#spec evo is so much fun though it's worth it
silverpsychedelic · 11 months
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I wrestled with these for a week BUT, a bunch of lore for Arctic Zora. Can you tell I've been super into speculative biology lately
Arctic Zora (or 'Titans' as they're more commonly known) are a clan of Zora which separated from their mainland ancestors a very long time ago, heading north towards the polar caps. They exist beyond the Hyrule continent and are divided from their inland cousins via a huge sea, but you can find them on travels around the region. They earned the term 'Titan' due to their much larger and far more robust size in comparison to the Zora of Hyrule, and often stick to the colder climates where they are more comfortable and less likely to suffer heatstroke.
These are just a small portion of notes I have on them, and I'd like to do more lore pages in this style!
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voodoospeedcult · 4 years
A treasure hunt worth chasing
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This week’s expedition takes us on a trek to find lost rally cars. The World over, rally cars are unfortunately a bit disposable due to the abuse they see while being used in competition. Rally is devastating to cars and equipment, even if a car never sees a bad crash. After constant use and abuse it’s hard to keep them straight and it’s even harder to keep them up to safety specs. It’s easy to keep a 40+ year old road race car up to specs but with rally, it’s nearly impossible without a large investment. With those factors in play, it is pretty common place to see used, semi-competitive rally cars selling very cheap and it’s very common to find them parked, just wasting away. I put my best Indiana Jones custom on and go searching for the holy grail of junked rally cars. Group B Dumpster/Treasure Chest
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A Renault R5 Turbo and this isn’t just a normal R5, it’s an Evo 2 which were the homologation version built to make the R5 eligible for Group B rally racing. There were only 200 of the Evo 2 cars built! Seeing this one sitting there, used as a dumpster is heart breaking.
Skeletal Remains
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Alright, I admit it, I have a bit of a fetish for the Lancia Stratos. Growing up in the States we didn’t see much Group B rally back in the day due to the lack of US media caring about international rally racing (and no, there wasn’t internet back then), the only time we saw Group B was in racing magazines, usually from Europe that would end up in the race shop being passed down from another shop or a race team. In 1990 my fetish started after seeing one at Willow Springs during a test day. Most would see this neglected Stratos as an eyesore, it is basically just part of the chassis and doors. It is way to expensive to rebuild but I want to take it home and use it as a lawn ornament.
Forgotten Gems
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The 80s Citroen rally cars were never very popular due to the lack of… well everything except weight. The BX line of cars (there were a handful of different versions made/developed) exceeded the minimum weight requirements by almost 450lbs.! While weight was one issue, it was just one of MANY issues, they were slow, they handled horribly, they were unreliable, they were a mess! So why would we feature them here? Because no matter how bad they were, they are still very cool and very rare. And finding three of them, a BX 4TC, a BX 4TC Sport and a BX 4TC Evolution on the same transport truck just wasting away in Southern France is equivalent to finding the missing gold treasure of Billy the Kid.
Hidden in plain sight
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Now what we have here is a very cool find, a Peugeot 205 Rallye. The 205 cars were commonplace in Europe for 15 years, you could get a boring one, a loaded/luxury one, a sporty one, a fast one and then one ready to race. Peugeot teamed up with Talbot Sport to make a almost race ready car available right from the dealer. The 205 Rallye came with a tuned engine, a closer ratio gear box, tweaked suspension and absolutely no creature comforts including sound deadening. They expected to sell 5000 over a 4 year time period but the cars were so popular they sold over 30,000 of them!
Like finding Atlantis
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The Ford Cosworth, we could write a book about this motor and the cars that Ford has put them in, each and every one of them has been a winner. In rally the Cosworth Fords were the what legends are made of. The Escorts, the Sapphires, the XRs, the RS500 and the RS200 all had Cosworths powering them. The combination led to countless rally and rally championship wins with masters like Carlos Sainz, Ari Vatanen, Didier Auriol and Stig Blomqvist behind the wheel. A mint Ford Cosworth (any model) will fetch big money when sold and thrashed, forgotten cars like the RS500 and the Sapphire shown here will still bring more money than most normal cars sitting at your local used car dealer. Yard Sale
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The Lancia Delta has a rally history that most other cars dream that they had. The Italian car maker who had been heavily involved in rally for decades hit it big with the Delta. They finally had a car that won in all conditions and all terrains, they were so capable that they even made mediocre drivers shine bright. The cars become so popular that Lancia produced dozens of versions, each of them very focused on being the ultimate driving machine for it’s targeted buyer. At the top of the line is the Delta HF Intergrale Evoluzione (yes, that is spelled correctly) II which was loaded with high performance features that have just recently started showing up in modern cars.
Fools Gold?
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The car responsible for bringing AWD to rally, the Audi Quattro. The Quattro cars made their debut in 1980 but it wasn’t until 1984 when the Quattro S1 versions hit the rally stages that things got serious. The S1 cars were entirely different kind of rally car, as long as they stayed together or weren’t in an accident, they were virtually impossible for competitors to match. The car you see here has to be a replica or does it? The whereabouts of all but a handful of the S1 cars are known and those not accounted for were written off in accidents. So what do we have here? Of course a replica is the obvious answer but there are rumors that have been swirling in the rally community for years that the car pictured here was a car given as a gift to Walter Rohrl (Audi rally driver) by Audi. Though Audi nor Walter have never commented. Even if it is a replica it is worth big money as a replica is currently being sold in the States for $180,000. A find like that of Oak Island
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Alright, I admit it, the title on this one is a little bit mean but I am making fun of myself. I love the Curse of Oak Island TV show and I love Triumph TR7 and TR8 cars but both of these things have the same thing in common, is there really treasure? The Triumph TR cars are weird, weird in good and bad ways. They are fun, they are amazing fun to drive, that is when they run. Many will argue that there are more unreliable cars, and I am sure there are but these are absolute shit! I seriously don’t understand how or why I have owned and raced two of them nor do I understand why I am still attracted to them. Did I mention that they are shit? Sure it made sense for Triumph to race them, they had to make the public want them and want them we did. On track and on asphalt/tarmac rallies the Triumphs were damn fast. But seriously finding this, I don’t know if I would be tempted to grab it, even if the immediate risk of being rolled over by a giant rock didn’t exist, I would know that every day after I grabbed it would be cursed. The small finds are the greatest
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The Mini is a very important car, it is the car that made it possible for everyone to feel that they could be a rally driver. The first Mini hit the rally stages in 1960 but in 1962 a Mini driven by Paddy Hopkirk won the Monte Carlo rally which at the time was the most prestigious rally in the World. It was so big that even the press in the USA gave it some attention. Over a twelve year time span, Mini won dozens of rallies, it also won dozens of touring car championships and races. The Mini is arguably one of the most important production race cars ever! Finding one with documented rally heritage and being able to rescue it would be equal to finding something as special as finding the treasure of the Knights Templar.
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vice-s-assistant · 7 years
Voices of the FGC: Andre/Dream Boy Purple of Skullgirls Latin American (SG LATAM)
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Over the last five years, Skullgirls has been the “Lil’ Darling” of the Indie movement in Fighting Games. It the game that’s thrived when people said it was “dead”, multiple setbacks, from its former publisher, and various other hay-makers that come with its game development. Through all of that though, it has not only survived, but grown. Now as the actual final patch for the game comes out, the current call for the game, it’s a good time to look back and see it lasting effect on the fighting game landscape. I sat down with a friend of mine, Andre/Dream Boy Purple, who was the lead organizer for SG LATAM, a Skullgirls Latin American group, for his thoughts on Skullgirls, its effect on him, and his organization.
Vice’s Assistant: Alright let's start off with your name for the folks who don't know and what you do with Skullgirls?
Andre/Dream Boy Purple: Name is André, well basically I created and have been running SG LATAM a Latin American focused community for Skullgirls, as well as trying to use the group itself as a medium to spread the word of SG on other LATAM communities.
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Banner from SG LATAM Facebook page
VA: How did you find out about Skullgirls?
Andre: Well, back in the day of 2011, I happened to stumble upon a trailer for Double, a character in the game before the game came out. It honestly left me pretty surprised: just the sight of the animation was pretty cool on itself, but it also looked like a really fun fighting game, especially considering I was into Marvel at the time. It was a no brainer (sic) that I soon got it for the 360 when it released.
VA: And when you first got the game, did it just "click" with you, or did that just come on later down the line?
Andre: Ha ha, that's actually a curious question. When I first got the game, I had my fun with it, but I guess there were a bunch of things that I didn't really enjoy with it. Things like the speed, the constant touch of death combos, the animation having to display the hitboxes for it to run smoothly, and even the netcode even though it was still rollback. It was in a rougher state than the one we have now, I endend (sic) up playing it casually during that time and no thinking much about it.
VA: After you spent time with it though, when did things start to feel like "I really dig this game"?
Andre: That was way down the line, after the whole fiasco with Reverge Labs having to dismantle and reform into Lab Zero, and the launching of their crowdfunding campaign. I started to take interest in the game again after all there were a lot of things that were issues of mine adressed (sic) on the game since then like the speed or balance patches (we didn't get those on the 360 at the time sadly), plus new characters and a PC port after hearing that I made up my mind of giving the game a second chance and ended up falling in love with it then.
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VA: Nice. I kind of started to dig the game after I've spent time with a few months later. Skullgirls was my "burnout" game after I would do long sets in SSF IV AE. After a while started fooling around with Fortune and started to realized I like her rush down stuff...even though I was probably abusing some of her nasty damage stuff she had in Vanilla Skullgirls.
Andre: Yeah, damage was kinda ridiculous in vainilla (sic) I remember seeing some videos of Severin back in the day of him killing characters anywhere on the screen with just one bar.
Couldn’t find a combo of Severine killing with one bar but here’s a 100% combo. These were common (and annoying) in Vanilla Skullgirls.
VA: I couldn't do that kind of stuff, and still can't, but I remember basically using the head to trip someone, going to rekkas, blockbuster. It was super easy to do and boy howdy you could get some nice chunks of damage off.
Moving forward, what in you decided that you wanted to foster your local community to get more people into the game?
Andre: Well when I really started to get into the game once again I started wanting to play more against people and Quick Match did only so much. So I searched around forums and Facebook groups for a LATAM community only to find out there were really none. I found a couple that talked about the game, it's (sic) lore, and played casually but not really one focused to compete with each other. So I quickly took action into it. After all if you want something done you should do it yourself. I created a very basic logo in PS and started a FB group which I tried to promote constantly to friends and in FGC groups. Thinking back to it, it was probably annoying for them to see me do that but I was determined. Ha ha.
VA: Since starting it, how has thing’s gone?
Andre: Well it has been growing pretty nicely and steadily. We're around 600-700 unique members between the FB, Discord, and Steam groups. The Discord is pretty active every day and people are constantly talking and playing on it. We got an actual logo for our group and not just a photoshopped SG logo. We have done plenty of tournaments now under the name "Trifulca en el Ring" with custom flyers for each edition. We've also since have partnered up with Arcade Rumble (a FGC Latin American group) and they have helped us do things like have better production streams, bigger audience to announce our stuff, and in ocassions (sic) even give out money prizes for our tournaments.
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Poster done by Abraham Rodriguez
VA: Beyond just the SG LA community, how do you think Skullgirls has grown within the last 5 years? The prevailing joke is "Skullgirls is dead," but the truth is the opposite: Skullgirls is one of Steam's best selling fighting games (CORRECTION: Skullgirl is not one Steam’s best selling fighting games, far from it, but there are a lot more people who have then you think) , showings a plenty tournies, and even a "mini" convention at AX in Phoenix, AZ  (Correction AX is in Los Angeles, California, not Phoenix, AZ).
Andre: The SGC (Skullgirls Community) has grown a lot, right now we have things like the Skullgirls Tour which is basically or own version of CPT or KI's world cup with 12 tournaments both offline and online. A lot of people have also joined through the PC community, thanks to it being a complete steal at just 15 bucks for the game, having one of the if not the smoothest online in a fighting game beautiful animation, great gameplay, and the low specs it has. You see new people trying out the game constantly, be it the Skullheart* or Steam forums, as well as in the SG LATAM community. We get people who are new all the time and it also helps the abundance of helpful people and events that are run online by the community. Things like Skullbats, Monday Night Blockbusters, SG Brazil weeklies, and even our own "Trifulca en el Ring" series just goes to show that SG was never or ever will be dead. You'll always have people to play with, you just gotta look for them.
VA: With the last patch finally out, do you feel the game has finally reached its ideal state? Or are there things to feel still need worked on?
Andre: Well considering how Mike Z is, he will always find something to work on, but as it stands, the game is really balanced to the point where tier list are pretty universaly (sic) thought as a matter of opinion, and even then there isn't that much of a diff (sic) from the bottom to the top. Considering SG is pretty unique with it's (sic) focus on resets, I think in it's (sic) current state it will pass the test of time just fine.
VA: What do you think Skullgirls' lasting legacy will be?
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Andre: That a community and it's game can last and grow as long as they keep pouring love into it. There's only so many big tournaments for SG (biggest being Combo Breaker) since the whole EVO ordeal of 2013, and barely losing to Smash SG hasn't really been a mainstream fighting game at all. Which to my eyes only makes more impressive what it has been able to acomplish (sic) thanks to the developer support and the constant effort by the community to run events; making tech, helping the devs find bugs, the community being so inclusive. I think SG will still be played many years from now, and until the eventual SG 2, I doubt the constant income of players will slow down anytime soon.
VA: Finally, do you have any advice for people still timid about getting into Skullgirls?
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Andre: Well SG is a fighting game, and like any of them, it's not easy to get to certain competitive level. That's the first fact that you have to accept but there's so many resources and people willing to help: on Discord and the Skullheart forums as well as groups targeted towards new players that you'll have people around your level to play against. A lot of people get discouraged because they jump online first thing, and they get massacred since SG is a fast game, and also focused heavily on resets. Even people with past fighting game experience have a hard time when they first play against experienced people, but it really doesn't take that long to get the hang of it, and SG having such an amazing training mode also helps. To sum it up, I know it may seem overwhelming now, but there's so many people willing to help you, and it really is worth it to form (sic) part of such an amazing community.
VA: One last thing: Where can people reach you and be a part of SG LATAM?
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Andre: People can reach me personally through my Tumblr or Twitter
For SG LATAM they can reach either through our (sic) FB group or Discord, Discord being the more active one of the 2
To both Andre for the interview and Yahoo’s E-sports’ Michael Martin (https://twitter.com/Bizarro_Mike) for advice with interviews
You can also watch Andre attempt to go against the world in a 100-man quick match kumite in Skullgirls today at 6 CDT on his Twitch channel:
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angelaakers · 6 years
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019
Electric scooters are all the rage. Fun too. So we have tested the top 20 scooters and researched over 50 in total to bring you the best of the best. We scoured a wide variety of retail websites, reading customer reviews, talking to electric scooter owners - we even got on the phone with a few manufacturers for some tough questions. After this exhaustive process, we can now present you with the best scooters that you can buy in 2019. We looked at several factors to determine which scooters made the cut out of the latest vehicles. Things that consumers prioritize like durability, ease of use, battery and fire safety, range and speed, charge time, and portability for when you are carrying it or traveling with it. So with that in mind, our #1 pick is the Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter. It’s a real powerhouse with great performance and a great distance per charge. The 35 miles per hour top speed is also another great reason to give this one a look. The Qiewa Q1 Hummer is not for the faint of heart. It charges in about 3.5 hours and is solidly constructed. It also packs in some really great features. This model is great for long commutes and casual riding no matter the terrain.
The Top Rated Electrics Scooters of 2019
 #1  Qiwa Q1 Hummer 800 Watt Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for 2019
Great Performance
Great Distance Per Charge
Long Charge Time
On The Heavy Side
The Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter is our top choice thanks to a quality build and standout features. It can handle a maximum load of 550 lbs so just about anyone can ride. The standout power and performance come from the 800W brushless motor, which delivers a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour. The 26Ah capacity lithium-ion battery gives you a great range of 60+ miles, though the other side of that coin is a 3.5 hour charge time. One of the features that we really liked is the ability to charge a mobile device from the battery using a USB plug while riding. It’s super portable and ready to travel with you anywhere since it folds down easily to fit in a trunk. At 55 lbs, it isn’t super light, however. Other features include 10-inch tires, dual disk brake system, and IP65 waterproof certification. It also has front and back brake lights, an anti-theft alarm system so your ride doesn’t get stolen and an optional detachable seat. Its total weight is 55 pounds, which is on the heavy side. There’s an easy to read display on the handlebar that shows your current speed. You just can’t beat features like this combined with a rock solid build. Many consider this scooter to be the next best thing to the popular Gigabyke Groove.
 #2  GoTrax GXL Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for The Money
Smooth Ride
Great Performance
Great Tires
May Be A Bit Heavy For Some
LED Headlight Needs To Be Larger and Brighter
Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
We reviewed the Gotrax GXL scooter a while back and we fell in love with it. This electric scooter is really almost perfect in every way. The weight is just right at 31 lbs. The max capacity is 220 lbs too. This scooter is the best value for the money. The speed, charging time and range are all decent for the rider. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Qiewa Q1 Hummer, this one would have taken top place in our rankings. However, this model is more appropriate for everyone since it has just the right amount of power, is easy to use and has just the features that you need. It is solidly constructed and folds up easily to take it with you. It has a great looking modern design too. The LED screen is easy to read but could be brighter, which is also true of the headlight. The GXL has a maximum speed of about 15.5 Mph with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. It accelerates quickly and both front and back brakes are very responsive. Other features include 8.5″ air-filled tires, a charge time of 4-5 hours, 250 Watt motor, IP54 Waterproof rating, and the scooter weighs 26.50 lbs, which some may find heavy, but it’s very manageable when carrying it.
 #3  EVO Powerboards Uberscoot 1600W 48V Electric Scooter
Quick Release Seat Allows You To Have A Seat Or Ride Standing
Max Weight Is 265 Lbs.
Nice Off-Road Power
Charge Time is 6-8 hours
Total Weight Is 117 Lbs.
Range Could Be Better At 12 Miles
If you’re looking for a real beast of an off-road scooter the Evo Powerboards Uberscoot 1600w 48v Electric Scooter will not disappoint. It is definitely at the high-end of the scooter market and perfect for larger weight riders with a max capacity of 265 lbs. It’s powered by a 1600 watt motor that delivers over two horsepower. The 11" pneumatic tires on aluminum alloy rims make it perfect for any terrain. This scooter will rocket you to up to 20+ mph max speed with 12 miles of range when fully charged. That’s not great range, but it’s the trade-off for that off-road power. That range can be extended with “Economy Mode” though, which caps the scooter’s acceleration and top speed. Like our #1 pick, this scooter is built solid, which is why it weighs a hefty 117 lbs. The Uberscoot brings many other great features too, like a quick release seat, kickstand, folding design with a locking frame, both front and rear lights, and key ignition. We didn’t like the heavy weight of this model, but the solid construction and great features make it worth it.
 #4  Glion Dolly Electric Scooter - Best Scooter For City Life
3-4 Charge Time Is Decent
Very Nice Airless Tires
Self Standing Feature
Not For Speed Demons With Max Speed Of 15 MPH
Made For The City So Not So Great On Bumpy Roads
The Glion Dolly is made for city riding and it fills that role exceptionally. If you’re looking for a way to commute to work, this is the scooter that you want. The very nice 3-4 hour charge time and the unique folding design are an impressive combination for city life. When you fold it, you aren’t carrying it, but instead rolling it like luggage. It has a max speed of 15 Mph and a range of 15 miles per charge. The frame is made from 6061-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, and powder coated to resist corrosion. We like the solid construction. Other features include 8-inch airless tires with a honeycomb interior, anti-lock electronic brake in the back and a hand brake, pedestrian bell for safety and a 250-watt brushless hub motor for decent commuting power. It weighs in at just 28 lbs and has a weight capacity of 255 lbs. This is all you need for your trip to work. We wish the range were more like 18 miles, but for city commutes, this is likely all that you need. The stand out feature is the unique folding design.
 #5  Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter - Best “Take It Anywhere” Scooter
Smooth Ride
18.6 Mile Range
A Tad Lighter Than Most Which Is Great For Transport
Max Speed Of 15.5 MPH
Not Many Extra Features
The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter is actually one of the ones used in the Bird scooter rental service. It’s easy to see why they choose this model. It’s very middle of the road but easy to take with you.  Although it is very comparable to other scooters in its class, (and falls short in some features) the design is what makes it stand out from the rest. Especially when it comes to portability. Weighing just 26.9 lbs it’s a bit lighter than the GoTrax GXL, which makes it that much easier when you are taking this scooter with you in the car or lugging it around elsewhere. That difference in weight makes it much easier to carry after you fold it down. This model has a top speed of just 15.5 miles per hour which isn’t Earth-shattering, but it delivers a smooth ride for your commute. You also get a decent 18.6-mile range, while the battery sadly takes 5 hours to charge. Given the other specs, we would prefer it if they had shaved an hour off of that charge time. Overall battery life is great, however. Durability isn’t a problem thanks to an aerospace-grade aluminum frame.  Also on board is a dual braking system, large 8.5-inch front tires,  a 250W motor and it has an accompanying app for checking out speed, power, and stats. It has a 220 lb. max load capacity. The bottom line here is that you sacrifice some features for a reliable and sturdy commuting scooter that is easy to take anywhere.
 #6  Razor E300 Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter For Kids
Comfortable Stable Ride
Large Tires For Great Traction
Low Price
Very Basic
No Battery Charge Indicator
Not Very Stylish
The Razor E300 Electric Scooter is the perfect scooter for kids. You can hit speeds up to 15 mph (Not too fast and not too slow for little adventurers) and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous use. Other features include a very large deck and frame, a chain-driven motor and twist-grip acceleration control. This scooter has a very stable ride that your kids will love and those large 8" tires have great traction for a smooth ride. As you can tell from the specs, this is a very basic model, but it works. It’s enough for any kid to get on it and get going quick. If you are looking for a budget priced scooter for your child to ride around with their friends in the neighborhood, this is the one. It has a max capacity of 220 lbs. The scooter weighs around 45 lbs itself. There’s not much style here, but that oversized deck gives feet plenty of room. There are also no extras here like lights. Razor is keeping it basic and old school. It’s all about fun.
 #7  NANROBOT LS7 Electric Scooter– Fastest Electric Scooter
52 MPH
Two independent 1800W motors
56 Mile Range
Do you feel the need for speed? If so the NANROBOT LS7 electric kick scooter should be your choice.  This is currently the fastest personal transport out there and it is super-powered with two independent 1800W motors to get you to speeds of up to a crazy 52 MPH. As you can imagine, climbing hills won’t be a problem at all and it has enough battery capacity to give you a 56-mile range. It has a max capacity of 330lbs, and the weight of the scooter is on the heavy side, at about 84lbs. It also packs in a dual suspension, as well as full front and rear rubber suspension for rough terrain.  The battery will take about 5 hours to charge. Yes, that is a long time, but considering that speed and range, it is well worth the wait. Other features include 11" pneumatic tires, front and rear hydraulic disc brakes system, EBS breaks, LED Headlights and brake lights, it’s IP6 Waterproof and has a USB mobile phone charging function as well. This scooter is all about power and speed, so if you want to get there fast the LS7 is for you. The only downside here is that it is so expensive. It is worth the price, however.
 #8  URB-E Folding Electric Scooter - Best Uniquely Designed Scooter
Great Performance
Lots Of Features
Light Weight
Range and Speed Could Be Better
The URB-E Folding Electric Scooter has a unique design that you are either going to love or hate. It performs extremely well and has nice power going up hills. The URB-E has a lot of great features, but the star of the show here is the design. This model folds down easily and is lightweight compared to much of the competition, weighing in at 35 pounds. In its folded state you can more easily carry it more like luggage while walking or taking public transport. You won’t see another electric scooter design quite like it. The URB-E has a 20-mile range and a top speed of 17 mph. Honestly, both range and speed should be better considering how expensive this one is, but you are paying for the convenience of the design here. It is going to make your commute much better. It also has 10” pneumatic tires and a rear mounted 350-watt motor. The frame is made of aircraft grade aluminum which keeps things lightweight and durable.  It also has USB ports for charging your phone while on the go. 
 #9  NANROBOT D4+ Electric Scooter - Best Off-Road Scooter
Top Speed of 40 MPH
All Wheel Drive
45 Mile Range
If you’re looking to take your electric scooter off-road the NANROBOT D4+ electric scooter has to be your choice.  It’s all about power that will handle any terrain. This scooter has two powerful 1000W electric motors with one 1000W motor powering each of the two wheels for all-wheel-drive capabilities that make this scooter a beast off-road. It has a max speed of 40 MPH with a range of 45 miles per charge. Charging time is only 3 hours, which is impressive for a scooter this powerful. It also gives you front and rear disc brakes with large 10-inch tires for extra traction off-road.  Double shock absorption and a USB phone charging port round things out. Those disc brakes are very responsive when you need to brake suddenly. Larger riders will appreciate that it will hold riders up to 330lbs while the scooter weighs about 60 pounds. 
 #10  TOMOLOO Electric Scooter - Best Budget Electric Scooter For Adults
Great Price
15.5 Mile Range
Range and Speed Could Be Better
Charging Time Is 4-6 Hours
The TOMOLOO electric scooter has a max speed of 15.5 MPH and a range of 18.6 miles on a charge.  Rolling over inclines as steep as 20 degrees are no p[roblem at all. It’s the perfect budget scooter for adults with some decent features.  After you’ve already spent a decent amount on your kid’s scooter, you’ll be happy that you can get one for yourself for a decent price. One feature that we really liked is that there’s one button that controls the speed and the switching of all three gears. The 8.5" air-filled tires give you a smooth ride even while on a road that’s a bit rough. It has the typical folding design that most scooters have and is easy to carry. The Tomoloo has a 220 lb. weight limit so larger adults may be out of luck, but most of us should be okay. The scooter weighs in at just 28.4 lbs. It has some serious style too. The LED screen displays your speed and battery status and it has a decent mobile app that does things like change the color of the very stylized headlight. This is a very cool scooter that is priced just right for the adults who want to get in on the action. The Top Questions About Electric Scooters Answered
The blog post 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 is courtesy of homepage of GadgetReview
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 posted first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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bonniepospisil · 6 years
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019
Electric scooters are all the rage. Fun too. So we have tested the top 20 scooters and researched over 50 in total to bring you the best of the best. We scoured a wide variety of retail websites, reading customer reviews, talking to electric scooter owners - we even got on the phone with a few manufacturers for some tough questions. After this exhaustive process, we can now present you with the best scooters that you can buy in 2019. We looked at several factors to determine which scooters made the cut out of the latest vehicles. Things that consumers prioritize like durability, ease of use, battery and fire safety, range and speed, charge time, and portability for when you are carrying it or traveling with it. So with that in mind, our #1 pick is the Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter. It’s a real powerhouse with great performance and a great distance per charge. The 35 miles per hour top speed is also another great reason to give this one a look. The Qiewa Q1 Hummer is not for the faint of heart. It charges in about 3.5 hours and is solidly constructed. It also packs in some really great features. This model is great for long commutes and casual riding no matter the terrain.
The Top Rated Electrics Scooters of 2019
 #1  Qiwa Q1 Hummer 800 Watt Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for 2019
Great Performance
Great Distance Per Charge
Long Charge Time
On The Heavy Side
The Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter is our top choice thanks to a quality build and standout features. It can handle a maximum load of 550 lbs so just about anyone can ride. The standout power and performance come from the 800W brushless motor, which delivers a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour. The 26Ah capacity lithium-ion battery gives you a great range of 60+ miles, though the other side of that coin is a 3.5 hour charge time. One of the features that we really liked is the ability to charge a mobile device from the battery using a USB plug while riding. It’s super portable and ready to travel with you anywhere since it folds down easily to fit in a trunk. At 55 lbs, it isn’t super light, however. Other features include 10-inch tires, dual disk brake system, and IP65 waterproof certification. It also has front and back brake lights, an anti-theft alarm system so your ride doesn’t get stolen and an optional detachable seat. Its total weight is 55 pounds, which is on the heavy side. There’s an easy to read display on the handlebar that shows your current speed. You just can’t beat features like this combined with a rock solid build. Many consider this scooter to be the next best thing to the popular Gigabyke Groove.
 #2  GoTrax GXL Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for The Money
Smooth Ride
Great Performance
Great Tires
May Be A Bit Heavy For Some
LED Headlight Needs To Be Larger and Brighter
Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
We reviewed the Gotrax GXL scooter a while back and we fell in love with it. This electric scooter is really almost perfect in every way. The weight is just right at 31 lbs. The max capacity is 220 lbs too. This scooter is the best value for the money. The speed, charging time and range are all decent for the rider. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Qiewa Q1 Hummer, this one would have taken top place in our rankings. However, this model is more appropriate for everyone since it has just the right amount of power, is easy to use and has just the features that you need. It is solidly constructed and folds up easily to take it with you. It has a great looking modern design too. The LED screen is easy to read but could be brighter, which is also true of the headlight. The GXL has a maximum speed of about 15.5 Mph with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. It accelerates quickly and both front and back brakes are very responsive. Other features include 8.5″ air-filled tires, a charge time of 4-5 hours, 250 Watt motor, IP54 Waterproof rating, and the scooter weighs 26.50 lbs, which some may find heavy, but it’s very manageable when carrying it.
 #3  EVO Powerboards Uberscoot 1600W 48V Electric Scooter
Quick Release Seat Allows You To Have A Seat Or Ride Standing
Max Weight Is 265 Lbs.
Nice Off-Road Power
Charge Time is 6-8 hours
Total Weight Is 117 Lbs.
Range Could Be Better At 12 Miles
If you’re looking for a real beast of an off-road scooter the Evo Powerboards Uberscoot 1600w 48v Electric Scooter will not disappoint. It is definitely at the high-end of the scooter market and perfect for larger weight riders with a max capacity of 265 lbs. It’s powered by a 1600 watt motor that delivers over two horsepower. The 11" pneumatic tires on aluminum alloy rims make it perfect for any terrain. This scooter will rocket you to up to 20+ mph max speed with 12 miles of range when fully charged. That’s not great range, but it’s the trade-off for that off-road power. That range can be extended with “Economy Mode” though, which caps the scooter’s acceleration and top speed. Like our #1 pick, this scooter is built solid, which is why it weighs a hefty 117 lbs. The Uberscoot brings many other great features too, like a quick release seat, kickstand, folding design with a locking frame, both front and rear lights, and key ignition. We didn’t like the heavy weight of this model, but the solid construction and great features make it worth it.
 #4  Glion Dolly Electric Scooter - Best Scooter For City Life
3-4 Charge Time Is Decent
Very Nice Airless Tires
Self Standing Feature
Not For Speed Demons With Max Speed Of 15 MPH
Made For The City So Not So Great On Bumpy Roads
The Glion Dolly is made for city riding and it fills that role exceptionally. If you’re looking for a way to commute to work, this is the scooter that you want. The very nice 3-4 hour charge time and the unique folding design are an impressive combination for city life. When you fold it, you aren’t carrying it, but instead rolling it like luggage. It has a max speed of 15 Mph and a range of 15 miles per charge. The frame is made from 6061-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, and powder coated to resist corrosion. We like the solid construction. Other features include 8-inch airless tires with a honeycomb interior, anti-lock electronic brake in the back and a hand brake, pedestrian bell for safety and a 250-watt brushless hub motor for decent commuting power. It weighs in at just 28 lbs and has a weight capacity of 255 lbs. This is all you need for your trip to work. We wish the range were more like 18 miles, but for city commutes, this is likely all that you need. The stand out feature is the unique folding design.
 #5  Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter - Best “Take It Anywhere” Scooter
Smooth Ride
18.6 Mile Range
A Tad Lighter Than Most Which Is Great For Transport
Max Speed Of 15.5 MPH
Not Many Extra Features
The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter is actually one of the ones used in the Bird scooter rental service. It’s easy to see why they choose this model. It’s very middle of the road but easy to take with you.  Although it is very comparable to other scooters in its class, (and falls short in some features) the design is what makes it stand out from the rest. Especially when it comes to portability. Weighing just 26.9 lbs it’s a bit lighter than the GoTrax GXL, which makes it that much easier when you are taking this scooter with you in the car or lugging it around elsewhere. That difference in weight makes it much easier to carry after you fold it down. This model has a top speed of just 15.5 miles per hour which isn’t Earth-shattering, but it delivers a smooth ride for your commute. You also get a decent 18.6-mile range, while the battery sadly takes 5 hours to charge. Given the other specs, we would prefer it if they had shaved an hour off of that charge time. Overall battery life is great, however. Durability isn’t a problem thanks to an aerospace-grade aluminum frame.  Also on board is a dual braking system, large 8.5-inch front tires,  a 250W motor and it has an accompanying app for checking out speed, power, and stats. It has a 220 lb. max load capacity. The bottom line here is that you sacrifice some features for a reliable and sturdy commuting scooter that is easy to take anywhere.
 #6  Razor E300 Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter For Kids
Comfortable Stable Ride
Large Tires For Great Traction
Low Price
Very Basic
No Battery Charge Indicator
Not Very Stylish
The Razor E300 Electric Scooter is the perfect scooter for kids. You can hit speeds up to 15 mph (Not too fast and not too slow for little adventurers) and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous use. Other features include a very large deck and frame, a chain-driven motor and twist-grip acceleration control. This scooter has a very stable ride that your kids will love and those large 8" tires have great traction for a smooth ride. As you can tell from the specs, this is a very basic model, but it works. It’s enough for any kid to get on it and get going quick. If you are looking for a budget priced scooter for your child to ride around with their friends in the neighborhood, this is the one. It has a max capacity of 220 lbs. The scooter weighs around 45 lbs itself. There’s not much style here, but that oversized deck gives feet plenty of room. There are also no extras here like lights. Razor is keeping it basic and old school. It’s all about fun.
 #7  NANROBOT LS7 Electric Scooter– Fastest Electric Scooter
52 MPH
Two independent 1800W motors
56 Mile Range
Do you feel the need for speed? If so the NANROBOT LS7 electric kick scooter should be your choice.  This is currently the fastest personal transport out there and it is super-powered with two independent 1800W motors to get you to speeds of up to a crazy 52 MPH. As you can imagine, climbing hills won’t be a problem at all and it has enough battery capacity to give you a 56-mile range. It has a max capacity of 330lbs, and the weight of the scooter is on the heavy side, at about 84lbs. It also packs in a dual suspension, as well as full front and rear rubber suspension for rough terrain.  The battery will take about 5 hours to charge. Yes, that is a long time, but considering that speed and range, it is well worth the wait. Other features include 11" pneumatic tires, front and rear hydraulic disc brakes system, EBS breaks, LED Headlights and brake lights, it’s IP6 Waterproof and has a USB mobile phone charging function as well. This scooter is all about power and speed, so if you want to get there fast the LS7 is for you. The only downside here is that it is so expensive. It is worth the price, however.
 #8  URB-E Folding Electric Scooter - Best Uniquely Designed Scooter
Great Performance
Lots Of Features
Light Weight
Range and Speed Could Be Better
The URB-E Folding Electric Scooter has a unique design that you are either going to love or hate. It performs extremely well and has nice power going up hills. The URB-E has a lot of great features, but the star of the show here is the design. This model folds down easily and is lightweight compared to much of the competition, weighing in at 35 pounds. In its folded state you can more easily carry it more like luggage while walking or taking public transport. You won’t see another electric scooter design quite like it. The URB-E has a 20-mile range and a top speed of 17 mph. Honestly, both range and speed should be better considering how expensive this one is, but you are paying for the convenience of the design here. It is going to make your commute much better. It also has 10” pneumatic tires and a rear mounted 350-watt motor. The frame is made of aircraft grade aluminum which keeps things lightweight and durable.  It also has USB ports for charging your phone while on the go. 
 #9  NANROBOT D4+ Electric Scooter - Best Off-Road Scooter
Top Speed of 40 MPH
All Wheel Drive
45 Mile Range
If you’re looking to take your electric scooter off-road the NANROBOT D4+ electric scooter has to be your choice.  It’s all about power that will handle any terrain. This scooter has two powerful 1000W electric motors with one 1000W motor powering each of the two wheels for all-wheel-drive capabilities that make this scooter a beast off-road. It has a max speed of 40 MPH with a range of 45 miles per charge. Charging time is only 3 hours, which is impressive for a scooter this powerful. It also gives you front and rear disc brakes with large 10-inch tires for extra traction off-road.  Double shock absorption and a USB phone charging port round things out. Those disc brakes are very responsive when you need to brake suddenly. Larger riders will appreciate that it will hold riders up to 330lbs while the scooter weighs about 60 pounds. 
 #10  TOMOLOO Electric Scooter - Best Budget Electric Scooter For Adults
Great Price
15.5 Mile Range
Range and Speed Could Be Better
Charging Time Is 4-6 Hours
The TOMOLOO electric scooter has a max speed of 15.5 MPH and a range of 18.6 miles on a charge.  Rolling over inclines as steep as 20 degrees are no p[roblem at all. It’s the perfect budget scooter for adults with some decent features.  After you’ve already spent a decent amount on your kid’s scooter, you’ll be happy that you can get one for yourself for a decent price. One feature that we really liked is that there’s one button that controls the speed and the switching of all three gears. The 8.5" air-filled tires give you a smooth ride even while on a road that’s a bit rough. It has the typical folding design that most scooters have and is easy to carry. The Tomoloo has a 220 lb. weight limit so larger adults may be out of luck, but most of us should be okay. The scooter weighs in at just 28.4 lbs. It has some serious style too. The LED screen displays your speed and battery status and it has a decent mobile app that does things like change the color of the very stylized headlight. This is a very cool scooter that is priced just right for the adults who want to get in on the action. The Top Questions About Electric Scooters Answered
The blog post 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 is courtesy of homepage of GadgetReview
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 posted first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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lindamarionn · 6 years
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019
Electric scooters are all the rage. Fun too. So we have tested the top 20 scooters and researched over 50 in total to bring you the best of the best. We scoured a wide variety of retail websites, reading customer reviews, talking to electric scooter owners - we even got on the phone with a few manufacturers for some tough questions. After this exhaustive process, we can now present you with the best scooters that you can buy in 2019. We looked at several factors to determine which scooters made the cut out of the latest vehicles. Things that consumers prioritize like durability, ease of use, battery and fire safety, range and speed, charge time, and portability for when you are carrying it or traveling with it. So with that in mind, our #1 pick is the Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter. It’s a real powerhouse with great performance and a great distance per charge. The 35 miles per hour top speed is also another great reason to give this one a look. The Qiewa Q1 Hummer is not for the faint of heart. It charges in about 3.5 hours and is solidly constructed. It also packs in some really great features. This model is great for long commutes and casual riding no matter the terrain.
The Top Rated Electrics Scooters of 2019
 #1  Qiwa Q1 Hummer 800 Watt Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for 2019
Great Performance
Great Distance Per Charge
Long Charge Time
On The Heavy Side
The Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter is our top choice thanks to a quality build and standout features. It can handle a maximum load of 550 lbs so just about anyone can ride. The standout power and performance come from the 800W brushless motor, which delivers a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour. The 26Ah capacity lithium-ion battery gives you a great range of 60+ miles, though the other side of that coin is a 3.5 hour charge time. One of the features that we really liked is the ability to charge a mobile device from the battery using a USB plug while riding. It’s super portable and ready to travel with you anywhere since it folds down easily to fit in a trunk. At 55 lbs, it isn’t super light, however. Other features include 10-inch tires, dual disk brake system, and IP65 waterproof certification. It also has front and back brake lights, an anti-theft alarm system so your ride doesn’t get stolen and an optional detachable seat. Its total weight is 55 pounds, which is on the heavy side. There’s an easy to read display on the handlebar that shows your current speed. You just can’t beat features like this combined with a rock solid build. Many consider this scooter to be the next best thing to the popular Gigabyke Groove.
 #2  GoTrax GXL Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for The Money
Smooth Ride
Great Performance
Great Tires
May Be A Bit Heavy For Some
LED Headlight Needs To Be Larger and Brighter
Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
We reviewed the Gotrax GXL scooter a while back and we fell in love with it. This electric scooter is really almost perfect in every way. The weight is just right at 31 lbs. The max capacity is 220 lbs too. This scooter is the best value for the money. The speed, charging time and range are all decent for the rider. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Qiewa Q1 Hummer, this one would have taken top place in our rankings. However, this model is more appropriate for everyone since it has just the right amount of power, is easy to use and has just the features that you need. It is solidly constructed and folds up easily to take it with you. It has a great looking modern design too. The LED screen is easy to read but could be brighter, which is also true of the headlight. The GXL has a maximum speed of about 15.5 Mph with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. It accelerates quickly and both front and back brakes are very responsive. Other features include 8.5″ air-filled tires, a charge time of 4-5 hours, 250 Watt motor, IP54 Waterproof rating, and the scooter weighs 26.50 lbs, which some may find heavy, but it’s very manageable when carrying it.
 #3  EVO Powerboards Uberscoot 1600W 48V Electric Scooter
Quick Release Seat Allows You To Have A Seat Or Ride Standing
Max Weight Is 265 Lbs.
Nice Off-Road Power
Charge Time is 6-8 hours
Total Weight Is 117 Lbs.
Range Could Be Better At 12 Miles
If you’re looking for a real beast of an off-road scooter the Evo Powerboards Uberscoot 1600w 48v Electric Scooter will not disappoint. It is definitely at the high-end of the scooter market and perfect for larger weight riders with a max capacity of 265 lbs. It’s powered by a 1600 watt motor that delivers over two horsepower. The 11" pneumatic tires on aluminum alloy rims make it perfect for any terrain. This scooter will rocket you to up to 20+ mph max speed with 12 miles of range when fully charged. That’s not great range, but it’s the trade-off for that off-road power. That range can be extended with “Economy Mode” though, which caps the scooter’s acceleration and top speed. Like our #1 pick, this scooter is built solid, which is why it weighs a hefty 117 lbs. The Uberscoot brings many other great features too, like a quick release seat, kickstand, folding design with a locking frame, both front and rear lights, and key ignition. We didn’t like the heavy weight of this model, but the solid construction and great features make it worth it.
 #4  Glion Dolly Electric Scooter - Best Scooter For City Life
3-4 Charge Time Is Decent
Very Nice Airless Tires
Self Standing Feature
Not For Speed Demons With Max Speed Of 15 MPH
Made For The City So Not So Great On Bumpy Roads
The Glion Dolly is made for city riding and it fills that role exceptionally. If you’re looking for a way to commute to work, this is the scooter that you want. The very nice 3-4 hour charge time and the unique folding design are an impressive combination for city life. When you fold it, you aren’t carrying it, but instead rolling it like luggage. It has a max speed of 15 Mph and a range of 15 miles per charge. The frame is made from 6061-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, and powder coated to resist corrosion. We like the solid construction. Other features include 8-inch airless tires with a honeycomb interior, anti-lock electronic brake in the back and a hand brake, pedestrian bell for safety and a 250-watt brushless hub motor for decent commuting power. It weighs in at just 28 lbs and has a weight capacity of 255 lbs. This is all you need for your trip to work. We wish the range were more like 18 miles, but for city commutes, this is likely all that you need. The stand out feature is the unique folding design.
 #5  Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter - Best “Take It Anywhere” Scooter
Smooth Ride
18.6 Mile Range
A Tad Lighter Than Most Which Is Great For Transport
Max Speed Of 15.5 MPH
Not Many Extra Features
The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter is actually one of the ones used in the Bird scooter rental service. It’s easy to see why they choose this model. It’s very middle of the road but easy to take with you.  Although it is very comparable to other scooters in its class, (and falls short in some features) the design is what makes it stand out from the rest. Especially when it comes to portability. Weighing just 26.9 lbs it’s a bit lighter than the GoTrax GXL, which makes it that much easier when you are taking this scooter with you in the car or lugging it around elsewhere. That difference in weight makes it much easier to carry after you fold it down. This model has a top speed of just 15.5 miles per hour which isn’t Earth-shattering, but it delivers a smooth ride for your commute. You also get a decent 18.6-mile range, while the battery sadly takes 5 hours to charge. Given the other specs, we would prefer it if they had shaved an hour off of that charge time. Overall battery life is great, however. Durability isn’t a problem thanks to an aerospace-grade aluminum frame.  Also on board is a dual braking system, large 8.5-inch front tires,  a 250W motor and it has an accompanying app for checking out speed, power, and stats. It has a 220 lb. max load capacity. The bottom line here is that you sacrifice some features for a reliable and sturdy commuting scooter that is easy to take anywhere.
 #6  Razor E300 Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter For Kids
Comfortable Stable Ride
Large Tires For Great Traction
Low Price
Very Basic
No Battery Charge Indicator
Not Very Stylish
The Razor E300 Electric Scooter is the perfect scooter for kids. You can hit speeds up to 15 mph (Not too fast and not too slow for little adventurers) and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous use. Other features include a very large deck and frame, a chain-driven motor and twist-grip acceleration control. This scooter has a very stable ride that your kids will love and those large 8" tires have great traction for a smooth ride. As you can tell from the specs, this is a very basic model, but it works. It’s enough for any kid to get on it and get going quick. If you are looking for a budget priced scooter for your child to ride around with their friends in the neighborhood, this is the one. It has a max capacity of 220 lbs. The scooter weighs around 45 lbs itself. There’s not much style here, but that oversized deck gives feet plenty of room. There are also no extras here like lights. Razor is keeping it basic and old school. It’s all about fun.
 #7  NANROBOT LS7 Electric Scooter– Fastest Electric Scooter
52 MPH
Two independent 1800W motors
56 Mile Range
Do you feel the need for speed? If so the NANROBOT LS7 electric kick scooter should be your choice.  This is currently the fastest personal transport out there and it is super-powered with two independent 1800W motors to get you to speeds of up to a crazy 52 MPH. As you can imagine, climbing hills won’t be a problem at all and it has enough battery capacity to give you a 56-mile range. It has a max capacity of 330lbs, and the weight of the scooter is on the heavy side, at about 84lbs. It also packs in a dual suspension, as well as full front and rear rubber suspension for rough terrain.  The battery will take about 5 hours to charge. Yes, that is a long time, but considering that speed and range, it is well worth the wait. Other features include 11" pneumatic tires, front and rear hydraulic disc brakes system, EBS breaks, LED Headlights and brake lights, it’s IP6 Waterproof and has a USB mobile phone charging function as well. This scooter is all about power and speed, so if you want to get there fast the LS7 is for you. The only downside here is that it is so expensive. It is worth the price, however.
 #8  URB-E Folding Electric Scooter - Best Uniquely Designed Scooter
Great Performance
Lots Of Features
Light Weight
Range and Speed Could Be Better
The URB-E Folding Electric Scooter has a unique design that you are either going to love or hate. It performs extremely well and has nice power going up hills. The URB-E has a lot of great features, but the star of the show here is the design. This model folds down easily and is lightweight compared to much of the competition, weighing in at 35 pounds. In its folded state you can more easily carry it more like luggage while walking or taking public transport. You won’t see another electric scooter design quite like it. The URB-E has a 20-mile range and a top speed of 17 mph. Honestly, both range and speed should be better considering how expensive this one is, but you are paying for the convenience of the design here. It is going to make your commute much better. It also has 10” pneumatic tires and a rear mounted 350-watt motor. The frame is made of aircraft grade aluminum which keeps things lightweight and durable.  It also has USB ports for charging your phone while on the go. 
 #9  NANROBOT D4+ Electric Scooter - Best Off-Road Scooter
Top Speed of 40 MPH
All Wheel Drive
45 Mile Range
If you’re looking to take your electric scooter off-road the NANROBOT D4+ electric scooter has to be your choice.  It’s all about power that will handle any terrain. This scooter has two powerful 1000W electric motors with one 1000W motor powering each of the two wheels for all-wheel-drive capabilities that make this scooter a beast off-road. It has a max speed of 40 MPH with a range of 45 miles per charge. Charging time is only 3 hours, which is impressive for a scooter this powerful. It also gives you front and rear disc brakes with large 10-inch tires for extra traction off-road.  Double shock absorption and a USB phone charging port round things out. Those disc brakes are very responsive when you need to brake suddenly. Larger riders will appreciate that it will hold riders up to 330lbs while the scooter weighs about 60 pounds. 
 #10  TOMOLOO Electric Scooter - Best Budget Electric Scooter For Adults
Great Price
15.5 Mile Range
Range and Speed Could Be Better
Charging Time Is 4-6 Hours
The TOMOLOO electric scooter has a max speed of 15.5 MPH and a range of 18.6 miles on a charge.  Rolling over inclines as steep as 20 degrees are no p[roblem at all. It’s the perfect budget scooter for adults with some decent features.  After you’ve already spent a decent amount on your kid’s scooter, you’ll be happy that you can get one for yourself for a decent price. One feature that we really liked is that there’s one button that controls the speed and the switching of all three gears. The 8.5" air-filled tires give you a smooth ride even while on a road that’s a bit rough. It has the typical folding design that most scooters have and is easy to carry. The Tomoloo has a 220 lb. weight limit so larger adults may be out of luck, but most of us should be okay. The scooter weighs in at just 28.4 lbs. It has some serious style too. The LED screen displays your speed and battery status and it has a decent mobile app that does things like change the color of the very stylized headlight. This is a very cool scooter that is priced just right for the adults who want to get in on the action. The Top Questions About Electric Scooters Answered
The blog post 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 is courtesy of homepage of GadgetReview
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 posted first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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coniecoleman · 6 years
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019
Electric scooters are all the rage. Fun too. So we have tested the top 20 scooters and researched over 50 in total to bring you the best of the best. We scoured a wide variety of retail websites, reading customer reviews, talking to electric scooter owners - we even got on the phone with a few manufacturers for some tough questions. After this exhaustive process, we can now present you with the best scooters that you can buy in 2019. We looked at several factors to determine which scooters made the cut out of the latest vehicles. Things that consumers prioritize like durability, ease of use, battery and fire safety, range and speed, charge time, and portability for when you are carrying it or traveling with it. So with that in mind, our #1 pick is the Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter. It’s a real powerhouse with great performance and a great distance per charge. The 35 miles per hour top speed is also another great reason to give this one a look. The Qiewa Q1 Hummer is not for the faint of heart. It charges in about 3.5 hours and is solidly constructed. It also packs in some really great features. This model is great for long commutes and casual riding no matter the terrain.
The Top Rated Electrics Scooters of 2019
 #1  Qiwa Q1 Hummer 800 Watt Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for 2019
Great Performance
Great Distance Per Charge
Long Charge Time
On The Heavy Side
The Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter is our top choice thanks to a quality build and standout features. It can handle a maximum load of 550 lbs so just about anyone can ride. The standout power and performance come from the 800W brushless motor, which delivers a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour. The 26Ah capacity lithium-ion battery gives you a great range of 60+ miles, though the other side of that coin is a 3.5 hour charge time. One of the features that we really liked is the ability to charge a mobile device from the battery using a USB plug while riding. It’s super portable and ready to travel with you anywhere since it folds down easily to fit in a trunk. At 55 lbs, it isn’t super light, however. Other features include 10-inch tires, dual disk brake system, and IP65 waterproof certification. It also has front and back brake lights, an anti-theft alarm system so your ride doesn’t get stolen and an optional detachable seat. Its total weight is 55 pounds, which is on the heavy side. There’s an easy to read display on the handlebar that shows your current speed. You just can’t beat features like this combined with a rock solid build. Many consider this scooter to be the next best thing to the popular Gigabyke Groove.
 #2  GoTrax GXL Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for The Money
Smooth Ride
Great Performance
Great Tires
May Be A Bit Heavy For Some
LED Headlight Needs To Be Larger and Brighter
Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
We reviewed the Gotrax GXL scooter a while back and we fell in love with it. This electric scooter is really almost perfect in every way. The weight is just right at 31 lbs. The max capacity is 220 lbs too. This scooter is the best value for the money. The speed, charging time and range are all decent for the rider. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Qiewa Q1 Hummer, this one would have taken top place in our rankings. However, this model is more appropriate for everyone since it has just the right amount of power, is easy to use and has just the features that you need. It is solidly constructed and folds up easily to take it with you. It has a great looking modern design too. The LED screen is easy to read but could be brighter, which is also true of the headlight. The GXL has a maximum speed of about 15.5 Mph with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. It accelerates quickly and both front and back brakes are very responsive. Other features include 8.5″ air-filled tires, a charge time of 4-5 hours, 250 Watt motor, IP54 Waterproof rating, and the scooter weighs 26.50 lbs, which some may find heavy, but it’s very manageable when carrying it.
 #3  EVO Powerboards Uberscoot 1600W 48V Electric Scooter
Quick Release Seat Allows You To Have A Seat Or Ride Standing
Max Weight Is 265 Lbs.
Nice Off-Road Power
Charge Time is 6-8 hours
Total Weight Is 117 Lbs.
Range Could Be Better At 12 Miles
If you’re looking for a real beast of an off-road scooter the Evo Powerboards Uberscoot 1600w 48v Electric Scooter will not disappoint. It is definitely at the high-end of the scooter market and perfect for larger weight riders with a max capacity of 265 lbs. It’s powered by a 1600 watt motor that delivers over two horsepower. The 11" pneumatic tires on aluminum alloy rims make it perfect for any terrain. This scooter will rocket you to up to 20+ mph max speed with 12 miles of range when fully charged. That’s not great range, but it’s the trade-off for that off-road power. That range can be extended with “Economy Mode” though, which caps the scooter’s acceleration and top speed. Like our #1 pick, this scooter is built solid, which is why it weighs a hefty 117 lbs. The Uberscoot brings many other great features too, like a quick release seat, kickstand, folding design with a locking frame, both front and rear lights, and key ignition. We didn’t like the heavy weight of this model, but the solid construction and great features make it worth it.
 #4  Glion Dolly Electric Scooter - Best Scooter For City Life
3-4 Charge Time Is Decent
Very Nice Airless Tires
Self Standing Feature
Not For Speed Demons With Max Speed Of 15 MPH
Made For The City So Not So Great On Bumpy Roads
The Glion Dolly is made for city riding and it fills that role exceptionally. If you’re looking for a way to commute to work, this is the scooter that you want. The very nice 3-4 hour charge time and the unique folding design are an impressive combination for city life. When you fold it, you aren’t carrying it, but instead rolling it like luggage. It has a max speed of 15 Mph and a range of 15 miles per charge. The frame is made from 6061-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, and powder coated to resist corrosion. We like the solid construction. Other features include 8-inch airless tires with a honeycomb interior, anti-lock electronic brake in the back and a hand brake, pedestrian bell for safety and a 250-watt brushless hub motor for decent commuting power. It weighs in at just 28 lbs and has a weight capacity of 255 lbs. This is all you need for your trip to work. We wish the range were more like 18 miles, but for city commutes, this is likely all that you need. The stand out feature is the unique folding design.
 #5  Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter - Best “Take It Anywhere” Scooter
Smooth Ride
18.6 Mile Range
A Tad Lighter Than Most Which Is Great For Transport
Max Speed Of 15.5 MPH
Not Many Extra Features
The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter is actually one of the ones used in the Bird scooter rental service. It’s easy to see why they choose this model. It’s very middle of the road but easy to take with you.  Although it is very comparable to other scooters in its class, (and falls short in some features) the design is what makes it stand out from the rest. Especially when it comes to portability. Weighing just 26.9 lbs it’s a bit lighter than the GoTrax GXL, which makes it that much easier when you are taking this scooter with you in the car or lugging it around elsewhere. That difference in weight makes it much easier to carry after you fold it down. This model has a top speed of just 15.5 miles per hour which isn’t Earth-shattering, but it delivers a smooth ride for your commute. You also get a decent 18.6-mile range, while the battery sadly takes 5 hours to charge. Given the other specs, we would prefer it if they had shaved an hour off of that charge time. Overall battery life is great, however. Durability isn’t a problem thanks to an aerospace-grade aluminum frame.  Also on board is a dual braking system, large 8.5-inch front tires,  a 250W motor and it has an accompanying app for checking out speed, power, and stats. It has a 220 lb. max load capacity. The bottom line here is that you sacrifice some features for a reliable and sturdy commuting scooter that is easy to take anywhere.
 #6  Razor E300 Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter For Kids
Comfortable Stable Ride
Large Tires For Great Traction
Low Price
Very Basic
No Battery Charge Indicator
Not Very Stylish
The Razor E300 Electric Scooter is the perfect scooter for kids. You can hit speeds up to 15 mph (Not too fast and not too slow for little adventurers) and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous use. Other features include a very large deck and frame, a chain-driven motor and twist-grip acceleration control. This scooter has a very stable ride that your kids will love and those large 8" tires have great traction for a smooth ride. As you can tell from the specs, this is a very basic model, but it works. It’s enough for any kid to get on it and get going quick. If you are looking for a budget priced scooter for your child to ride around with their friends in the neighborhood, this is the one. It has a max capacity of 220 lbs. The scooter weighs around 45 lbs itself. There’s not much style here, but that oversized deck gives feet plenty of room. There are also no extras here like lights. Razor is keeping it basic and old school. It’s all about fun.
 #7  NANROBOT LS7 Electric Scooter– Fastest Electric Scooter
52 MPH
Two independent 1800W motors
56 Mile Range
Do you feel the need for speed? If so the NANROBOT LS7 electric kick scooter should be your choice.  This is currently the fastest personal transport out there and it is super-powered with two independent 1800W motors to get you to speeds of up to a crazy 52 MPH. As you can imagine, climbing hills won’t be a problem at all and it has enough battery capacity to give you a 56-mile range. It has a max capacity of 330lbs, and the weight of the scooter is on the heavy side, at about 84lbs. It also packs in a dual suspension, as well as full front and rear rubber suspension for rough terrain.  The battery will take about 5 hours to charge. Yes, that is a long time, but considering that speed and range, it is well worth the wait. Other features include 11" pneumatic tires, front and rear hydraulic disc brakes system, EBS breaks, LED Headlights and brake lights, it’s IP6 Waterproof and has a USB mobile phone charging function as well. This scooter is all about power and speed, so if you want to get there fast the LS7 is for you. The only downside here is that it is so expensive. It is worth the price, however.
 #8  URB-E Folding Electric Scooter - Best Uniquely Designed Scooter
Great Performance
Lots Of Features
Light Weight
Range and Speed Could Be Better
The URB-E Folding Electric Scooter has a unique design that you are either going to love or hate. It performs extremely well and has nice power going up hills. The URB-E has a lot of great features, but the star of the show here is the design. This model folds down easily and is lightweight compared to much of the competition, weighing in at 35 pounds. In its folded state you can more easily carry it more like luggage while walking or taking public transport. You won’t see another electric scooter design quite like it. The URB-E has a 20-mile range and a top speed of 17 mph. Honestly, both range and speed should be better considering how expensive this one is, but you are paying for the convenience of the design here. It is going to make your commute much better. It also has 10” pneumatic tires and a rear mounted 350-watt motor. The frame is made of aircraft grade aluminum which keeps things lightweight and durable.  It also has USB ports for charging your phone while on the go. 
 #9  NANROBOT D4+ Electric Scooter - Best Off-Road Scooter
Top Speed of 40 MPH
All Wheel Drive
45 Mile Range
If you’re looking to take your electric scooter off-road the NANROBOT D4+ electric scooter has to be your choice.  It’s all about power that will handle any terrain. This scooter has two powerful 1000W electric motors with one 1000W motor powering each of the two wheels for all-wheel-drive capabilities that make this scooter a beast off-road. It has a max speed of 40 MPH with a range of 45 miles per charge. Charging time is only 3 hours, which is impressive for a scooter this powerful. It also gives you front and rear disc brakes with large 10-inch tires for extra traction off-road.  Double shock absorption and a USB phone charging port round things out. Those disc brakes are very responsive when you need to brake suddenly. Larger riders will appreciate that it will hold riders up to 330lbs while the scooter weighs about 60 pounds. 
 #10  TOMOLOO Electric Scooter - Best Budget Electric Scooter For Adults
Great Price
15.5 Mile Range
Range and Speed Could Be Better
Charging Time Is 4-6 Hours
The TOMOLOO electric scooter has a max speed of 15.5 MPH and a range of 18.6 miles on a charge.  Rolling over inclines as steep as 20 degrees are no p[roblem at all. It’s the perfect budget scooter for adults with some decent features.  After you’ve already spent a decent amount on your kid’s scooter, you’ll be happy that you can get one for yourself for a decent price. One feature that we really liked is that there’s one button that controls the speed and the switching of all three gears. The 8.5" air-filled tires give you a smooth ride even while on a road that’s a bit rough. It has the typical folding design that most scooters have and is easy to carry. The Tomoloo has a 220 lb. weight limit so larger adults may be out of luck, but most of us should be okay. The scooter weighs in at just 28.4 lbs. It has some serious style too. The LED screen displays your speed and battery status and it has a decent mobile app that does things like change the color of the very stylized headlight. This is a very cool scooter that is priced just right for the adults who want to get in on the action. The Top Questions About Electric Scooters Answered
The blog post 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 is courtesy of homepage of GadgetReview
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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lonniemanning · 6 years
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019
Electric scooters are all the rage. Fun too. So we have tested the top 20 scooters and researched over 50 in total to bring you the best of the best. We scoured a wide variety of retail websites, reading customer reviews, talking to electric scooter owners - we even got on the phone with a few manufacturers for some tough questions. After this exhaustive process, we can now present you with the best scooters that you can buy in 2019. We looked at several factors to determine which scooters made the cut out of the latest vehicles. Things that consumers prioritize like durability, ease of use, battery and fire safety, range and speed, charge time, and portability for when you are carrying it or traveling with it. So with that in mind, our #1 pick is the Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter. It’s a real powerhouse with great performance and a great distance per charge. The 35 miles per hour top speed is also another great reason to give this one a look. The Qiewa Q1 Hummer is not for the faint of heart. It charges in about 3.5 hours and is solidly constructed. It also packs in some really great features. This model is great for long commutes and casual riding no matter the terrain.
The Top Rated Electrics Scooters of 2019
 #1  Qiwa Q1 Hummer 800 Watt Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for 2019
Great Performance
Great Distance Per Charge
Long Charge Time
On The Heavy Side
The Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter is our top choice thanks to a quality build and standout features. It can handle a maximum load of 550 lbs so just about anyone can ride. The standout power and performance come from the 800W brushless motor, which delivers a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour. The 26Ah capacity lithium-ion battery gives you a great range of 60+ miles, though the other side of that coin is a 3.5 hour charge time. One of the features that we really liked is the ability to charge a mobile device from the battery using a USB plug while riding. It’s super portable and ready to travel with you anywhere since it folds down easily to fit in a trunk. At 55 lbs, it isn’t super light, however. Other features include 10-inch tires, dual disk brake system, and IP65 waterproof certification. It also has front and back brake lights, an anti-theft alarm system so your ride doesn’t get stolen and an optional detachable seat. Its total weight is 55 pounds, which is on the heavy side. There’s an easy to read display on the handlebar that shows your current speed. You just can’t beat features like this combined with a rock solid build. Many consider this scooter to be the next best thing to the popular Gigabyke Groove.
 #2  GoTrax GXL Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for The Money
Smooth Ride
Great Performance
Great Tires
May Be A Bit Heavy For Some
LED Headlight Needs To Be Larger and Brighter
Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
We reviewed the Gotrax GXL scooter a while back and we fell in love with it. This electric scooter is really almost perfect in every way. The weight is just right at 31 lbs. The max capacity is 220 lbs too. This scooter is the best value for the money. The speed, charging time and range are all decent for the rider. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Qiewa Q1 Hummer, this one would have taken top place in our rankings. However, this model is more appropriate for everyone since it has just the right amount of power, is easy to use and has just the features that you need. It is solidly constructed and folds up easily to take it with you. It has a great looking modern design too. The LED screen is easy to read but could be brighter, which is also true of the headlight. The GXL has a maximum speed of about 15.5 Mph with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. It accelerates quickly and both front and back brakes are very responsive. Other features include 8.5″ air-filled tires, a charge time of 4-5 hours, 250 Watt motor, IP54 Waterproof rating, and the scooter weighs 26.50 lbs, which some may find heavy, but it’s very manageable when carrying it.
 #3  EVO Powerboards Uberscoot 1600W 48V Electric Scooter
Quick Release Seat Allows You To Have A Seat Or Ride Standing
Max Weight Is 265 Lbs.
Nice Off-Road Power
Charge Time is 6-8 hours
Total Weight Is 117 Lbs.
Range Could Be Better At 12 Miles
If you’re looking for a real beast of an off-road scooter the Evo Powerboards Uberscoot 1600w 48v Electric Scooter will not disappoint. It is definitely at the high-end of the scooter market and perfect for larger weight riders with a max capacity of 265 lbs. It’s powered by a 1600 watt motor that delivers over two horsepower. The 11" pneumatic tires on aluminum alloy rims make it perfect for any terrain. This scooter will rocket you to up to 20+ mph max speed with 12 miles of range when fully charged. That’s not great range, but it’s the trade-off for that off-road power. That range can be extended with “Economy Mode” though, which caps the scooter’s acceleration and top speed. Like our #1 pick, this scooter is built solid, which is why it weighs a hefty 117 lbs. The Uberscoot brings many other great features too, like a quick release seat, kickstand, folding design with a locking frame, both front and rear lights, and key ignition. We didn’t like the heavy weight of this model, but the solid construction and great features make it worth it.
 #4  Glion Dolly Electric Scooter - Best Scooter For City Life
3-4 Charge Time Is Decent
Very Nice Airless Tires
Self Standing Feature
Not For Speed Demons With Max Speed Of 15 MPH
Made For The City So Not So Great On Bumpy Roads
The Glion Dolly is made for city riding and it fills that role exceptionally. If you’re looking for a way to commute to work, this is the scooter that you want. The very nice 3-4 hour charge time and the unique folding design are an impressive combination for city life. When you fold it, you aren’t carrying it, but instead rolling it like luggage. It has a max speed of 15 Mph and a range of 15 miles per charge. The frame is made from 6061-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, and powder coated to resist corrosion. We like the solid construction. Other features include 8-inch airless tires with a honeycomb interior, anti-lock electronic brake in the back and a hand brake, pedestrian bell for safety and a 250-watt brushless hub motor for decent commuting power. It weighs in at just 28 lbs and has a weight capacity of 255 lbs. This is all you need for your trip to work. We wish the range were more like 18 miles, but for city commutes, this is likely all that you need. The stand out feature is the unique folding design.
 #5  Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter - Best “Take It Anywhere” Scooter
Smooth Ride
18.6 Mile Range
A Tad Lighter Than Most Which Is Great For Transport
Max Speed Of 15.5 MPH
Not Many Extra Features
The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter is actually one of the ones used in the Bird scooter rental service. It’s easy to see why they choose this model. It’s very middle of the road but easy to take with you.  Although it is very comparable to other scooters in its class, (and falls short in some features) the design is what makes it stand out from the rest. Especially when it comes to portability. Weighing just 26.9 lbs it’s a bit lighter than the GoTrax GXL, which makes it that much easier when you are taking this scooter with you in the car or lugging it around elsewhere. That difference in weight makes it much easier to carry after you fold it down. This model has a top speed of just 15.5 miles per hour which isn’t Earth-shattering, but it delivers a smooth ride for your commute. You also get a decent 18.6-mile range, while the battery sadly takes 5 hours to charge. Given the other specs, we would prefer it if they had shaved an hour off of that charge time. Overall battery life is great, however. Durability isn’t a problem thanks to an aerospace-grade aluminum frame.  Also on board is a dual braking system, large 8.5-inch front tires,  a 250W motor and it has an accompanying app for checking out speed, power, and stats. It has a 220 lb. max load capacity. The bottom line here is that you sacrifice some features for a reliable and sturdy commuting scooter that is easy to take anywhere.
 #6  Razor E300 Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter For Kids
Comfortable Stable Ride
Large Tires For Great Traction
Low Price
Very Basic
No Battery Charge Indicator
Not Very Stylish
The Razor E300 Electric Scooter is the perfect scooter for kids. You can hit speeds up to 15 mph (Not too fast and not too slow for little adventurers) and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous use. Other features include a very large deck and frame, a chain-driven motor and twist-grip acceleration control. This scooter has a very stable ride that your kids will love and those large 8" tires have great traction for a smooth ride. As you can tell from the specs, this is a very basic model, but it works. It’s enough for any kid to get on it and get going quick. If you are looking for a budget priced scooter for your child to ride around with their friends in the neighborhood, this is the one. It has a max capacity of 220 lbs. The scooter weighs around 45 lbs itself. There’s not much style here, but that oversized deck gives feet plenty of room. There are also no extras here like lights. Razor is keeping it basic and old school. It’s all about fun.
 #7  NANROBOT LS7 Electric Scooter– Fastest Electric Scooter
52 MPH
Two independent 1800W motors
56 Mile Range
Do you feel the need for speed? If so the NANROBOT LS7 electric kick scooter should be your choice.  This is currently the fastest personal transport out there and it is super-powered with two independent 1800W motors to get you to speeds of up to a crazy 52 MPH. As you can imagine, climbing hills won’t be a problem at all and it has enough battery capacity to give you a 56-mile range. It has a max capacity of 330lbs, and the weight of the scooter is on the heavy side, at about 84lbs. It also packs in a dual suspension, as well as full front and rear rubber suspension for rough terrain.  The battery will take about 5 hours to charge. Yes, that is a long time, but considering that speed and range, it is well worth the wait. Other features include 11" pneumatic tires, front and rear hydraulic disc brakes system, EBS breaks, LED Headlights and brake lights, it’s IP6 Waterproof and has a USB mobile phone charging function as well. This scooter is all about power and speed, so if you want to get there fast the LS7 is for you. The only downside here is that it is so expensive. It is worth the price, however.
 #8  URB-E Folding Electric Scooter - Best Uniquely Designed Scooter
Great Performance
Lots Of Features
Light Weight
Range and Speed Could Be Better
The URB-E Folding Electric Scooter has a unique design that you are either going to love or hate. It performs extremely well and has nice power going up hills. The URB-E has a lot of great features, but the star of the show here is the design. This model folds down easily and is lightweight compared to much of the competition, weighing in at 35 pounds. In its folded state you can more easily carry it more like luggage while walking or taking public transport. You won’t see another electric scooter design quite like it. The URB-E has a 20-mile range and a top speed of 17 mph. Honestly, both range and speed should be better considering how expensive this one is, but you are paying for the convenience of the design here. It is going to make your commute much better. It also has 10” pneumatic tires and a rear mounted 350-watt motor. The frame is made of aircraft grade aluminum which keeps things lightweight and durable.  It also has USB ports for charging your phone while on the go. 
 #9  NANROBOT D4+ Electric Scooter - Best Off-Road Scooter
Top Speed of 40 MPH
All Wheel Drive
45 Mile Range
If you’re looking to take your electric scooter off-road the NANROBOT D4+ electric scooter has to be your choice.  It’s all about power that will handle any terrain. This scooter has two powerful 1000W electric motors with one 1000W motor powering each of the two wheels for all-wheel-drive capabilities that make this scooter a beast off-road. It has a max speed of 40 MPH with a range of 45 miles per charge. Charging time is only 3 hours, which is impressive for a scooter this powerful. It also gives you front and rear disc brakes with large 10-inch tires for extra traction off-road.  Double shock absorption and a USB phone charging port round things out. Those disc brakes are very responsive when you need to brake suddenly. Larger riders will appreciate that it will hold riders up to 330lbs while the scooter weighs about 60 pounds. 
 #10  TOMOLOO Electric Scooter - Best Budget Electric Scooter For Adults
Great Price
15.5 Mile Range
Range and Speed Could Be Better
Charging Time Is 4-6 Hours
The TOMOLOO electric scooter has a max speed of 15.5 MPH and a range of 18.6 miles on a charge.  Rolling over inclines as steep as 20 degrees are no p[roblem at all. It’s the perfect budget scooter for adults with some decent features.  After you’ve already spent a decent amount on your kid’s scooter, you’ll be happy that you can get one for yourself for a decent price. One feature that we really liked is that there’s one button that controls the speed and the switching of all three gears. The 8.5" air-filled tires give you a smooth ride even while on a road that’s a bit rough. It has the typical folding design that most scooters have and is easy to carry. The Tomoloo has a 220 lb. weight limit so larger adults may be out of luck, but most of us should be okay. The scooter weighs in at just 28.4 lbs. It has some serious style too. The LED screen displays your speed and battery status and it has a decent mobile app that does things like change the color of the very stylized headlight. This is a very cool scooter that is priced just right for the adults who want to get in on the action. The Top Questions About Electric Scooters Answered
The blog post 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 is courtesy of homepage of GadgetReview
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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jennifernail · 6 years
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019
Electric scooters are all the rage. Fun too. So we have tested the top 20 scooters and researched over 50 in total to bring you the best of the best. We scoured a wide variety of retail websites, reading customer reviews, talking to electric scooter owners - we even got on the phone with a few manufacturers for some tough questions. After this exhaustive process, we can now present you with the best scooters that you can buy in 2019. We looked at several factors to determine which scooters made the cut out of the latest vehicles. Things that consumers prioritize like durability, ease of use, battery and fire safety, range and speed, charge time, and portability for when you are carrying it or traveling with it. So with that in mind, our #1 pick is the Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter. It’s a real powerhouse with great performance and a great distance per charge. The 35 miles per hour top speed is also another great reason to give this one a look. The Qiewa Q1 Hummer is not for the faint of heart. It charges in about 3.5 hours and is solidly constructed. It also packs in some really great features. This model is great for long commutes and casual riding no matter the terrain.
The Top Rated Electrics Scooters of 2019
 #1  Qiwa Q1 Hummer 800 Watt Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for 2019
Great Performance
Great Distance Per Charge
Long Charge Time
On The Heavy Side
The Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter is our top choice thanks to a quality build and standout features. It can handle a maximum load of 550 lbs so just about anyone can ride. The standout power and performance come from the 800W brushless motor, which delivers a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour. The 26Ah capacity lithium-ion battery gives you a great range of 60+ miles, though the other side of that coin is a 3.5 hour charge time. One of the features that we really liked is the ability to charge a mobile device from the battery using a USB plug while riding. It’s super portable and ready to travel with you anywhere since it folds down easily to fit in a trunk. At 55 lbs, it isn’t super light, however. Other features include 10-inch tires, dual disk brake system, and IP65 waterproof certification. It also has front and back brake lights, an anti-theft alarm system so your ride doesn’t get stolen and an optional detachable seat. Its total weight is 55 pounds, which is on the heavy side. There’s an easy to read display on the handlebar that shows your current speed. You just can’t beat features like this combined with a rock solid build. Many consider this scooter to be the next best thing to the popular Gigabyke Groove.
 #2  GoTrax GXL Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for The Money
Smooth Ride
Great Performance
Great Tires
May Be A Bit Heavy For Some
LED Headlight Needs To Be Larger and Brighter
Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
We reviewed the Gotrax GXL scooter a while back and we fell in love with it. This electric scooter is really almost perfect in every way. The weight is just right at 31 lbs. The max capacity is 220 lbs too. This scooter is the best value for the money. The speed, charging time and range are all decent for the rider. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Qiewa Q1 Hummer, this one would have taken top place in our rankings. However, this model is more appropriate for everyone since it has just the right amount of power, is easy to use and has just the features that you need. It is solidly constructed and folds up easily to take it with you. It has a great looking modern design too. The LED screen is easy to read but could be brighter, which is also true of the headlight. The GXL has a maximum speed of about 15.5 Mph with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. It accelerates quickly and both front and back brakes are very responsive. Other features include 8.5″ air-filled tires, a charge time of 4-5 hours, 250 Watt motor, IP54 Waterproof rating, and the scooter weighs 26.50 lbs, which some may find heavy, but it’s very manageable when carrying it.
 #3  EVO Powerboards Uberscoot 1600W 48V Electric Scooter
Quick Release Seat Allows You To Have A Seat Or Ride Standing
Max Weight Is 265 Lbs.
Nice Off-Road Power
Charge Time is 6-8 hours
Total Weight Is 117 Lbs.
Range Could Be Better At 12 Miles
If you’re looking for a real beast of an off-road scooter the Evo Powerboards Uberscoot 1600w 48v Electric Scooter will not disappoint. It is definitely at the high-end of the scooter market and perfect for larger weight riders with a max capacity of 265 lbs. It’s powered by a 1600 watt motor that delivers over two horsepower. The 11" pneumatic tires on aluminum alloy rims make it perfect for any terrain. This scooter will rocket you to up to 20+ mph max speed with 12 miles of range when fully charged. That’s not great range, but it’s the trade-off for that off-road power. That range can be extended with “Economy Mode” though, which caps the scooter’s acceleration and top speed. Like our #1 pick, this scooter is built solid, which is why it weighs a hefty 117 lbs. The Uberscoot brings many other great features too, like a quick release seat, kickstand, folding design with a locking frame, both front and rear lights, and key ignition. We didn’t like the heavy weight of this model, but the solid construction and great features make it worth it.
 #4  Glion Dolly Electric Scooter - Best Scooter For City Life
3-4 Charge Time Is Decent
Very Nice Airless Tires
Self Standing Feature
Not For Speed Demons With Max Speed Of 15 MPH
Made For The City So Not So Great On Bumpy Roads
The Glion Dolly is made for city riding and it fills that role exceptionally. If you’re looking for a way to commute to work, this is the scooter that you want. The very nice 3-4 hour charge time and the unique folding design are an impressive combination for city life. When you fold it, you aren’t carrying it, but instead rolling it like luggage. It has a max speed of 15 Mph and a range of 15 miles per charge. The frame is made from 6061-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, and powder coated to resist corrosion. We like the solid construction. Other features include 8-inch airless tires with a honeycomb interior, anti-lock electronic brake in the back and a hand brake, pedestrian bell for safety and a 250-watt brushless hub motor for decent commuting power. It weighs in at just 28 lbs and has a weight capacity of 255 lbs. This is all you need for your trip to work. We wish the range were more like 18 miles, but for city commutes, this is likely all that you need. The stand out feature is the unique folding design.
 #5  Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter - Best “Take It Anywhere” Scooter
Smooth Ride
18.6 Mile Range
A Tad Lighter Than Most Which Is Great For Transport
Max Speed Of 15.5 MPH
Not Many Extra Features
The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter is actually one of the ones used in the Bird scooter rental service. It’s easy to see why they choose this model. It’s very middle of the road but easy to take with you.  Although it is very comparable to other scooters in its class, (and falls short in some features) the design is what makes it stand out from the rest. Especially when it comes to portability. Weighing just 26.9 lbs it’s a bit lighter than the GoTrax GXL, which makes it that much easier when you are taking this scooter with you in the car or lugging it around elsewhere. That difference in weight makes it much easier to carry after you fold it down. This model has a top speed of just 15.5 miles per hour which isn’t Earth-shattering, but it delivers a smooth ride for your commute. You also get a decent 18.6-mile range, while the battery sadly takes 5 hours to charge. Given the other specs, we would prefer it if they had shaved an hour off of that charge time. Overall battery life is great, however. Durability isn’t a problem thanks to an aerospace-grade aluminum frame.  Also on board is a dual braking system, large 8.5-inch front tires,  a 250W motor and it has an accompanying app for checking out speed, power, and stats. It has a 220 lb. max load capacity. The bottom line here is that you sacrifice some features for a reliable and sturdy commuting scooter that is easy to take anywhere.
 #6  Razor E300 Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter For Kids
Comfortable Stable Ride
Large Tires For Great Traction
Low Price
Very Basic
No Battery Charge Indicator
Not Very Stylish
The Razor E300 Electric Scooter is the perfect scooter for kids. You can hit speeds up to 15 mph (Not too fast and not too slow for little adventurers) and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous use. Other features include a very large deck and frame, a chain-driven motor and twist-grip acceleration control. This scooter has a very stable ride that your kids will love and those large 8" tires have great traction for a smooth ride. As you can tell from the specs, this is a very basic model, but it works. It’s enough for any kid to get on it and get going quick. If you are looking for a budget priced scooter for your child to ride around with their friends in the neighborhood, this is the one. It has a max capacity of 220 lbs. The scooter weighs around 45 lbs itself. There’s not much style here, but that oversized deck gives feet plenty of room. There are also no extras here like lights. Razor is keeping it basic and old school. It’s all about fun.
 #7  NANROBOT LS7 Electric Scooter– Fastest Electric Scooter
52 MPH
Two independent 1800W motors
56 Mile Range
Do you feel the need for speed? If so the NANROBOT LS7 electric kick scooter should be your choice.  This is currently the fastest personal transport out there and it is super-powered with two independent 1800W motors to get you to speeds of up to a crazy 52 MPH. As you can imagine, climbing hills won’t be a problem at all and it has enough battery capacity to give you a 56-mile range. It has a max capacity of 330lbs, and the weight of the scooter is on the heavy side, at about 84lbs. It also packs in a dual suspension, as well as full front and rear rubber suspension for rough terrain.  The battery will take about 5 hours to charge. Yes, that is a long time, but considering that speed and range, it is well worth the wait. Other features include 11" pneumatic tires, front and rear hydraulic disc brakes system, EBS breaks, LED Headlights and brake lights, it’s IP6 Waterproof and has a USB mobile phone charging function as well. This scooter is all about power and speed, so if you want to get there fast the LS7 is for you. The only downside here is that it is so expensive. It is worth the price, however.
 #8  URB-E Folding Electric Scooter - Best Uniquely Designed Scooter
Great Performance
Lots Of Features
Light Weight
Range and Speed Could Be Better
The URB-E Folding Electric Scooter has a unique design that you are either going to love or hate. It performs extremely well and has nice power going up hills. The URB-E has a lot of great features, but the star of the show here is the design. This model folds down easily and is lightweight compared to much of the competition, weighing in at 35 pounds. In its folded state you can more easily carry it more like luggage while walking or taking public transport. You won’t see another electric scooter design quite like it. The URB-E has a 20-mile range and a top speed of 17 mph. Honestly, both range and speed should be better considering how expensive this one is, but you are paying for the convenience of the design here. It is going to make your commute much better. It also has 10” pneumatic tires and a rear mounted 350-watt motor. The frame is made of aircraft grade aluminum which keeps things lightweight and durable.  It also has USB ports for charging your phone while on the go. 
 #9  NANROBOT D4+ Electric Scooter - Best Off-Road Scooter
Top Speed of 40 MPH
All Wheel Drive
45 Mile Range
If you’re looking to take your electric scooter off-road the NANROBOT D4+ electric scooter has to be your choice.  It’s all about power that will handle any terrain. This scooter has two powerful 1000W electric motors with one 1000W motor powering each of the two wheels for all-wheel-drive capabilities that make this scooter a beast off-road. It has a max speed of 40 MPH with a range of 45 miles per charge. Charging time is only 3 hours, which is impressive for a scooter this powerful. It also gives you front and rear disc brakes with large 10-inch tires for extra traction off-road.  Double shock absorption and a USB phone charging port round things out. Those disc brakes are very responsive when you need to brake suddenly. Larger riders will appreciate that it will hold riders up to 330lbs while the scooter weighs about 60 pounds. 
 #10  TOMOLOO Electric Scooter - Best Budget Electric Scooter For Adults
Great Price
15.5 Mile Range
Range and Speed Could Be Better
Charging Time Is 4-6 Hours
The TOMOLOO electric scooter has a max speed of 15.5 MPH and a range of 18.6 miles on a charge.  Rolling over inclines as steep as 20 degrees are no p[roblem at all. It’s the perfect budget scooter for adults with some decent features.  After you’ve already spent a decent amount on your kid’s scooter, you’ll be happy that you can get one for yourself for a decent price. One feature that we really liked is that there’s one button that controls the speed and the switching of all three gears. The 8.5" air-filled tires give you a smooth ride even while on a road that’s a bit rough. It has the typical folding design that most scooters have and is easy to carry. The Tomoloo has a 220 lb. weight limit so larger adults may be out of luck, but most of us should be okay. The scooter weighs in at just 28.4 lbs. It has some serious style too. The LED screen displays your speed and battery status and it has a decent mobile app that does things like change the color of the very stylized headlight. This is a very cool scooter that is priced just right for the adults who want to get in on the action. The Top Questions About Electric Scooters Answered
The blog post 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 is courtesy of homepage of GadgetReview
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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gadget-reviews · 6 years
10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019
Electric scooters are all the rage. Fun too. So we have tested the top 20 scooters and researched over 50 in total to bring you the best of the best. We scoured a wide variety of retail websites, reading customer reviews, talking to electric scooter owners - we even got on the phone with a few manufacturers for some tough questions. After this exhaustive process, we can now present you with the best scooters that you can buy in 2019. We looked at several factors to determine which scooters made the cut out of the latest vehicles. Things that consumers prioritize like durability, ease of use, battery and fire safety, range and speed, charge time, and portability for when you are carrying it or traveling with it. So with that in mind, our #1 pick is the Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter. It's a real powerhouse with great performance and a great distance per charge. The 35 miles per hour top speed is also another great reason to give this one a look. The Qiewa Q1 Hummer is not for the faint of heart. It charges in about 3.5 hours and is solidly constructed. It also packs in some really great features. This model is great for long commutes and casual riding no matter the terrain.
The Top Rated Electrics Scooters of 2019
 #1  Qiwa Q1 Hummer 800 Watt Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for 2019
Great Performance
Great Distance Per Charge
Long Charge Time
On The Heavy Side
The Qiewa Q1 Hummer 800 Watts Electric Scooter is our top choice thanks to a quality build and standout features. It can handle a maximum load of 550 lbs so just about anyone can ride. The standout power and performance come from the 800W brushless motor, which delivers a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour. The 26Ah capacity lithium-ion battery gives you a great range of 60+ miles, though the other side of that coin is a 3.5 hour charge time. One of the features that we really liked is the ability to charge a mobile device from the battery using a USB plug while riding. It's super portable and ready to travel with you anywhere since it folds down easily to fit in a trunk. At 55 lbs, it isn't super light, however. Other features include 10-inch tires, dual disk brake system, and IP65 waterproof certification. It also has front and back brake lights, an anti-theft alarm system so your ride doesn't get stolen and an optional detachable seat. Its total weight is 55 pounds, which is on the heavy side. There's an easy to read display on the handlebar that shows your current speed. You just can't beat features like this combined with a rock solid build. Many consider this scooter to be the next best thing to the popular Gigabyke Groove.
 #2  GoTrax GXL Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter for The Money
Smooth Ride
Great Performance
Great Tires
May Be A Bit Heavy For Some
LED Headlight Needs To Be Larger and Brighter
Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
We reviewed the Gotrax GXL scooter a while back and we fell in love with it. This electric scooter is really almost perfect in every way. The weight is just right at 31 lbs. The max capacity is 220 lbs too. This scooter is the best value for the money. The speed, charging time and range are all decent for the rider. In fact, if it wasn't for the Qiewa Q1 Hummer, this one would have taken top place in our rankings. However, this model is more appropriate for everyone since it has just the right amount of power, is easy to use and has just the features that you need. It is solidly constructed and folds up easily to take it with you. It has a great looking modern design too. The LED screen is easy to read but could be brighter, which is also true of the headlight. The GXL has a maximum speed of about 15.5 Mph with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. It accelerates quickly and both front and back brakes are very responsive. Other features include 8.5″ air-filled tires, a charge time of 4-5 hours, 250 Watt motor, IP54 Waterproof rating, and the scooter weighs 26.50 lbs, which some may find heavy, but it's very manageable when carrying it.
 #3  EVO Powerboards Uberscoot 1600W 48V Electric Scooter
Quick Release Seat Allows You To Have A Seat Or Ride Standing
Max Weight Is 265 Lbs.
Nice Off-Road Power
Charge Time is 6-8 hours
Total Weight Is 117 Lbs.
Range Could Be Better At 12 Miles
If you're looking for a real beast of an off-road scooter the Evo Powerboards Uberscoot 1600w 48v Electric Scooter will not disappoint. It is definitely at the high-end of the scooter market and perfect for larger weight riders with a max capacity of 265 lbs. It's powered by a 1600 watt motor that delivers over two horsepower. The 11" pneumatic tires on aluminum alloy rims make it perfect for any terrain. This scooter will rocket you to up to 20+ mph max speed with 12 miles of range when fully charged. That's not great range, but it's the trade-off for that off-road power. That range can be extended with “Economy Mode” though, which caps the scooter's acceleration and top speed. Like our #1 pick, this scooter is built solid, which is why it weighs a hefty 117 lbs. The Uberscoot brings many other great features too, like a quick release seat, kickstand, folding design with a locking frame, both front and rear lights, and key ignition. We didn't like the heavy weight of this model, but the solid construction and great features make it worth it.
 #4  Glion Dolly Electric Scooter - Best Scooter For City Life
3-4 Charge Time Is Decent
Very Nice Airless Tires
Self Standing Feature
Not For Speed Demons With Max Speed Of 15 MPH
Made For The City So Not So Great On Bumpy Roads
The Glion Dolly is made for city riding and it fills that role exceptionally. If you're looking for a way to commute to work, this is the scooter that you want. The very nice 3-4 hour charge time and the unique folding design are an impressive combination for city life. When you fold it, you aren't carrying it, but instead rolling it like luggage. It has a max speed of 15 Mph and a range of 15 miles per charge. The frame is made from 6061-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, and powder coated to resist corrosion. We like the solid construction. Other features include 8-inch airless tires with a honeycomb interior, anti-lock electronic brake in the back and a hand brake, pedestrian bell for safety and a 250-watt brushless hub motor for decent commuting power. It weighs in at just 28 lbs and has a weight capacity of 255 lbs. This is all you need for your trip to work. We wish the range were more like 18 miles, but for city commutes, this is likely all that you need. The stand out feature is the unique folding design.
 #5  Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter - Best "Take It Anywhere" Scooter
Smooth Ride
18.6 Mile Range
A Tad Lighter Than Most Which Is Great For Transport
Max Speed Of 15.5 MPH
Not Many Extra Features
The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter is actually one of the ones used in the Bird scooter rental service. It's easy to see why they choose this model. It's very middle of the road but easy to take with you.  Although it is very comparable to other scooters in its class, (and falls short in some features) the design is what makes it stand out from the rest. Especially when it comes to portability. Weighing just 26.9 lbs it's a bit lighter than the GoTrax GXL, which makes it that much easier when you are taking this scooter with you in the car or lugging it around elsewhere. That difference in weight makes it much easier to carry after you fold it down. This model has a top speed of just 15.5 miles per hour which isn't Earth-shattering, but it delivers a smooth ride for your commute. You also get a decent 18.6-mile range, while the battery sadly takes 5 hours to charge. Given the other specs, we would prefer it if they had shaved an hour off of that charge time. Overall battery life is great, however. Durability isn't a problem thanks to an aerospace-grade aluminum frame.  Also on board is a dual braking system, large 8.5-inch front tires,  a 250W motor and it has an accompanying app for checking out speed, power, and stats. It has a 220 lb. max load capacity. The bottom line here is that you sacrifice some features for a reliable and sturdy commuting scooter that is easy to take anywhere.
 #6  Razor E300 Electric Scooter - Best Electric Scooter For Kids
Comfortable Stable Ride
Large Tires For Great Traction
Low Price
Very Basic
No Battery Charge Indicator
Not Very Stylish
The Razor E300 Electric Scooter is the perfect scooter for kids. You can hit speeds up to 15 mph (Not too fast and not too slow for little adventurers) and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous use. Other features include a very large deck and frame, a chain-driven motor and twist-grip acceleration control. This scooter has a very stable ride that your kids will love and those large 8" tires have great traction for a smooth ride. As you can tell from the specs, this is a very basic model, but it works. It's enough for any kid to get on it and get going quick. If you are looking for a budget priced scooter for your child to ride around with their friends in the neighborhood, this is the one. It has a max capacity of 220 lbs. The scooter weighs around 45 lbs itself. There's not much style here, but that oversized deck gives feet plenty of room. There are also no extras here like lights. Razor is keeping it basic and old school. It's all about fun.
 #7  NANROBOT LS7 Electric Scooter-- Fastest Electric Scooter
52 MPH
Two independent 1800W motors
56 Mile Range
Do you feel the need for speed? If so the NANROBOT LS7 electric kick scooter should be your choice.  This is currently the fastest personal transport out there and it is super-powered with two independent 1800W motors to get you to speeds of up to a crazy 52 MPH. As you can imagine, climbing hills won't be a problem at all and it has enough battery capacity to give you a 56-mile range. It has a max capacity of 330lbs, and the weight of the scooter is on the heavy side, at about 84lbs. It also packs in a dual suspension, as well as full front and rear rubber suspension for rough terrain.  The battery will take about 5 hours to charge. Yes, that is a long time, but considering that speed and range, it is well worth the wait. Other features include 11" pneumatic tires, front and rear hydraulic disc brakes system, EBS breaks, LED Headlights and brake lights, it's IP6 Waterproof and has a USB mobile phone charging function as well. This scooter is all about power and speed, so if you want to get there fast the LS7 is for you. The only downside here is that it is so expensive. It is worth the price, however.
 #8  URB-E Folding Electric Scooter - Best Uniquely Designed Scooter
Great Performance
Lots Of Features
Light Weight
Range and Speed Could Be Better
The URB-E Folding Electric Scooter has a unique design that you are either going to love or hate. It performs extremely well and has nice power going up hills. The URB-E has a lot of great features, but the star of the show here is the design. This model folds down easily and is lightweight compared to much of the competition, weighing in at 35 pounds. In its folded state you can more easily carry it more like luggage while walking or taking public transport. You won't see another electric scooter design quite like it. The URB-E has a 20-mile range and a top speed of 17 mph. Honestly, both range and speed should be better considering how expensive this one is, but you are paying for the convenience of the design here. It is going to make your commute much better. It also has 10” pneumatic tires and a rear mounted 350-watt motor. The frame is made of aircraft grade aluminum which keeps things lightweight and durable.  It also has USB ports for charging your phone while on the go. 
 #9  NANROBOT D4+ Electric Scooter - Best Off-Road Scooter
Top Speed of 40 MPH
All Wheel Drive
45 Mile Range
If you're looking to take your electric scooter off-road the NANROBOT D4+ electric scooter has to be your choice.  It's all about power that will handle any terrain. This scooter has two powerful 1000W electric motors with one 1000W motor powering each of the two wheels for all-wheel-drive capabilities that make this scooter a beast off-road. It has a max speed of 40 MPH with a range of 45 miles per charge. Charging time is only 3 hours, which is impressive for a scooter this powerful. It also gives you front and rear disc brakes with large 10-inch tires for extra traction off-road.  Double shock absorption and a USB phone charging port round things out. Those disc brakes are very responsive when you need to brake suddenly. Larger riders will appreciate that it will hold riders up to 330lbs while the scooter weighs about 60 pounds. 
 #10  TOMOLOO Electric Scooter - Best Budget Electric Scooter For Adults
Great Price
15.5 Mile Range
Range and Speed Could Be Better
Charging Time Is 4-6 Hours
The TOMOLOO electric scooter has a max speed of 15.5 MPH and a range of 18.6 miles on a charge.  Rolling over inclines as steep as 20 degrees are no p[roblem at all. It's the perfect budget scooter for adults with some decent features.  After you've already spent a decent amount on your kid's scooter, you'll be happy that you can get one for yourself for a decent price. One feature that we really liked is that there's one button that controls the speed and the switching of all three gears. The 8.5" air-filled tires give you a smooth ride even while on a road that's a bit rough. It has the typical folding design that most scooters have and is easy to carry. The Tomoloo has a 220 lb. weight limit so larger adults may be out of luck, but most of us should be okay. The scooter weighs in at just 28.4 lbs. It has some serious style too. The LED screen displays your speed and battery status and it has a decent mobile app that does things like change the color of the very stylized headlight. This is a very cool scooter that is priced just right for the adults who want to get in on the action. The Top Questions About Electric Scooters Answered
The blog post 10 of the Best Electric Scooters Of 2019 is courtesy of homepage of GadgetReview
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