged to manage the scourge of fake information on Facebook, and do a far better career of maintaining undesirable actors at bay. Good for him. But there might be an easier fix right here. Why doesn’t he make his beleaguered blue application more like Instagram, the Facebook-owned application that isn’t destabilizing society? Very last 7 days, Fb unveiled its newest attempt to rein in its flagship merchandise. In order to control Fake information, it introduced It might be allowing for Facebook end users to rank news retailers by trustworthiness, and consider These scores when choosing which information stories to Exhibit in users’ feeds. But this type of small algorithmic knob-fiddling is probably not more than enough. Rather, Fb ought to consider using what it’s uncovered with Instagram, which it obtained in 2012, to embark over a intestine renovation. If I were Mr. Zuckerberg, Here are a few Instagram lessons I’d be thinking about. Lesson No. 1: Emphasize visuals. De-emphasize text. Very first, and most obviously, Instagram is a visible medium. Pics and movies are the key party, and text, while existing, is usually confined to captions and remarks. Therefore, Instagram feels much more intimate than Fb, where by shots and films usually sit together with prolonged diatribes, restaurant Test-ins and mundane status updates. Exploration has demonstrated that, in some cases, visual platforms is usually great for us. One examine, released by researchers within the University of Oregon in 2016, located that the usage of impression-primarily based platforms like Instagram and Snapchat was linked to lower levels of loneliness among consumers, and higher amounts of pleasure and gratification, whilst text-primarily based platforms experienced no correlation with enhanced psychological wellbeing. A closely Visible System also can make a comparatively lousy conduit for breaking news As well as in-the-second commentary, which could reveal why Instagram normally feels significantly less exhausting than other social networks. (Additionally, it describes why final month, prior to I went on trip, I deleted every social websites application from my cell phone apart from Instagram — the one app I dependable not to destroy my beachside tranquil.) Lesson No. 2: Rethink the share button. Certainly one of Instagram’s most underrated virtues is the fact that it has imposed structural restrictions on virality — the flexibility of the presented article to distribute over and above its supposed viewers. In contrast to Twitter and Fb, on Instagram there isn't any native sharing functionality, indicating which the access of most Instagram posts is capped at the amount of people that Keep to the user’s account. (There are methods to “regram” some other person’s Picture using a third-get together application, Nevertheless they’re clunky, and relatively several men and women utilize them. Instagram also lately began exhibiting consumers posts from folks they don’t stick to, a Fb-influenced transform that I’d argue can be a error.) A native share button has been immensely beneficial for Fb’s and Twitter’s advancement. It's got also authorized upstart media businesses like BuzzFeed and Upworthy to make enormous audiences by specializing in highly shareable stories. But simplicity of sharing has also permitted the loudest and many psychological voices to become rewarded with clicks — and a focus. It’s this incentive framework that has authorized partisans and profiteers to hijack Facebook’s algorithms and unfold divisive messages and false information to numerous people. The straightforward virality of Fb also seems to have built person consumers additional hesitant about opening up. That makes sense — it’s simpler to share a selfie if you realize it received’t accidentally obtain its way in the feeds of one million strangers. Lesson No. 3: Ban hyperlinks. Instagram’s biggest structural advantage, nevertheless, could be a results of its final decision to go primarily url-no cost. Links in Instagram captions and remarks aren’t clickable, and Although some customers have found workarounds, the vast majority of Instagram posts aren’t intended to send out buyers to exterior Sites. (The exceptions are ads, which often can comprise clickable inbound links and therefore are, not coincidentally, the most troubled Section of Instagram’s System.) The walled-backyard character of Instagram has annoyed publishers, who want to mail followers out to their Internet sites, the place the publishers can generate advertising revenue and “Manage the reader working experience.” (It’s truly nearly the money.) But Instagram has properly refused to give in, Maybe knowing that making it possible for backlinks may convert the platform right into a screeching bazaar, with publishers and pages all accomplishing circus acts for clicks. Getting rid of inbound links from Fb would wreak havoc on the electronic media business, which has designed an economic model all-around referral targeted visitors from Fb. It would also chance alienating some buyers, who take pleasure in selling and speaking about stories from other portions Click to find out more of the web. But it would also clear up many of the System’s most vexing worries. And in the end, It could be much better for the world. After all, destructive actors don’t put up fabricated news, wildly exaggerated headlines or partisan outrage-bait on Facebook only for fun. They are doing it, in many conditions, as it’s lucrative. Take away lousy actors’ incentives and they’ll go elsewhere. Banning most back links doesn’t appear to have harm Instagram as a business. It had over 800 million month to month Lively people as of September, and it gained 1,000,000 new advertisers last yr. Facebook doesn’t break out Instagram’s earnings, but some analysts expect the application could at some point deliver about $10 billion in once-a-year income. That’s however nowhere in the vicinity of Fb, which earned $ten billion in earnings previous quarter by yourself, but it really’s a significant variety, and it reveals that insularity isn’t constantly a bad matter. Lesson No. 4: Bad actors are unavoidable, but their influence might be contained. Instagram is far from an excellent social community, and copying it wouldn’t deal with all of Fb’s difficulties overnight. Among other concerns, some investigation has shown that use of Instagram can breed insecurity and bullying, and exacerbate entire body graphic problems, Specifically amid youthful Females. Instagram also hosts its have sketchy microeconomy — just witness the scourge of Insta-famous people endorsing dubious wellbeing products, or perhaps the uptick in fly-by-evening customer brand names that market themselves using Instagram adverts. And Russian propagandists did use Instagram to test to affect American voters ahead of the 2016 presidential election, with posts that arrived at as quite a few as 20 million people. (Significantly below the believed 126 million people who were arrived at by Russian posts on Facebook, but a hefty selection Nevertheless.) But even these flaws are preferable on the structural issues that have plagued Fb. Offered the selection amongst a Variation of Fb that built a few of its users feel ugly and unpopular, and a single that can be used to undermine democracies and encourage misinformation world wide, I understand which a single I’d decide. Several billion Facebook end users may well concur.
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The best way of earning money with your blog
Last year writing a blog was considered to be outdated. We could not be more wrong. It surely is not outdated, it just changes every second of the day. Millions of active bloggers and vloggers prove that it is not obsolete. They put a vlog on Youtube, a picture on Instagram or a story at their own blog every single day. Some of the bloggers are even so successful with their blog that they generate enough revenue to earn a living. I interviewed four online professionals and they told me  about their experiences with collaborations. In this article I will share my findings with you.
How do you do it?
The best-known way and probably the best way of earning money with blogging is direct collaborations with companies. This means you can post a picture on social media or you can be positive about a product in your blog to promote a certain product from a company. In return you receive free products or money. You can also use affiliate links and advertorials in your blog. There are two ways to do so: with an agency or directly with a company. There are two agencies in the Netherlands: Blogmij and Adfactor.
 For this article, I interviewed four social influencers you all know. They gave me some tips and tricks about collaborating with a company. The four bloggers I talked with are all popular and successful on Instagram. They are different bloggers who are blogging about a certain topic: healthy eating(Myfitfoodkitchen), sports (FitmetIris), healthy lifestyle and fashion (Dailydoseofdaph) and how to get a sixpack by eating cake (Geentroep).
For this article, I asked several questions to dietician & lifestyle coach Iris de Goede,  FitmetIris. (24, 7 k followers).
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A year and a half ago, Iris started blogging and vlogging. She writes about a decent mindset, healthy food, sports and overall health. She wants to inspire people to be motivated and to be happy with their own body.
She told me that FitDutchies was the first company she worked with. They approached her to ask if she could blog for FitDutchies. Iris: ‘’The companies I worked with after this collaboration, were Intersport and Cosmopolitan. It is most useful if you contact the companies you want to work with, either by mail or over the phone."
According to Iris you must make the right choice in terms of companies you want to work with. The companies she has worked with have a big target group, a concrete goal, and a clear vision. When a company does not offer the standard that Iris works for, then she does not accept the collaboration. On the other hand, she wants to help a small company with a small amount of money to get bigger and more well-known. It is easy to start with a small company like this, because most of the time you only have to put one picture on social media for this company.
‘’The companies I worked with after my first collaboration, were Intersport and Cosmopolitan.’’
Most collaborations do not last longer than a month. Most of the time you put one picture or blog on social media for one company and you will get money or a product in return. Iris only had one longer collaboration with Intersport because she made several vlogs for this company.
It is important to have a at least 10k followers, because companies prefer to work with social influencers with a lot of fans. Create interesting content on your blogs and social media and start following other people who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and work out tips.
Iris gave one last tip for you: ‘’If you really want to work with a company, you have to call instead of sending an email. This is more effective because they can hear you right away!’’
If you know the company you want to work with, it is also possible to ask if they want to do a Skype session or you can go to the company if this is not too far.
I also talked with Naomi van Grondelle from Myfitfoodkitchen (6400 followers). She is a blogger for one year now. Naomi writes mostly about healthy food and recipes.
Occasionally she blogs about working out and a healthy lifestyle. She wants to show that it is also possible for students or people with a busy life to eat healthy on a tight budget. In addition, she wants to help people live and eat healthier.
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The first company she approached was Keyzer Oats. She did this through a direct message on Instagram. She chooses this company because they mainly sell products containing oatmeal. According to Naomi you have to choose a company that fits the purpose of your blogs.
‘’I want to show that it is also possible for students or people with a busy life to eat healthy in an inexpensive way.’’
For a cooperation, Naomi looks if the company matches her blogs and Instagram. If a company delivers more content to her blog, Naomi wants to collaborate with this organization. When this is not the case, she chooses to not work with this company, regardless of what they offer.
Naomi: ‘’When you get a product that you do not like, then do not promote this product!’’ It is also important that you do not put pictures of different companies on your Instagram at the same time or on one day. Your account will look like a marketing account and people will notice that you are collaborating with different companies.
Naomi gives one last tip to all of you when you want to start a collaboration with a company. Naomi: ‘’Send that email! Lots of companies want to collaborate with bloggers, when a blogger has a usable idea. For a company this is free publicity. You have nothing to lose.’’
For this article, I have also talked with my sister Daphne Sonneveld from Dailydoseofdaph (15k followers) about the best strategy for social influencers to approach a company for a collaboration.
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Daphne started blogging in January 2016. She is writing about a healthy lifestyle, fashion and sports. She wants to inspire people and keep them up-to-date about her healthy journey.  
Daphne's first collaboration was with Happysocks. She started small because she did not know if other companies wanted to work with her. The collaboration began with an appropriate mail, which specifically was focused on Happysocks. She was clear about what she wanted in this collaboration and what she could do for this company.
‘’I am blogging to inspire people and to keep them up-to-date about my healthy journey.’’
Dailydoseofdaph was approached by several companies she did not want to work with. She will not collaborate with companies that do not suit her blog. Daphne: ‘’You do not have to agree with every collaboration. It has to be your kind of subject and it has to fit in your blog or Instagram. A collaboration has to be beneficial for you and the company you want to work with.’’
If you want to work with a company for a couple of weeks or months, you should make some agreements with the company. You can also be an ambassador for a company. I can hear you think: ‘’an ambassador, but I am a blogger?’’ It is possible to be an ambassador. In return you will get products from this company every once in a while. You have to promote this product every time you get this from the company.
Daphne gives you one last tip: ‘’Speak personally to an organization! It is also important to know who you are talking with when he or she is older than you, talk professional and be polite.’’
Off course I had to talk with the most famous fit boy from Holland: ‘’Jelmer de Boer’’ from Geentroep (43,6k followers). You all know Jelmer and his own way of writing and speaking. Obviously, he gave his own spin on our conversation about collaborations.
Jelmer blogs for several years now. He started blogging about unhealthy food and he was making fun of other bloggers. According to Jelmer you will get a toned body if you eat cake. (Obviously, I don’t think this is possible). After a while he started to write blogs about traveling and less about unhealthy food.
Companies like Pindakaaswinkel, Bolasunderwears and ChangingLifeHub started to notice Jelmer and they immediately loved his sense of humor, like we all do. It is his sarcastic and direct way of writing blogs and his sense of humor that made him so popular on Instagram.
It is important to be unique and original in your blogs. In this manner, companies will approach you for a collaboration.
After a few jokes and sarcastic comments, Jelmer gave one last tip for you and it is not a surprise. ‘’Buy my book: ‘’Eat cake and get a sixpack.’’
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 After talking with the four bloggers about collaborations with companies, I want to give you one tip about collaborations with companies and earning money with your blog.
Be yourself, be likable and be original in your blogs and your way of getting in contact with a company. If you do this right, companies will want to work with you faster.
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