#species dysphoria is real and it sucks so bad
hattiestgal · 1 year
need NEED to be fluffy and have a big puffy tail and be a little tiny evil beast of chaos i NEED paws
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solradguy · 1 year
I have a headache and today's been stressful so I'm going to say something true and beautiful.
Kinnie meme. Template at the end since the source blog deleted. This is a long post.
1). What is your fictotype? Are you a specific character, a nonhuman species, or both?
You know.
2). Do you experience dysphoria? How so?
Not really. Sometimes I get embarrassed about being 'kin but I just suck it up and deal with it like I am right now.
3). Who are you open about it with?
Anyone that looks at my blog header and pinned post FAQ. I only really get open about it with a handful of very close friends though. And I guess anyone that reads this the whole way through.
4). Do you participate in the fandom of your source? How do you do so?
Damn, should've saved the "you know" for this one lol. I translate and scan books and have written a little fanfiction. Among other things...
5). Do you fictionflicker?
Had to search this so here's the definition for others: A Kintype that isn't permanent. It seems to "flicker" in and out of existence if you lose interest in that fandom.
Before Guilty Gear I probably did, but I had a hard time in general figuring myself out until relatively recently.
6). When did you realise you were fictionkin? How long have you been in the community.
It'll have been a year in late August. Some of my friends are fictionkin but I wouldn't say I really interact with the wider community at all.
7). What was your introduction to fictionkin?
Lmao... Probably seeing kids talk about it on DeviantArt back in '05 or '06. I've known about it for a long time. Though... I have to admit my views towards it back then used to be negative.... My second "introduction" was in the end of last year when I finally sat down and looked stuff up about it.
8). Are you similar to your fictotype in personality? How so?
That's how this all started. Friends kept making jokes about me being a Sol kinnie even though I was like this BEFORE Guilty Gear and eventually I just went and researched it and, well, here we are. People on sites I'm not open about this on have compared me to Sol before too and I just laugh about it. They don't know, but they know.
9). Are you similar to your fictotype in appearance? How so?
Not really. I guess we both have brown hair that wants to be vertical real bad and I've got a crazy shoulder/waist/hips ratio but that's about it. Oh, default expression like this -> T_T
10). Link to/tag your favourite fictionkin Tumblr.
11). Have you ever met other fictionkin? In real life or online?
I've met therians and non-fiction otherkin in real life but have only seen other fictionkin online.
12). Have you ever met canonmates? In real life or online?
13). Have you ever met doubles? In real life or online? How did it go?
Yeah, there are a few other Sols out there. It's gone fine, I don't really care about doubles and all that jazz and it didn't seem like they cared either. It'd be fun getting all the Sols together for a BBQ and shitty beer. We can play cornhole.
14). What are shifts like?
Bad. Makes me stay up late reblogging Jack-O' images :/
Jk lmao I ended up searching this term to make sure I was understanding it right because I was going to say "no" to this question but I guess I "dream shift" often and get "phantom shifts" (phantom limb sensations for non-human appendages) sometimes. For the phantom shifts it seems to be for wings the most frequently with claws and meat-tearing teeth less frequently.
The wing feeling is weird, I don't like it. It doesn't feel like the whole wing, just sort of where they would connect to my back but either the rest of the wing never existed or was never formed in a way that had nerve endings, or my brain forgot what the rest of the wing would be like. Usually I only get this feeling right after I wake up and it goes away quickly but sometimes it happens when I'm fully awake. The claws/teeth happen whenever.
I often wonder how related these feelings are to having synesthesia and being trans.
15). How do you deal with kin for fun?
I don't. It can be a little annoying sometimes when trying to find people or studies/essays that are serious about otherkinity, but more often than not the KFF people are just teens goofin off. I don't care. They are, as the name suggests, just doing it for fun and exploring their identities through characters they relate to. Introspection is always good.
16). What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
Indifferent. The 7-pointed star's pretty neat though.
17). Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
18). Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
It seems so. Like I said in one of the above questions, I used to have a hard time figuring myself out and when I was young I'd try to see things through the lens of a character that I related to. This likely wasn't otherkinity, but I think it maybe evolved into it. There weren't many masculine 6'5" women for me to relate to as a kid, I didn't know how I was supposed to be and gender didn't make any sense. There's definitely a relationship between being trans and otherkin for me.
19). Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
It seems so.
20). How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
Tumblr media
21). What's something about the fictionkind community you wish was different?
Don't see many essays and stuff from fictionkin as I do from other kinds of 'kin, which is a shame. It's probably because the rest of the otherkin community and the internet in general are unkind towards fictionkin.
22). What's something about the fictionkind community that you appreciate?
Someone's gonna laugh and say I'm just not seeing it, but if there's drama in the GG fictionkind community it never makes its way onto my feed. Hope it stays that way. Leave me out of it.
23). How do you approach consuming your source? Analytically, obsessively, casually, reluctantly, etc...
I bite a hole in the bottom of it and chug the whole thing like a beer can.
24). What's the worst anti-fickin take you've seen?
The most common one because it's annoying: "You're not actually a fictional character." No shit.
25). What's the best anti-fickin take you've seen? Respond to it.
That even if it really is only a passing phase, or that it turns out someone actually isn't 'kin of what they thought they were, that they still learned something about themselves.
26). What are some songs that remind you of your fictotype or source?
I've been working on a playlist that I wanna copy onto cassette but it's still 30 minutes short (needs to be 90 to fill the tape). Here are three songs from it:
I Will Find You - Whitechapel
Summit of Dragons - Sold Soul
Imaginary Fire - Carpenter Brut
27). What are some other characters/species that remind you of your fictotype?
The other day I compared Sol to an Italian mastiff. Dragons, obviously. Ifrit from FFXVI and Dante's Sin Devil Trigger from DMC5 share a vibe with his Dragon Install too.
28). Do you have a favourite piece of fanart?
Every Sol that Ume, Sutegoro, Hungry Clicker, and Nainsoo draw is golden.
29). Do you have activities that connect you to your source? (Food, hobbies, interests, etc.)
I spent 6 months working on a 3D printer to make a 1:1 scale Outrage MK.II, code, and have six Queen records. What else is there.
30). Talk about what it's like to be your fictotype.
I don't know. Some things make more sense, some things don't. It doesn't bother me as much as it did at first but finally having an explanation for what my brain is doing—and that it happens to other adults too—has been comforting. Though, I suppose it's on-theme for Sol to have complex identity feelings and a struggle to accept them.
1). What is your fictotype? Are you a specific character, a nonhuman species, or both?
2). Do you experience dysphoria? How so?
3). Who are you open about it with?
4). Do you participate in the fandom of your source? How do you do so?
5). Do you fictionflicker?
6). When did you realise you were fictionkin? How long have you been in the community.
7). What was your introduction to fictionkin?
8). Are you similar to your fictotype in personality? How so?
9). Are you similar to your fictotype in appearance? How so?
10). Link to/tag your favourite fictionkin Tumblr.
11). Have you ever met other fictionkin? In real life or online?
12). Have you ever met canonmates? In real life or online?
13). Have you ever met doubles? In real life or online? How did it go?
14). What are shifts like?
15). How do you deal with kin for fun?
16). What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
17). Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
18). Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
19). Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
20). How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
21). What's something about the fictionkind community you wish was different?
22). What's something about the fictionkind community that you appreciate?
23). How do you approach consuming your source? Analytically, obsessively, casually, reluctantly, etc...
24). What's the worst anti-fickin take you've seen?
25). What's the best anti-fickin take you've seen? Respond to it.
26). What are some songs that remind you of your fictotype or source?
27). What are some other characters/species that remind you of your fictotype?
28). Do you have a favourite piece of fanart?
29). Do you have activities that connect you to your source? (Food, hobbies, interests, etc.)
30). Talk about what it's like to be your fictotype.
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a-dragons-journal · 4 years
I understand the difference between Kin and Linking but i also.. don't understand why people put so much emphasis on it? Either way, we both experience being both human and inhuman at the same time. If i'm a dragon, and i know i'm a dragon, i don't know why it should matter to me *why* i am (and it's not really anyone elses problem either) Although i don't really understand most thing so maybe i'm just being dumb
First off, there are no dumb or bad questions when asked in good faith. :P
In my experience, the emphasis comes from two places, one good and one... not so good.
The (in my opinion) good and fair reason: the two groups have different experiences and need different resources. Someone who’s intentionally choosing to form an identity as a dragon probably has pretty different experiences from someone who’s always been a dragon and has no choice in the matter. They also probably need some different resources - copinglinkers might need community-based information on how best to go about forming a copinglink in a healthy way and what risks (if any) copinglinking might carry with it; those questions don’t really make any sense in the context of otherkinity. Conversely, otherkin need community-based information on how to deal with species dysphoria* and how to cope with balancing nonhuman instincts with human life, things that probably aren’t as important for copinglinkers that were wholly human to begin with.
(* I’m not sure how common species dysphoria is with copinglinkers, and please ‘linkers feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about any of this or add on/clarify in the notes, but speaking for myself, I feel like if forming a species identity causes you to feel significant distress and dysphoria that you didn’t have before... that might not be a healthy thing for you to do and it might be doing more harm than good.)
The Yikes™ but unfortunately probably as common if not more common reason, consciously or not: overcompensating in pushback against the “kin for fun” crowd. This is also why copinglinkers have gotten a bad rep as “less” real/valid/nonhuman than otherkin in some circles, which sucks because it is wholly Not The Point of the term. People, admittedly myself included, lean very hard on the this is something you ARE, not something you DO, and it is definitely not a CHOICE aspect of otherkinity in order to help explain why roleplay/comfort characters/etc. are solidly Not Otherkin and why using terms like “kinning” to describe them is both inaccurate and harmful.
Unfortunately, in some circles this has ended up unintentionally lumping copinglinkers in with “kin for fun” people, which is... in a word, bad. Copinglinkers are not the problem. Copinglinkers are, in fact, doing exactly what we’re asking “kin for fun” people to do: using their own vocabulary to avoid misusing ours. Amazing how they manage to get flak for that anyway from some people.
There’s also the fact that - frankly? If it doesn’t really matter to you why you’re [x], you probably fit in either way. If you don’t know why you’re [x], you probably fit in either way. The terms exist to be useful - if they’re not useful to you, then use whatever is most useful for you. That’s the whole reason we have language (and it’s also precisely why the meanings of words are important, ironically :P).
Open invitation - ‘linkers, please add your thoughts on this one; I’m otherkin and not a ‘linker, so I don’t want to speak for y’all and get something wrong.
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mauriooo · 5 years
Tell us your OCs. I. Have. Intrigue
oh okay um-
first off here’s a link to the masterlist
second a quick explanation of all my non-fandom ocs’ universes i guess? putting them under a cut cos they are LONG… sorry if you just wanted a brief summary of the characters themselves i just saw an opportunity to info dump about all the worldbuilding i’ve done and i took it
the universe with all of the animal ocs (Skye-Inklii on the masterlist) is definitely my most worked-on universe to date cos of all the semi-connected stories in it, the complexity of the world, and the pantheon i’ve kind of come up with? basically it takes place on a continent that has yet to be named but it’s a big place in the middle of an ocean called the Sparkling Sea. the continent is divided into multiple “Kingdoms,” all surrounding the Royal City (where the most important families live) in the middle of the continent. these kingdoms include the Ocean Kingdom (basically a huge gulf connected to the Sparking Sea filled with water-dwelling people, who aren’t mermaids but do have gills and stuff along with the general frame of land-dwellers) and the Smoldering Kingdom (formerly a prosperous matriarchy that was a hotspot (hah) for trading, next to a volcano. almost completely desolated by a conflict commonly known as the Brushfire War, with Ka being the only survivor. residents here were often confused for actual fires from afar, considering their particular subspecies often had small flames all over their body, which could not be snuffed out.). the Royal City is surrounded by an area known as the Outskirts (working name), where people like Skye, Pine, and Lavender who didn’t really have any particular elemental traits of any kind or came from a different kingdom lived. this area is known for having a bustling market and a diverse populace, unlike the other kingdoms whose residents almost always look similar. also there’s a royal family in the Royal City that rule most of the continent (each Kingdom has their own government but really the royal family is up top). the royal family has a royal scientist (undertale influenced a bunch of this ok), currently Hawthorn, previously his father Bramble. Bramble did a bunch of bad stuff so I’m not gonna dwell on him. garbageboy stinkman belongs in the toilet
the universe with Hazel and the ghosties is a universe where basically it’s almost the same as real life but magic, ghosts, demons, and angels exist and it’s not as technologically advanced (phones exist but color tv does not and people don’t rely as much on technology) Hazel and Michael/Virus both have some angel and some demon blood, Michael having more demon than angel and Hazel with vice versa, both having wings of some sort due to this. both their parents are basically human but their descendants (from a time where demons and angels were free to walk the earth) had children with demons/angels and some of those traits got passed down. it’s very rare to pass down traits from one of these entities (about 1 in 1,000 for just one) but Ezekiel/Chance got very lucky and got a little of both, compared to his siblings Cassidy/Jinx and Lisa/Boo who got nothing (but after becoming ghosts Jinx did get some demon traits and Boo got some angel traits). not all ghosts are friendly so those with an affinity for locating the undead are hired to exorcise houses and whatnot, called “ghosters.” Michael was one of the more famous ghosters and so he’s commonly called upon to help in areas, so he and Hazel traveled a lot. i should also mention that with certain rituals one can summon a ghost to help with something (finances, love, etc.) but it’s very hard to pull off (to stabilize a ghost and keep it from returning to the afterlife you have to make a very special necklace from specific gemstones depending on the ghost, and one for yourself to make sure the ghost can’t hurt you and it has to obey your orders (although you can free it to do what it wishes if you want)) anyways there’s a really dangerous demon that broke free from a seal placed on it hundreds of years ago commonly referred to as the Stalker, the Nothing, and things like that. Michael unknowingly accepted a job to rid an abandoned house in a quaint little town of this thing, and brought Hazel with him. it uh… didn’t go well :D this thing HATES angels cos a half-angel sealed it away so it attempted to kill Hazel because she bears a strong resemblance to the being that sealed it away. Michael didn’t like that so he barely managed to seal it away for a few more years but got like,,, a LOT of vital organs ripped out in the process. this, understandably, traumatized Hazel cos that was her last living family member being ripped to shreds in front of her so she went back to the town where she, first, scared 99% of the population cos she was DRENCHED in blood but then she got cleaned up and sent to a nearby orphanage where she was immediately adopted by a p mean family cos they thought she could summon a ghost to make them rich? she ended up summoning Virus (who didn’t recognize her cos ghosts lose most of their memories except for their moment of death, Chance is an exception), and then Jinx, Chance, and Boo all at once cos they died within a few minutes of each other. this took a hard right into backstory territory so imma move on
Gardenia and Ashe live in a world where, rarely, children will be born with their souls basically attuned to an element of nature (often with different subclasses) or creature. these phenomenons are called elementals and mutants, respectively. even rarer, however, is a child being born as both. Gardenia was born without eyes, with the left side of her face being just smooth where her eye should be and the right having a, well, gardenia growing in the place of an eye. also when she bleeds small flowers grow in the wound, which was assumed to be a sort of defense mechanism to plug the wound. because of these, when she was born, she was designated a plant elemental of the flower subclass. ashe was born part-fire elemental, part-salamander mutant. they both ended up at a school specifically for elementals and mutants where they could learn not to destroy things, which is where these two met in about 7th grade? they stayed friends since then and eventually fell in love (even if Gardenia couldn’t see Ashe, she loved her personality and her voice). probably the only universe with no murder so far
Meredy and Connor are robotic entities known as “mechae,” Meredy being made to entertain while Connor was made to fix. these entities were mass-produced to help humans in a futuristic society. they are made with 6 chips: Empathy, Ethics, Functionality, Memory, Intelligence, and Personality. if one of these chips break the entire mecha basically breaks and has to be recalled. Nikki is just a reclusive mechanic who works with Connor because xe saved him from being scrapped after faulty wiring and a broken Functionality chip were discovered upon his activation, causing him to frequently experience small shocks that either overload his system and shut him down or just make him unable to move for a few minutes. Nikki is trying to fix him up but for now just hides him from the public because xe doesn’t want him to be taken away from xir. Meredy is just a broken entertainment mecha whose Functionality and Ethics chip went haywire during a performance, causing uh... not great things? no one died but they got p injured cos metal is heavy and she ran away, eventually getting to Nikki’s shop after they met in a back alley while Meredy was hiding and Nikki was fishing for parts. that’s basically all i have for now
oh christ where do i start with the zodiacs. okay lady fate got sick of having to look after EVERYONE after they died so she basically chose 15 random people (1 for each zodiac sign except for Gemini and Pisces, who got 2) and made it so when they die (mostly by unfortunate circumstances) they go to a special place in the afterlife where every dead person is called their Dominion (i. e. Aquarius Dominion, Taurus Dominion, etc.), and every person in this world goes to the Dominion corresponding to their zodiac sign where the corresponding Zodiac... doesn’t exactly rule over them but controls the Dominion in a way? they basically get to decide what everything looks like and stuff and they get to live in a big ol mansion with everything they could ever need. all of the Dominions are spread in a circle around a central area known as the Hub where people from different signs can intermingle. the entire area has this neat little feature where once you die and get there, any physical ailments are gone. couldn’t walk while you were alive? well now you can! missing one or more limbs? you can choose to get cool substitute limbs made of sparkling ether that function like normal limbs! were you experiencing gender dysphoria in life? your new body fits your preferred gender! finally, you get a necklace or other piece of jewelry that designates your sign so people can tell what you are! i haven’t worked on this world as much cos i didn’t have too many ideas at first but i really like it :o
Endris and Kyu are demons under service of the Demon King. Endris is a demon species known as a Kahre, a genetically engineered soldier race, but his test tube broke and it was too dangerous to put him in a new one so he’s just smol and ended up as a personal servant to the king. Kyu is a Senru, a general/advisor race, who’s like... a giant suck-up. he mostly refers to Endris as “defect” unless he’s saying that Kyu needs to go speak with the king for a bit because then he’s all sunshine and rainbows. there are also the Erina, small scientists and doctors, and Wisps, tiny lil servants that are often formed when a new soul enters the Underworld. i really liked designing all the demons for this universe and i’m prolly gonna make more uwu
Carrie and Zade just live in a normal world? like they could totally be real people in real life and their stories wouldn’t change. Zade, who is Carrie’s best friend since they were toddlers, is a trans guy, so he was having all sorts of anxiety when he had to explain to her why he would rather not be called the name she’s been referring to him as for 10 years. she was definitely fine with it though. as long as he’s happy, she’s happy! but Zade started transitioning in like 8th grade so most other people weren’t as nice cos middle school sucks, and Carrie was basically his only friend for a while. Carrie eventually figured out (mistakenly, i might add) that she was the reason Zade was getting bullied so she assumed that if she was gone he would be happier and have more friends so uh... she did a self oof? her assumption was wrong, obviously. but people did leave him alone for a while to let him grieve.
sorry for the dark turn at the end? but yeah that’s a basic explanation of most of my original universes \ ( -ワ- ) / if you have any questions feel free to ask! also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know if i’m being offensive in any way in any of these??? i really don’t want to offend anyone but i’m an idiot so yeah i probably screwed up a lot
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thorem · 3 years
Trans and Otherkin: debunking popular myths
So yeah, I have decided to do that stuff too. Why? Because there is a lot of misunderstanding regarding transgender issues among the otherkin. For example, hordes and hordes of people think that being otherkin is the same as being transgender and that it is literally a fact, while it is not (I am serious).
Also, this may sound hilarious to some of you, but I am tired of transphobia in some parts of the community. All of you know what part in particular I am talking about, but it really, really hurts, and it will definitely suck if I’ll meet the same thing here over time. Gender is not a kin, but it doesn't imply that you are totally different and can safely participate in cishet hate because of that.
And, yes, I am transgender and otherkin, so I think that I can freely speak over the topic.
So let the magic of snow, ice and light begin!
Myth #1: It is okay to regard transgenderism and otherkinity as the same thing.
Reality: It is NOT okay to regard transgenderism and otherkinity as the same thing and doing so is transphobic.
"Oh, yes, Thory, we know your position here, but aren't the roots of being Otherkin an uninvestigated issue? Maybe otherkinity is a gender or in other way directly related to trangenderism, how do you know and why do you think that stating so is transphobic?"
Well, yes, being otherkin may be the same thing as being transgender. And it may be the same thing as being a president of the United States. It could be anything. However, the belief that all of the US presidents are otherkin and vice versa is not a basis for a lot of hidden transphobia within the otherkin community, while regarding otherkinity and trangenderism as two equivalent things is. A lot of people inside the community think like that:
“I don’t try to persuade everybody to call me a dragon in public, why shall I call you a woman then?” — well, you can call me a dragoness, I will prefer that more, sure.
“I am not open about being a dragon, so you shouldn’t be open about being a trans-woman and make those stinky sodomic prides either!” — totally agree, dragons must have a right to sodomic prides, defending our constitutional rights to safely breath fire, eat princes (I prefer princes over princesses) and not being discriminated against our scale colour at our jobs :(
“I feel OK not being a dragon in real life, why do you damage yourself then in order to become a female?” — because operations to change your species became too costly nowadays, eh? I should’ve voted Labour..
And even…
“God, taking hormones is the same thing as wearing a fursuit!” — sad to hear that. My Don’t Hug a Cacti hormone replacement therapy costed me a lot, my wallet.
Yes, those are the real things I am getting to deal with in my real life. Not mentioning the far right propaganda, “gay agenda”, TERFs and other realities of everyday Russian otherkin community.
In fact, being transgender and being otherkin can have many things in common, however, it is not a thing you will discuss openly, but rather a matter of a serious and long discussion. While species dysphoria is a thing and can really hurt, it can in no way compare to how transgender feels: there are nearly no suicides attributed to the first one. Also take into account that otherkinity is strongly related to spirituality, phantom limbs and all of that stuff, while transgenderism is materialistic, crude and blank. Well, you may say that you are transgender as you saw yourself as that in your dream, but you won’t dive into the utterly discriminated, loathed and hated community by nearly everyone on political compass only on that basis, won’t you?
Myth #2: I am going to go to the pride with my brand new otherkin flag, transgenders will accept me!
Reality: You can also go with the flag of TERF Island or Russia here and will literally have the same outcome.
Otherkin people are not the part of a pride. Not because they are not valid, but because they don’t have any rights to petite for and don’t face discrimination whatsoever. Well, maybe, I can regard dragon curves not being studied on my math curriculum as discrimination, but it in no way compares to systematic state-based hatred and discrimination with my own president loathing people like me, to basically tides and tides of bullying and violence from feminists, nationalists, communists, christian fanatics, even the adolescent fiction writers! Moreover, this will only strengthen discrimination against transgender, because a lot of “normie” people can regard otherkin folk as zoophile perverts and transgenders as their allies.
I am in no way stating now that “normies can think that we are going too far” thing, but your emergence will be dangerous and pointless. Keep it to yourself.
Myth #3: High percentage of transgenders among the otherkin implies otherkin being a spiritual phenomena.
Reality: It can imply a whole plethora of things.
The logic from which this argument follows is that past lives are gender neutral, which is why 50% of otherkin will be in their past life a gender, different to which they have now. Which is why they will be transgender then or will have a higher percentage of them due to other being enby and, therefore, as we see that it is, otherkin is a spiritual phenomena. So what is wrong with that logic?
We don’t know the exact origins of otherkinity, because everybody experiences it differently: some have the phantom limbs, some do not, some have the dream part, some do not. Therefore, there may be different materialistic theories of otherkin, where some are related to transgenderism, some are not. For example, one may experience gender dysphoria concealing as “species dysphoria” due to the combination of inner/outer transphobia and the love for certain species. Or maybe transgenderism is related to species dysphoria in some sophisticated way, who knows? It is just important to say that it doesn’t imply that species dysphoria and gender dysphoria are the same thing which is felt the same way, because affiliation is not the same thing as equivalence (see Myth #1).
Myth #4: Otherkin must have the same gender as their kintype.
Reality: The gender they identify with and the gender of their kintype are different things.
While it can seem at glance that the reality is “The kintype must have the same gender as the otherkin”, because otherkin identify themselves with their kintype fully and blah, blah, blah, but this reasoning exclude the guys who don’t identify themselves with their kintype directly, but instead are describing it as “past life”, “a sentinel” or some other thing. Well, some may say that “past life” is the same thing as identification, but if humans identifying themselves as a sperm inside the egg cell is a thing now, I think that this post can be regarded as outdated.
And, yeah, if we are talking about the “identify-otherkin” guys, then we still are not aligning with the myth, because then “The kintype must have the same gender as the otherkin” as gender is usually much stronger than your kintype (at least, I haven’t seen people committing suicide due to not being able to lay eggs), while Mowgli syndrome is a thing.
Myth #5: Transphobia and enbyphobia can’t hurt the otherkin community.
Reality: Indeed. They destroy it.
Yes, I am a hypocrite. You can’t go to pride, but can’t be transphobic or enbyphobic either, what a terrible, terrible Thory. But life is not about justice and otherkin is in general regarded by society as much, MUCH more bizarre thing, than transgenderism with no scientific evidence, except several poorly written descriptions of confabulations and nightmares. What is even worse is that there is no way otherkin can become normalised without LGBTQIAP+, because there is no normie who will say that being “a dragon” is normal, not saying that being transgender is norman. Except furries, but they are, of course, “the scum, who makes society think bad of us”.
So by being transphobic and enbyphobic you just repel the only ones in this world, who can theoretically care about you. Good luck!
Myth #6: Most of the male otherkin are gays, because they were females when they were their species.
Reality: Most of the male otherkin are gays, because dragon dicks are much more beautiful, tastier and tactile than ugly human sausages.
Being serious, interpretations of Holy Bible vary less, than this whole “science” about homosexual otherkin.
Probably there is less differentiation between male and female species of kinds, other than human (at least, in imagination of otherkin), there are less females in otherkin community as whole (and if there are, they go together due to otherkin community being a misogynistic bullshit (Even I want to go away because of that)), so bisexual and bi-heterosexual otherkin have only one choice left. The theory about hidden transsexuals among the gays is overtly transphobic and if you seriously believe and spread that hypothesis — you are a dickhead.
So, that said, I think that I have investigated all the popular myths about the trans*persons in the community. Of course, there are many more, which are smaller, but I don’t want to turn this post into a lecture. Hope that I will review them in individual posts or my separate big article on #gender.
Have a nice day ^^
White dragoness, Thorem Hal
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